• Published 15th Feb 2021
  • 363 Views, 61 Comments

Something Sparkling - Captain_Cosmos

In one universe, Sparkling Medley is shaking up Ponyville. But what is she doing in another universe? Shaking up Appleloosa that's what. Come on Pardners. She be coming 'round the mountain!

  • ...

Chapter 16

Down in Ponyville, Twilight was relaxing in the throne room of her castle reading a good book. Not a whole lot going on. But suddenly, that all changed when the table in front of her activated the legendary Cutie Map, and a trio of her friends’ Cutie Marks started hovering over… where was it… oh! Appleloosa!

Soon enough, a rainbow-maned pegasus swooped in from an open window and landed on the ground in front of the princess.

“Hey Twilight! My Cutie Mark’s glowing!” Rainbow Dash said excitedly.

“Ooh! The map’s calling you on a mission!” Twilight replied.

“Aww yeah! Where to?” Rainbow asked, walking over to look at the map.

At that moment, the pair heard the large castle doors open. Applejack and Fluttershy were rushing in, and Twilight knew why. She could see their Cutie Marks glowing as well.

“Oh! I wonder what this could be!” Fluttershy said.

“It looks like you three are going on a Friendship Mission to...Appleloosa!” Twilight announced, fluttering her wings in excitement.

“Appleloosa. Nice!” Rainbow responded.

“I haven’t been there in a while!” Fluttershy said.

“Hey AJ, remember the last time we were there? Your cousin Autumn won that horseshoe tournament.” Rainbow said.

“She sure did. I’m so proud of ‘er!” Applejack exclaimed.

“And didn’t Applebloom say that Autumn had a new roommate lined up?” Twilight asked.

“Well, she did tell me they were thinkin’ about it, but I ain’t sure if they have become roommates, since nopony has been back there since.” Applejack said.

“Well, now seems like a good time to follow up.” Twilight responded.

“Yup.” Applejack said. “I am excited to go back there. See how Autumn’s been doin’.”

“And I bet AB wouldn’t mind tagging along.” Rainbow suggested.

“Good thinkin’, Dash.” Applejack responded. “I’ll see if she wants to come.”

“Good luck, you three.” Twilight said, waving to them as they headed out for their trip.

The day for the hangout with Airwave came, and Sparkler and Autumn were enjoying a lunch with him over at the Appleloosa Tavern. Perfect; that was where the roommates had met!

“Can I just say how convenient it is that your operation is located above a tavern, Sparkler?” Airwave asked. “You don’t need to go far for lunch.”

“Yeah, it’s been great. Grapefruit has been a rootin’ tootin’ landlord. Thanks again, Grapefruit!” Sparkler called over to her landlord.

“Not a problem, Sparkler. You actually drum up business here!” Grapefruit called back.

“It’s so awesome.” Autumn said. “So is Sparkler’s studio.”

“Yeah!” Airwave responded. “And amazingly, not only is it as good as my previous label, Star Records, but all the sound recording and mixing equipment was hoofbuit by Sparkler herself.”

Autumn paused. “...Wow. I, uh, did not know that. That’s amazing!”

Sparkler blushed. “Aww well. It was nothing, really. I always was fascinated with the technology behind the music, so I went the DIY option. Hehe.” She explained.

“It clearly paid off!” Autumn said.

“I second that.” Airwave responded.

“Thanks, guys.” Sparkler said.

The Friendship Express arrived at the country train station. Fiddle music was playing in the background and lots of ponies with stetsons could be seen. “How I have so many memories here.” Applejack said. “Done lots and lots of trips to this here station.”

Applebloom smiled as she followed her sister off the train. “I can’t wait to see Autumn and Sparkler again!” She exclaimed. “And Braeburn too, but I have to know if Autumn and Sparkler decided to room together!” She explained.

“I just hope Rainbow didn’t get lost.” Fluttershy said.

“Ah, she’s flown to Appleloosa before. She knows the way.” Applejack assured.

“And hey, she’s a quick flyer. Shouldn’t take her long to find us if she does get lost.” Applebloom replied.

Fluttershy felt a little better. The trio set off in the direction of Autumn’s house.

Sparkler, after finishing work for the day, decided to take a canyon flight. There was where she could think more clearly about recent events and what her future may hold, with her surroundings being rock and water, instead of awkward conversation.

These practices have been helping to ease mah nerves. And now I have an actual idea of how to come out.

Although...it was weird that Construct Autumn knew how much music helped me. It was almost like...Nah. No, Luna would never trick me with the real Autumn. She’s a princess, she-

Sparkler thought remained unfinished as she felt something close in size to her slam straight into her body at mach-something speed, sending the mare and whatever hit her crashing into the ground. Luckily, though, she had now flown outside of the canyon, up to the ground made of sand, so it didn’t hurt that much.

“Whoa. Uh, I’m sorry there. You okay?” a raspy voice said.

Sparkler shook off the daze and was able to refocus her eyes, getting up off the ground. “Yeah. I reckon I’m fine.” She said.

“Sorry about that. Sometimes I go so fast I can’t see other ponies in the air.” The new pony said, dusting herself off.

“It’s fine.” Sparkler replied, head still spinning a bit. “I’m just glad it was sand we crashed into.”

“Yeah. I’m Rainbow Dash, by the way.” Rainbow introduced herself.

“Sparkling Medley, Sparkler for short.” Sparkler responded. She subconsciously took a moment to shake the sand out of her mane and tail, also giving her wings a flap to get the sand out of them. It was everywhere.

Rainbow did the same, but in the process… she noticed something about Sparkler. Something next to impossible to miss even when recovering from a crash. “Whoa! You’re an Alicorn!” Rainbow exclaimed.

“H-huh? N-no I’m not.” Sparkler gasped in feigned confusion, her head clear enough to auto deny it while not realizing something very, very important at her sides.

Rainbow raised an eyebrow in genuine confusion. “Uh, yes you are. You have both wings and a horn.” She said, pointing it out with her hoof.

Sparkler turned her head to glance at her side, where Rainbow was pointing, and all her senses reconnected at just the right, or wrong, time, as her eyes snapped wide in a split-second. Her wings were exposed! She yelped as she literally launched in the air, and not paying attention to direction, right into a tree they had landed near.

Rainbow saw Sparkler smash and cling to the tree trunk. She flapped her wings to follow her. “You okay, Sparkler?” She asked.

“No! Please! Don’t hurt me!” Sparkler cried as Rainbow’s voice creeped up closer. Her heart beat out of her chest and she puffed her lungs out, accompanied by high-pitched squeals in agony.

“...Hurt you? Why would I do that?” Rainbow asked.

“Because they all do! Everypony puts down the freak! The horned chicken!” Sparkler responded, her eyes getting wet.

Rainbow stood still. Sparkler thought she was a freak for being an Alicorn? “Seriously? Sparkler, you aren’t a freak.” She said.

Sparkler’s eyes, which had been teary, opened up again and lost their blur vision, even if only a little. She sniffled and glanced to the side at Rainbow, who was on her level now, flying. “W-What?” She asked.

“Sparkler, you’re an Alicorn. Do you know how awesome that is?” Rainbow asked, smiling at Sparkler.

“You...what?” Sparkler asked. Never in a thousand years could she wrap her head around somepony thinking she was awesome for being an Alicorn.

Rainbow smirked at Sparkler. “Okay. Sparkler, whoever told you you were a freak is so wrong. While there may not be a whole lot of them out there, having a horn and wings at the same time is considered a great honor here.” She explained.

Sparkler didn’t know how, but she knew what Rainbow was getting at. “I’m not a princess and I never will be.” She blurted out.

Rainbow chuckled. “Admittedly, you might not have a choice. But ignoring that, being an Alicorn is just about as awesome as you can get!” She told Sparkler.

Sparkler couldn’t believe it. This was reality that felt like a pipe dream. Here was a pony whom she had never met before, casually talking to her like there was nothing wrong, despite the fact that she was an Alicorn. Was that even possible?! “You...you really think so?” She asked Rainbow.

“You kidding? One of my best friends is an Alicorn.” Rainbow revealed.

Sparkler was slowly regaining her smile now. She began to believe Rainbow.

“Although, based on what just happened, I’m guessing you’re hiding your wings. Is it because you’re afraid of what everypony will think?” Rainbow asked. Sparkler could only nod, as well as sniffle again. Rainbow gave her a warm smile.

“Ok, full disclosure, I can’t speak for everypony, but I have a really good feeling that you won’t get nearly as much hate as I’m thinking you did before.” She told Sparkler.

Sparkler nodded. “Rainbow, you have no idea how much you accepting me means to me!” She told her with a smile, and this time, happy tears.

“No problem.” Rainbow said. “Hey...wanna race?” She asked.

Sparkler laughed. “Sure!” She said. She was thrilled that at long last, she had a pony actually wanting to hang out with her, wings and all! “Just...Can this stay between us?” She asked.

“I promise your secret’s safe with me, Sparkler.” Rainbow said. “But I think you should come out.” She told her.

Sparkler nodded in agreement. Just Rainbow accepting her gave her confidence a massive, and massively much-needed, boost. She flapped her wings, and joined RD in the sky.

Applejack and Co. arrived at Autumn’s house and they gave the brown door a knock. Autumn showed up from behind, and, well, let’s say she was happy.

“Applejack! What brings you here again?” Autumn exclaimed, immediately going in for a hug. Applejack hugged back, and responded “This time, it’s actually a Friendship Mission that told us to come here.”

Autumn was puzzled. “A friendship mission? To my house?”

Applebloom popped in. “They don’t know where exactly. Just that it’s in Appleloosa.” She explained.

“Squawk! Autumn, who's at the door? Squawk!” Flappy called out from the kitchen.

Autumn paused. “Oh. I guess I have some explaining to do. First off, everypony, there is a parrot in there… because he’s Sparkler’s parrot. Who is Sparkler? Well, Applebloom knows. Why don’t you tell everypony?”

“Sparkler’s...Autumn, is Sparkler your roommate?” Applebloom asked.

Autumn let things savor for a few seconds. “Yes! She is now! I made a new friend, and my dream finally came true!” She proudly announced.

Applebloom smiled as everypony entered the house. “Awesome!” She exclaimed, before turning to Flappy. “Hey Flappy! Where is Sparkler?” She asked.

Flappy hesitated to answer, before coming up with something. “Squawk! She’s still at the studio. Squawk!” He said simply.

“Yes.” Autumn said. “She went there to work, because she’s a musician, as am I.”

“We already knew you were a musician, Autumn.” Applebloom said with a raised eyebrow.

Autumn giggled. “Well, there’s another one in the house. Hopefully you’ll get to meet her today. I mean, if the Cutie Map called you to Appleloosa, I don’t imagine you’ll be gone too shortly.”

“Squawk! She should be back soon. Squawk!” Flappy commented.

“Nice!” Autumn said. “Anyway, this is Flappy, Sparkler’s pet parrot.”

“Squawk! Howdy y’all. Squawk!” Flappy said.

“Hey there!” Fluttershy said. “Oh, you’re so cute!”

Flappy blushed and giggled. “Squawk! Oh, stop. Hehe. Squawk!” he said.

“I do notice some new additions to this house.” Applejack said. “Sure looks like you have a roommate.”

“Yep. I think it looks more lively.” Autumn said. Indeed, there was now more to the aesthetic of this house than a box of brown with some fall colors sprinkled in. A bright-blue saddlebag could now be found sitting by the front door, as well as an acoustic guitar of the same color. Very stand-out compared to most of the visuals.

“Squawk! I concur. Squawk!” Flappy commented.

“So...how’s rooming with Sparkler?” Applebloom asked.

“It’s amazing!” Autumn said. “I love her so much.”

While it was amazing, the dynamic hadn’t exactly been good in the last few days… Autumn hated feeling uncomfortable around Sparkler, but given the situation… that’s where she was.

Applebloom smirked. “Oh?” She gave a knowing smile.

Autumn realized where this was going. “No, not that kind of love.” She rolled her eyes.

Applebloom laughed. “Oh relax. I’m just kidding. She said.

“Good to hear.” Autumn said.

“Squawk! Though you two would be cute together. Squawk!” Flappy commented with a snicker.

Autumn rolled her eyes again. From Applebloom, to Flappy, to Braeburn, to many others, she really just could not escape this tease. She couldn’t.

‘Squawk! Autumn, We have a major red flag problem. Squawk!” Flappy told Autumn. It was dinner time and Sparkler had disappeared into the bathroom, giving Flappy the perfect opportunity to talk to Autumn about her potentially catastrophic error.

Autumn’s attention definitely had been caught. “Uh-oh. What’s going on?” She said, worried.

“Squawk! You told Sparkler last night in the dream realm that music helps her. Construct Autumn was not supposed to know that. Squawk!” He hissed.

Autumn thought about things for a moment before Flappy’s words began to click into place. “Shoot. You think I just blew my cover?”

Flappy shrugged. “Squawk! It got Sparkler questioning. Which is a very bad sign! Squawk!” He said.

“How did you hear about that?” Autumn asked. “Did Sparkler tell you about her dream?”

“Squawk! I told you she would tell me. I managed to come up with a deflect, but she’s a smart girl, sooner or later she’s going to find the truth! Squawk!” Flappy warned.

“The truth does have to be found out eventually.” Autumn said. “I am scared for the outcome. But yeah, I do feel like it will be even worse if she finds out herself, rather than being told.”

“Squawk! And I’d rather we be the ones to tell her. Squawk!” Flappy said. “Squawk! But only after she’s come out to you in the real world. ‘Til then, I have to do everything I can to push her to get enough of the song done that she can come out to you as soon as flapping possible. Squawk!”

“Apparently I already did!” Came a certain angry voice that Autumn and Flappy did not expect to hear so soon.

She heard everything. There Sparkler stood in the hallway leading from the kitchen, having caught most of Flappy and Autumn’s words through the bathroom door, and from that she was able to ascertain what had happened.

“So there was no construct. It was the real you all along!” Sparkler said, her voice rising even further and tears beginning to form in her eyes. She couldn’t believe it. One of her two only real friends in this world knew her Alicorn nature, and she had been faking not knowing!

“Squawk! N-Now Sparkler--” Flappy started before Sparkler cut him off.

“No, don’t even start with me, Flappy! You knew that she knew. Both of you went behind mah back and kept this from me!” She growled, breathing heavily as she tried to contain her tears.

Flappy jumped and hid behind the edge of the table in fear. Autumn meanwhile gulped. “Sparkler...please, let us explain--” Sparkler cut her off.

“Explain what, Autumn? That you played me like a fiddle and tricked me into coming out when I wasn’t ready? Explain how you violated my privacy and pretended not to?! Huh, Autumn? Is that what you want to explain to me?!” Sparkler roared directly to her face.

“Squawk! T-Technically Luna--”

“Shut up, Flappy! Of all the creatures I thought would never go behind mah back like this. I can’t believe you were okay with this, Flappy! You should’ve told me right from the start!” Sparkler roared, pointing a hoof at him.

“Sparkler! Please, we only--” Autumn left her chair and tried to approach Sparkler, who just backed away.

“Stay away!” Sparkler shouted at her. “You think I’m a freak now, don’t you. You don’t want to be friends anymore, don’t you!” Sparkler added. “Go on and say it. It always comes eventually!” She screamed, her words paired with crying noises.

Flappy and Autumn just stood. This was not going their way. Not a single bit. Meanwhile Sparkler only looked and sounded worse, her crying becoming louder as she struggled to control those emotions. She couldn’t control them, and as a result, Her horn started glowing bright blue and shooting off sparks.

Flappy saw it. “Squawk! Sparkler! Your magic! Squawk!” He shouted.

Sparkler glanced up at her horn, and fear quickly took over, albeit not canceling the rest. She took one look at her friends, before making a decision. “I need to get out of here.” With that, Sparkler flapped her wings, which were not under a poncho, and soared right through the window, shattering glass all over the living room and front yard.

Flappy and Autumn watched the all-blue streak go off in the distance away from Appleloosa. Flappy gulped. “Squawk! Well...that didn’t go the way I had hoped. Squawk!” He said.

“Do we go after her?” Autumn asked, her heart pounding as emotions overwhelmed her too.

“Squawk! What do you think? Yes! Squawk!” Flappy replied. “Squawk! You saw her horn Sparking, she’s losing control! Squawk!”

“She could die, right? Yes. We have to do this.” Autumn said, remembering that theory from earlier and dashing straight for the front door.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Well, This isn't good.