• Published 18th Feb 2021
  • 2,319 Views, 43 Comments

My little angel - Hydreigon_Omega

During the earlier parts of the holy war, when Mael was still just a boy, he had been banished to equestria for his own safety.

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‘It isn’t a pretty sight…’

‘Why was it even called a holy war? There is nothing Holy about war, it was what had killed both my parents when my brother was only 2 years old.’

These are all thoughts that bounced around inside of Ludociel’s head as he was being led to a reclusive area. The vegetation of the fairy king’s forest covered the majority of their path and view from above. This part of the forest radiated a strange energy that prevented even the most powerful of magic from being detected.

“Brother?” Mael asked, timidly holding his elder brother’s hand “Where are we going?” It was the third time Mael had asked this question.

“I cannot tell you.” Ludociel said, as he put on a joyful smile to hide his aching heart, “It’s something for you.”

“We are almost here.” Gloxinia said, “The most reclusive part of the fairy king’s forest is just up ahead.”

“Thank you.” Ludociel said, as he continued to walk, “You may return to your people.”

“Are you sure this is the best for him?” Tarmiel asked, “You're the only family he has ever had.”

“Yes, but Mael is also the only family Ludociel has left,” Sariel interjected, “If he is captured by anyone, it could give them a nearly unrivaled political power.”

“Sariel? Tarmiel?” Mael asked, “What are you talking about?”

“Nothing you need to worry Mael,” Tarmiel said to comfort him.

For a moment, Mael saw Tarmiel’s expression flicker from joy to immense sadness. He couldn’t understand what was going on, but he felt fearful. He wanted to know what was going on, but Ludociel would always hide the truth from him when he would ask a question. Mael knew Ludociel was hiding the truth from him, but he could never get anything out of Ludociel.

“We are here.” Ludociel said as they stopped at a small clearing.

The clearing was only big enough for a small room to place in it. As they looked around at their surroundings, the sky was completely covered with the leaves of the trees, and the brush prevented them from seeing the path they just walked. Mael saw a small tear roll down Ludociel’s cheek, Ludociel was crying, something wasn’t right because Mael had never seen Ludociel cry before today.

“Brother?” Mael asked with fear in his voice, “What’s wrong?”

“You know I’d let nothing ever bad happen to you,” Ludociel said, “So please understand this is for your own good.”

“What’s happening?” Mael asked as his brother began to lead them to the center of the clearing.

“As much as I love you” Ludociel began choking on his words, “It's impossible for me to watch over both you and Stigma at the same time.”

“Are you getting rid of me?” Mael began to cry

“Don’t think of it like that,” Ludociel said, “I am giving you a chance at a better Life than you could ever have with me.”

“But I want to stay with you Ludociel.” Mael hugged him in a futile effort to change his mind.

“Please understand this is the best for you. No one deserves to grow up in the midst of war.” Ludociel said, “So please, whatever happens from here on out, promise me you will be strong.”

Mael sobbing slowed until it was barely any tears, which he wiped with the sleeve of his shirt. “I promise.” He choked on his words as he tried to imitate his brother's fearless smile.

Ludociel moved away from the center of the clearing, with tears streaming down his cheeks, as Sariel and Tamriel took positions around Mael. The four of them made a triangle shape with Mael standing at the center of it. Ludociel looked at Sariel, then Tamriel who both signalled that they were ready.

Ludociel began using his magic to create an incantation ring around the base of Mael, which sprouted outwards and bloomed making small rings appear around Ludociel and his two friends.

“Betsu no..” The three of them said in unison, “sekai e…” The symbols on the ground began to glow “no tsuihō”

A light envelope young Mael as it shot into the sky. The light was blinding, so much so that even the supreme deity would have to turn away. The light raged on for a few minutes before it vanished, along with Mael who was within the light.

Ludociel fell to the ground with his face in his hand crying with tears with such ferocity that people would’ve thought he witnessed his own brother's death in front of him. And in a sense, they were not wrong. Sariel and Tarmiel were not left out in such an act of mourning, they were also crying with Tarmiel almost collapsing under his own weight.

Celestia sat in her garden staring at the moon, seeking comfort in its beauty. It's ironic how the princess of the day looks to the moon for comfort, whenever she would look at the sun seeking the same kind of comfort, all she got was a pain in the eyes. If it hadn’t been for an alicorn unnatural recovery, she would’ve gone blind a long time ago attempting to find the same kind of comfort in the sun.

The sound of lightning struck, startling Celestia because there wasn’t a lightning storm scheduled for the entire week. As she surveyed her surroundings, it was hard to see, but there weren't any clouds for miles, but the sound came from the other side of the royal garden.

Rising from her resting place Celestia saw a pillar of white falling from the heavens. The magic emanating from it was immense magic, one several times more powerful that her own. It began to illuminate before it began to blind Celestia, but before she could turn her head away, it vanished.

Even from a distance she could tell that the land surrounding where the pillar stood was scorched from the magic massive amount of magic. As she approached the center she heard the faint sound of crying, it sounded child-like. It was too dark to see who the crying was coming from, but it came from the center of where the pillar was.

“Brother,” the voice came from a young colt, or atleast of the male populus, “I’m scared.”

Celestia lit up her horn to illuminate her surroundings, what she saw surprised her. It was a light beige alicorn in a white button down robe. Even though it was obviously a young colt, he had four wings instead of two, and they were a radiant white much like Celestia’s coat. While his mane was a blue-ish silver. Was this the orientation of the magic? It couldn’t be, he obviously too young to use magic of that caliber.

“Who are you?” The young colt asked as he tried to run away but kept stumbling over his steps. His blue eyes were full of fear.

“I am princess Celestia, the ruler of this land,” she tried her best to be as friendly as possible with him. “What is your name, little one?”

“M-my name is Mael,” He said as Celestia began to approach him, Mael tried to scramble backwards but kept tripping over his hooves. “please don’t hurt me.”

“I don’t wish to hurt you.” Celestia said as she lowered herself down to talk easier with him. “Where your parents, Mael?”

“I-i don’t have any.” Mael said, his voice trembling

‘An orphan?’ Celestia thought, “Do you have any family?”

“Just me and my big brother.” A small sniffle was elicited.

That brought Celestia a little comfort, “Where is your brother?”

“He..” Mael started to cry again, “He sent me away.”

“Don’t cry Mael,” Celestia said as she wrapped a wing around him like a hug, “He probably had a good reason,” Mael began crying more and more.

“Brother…” That was the only word Mael kept crying out, until he had cried himself to sleep.

And from these events that transpired, a new chapter of Mael’s life has started to be written. A chapter of his life with no war, but major conflict. If only Mael's older brother who sent him here could see the merits of his decision. The outcome would’ve made him very happy.