• Published 18th Feb 2021
  • 2,319 Views, 43 Comments

My little angel - Hydreigon_Omega

During the earlier parts of the holy war, when Mael was still just a boy, he had been banished to equestria for his own safety.

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Chapter 6

As a few years passed by, Mael grew in stature and intelligence. Most ponies would’ve thought that he was just any other colt his age, except that he had a male alicorn, and had an extra set of wings, and he was the adoptive son of the solar monarch, and...


He wasn’t like others his age on a physically, but was a whole lot closer to normal on an academic level. He was slightly smarter than average, but even then, it wasn’t notable enough for him to get much praise from ponies other than his mother. You’d think that he’d be spoiled with praise from his peers, but Celestia had asked that her son would be treated like any other kid because they only get to live through their childhood once.

Both he and the changeling Chrysalis had started to become good friends behind the backs of their parents. It was starting to get close to the end of the school year. Mael had told his mother that he’d be home a little later than normal because he wanted to spend some time and visit some friends. Both he and Chrysalis sat on a hill on the edge of Equestria’s capital city.

“It won’t be long before I can’t see you again for a while.” Chrysalis said, “I wish we could’ve spent more time together.”

“Hey Chryssi,” Mael asked his friend, “Before I have to go, can I ask you a question?”

“Sure,” Chrysalis said, “ask away.”

“Do you have a dream?”

“Well of course, every night I have a dream.”

“Nooo.” Mael whined after his question was misunderstood, “I don’t mean that kind of dream. I mean, do you have a goal, like how you want to change this world.”

“Hmm. I have never thought much about that before.” Chrysalis said, “How about a world where changelings and ponies don’t have to hate each other.”

“You stole mine.” Mael’s eyes narrowed as he failed to try and hide a smile. “How dare you.”

“I know.” Chrysalis just laughed at his silly attempt to be intimidating, she eventually quieted down and sighed. “I just wish we could spend more time together before summer begins.”

“Hmm.” Mael hummed as he started to think, “I know.” he piped up, “You can come over to where I live with my mama, and you could spend the night there with us.”

“But where do you live?”

Mael raised a hoof towards the castle in the distance, “Over there.”

“Wait! You’re the son of Celestia?”

“Yeah...” Mael said, “will that be a problem?”

Chrysalis was in utter disbelief that her best, and only, pony friend was the adopted son of the changelings’ several millennia old arch-enemy. As Mael grew, throughout school he learned about the history between ponies and changelings. Even though the last pony-changeling war was over 250 years ago, the hatred between ponies and changelings has gone so far back that even Celestia forgot what caused all this strife.

“No,” Chrysalis said, “I’m just surprised, I never really knew that.”

“Prince Mael,” Specialist Big Shield yelled from a distance, unable to tell that the one near him was a changeling, “We should get going, you don’t want to keep your mother waiting for too long. Do you?”

“Coming!” Mael yelled back to him, “I’m sorry Chryssi, I got to go back home.”

“Wait,” Chrysalis stopped him, “Could I have some more love before you go.”

“Sure,” Mael said, “I don’t mind sharing.”

Mael went back to his changeling friend, she opened her mouth as a familiar tingling feeling washed over the young solar prince. Suddenly Chrysalis was cut off by a quick kiss on the lips by Mael. She was left in a daze after the surprise kiss that was given to her. Mael was the first to realize what he had done, a crimson blush crept across his face.

“Oh, um…” Mael stuttered, “Well, bye.”

Mael dashed off back to the chariot where he would begin his way back to the castle. Chrysalis slowly recovered from the largest meal she had as she began to realise what had happened. She started to feel weird as she felt her face start to heat up. Was she blushing? It can’t be, she thought that it was impossible for changelings to blush, or was this just another lie she had picked up?

A few hours later

At the changeling hive

“My queen.” A changeling drone said, “Your daughter wishes to speak with you.”

“Bring her in,” Queen Insectonia groaned, “This better be in my best interests.”

The young changeling princess entered the room and stopped in front of her mother’s throne. Chrysalis looked to her mother with a combination of fear and hope in her eyes, while insectonia looked to her heir with a menacing gaze, whether or not she meant to is unknown.

“You may speak, my daughter.” Insectonia commanded

“I wish to request a solo hunt.” Chrysalis lied to appeal to her mother’s interests.

Insestonia’s eyes become a whole lot more motherly and surprised, “Really?” She got off her throne and moved beside her daughter, dwarfing her in size. “Come, we shall speak along our way.”

The dark grey stone walls were lined with green changeling slime and were illuminated with green crystals. Despite being the heir to the changeling throne, young royal changelings were completely disregarded in the hive because their bodies take much longer to mature and develop than a standard drone does. So having her mother to even be willing to talk to her was a rare occurrence.

“So what is the occasion my daughter?” Insectonia asked

“Huh?” Chrysalis was somewhat startled by the question, “I don’t understand what you mean mother.”

“I was nearly twice your age when I asked to go out on my first solo hunt.” Insectonia said, “So there is something special going on that I haven’t made aware of yet.”

“A young colt about my own age had asked to come over for a sleepover at his place in a few weeks.” Chrysalis said, “And I think he is in love with me, or well, rather my disguise.”

“Ah, young love, the richest of all of them, untainted by time and bitterness. I still remember the first time I had tried some for myself.” Insectonia said, “Don’t be afraid to let us know if you think that you’ll need help putting his family in cocoons to bring back here to feed from.”

“I am not sure if we should do that.” Chrysalis said timidly

“And why would that be, oh daughter of mine?” Insectonia asked, “Have the ponies corrupted your mind with their concepts of friendship and harmony?” Just saying those words left a bad taste in her mouth.

“NO! I would never fall for their foolishness.” Chrysalis said exactly what her mother wanted to hear, “It’s just that, recently I found out that the pony who invited me is the adopted son of Celestia, Mael. And I’m not sure that having another war so soon after the last one would be good.”

“You are wiser than you look, my daughter Putting the survivability of the hive over the love that only one foal can produce.” Queen Insectonia said, “I’m sorry but I cannot grant you your request for a solo hunt, spiking another war over one measly foal isn’t worth it even if he is a prince.”

Chrysalis stood there with a blank expression to mask what would’ve been her standing there with her mouth agape. When Insectonia made up her mind, there was nothing Chrysalis could do to change her mind. She really wanted to play with her friend but if her mother prevented it, Chrysalis wouldn’t be able to do it no matter how hard she tried.

“So instead I will grant you a solo infiltration mission.” Insectonia said, her daughter internally piped up when she heard this, “It will be your duty to learn as much as you can without raising suspicion, do you understand that?” Chrysalis nodded her head,“And I assume you already have a disguise ready for the infiltration?” She nodded her head confirming that, even though she didn’t currently have one. “Good, now you may be on your way when the time comes.”

The changeling princess bowed to her queen, as she was overly rejoicing on the inside. “Thank you mother, I will not let this opportunity go to waste.” She said in a monotone voice to not raise any suspicion about the truth of her reasoning.


At Canterlot Castle

“Good morning my son.” Celestia said as Mael galloped down the room to her with a smile on his face, “I assume you had a good day at school?”

“Yes, I did.” Mael said, as he hugged her. He was still too short to hug around her neck, so her knees would have to do.

“What made the day so good?” Celestia asked

“Well…” Mael said as he thought through how he explained what had happened, “I asked a friend of mine if she could come over for a play date sometime soon. And I wanted to make sure it was okay with you.”

Celestia let out an over exaggerated gasp. “My son already has a mare friend? He is not even eight yet!”

“A mare friend!?” Mael was genuinely surprised at what his mom said, “She’s not my mare friend! She is just a friend. I don’t even like her like that, at least I don’t think I do.” That last part was muttered quietly and barely fell upon Celestia’s ears, she just brushed it off as a youthful love.

“I’m just teasing you Mael.” Celestia giggled, “But if she is going to come over, it would be polite for you to tell me her name.”

Mael hadn’t thought this far ahead. He had learned from multiple sources, some of which were watered down because of his age, that the ponies and changelings hated each other. He wanted to keep his friend safe, but he didn’t want to lie to his mother either. Maybe he could find a way to be in between lying and telling the truth.

“I just call her by her nickname ‘Chryssi’” Mael said,

Celestia raised an eyebrow, she had overheard Queen Insectonia mentioning her daughter’s name and it sounded somewhat similar to Mael’s friend. “Very well,” Celestia said, “I will go check the school roster and see where I need to send the letter.”

“Wait!” Mael caught his mom’s attention quite easily, “I want this to be personal and not some overly grand event. Don’t you think that it would be better if I just handed it to her instead.”

Celestia knew Mael was acting a little weird, but she didn’t want to be overbearing on him either. “Very well then,” Celestia said, “I will write the invitation then give it to you to hand over to her.”


Though Celestia wanted the best for her son, she couldn’t shake the nagging feeling like something wasn’t right. Maybe she’d eaten too much for lunch and it was giving her a stomach ache. Celestia thought about her son and how much she loved him, she wouldn’t know what she’d do if a changeling took advantage of him. Maybe it was just a coincidence that Mael’s friend and Insectonia’s daughter shared similar names. Little did she know that they were both the same little changeling.

While on the other hoof, Insectonia didn’t know the real reason for why her daughter had asked to be sent on a solo mission. Believing that Chrysalis was just maturing quickly, she happily granted her request, but the truth that was hidden from her was that Mael and Chrysalis were actually friends and she’d lied to her mother to protect their relationship. If Chrysalis got away with lying to her mother, then maybe she’d be able to spend more time with Mael if she reported that everything went well. And maybe, just maybe, she would be able to rise to the throne quicker and be able to fulfill both her and Mael’s dream.