• Published 18th Feb 2021
  • 2,319 Views, 43 Comments

My little angel - Hydreigon_Omega

During the earlier parts of the holy war, when Mael was still just a boy, he had been banished to equestria for his own safety.

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Bonus Chapter: Epilogue

Even after several weeks had passed, Celestia continued to mourn over her son leaving. The only other time where she cried this much was during the Nightmare Moon incident. Many of the nobles took notice that she was far from happy, and they knew why that was. While it was common knowledge for the ponies that regularly attended the castle that Mael was gone, they didn’t know what had actually happened to him.

Celestia cancelled evening court for the third day in a row. While she felt very guilty for doing so, Celestia knew that she wouldn’t be able to take care of her subjects if she couldn’t take care of herself. Walking down the hall, Celestia stopped in front of the door to Archmage’s room. He was gathering all of his notebooks, journals, and anything pertaining to his discoveries in equestria into a large pile in the center of his room. Once he illuminated his horn, it was then that she knew that this wasn’t a normal spring cleaning.

“Archmage, what are you…”

Celestia was cut off by the sound of fire engulfing all the work that Archmage had put thousands of hours into. Once the fire had completely consumed the books, Celestia realized that this wasn’t any normal fire, it was black fire. Archmage stood there looking disappointed as he did nothing to stop the fire from destroying his work.

“Celestia, we need to talk.” Archmage said, not taking his eyes off the fire.

“What is it, Archmage?” Celestia said as she stood beside him.

“I owe you an apology.” Archmage said, “I have kept many things a secret from you, and it is time for you to know the truth.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Tell me Celestia, how long have we known each other?”

She was stunned at the question. Whenever she would give an answer, a new memory would come up a few years prior.

“We have known each other for 33 years,” Archmage said, “and I have not aged a single day in the process.”

“Are you saying you have found a way to cast immortality on common ponies?”

“No.” Archmage said, “I am saying that I am not a pony at all, rather, a demon.”

Celestia took a step back in fear, she could tell by the sound of his voice that he wasn’t joking. Why was he telling her this? What could he hope to accomplish?

“Shocking, isn’t it?” Archmage joked, “To know that the only pony that you could consider a friend was actually a demon.”

“Why have you revealed this to me!?” Celestia demanded, trying her best to hide the fear in her voice.

“Because I want you to know the truth about everything.” Archmage said, “All those claims of Mael being other-worldly are true. I should know, because I also come from his world. Archmage is not my real name, the individual you have come to know as ‘Archmage’ is nothing more than a doll of my creation. To be my eyes and ears in this world which I cannot travel to. I designed him off of what I think I would look like if I disguised myself among your kind.”

“You said you came from the same world as Mael, so why have you come here?”

Archmage’s face became notably more grim, “Roughly 200 years ago, the Demon King was seeking someone to fill an open spot in his elite military. He noticed my unrivaled talent for magic and he said that I would fill that spot. When I tried to stand up against him, he defeated me. Ever since then, I have been crippled and imprisoned in the demon world prison.” Celestia could see all the emotion drain from his face, “But 40 years ago, someone discovered that there could be multiple worlds. So the Demon King gave me a chance to earn my freedom if I could find another world that would be strong enough to ally with him against the goddess race. Though, the project was brought to a close shortly after Mael returned to that world.”

“So all those times where I thought you were my friend, you weren’t?”

“No no no, Celestia, I didn’t say that.” Archamge said, “Just because I was on a mission in an attempt to regain my freedom doesn’t mean that we weren’t friends.”

Hearing those words made Celestia calm down a little, but she still wanted to be very cautious around him. Even though demons were only ever a legend, in those legends they had been known for using sly words to twist the truth and manipulate others.

“I’m sorry I had to hide all these things from you Celestia, I wish I could make it up to you in some way.” Archmage said, “but I am glad to tell you, not just for the sake of your son, but also for the sake of your subjects that your kind is too weak to be dragged into this foolish war.”

Despite being her ponies being called weak, Celestia also had a remote feeling of happiness known that none of them would be harmed. Archmage began walking towards the fire before Celestia placed a hoof on his shoulder, stopping him. Even if the real Archmage was a Demon, she could tell that he viewed her as a close friend.

“Could you at least tell me your real name,” Celestia said, “If I am never going to see you again, could you at least let me know your name.”

Archmage was surprised by the simplicity of the request. A small smile came across his face, it wasn’t malicious or evil, but warm and calming.

“Gowther.” Archmage said, “My name is Gowther.”

“Gowther? That’s a nice name.” Celestia said

Gowther smiled as he walked closer to the fire. But before he stepped foot into it, he paused. Gowther turned back around to Celestia with a few words left to say.

“When this foolish war is over and I have my freedom again,” Gowther said, “I would like you to visit the demon realm and enjoy some tea with me and my lover Glariza. That is if it is alright with you.”

“Yes, it would be.” Celestia said,

“Thank you Princess Celestia.” Gowther said with a modest bow of the head before he stepped into the fire, destroying his vessel.

Several hours went by before the fire abruptly stopped burning. Celestia began using her magic to gently rummaging through the ashes looking for anything important. When she found nothing but burnt ashes of Gowther’s research, a small aluminum bottle stood on Archmage’s desk with a note attached. It was addressed to her.

‘Dear Celestia,

These are the only 5 cure-alls that I have made, so not let anything know that they still exist. They are strong enough to cure any disease, and any number of them, at a mere instant. Be cautious when you use them, they are irreplaceable and irreplicateble without your son’s magic. Make sure you hold onto them, I am sure your sister will need at least one when she returns.


How he knew of her sister was completely unknown to Celestia, but he was right in his prediction. When Nightmare Moon returned and was reformed back into Princess Luna, various diseases and plagues that had spawned in her absence had attacked her. Many of the doctors didn’t think that she would make it, even if she was an alicorn.

When Celestia gave Luna the cure-all, Luna made a comment on the medicine’s foul taste, but she was cured completely of anything that was ailing her. There have been only a few times where Celestia had been as happy as right then, but there were still things that sat on her mind. Celestia wondered where her son was, and she wondered what had happened to his childhood friend Chrysalis in his absence.

Comments ( 7 )

What a great way to finish this, I had a feeling at the end that Archmage was Gowther but didn't want to say anything. Now on to the sequal. :pinkiehappy:

Dang that was a good fanfiction

I am glad you liked it! I hope I can make the sequel just as good.

Does Mael really have "normal" parents? I thought the Supreme Deity created the Four Archangels herself. ...I only saw the anime, OK?!

Yes, I believe he did have biological parents. It just doesn't make sense to me that if the surpreme diety had made him, then why not create him at his prime and leave him there. Also Elizabeth possesses memories of Mael as a child/preteen.

what a twist, this story was great from start to finish. I shall wait for the completion of the sequel.(but that doesn't mean i won't read it)

I’ve finally finished this story and I must say, Tis was an interesting read. Onto the sequel!

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