• Published 18th Feb 2021
  • 2,319 Views, 43 Comments

My little angel - Hydreigon_Omega

During the earlier parts of the holy war, when Mael was still just a boy, he had been banished to equestria for his own safety.

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Chapter 9

As Mael continued to Mature, his mother had to move him up to the Noble’s school of magic, economics, and politics. While it was innumerably times more boring than regular school, Mael’s determination to impress his mother was his driving force to do well in school. Mael still was somewhat young and his magic still hasn’t fully developed, but even in his young age he had enough magic to continue Archmages experiments.

Somehow word managed to quickly spread that Celestia had ordered a “cure-all” to be made using her son’s magic as a base for it. While that was true, Celestia had to withhold any more information from the public because it was supposed to be a secret, but she also feared how the other nations would react. By the time the young prince was 13, Archmage had collected enough magic to make 5 working portions of the magic based medicine.

When the young prince made his way to the school in the morning, he took note of a large crowd of griffons covered in armor heading for the castle. His own instincts forced him to steer clear of the large crowd. A few griffons seemed to notice him, but they seemed intent on arriving at the castle. Hopefully it was just something minor, but Mael couldn’t shake the feeling of dread.

Arriving at the castle gates, the Griffon Emperor motioned his army to set up camp outside while he took his 4 best soldiers to accompany him as they went further. Emperor Griffif told one of the solar guards to tell the princess that he would like to meet with her. Celestia genuinely was surprised at the Emperor’s seemingly instantaneous arrival. The only reason why one of the royals of another nation would show up without notice would be if it was something of urgency that would require immediate attention.

“It is an unexpected occurrence to see you here,” Celestia said

“I know it is,” Griffif said as he approached the throne, “I came to speak to you about one of the agreements we made when the council of 5 was made.”

“Then why didn’t you call an emergency meeting for the council of 5?” Celestia inquired,

“Because this would only be beneficial to the griffons, as of the current moment.” Griffif continued, “Under article 2, it explicitly states that if something from beyond our knowledge would be discovered, all parties who wish to study it are allowed to.”

“Yes I am aware, and it also said that there is a certain time frame of 10 years, any studying after that must be permitted by the one who discovered it.” Celestia said as she began to become aware of what he wanted, “Why have you reminded me of this?”

“In such short time, it has become common knowledge that you have been using unique magic to make some sort of powerful healing potion. You’d be surprised how fast news spreads.” the emperor said, “The griffons would like to borrow the source of this magic to study. While the dragons and minitars are too brutish to actually study it, the changelings also want nothing to do with you ponies, so that only leaves griffons who desire to study him.”

Celestia began to grimace, a powerful rage was building up inside her. “You come here to take my son away from me?” Celestia’s words were filled with hate, the one emotion she never wished to experience, “I am not going to let you go through with this.”

The emperor started to laugh, “While you have a likely chance of defeating my armies with your unicorns’ magic, I have a feeling that the changelings would be willing to assist us in defeating you.”

He is my son.” Celestia growled, barely refraining herself from using her royal canterlot voice, “What you are trying to do is technically kidnapping! And you have no proof that he is ‘beyond our knowledge’.”

“I actually do have proof, even aside from his unique magic.” The emperor said, maintaining a calm figure far better than Celestia was, “As far back as we can go in history, there have only been two recorded alicorns, only one of which existence is confirmed, and neither of them are of natural birth. Secondly, his wings, there has never been any existence of any creature with more than 2 wings. While it is more of unconfirmed rumors,third would be his diet. There have been rumors about him eating meat outside of the occasional ceremony, far more than what would be healthy for a regular pony. In fact he might not even be an actual pony, he might be, no, he is from a completely unknown species to use.”

Celestia clenched her teeth together to prevent her from saying anything she would regret. Archmage had warned her about this when he first met her son, Celestia thought that Mael would be able to hide his non-pony-like features until he was just a bit older. Why now? Why couldn’t it have waited just a few more months. Something began to flood her mind, was it anger? Malice? Or was it sadness? Celestia couldn’t tell anymore, her mask was completely shattered, something no pony had ever seen in over 500 years. Her face was covered with a sorrowful look, she wanted to keep her son safe, but what good would it be if she risked thousands of more lives than what even Archmage’s experiments were.

“Princess Celestia, I know it is hard for you to make a decision.” Griffif said in a comforting tone, “With someone as close to you as your son, I understand why this is so hard. But I know you will make the right decision in the end.”

“I…” Celestia muttered before she finally collected the right words to say, “I need some time to think about this.”

“Go right ahead princess.” Griffif said, “take as much time as you need. I will be here as long as you need.”

Celestia stood up from her throne having a specific checklist in mind. First she would need to find one of the few ponies he could trust, and he was like a bigger brother to Mael after his real brother left him here. In the midst of the royal guard’s training grounds, shield and magic specialist Big Shield stood training with other guards in the shield and magic specialist division. Upon arrival all of the guards stopped and saluted the princess.

“Specialist Big Shield, I have a mission for you.” Celestia said, the guard broke his salute as he took two steps forwards, “Take yourself and a hoofful of other guard in your division, and escort my son back to his room after school today.”

“Has war broken out?” The specialist asked in a concerned tone,

“Not yet,” Celestia said, “but we are starting to experience some political tension with the griffons.”

“I see, I will make sure your son will not be harmed.”

“Make sure you search every part of his room for any griffons.” Celestia said, “I don’t want my son to be used as leverage against me.”

When school was dismissed, Big Shield scoured for the prince throughout the school. When he found Mael, Big Shield quickly explained what was going on, and Mael seemed to understand the situation even with the little time it was explained to him. Mael hastily made a note and left it outside for Chrysalis to find, telling her that he couldn’t meet with her today. Arriving at the castle Mael was greeted by the gruff face of the griffon emperor.

“Well well well… You must be the prince Mael.” Griffif said as he stretched a claw to try and snatch him

Big shield and another member of his platoon used their spears to create a blockade between them. “Do not touch the prince!”

“Yeah yeah, I know.” Griffif said as he backed away, letting the guards by

The platoon made its way down the hall, only stopping in front of his room. Big Shield signaled the rest of his platoon to go in and search his room for any threats. After three minutes of diligent searching they came back, and let him know that the room was all clear. They escorted Mael into his room and locked the door behind him. From that point on, no less than 4 of the guards would stand outside of his room, guarding the entrance. Soon there was knocking at the window, Mael looked over to it and he was happy to see a familiar face. Quickly, he flew up to the window to open it for his friend Chrysalis.

“Thank goodness you’re okay.” Chrysalis said, “When I saw the note I came over here as fast as I could.”

“I’m fine Chryssi.” Mael whispered, “Just don’t be here too long, there are guards right outside of my door and I don’t want to think about what would happen to you if they wound you.”

Archmage sat at a table with Celestia sitting across from him, he listened to her problem seeking to help her. Celestia knew that whatever happened would end up breaking her heart, if not her entire soul. If she kept her son safe from the griffons, then the ponies would end up at war with the griffons and possibly even changelings. But preventing the war meant giving up her son, she already lost her sister and she doesn’t want to lose her son too.

“I don't know what to do.” Celestia said, visibly distressed, “I want to keep my son safe, but I don’t want to send my ponies into war. I don’t know what to do. What should I do?”

“I am just as unsure as you are,” Archmage replied, “You value not only your son, but your subjects as well. Making the choice between those two is extremely difficult, if not impossible. Sacrificing one saves the other, but neither one would be inherently better than the other.”

Archmage sat there thinking of any ways to assist his friend. Celestia saw the gear turn in his head as he continued to brainstorm. There were a few times where he was going to give an idea, but he slapped it down before the words even left his mouth. Archmage looked up with a mix of confidence and sorrow in his eyes. Celestia knew that whatever his idea was, it would work, but the way he looked made her feel uneasy about it.

“There is someone who can help.” Archmage said, “but I cannot say for certain that your son will be able to stay with you.”

“How will that help?” Celestia groaned as she continued to brainstorm,

“Because it is guaranteed that your son will live.” Archmage said, “I seriously doubt that the griffons are after his magic, so they must be some sort of bounty hunter.”

“But, who would do that?”

“That doesn’t matter at the moment, what matters is your son’s safety.” Archmage said, “I need your permission to go through with this. But if he isn’t here by nightfall tomorrow, I cannot guarantee Mael’s safety.”

“If you honestly think it would be the best outcome for Mael, go and do it.” Celestia said, meeting his gaze in an attempt to look stoic, “That is an order.”

“Very well,” Archmage said, as he stood up and began to walk away.

“Wait,” Celestia asked her friend, “Do I know this individual?”

“No you don’t,” he replied, “But it is better if you meet him face to face.”

Celestia watched her friend as he seemingly vanished around the corner. She wanted the best for her son, but would she trust a stranger to her with the responsibility of watching over her son. But after a little more thinking, Celestia decided that if Archmage trusted that creature, then she should too.

When morning finally arrived, Celestia ordered Big Shield’s platoon to escort Mael too and from school. While the griffon emperor was displeased at how persistence Celestia was at protecting her son, Griffif knew he had to be patient. While Mael was at school, maybe Griffif would manage to coax Celestia into giving him what he wants.

“Princess Celestia, if you are scared about your son being away from home, I promise I will treat him as if he was my own son.” Griffif said,

“You will?” Celestia asked cautiously

“Yes, I will.” he replied, crossing his claws behind his back, “I also know that he won’t be judged for eating meat when we griffons also eat meat. Despite us often seeming cruel and greedy, we griffons are very welcoming creatures.”

“I am still unsure.” Celestia said, “Give me a little more time.”

“I understand why you are being so cautious Princess Celestia,” He replied, “But I am unable to return until you make up your mind. While I would like to give you the benefit of the doubt, I don’t want you to intentionally put it off while I’m gone.”

“I recognize why you are so hasty to return to your home.” Celestia said, “But I need to make sure I don’t make any brash decisions.”

“Take your time, I am in not much of a rush.”

Celestia waited for someone she didn’t know who to look for. As time went on, seconds changed to minutes, then minutes into hours. Celestia could see that the Griffin emperor was getting more impatient by the minute. By the time it was about 2 in the evening, Celestia could clearly see that the statement about him not being in a rush was very false.

“Celestia, I know this is hard for you but I need you to make a decision quickly.” Griffif said, “I have just been informed that my subjects are beginning to grow agitated that I am not there.”

Being given this sudden ultimatum, Griffif could see that Celestia was thinking as hard as she could. Celestia weighed as many pros and cons as possible, everything from her immortal reputation to even things as unimportant as a blade of grass. She was scared for her subjects as much as she was for her son.

“I think I have made up my mind.” Celestia said solemnly,

“And what would that be?” he inquired,

Celestia opened her mouth to speak, but she lacked the courage to say the words. The emperor eagerly awaited Celestia's response, knowing what her answer would be. Right before Celestia could answer, someone else answered for her.

“Her answer is No.”

Author's Note:

Special thanks to Stanislas, who gave me permission to borrow an idea from one of his stories.