• Published 16th Mar 2021
  • 2,877 Views, 95 Comments

To End a Cycle - Obsedian_Flame

A dramatic tale of two polar opposite rulers that must learn to coexist.

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Chapter 2: Confronting Fear

Chapter 2

Confronting Fear

Hay 27, 3672

7:00 AM

Dear Diary,

It’s been nearly a week since that day. The day where I proposed the most absurd idea ever. Mom and Dad haven’t been the same since. I can’t say I blame them. I wasn’t expecting them to be supportive, but even so I feel guilty for making them worry so much.

Aunt Twilight has been a bit more reassuring, though I can see that even she fears that this plan might fail. I hate to say it, I’m not really confident it will work either.

Three days ago Dad had a small escort sent to the border of the empire to deliver a message to Lord Sombra informing him that we wish to speak with him. Those ponies from the guard must have been really brave to undertake the job with all of the recent disappearances. To our relief they all managed to deliver the message, pinning sheets on stakes just outside of Dad’s protective shield. I wonder though if he will even get the message. Or if it will help at all.

Today is the day I go to the border to meet with the dark lord. I don’t know how he will react to me. All my instincts tell me that he’ll try to kill me. But at the same time there’s a small bit of me that wants to believe he’ll listen to what I have to say. All I know is that I’m really nervous, more than I’ve ever been. It’s been really difficult to sleep lately or to take down meals. I feel sick about it really.

I just wish that I could close my eyes and wish my problems away. Mom and Dad say I don’t have to do this, but if I don’t then who else will? I owe it to the crystal ponies to try.

The only good news I’ve had recently was that my best friend Luster is coming to see me today before I leave. The journey from Canterlot to here is far and the friendship express is not a cheap ride, it made me feel a bit guilty. She insisted though that she had to see me before I leave. It’s refreshing to have such a good friend like her and it will be nice to see her again.

I wish I could write about more positive matters, but lately it’s been impossible to think about anything else. Even as I write this entry I feel dreadful. My stomach feels really strange and my heart rate is through the roof. Even if by some miracle it works and he says yes, what will my life be like? Being forever trapped in a forced relationship with a tyrannical monster who’s tried to enslave our ponies and that I don’t even love…

And worse yet, what will the ponies think? They’ll most likely be just as afraid as I am, if not more. What will they think of me? The Princess who was supposed to keep them safe and happy. They’ll probably be disgusted with me. To them I’ll be nothing more than a failu……………………………….

The quill dropped, spilling some remaining ink onto the bottom of the page. Flurry Heart looked up from the diary with tears in her eyes and a tight chest. Without a moment’s notice she began to cry, bringing her front hooves to her face as she let out the dread that she’d no doubt felt for a long time.

She dropped to the floor of her chambers, looking directly at her large mirror in the corner and seeing the mess that was her. The makeup that she’d previously had on now flowed down her eyes past her cheeks. She was a total emotional wreck, and seeing herself like this didn’t make matters better.

She’d held such sadness within her for many months, and now it was time to let everything out. And so she did.

As the train came to a stop, the pink coated mare levitated her bag up and placed it on her back. On her way off she made sure to thank the conductor with a small hoof wave to which he gladly returned with a smile.

She’d arrived at the station in the Crystal Empire, about an hour ride from Canterlot. Though she normally loathed taking the friendship express she always made an exception to visit her close friends. And besides it gave her time off of her studies, something her teacher had recommended she do a bit more often.

After making her way out of the station she was approached by several members of the royal guard. They each were Pegasi stallions with nearly identical coats of white and golden armor. “Miss Luster Dawn?” One of them asked.

“That’s me! Is there a problem sir?” She asked, not understanding why they were approaching.

“It’s no problem, we’ve been assigned to escort you to the castle.” The stallion stated.

“Oh… Uh okay then.” She answered.

She wasn’t used to getting a personal escort to the castle. Usually she’d just walk the way there or teleport to meet Flurry near the front gates. But this was different, something was definitely up.

Princess Twilight had only told her that she should see Flurry again as something big had come up. Luster hated when her teacher was vague about important details. But she supposed she’d soon figure out what was really going on. She walked up beside the two guards and nodded, and with that they were off to the Castle.

Once at the Castle gates Luster noticed a very large presence of royal guards on the outside. Much larger than normal. What exactly were these guards defending the castle from? Something was definitely off.

The guard to Luster’s left nodded to another near the gates who in turn opened the gates inside allowing them to enter.

Once inside the castle, the young Unicorn was greeted by a pink Alicorn mare, “Luster! It’s so good to see you again!”

“It’s great to see you too Empress-”

“Oh please Luster, you’re close enough to know you don’t need to call me that.” Cadence interrupted with a smile as she gave a small hug to the much smaller mare.

“I- yes, sorry Empr-I mean Miss Cadenza!” The pink unicorn struggled.

Cadence chuckled, she knew that Luster had a tendency to stick to formalities. But seeing as she was so close to Flurry it hardly felt necessary to stick to any protocols.

“Come, Flurry is in her room right now.” She said, leading the Unicorn up the stairs to the upper levels.

On the way to Flurry’s room Cadence took the time to explain what had recently happened since the last time Luster had visited. At first the pink Unicorn thought she was lying. There was no way that Flurry could come up with an idea this absurd, was there?

After a short walk up the floors of the Crystal Castle, Luster arrived at her friend’s room. She’d thought it odd that Flurry hadn’t come down to greet her earlier, ‘She’s probably just doing her makeup like always…’ The Unicorn thought.

However, as she neared the door she heard a strange sound on the other side. It didn’t sound like a pony busy doing their makeup, or anything Luster really could have expected. It sounded like whimpering.

Cadence heard it too, “Flurry, sweetheart? Is everything alright in there?” She asked in a worried tone.

When they heard no reply, Cadence used her magic to open the door. Once open, it revealed a terribly distraught Flurry Heart laying on the floor of her room crying. From the looks of things this had gone on for quite some time.

“Oh sweet Celestia, Flurry what’s wrong!?” Luster asked, running up to comfort her distressed friend.

“They-they-they’ll think I’m a-a-a failure” The white coated Alicorn whined, rubbing her teary eyes with her front hooves.

“A failure? What are you talking about?” Luster asked, placing a hoof on her friend’s shoulder in support.

“I ca-ca-can’t protect them” She answered.

Instead of questioning her distressed friend any further though, Luster decided to simply wrap her best friend up in a hug. Cadence, having listened to her daughter’s troubles, also decided it best to comfort Flurry and wrapped her wings around the two. Nothing was said for another several minutes. And it seemed that this action had a proper soothing effect on Flurry who slowly ceased her crying and looked the two mares in the eyes. Her face was a blur of teardrops and wet makeup, but this hardly mattered at all.

She took a deep breath and then hugged the two back using her large wings. Their presence was soothing, and exactly what she needed. “You’re strong Flur, stronger than you think.” Luster reassured her friend.

“Thanks Dawn. It’s good to see you.” Flurry replied, now sporting a small but genuine smile.

Cadence smiled seeing her daughter’s spirits lift. She stood up for a moment and levitated over a small cloth which she took to wipe the tears and makeup off Flurry’s eyes and cheeks.

“The Crystal Ponies would never think so lowly of you Flurry. They will always love you, just as you love them.” Cadence stated.

Flurry nodded, “Thank you mom. I’m sorry for making you worry.”

Cadence smiled once again, “It’s okay sweetheart. It’s okay.”

“Now how about I fetch you two some tea. I’m sure that would do you some good.” Cadence stated, while Flurry rose from the floor.

“That would be great Miss Cadenza! Thank you!” Luster replied on behalf of them both.

With that Cadence nodded and left.

Once alone, Flurry looked at her friend, “Sorry I didn’t come to welcome you earlier Dawn, I just-”

“Hey, don’t worry about it Flur. I’m just wondering what’s going on around here. Are you really going to meet with Lord Sombra?”

Flurry sighed and nodded. Luster’s mind was blown. She’d thought when Cadence had told her it’d been a lie, but Flurry truly was going to meet with the evil tyrant.

“I… Wow.” Was all the pink unicorn could say.

“It’s insane, I know.” Flurry replied, knowing full well this would be her friend’s response.

“It’s beyond insane! Why are you even doing it anyway?” Luster replied with a question.

“That isn’t all either. I am going to propose to him as well-”

“YOU’RE WHAT!?” Luster interrupted, sounding more flabbergasted than Flurry had ever seen her.

“Just let me explain Dawn-”

“Do you even hear yourself right now!? Propose to a Monster like Sombra!?” She once again interrupted.

“Luster! I have to do it. It’s not what you think it is.” Flurry Heart replied in self defense.

“Are your parents making you do this or something?”

“No. I decided to take this path. I’m doing this for the safety of the Crystal Empire and our Ponies.” Flurry once again replied.

“But the Empire looked safe to me when I got here.” Luster countered.

“Yes, but that’s not the point. Remember what I told you about that war we recently had with Lord Sombra?”

“Yeah, you told me it took a lot to stop him this time. But that still doesn’t explain why you want to marry the Monster!” She added.

Flurry sighed again, “I don’t want to marry him. It’s just… Okay look, the fact is that Sombra keeps getting stronger every time we beat him. It’s getting to the point where he’s almost succeeding every time. I worry that the next time he might conquer the empire once and for all and we won’t be able to stop him.”

“But didn’t you just tell me that you think you might have the power to beat him? Like with your own magic? You said it was connected to the Crystal Heart right? Why not just use that to beat him?” Luster once again objected.

“I only said I think it could work. And besides, there’s another reason why we can’t afford another violent battle. Crystal Ponies have been disappearing lately. We know he’s got something to do with it, but we don’t know where they are or what he’s doing to them.”

“That’s horrible. Do you think he’s keeping them hostage? He’s definitely not above such things.” Luster asked, looking concerned.

Flurry shook her head, “I don’t know. But the fact is I need to find them. They’re my subjects Luster. It’s my job to keep them safe.”

A moment of silence ensued, Flurry looking down at the floor with her friend staring at her. “You’re really going to go through with it aren’t you?” Luster asked.

She nodded. “I have to Dawn. No one else will. And even if I fail, I at least have to try.”

The unicorn sighed but placed a hoof on her friend’s shoulder in reassurance, “Well what are we waiting for? You can’t propose to anypony looking like this!”

This brought a smile to Flurry’s face for the first time in quite a while. To have her friend behaving the same way as always was a pleasant feeling. “Alright. You’ve got a point there. And besides it’ll be like old times!”

“That’s the spirit!” Her friend replied with enthusiasm.

Luster and Flurry were quite used to doing each other’s makeup. It was one of their favorite pass times when visiting each other. Coupled with the tea that Cadence brought them it was a nice experience that lifted Flurry’s spirits.

This time, however, Luster felt as if she’d truly outdone herself. Flurry looked in a mirror, taking in her near flawless appearance. Her eyelashes were nicely curled, a very subtle but beautiful shading from the eyeliner, defined indigo colored eyebrows, and lastly her slightly brightened cheeks. It wasn’t only her makeup that stood out either. Her mane had been styled to near perfection. Her magenta and sky blue hair had been curled up into a wonderful bun with both colors complementing each other very well.

Flurry often wondered how Luster was so good at fine artistic work such as this. And if she ever asked the pink Unicorn, she’d get a response along the lines of, ‘It isn’t even really that hard! I love to read up on Manes Charles’ books. That stallion is just the best and he’s so cute!’

She chuckled for a second while shaking her head at the thought. “What? Did I miss something? Please tell me I didn’t.” Her friend asked, sounding concerned.

Flurry shook her head with a smile, “Nothing. Don’t worry about it. I… I just… This is perfect Dawn.”

The Unicorn blushed a bit at the complement. She didn’t want to admit it, but this was quite possibly her finest work ever. And this wasn’t even her profession or special talent. “Ah well, I’m sure Miss Rarity would have done a better job-”

Before she could finish her sentence, Flurry hugged her tight. It caught her by surprise, but was not unwelcome. She returned the affection and hugged her Alicorn friend. “I said it’s perfect Dawn. Thank you.” Flurry stated again.

“Now all you’ll need is something to wear. Do you have any dresses in mind?” The Unicorn asked while letting go.

“Well, I have quite a few from all the Galas but I’m not sure wearing one into the cold snowy north is such a great idea.” Flurry replied factually.

“Oh, yeah. I guess you have a point there. But what about something else?”

“I was thinking my crown and collar would be enough.”

“Hmm, what about earrings? They might help a bit!” Luster replied with quite a bit of energy.

“Good idea. I’ll use the ones Miss Rarity gave me for my 10th birthday!” Flurry answered, opening up her jewelry box and taking out the aquamarine earrings. After putting them on, she placed on her collar, crown, and shoes.

“Did we forget anything?” Flurry asked while adjusting her crown in the mirror.

“I think that’s all! You look stunning! I just hope all that bad snow in the north doesn’t ruin the work we’ve done. Speaking of which, you’ll probably need to wear something warm so you don’t freeze.” Luster stated.

“Oh don’t worry about that, I’ve already got it covered.” She replied confidently.

“So then this is it?” Luster asked with a tinge of dread.

Flurry noticed her friend’s sudden shift of tone, “Hey, it’ll be okay Dawn.” She reassured.

“I really hope so Flur. I really hope so.” The Unicorn returned, with a worried expression.

The Alicorn Princess placed a hoof on her friend’s shoulder, “Trust me. I can handle it Dawn.”

Luster looked into her friend’s eyes and saw how determined the Alicorn was. She knew there was nothing she could do to persuade Flurry to stay. It made her proud to have a friend this brave, who would sacrifice everything for the well being of her Ponies.

“Why don’t you come walk with me before I leave? I can show you the crystal gardens and Princess Amore’s monument.” Flurry suggested with a warm smile.

Luster couldn’t help but brighten up at the idea of a walk, “That sounds great! Let’s go!” She answered, levitating her bag onto her back.

And with that, they were off.

Shining paced back and forth restlessly as if he was a lost Timberwolf looking for its den. He’d been doing so for the last half an hour while not even realizing how strange he looked to the royal guards nearby. To only add to his peculiar behavior was his random self mumbling about topics nopony nearby could truly understand. The guards had never seen such behavior from their Emperor before, or at least the younger guards hadn’t.

“Twiley should’ve told her no… Ah what the hay, she’s so stubborn she would have gone anyway…”


“I still can’t believe she thinks that thing will ever back down… Oh sweet Celestia this is awful…”


“Who does she even think he is!? He’s literally a self proclaimed king of darkness! There’s no way this will ever work…”


“Wha-What!? Who is it?” He exclaimed, flailing his front hooves around as if he were trying to trample another Pony.

“It’s me Shining…” Cadence answered with an unamused expression.

“Oh… Sorry honey, were you trying to get my attention that whole time?” The weary Unicorn asked, sounding embarrassed with his lack of control.

She nodded, “You were talking to yourself again dear, and besides, she’ll be here any moment. I’d hate for her to have to see her father like this.” The Empress stated with a bit of a chuckle.

He rubbed his neck and sighed, “Heh heh, yeah. I’m just stressed is all. I told her I’d send a guard escort to go with her, but she insisted that it’d be better if she went alone. Something about ‘not seeming imposing’.”

Cadence placed a hoof on Shining’s cheek, “I’m just as stressed about it as you dear, but we both know that Flurry had to grow up one day or another. I saw it in her today. She wants nothing more than to keep her Ponies safe. Even if it comes at a cost to her.”

He nodded, “You’re right. It’s just… I don’t want her to grow up.” Shining complained, feeling a bit sad at the thought of his innocent little crystal becoming more mature and independent.

Cadence noticed his dread and planted a small kiss on his cheek, “Me neither dear. Me neither.”

As she said this, the two noticed Flurry Heart approaching with a couple of Royal guards along with her friend. She looked absolutely stunning, even more so than usual. Her mane, tail, and coat had been styled to near perfection, giving her a truly majestic presence.

“Wow, I know she likes to look her best all the time, but this time I think she’s outdone herself.” Shining stated to Cadence with a proud smile.

Cadence nodded, “They were up there for hours. It’s even more impressive considering it isn’t even either of their true talents.”

As she approached, she addressed them, “Mom, Dad.”

“You look absolutely wonderful Flurry. Are you feeling any better from earlier?” Her mom asked.

She nodded, “I am. Thanks to you and Dawn of course.” She stated, looking over to her good friend.

“So you still intend to go through with it? You know it’s not too late to back out.” Shining stated, still clearly not supporting his daughter’s plan.

She paused for a moment before answering, “Yes. I have to do it. Even if it doesn’t work out, the least I can do is find out what’s happened to our ponies that have disappeared.”

He sighed. He’d at least hoped she’d reconsider before leaving, but he saw now that there was no going back. He could never see this plan working, but if Flurry truly believed that there was hope, then he figured he should trust her. “Are you sure you don’t need a guard escort into the lands past the border? If something went wrong you’d-”

“Dad, if I went into Sombra’s territory with a bunch of royal guards he’d probably be even more likely to attack. I know you’re worried about me, but I really can defend myself. After all, you taught me.”

He smiled at that statement, “Very well. You’re all ready to go then?”

All of a sudden, Flurry’s chest became slightly tighter. She heard her own heart beat, and time seemed to move slowly. “I am.”

Silence ensued. “Okay.” Her father stated.

“Just one thing, before you leave. I want you to be accompanied by two of our best guards. They’ll stay by your side until you cross the border.” Shining explained, introducing her to several Pegasi guards wearing golden armor and helmets. One had a common white coat with a mane and tail of light brown, while the other had a coat of ochre and a mane of pure blue.

“Piercing Shield at your service, your highness!” Said the white coated Pegasus who knelt in respect.

“Flash Sentry at your service, your highness!” Followed the other who also knelt.

She was flattered, and she supposed it made sense too at least make sure she return. “Thank you Dad.” She answered with a smile.

He returned the gesture, “Just looking out for you.”

Without another word, Flurry wrapped wings around her parents, enveloping them in a warm hug to which they returned. “I love you mom. I love you Dad.” She whispered.

“We love you too sweetheart. More than anything. And we’re very proud of you. Don’t ever forget that.” Cadence whispered back to her with a great amount of pride.

A minute later she let go and made her way over to the two guards. “I promise I’ll return.” She stated as she outstretched her wings. Shining and Cadence both reluctantly nodded, and with that, she lifted up from the ground and flew off with the two Pegasi guards.

Luster walked up to the end of the balcony, watching her friend fly off toward the horizon. “You’d better return Flur.” She said to herself.

“She will.” Stated Cadence with hope and conviction.

It had been a while since Flurry had flown this far. She was far more used to teleporting long distances with her strong inherent magical abilities. However, she figured for this journey it’d be wiser to save her stamina in the case that she’d need to defend herself beyond the border. She hoped it wouldn’t come to violence, but King Sombra was far to unpredictable to be trusted.

Regardless, it felt good to use her wings again. The feeling of the wind running through her feathers felt natural. Miss Rainbow Dash had often told her she should spend more time in the skies. She saw now why. It was a very refreshing feeling.

The journey up to the northern border was not terribly long. After a 15 minute long flight, Flurry arrived at the edge of her father’s protection spell. Beyond the spell was the cold, harsh northern territory. The skies ahead were covered in a thick overcast with bellowing snow storms.

After having landed, she approached several more guards who had been stationed on sentry duty. “Your highness.” They both greeted, kneeling in respect.

She nodded and saluted them as well, “So this is where the message was sent?” She asked.

“Yes Princess. We dispatched a small troop into the northern lands who placed messages of your arrival in four separate locations. Even in the difficult climate, the messages remained intact, all but one. The one ahead to the north east was destroyed with the only trace being a crystalline structure that replaced it.”

“Well he definitely found it then.” She answered.

She looked at the path ahead where the guard pointed towards. It was quite treacherous with raging winds and very poor visibility. “If you do plan to go into the storm Princess, please exercise caution. You could very easily get lost. We’ve marked the way towards the posting, but beyond that it is uncharted territory.” Explained the guard in a concerned tone.

She nodded, “Thank you Lieutenant.” She then turned her attention to the two royal guards who had escorted her, “I want you two to remain here until I return. If I’m not back within an hour, fly back to the castle and warn my parents.”

The two Pegasi bowed in respect for her wishes. She then turned back to the path ahead. Her heart rate rose slightly at the thought of heading into the blizzard, but more at the thought of what could go wrong. She was scared, but not of dying. She was scared of the possibility of never returning to her parents again. She took a deep breath before taking a step forward.

‘I’m ready.’ She told herself. And with that she stepped through the portal into the north. Just as one would think, it was bellow freezing, with the wind adding a stinging chill that would prove lethal to an unprepared soul. ‘A simple protection spell should do.’ She said to herself as her horn began to shine bright with magic.

Sure enough, the spell worked as it created a small magical barrier around her that deflected the chilling winds and the snow while also providing a small amount of light. With the spell working, she headed onwards, taking flight and following the small markers the guards had placed.

It didn’t take long for her to reach the end of the path. And at the end she saw what the guards had referred to earlier. A small dark crystal structure which clearly was not a natural formation. She looked ahead but saw nothing other than more snow and darker skies.|

‘This must be the way.’ Her instincts told her.

And so she went forth, into uncharted territory.

It didn’t take long before the winds and snowfall intensified. It was nearly at a point where making out the smallest detail was almost impossible. But regardless, Flurry’s determination remained ever present. She pushed on through the inhospitable lands, mustering as much bravery as she could.

It had been nearly ten minutes of traveling before she saw a faint glimpse of what looked like a magenta coated Pony. She couldn’t ignore this, and flew as quickly toward the figure as she could. Once within a few meters, she noticed that the figure was indeed an adult earth pony mare with a magenta coat and a cyan colored mane and tail. But something was off. The mare was not moving, only pointing one of her front hooves forward the same direction Flurry had been traveling.

“Hello?” Flurry called to the mare.

There was no response. Flurry approached with caution, believing that this could very well be a trap. Upon closer inspection, Flurry identified the mare as one of the Crystal Ponies who had gone missing a little more than a week ago. If she remembered correctly the mare’s name was Amethyst Trinket. She was relieved to see the mare alive, but wondered if the earth pony was under some incantation that was possessing her. Surely she could not survive all alone in this cold without any magic to protect her.

“Miss Trinket? It’s Princess Flurry Heart! I’m here to help you!” She called through the loud whistling winds.

Still no response. The only sign that Flurry got was a slight eye movement by the mare. The earth pony looked directly at Flurry with a stoic expression but remained pointing the same direction. Was this some sort of sign? However, before Flurry could speak again, the mare returned her gaze toward the direction she was pointing.

It seemed as though Flurry was meant to follow. And seeing as she could not communicate with the mare, she figured she should push on to find the one who she knew was behind this.

As she pressed on, Flurry noticed that the earth pony was now trailing from fairly far behind. It was quite the unnerving sight. Upon looking forward again, however, she noticed yet another figure. This time it was a distinct green color. Once again she approached carefully and noticed that this time it was a Unicorn Stallion who had also disappeared fairly recently. Peridot Gleam was the stallion’s name. But yet again, this Pony looked to be possessed. For he too had his hoof pointed in the same direction as the mare before him.

Flurry was happy to have found some of the missing ponies, but worried whether they could be rescued. Regardless, however, she knew she had to push on to find Lord Sombra.

While following the direction the Ponies were pointing, Flurry would occasionally look back to see the two following her. The whole situation felt like something straight out of a horror novel. And it didn’t help that every so often she would come across yet another stranded crystal pony that had disappeared each doing the same actions as the ones prior. Soon there were dozens of lost crystal ponies following her, each acting as strange as the last.

To her slight relief, she noticed that up ahead the wind was beginning to slow down, along with the snowfall. She could see faint black objects resembling the crystal structure she’d seen before. This had to be it.

As she entered the domain, she saw more and more lost ponies. They remained stationary but kept starring directly at the Alicorn Princess. She counted nearly 60 in all. The exact number that had been reported missing.

It seemed that they were using these dark crystal-like structures as shelter from the weather. And what’s more, they were all miraculously still very healthy despite the harsh conditions. What mattered though was that she’d found them, and she was here to free them from whatever evil spell the Usurper had cast on them.

“Lord Sombra! I am here to free my subjects! Show yourself!” Flurry called in a commanding tone.

As she said this, she noticed a large cloud of black smoke appear just overhead. Before she knew it, the smoke fell to the ground and manifested itself into the image of a massive dark coated Unicorn Stallion with a distinguished royal red cloak and a long curved horn. His eyes shone green with a vile purple magical aura emitting from them. Besides his cloak, the Unicorn wore silver armor on his legs which appeared to have many scores and scratches.

“You need not yell. I am right here, Princess.” Replied an ominous voice with a ghostly echo to it.

Author's Note:

A/N: So there we are, Chapter 2 done with quite the cliffhanger of an ending! I hope everypony likes this chapter because it took quite a while to finish it.

On to another note, there are a couple headcanons that I absolutely loved coming up with in this chapter. One of them being that Flurry and Luster love to do each other’s makeup when they visit. Also things like Flash Sentry still being a high ranking guard and adding real life characters into it (Manes Charles-James Charles). I love adding subtle details from the show and other things will continue to do it for chapters to come.

And one more thing. I plan to add a bunch of Pony OC’s to the story to add some depth and interest. If you have a Ponysona or OC that you would like included, let me know either by review or by pm so I can figure out how to incorporate them. (Also, for the sake of balance, make sure it isn’t an Alicorn OC)

For future chapters I plan to introduce a bit more conflict and even some nice action sequences to spice things up.

As always, if you like this fic and like what I’m trying to do, be sure to favorite follow and review to let me know your thoughts!
