• Published 16th Mar 2021
  • 2,878 Views, 95 Comments

To End a Cycle - Obsedian_Flame

A dramatic tale of two polar opposite rulers that must learn to coexist.

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Chapter 7: Up to No Good

Chapter 7

Up to No Good

The Crystal Garden was always a calming place in the Empire. With fresh and savory air, an abundance of exotic wildlife, and wonderfully maintained plants, it was a perfect spot for one to find peace or to refresh themselves. However, as nice as the gardens were, they were currently sullied by a corrupted presence. Lord Sombra had decided to have a look at these gardens himself after having returned from his dual with Princess Flurry Heart.

As the Umbrum trudged through the lush garden, he remarked on all the different species of plants. Perennials, annuals, and perfectly trimmed shrubs from all over Equestria made up the vast majority of the collection. There were of course a number of scattered trees and bushes throughout the premise as well, each of which like the shrubs were very well looked after.

Nice as it was, however, Lord Sombra did not find himself feeling as at peace as most would. While walking along the paths he came he caught sight of a unique statue built out of different translucent crystals. The plaque below read, “In honor of the late Princess Amore. The first beloved ruler of the Crystal Empire and guardian of the Crystal Heart.”

Sombra looked up to the statue which depicted his former ruler and rival. He growled at the memory of the late Unicorn Princess. She had known all along of his lineage and his kind. She’d watched passively by as the Crystal Heart had harmed him each Crystal Fair and had done nothing. To him she was no Princess, no ruler, not even worthy of being considered a guardian. To him she was nothing more than a coward and a liar. A disgrace to their title.

Just the thought of the fallen Princess caused his dark magic aura to spike. He felt like shattering the statue as he had to her a millennia ago. Before acting rashly, however, the Umbrum toned down his anger. He knew that lashing out would do little good. After calming himself to a degree, he decided to move on and see to an important matter.

After traveling through the streets of the Empire for a few minutes, Sombra was beginning to feel fed up with the stares and attention he was getting. Some Crystal Ponies would watch him pass by while many others would cower away or lock their houses in fear of the Umbrum. Although he normally fed off the fear of other creatures, Sombra wasn’t interested in the attention right now, much less attention from those he considered beneath him.

Regardless, after a quick journey he had arrived. Above the door to the building was a sign that read, “Amethyst’s Trinkets and Troves”.

As he was about to enter the shop, Sombra noticed the door open only for a familiar Pony to walk out. The white coated Alicorn raised a brow as she looked up to him, “Lord Sombra? What are you doing here?”

Although she was surprised to see him here, Sombra was less so. He knew that she was not here by coincidence and also knew what she was likely doing here, “It is not a matter of grave concern to you, Princess. I assume you were here to question Mistress Trinket?”

Flurry looked unconvinced with his response, and instead of answering him, she asked a question of her own, “Who is Omni?”

The Alicorn’s stance was firm and commanding as she stood just in front of the door blocking him from entering. Sombra raised a brow, “Omni? I have never heard of that name before.”

Although Sombra looked genuine, Flurry was still doubted him, “Really? None of the Crystal Ponies that came to you told you anything about this ‘Omni’?” She asked with a stern expression.

This question only agitated Sombra who was now growing impatient, “Those Crystal Ponies did not merely seek me out, Princess. I found and salvaged them from the cold unforgiving arctic. Furthermore, no. I have never heard the name Omni ushered until now.”

Although she wanted to press him further, Flurry could tell that the Umbrum was tensing up. Even though he seemed taut about the subject, she had a feeling that he was telling the truth. She sighed before responding, “Okay. I spoke to most of the returned Crystal Ponies and they all stated that you weren’t responsible for their leaving.”

Sombra’s expression did not change, “So you have accepted the truth then?”

She reluctantly nodded and looked away, “Yes. I’m sorry for having doubted you before.”

Sombra smirked at this. He could tell the Alicorn did not want to submit and felt ashamed to admit defeat to him. It reminded him of their dual earlier that day. “Apology accepted, Princess Flurry Heart.” He stated while staring directly at her with a taunting grin.

Flurry huffed in frustration but composed herself before adding, “You’re sure you’ve never heard of anypony by the name of Omni?”

He shook his head, “Never. Why do you ask?”

Flurry hesitated on whether or not to tell him but ultimately decided not to divulge the information that the Crystal Ponies had given her. “It is not a matter of great concern to you, Lord Sombra.” She stated in a mocking manner, using his own words from earlier.

He raised a brow once more but shrugged, “Very well.” And with that he walked past her and entered the shop.

Flurry looked back and sighed. Unfortunate as it was, she had not learned anything more of interest after talking to five other Ponies. She’d ultimately decided to forgo paying visits to any other Ponies as they’d likely have the same if not a similar story as the ones prior. Still, she could tell that there was a lot more that they were not letting on. She thought it best to pay a visit to her auntie Twilight who was most likely to know something about this mysterious fallen ruler.

As he entered the store, a small bell rang overhead. Only a second after the bell rung, an uninterested monotone voice called out, “Shop’s closed for today! I’m not taking any orders-”

“Now now Mistress Trinket, I’m sure you can make an exception today.” Sombra interrupted as he approached.

The magenta colored Earth Pony immediately looked up and gasped, “L-Lord Sombra! I didn’t expect to ever see you here!” She remarked anxiously.

The Umbrum nodded, “Yes it is all quite irregular I understand. However, I am in need of your services.”

The Mare immediately straightened her posture as she got up from her chair and made her way to the dark coated Unicorn. “My services?” She asked.

He nodded once more, “Indeed. Tell me, what do you make of this?” The Umbrum then used his magic to levitate a small leather bag in front of the magenta coated Mare. The bag itself was not that interesting on its own, however, when Sombra removed the small object that was in the bag, the magenta coated Mare was taken back.

“A black Opal!? These are extremely rare! There’s said to be only five shards of these throughout Equestria!” Miss Trinket stated in shock as she examined the gemstone.

“Precisely. Now as I’m sure you are aware, I am getting married to the Princess in three weeks time. And I must present her with a suitable ring. I figured with your skill set that you would be able to fashion me said ring.” Sombra stated as he placed the rough gemstone on the shop’s table.

The Mare examined the stone very carefully. It was currently unrefined and was no larger than a clementine, however, she could tell that behind the jagged edges and rough surface was one of the most exquisite and sought after stones in Equestria. The stone consisted primarily of dark colors, namely black and navy blue, but also contained tiny specs of green, red, and yellow which resembled what Princess Luna would call a ‘Nebula’.

“I will get to work on it right away, Lord Sombra.” The Mare stated as she took the gemstone.

Sombra smirked in satisfaction before adding, “And don’t worry about payment Miss Trinket, I will ensure that you are sufficiently reimbursed.”

“Actually, this one is on the house. It’s the least I can do to repay you for saving me, my Lord.” She stated while bowing in respect.

This gesture was a surprise to Sombra, but a welcomed one. Regardless he figured he’d leave the mare to her work and attend to some other business of his. “You have my gratitude, Mistress Trinket. I look forward to seeing your work completed.” He stated before departing.

An entire day had passed, and Celestia’s glowing sun was beginning to set across the horizon. Sombra had since retired back to the Castle after having seen to a few matters outside of the Crystal Empire. Although he was used to keeping himself busy each day, today had been exhausting for the Tyrant Unicorn. He was not used to dealing with Equestrian Ponies. He saw them as beneath him and not worth his time. But for all his power and might, there were some things that not even he could accomplish on his own. As few as those things were he still hated to ask for assistance from anypony.

While beginning to relax on one of the sofas of his large room, he was greeted by a voice from behind him. ~“Enjoying yourself, my son?”~

He sighed, “I have had better days. Now what do you want Madam Umbara.”

The apparition floated in front of Sombra and glanced down at him, ~“I see you are fitting in to your new life rather well. But have you forgotten your purpose?”~ The Image stated tersely.

He shook his head without hesitation, “No. I have not. And I do not need you reminding me of it like a broken parrot.” He stated with agitation.

A smile found its way to Madam Umbara’s face, ~“Or perhaps…”~ She trailed.

Sombra resigned himself from his sofa and looked outside his window to see Luna’s moon rising overhead along with a dark star filled night sky. “Perhaps what?” He asked irately.

~“Perhaps you are procrastinating because you feel pressured. Or is it… Something else?”~ The female Umbrum trailed once more while alluding to something more personal.

Sombra growled and turned to face his ‘mother’ with anger and hostility, “I am NOT procrastinating. I just know better than to ruin my only chance at freeing our kind by being rash and foolish. It is too early to enact my plan. They would no doubt suspect me of it.”

Although his point was backed by logic and reasoning, Madam Umbara was not done with him yet. ~“I wouldn’t be so sure, my son.”~

“You dare question me!?” He fired back immediately.

The floating apparition did not shy away from Sombra’s threat, however, and simply stared at her son unamused. ~“Careful, King Sombra. You may be our the King of our kind, but you must still prove yourself.~

He scoffed with a huff as he sat back down on the sofa, “I mustn’t do anything unless I desire it. Now leave me. I would like to rest.”

Umbara clearly did not like this comment, however, and turned to face him directly. ~“You will free our kind, King Sombra. And you will do so with expediency.”~

He raised a brow with a sneer, “Or what?”

There was a pause as Madam Umbara stared him down intently. ~“Or… I will destroy her.”~ She stated without emotion as a ghostly echo trailed her voice.

Sombra remained still for a moment with his jaw hanging slightly open. He was trying to hide whatever emotion he was feeling currently. It was an emotion he’d hardly ever felt. One he hadn’t felt since… Since Hope.

After regaining his resolve, however, the Umbrum rose from the chair and stood only inches from the image of his ‘mother’. “Get out. Now.” He ordered with his teeth and fangs bared as his dark magic aura began to climax.

Madam Umbara merely glared at her son who clearly was attempting to counter threaten her. Without any remorse, she continued, ~“Fulfill your duty to your kind and then perhaps I will be merciful to that tramp of an Alicorn.”~

With this, the female Umbrum vanished into a cloud of smoke which quickly evaporated like steam from a kettle. Sombra looked around the room before beginning to calm himself. It seemed that every confrontation he had with his so called ‘mother’ would agitate and vex him. She seemed to be constantly watching over him and invading his privacy like it was her job. He did not appreciate this. Nor did he appreciate her subtle threats and jabs towards him. She had a cruel way of motivating him, more cruel than even he. He supposed it was where he’d gotten his own vile demeanor.

As he settled down he thought about the threat that Madam Umbara had made towards him. But more about why he had reacted the way he did than the threat itself. He could not understand what had prompted him to be so defensive after it. He had only ever feared losing one thing in life and that thing had been lost a very long time ago. But now he felt that same feeling again. Was it a sign? Or was it simply an overreaction on his part.

‘No. I do not feel that way about her. What we’re doing is purely political.’ He thought as he dismissed the idea.

He still felt it was too soon to enact his plan to free his Umbrum kin that were buried bellow the Empire. But as much as he hated to admit it, he was unlikely to get an opportunity in the near future with his wedding to Princess Flurry Heart being such a large burden. After a moment to contemplate his next steps, Sombra decided it best to wait until the darkest hour of night.

To avoid making noise, the Umbrum resigned himself to his shadow form and flowed across the halls like a phantom. The halls although lit, were dim and empty. It was strange to see the corridors of the Castle so barren and unguarded, Sombra was extra cautious all the same. After passing many hallways, Sombra was greeted by the sound of hoofsteps nearby. From the sounds he identified them as hoofsteps of several Crystal Guards. He was not afraid in the slightest of two insignificant Ponies, however, he could not risk being seen less he cause an alarm.

As the sounds became closer, Sombra looked around the hallway for possible places to hide. The steps only grew closer with every passing second. At this point he could now hear the faint voices of the two Ponies talking to one another. This hardly mattered, however, and after scoping out the room for a few seconds he had found a suitable place to conceal himself.

After turning the corner, the two guards could now be heard loud and clear. “I still can’t believe Lance was our Princess! It’s just… It’s crazy!” Stated a yellow coated Pegasus Stallion.

“What’s more crazy is that she’s an amazing athlete and duelist! Did you see her out there? Her skills rival even the captain!” Stated the other, a white coated Pegasus with a caramel colored mane.

“Heh… Still, it was funny seeing her have to kiss Lord Sombra. I don’t like that evil creature at all but I had to admit he really riled her up out there.” The yellow coated guard spoke once more.

“Shhh! They’ll hear you Flash!” The other whispered while hiting his partner on the head as a reminder.

“Ow! Why’d you do that!?” The yellow coated Pegasus complained while rubbing the spot where he’d been struck.

“Because you’re talking louder than Lord Tirek right now while everypony is asleep! Now quiet down before we get in trouble again!” The other explained in a hushed tone.

The yellow Pegasus sighed in defeat, “Fine.”

As the two walked down the hallway, Sombra stayed very still. He was getting fed up with the noise these two guards were making and hoped that they’d pass quickly without noticing him.

“You know, I don’t see what you find funny about that monster. He nearly killed our Princess multiple times during their dual. And between you and me, I don’t trust him at all. Even the Emperor sees it. He’s trying to betray us.” The white coated guard stated quietly as the two passed by.

Sombra growled lightly at the mention of this, though a bit too loud as he then saw the ears on the guards perk up.

“Did you hear that?” The yellow Pegasus asked while looking around the room.

“Yeah. It sounded like it came from the wall.” The other replied.

The two guards then scanned the wall very carefully. There were multiple murals and windows each containing rich Equestrian history. On the largest window was a depiction of a major event that took place many years ago. It showed six Ponies of different kinds connecting with one another and discharging a powerful magical beam at a large dark entity. This was no doubt a showing of the battle that took place between the Evil Lord Sombra, and the fabled Elements of Harmony some twenty five years prior.

Even so, the guards saw nothing out of the ordinary on the wall or windows. After carefully checking the area, the yellow Pegasus shrugged, “Must have been a Timberwolf outside or something.”

“Flash, we’re 20 stories up and in the Crystal Empire… It was more likely the wind.” The other corrected while tapping the same spot on the other Pegasus’ head.

The yellow coated Stallion sighed while rubbing his head, “Why do you always have to rain on my parade?”

“Because I’m a Pegasus. It’s our job to bring the rain.” The white coated Stallion replied with a smile.

There was a pause for a few seconds before the yellow coated Pegasus began to snicker and subsequently giggle, “Ha ha, nice one Shield. I didn’t know you had it in you to tell a joke.”

The other Pegasus did not seem so carefree, however, “It wasn’t meant as a joke Flash. Now come on. We’ve wasted enough time here. We need to complete our rounds or the captain will make us do extra wing ups tomorrow. Do you want that?”

Flash pouted at this and huffed, “Spoil sport.”

With that, both guards trotted down the hall without looking back. Sombra waited until they were well out of earshot before revealing himself once more. He had successfully exemplified the ‘hiding in plain sight’ notion and had simply disguised his shadow form as his own depiction on the art of the window. Call it narcissism or genius, but whatever the reason it had worked.

As he removed himself from the image on the wall, Sombra continued on his way. It took him no more than a few minutes to arrive at his destination, the Crystal Empire Throne Room. Sombra had been inside this room so many times he’d lost count, although each time reminded him of his past failures. The room was dark and remained very dark with the only light coming from the faint white rays of Luna’s moon overhead. It was even emptier than the hallways he had just passed on his way here. Perfect for what he was about to do.

Looking both ways and sensing no one approaching, Sombra returned to his physical form and turned to face the center of the room before summoning his dark magic. Sparks of dark indigo and green filled the room as he cast a spell which struck the center of the crystal throne and uncovered a secret stairway down to the depths of the castle. After opening the way, Sombra took one last look around before descending down into his lair.

After walking down many flights of stairs he had arrived before a small doorway. Although strangely it seemed to have been tampered with. It was opened instead of closed when last he’d come down here. He growled, “Those elements of harmony must have bypassed the enchantment…”

After entering the room he was greeted to his study which he had built more than a thousand years ago when he ruled the Empire with an iron hoof. As he looked to the wall he saw the many books and grimoires on dark magic that he had stolen from the Crystal Library centuries ago. They each looked to be in their proper spots, as did the miscellaneous items in the room such as his quill, ink, and the lectern and chair at the center. “Where’s my memoir… It was right here last I remember.”

A sneer formed on Sombra’s face as he wondered what unfortunate Pony had taken his journal from its resting place. But after having wasted enough time in the room reminiscing on the past, Sombra discarded the thought and returned his focus to his objective. He then looked at one of the statues of himself in the corner of his room.

“At least there’s one thing those irksome Ponies did not mettle with.” He stated to himself as he used his dark magic to flip the horn on the statue down. After this action, the room began to shake and in an instant, the bookshelf that had previously filled in a wall had sunken into the floor of the room revealing a secret passage through a very dark catacomb.

As Sombra navigated through the cave, he could see the effects of leaving this place unattended for a millennia. For the corners of the cave were filled with cobwebs and other signs of neglect. Although he was known for being a tyrant, Sombra still appreciated a certain level of cleanliness and used an incineration spell to melt all the abandoned spider webs throughout the cave.

After walking through the narrow passage for a few minutes he had arrived at a dead end. This time, however, there were no hidden devices nor tricks to open the way forward. This cave, like many things throughout the Castle and the Empire had been carved using the enslaved Crystal Ponies during his occupation of the lands. But when the Dark Lord had realized his doom quickly approaching, he diverted all his slaves to the war. The tunnel had been abandoned entirely before his defeat and thus his goal hadn’t been achieved.

“No matter.” He said to himself as he once again summoned his magic.

“A curse of decay will do nicely…” He finished as he blasted the wall before him with his hideous and vile energy.

Within a second he could see the wall in front of him begin to slowly disintegrate and expand the tunnel further. It was slow but would eventually reveal what was beyond the dense stone facade.

After casting the curse, Sombra grinned. “It won’t be long now, my subjects.”

Author's Note:

Well there's chapter 7 everypony! I'm finally starting to get back into my groove with these updates. I hope you guys like the more frequent chapters. In any case we have Sombra making some preparations for the big day while also committing some devious schemes while everypony else has their backs turned! I hope you guys are excited for the next chapter as it's going to include a few familiar faces and places! Stay tuned for it next week!

Also, for those of you that favorited, liked, or commented on the story, thank you ever so much! Your support keeps me updating this thing and I can't find the motivation without you guys. Remember to review each chapter and let me know your thoughts and feelings about it or what you'd like to see in the future! For all new viewers, makes sure to follow the story to get future updates!

Before I sign off for the chapter, I'd just like to say humbly, "THANK YOU ALL FOR 1000 VIEWS!"
