• Published 16th Mar 2021
  • 2,878 Views, 95 Comments

To End a Cycle - Obsedian_Flame

A dramatic tale of two polar opposite rulers that must learn to coexist.

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Chapter 8: Elements of the Past Pt 2

Author's Note:

Okay, so before this chapter starts, just let me say that it's very very long. I tried to keep things as short as possible but with the amount of things covered it was a bit tough. In any case I hope you guys enjoy this one!

I had a total blast writing it and throwing back to the show. All the characters are in line with their endings in MLP FIM Season 9 and I tried to keep things as consistent as possible. Remember if you liked the chapter or like what I'm doing with the story to favorite, follow it, and leave a comment to let me know your thoughts on it!

Chapter 8

Elements of the Past

Pt 2

After a short travel, Flurry and Luster had arrived at their destination. A familiar and welcoming town named Ponyville. Flurry had visited Ponyville many times, though mostly for occasions such as the Iron Pony competitions, Wonderbolt events, or family gatherings. Regardless, there was perhaps no place with a better reputation throughout all Equestria. For besides playing host to the Castle of Friendship and the fabled Elements of Harmony, the Ponies of this town were said to be the most generous in all the land.

“Here we are. The Carousel Boutique. It’s been a while since I was last here…” Flurry remarked as she looked up at the cheerful shop before them.

“I’ve never been to the shop before. In fact I don’t think I’ve ever bought or worn a fancy dress for anything.” The pink coated Unicorn stated as the two walked up to the door.

Flurry blinked before glancing at her friend, “Wait, you’ve never worn a dress before? Not even for the Grand Galloping Gala?”

“Nope. I’ve never been to the Gala before. Mom and Dad always wanted me to go but I’d always take the night to study instead. I never understood the appeal of these big social events.” Luster added with a shrug.

Flurry was stumped by this reasoning, although it definitely sounded like something her Unicorn friend would do. Regardless she discarded the thought and proceeded to open the door to the shop with the two Mares entering thereafter.

A small bell rang overhead and was quickly followed by an elegant and inviting voice, “Welcome to the Carousel Boutique, how may I help you-”

Flurry and Luster both looked to their right to see a white coated Unicorn Mare with a dyed purple mane and a silver streak through the middle. The mare’s mane was curled and styled beautifully as was her tail. Her eyebrows detailed along with her lashes. Her cutie mark depicted a series of three light blue colored diamonds.

“My goodness! Princess Flurry Heart! Forgive my candor. What may I do for you?” The Unicorn exclaimed.

Flurry smiled before replying, “It’s no problem Miss Rarity. My friend Luster and I came to your shop today as I want to commission a dress design from you.”

Rarity looked to be processing this development for a good few seconds. The action was beginning to worry Flurry and Luster as they watched the white coated Unicorn who seemed in deep thought. Luster was about to speak before Rarity’s eyes lit up, “You… Want me… To make you a dress?”

Flurry was confused as she had just explained her reasoning, “Yes?” She trailed hesitantly.

“Splendid! Then let’s get to work on it right away darling! If you’ll follow me I’ll get your measurements.” Rarity stated.

Flurry nodded and went to follow before noticing that her friend was still behind at the door. “Dawn? Aren’t you going to come too?”

“It’s okay Flur, you go ahead-”

“Oh nonsense! You’re coming as well Miss Dawn. I need to get your measurements too.” The white coated Unicorn interjected. Flurry and Luster each shared confused expressions.

“My measurements too? But Miss Rarity-”

“Come! We’re making you a dress as well!” The eccentric Unicorn interrupted while leading the both of them up to one of her tables.

After taking out a measuring tape and a notepad, Rarity began taking down measurements for Flurry’s body. It would have been a fairly awkward experience for the young royal if she did not already know the element of generosity personally. “So darling, what exactly is the occasion for which you need my fabulous work?” Rarity stated while complementing herself.

Flurry was hesitant to answer the Unicorn’s question, “A wedding.” She answered simply.

Rarity’s face sparked with interest, “A wedding? I love weddings! Who’s the lucky mare or stallion?”

The Alicorn was once again hesitant to reply, “Me actually. I’m getting married in three weeks…”

Rarity immediately stopped in her tracks as she stared up at Flurry Heart. Her mouth hung open slightly as she processed this development. “You’re… You’re getting married?”

“Yep! She’s getting married to Lord Sombra. Don’t know why she wants to marry him though.” Luster Dawn stated on her friend’s behalf.

"Dawn!” Flurry ranted while glancing over to her Unicorn friend.

“This is amazing! No… IT’S MARVELOUS! The Princess of the Crystal Empire wearing one of my esteemed dresses on her most special day! We must make your dress simply unfathomable! Pristine! GRAND!!!” Rarity exclaimed proudly while raising a hoof in the air as if she were speaking to the stars.

Flurry and Luster looked at each other, not sure whether to cut the white Unicorn off from her self aggrandizing monologue. Before either of them opened their mouths, Rarity continued, “Wait a second… Did I mishear you or did you say you were engaged to be married to Lord Sombra?”

Flurry nodded and answered, “Yes. Lord Sombra is my fiance.”

Rarity’s eyes went wide, “Oh… That would explain some things…”

Flurry expected the Unicorn to be far more shocked than this. Most Ponies she’d told about her engagement had nearly fallen over hearing it. However, Rarity seemed as though she’d already been informed.

“Well, let’s not waste another moment shall we?” Rarity chimed while picking up her tape measure once again and taking the last of Flurry Heart’s measurements.

After writing down all the values, Rarity pointed over to one of her collections, “Come with me darling, we’ll see which style is best suited for you!”

Flurry looked at the collection. There were nearly 15 dresses displayed on mannequins. Rarity pointed to the first, “This is the trending ‘Ball Gown’ dress style. A Manehattan and Canterlot classic with a lovely tapered waist and a large skirt! Although, I’m not sure it’d be best suited to you darling. No, too much unnecessary space and far too much drape!”

Rarity then moved on to the second, “Next, the Trumpet style! It’s the latest style in Canterlot. So form fitting! So exquisite! It is among my sister’s favorite styles.”

Flurry wanted to stop the white Unicorn and slow her down, but Rarity was far to focused and engrossed in her own speech. As Rarity continued, Flurry found herself interested in one of the later designs in the collection. The white Unicorn noticed this immediately, “Oh yes! How could I not see it! The A-Line style! You were simply made to wear it darling! It is after all a Crystal Empire design!”

Flurry giggled, “May I try it on Mrs Rarity? Perhaps then I can make up my mind.”

“Oh of course dear! Do try it on!” Rarity replied with joy.

After a few minutes of fitting into the tight outfit, Flurry looked down to the two Unicorns, “Well? How do I look?”

“You look marvelous Darling! Yes! This is the perfect style! The waist, the drape, the fit! All perfect! I simply must get started!” Rarity enthusiastically exclaimed.

Flurry smiled at the response but noticed her friend being very silent. As she looked over at Luster, she could see that the pink coated Unicorn’s jaw was hanging open as she stared in shock. “Dawn? You alright?”

Her friend was trying desperately to hide the blush on her face as she stared. “Sorry… It’s just the dress. It looks really good on you Flur.” She answered modestly to avoid sounding awkward.

Flurry giggled as she could see her friend’s embarrassment on full display but decided to leave it as it was. “Thanks Dawn. This design looks great Miss Rarity! I would absolutely love to wear it during my wedding!”

Rarity nodded with pride, “Then it’s settled! I shall get to work on it right away! But first we need to sort out your dress Miss Luster! After all we can’t have a Maid of Honor without an equally excellent dress!”

Both Flurry and Luster paused upon hearing this as they looked at one another. “M-Maid of Honor?” Luster asked hesitantly.

“Why yes! You are the Princess’ Maid of Honor aren’t you darling?” Rarity a prodded.

After a moment of thought, the pink coated Unicorn nodded as she glanced over to her royal friend, “I guess I am. That is if Flur is alright with it.”

“I would love that Dawn. Besides, you’re already an expert wedding planner right?” Flurry replied with a knowing smile.

This prompted a laugh from all three. “You bet Flur.”

“So tell me Princess. How exactly did you decide to marry Lord Sombra?” Rarity asked while multi-tasking as she measured Luster Dawn’s proportions for her own dress.

“It’s just Flurry Heart Miss Rarity. About my engagement, you could say it’s more of a political alliance than anything else. I’m doing this to protect the Crystal Ponies.” Flurry answered diplomatically.

While listening to the Princess, Rarity remained focused on her work. “I see. How very noble of you dear. Just like your lovely mother as well.”

Flurry smiled at the complement, but now had a question of her own, “Miss Rarity, can I ask you something? When Dawn explained that I was getting married to Lord Sombra you didn’t even seem surprised. Almost everypony else that I’ve told has been totally stunned by the news.”

Rarity looked away sheepishly, “Well darling, it’s a long story, but just yesterday Lord Sombra came to my shop to commission me for a Stallion tailored suit. I must admit when he arrived I was simply terrified. I thought it was going to be the end of me! But strangely he behaved very politely. Almost like a gentlecolt from Canterlot or some such. He said that he needed a suit for a big occasion. At first I thought I was living through a strange nightmare, but after gathering the courage to speak to him, I realized he was being honest.”

She then looked back to the Alicorn with a serious expression, “When you arrived and told me about your engagement, I put the pieces together. But now that is past us. We must focus on making your dress the best it can possibly be!”

Flurry smiled but remained in thought. It seemed very odd that Sombra would approach Miss Rarity about such a thing. Surely he could find a suitable tailor in the Crystal Empire. Not to mention, the white Unicorn represented one of the elements of harmony whom had been his bane for many years. Regardless, after waiting a few more minutes, Rarity had now finished her work. “That should be all I need. I’ll get to work on both your outfits straight away.”

Luster and Flurry both nodded in respect, “Thank you Miss Rarity, would you like us to pay you now or after you’re finished?”

The white coated Unicorn shook her head, “Nonsense my dear, my payment is having everypony seeing you wear one of my fine dresses! The brand recognition, the awareness, the publicity!”

Flurry snickered, “Okay then Miss Rarity, thank you so much for your help. We both greatly appreciate it.”

Rarity nodded, “One last thing Darling. If you return to Canterlot anytime soon, please say hi to Spikey Wikey for me. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen that gent of a Dragon.”

Luster and Flurry giggled, “Of course Miss Rarity, take care.”

And with that, both friends exited the shop and went on their way.

“So what’s next on the list of things to do, wedding planner Dawn?” Flurry asked.

“We need a really nice cake. You know, one of those big five level round ones?” The Unicorn replied while checking the first item off the list.

“Well I could get the bakers in the Crystal Empire to-”

“But why go to the Crystal Empire when we could go to Sugarcube Corner? It’s just a few blocks away.” Luster interrupted.

Before she could rebuttal, Flurry was led by her friend to the tall candy colored building. Flurry looked over to her friend, “You’ve been here before?”

Luster nodded, “Once or twice. Spike and I visited during the friendship retreat a year ago. The cupcakes here were just amazing!”

Flurry smiled and shook her head, “Alright then Dawn, lead the way.”

With that, both Ponies entered the bakery. After walking through the door, the two Ponies were greeted by a very appetizing aroma. The smell of freshly baked dough and delectable sweets was undeniable and as Flurry and Luster looked around, they could see a wide assortment of cupcakes, tarts, cookies, and other delicious pastries.

Ahead was a counter where there normally would be a cashier or attendant, but was currently empty. “Hello?” Flurry called while looking around.

After hearing no response, she was about to call once more before they each heard a loud crashing noise upstairs. Within a second, they heard a voice call out from above, “Lil Cheese! You bring that back this instant!”

Not a moment later, the two friends heard a quick series of hoofsteps as a young earth pony foal ran down the stairs with a spatula in his mouth. His mane and tail were a bright pink color and were absolutely disheveled. As they watched the foal run by, they noticed another Pony swiftly run down the stairs and follow him. This Earth Pony mare looked like the Pony embodiment of cotton candy or a puffy cloud. Her mane, tail, and coat were all pink, and her hair was just as unkempt as the foal she was chasing.

“Lil Cheese!? Oh where did that rascal go…” The Mare spoke as she looked around the room.

After looking up, the Mare noticed the two customers, but more importantly, she noticed exactly who they both were. With an exaggerated gasp, the Earth Pony’s eyes lit up, “Baby Flurry Heart! And Luster Dawn! Are you two here for some of our amazingly flavorful fruitcakes!? Or do you want to try some of the Caramel Coated Cupcakes!? They’re all so good! Oh! I bet you’re here for some of our incredibly iconic icicle canes!?”

Flurry and Luster each looked at one another and began laughing, “No thank you Mrs Pinkie Pie. Luster and I are actually here for something else.”

“Oh! Okey dokey lokey! What could it be!? Are you both in need of a super duper party planning pony!? Because if so I’m totally your go to choice!” Pinkie Pie commented with a proud smile as she jumped up and down as if riding a Pogo stick.

Flurry shook her head, “Not quite Mrs Pinkie Pie. You see we actually came here to commission a wedding cake from you.”

Upon hearing this news, the Pink pony’s eyes somehow widened even more than they already were, “Did you say w-w-wedding?…”

There was a pause for a moment and before Flurry and Lust could reply, the Pink Pony’s disheveled hair burst with a series of streamers and confetti that came from seemingly nowhere. “I. LOVE. WEDDINGS! This is so great! Who’s the special mare!? Who’s the special Stallion!? Or is it two mares or two stallions!? Either way I’m so excited! When is it!? Where is it!? Who’s going!? Can I come too!?”

The pink coated earth pony continued to ramble on and on as Luster Dawn and Flurry Heart looked at one another each exchanging a shrug. “Should we stop her?” Luster asked as they tuned out the pink pony’s excitement.

Flurry nodded, “Umm Mrs Pinkie Pie? This isn’t somepony else’s wedding. It’s mine.”

Pinkie’s rave ended abruptly upon hearing this. “You’re getting married!?!?” There was yet another brief pause as it seemed that the pink Mare’s head was about to burst.

“This. Is. AMAZING!!! Baby Flurry Heart is getting married! We need to celebrate! Who’s the special Pony!? When is the big day!? Are there going to be balloons!? What about streamers!? Oh! I’m going to have to add a few new pages to your wholesome heartfelt scrapbook!” Pinkie Pie asked as she jumped with joy like a foal on Hearths Warming day.

Flurry Heart sighed before speaking in a more serious manner, “I’m getting married in three weeks to Lord Sombra, Mrs Pie. Dawn and I came here to ask if you’d be willing to bake the wedding cake for the ceremony.”

The Earth Pony yet again gasped, but this time not out of happiness, but of shock. “S-Sombra!? What!”

Flurry nodded, “Yes. He is my fiance. But it’s not what you think.”

“That’s totally cray-cray! Why would you ever marry an evil wicked warlock like Sombra!? He’s a baddie!” Pinkie Pie stated while now dramatically biting the ends of her front hooves as if it were a nervous habit.

Luster Dawn couldn’t help but let out a snicker as she covered her mouth. Flurry, however, did not look to be as amused as her friend. “It’s a long story Mrs Pie. I’m marrying him only to protect the Crystal Ponies and the rest of Equestria. If we’re both the rulers of the Crystal Empire there’s a chance I can keep him in line. Either way, I didn’t come here to discuss that. Would you be able to help us?” She asked politely.

Although the pink Mare seemed apprehensive, seeing the look on Flurry’s prompted her to regain her courage and hold her head high, “Okey dokey lokey, and besides how could I ever say no to Baby Flurry Heart!? We’re going to make your wedding cake the bestest, most tastiest, most awesome cake ever! Lil Cheesy! Bring that spatula back! We need to get started on the greatest wedding cake yet!”

Flurry and Luster both looked at one another with content smiles before going over to the counter.

“Whew… That was more exhausting than I thought it’d be…” Flurry let out with a sigh as her and Luster walked through the village.

The pink Unicorn giggled, “Come on Flur, it wasn’t that bad. Also, I never knew Mrs Pinkie Pie was your foalsitter. That must have been fun.”

Flurry nodded, “It was. Pinkie is one of the kindest Ponies I know. Also one of the craziest. There was a time when I was three years old when she brought a cloud to me that somehow rained chocolate… I have no idea how she does half the things she does…”

“Did someone say chocolate rain?”

Flurry and Luster were both taken back as they heard a voice above them. As they looked up they noticed a long and strange looking creature sitting on a puffy brown cloud. The creature had bits of different mythological animals scattered throughout its body. The antler of a Deer, the head and neck of a Mule, a single fang and paw from a Lion, the body and talon of a Griffon, the foot of a Lizard, the hoof of a Minotaur, the wings of a Bat and a Pegasus, and lastly the tail of a Dragon. His eyes were a deep yellow color with red irises.

As the Draconequus lay on top the brown cloud, he stared down at the two ponies before him. Within seconds, the small cloud began to rain a sweet chocolate substance. Flurry and Luster got out of the way to keep their coats clean before glancing back up to the creature. “Discord? What are you doing here?” Luster Dawn asked on behalf of the two.

“Me? Well I was simply enjoying the lovely view of Fluttershy’s cottage when I heard someone call my name!” Discord replied while he magically removed his left horn and began polishing it with a rag that popped out of thin air in front of him.

Both Ponies raised a brow, “Neither of us called your name Discord-” Flurry began before being interrupted.

“So, what does Princess Flurry Heart and her wedding planner Luster Dawn need with the Lord of Chaos?” The creature asked while snapping his talon and making the brown cloud disappear.

“How did you-” Luster blurted before the Draconequus cut her off again.

“Please. I have eyes and ears everywhere dearest.” Discord stated while pointing all around the two Ponies before him.

Flurry and Luster looked around to see all sorts of objects such as stones, bushes, and fences magically transformed into identical copies of the Draconequus’ eyes and ears. Normally the sight of this would scare even the bravest Ponies, however, with Discord being concerned this was nothing more than a regular occurrence.

Flurry shook her head as she placed a hoof on her face, “Thanks for the offer Discord, but we don’t need your help right now.”

Now it was the Draconequus’ turn to raise a brow. Within a second, he snapped his talon and in front of him appeared a familiar note pad. He grabbed the pad with his paw and magically summoned a pair of reading glasses along with a quill with no ink. “Hmm, let’s see here… Dress, cake, decorations, flowers, bla bla bla bla bla…”

“Hey! That’s my note pad!” Luster Dawn complained as she attempted to jump up and take back her stolen possession.

“Oh goodness! No this won’t do! You two forgot the most important thing of all!” The Draconequus remarked as his glasses and quill vanished.

“Forgot? What do you mean Discord?” Flurry asked patiently.

A small puppet show box then appeared before Flurry and Luster. As the two red curtains opened, a scene of a formal gathering appeared behind the box. There were a group of Pony-looking marionettes that were wearing dresses and formal outfits. “You forgot the most important thing at a wedding. The guests!” Discord answered while controlling the many puppets using his hands, wings and even his feet. While floating above the box.

Flurry looked to Luster, “But I thought that was on the list?”

“It WAS on the list…” Luster replied while rolling her eyes before the Draconequus appeared directly between both Ponies.

“Well, as long as we’re in the business of inviting guests to your wedding, I know the first place we should go!” Discord stated with a wide positive smile.

Within a second, the creature snapped his talon. Flurry opened her eyes to see herself, Luster Dawn and Discord all standing before a secluded tranquil home. The house appeared to be covered with lush green moss on all the roofs and around it was an abundance of healthy and happy wildlife. From small birds, to rabbits, to other rodents, it was a very calming atmosphere.

“Well, here we are.” Discord stated with while snapping his talons and summoning a red carpet that led to the doorstep of the structure.

Flurry had been to this house once before and knew exactly who’s abode it was. She smiled and shook her head at the Draconequus’ antics, “Mrs Fluttershy’s cottage? You know we were always going to invite her right?”

“Oh… Uh yes, of course I knew that. Now hurry and knock on the door, but do it gently.” Discord stated while plucking a feather out of his Pegasus wing and waving it like a fan.

Without wasting another moment, Flurry turned and knocked on the door lightly. After a few seconds of waiting, the door was slowly opened and out peeked the head of a timid Pegasus Mare. Her coat was a banana yellow color and her pink mane was tied back with a hair tie. “Yes?” She asked in a very hushed tone.

“Hello Miss Fluttershy, I came to ask you something. Would you mind if we talk for a bit?” Flurry asked also in a quiet tone.

“Princess Flurry Heart, and Luster Dawn! It’s good to see you two! Come right in! We were just having a spot of tea and some biscuits.” The Pegasus answered in a kind and soft manner.

Both Ponies nodded before graciously entering the Pegasus’ humble house. Before she closed the door, however, Fluttershy noticed a lone figure floating above her front stoop. “Aren’t you going to come in too Discord?” She asked lightly.

“Oh thank you Fluttershy but I couldn’t possibly. I’m far too busy right now.” The Draconequus answered politely while making an angel’s halo appear above his head.

The Pegasus giggled, “Come on in silly. I’m sure they want to talk to you too.”

“If you insist.” He replied while making his halo disappear.

Once everyone was inside the small home, Fluttershy proceeded to pour several cups of tea for her new guests. While filling the final cup, she looked behind, “So, what would you two like to talk about?”

Flurry looked around the room to see an assortment of different wild animals seated around a table each with s cup of tea of their own from a brown bear, to a raccoon, to a red fox, to a barn owl, to a small white furred bunny. “Well Mrs Fluttershy, we came to Ponyville to plan my upcoming wedding and we wanted to invite yourself as well as the rest of the Elements of Harmony.”

“Wedding? You mean?” Fluttershy began before pausing to ponder the thought as she found a seat on one of the chairs.

Flurry nodded without falter.

“Wow, congratulations!” The Pegasus stated quietly with a cheerful smile.

“Thank you Mrs Fluttershy. We just wanted to know if you’d be interested in attending as a guest. Perhaps you could even invite some of your friends as well.” Flurry stated while looking around the room at the calm animals.

Fluttershy placed a hoof on her chin as she thought for a moment. “I suppose I could be there. And besides, it will give me a great chance to catch up with those lovely little creatures at the Crystal Empire again.”

Flurry and Luster smiled at this response before Fluttershy continued, “I forgot to ask, but who exactly are you getting married to Princess?”

Flurry hesitant to answer, and while thinking of what to carefully say, Discord answered the question for her, “Why, she’s getting married to Lord Sombra! It’s a rather strange pairing don’t you think Fluttershy? A non-redeemable villain coupled with a perfect Princess. I wonder what we would call their ship? Maybe Sombry? What about Flurra? I bet the Bronies would love that!” The Draconequus abruptly stated while looking directly at the wall as if someone were watching him from another dimension.

Before Flurry could correct the Lord of Chaos, the timid Pegasus shrieked and hid underneath her chair. She was quickly followed by her critter friends who comforted her by her side. “S-s-s-Sombra?” She asked in a frightened tone.

Luster and Flurry both shook their heads and glared daggers at Discord who merely shrugged and yawned. “Uhh yes, I am Miss Fluttershy. But it’s not as simple as that.”

“Is the Crystal Empire in danger!? Is Equestria in danger!? Are my friends in danger!?” Fluttershy asked while cradling her animals with care.

“No Miss Fluttershy. I’m marrying Lord Sombra to keep him from attacking Equestria again. It’s more of a formality than anything else. He and I will rule the Crystal Empire and that way I can help keep him in line.” Flurry stated factually.

“B-b-but he m-m-might hurt you…” Fluttershy blurted out between stutters.

“That doesn’t matter to me. All that matters is that I protect the Crystal Ponies.” The Alicorn answered nobly.

“Come now Fluttershy, I think you should go to Princess Flurry Heart’s wedding. After all, what’s the worst that could happen? Besides the end of Equestria…” Discord added with sarcasm as he levitated a glass that showed a diorama of a cataclysmic battle of destruction.

“Not helping Discord.” Luster Dawn stated with an unamused expression.

The Draconequus pouted, “Party pooper. Anyway, like I was saying, I believe you should attend the wedding Fluttershy. Do it for Princess Flurry Heart at least.”

The Pegasus looked up from under her arm chair to the young white coated Alicorn. “I guess I could try…” She replied apprehensively.

Flurry breathed a sigh of relief before glancing at the Lord of Chaos, “You’re invited too Discord. I’d like you to be there as well. Maybe you and Miss Fluttershy could come together.”

Without a moment wasted, the Draconequus’ eyes lit up and expanded to the point where they were larger than his skull could fit. “I thought you’d never ask! Did you hear that Fluttershy? We’re going to the wedding together! It’s going to be so much fun I can’t wait!” He stated with glee as he picked up the much smaller Pegasus and twirled her around as if the two were in a figure skating or ballet act.

“Uhh Discord could you please put me down? You’re making me all dizzy!” Fluttershy pointed out as she began to see stars.

He complied immediately and set his friend down. After settling down, Fluttershy glanced over to the two other Ponies, “We’ll be there Princess Flurry Heart. Anything for you.”

Flurry felt very happy hearing this, “Thank you Miss Fluttershy. I’m sorry to cut our visit short, but Dawn and I have a couple other things to attend to before the end of the day.”

The cream colored Pegasus nodded with a knowing smile. And with that they both bid the two adieu and went on their way.

“I’ll never understand how she tolerates that maniac. It’s like he’s one peg away from total insanity!” Luster Dawn ranted as the two trudged down an old country path.

“One Peg away? That sounds awfully generous to me.” Flurry added as the two broke into a fit of laughter.

As their laughter died down, the two came up on the start of what looked to be some form of ranch. This ranch just so happened to be the esteemed Sweet Apple Acres on the outskirts of Ponyville. Past the fences and the gates were a series of agricultural crops and vegetation spanning from corn, beans, and carrots. But the most defining feature was the large orchard of apple trees on the east side of the ranch that had earned the land its name.

Flurry and Luster entered through the open gateway and wandered through the fields in search of a few familiar Ponies. And it wasn’t long before they caught sight of a hard working Earth Pony Mare. The Pony had a lemon colored coat accompanied by a crimson colored loop braided mane and tail. A large ribbon held her mane in place as she worked in the fields harvesting the Apples of a tree using a method known as ‘Apple Bucking’. It was a very physically intensive job, but for a strong and seasoned Earth Pony such as her it was no sweat.

“Apple Bloom!” Luster Dawn called as the two approached.

The Earth Pony looked over and immediately recognized the two Ponies, “Flurry! Dawn! What the hay are y’all doin herre?” The Mare asked with a heavy country accent.

After making their way next to the Earth Pony, the country Mare held up her hoof and hoofbumped the two others. “We’re actually here to speak to Mrs Applejack and Mrs Rainbow Dash. Do you know if they’re on the farm today?” Flurry asked on behalf of the two.

“Ah see. Well, ah know that A Jay is herre today. Rainbuh Dash I dunno abaut. She’s prolly off trainin the Wunderbolts or sumthin. Y’know how she is.” The strong Earth Pony replied with a shrug.

Flurry nodded before slightly changing the conversation, “Thanks Bloom, by the way, how have you and the others been? It’s been a while since either Dawn or I have seen you.”

Apple Bloom raised a brow, “Ah wunder who’s fault that is?”

Luster and Flurry both slumped their shoulders and looked away briefly, “We’re sorry Bloom, things have been a bit hectic in the Empire lately…” Flurry replied.

“Same in Canterlot. And besides, you guys never come to see us either.” Luster Dawn added with a cheeky smirk.

The Earth Pony chuckled, “Fair, although that train ride ain’t cheap. Either way it’s good to see y’all again. Why’d y’all come to talk to A Jay anyways?”

“Actually we came to talk to you as well. I wanted to invite you all to my wedding in three weeks.” Flurry stated seriously.

There was a long pause as the Earth Pony Mare looked at Flurry with a puzzled expression. Without any warning, Apple Bloom broke out into a fit of laughter. Luster and Flurry looked at one another briefly before falling back on the hysterical Mare. “You almost had me therre Flur! Naice one!”

“Umm it wasn’t a joke Bloom. She really is engaged…” Luster replied.

The Earth Pony’s eyes went wide hearing this, “Wait, yer serious?”

Flurry nodded, “Yeah. I know it’s sudden to bring it up but I wanted you and the others to be there on the day. The other crusaders are welcome to come too.”

“Wow… You sure yer not prankin me right now?” Apple Bloom asked while still looking unsure whether this abrupt revelation was simply her friends jesting with her or the Princess really getting married at such a young age.

Flurry and Luster both shook their heads genuinely. “No. I’m not messing with you.”

“Huh? Well then who’s the lucky stallion? It’s a Stallion right?” Apple Bloom asked while trying not to make too many assumptions.

At this Flurry heard her Unicorn friend begin to giggle behind her back. She sighed before replying, “I’m engaged to Lord Sombra…”


“I know you won’t believe me Bloom but it’s true. I’m only doing it to keep the Crystal Empire safe from him. If him and I rule the kingdom I can help keep his ambition in line.” Flurry added while placing a hoof on the Earth Pony’s shoulder.

“Wow…” Was all Apple Bloom could say as she took in the information.

“Do you think you could be there? I know I’m asking a lot of you-”

“Of course ah can Flur! We’re friends after all. And that’s wut friends do fer one another!” Apple Bloom stated with pride as she also placed a hoof on Flurry’s other shoulder.

“You bet!” Stated Luster with a knowing smile.

After letting go of one another, Flurry noticed that the Earth Pony had left quite a decent amount of dust on her previously clean coat. She sighed before the other two laughed, “Believe me Flur, this aint nuthin compared to workin durin the dry season!”

Try as she might, the Alicorn couldn’t help but to laugh along with her friends. After sharing a nice moment with one another Apple Bloom broke the silence, “If yuh wanna ask A Jay about it she’s prolly in the barn settin the hay bales.”

“Thanks Bloom, I look forward to seeing you then! We’ll write to you before the date!” Flurry stated as her and Luster made their way to find the Earth Pony’s older sister.

“I tell you, we could have gotten 20% more apples if you’d just allowed me to steal a couple rain clouds from the weather patrol! It’s not like it would have hurt anypony!” Stated a high pitched energetic voice. The culprit being a fit and toned teal coated Pegasus with a very distinguished rainbow mane styled in a mohawk. The Pegasus adorned a sporty navy blue jacket with a leadership insignia.

“Rainbow, yuh know it wouldn’t have been right. Besides, not every year is a bumper crop. You watch. Next year we’ll get passed 3,000.” Replied a hard rural accented voice. This mare looked like the embodiment of rodeo or bronco style with a cowboy hat and a hoof knit ascot with an apple pattern. On her hip was a rope lasso and a cutie mark that went in line with her agricultural job.

As Flurry and Luster neared the barn, they could hear the ensuing conversation from the outside. “Should we interrupt them?” Luster asked as she looked to her friend.

Flurry shrugged but decided to make her way to the entrance of the barn. “Umm excuse me? Mrs Applejack?” She called.

The two Ponies in the barn turned to look at the voice, “Well I’ll be darned! Howdy Princess Flurry Heart!” The orange coated Earth Pony exclaimed as she bowed while briefly removing her rodeo style wide brimmed hat.

“Look who it is! The Crystal Princess and Luster Dawn! How’s it hangin?” Added the cyan coated Pegasus with the iconic rainbow colored mane and tail.

Flurry smiled, “Hi Mrs Rainbow Dash. How are you both?”

“Fine and dandy Princess. Say, what brings y’all round herre?” Applejack asked while setting down a large hay bale.

“I’ll bet they came here to get a good workout in! After all it is harvest season and there’s lots of work to go around!” Rainbow Dash added while landing on the ground beside her Earth Pony companion.

Flurry chuckled, “Sorry Mrs Dash, but as much as Dawn and I would like to help around the farm, we actually came to invite you two to my wedding in three weeks.”

Suddenly the eyes of the two Mares went wide, “YOUR WEDDING!?” They shouted simultaneously in disbelief.

At this point Flurry was used to the reactions of the others. “Yes. Sorry for bringing it up in such a spontaneous way. I only recently got engaged.”

“Ah see…” Applejack replied speculatively.

At that, Rainbow Dash broke into uncontrolled laughter while rolling on the dusty floor. Flurry merely stared on with an unamused expression. As the teal coated Pegasus began to calm down, she wiped a tear out of her eye with her wing, “Next thing you’re gonna tell us is that you’re marrying King Sombra or something right! This is hilarious!”

Luster and Flurry both looked at one another without speaking. Upon seeing the expressions of the two, Rainbow Dash finally caught on, “Oh…”

“It’s not what you think. I’m doing it more as a political alliance than anything else.” Flurry stated.

There was a long silence between the four Ponies as they all processed what was being said. “You’re serious right? Ah mean ah am the Element of Honesty and all but…” The orange coated Earth Pony started.

Flurry nodded without fail, “I know how crazy it sounds, but I’m telling the truth. I did it only to keep the Crystal Ponies and the rest of Equestria safe. With both of us as rulers of the Crystal Empire I can keep him in line.”

“Wow, all this politics stuff hurts my head. You’re right that this is crazy Flurry, but if you’re doing this to protect Equestria, then you can count us in!” The energetic Pegasus stated with pride.

Applejack looked up to the Pegasus who had once again taken flight, “Right as rain! We’ll be there Princess! If it means keepin that evil son of a rut in check!”

Flurry smiled, “Thank you both. I’ll send you more information about the date soon. And we’ve already asked Apple Bloom as well.”

Applejack nodded kindly but looked concerned, “You sure you’re gonna be okay with this Princess? Y’know we can keep beating Sombra back.”

She shook her head, “Even if we could Mrs Applejack, I’m tired of resorting to violence to solve the problem. This is the only way I can see us gaining lasting peace for whatever its worth.”

“Ah see. Well, you can count on us bein there sport. We wouldn’t miss your big day for the world!” The Earth Pony Mare replied.

“Thank you. Well, Dawn and I have a few other things we need to do before the day is over.” Flurry stated as she and her Unicorn friend made ready to leave.

“Hold on a minute Princess.”

Flurry looked back to see the cyan coated Pegasus hovering nearby. “You’re not leaving without showing me how fast you’ve gotten are you?”

The Alicorn looked unsure how to respond. “Come on Flur! You should agree to it! We still have time. And besides, I’m way too curious to see how this plays out.” Her friend whispered in her ear.

Flurry sighed but gave a small chuckle, “I guess we can do a short race.”

“Aw yeah! Prepare to eat the dust Princess!” The energetic Pegasus stated with excitement.