• Published 16th Mar 2021
  • 2,877 Views, 95 Comments

To End a Cycle - Obsedian_Flame

A dramatic tale of two polar opposite rulers that must learn to coexist.

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Chapter 3: You're a Shadow

Chapter 3

You’re a Shadow

“Princess Flurry Heart is it?” The dark Unicorn asked in his ominous echoing voice while circling her.

She remained silent, not letting his presence intimidate her. He raised a brow at her response, or lack there of, but discarded it and continued, “I’m curious as to what brings a tiny Pony such as yourself here before me.”

He chuckled maliciously for a moment, “Could it be that you have given up hope? Perhaps you came here to join me?”

Flurry, however, was not as amused as the self absorbed tyrant, “I didn’t come her to join you Lord Sombra, I came here to free my subjects and to propose an offer to you.” She stated with conviction.

He stopped circling the Alicorn Princess for a moment, staring straight at her with a wicked grin which exposed his long fangs, “Ah yes. I assume your little elements of harmony friends are busy surrounding me as we speak?” He asked while maintaining his sly grin.

She shook her head, “No. I came alone.”

He raised a brow and looked around. He could not sense anypony else in the vicinity. However, his evil grin soon return as he faced her once again, “How brave of you. I could destroy you where you stand and nopony would ever know your fate.”

As he said this several sharp dark crystals shot up from the ground only inches from her. “Now tell me Princess Flurry Heart, what do you fear?” His magic then flared up once again as he probed into the young Alicorn’s mind.

Sombra was expecting the Alicorn to fear him, or to fear her kingdom falling as most rulers did. However, what he saw was not at all what he expected. It was something more-

“ENOUGH!” She shouted as her own horn lit up bright, illuminating the entire area and sending a wave of magical energy in every direction. The action surprised even Sombra who until this point had underestimated the Alicorn’s powers. The wave was so strong in fact that he had to phase into his shadow form to avoid the magical energy.

After the beam had run its course Flurry settled down and watched as the Unicorn tyrant’s physical form returned. He seemed impressed, it had been a long time since any other pony had been a challenge for him. Of course he was not at full strength yet due to his recent defeat, but this Alicorn’s resolve had earned his respect to a degree.

“Very well Princess, I shall hear what you have to say.” He replied while stopping just a few feet away.

“I have an offer for you.” She stated calmly.

“It must be a fascinating one for which to risk your life. At any moment I could-”

“Enough of your nonsense Lord Sombra. I’ve come to ask you to marry me.”

He stared at her, the dark magical aura from his eyes having gone as he tried to come to terms with what the young royal had just proposed. She looked completely serious. But this surely had to be a petty trick to catch him off guard.

Before she could explain herself, however, the dark Unicorn erupted into uncontrolled laughter for a good moment. “My aren’t you quite the puzzle my dear Princess.” He stated while bringing his hoof up to her cheek with his cold metal armor caressing her fur.

“Don’t touch me.” She ordered.

He raised a brow, “You’re sending me mixed signals here…”

“Do you want me to explain my reasoning or would you rather just assume I find you charming?” She asked.

He scoffed, “My charm aside, explain this madness.”

She paused for a moment and looked directly into his crimson eyes, “I’m doing this for my Ponies and the Crystal Empire. For over a millennia you’ve tried to invade my kingdom and enslave the Cyrstal Ponies. But each time you attempt it we manage to defeat you.”

“And somehow this preposterous marriage is your solution!?” He asked impatiently.

“I’m willing to break the cycle at its weak spot; your ambition.” She stated, taking a step forward in his direction.

“I will satisfy your lust for my kingdom and your craving for power. We would rule the Crystal Empire together. It doesn’t have to be a loving marriage. But perhaps a respectful partnership.” She said as she approached him and placed a hoof on his own.

The tyrant Unicorn looked to be in deep thought for a moment, having not even noticed the Alicorn’s hoof placed on his own. However, he soon looked back up with an irritated expression and snatched his hoof away from hers, “Why should I share the Crystal Empire with you!? Why not just surrender it to me as it rightfully belongs!?”

“You would drive the empire to ruin and bring about your own downfall again. You aren’t wise enough to rule alone!” She answered swiftly and decisively.

As she said this, the self proclaimed King withdrew himself to thought. Thinking about all of his attempts that had led to him ultimately being destroyed and banished back into this barren wasteland. Along with the unbearable pain and humiliation that had accompanied them all.

Flurry noticed the Unicorn’s discomfort with discussing his suffering, so she changed her tone, “Allow us to stop this endless cycle before it starts.” The Alicorn stated before placing a hoof on his once more and drawing closer.

“Marry me.”

His crimson eyes peered down at hers as she drew him in. But before she could do anything further, the Unicorn ignited his magic and waved away her hoof. “Enough of this! You don’t really respect me at all, do you Princess!?” The vile purple aura once again flowed from his eyes as his horn channeled destructive energy.

“You’re only trying to tame me like a monster! Give me one decent reason that I should not destroy you for this insult!” He ordered with rage as his formed began to shift to a more shadow-like presence.

This action would have normally intimidated anypony, however, Flurry stood her ground and remained calm. “Killing me wouldn’t gain you anything and you know that. It would only make me a martyr and make you a bigger enemy in the eyes of Equestria! Are you so arrogant that you’ll just keep falling into this loop over and over again?”

His magic died down slightly at this. “Just give me a reason to respect you. Would you rather be a Monster, or a King?”

The Unicorn sighed and reserved himself, “And what of your precious ‘Crystal Heart’? Even if by some miracle I agreed to your terms, the Crystal Heart would dispel as it is designed to do.” He asked while turning away from her.

“I would see to it that the Crystal Heart does not harm you. But only under the condition that you return my Ponies.” She answered, her tone becoming more serious and stern.

To her puzzlement, however, the Unicorn grinned, “If there’s something you wish to accuse me of, I implore you to say it, Princess.”

She was not amused by his mockery. But took a breath to calm herself down. “So. What’s your answer, Lord Sombra?”

He looked back to her, “A marriage is about much more than just sharing property and status, Princess. It is also about mixing of blood, creation of family, and most importantly…”

Oh please no…’ She thought as the Unicorn carried on.

“Sex.” He stated.

She looked away in embarrassment. She had hoped Sombra would overlook such a fact. The Unicorn, however, noticed her discomfort and laughed aloud, “HAH! You’re cringing just from me speaking the word out loud! It seems you didn’t truly think this through-”

“I know what I offered!” She countered with a small but noticeable blush evident on her cheeks.

“Is that so? Well actions certainly speak louder than words Princess.” He taunted while approaching her.

Okay… I guess there’s no other way…’ She thought to herself as she looked up to the dark Unicorn Stallion. Oddly, the purple magical aura had vanished from his eyes meaning only one thing. This was his true form.

“Now are you finally going to concede and back out of this preposterous-”

Before the arrogant Unicorn could finish his sentence, however, Flurry used her magic to bring his chin in and pressed her lips up against his. The action took Sombra completely by surprise. But also to Flurry’s surprise, the Unicorn did not protest it, instead he leaned into it and actually took control, lifting her up with his great strength almost as if by instinct.

It lasted for a good moment before both parties separated for air. As they breathed, their eyes locked for a moment with both of them contemplating what had just happened. Any hostility either had for one another seemed to have been lost in just seconds as they looked at one another intently.

“I accept your offer!” Sombra stated loudly with force as his magical aura reappeared.

Flurry looked away with an undeniable blush, “A-Yes. Now could you please put me down?” She asked while trying to keep from looking at the Unicorn who stared at her with a confident smirk.

“As you wish.” He stated while setting her down subtly.

She took a deep breath, “Meet me at the Crystal Castle in a weeks time to discuss the terms of our engagement. I will have the protective barrier opened for a brief time to see you in. And return the crystal ponies that you have taken.”

“Yes, yes. Of course.” The Unicorn answered with a smug grin and a chuckle.

‘What is he on about now?’ She wondered while looking back only to see the dark Unicorn removing his regal red cloak and his armor.

“What are you doing!?”

“This is the point where we celebrate our union-”

“What!? No! We’re going to have a respectable wedding before any of… Of that!” She stammered while reddening up.

He chuckled, “If you’re too afraid to-”

Before he could finish, however, she interrupted him by placing a hoof on the Unicorn’s mouth.

“I said, after the wedding.” She clarified.

He grumbled but backed off.

Seeing his annoyance prompted her to loosen up a bit and giggle, “Look at you trying to be manipulative. It’s almost adorable. Meet me in a week.”

And with that she was off, leaving the dark Unicorn behind. As Sombra watched the white coated Alicorn fly away he contemplated what had just happened. An Alicorn Princess of the Crystal Empire, one of his sworn enemies had just proposed to him.

He placed his armor and cloak back on as he rubbed his eyes with a hoof. He couldn’t understand why he had accepted her offer. Nor could he understand what had prompted him to be so docile and… Romantic?

He sighed while his magical aura returned. The Alicorn Princess was now long gone, with the cover of the snow storm returning as it intensified again. As he stared into the storm, he felt another presence manifest itself beside him.

~“You look troubled my son. What ails you after such good news?”~

He looked to his left to see the shadowy figure of a dark female Unicorn. Like him, she also had a distinct curved red horn. Her mane looked very similar to his albeit slightly longer and trailing down as opposed to waving up like his. In her eyes was a purple magical aura above her red irises. But unlike him, her form had no legs nor even a full body. It seemed to be confined to her head and neck only.

“Madam Umbara.” He remarked, sounding vexed while avoiding eye contact with the shadowy female figure.

~“Come now my son, there is no need for such hostility. Especially after such fortunate events. After your wedding with the Crystal Princess, a subtle murder will earn you the Crystal Empire by law.”~

Said the shadowy figure with a ghostly echo.

“IF that’s what I decide to do.” He answered while walking away.

To his dismay, however, the figure followed him.

~“You forget your place Sombra.”~

“On the contrary, I am the King of the Umbrum. I shall do as I please.” He countered in a bitter tone.

~“Yes, indeed you are our King. However, you cannot ignore the truth, that is your destiny.”~

He snorted while igniting his magic, “I understand my calling perfectly, Madam Umbara.”

~“Do you?”~

He looked back for a moment with a raised brow.

~“Do you truly understand your role?”~

“What do you mean?” He asked with an irritated tone.

The Ponies who had previously been cowering in their crystal-like shelters were now gathering around the King as if there was some sort of announcement. Their faces were stoic, like before, but with a small tinge of interest.

~“It seems I must inform you of the full history of our kind. The history of the Umbrum.”~

(For reference, this song was based on the beat and tempo of “Time in a Bottle” By Jim Croce. If you want to sing it yourself, I’d recommend you use that as a sample, although the actual song would be much darker with piano, bass, cello and other instruments besides just an acoustic guitar.)

Song: You’re a Shadow

1st Verse (Madam Umbara)

🎵 The tale of our kind is the tale of those destined

A story so old that alas has become legend

For before there was light

Before the skies were bright

The world was consumed by eternal fright

A world without hope, without care, without love

A world where only the strongest stayed above

But in the darkness came a creature so great and so fierce

A creature so powerful it’s fears it could pierce

Chorus (Crystal Ponies sing along in an echo)

It was a Shadoooooooowwwwwwwwwwww

A creature of terror

A creature so vile, so strong, and so savage

A Shadoooooooowwwwwwwwwwww

A race of pure power!

A race that no other could possibly match!

A Shadoooooooowwwwwwwwwwww

And that my precious son

That is the glorious tale of our kind

A Shadoooooooowwwwwwwwwwww

2nd Verse (King Sombra *Tempo is slightly sped up*)

Why must I listen to this old fabled tale

I know who I am and from where I hail

I am Sombra!

The King! (The Ponies repeat)

The lord of the north!

The one who will rule!

And who will henceforth

Be the King!

The King! (Ponies repeat again)

3rd Verse (Madam Umbrara *Tempo is back to original speed*)

Yes you are a King

And yes you will rule

But you must understand

To be an Umbrum you must be cruel!

You must be cold and conniving!

Dark and despising!

You must crush anypony who stands in your way!

Defeat them with fear, with force and conviction!

Crush them like a hunter who chases their prey!

Chorus 2nd(Crystal Ponies sing along in an echo again)

You’re a Shadoooooooowwwwwwwwwwww

A creature of terror

A creature so vile, so strong, and so savage

A Shadoooooooowwwwwwwwwwww

A race of pure power!

A race that no other could possibly match!

A Shadoooooooowwwwwwwwwwww

And that my precious son

That is your calling

A Shadoooooooowwwwwwwwwwww

4th Verse (King Sombra *Tempo increases again*)

I’ve tried and I’ve failed

To rule as oppressor

Each time I come close

Each time an aggressor

The Princess was right

I am doomed to defeat!

I must change my plans!

Or forever be beat!

5th Verse (Madam Umbara*Tempo is back to normal once more*)

You will not!

You will listen!

There is a plot

One not risen!

A plot to destroy you and seal you away!

Surely you must see it!

That Princess will lead you astray!

She only wishes to stall and outwit!

Chorus 3rd(Crystal Ponies sing along in an echo again)

You’re a Shadoooooooowwwwwwwwwwww

A creature of terror

A creature so vile, so strong, and so savage

A Shadoooooooowwwwwwwwwwww

A race of pure power!

A race that no other could possibly match!

A Shadoooooooowwwwwwwwwwww

And that my precious son

That is your calling

A Shadoooooooowwwwwwwwwwww

6th Verse (King Sombra)

Yes it may be

And yes I might not see

But there’s something about her

Something that has me intrigued

At first I looked past it

But now I must admit

She reminded me of…🎵

(Song ends abruptly)

“She reminded me of Hope.” He said to himself while staring off into the blizzard.

~“You are becoming soft Sombra. You must not allow this deceitful Alicorn to dissuade you from your destiny! You have an unbreakable oath to reawaken our kind that are trapped beneath the Empire.”~

“As the King of our kind I shall do what I deem is necessary without interference.” He countered while trotting away.

~“On the contrary…”~

All of a sudden Sombra felt a splitting pain in his horn. His dark magical aura returned while the figure appeared in front of him.

~“What was given can be taken, my precious son.”~

The pain then ended as quickly as it had started. The Unicorn looked up to see Madam Umbara staring down at him.

~“After your wedding with Princess Flurry Heart you will be crowned King of the Crystal Empire by law. When that happens you will see to it that our kind are released from our imprisonment. You will destroy her, and anypony else who attempts to stop you. Do I make myself clear?”~

He growled like an animal but did not reply.

A snide smile crept over Madam Umbara’s face as she saw her son’s defiance and hatred.

~“An Umbrum’s hatred makes them strong, my son. It is the reason you’ve remained alive all these centuries-”~

“ENOUGH!” The Unicorn commanded as he shot out a beam of destructive dark energy her way.

She easily avoided it but seemed impressed while maintaining her wicked grin.

~“That’s my son.”~

“There are other ways of freeing our kind. I will release them from the catacombs of the Empire, but I will do it alone and under my own terms, and you will not bother me. Now begone.” Sombra stated seriously.

~“As you wish my son. But what shall you do?”~

“I’m off to find a decent ring.” He stated while trotting off for good.

The figure watched as her ‘son’ went onward into the blizzard.

~“Good Luck, King Sombra.”~

“She’s been gone for quite a while. Perhaps I should send a search party out.” Said Shining while he paced back and forth.

“Dear, Flurry told us she’d return before the hour. It’s been forty five minutes. Let’s at least have a little bit of faith in her.” Replied Cadence who took a sip of some tea while sitting nearby.

“But what if she needs our help! She could be in over her head and-”

“Shining. What are Flurry’s greatest strengths?” Cadence interrupted.

He paused for a moment, “She’s smart, strong, brave, determined, and is selfless.”

His wife nodded, “Then you shouldn’t worry. She will return to us.”

Before the white coated stallion could worry further, however, he looked over the balcony to see 3 figures flying up to them. “It’s her! She’s back!” He stated excitedly as he rushed to the edge of the balcony.

Cadence only smiled and shook her head as she followed him to the edge of the platform. Within a few minutes the three figures arrived at the balcony, with the middle one landing first. Nopony said a word for a long moment.

Breaking the silence was Cadence, “Flurry? Is everything alright sweetheart?”

“Don’t keep us in suspense, how did it go?” Shining jumped in.

The young Alicorn Mare looked up to the anxious faces of her parents. Instead of replying, however, she trotted up to them and hugged them both. Her parents were surprised, but nonetheless they hugged her back.

“I found them. I found our Ponies.” Flurry stated in relief as she continued to embrace them.

The news was a great relief to Shining and Cadence as well. “That’s great sweetheart. We’re so proud of you.” Shining replied.

“But what of Sombra?” They both asked in unison while releasing her.

Flurry paused for a moment. It was an agonizing moment of suspense for her parents who eagerly awaited her response. “He will return our Ponies to us. And…” She paused again while looking up with tears in her eyes, “And he accepted my proposal.”

Author's Note:

A/N: Okay, so this chapter was a bit shorter than the others have been so far but that will not be the case for future chapters. A lot of the time that I spent on this chapter was on the song halfway through. Finding a suitable beat and making the lyrics up was much more difficult than I first thought it would be. Overall it turned out alright but since I'm not a musician and don't have the tools to compose songs it definitely could have been better. Perhaps some day when I can afford music making software and learn a bit about composition I might make it into an actual song.

On to other notes, we now have a new character! Madam Umbara was a character I based off of a strip from the mlp comics of Sombra's origin with the crystal speaking to him when he wandered into the cold north. I plan to make a drawing of her in the near future and include her quite a bit more as this story progresses.

As always, if you like this chapter and like what I'm trying to do please consider following it and liking it to stay updated on new posts. Also please leave a review with your thoughts as feedback really helps me with motivation.
