• Published 8th Apr 2021
  • 788 Views, 21 Comments

The Young Nightmare - TimeLordStudios

A filly resembling Nightmare Moon is found in the castle of the two sisters.

  • ...

Chapter 2: The Forest

I stirred at first light. Food and comfort being a top priority for the day. "It was so cold last night, I need to find something to cover up with or I'll freeze to death in no time." I said as I begin to plan out my next move.
"Let's see... I have worked out where I'll be sleeping. But I need to find a shorter path than I took yesterday, and quick way out of the castle... and I need to locate a source of water as well."
The cards were stacked against my survival but I was willing to fight for it.
I left the library and entered the throne room.

"Are you telling me that if I went left instead of right I would of made it to the library from here. Why am I so unlucky." I said as I sighed out loud, I could of gotten a lot more done yesterday if I had known the shortcut. "Well at least I found the library and not stuck in one of the many traps that covers this place. It could have been worse." I say as I notice the tapestry hanging on the wall. "I could use those as a makeshift cover to keep warm at night." I say as I use my recently discovered magic to take them down, and move them into the library.

I am glad that I had found that book about magic in the library. Without that knowledge it would have been close to impossible for me to take them down by myself.

"That is one problem potentially solved. I will not know for sure till night comes. Now to look for food." I say as I exit the castle. Looking around I saw an old swing bridge swinging over an wide chasm. I circled the castle grounds for a sustainable food source, I found a couple berry bushes but not enough to get full on. I sighed as I made my way to the bridge, I was hoping to never have to cross it. But it looks like I am left with no choice.

Steeling my resolve I bravely made the first step onto the bridge. Noting that it seemed stable enough to cross. I crossed it with caution in case of if one of the ropes snaps or one of the boards I am walking on shatters.
After making it to the other side safely, I began searching for a near by food and water source. after a couple minutes of searching close to the bridge I decided that if I want to survive I am going to have to go deeper into the woods to find food.

{Twilight} In Twilight's Castle 3rd person

"Good morning Starlight. How are you recovering from the Nightmare incident?" She asked concerned about her friends current condition.

"Good morning to you too Twilight, I am still sore from trying to take her on by myself but good non the less." She replied. "I know I shouldn't have charged at her alone, but I did so anyway. I bought you some time to gather the bearers at least. But I was out of the fight for the rest of the day." She said to Twilight, her pride still as sore as her body.

"Don't beat yourself up about it. You were going up against Nightmare Moon, who is said to be even stronger that Celestia. Just be glad that she didn't finish you off." Twilight said trying to cheer Starlight up.

"Thanks Twilight, do you have anything planed for today."

"Yes I am about to head into the Everfree. Are you up for visiting The Castle Of The Two Sisters with me, there is something I want to check."

"Yeah I'll go with you give one moment to get ready."

{?????} Everfree Forest 1st person

"I've got to run!" I yelled as three wooden wolves chased after me. I have managed to find a river And some more berries to eat. I was on my way back when I heard growling behind me. My mind flashing back to the howls I had heard last night. The fear of being eaten. With adrenaline coursing though my veins I ran as fast as I could trying to lose them. My muscles screaming at me to stop but I couldn't because stopping meant certain death. In the distance I saw the swing bridge. I ran across it quickly not even bothering to slow down till I was safe. I rushed to the library and slammed my hoof against the secret rotating wall. The wall spun around concealing my presence from my would be attackers. I backed up the other wall and listened for anything that might alert me to potential danger if I where to leave too early.

{Twilight} Everfree Forest 3rd person

"Hhhhooowwwlllll." Timber wolves howled in the distance.

"The timber wolves seem to be active today, so stay on your guard Starlight." Twilight said priming an attack spell just in case.

"I know Twilight, I can hear them too. "Starlight replied priming her own spell. "But what do you think there after? Did somepony or something enter there hunting grounds?" She asked curiously.

"Don't Know Starlight, If we we're lucky we won't need to find out. Right now my main priority is getting to the Castle Of The Two Sisters."

"What are you hoping to find there Twilight? Nightmare Moon was defeated there right? Are you hoping to find a remnant of her?"

"Something like that I just want to make sure she is gone for good. She isn't gonna fall for the same trick a third time."

"Hhhhooowwwlllll" The howls were a lot closer now.

"The timber wolves are here Twilight." She said as she released her spell on one of the wolves that appeared in front of her. "We need to move. Now!" Starlight yelled as they rushed to the castle. fending off any timber wolves that got too close.

"We are almost there Starlight, we just got to cross the bridge. The timber wolves don't usually cross the bridge." Twilight called out as she ran for the bridge preparing another spell just in case.

As they crossed the bridge they noticed that a few timber wolves were inside of the castle. they quickly taken out the timber wolves inside and set up a barrier to keep the rest out. "Phew that was a close one. What has gotten the timber wolves so upset that they will actually cross the bridge to go after them."

"Don't know Starlight, but if that is the case then we are not alone. keep an eye out. I'll check the throne room, I want you to check the library for any signs of somepony being here."

"Alright Twilight, will do." Starlight responded, walking towards the library.

Author's Note:

Edit: since no one voted, I took it from the notes. I have decided to have them find her in the next chapter.
PS: Please let me know if you notice any typos and leave recommendations down below as well.