• Published 8th Apr 2021
  • 788 Views, 21 Comments

The Young Nightmare - TimeLordStudios

A filly resembling Nightmare Moon is found in the castle of the two sisters.

  • ...

Chapter 7: The Dream

"Sigh, If only this were a dream. Everything would be so much easier if it was...If only it was." I sighed sadly. hanging my head up high. As if to cry.

"What do you mean by that? Of course this is a dream. You do know your dreaming right?" She asks as she steps closer towards me. Finally stepping out from behind the shadows.

"I say that because, that wasn't just a dream. That was a memory... How much of it did you see?" I asked.

"Why would Starlight attack you, and what where you doing in the castle in the first place?" She asked not telling me how much she saw.

"It is were I first woke up and lived." I answered. "And as for why she attacked me...just look at me, and tell me what you see." I say as I stand tall.

I see a troubled filly, in need of help." She said perplexed by what I said. Unable to find what I wanted her to see.

I sighed, taking a few seconds to consider what I was about to do, before opening my wings. "How about now."
many emotions went across her face as she processed what she was looking at. A filly alicorn of unknown origins.

"Your... Your an alicorn? How is that possible?" the look of shock clear on her face.

"Is that what we're called? I didn't know that... as for why I am one, I don't know why I am. Only That I am one... though many seem to to believe that I am Nightmare Moon." as I said that, anger flashed over her face. She started moving closer to me.

"Are you Nightmare Moon? Answer carefully if you want to live." She says as she gets into a combat stance. Her horn glowing brightly with the intent to kill.

"Why ask? You are already in my mind You should know the answer. If you want to go through my memories go right ahead, I will not fight you." I said as I summoned my first memory. "Earlier, before you showed up. I was going through my memories trying to find out who I am. But instead I was pulled into the dream memory and had to relive it."

"And why should I trust you."

"You don't have to do it, if you don't want to. You could just out right kill me, and be done with it. Which ever you prefer to do, is fine with me. It is not like anypony will miss me or anything." I say truthfully.

She thought about for a moment before gradually powering down her horn. "Start the memory and don't stop it till I tell you to. Do you understand?" She ordered me. As her horn slowly dimmed into nothing.

"Yes mam." I say out of respect.

"Call me Princess Luna nothing more."

"Yes Princess Luna." I say as I start from the beginning.

"Is that all? Where are the rest of your memories?" She asks skeptically.

"I don't have anything else to show. What I showed, is all I know." I said truthfully. "I have nothing to hide."

"Don't lie to me I know your hiding something from me." She said in rising anger.

"Hiding what? I showed you my whole life up to this point. Every thought I had, every thing i've ever done, is now known to you. So what is it that I am supposedly hiding?" I asked. Baffled by what she said.

"I just know your hiding something from me and I intend to find out what." She said as she charged her horn.

"Do whatever you deem necessary as long as it doesn't wake me up this is my first time I have actually entered the dream realm my body could use the rest." I requested hopefully.

"I am going to use my magic to peer into your mind. It will not be comfortable."

"Do what ever you deam best." I said as she walked up towards me. Her horn glowing brightly as she touched my head with her horn.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Aaaaah!" I screamed out in pain. The pain waking me almost immediately. I was wildly thrashing around writhing in pain while a pony dressed in white frantically tried to restrain me. I felt him inject something into by hoof. After which I slowly drifted back to sleep.

Perpective shift

"Docter gentle hooves, is everything alright in there? I heard screaming." Celestia asked worryingly. Peeking her head through the door.

"Come in Princess Celestia, I need some assistance." Doctor Gentle Hooves replied quickly. "She suddenly woke up thrashing around while I was operating on her. She is asleep now, but I fear I need an extra set of hooves in case she wakes again. I was barely able to restrain her the last time."

"Do you know what caused it doctor?" Celestia asks as she puts on a the appropriate medical garbs. magicly enhancing its size to make it fit.

"No... No I do not. She must have seen something in her dreams that terrified her badly." Upon hearing that, Celestia froze. Had Luna found her? If she had, being in the dream realm would be dangerous for her.
"You alright princess?"

"Yes, sorry I was just thinking about something." She replied with a smile. "How much longer is the operation? I see that her condition is stable at the moment."

" I am still in the process of realigning her bones and repairing the fractures. Her ribbs were shattered and her hooves were cracked. I've found bone fragments in many of her internal organs. it's a miracle that she is still alive after injurys like this. Especially with how long you waited for treatment.
It was quite obvious that she had these injurys for at least two days before she arrived for treatment. Why was that your highness pardon my rudeness but as a doctor I have to know."

"Other than bad bruises she seemed fine up untill recently she shown no signs of a live threatening condition."

"And that is why it is imperative that she should of been checked out immediately. They can appear fine on the outside, but can be dieing from something on the inside. And we wouldn't know till its to late." He said as he removed yet another fragment from her internal organs, while healing them with his magic. "What would you have done if she died because of your carelessness?"

"I understand that what I did was careless." She admitted "But as a ruler I have to be able to make sacrifices to protect my little ponies. I know it was wrong, but I was left with little choice. I couldn't risk the life of a doctor till I was sure she was harmless... And I completely over looked the fact that she wants to to die."

"Why would she want to die and what does this have to do with your lack of judgement?"

"The reason she wants to die is because of what happened to her. She was attacked and almost killed. Just because she looked like Nightmare moon. The experience most likely scared her... And the reason I brought it up is because she would of purposely concealed any signs of a life threatening condition in order to end her own life."


"Sister! There you are, I want a word with you!" Luna boomed loudly, as she entered the room.

"Luna lower your voice! Your in a hospital. If you want to talk lets take it outside."

"No sister, especially when the topic of the conversation is right behind you."

"Can you at least let the doctor finish her treatment before you do anything rash. If you can promise me that. I'll let you watch the operation. If not I'll have no choice but to kick you out."

"I promise I will not do anything rash...What will I be watching I can't see much of anything behind you." as she said this celestia moved out of the way so luna could see her.

"She had many broken bones that I got inloged in her internal organs. I am currently in the process of piecing her bones back together after which I'll stitch her up and wrap her in a cast. She won't be able to move much but it will prevent further injuries." The doctor informed.

"Starlight did that..." Luna said quietly but Celestia still heard her.

"Seeing that you know who did it. You must of entered her mind and were the reason she woke up screaming in pain. What did you do to her Luna."

"Nothing she didn't concent to... I used a mind reading spell to peer into her mind, but she woke up before it was completed."

"No not again no no no." She mumbled in her sleep, as she started thrashing about.

"Celestia help me hold her down!" the doctor ordered panicky as he struggled to prevent her from injury.
Celestia quickly pressed down on her holding her down.

"Sister I know what your going to say. That I should reenter her mind to fight of the nightmare. But I don't know if I'll be able to restrain myself from causing further harm..." Luna said as she watched the filly in front of her thrash around her chest cut open... If I don't act she will die. "I'll do it make sure she doesn't move around to much." She said as she activated her magic.

Dream realm

Luna looked around. She was in the ruins of her old castle. She heard screams of pain coming from down the hall. Quickly she ran down the hall reaching the source of the agonizing screams as she reached the end, she froze. There stood Nightmare Moon attacking her look alike...

"How dare you. To be so weak but resembling me so." She said as her hoof lashed across the fillies face knocking her into the wall. Turning around she noticed Luna coming down the hall.. "Ooh Luna nice of you to pay us a visit. I just finished disciplining my daughter, as you could call her."Nightmare Moon said as she walked towards Luna. "Once again the elements failed to take me out completely seems to be a design flaw if you ask me. hahahahah!" She laughed with her iconic laugh, but it seemed different... Seemed sadder. "Now Luna I think it is time we became one. Just like old times eyy mother." The Nightmare asked menacingly, but it also sounded like she was begging her to take her back. "If you do I'll spare her life she is nothing but a shell created by the elements but she still houses a soul a part of my soul that is. Ahahaha!"
But as she said that her body began to fall apart. "No mother please save me. I'm sorry for betraying you please take me back I don't want to fade away again."

"If that's the case then why attack her and act all high and mighty. Why should I trust you?"

"You can't trust me I know that all too well... As for why I act the way I do... You know that I'm a megalomaniac mother I just can't help it...I was angry at her. She houses the majority of my soul. I am nothing but a remenent of our former self. yet she seems intent of throwing her life away. Am I the only part of her that wants to stay alive... is that why I was left behind to fade away." She looked towards her doppelganger and makes her way to her when she arrived her hooves collapsed beneath her. Fading into the abyss. "I name you, the new holder of my soul Crescent moon. May you be better than the original, my daughter." She said before fading away completely.

"Luna are you there I'm ready to wake up now I don't want to be alone again... I guess they were right about me I am Nightmare Moon. I'm nothing but a monster right? Then why... Why did she want me to live why name me different I am Nightmare Moon. Aren't I?"

"From what I've see she didn't want you to live she was attacking you."

"She only attacked me because I didn't want to live. she was calling me weak for giving up on life when I still had a chance of having a normal life... She called you mother and me her offspring does this technicly make you my grandmother Princess Luna?"


"Sorry... Just I wanted to know if I can have at least one pony... Nevermind its not important.
Why haven't you attacked me yet you have visual proof that I am her. You hated her right? Back in the dream were I mentioned her you looked ready to attack at a moments notice. So why not now."


"... Why are you ignoring me?"


Looking around I noticed that she was gone."Fine then, I get the message just leaving me without saying a word. Ahhh I hate being alone please don't leave me... Mother." picking myself of the ground I began looking around for her but I didn't see her anywhere.
She left me all alone.
"I know you were a bad pony but everypony can change. Please come back." I say as I started crying were she had vanished. " please come back i need you." as I say this a faint cloudy mist rose around me. comforting me and wiping away my tears before fading away. "Thank you mother. I now know that a part of you is still with me." I say as my first smile came across my face.

"Luna are you alright? Why are you crying? What did you see?" She asked pulling her sister aside so the doctor wouldn't be able to hear what's being said.

"I saw Nightmare Moons last moment of life. Before she faded away she called me her mother.
And her, her daughter." she said as she pointed her hoof towards creasent moon.

"Her daughter? How is this possible?"

"I'm not really sure. She claimed that The Elements created her to be a vessle for Nighmare moons soul but a part of her was left behind. She faded away hoping that her daughter would be better than her... It seems that even though she was evil there was a bit of good hiden within her."

"Death is known to humble all. What do want to do with her luna. Now that we know the truth we can't just let her leave."

"Why not? She wasn't the one that committed the acts. she is innocent."

"You said it yourself she is Nightmare Moon. When she is treated she will be sent back to her cell where she will stay for the rest of her life."

"Celestia listen to yourself do you really want to punish her for the crimes of her mother if you ask me she been punished enough with what Starlight put her through... By the way I forgot to mention her name. Nightmare moon named her daughter Creasent moon, so that should be what we call her from now on."

"Creasent moon..."

It would be easier to just show you." luna said as she charged her horn.

Comments ( 3 )


Plus there aren't enough nightmare moon child stories.

I agree. Not enough good ones.

As for this latest update, I do like it, My only complaint is the conversation after nightmare moon leaves. Starting at

"She only attacked me because I didn't want to live.

It seems really off in some way to me. Might be the lack of commas making it read oddly. Not sure.

I advise the Author to leave it alone, but down the road if you ever clean up the earlier chapters, you may want to redo that conversation.

Over all, well done.

"He's witnessing an honest to god catfight. While it would be entertaining, Weiss doubts either of them would appreciate being splashed with mud, then expected to wrestle until their problem is solved" -Shadestyle

I agree that it is good. Finding something to complain about is hard.

need more

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