• Published 8th Apr 2021
  • 788 Views, 21 Comments

The Young Nightmare - TimeLordStudios

A filly resembling Nightmare Moon is found in the castle of the two sisters.

  • ...

Chapter 5: The Confession

Author's Note:

Criticism is appreciated.:twilightsmile:
Please point out any errors that you notice, I will go back and fix them.:twilightblush:

"Starlight, are you in there?" Twilight called out as she knocked on the door. But she didn't respond. "Starlight open up. Princess Celestia wants to speak with you." She kept knocking but she got no response.

"If she won't come out then we will have to go in." Celestia says as she walks towards the door, unlocking it with her master key. After which she opened it slowly.

"Starlight are you in here?" Twilight asked as she enters the room. "Oh my Celestia! Starlight are you alright!" She yelled out as she saw Starlight laying on the floor surrounded by bottles of fine wine and hard cider.

{Starlight} Canterlot Royal Hospital 3rd person

"Uuuah my head." She groaned as she came to. Looking around she noticed a glass of water on the bed side table. Using her magic, she brought the glass of water to her lips and drank the water.

Slowly she began to remember what happened. "I started drinking and I couldn't stop that has never happened before." She said to herself, as Twilight and Celestia entered the room.

"How are you feeling Starlight? Do you remember what happened?" Twilight asked worriedly.

"I drank and I drank till I passed out... I tried to forget but I couldn't." She said as fresh tears flowed down her face.

"Does it have anything to do with the filly?" Celestia asked inquisitively.

"It has everything to do with her, or more importantly what I did to her!" She quickly replied back.

"And that is why we are here. To get your side of the story. We were going to ask you earlier but you know what happened." She said with a knowing look.

"Why! You already know what I did. Why have me say it out loud." Starlight pleaded not wanting to relive what she did.

"I'm afraid it is par for the course Starlight. I've already gotten Twilight's and the filly's side of the story, but I need yours to finish the investigation."

"your really going to make me say it aren't you... Alright fine! What do you want to Know." She said finally relenting.

"I Want you to look me in the eye when you respond. Where did you find her?" Celestia asked

"I've found her hiding in a secret room, behind the wall in the library. I saw skid marks against the ground, and I heard whimpering from behind it. So I went over to investigate the wall. And when I placed my hoof against the wall, it suddenly spun around knocking me into the secret room... That is where I found her."

"Did you attack her on sight?"

"Yeah...yes I did. I... I was just so mad. When I looked at her, all I could see was Nightmare Moon standing over me laughing. The memory of her defeating and mocking me overtook me and I snapped.
I chased her down through the halls till she made a mistake and ran into a dead end. I ended up springing a trap but I managed to escape it quickly. But the trap only made me madder I... I blasted her into the wall and continued blasting her. She tried pleading to me, but I wasn't really listening." She said as she tries to compose her thoughts. "I really could use a drink right about now." She said with a sad laugh.

"Sorry, no alcohol for you. You would have died if we didn't find you in time. Your alcohol concentration was just barely under point four percent."

"Oh well, it worth a shot at least..." She said with another sad laugh. "Auuh."She sighed. "You still want to to tell you everything, don't you?"

"Yes please do. After which you can talk to her yourself." Starlight gulped loudly at the thought of seeing her again so soon.

"Twilight showed up and defended her from me. But I was able to convince her to drop the shield...After which things took a turn. It was like she just gave up, she looked and sounded so defeated. She even asked me to kill her, and snapped at Twilight when she tried to intervene. Telling her it was my choice to make.
In the end I was starting to doubt if I was making the right decision, but part of me still thought that she was Nightmare Moon." She paused for a moment to gather her thoughts.
"So I went through with charging the attack to see how see would react. All she did was raise her head up, and closed her eyes. Not a single sign of struggle... She was really ready to die, but still for some reason I was still unsure so I fired the blast into the wall to see how she would react...
I wasn't excepting her to be so mad at me for not killing her. I told her that I couldn't have killing her on my conscience... It escalated from there. She went off on me, saying that I was fine with with attacking her. And she called me a monster for not finishing her off when she asked me to... Especially after destroying her will to live." Starlight said, noticing a look of guilt on Twilights face. Why was she feeling guilty?

"Starlight, you may have been the one to attack her. But according to her, I was the one that destroyed her will. By giving her hope, and then crushing it right in front of her. It was a team effort Starlight, both of us had a part in it, so you do not have to hold all the blame." Twilight said as she hugged Starlight.

"Now that I have the full story it is time for us to visit her once again."

{?????} Canterlot Dungeon 1st person.

"Hello, guard? May I have a bucket? I have to use the bathroom." I asked hopefully.

Sorry but I don't have a bucket you are just going to have to hold it." He responded back.

"What you think I've been doing for the past few hours? I will not be able to hold it for another hour, I know that much at least. So do I lie in a puddle of urine and feces, or do we work something else out?" I explained to the guard.
"How about you escort me to a cell with a toilet, let me do my business then escort me back. Nopony will have to know, and it would help us both in the long run. After all, you are trying to keep me alive and all. I've been demoralized enough as it is. Don't need to add...that to my list of problems."

Thinking about the guard looked around, and said as he unlocked the cell. "Alright but we need to be quick. Do you need help standing up?"

"Yes that would be very helpful, as I am unable to so on my own." I say as I continued to struggle trying get up, to prove my point.

"Alright I am going to use my magic to lift you up. Are you ok with that?" He asked.

"Yeah that is fine." I responded. Shortly after he uses his magic to upright me so I could move around on my hooves, albeit slowly do to the chains. "Ah It hurts to walk. Sorry I can't really go fast walking like this."

"Do you want me to carry you?" He asked, wanting to go as fast as possible.

"No this is the most I've been able to move around in a while, it is somewhat refreshing even if it hurts." I say as we slowly move towards the other cells.

Here we are, use this one here. Just let me know if you need help, or you are ready to head back. I'll be waiting over here." he said giving me privacy.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? Me seeing her again, what if I attack her again, or she doesn't listen to me or-" Starlight said freaking out.

"Calm yourself Starlight, we will deal with that when and if it arises. If you stress yourself out now, it will only make things worse." Celestia said to Starlight as they were walking to the dungeons. "We are almost there, so steel yourself." She said as she rounded the corner. Twilight being a few steps ahead.

"She's gone!" Twilight called out, from around the corner.

"gone? What do you mean twilight? How can she be gone?" Celestia asked Trying to figure out how she escaped.

"She is not in her cell, and the Guard is gone too. Did he take her, or did she take him?" Twilight said starting to theorize what could of happened.

"let us start searching the dungeon for her she couldn't have gotten too far." Celestia ordered.

"No need they are on there way back now." Starlight pointed out, showing the others that they were coming down the hall.

"what is she doing out of her cell, admiral?" Celestia asked the approaching guard.

"Hey! Ah princess you see! She ah... she needed to use the bathroom so I... I escorted her to the closest cell with one, and was on the way back princess... please don't fire me." He said clearly panicking. Meanwhile I slowly making my way back to my cell.

"It was my fault, I had to use the potty. So if anyone gets punished it'd be me." I said as I clumsily dropped to the floor of my cell, due to my lack of mobility. "Oww, I would like it if you could add at least one more link to this thing. It is hard enough as it is." I say as I pull on my chains.

"Don't worry I will not fire you, but you will be flagged." Celestia warned her guard.

"thank you your highness." He said wiping sweat from his brow. Not daring to say another word to raise her ire.

"That doesn't seem fair, why must he be punished? If anything the ones that put me in this cell are in the wrong. For failing to take into account that I have the same needs as everypony else. They could of at least left a bucket or something, but they didn't. So please don't punish this guard for their lack of insight... Or would you rather have came by to see me in a puddle of urine?"

"No, no your right it isn't fair to punish him for doing the right thing. I am going to fix this now, follow me I am transferring you to a new cell that you will stay in, for the time being." Celestia said.

"...You are going have to help me up, I can't even stand up because of these chains. Or if I can, I haven't figured out how yet." She quickly lifted me up in her magic and set me outside the cell. There I noticed the others "Oh hello Twilight, Starlight what honor do I owe this visit to? If you want to talk we can do it after I'm in my new cell. It hurts to stand." I say as I follow Celestia to my new cell.