• Published 8th Apr 2021
  • 786 Views, 21 Comments

The Young Nightmare - TimeLordStudios

A filly resembling Nightmare Moon is found in the castle of the two sisters.

  • ...

Chapter 4: The Interrogation

"Where... where am I." I asked as I began to stir awake. Quickly I checked my new surroundings. I noticed that I was in a cell of some kind, but without a bed or anything else. it was completely bare. "Aaah." I winced in pain as a tried to get up. My hooves were chained, and ropes were binding my wings, and something was blocking my horn since my magic wasn't working either. I continued to attempt to stand until I heard a voice behind me.

"Hello Nightmare Moon, struggling is useless you can not escape." Somepony said from behind me.

"Who said I was trying to get away. I was just trying to stand up. The cuffs hardly have enough links to wiggle my hooves back and forth. Let alone stand up." I said as I slowly and painfully shifted my body around to see who I was talking to.
When I finally got myself turned around I saw a pony wearing gold armor wielding a long pointed spear in his hooves.
The guard winced for a split second when he saw my injuries. But said nothing about it.

"Let me guess are you my executioner." I asked the guard. Somewhat hoping that he was.

"No I am only here to watch, and stop you if you try to escape." He said stoically most likely wishing I'd try to escape so he can kill me.
"Do you want me dead? Everypony else, that I've met so far did." I asked him. Once again his stoic mask fell for a moment before responding.

"My job is to guard you so that is what I'm going to do." The guard responded, not moving from his position.

"You didn't answer the question. but I guess I know the answer. When Is my execution, I assume that is why they brought me here. As you can see they didn't finish the job yet." I said making sure he could see my injuries.

"As far as I know you are not going to be executed, that hasn't happened in over 1000 years." He responded back.

"You say that, but the only reason I am still alive, is because the pony that tried to kill me chickened out before she could finish me off. Part of me wishes that she will come back to finish me off. I don't want to live anymore if this is what life is." The guards eyes went large as he dropped his spear clearly shocked by what I said. He quickly picked his spear up and got back in his stoic stance not saying a word to me.

{Celestia} Canterlot Castle 3rd person

"Are you sure the filly is Nightmare Moon? Twilight we have to be completely certain." Celestia asked, worried that they locked up an innocent filly.

"Yes Celestia the filly resembles her and she was found in The Castle Of The Two Sisters." Twilight responded back. "But she acts nothing like her and she didn't even try to fight back when Starlight attacked her." Twilight responded back, feeling unsure about it as well.

"Regardless if she is or not, we should try and keep this from Luna. I fear what she would do if she were to see the filly."

"Let me guess, same reaction as Starlight but more deadly." Twilight asked already knowing the answer.

"...Yes and that is why we should keep it from my sister for now. We should go see if she is awake now. It has been a whole day since you found her." She said as she made her way to the dungeons.

{?????} Canterlot Castle Dungeons 1st person

"So what are we waiting for me to starve to death that sounds like fun I guess, but it guess that it would take too long and would be hard to enforce in somepony gave me food."

"All you been talking about is ways that you could end up dead. Is there anything else you can talk about." The guard asked me.

"No not really. They really broken me before they captured me. They made me give up on living, only for them to turn around and let me live just to torture me. Or at least that is how I see it."

The guard was about to say something when the door to the dungeon opened up through it came two winged unicorns one tall and majestic with a flowing mane and the other I recognized from earlier.

"At ease, tell me how is our prisoner. Has she attempted a breakout yet?" Celestia asked the guard that was watching over me.

"No your highness she has not tried to escape, pardon my rudeness but I have to ask. Why haven't her injuries been tented to your highness." The guard said.

"It's...it is complicated my guard I would have her treated, but we have to keep her secret for now. I would appreciate it if you keep quite about this admiral Shield Shine."

"But she is-"

"You don't have to pretend to care. I know you'd be better off with me dead." I said, interrupting him as I turned my head to the winged unicorns, I spoke. "What more do you want from me. You have already beaten me half to death with a magic barrage and shattered my mind by giving me false hopes of survival. I already wish to die what more do you want from me!" I screamed as I released my pent up emotions. "I was just minding my own business trying to survive. when they attacked me out of nowhere claiming I was this Nightmare pony!" I yelled out. tears pouring down my face.

The white ones expression has not changed one bit but the other was showing obvious signs of guilt
"Admiral can you step out for a moment." Celestia asked her guard so she the details of the interrogation would stay private.

She then looked towards me as the guard left, and said. "That is why we are here to get to the bottom of this. Let me ask you this, and look into my eyes as you respond are you Nightmare Moon."

"Yes... No... I don't know what to believe anymore. Everypony I've met so far claimed that I am her, but I just don't know." I say looking her straight in the eyes.

"What were you doing in The Castle Of The Two Sisters." She asked without shortly after.

"So that is what it was called. I didn't know that... I was trying to survive. I woke up in a room, without any memories of who I am or what I was doing before if anything. Do you want me to tell you everything I've been doing in general?"

"Yes, explain your day to day process." She said wanting me to elaborate on my story.

"Well I've only been there for Around two days. The day I woke up and the day I was attacked by her attack dog." I said as I shot the purple pony a glare. " Can I please get your names so I know what to call you." I asked

"My name is Princess Celestia And this is Princess Twilight. Now can you continue explaining yourself." She said wanting to get the questioning done with.

"Alright When I woke up I began exploring the castle going room to room constantly getting stuck in traps and hidden rooms till I eventually found the library. I began going through the books to hopefully find out where I was, but I wasn't able to get much information from them because of night fall. I remember that it was freezing cold and that I heard wolves howling in the distance. I was cold, scared and hungry. So the next day I found something to use as a cover, but I never got to test it because of Twilight and her attack dog.-"

"Her name is Starlight. Not attack dog." Twilight said angrily.

"Just because you give me her name, doesn't change what she is Twilight. She attacked me at first sight, she didn't even let me speak or try diplomacy. She just attacked me like a wild animal. And I'm the one being called the monster. So I don't want to hear you say she's not your attack dog. First impressions and all. But instead of judging her based on appearance like you did me, I'm judging her on her actions. You can see the result of her actions cant you. So who is the monster the one attacking or the one being attacked. Be lucky I'm only calling her your attack dog I could say much worse." I snapped back.

"Alright that is enough answer my questions or face punishment."Celestia said intervening before things escalate even further.

"What are you going to do kill me? That would be a mercy. I was answering your question, she was the one that interrupted by the way." I said trying to compose myself so I could continue. "Where was I? Oh I took down some tapestry to use as a blanket and left the castle grounds to find food and water. I ate the berries that I found and eventually spotted the river, which I drank some water from. I was on my way back when three wooden wolves attacked me.-"

"Timber wolves they are called timber wolves." Twilight said correcting me yet again.

"Thank you any thing else I need to know before I continue? No okay, I was being chased by three timber wolves. I ran to the castle as fast as I could, and once I arrived I ran into the library and hid in the secret room in the left wall. That is where Starlight found me. She attacked, you should know the rest. But I might as well explain that part as well." I said as I once more tried to center myself.
"She must of heard me through the wall because see came right for me. And when the wall turned and she saw me... The look of anger and malice in her eyes. She called out the name Nightmare Moon before she immediately charged her horn to attack me. The first shot grazed me as a was exiting the secret room from the other side.
She chased me through the halls till I ran into a dead in. She stepped on a trap not long after but she immediately escaped and blasted me into the wall. I tried telling her I wasn't her but that only made her madder. She kept blasting me till Twilight showed up and intervened. I was so happy... I was so hopeful... I thought you would save me, but no you took one look at me and you joined Starlight's side." I said looking Twilight in the eyes.
"That... that broke me Twilight. That is when I gave up on living and when I asked you and Starlight to kill me you refused. It would had been a mercy kill, It was what I wanted. I guess that is why I'm still alive you just wanted me to suffer longer didn't you." I said as once again I broke down in tears. Celestia's once unbreakable mask now showing cracks.
"Anything else you want to know from me? If not I'm just going to cry in the corner." I said as I already was slowing dragging myself to the dark corner of the cell.

3rd person shift

Twilights eyes were watering as she could no longer hold back her tears. Knowing that she was the the one that helped put her in that position.
"Lets go Twilight we got one more trip to make before we make a decision. We have to get both sides of the story so lets visit Starlight." She said to Twilight.
"Admiral, Watch over her with care, don't let her do any harm to herself. It seems if she were to be left alone long enough she'd find away to kill herself." She said quietly as to not let anypony else hear what she said. "Lets be on are way." She said as she left the dungeon with Twilight following behind.

Author's Note:

ALL Criticism is appreciated. Please comment how you think the story should go.