• Published 25th Oct 2021
  • 1,777 Views, 295 Comments

Return of the Ancient Mage - Zoshe

An old face returns, seeming to have some past with Equestria's rulers. Who is he and why is he returning now?

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Chapter 1: Prologue

Many moons ago and many miles away from Equestria.

"Don't usually see a pony this far away from Equestria," said a raspy voice belonging the parrot behind the bar counter. "Don't folk like you tend to run in herds."

The golden unicorn stepped up to the bar, having to hop up to get seated on the stool. His green eyes shone out of the shadows cast by his dark green cloak as he looked at the barkeep, "I'm not really one for crowds and ponies tend to break out into song a bit too much for my liking. Plus, their drink tends to be a bit weak. Everyone this side of the ocean says Klugetown has the strongest ale and that parrots tell the best stories."

"HA! HA!" The barkeep bellowed heartily, "well at the very least you know how to make an old sea bird laugh. Talk like that will at least earn ya half a pint," he said as he pulled a small mug from behind the counter and slammed it in front of the pony. "So what drives a small creature like yourself to travel so far from home. You had to know it isn't safe for a pony this far into the badlands."

"It's safe enough," the pony said as he threw back the drink, his hood falling back for a moment, revealing the shaggy brown mane underneath. "Even those dogs that have been eyeing me from the corner aren't sure whether or not I'm a easy mark or an obvious trap," he said as he turned slightly and glared at the diamond dogs that had been watching him since he entered the bar.

The offending dogs, who had been idly picking at their meal as they watched him, quickly decided that their food just became a lot more interesting and began to tear into it with more vigor than they had before.

"Well you certainly got the stones for such a small creature," said the barkeep as he looked down at the pony. "Bet you got quite a story bout you."

"Like none you'd ever believe," the pony said as he chugged down the rest of his drink.

"Whew, I'd be careful if I were you," the barkeep said as he watched the pony finish his drink. "I've seen minotaurs knocked on their rears from downing a drink that fast."

"If you can actually find a drink strong enough to..." Pain shot through his body as he fell backward off the stool, he landed of the ground with an audible *thump*, drawing the attention of the other patrons.

"That's what you get for acting all tough," said the barkeep as he dejectedly shook his head. "I knew a pony wouldn't be able to hold his drink." He walked around the counter to check on the fallen pony. He reached down to where the pony had fallen, checking to see if he was still conscious. His taloned claw had barely brushed the pony's golden fur when he felt a jolt of energy run up his arm, causing him to jump back. "What the?!" The barkeep exclaimed as he shook the numb limb.

The pony began to rise unnaturally to his hooves, staggering upwards as if a puppet on strings. His eyes snapped open to reveal a pupil-less stare as a purple mist poured off the edges of his face. His face cracked a wicked smile as a dark ooze began to pour off his body.

"Crystal...Heart..." the words hissed out from the unicorn's mouth in a voice unlike what he'd used before. The unicorn took a moment to look at the surrounding masses as they slowly retreated from the dark form, their instincts telling them that this was a creature to be avoided. "You dropped your guard, you fool." The sinister presence took a deep breath, ignoring the other creatures around it. "My empire has returned and I WILL reclaim what you took from me."

He started to float towards the door when the green eyes of the unicorn came back into focus, causing the body to fall back to the ground. "No!" He hissed. "Why won't you stay down!?" The misty irises that tore away from the body were shrouded in a fog of mist even as a green light radiated off the unicorn's body. Long and frayed emerald chains stared to come into view, linking the two creatures even as the ghostly form tried to break free of them.

The two entities struggled for a brief moment, playing what could only be described as the strangest game of tug-of-war, when an audible tear was heard coming from the ghost. The unicorn looked on in horror as a piece of the mist tore from rest of its body and flew out the door as fast at it could go. Small drops of blood leaked out from between the unicorn's teeth as it strained to pull in the remaining pieces of the specter. Inch by inch he pulled the rest of it into himself, until its form had been fully smothered by his own.

The golden unicorn struggled to catch his breath as took in his surroundings. One by one, he met the gazes of the patrons who were staring at him with rapt attention. "Ponyfeathers," he cursed under his breath as he turned and tapped a hoof against his shadow. "Wake up," he said weakly to the empty air. "It's time."

If the patrons of the bar were already having a weird day, and it just got weirder as his shadow started to ripple and two glowing purple orbs appeared in the gloom, taking in the surroundings.

"Can't I take a nap without you getting into trouble every five minutes?" Groaned his shadow before shifting to alarm. "What happened to you?!"

"Escaped... headed to... Crystal Empire... must pursue," he wheezed out, taking a strained breath for every word.

"You aren't chasing after anything until you recover," the shadow snapped back, concern painting its voice. "I can't remember the last time I've seen you this worn out."

"They're in danger..." He weakly tried to push himself to his hooves.

"Equestria will have to fend for itself." A silhouette began to step out of the shadows and surround itself with a silvery glow. "First thing's first, I'm getting you out of here."

The silver glow grew brighter and brighter as it enveloped the entire area. Once it became far too bright to see, it suddenly vanished with a resounding snap.

The patrons all looked dumbly at each other, whispers wondering why half of them were on the floor could be heard filling the tavern. They all climbed back onto their paws, hooves, talons, and whatever else the denizens of Klugetown got around on before going about their own business.

As the bartender made his way back to behind the counter, he looked down at the small mug sitting alone on the counter and wondered if someone had been sitting there.

Author's Note:

Time to start this ride. Hold on folks.

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