• Published 25th Oct 2021
  • 1,771 Views, 295 Comments

Return of the Ancient Mage - Zoshe

An old face returns, seeming to have some past with Equestria's rulers. Who is he and why is he returning now?

  • ...

Chapter 50: Epilogue

The next couple days were relatively uneventful. Just as Ret had promised, none of the crystal ponies remembered anything that happened since Clover came to town. Furthermore, all the damage that had been done to the throne room had vanished like their conflict had never happened.

The only thing that kept Twilight from doubting her own memory was that her friends and family that had been present remembered everything in resounding clarity. Shining Armor had recovered overnight, although he was still a bit groggy from playing host to an outrageously overpowered unicorn, that was the only way any of them could explain what Ret had done inside that strange void.

Both Shining Armor and Princess Cadence were a bit cautious around Spectrum for the first day or so, him being a changeling and all. By the end of the second day, thought, they were asking him all sorts of questions and seemed genuinely interested in the insight he reluctantly provided regarding changeling politics. Turns out there were several changeling queens throughout Equestria, they just usually tended to keep to themselves and lived normal, productive lives alongside their hives.

As for Clover, it took three days before he finally woke up. Luna never once left his side the entire time he slept.

On the fourth day, Twilight was enjoying another relaxing day with her friends, it had been a while since they had a chance to just relax and the last week had worn them all out considerably. It was late afternoon by the time Luna and Clover finally joined the rest of them.

"Well," said Princess Celestia as they all watched the two enter the room together. "We were wondering if you both were going to sleep yet another day away."

Both of them turned a slightly flush from all the eyes that turned on them. "I figured three days is more than enough sleep for now," said Clover, breaking the awkward silence.

"And you, Luna," Celestia smirked as she looked at her younger sister. "You seem to be positively glowing. Did something good happen?"

Luna gave a slight cough as she centered herself. "My private affairs are none of your concern, dear sister," she said as she stuck up her nose, just bare managing to keep a straight face.

"Spoilsport," Celestia giggled before turning a much more serious look on Clover. "Clover," she said with a nod. "So what happens now? Now that Sombra has been defeated and you have one less burden to worry about?"

"I don't know," he said as he rubbed the back of his head. "I've spent so much time wandering that I haven't really had much time to think about it. Regardless, I'm still going to need time to recover. It'll be a while before I'm back to full strength."

"There's also the matter of the trouble caused by you and your companions," she said, receiving a narrowed expression from Luna.

"After collecting the details on everything that happened," Celestia continued. "The most appropriate form of punishment would be imprisonment of either mundane or magical means, or banishment from Equestria."

A collective gasp was heard around the room including an enraged outburst from Princess Luna. "What is the meaning of this?! You cannot think we will sit idly by and allow you to carry this out?!"

Princess Celestia raised a hoof for silence. "I wasn't finished," she said, leaving no room for argument.

"However," she said. "If I were to carry out such a punishment on Clover the Clever, considering his place in our nation's history, the crown would face a political backlash that could take decades to clear up. Not to mention, it would also be a huge waste of talent considering his aptitude and knowledge concerning magic. I am willing, however, to pardon him on all counts in exchange for a small concession on his part."

Clover hadn't moved an inch or protested while Celestia gave her whole speech. He knew he had made a mess of things and was now left to wonder what the princess of the sun had in mind to balance the scales.

"Since Starswirl's disappearance, the position of the archmage has remained empty," Celestia announced. "You turned it down once before, but I would now have you fill the role and take on its duties."

A collection of shocked sounds and faces filled the room, but none were more shocked than Clover himself. He stood stock still for so long that Pinkie came over and poked him to see if he would fall over.

Celestia relished the reactions her words had inflicted on the gathered ponies, but all good things must come to an end. "What do you say, Clover? Will you accept?"

"You're sure you want me?" He finally asked. "Even after everything that's happened?"

Celestia took a few slow steps forward and leaned her head down next to his so only he could hear. "I won't say this out loud," she said in barely a whisper. "But this whole scenario made it apparent to me how woefully unprepared we actually are to deal with threats of this magnitude. We may have gotten lucky this time, but I would not risk the safety of my little ponies when I could've used every tool at my disposal to see them safe."

She back away, letting those words sink in. "So what do you say, Clover?"

Clover let out a long sigh before answering, "seems you've got me up against a wall," he said, sounding defeated. "I guess I have no choice. Very well. I accept."

"Excellent!" Cheered Celestia, sounding giddy. With a flash from her horn, a document appeared and unfurled along with a golden badge already inscribed with "Archmage Clover."

"Sister?!" Luna exclaimed, her growing ire being replaced with shock. "You already knew he would accept, didn't you? How long have you been planning this?"

"Oh," said Celestia, a sinister smile creeping up her face. "For a while now. Three days is more than enough time to make plans." She looked back to Clover, who was reading over the document. "I just need you to sign that. If I don't make sure the paperwork is in order, my secretary will have my hide."

Clover raised an eyebrow as he read over the contract. "Why does this keep referring to me as Prince Clover?" He asked curiously.

Celestia gave a hesitant smile and said, "alicorns are automatically granted a royal title. You can thank Starswirl for that. I think he did it to separate any alicorns from the politics of the individual tribes."

"I vaguely remember him mentioning something like that," said Clover as he signed and returned the paper to Celestia. "Do I have to use the title?"

"I won't force you to," she said. "Although don't be surprised if other ponies use it when they see your wings."

"Easy solution for that," Clover made his way over to where his bags had been discarded and pulled out a long, green cloak. Same as he had done before, he tucked his wings up beneath it as he fastened the cloak around his shoulders.

Luna looked at him skeptically, "are you really planning to still keep yourself hidden?"

"For now I am," he said as he finished, his wings were now completely hidden except for his body looking slightly pudgy where they pushed against the fabric.

"I won't tell you to do otherwise, but you really should just embrace what you are. Anyway," said Celestia, changing the subject. "We can discuss what your duties are as archmage when you're next in Canterlot. I understand from your changeling friend that you need to take care of something first?"

"Yeah, we do," Clover looked over to the nearby couch, a figure sat upon it wearing a robe that matched his own with bandaged limbs sticking out from under it. All in all, Spectrum actually looked like a normal pony with the outfit, especially with... "Where did you find such a tacky mask?" Clover asked when he saw it.

"Tacky?!" Exclaimed Rarity in outrage from where she sat across the room. "I'll have you know that that mask is hoof crafted of the finest silk. The contours outline the natural curve of the face and accentuate his distinguished cheeks while still adding an air of mystery to his façade."

"I don't think she liked you calling it tacky," Spectrum called back. He slid the mask up for a moment, revealing his gem-like eyes underneath. "Unfortunately the mask is necessary until I can cast magic again. This'll draw far less attention," he said as he slid the mask back down.

Clover looked around the room, finally realizing what was missing. "Where's Onyx," he asked.

Cadence and Shining Armor shared a look of worry at the mention of his pupil's name. "He's at the cemetery," Cadence finally said. "He's been spending a lot of time at his mother's, the previous ruler's, grave."

"You don't sound surprised to find out that he's a prince," Clover noticed.

"We got a lot of details from the crystal ponies during the first few months here," said Shining Armor. "Sounds like it was quite a mess back when Sombra came to power."

"It was," said Clover. "It would've been a short lived incident too if somepony hadn't interfered."

"About that," the worry was back on Celestia's face. "Do we have any idea who might have been impersonating me back then?"

Clover shook his head, "I can't even begin to guess. I still feel terrible that I didn't notice how much taller they were than you."

"What do you mean?" Asked a curious Twilight.

Clover answered by taking a step to stand next to Celestia and then raising a hoof to her shoulder. Celestia watched him curiously, not quite sure what he was pointing out. "Princess Celestia only came up to about here back then. Even when we fought, she was still much shorter than the one who appeared in the Crystal Empire."

Celestia's eyes grew wide as she understood what he was pointing out, "what do you think it means?"

"I don't know. Either way, it definitely felt like somepony was turning the full power of the sun against me. Aside from you, it would take a whole cadre of unicorns to come close to producing the same effect," said Clover. "However, it seems awfully sloppy to go through all that trouble only to mess up a simple detail like that." He lowered and shook his head, "we may never find out what really happened that day or who may have been behind it. After a thousand years, I don't think the trail can get much colder."

They all gathered at the train station to see Clover and his two companions off. Onyx had joined them, but was still seeming particularly withdrawn.

"Everything all right?" Clover looked down at his returned student.

The youth looked up at him, his eyes looking far more tired than someone his age should feel. "Master Clover," he said. "I've had a lot of time to think about things. I wasn't expecting to ever be myself again and now that I am, I'm not sure what I should do."

"The best advice I can give you is to just take one day at a time. You'll figure it out eventually," Celestia said with a warm smile.

"I never even dared to dream that I'd be running my own kingdom when I was little," said Cadence. "You're sure you want to go? You've already been a big help with disarming the traps King Sombra left behind and showing us where he hid a lot of the kingdom's treasures."

Onyx smiled at her weakly, "thank you for your kind words, but no. I've already seen how the crystal ponies look at me and if I were to stay, I would just be a constant reminder of the hardship they faced before." He acted far more composed and mature than anyone would expect from someone his age. "Princess Cadence," he said as he bowed his head all the way to the ground. "I have all I really need knowing that you'll take good care of my mother's kingdom. They deserve a kind ruler."

The train whistle blared, signaling the last call for boarding. "I guess it's time to go," Clover said as he gave Luna one last smile before getting on the train. "Don't worry," he said. "I won't stay gone this time."

"You better not," she said in reply. "I'll chase you to the ends of the earth if you disappear on me again."

As luck would have it, the day Clover left was the day right before the princess summit was to take place. Night fell, and Twilight was more than a little happy that things seemed to be getting back to normal. Well as normal as they could get for her.

The moon had just finished rising into the sky when Twilight headed off to bed. Despite the fact that everything concluded a couple days ago, she was still feeling drained as she collapsed into bed. She rolled onto her back, splaying her wings out so they hung off the edges of the bed, when the lights in the room went out.

It startled her for a moment, but then she just further relaxed into the bed. It was probably just a light needing to get replaced or something else mundane. Whatever it was, it could wait until morning.

Her attempts to fall asleep were interrupted when she heard hoofsteps making their way across the room. She jumped up and used her horn to light the room, making quick sweeps to see who was there. She calmed back down when she spotted the yellow pony with the flowing pink mane. "Oh, it's just you Fluttershy," she let out a sigh of relief. "You startled me. Is everything all right?"

Fluttershy made slow steps up to the bed where Twilight was sitting. She swayed her hips in a very suggestive manner as she climbed into the bed and began to creep ever closer.

Twilight backed up until she bumped into the head of the bed. Fluttershy was bearing down on her by this point as she found herself staring directly into soft pink eyes.

"Wait a minute," said Twilight as she quickly noticing the problem. "Fluttershy doesn't have pink eyes," she said as looked around her side, only to find her sides bare. "And she's supposed to have wings."

Without warning, the imposter swept her off her hooves, leaving Twilight to fall back onto the bed. The other pony now straddling her as she looked down at her, a mischievous smile breaking out on her face. "It's a good thing I'm not pretending to be Fluttershy, then," she said as she lifted Twilight's chin.

"Whisper?!" Exclaimed Twilight, recognizing the melodious lilt to her voice. "What are you doing?" She asked nervously as the offending hoof made its way from her chin and began to trace down the nape of her neck. "And when did you get so big?"

"I can be as big as I wanna be," the fairy said softly. "As for what I'm doing here. Maybe I just wanted to reward a very special princess for doing a very special job."

Twilight let out a gasp as Whisper made her way down to her chest. Her face went flush as she found it harder to think, her mind beginning to go blank. "But... I... Hardly did anything," she eked out, the effort draining her as her heat began to rise.

"Not you personally," Whisper said as she began to trace small circles on Twilight's belly. "But what better way to measure the worth of a princess of friendship than by the quality of her friends?"

"What... What... What...?" Twilight was having a really hard time forming words now.

"What do I mean?" Whisper smiled as she finished her question for her. "Directly or indirectly, all of them played some kind of role in helping Clover close one of the doors on his past. He never would've imagined that he'd have his student Onyx back by his side after all these years. It wouldn't have been possible if all the elements hadn't stood by your side."

Twilight's mind went completely blank from as she leaned back and soaked in the fairy's presence. Somewhere in the back of her head she remembered reading something about fairies drawing ponies astray with their otherworldly powers. However, at this point, Twilight was already in far too deep to be able to resist Whisper's prowess. She could do nothing more than sit there, waiting... and waiting... and waiting...

Twilight's mind started to clear as she peeked an eye open just in time to see Whisper climb off the bed, apparently having no interest in pursuing the activity further. "Wait?!" Said Twilight, desperate to be back in that state of bliss. "What about the reward?"

"Hmmm?" Said Whisper. "Reward? Oh yes. I was thinking I might talk to Clover about helping you get some better mastery over some of your magics. You'll need to be ready in case something else this big happens again. There's more than enough villains in Tartarus always trying to escape. Any one of which could tear Equestria down to its foundations."

"Then what was all that just now?" Twilight's head was continuing to clear the further away Whisper got from her.

"Oh, that? That was just me having a little fun," she said with a wink. "You ponies are always so much fun to mess with."

"One more question," Twilight said hurriedly as Whisper reached for the door. "The Elements," she said quickly. "How did they cast their magic without me? We've always needed all six before."

"Six?" Whisper gave her a confused look. "I was under the impression that the Elements were only five in number." She made a face and stuck out her tongue. "That'll give you something to think about for a while," she said as the door closed behind her.

"Wait a minute!" Twilight shouted. The door opened back up and her assistant Spike walked in, looking at her confused.

"Wait for what, Twilight?" He looked behind him at the empty hallway before shrugging and walking up to the bed stand. "You dropped this by the way," he said as he placed the Element of magic beside her bed. "Seriously, Twilight. I know you don't like wearing it, but you still can't go forgetting about it. It's still your crown after all. What were you shouting at by the way?"

"It's nothing, Spike," she said as she quickly laid back down and pulled the covers over herself. "It's just been a long day and I need to get some sleep. We got a busy day tomorrow."

She had no idea how right she was.

Later that same night, once everyone was asleep aside from the guards that patrolled the castle hallways, one of the rooms had an unexpected visitor. This room contained a crystal mirror that Princess Celestia had given to Princess Cadence for safekeeping. The functions of this mirror weren't entirely clear, but it's surface began to ripple from beneath the tarp that was draped over it.

The tarp covering the mirror swelled and blew off as the ripple turned into a shimmer. A moment later, a pony walked through on her back hooves. She staggered uneasily before leaning forward and placing her front hooves on the ground. "Oh," she said. "That feels kinda weird after all this time."

"Now," she said as she grabbed the tarp and pulled it over her body to hide her features. "Where can I find the Element of Magic?"

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I've enjoyed putting it together.
However, I'm not quite done yet. There's always room for a sequel. Perhaps more than one.

I do have a number of events planned to follow this up. Ranging from learning more about Clover's past to what he's going to be doing as the new Archmage, and finally...
Finally finding out what actually happened a thousand years ago in the Crystal Empire.

Be sure to drop me a "Like" if you enjoyed this story, a "Watch" if you want to keep up with my future works, and be sure to swing by my blog if you want to drop me a line.

Comments ( 20 )

Definitely glad to hear there's going to be sequels.

you should have made him refuse the archmage position

After a thousand years, I don't think the trail can get much colder.

Zecora's time potion?? [Plunder vines]

And ... EQG starts ...

While I’m looking forward to the firing of all the Chekov’s guns you’ve loaded, I can’t help but feel like this epilogue did a lot of telling and very little showing. I feel like this could’ve stayed in the oven a bit longer.

Something to think about

Celestia watched him curiously, not quite sure what he was pointing out.

I'll be sure to give this a re-read as soon as I can!

Somehow I feel like there may have been time travel shenanigans. That Not-Celestia might have been some kind of Projection. Alicorn Sunset trying to fix Celestias most famous "Mistakes", in killing Sombra in the last perhaps.

As for the Golem-Ponies and their powers, I feel like Ret may have been channeling chaos magic which has implications. Its something to think about, that a Changeling and an Alicorn together can create something arguably more powerful than either of them. But if that's what Spectrum (A presumably middling, if talented Changeling) can make I wonder what Chrysalis could do with a compliant Alicorn? Come to think of it, in this this Timeline the Legion of Doom might be much more potent in this continuity. Alicorn Cosy and Chrysalis with Tirek to fuel the creation with a nation's worth of magic could create a being beyond what even the three together could do.

Maybe She chose the wrong person when she impersonated Cadance, and should have impersonated Shining. Their "Offspring" would have been monstrous...

Those are some very interesting theories you're throwing around.
Some of which (I won't say which) I haven't thought of myself, nor have other people tossed anything similar my way.

I always do love hearing people theory-craft on my writing, it gives me warm fuzzies.

Also, what could Chrysalis do? Remember the Mean 6?


It was interesting, to say the least. I rather liked this story. For a while there, I even thought that Clover (or Random as he was known) was going to be turn out to be the Alicorn sisters adopted/elder brother, as he was obviously their Guardian at some point. Though his later romantic attachment to Luna obviously ended that theory quickly.

I wonder why he didn't connect with Celestia in the same way as he did with Luna? He obviously cared for the sisters and was something of a mentor, but that doesn't seem to matter to Celestia, nor does he apparently have much in the way of fond memories for her. There's little to suggest that she wanted to be Princess, just that she was flung there after becoming an Alicorn.

To be honest, the only bit of the whole story I wasn't overly keen on, was the implication that the impetus for Luna's Rebellion was Celestia ordering Clover's execution, apparently without trial, even as he recovered from an attempt at saving them. I mean, that's not a small mistake. That's murder, plain and simple. Its pretty indefensible. Coerced perhaps by some of the others, but nevertheless unforgivable weakness to acquiesces to the mob. It casts Celestia at best, into the shoes of Pontius Pilate; after which she then collapses into Daybreaker for a few years.
It comes across as a cowardly attempt to avoid her own mistakes, and makes her far less sympathetic.

During which time Clover yet again abandons her. Which I do think is something that Clover actually manages to escape criticism of. Because - and bare with me here.

I think Clover is a very selfish, very arrogant individual.
Bear with me here. Because so much of his plot is subject to his acts of self-sacrifice, and self-service. After all, he imprisons Sombra in his own body! How could he be selfish? Well... I think its because he does a lot of that by himself not because he doesn't want to risk others, but because he's characterised by an inability to connect to others.

I was thinking about his actions. At the very least, it begs the question why he didn't mentor Celestia. She was after all, only enthroned because she was an Alicorn - as the elder male Alicorn, Clover could easily have ruled. Their entire claim to the throne is rested on their nature as Alicorns. Celestia's prominence over her sister is rested on her age. But she's isn't the eldest Alicorn. Clover is. But Clover kept that secret. There are serious, implications to this.
Clover might have been Equestria's first King if he had revealed himself. In a real sense, one might accuse him of ducking his responsibilities and leaving Celestia - an untrained, unprepared filly - to rule in his place. Apparently alone (Because with the way the nobles act, there is little to suggest the Diarchy was in any sense but name, with the entire government of Equestria falling to her, and Luna's duties being the spiritual.)

She may well have had the adoration of the crowd, and the unthinking loyalty of the nobility, but Celestia didn't have the confidence of her mentor, the only adult alicorn in existence, or (it appears) her parents. Luna did. Clover dotes on Luna and gives her the attention and happiness that she wanted. But there's nothing to suggest that Celestia was happy with the adoration of the crowd, or the loyalty of the nobles. Even if it was something that Luna craved.

It makes me wonder if maybe Celestia was left to struggle alone when she would have preferred some of the attention of their mentor and predecessor gave to Luna. Not in a romantic sense, but because she was clearly unprepared and unequipped to rule. She had to figure it out alone. Especially after Starswhirl vanished. And we know she didn't always get it right.

Clover was clearly extremely powerful, even then, but I shouldn't have thought he was perfect. He's a fun character, but does come across as a little too competent at some points. A little too prepared for anything. It might be interesting to explore some of his weaknesses and flaws that aren't the result of keeping a spirit in him. Perhaps as he continues to mentor Onyx he might reflect on some of his own mistakes.
Clover is reckless here. Arrogant even. The Sisters after all, were new Alicorns, flung into existence, and the one person in all of the world who might have been able to tell them what it meant, and to adjust to their new stations concealed his true nature from them. Both of them fell to the Nightmare in some way - a threat they were apparently unprepared for, but for which Clover was all too familiar with, and even notes that its something that most if not all Alicorns experience.

He dismisses her as acting as though "She had the weight of Equestria on her back", but there's no indication Clover did anything to help her with that weight (in fact, he arguably dumped it upon her by refusing to reveal himself as an Alicorn and expose himself to the same worship of the other Ponies.) More importantly, she's never been shown how to act in any other way. Especially if the best source of training she had was Unicorns like Blueblood and Platinum. Just think, if Clover had revealed himself sooner, they may well have tried to crown him instead of the Sisters (something he notes as undermining the Sisters when they are still merely children). We briefly see the Sister's parents after all, though we later see no sign of them as the sisters start to grow, and are obviously long gone by the time they are enthroned - apparently by Starswirl of all Ponies.

Clover chooses to remain hidden. He searches for Starswirl. He stays away. I should not be surprised if Celestia feels abandoned by Clover. This latest revelation may yet open up old wounds. We know that her parents weren't in the picture. Who was her Guardian? Who was her anchor? Who was for her, what Clover was willing to be for Luna? Her distance from Clover compared to Luna could well be the result of his habitual passing of the buck.
Early Celestia is apparently so weak in the face of opposition that she couldn't hold Equestria together without executing innocent ponies at the say so of a baying mob, but she didn't ask to be in that position, and the Pony who arguably should be, apparently has nothing much to do with her, (instead doting on Luna). Starswirl vanishes without a word to anyone, and Clover refuses to stay and take his place, leaving her alone once more. Luna falls into the Nightmare (a danger Clover apparently knew about but didn't think to warn her of), is banished in the only way that can preserve her essence before it can be released centuries later, at which point Clover goes on a rampage, the stress of which causes her to fall into the Nightmare

Here's what I think. Here's the root of her friction with Clover.

I think Celestia has abandonment issues.

Think about it. There has never been a senior figure in her life that didn't vanish, die, or fall into darkness. And yet she was enthroned on a fledgling country. Of course she liked eating cake. She was a child. The one who ought to have been there guiding her - the only Male Alicorn in existence, who apparently knows more about her nature, what she can become and what will do - eventually also leaves her, for years at a time, but not before blatantly favouring Luna over her, which feeds into further bad choices, which results in even more isolation. The one who as an immortal literally has all the time in the world didn't have time for her. Celestia may have had the adulation of the crowd, and loyalty of the nobles, but she never had any real contact, any real friendships, and real mentors. That was reserved for Luna. She - in different ways perhaps - was nevertheless isolated and alone. And of course, Celestia would know better than to voice such resentments. Especially when she had so much that Luna craved, though it brought her no happiness. She didn't have Clover's respect. He thought her haughty. Arrogant. Hogging the limelight from her sister. Clover wasn't there for Celestia. Nobody was. She probably learnt more about Ruling from Discord than Clover.

Now to be clear, I don't think this makes Clover a bad character. In fact, I think it adds to his characterisation, to have this powerful, primodial Alicorn also be making mistakes with long reaching consequences. He was entirely too sure of himself, too confident that he knew what was best, and that everyone else should get out of the way, and has spent far too long with his plans working out at the last moment, to appreciate that he isn't perfect. There are suggestions in this story that he needs to learn to reach out and accept help. But I think it might be interesting in the sequel to see him reflect on those choices, and build to a reconciliation of sorts with Celestia.

After all, Celestia is the teacher, the guiding light. But compared to Clover, she is the student. But does not enjoy the relationship Twilight has with her mentor.

If the Not-Celestia really is Sunset Shimmer picking off Celestia's old enemies through time, I shouldn't be surprised if she targets Clover, blaming him for what she became. I shouldn't be surprised if Celestia has lingering resentment that Clover left them to figure out being immortal demigods with power over the celestial bodies of the world, and never bothered to tell them. I like Clover. He's interesting. He's cool. He's powerful.

But I think he failed Celestia. Someone he had a duty to. After all, he characterizes his history as him being "betrayed", but I don't think he's entirely innocent. He has chronic wanderlust. In many ways, he's Equestria's absent father. Flittering in and out of its history as it suits him, despite the role he played in bringing it to fruition. I suppose theirs a reason he attracts fairies, who are nothing if not prone to flights of fancy. I think he's an interesting character, but I don't think he's very good at seeing things outside of his own worldview.

Which hopefully, is where the Princess of Friendship comes in. I would like to see the shoe on the otherfoot, and see him learning something instead of teaching for once. Especially with Sunset appearing, and themes of students failing their teachers, and teachers failing their students.

Let me just start off by saying wow.
There was a lot to digest in everything you said there.
There was also a lot you hit the nail on the head for with what I've been shooting for.
None of them are perfect, none of them are all innocent, and none of them are all guilty.
They're just lost individuals trying to figure things out for themselves.
Remember that there's a lot of stuff within MLP that draws from Greek Mythology and if anything about the Greek Mythos stands out above anything else, is that none of them are perfect and they are in constant conflict with one another.
I do love the way you worded a lot of your observations and I think I might actually save this over to a .txt for later reference.

You're more than welcome to. I was worried I rambled a little bit, and flit around somewhat.

I think Celestia is an interesting character. Luna is my favourite, for very obvious reasons. But Celestia really gets shafted. But she's brilliant.

Lots of people like to do the whole "Tyrant Celestia" thing when she turns out to be outright dastardly underneath the surface. But I think that's been done to death, and personally find her canon depiction to be fascinating. She's an immortal, nigh-all powerful God Queen of a nation. Her only Peer was lost for centuries. Imagine being a child, ascended to nigh-Godhood. The one person who might be able to explain things to you, remains silent.

Equestria has barely survived self inflicted destruction. Hate, fear, paranoia is rampant (even by the standards of a childrens tv show about pastel ponies) and she's anointed as the immortal God-Queen of this fledgling nation. She cant' say no. She can't live a normal life. Her parents, friends, peers, will soon vanish like smoke as they age and pass but she lingers in the centuries. Her only peers are her Sister, (Withdraw, jealous, desperate for the attention her sister has) and her enemy a Mad God who views the laws of physics as mere suggestions. Both of whom are eventually imprisoned, leaving her to face the centuries alone. Her teacher vanishes without a trace.

She doesn't go insane. Instead she leads her people for a thousand years in a golden age of prosperity, apparently has the time to teach at a school. Celestia by far is one of the most fascinating characters of the series. She's often held up as the Mother of the Nation, the protector of the Goddess, but who was her teacher? Who was she the faithful student to? Who she did she grow under? No one. And she leaves the Crown the first chance she gets, as soon as her student ascends. My conclusion is this: She never want to rule.

I think, the final takeaway of the series, is that Twilight is already grooming a successor. She doesn't intend to reign for a thousand yeas like her mentor. Cadance and Shining have a child. Are we supposed to believe that the destiny of the Alicorn of Love, is to linger and dwell in immortality whilst the love of her life withers and dies? No, Cadance, like Arwen and Luthien, will choose a mortal life. An option that was denied Celestia. The Finale of the series is the fading of the Alicorns, and the immortal rulers choosing to step away. (As for the Famous Wedding Incident, there have been plenty of theories as to how she was so easily defeated. My Personal theory is that Chrysalis can feed of Love. And at the time she was feeding on the love of Shining and Cadance - the Alicorn of Love. It would be as if another villain could have fed on the Sun. A completely unique situation.)

Like I said. Celestia is a fascinating character. An immortal, benevolent Ruler, that reigns across the centuries, protecting their mortal subjects who flicker and fade and die and are dust, whilst they remain.

Just as a little aside for a moment, think about this for a moment:
There are lots of "Humans in Equestria stories", but none of them do the obvious thing, that a human being genuinely coming across should be absolutely terrified. I mean, think about it. Half of Humans are convinced that there is no higher power. We are alone in the cosmos, tiny specs of dust in the aether. The other half are religious, and of that Half, Half of those believe that humans have some innate flaw or capacity to sin that requires some higher power to correct. Or believe we are constantly within the process of growth and reincarnation, dying and living in order to grow and change and somehow become worthy in the process. Ascending. Reaching enlightenment. Thats humans for you.
Humans as a species believe themselves to be fundamentally unworthy. Your mileage may vary as to the theological reasons for that (Or even what we should do about it), but for all our bluster we aren't a hubristic species. That's arguably our one unifying trait. A collective species wide belief in our own inability to live up to what we could be. And the one unifying trait of every monster and dictator the human race has ever produced is a fantastical belief that they are the exception to that rule.

Now take that mindset in a warlike and savage ape race, and place it in front of Celestia. Just that meeting alone is a fascinating premise.

Like I said. Celestia is a fascinating character. Circling back to your story for a moment, its much more interesting to me, to see characterizations that depict her as benevolent, wise and powerful, and explore how that is possible, how she reached that point, without any guidance, without her teachers, without her mentors. And goes on to mentor an entire civilisation.

Now compare that to Clover. Clover's powerful. He's a fantastic mage.

But he's not Celestia. He's a lone adventurer. Why does he think he's okay to do this? He abandoned Celestia to reign alone. He abandoned her to figure out what it meant to be an Alicorn. He abandoned her to fight Discord alone. He abandoned Equestria, a nation he helped found. He abandoned her to the Nightmare. He abandoned her when her Sister was lost. He enthroned two children because of their status as Alicorns rather than reveal himself as an Alicorn. Celestia was left to learn to rule from the likes of Platinum and Bloodblood, and even then only became a tyrant (And was able to pull herself out of it, whilst her sister needed the aide of the elements.

Theres a subtle dig at Clover at the end, when he flinches as being called a Prince just for being an Alicorn, as if that wasn't the exact thing that happened to the Sisters. On his watch. He has more choice than they ever did.

Celestia is the Mother of the Nation. Clover is the absent Father. All the choices she made, all the losses and centuries of isolation, he could have spared her. He didn't. And why? Because she was haunty, though he never taught her differently. She was enthroned as a child, emulated the only rulers she knew and he judged her for it, without teaching her otherwise. Clover. Buddy. I love you. But that's fucked. And yet, eventually, without his help, she did figure it out. She is responsibility. She could be the Alicorn of Duty if it came to it. Next to him, she's still the filly they crowned because of who she was, and he didn't stop it even though he could have done so. Clover spent his years avoiding duty like a God damn plague. But don't worry. Celestia has it. Of course he might not tell her what he planned, which might make it challenging.

I shouldn't be surprised if there is resentment there. Luna wasn't the only one he abandoned. Fundamentally, Celestia needed him and he wasn't there. He seemingly never was.

You've still got me coming back to Clover being the absent father. He definitely abandoned the abandoned the sisters to Starswirl's teachings and the whims of the nobility when he could've been taken a much more active role.
He might've just eventually vanished altogether except that Luna took a shine to him at a young age.
And finally, while his wanderlust eventually did find him someone he wanted to teach, it also got him in a lot of trouble.

It's an evocative term. But one I think that is apt here. Who was Celestia's mentor? Starswirl? He vanished almost as soon as she was enthroned. She figures stuff out on her own. Clover returns somewhat when Luna pursues him. But in a way that's *worse*. Did they ever really have choice? Or just have to handle the cards they were dealt?

Clover Arguably mishandled it. But one could make the argument he flat out abandoned them.

Clover knows about Alicorns. He's doesn't tell them.
He knows about the Nightmare. He doesn't warn then.
Then the people of Equestria enthrone them. He doesn't reveal himself (knowing they would worship him) and instead allows that to fall to a girl whose parents are gone, and whose more interested in cake than ruling.
He returns, proclaims Starswirl lost for good, but refuses to take Starswirls place.
He judges Celestia but doesn't teach her. He duels Sombra alone and nearly loses because of it. He doesn't share his plans, his feelings or even his nature.

And most unforgivable of all, he doesn't warn either of them of their impending immortality. He's is the sole person in all of creation who might be able to offer Celestia some comfort, some guidance. And he withholds it.

Doesnt he feel anything that he's no longer the last alicorn? Yes. He's feels.... Sadness. Disgust even. And never explains why. But he's horrified to learn they ascended. Seemingly aware of what this will mean for them. Then... He's runs.

And why? Here immortal. Ageless and eternal. He's could take four centuries off to share with Celestia what he knows about being an Alicorn and barely notice. He is literally in no rush. Celestia finds herself powerless before the nobles and what does he do? He has all the time in the world. Nothing holding him back. No loved ones. No obligations. No duty. Except he ones he hands off to Star swiro the first chance he gets.

From context clues we know there was a period where Celestia was little more than puppet of the nobility. Where they could demand the execution of archmages and she felt powerless to deny them it. And we also know that this was before Clovers immortality was known. Meaning it must have been less than what? Thirty years? Forty tops? Since she's been enthroned, and in less than a generation her sister was gone, her parents were gone. She was worshiped as God Queen, having failed to stop Sombra, and having presided over the most catastrophic loss of life in 1000 years. Lost control of the elements of Harmony. And having witnessed what befell her sister she fell into the Nightmare. And what does Clover do? At her lowest point? Seals her in stone as Daybreaker and flees.

Before she had reigned for even a generation. Imagine how she must have felt in that moment.

And that's the situation she finds herself in. She banished her own Daybreaker. Pulled herself out of her depression. Orchestrates the release of her sister. Rules for 1000 years alone with no one by her side. Heads witness to the ascension of not one but two alicorns (both of whom look to her to explain what it even means to be an Alicorn. And in this continuity shes making it up as she goes along. Do they even *know* the Nightmare is something lurking in each Alicorn? Or do they believe Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker are their personal weaknesses and latent cruelty and sinfulness should they ever "fall"? Has Clover bothered to tell them? What else hasn't he told them?

Clover spent the remaining years trying (and almost failing) to maintain the Seal on Sombra who - it transpires, was the one *he* trained. Which would not be a issue if A) he hadn't spawned his own Darth Vader in training Sombra to begin with, or B) he had enough of a relationship with Celestia to notice Solar Flare wasn't Celestia (Something his channelling buddy who'd never even met Celestia was able to tell *on sight*) even knowing Daybreaker.

Magic? Clover has buckets of it. But Loyalty? Generosity? Kindness? Clover needs some friendship lessons.

The question for me is who best to fall him out on it? Because I can't imagine Celestia even admitting to it. But I tell you what. I am willing to get that her fondness for Cake, is because do much of her early reign involved orders for cake. And why? Because she was a kid. And that's what a kid would do it you made them princess. There would have been a moment, when the idea of being Princess meant to her "Wait a moment. I can *order* for more cake. I'm the *Princess*."

I think it might be good for Twilight to have the moment of realisation. A moment when she realises the weight her mentor has lived with. Shining armor could be an excellent foil. The mortal lover of an alicorn. A brother to an Alicorn. Eventually the father to one. Devoted to his duty. And can you imagine someone less likely to abandon someone in his care? One might draw parallels to what he did to save the Crystal Empire, a nation he was barely connected to to Clovers flagrant apathy to Equestria, a nation he helped found! Plus, he's one of the single most powerful unicorns of his generation. Though he lacks any raw talent for spellcraft, capable of little more than telekinesis and Shields, he had enough raw strength to shield an entire city, whilst being fed upon by a Changeling Queen who was juiced up on enough Alicorn Magic to topple an Alicorn. Personally I think he surpasses Unicorn Twilight in terms of raw strength and in a timeline where he possessed talent or interest in honing that power her have been a potent archmage.

Off perhaps, after her crisis of confidence, it would fall to Rainbow, the embodiment of Loyalty to show Clover that for all his many qualities, he was never there for the ponies who needed him.

And yet I can imagine the Catharsis of seeing Celestia. Behind the mask. A glimpse of the filly who was flung into an impossible situation, because Clover didn't want to be tied down.
Clover cares about *Ponies* but he doesn't seem to care much for Equestria as a concept. Presumably because he predates it. Importantly he is utterly convinced of his own righteousness. Everyone else should get out of the way and let him handle it.

I think he and Twilight may be on a collision course because it's simply not how they do things. Whats more, she's devoted to Celestia. And I think she would be... Upset... That he abandoned her. Very much like a parent abandoning their child.

If she and Cadence were to compare notes about how they coped with becoming an Alicorn, realised that Celestia had only herself, had no idea what was happening to hers and would have had to deal with both being made Princess of a Brand New Nation beset by xenophobia so intense it nearly destroyed the planet, AND the loss of her parents (admittedly that's inferred but very likely) all at the same Time. Then they note that Clover *could* have done more if he'd felt like it.

I really am enjoying reading all your analyses.
I AM actually reading all of it. You've actually brought up a couple points I haven't properly thought over and a number of others I've already given a great amount of thought into when it comes to building my various arcs. Make no mistake, I do have plans for Clover and the ponies around him as I reveal more about him.

Read it, loved it.
Not what I was expecting!

an amazing story and so much fun reading.

and yet this is set for a sequel.

Did you read these in the opposite order?

sadly yes , yes i did. :pinkiehappy:

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