• Published 25th Oct 2021
  • 1,778 Views, 295 Comments

Return of the Ancient Mage - Zoshe

An old face returns, seeming to have some past with Equestria's rulers. Who is he and why is he returning now?

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Chapter 30: The Ancient Mage

When the light cleared yet again, Twilight found herself in a snowy wasteland. "What is it now?" She complained as she poked at her crown with her still transparent hoof. Whatever was happening, the Element of Magic was definitely behind it.

"Are we there yet?" A distant voice whined. "My hooves are sore and this weather is positively dreadful."

Twilight followed the voice, her unsubstantial hooves easily running over the surface of the snow without even making a mark. When she found the source of the complaining, she found an entire procession of unicorns marching through the snow.

"We don't actually know where we're going," a male voice responded from within the crowd. "Its called an expedition for a reason. We're not going to find anything unless we keep moving."

"Uh, how rude," the first voice said. "Didn't your master ever teach you the proper way to address a princess?"

Unicorns are such snobs. And this one's the worst of the bunch.

"No, Princess Platinum," the second voice spoke again. "He only instructed me to keep you out of trouble and to advise you however I can and I advise you to keep moving."

He's not really my master, but whatever keeps you happy I guess.

"Princess Platinum?" Twilight questioned aloud even though no one could hear her. "How far back am I seeing?"

Twilight drew a bit closer until she could see the procession in better detail. It was made up of at least a dozen unicorns, all loaded down with various provisions for the journey. At the head of the procession she saw a white unicorn with a pink mane wearing an elegant purple cloak. Atop her head was an elaborate crown, the edges of which were frosted over and caked with snow. Next to her, cloaked in green, was Random Fact. The pony that Twilight assumed she was following. Where exactly were they all going?

"Are you sure we'll find a new place to live if we keep heading in this direction, Clover?" Platinum continued to complain.

Clover? As in Clover the Clever? Was he here too? Twilight scanned the crowd of unicorns, trying to find who Princess Platinum had just addressed. There was very little record of Clover's exploits outside of Equestria's founding, there wasn't even a picture of him in the Canterlot archives. The only thing that anyone really knew about him was that he was apprenticed to Starswirl the Bearded.

"If we keep going this way," Random said, sounding like he was tired of answering this question. "We should eventually find our way out of the snow... Princess," he added at the end, almost sounding like he was chewing on the words.

"If you say so, Clover," Princess Platinum said as she pulled her cloak tighter around herself. "I can't wait to get out of this snow."

Twilight froze, her mouth hung open and she forgot to breathe after what she just heard. Her eyes slowly wandered back Random Fact... No... Clover the Clever as he continued to guide the expedition through the snow.

"What?!" Twilight exclaimed as the revelation left her stunned.

The cold didn't really bother Twilight as she continued to follow the procession of unicorns since she wasn't really there. But even if she was, she doubts that she would've noticed due to all of the thoughts that were currently racing through her head. This had been a crazy day for her.

The Everfree Shade was Random Fact, and Random Fact was none other than Clover the Clever. How did that happen? How was he still alive after all this time? Who else knew? Whisper probably did. That wouldn't even remotely surprise her. What about the way Princess Luna reacted to him? What did that mean? What was it she saw in the Crystal Empire? And why hadn't Princess Celestia written her back yet?

Twilight threw her hooves up and ruffled her mane in frustration. She just found out something potentially world shattering. However, all she got in its place was more questions than answers.

This should be far enough for today.

Twilight's ears perked up as the ghostly voice filled her head again.

"Let's stop here for today," said Clover as he stopped walking, every other unicorn in the procession stopping with him.

"Oh thank the stars," complained Princess Platinum as she sat down on the end of her cloak, not even caring that it was getting wet from the snow. "My hooves are killing me."

Another unicorn pushed his way to the front of the procession, an air of authority on his shoulder. "Clover!" He called out, getting his attention. He lowered his voice as he drew closer, "why are we stopping? I doubt it's just because the princess is getting difficult."

That's an understatement. I'd rather just push her off a cliff.

Twilight gave an amused snort. She'd been getting bits and pieces about Clover's personality from the stray thoughts she had been hearing. One thing was clear from his cynicism though, he did not care for Princess Platinum.

"Captain Orion," Clover nodded to the unicorn. "There is," he gestured off into the distance. "See those clouds up there?"

Orion followed where Clover was pointing, "I see them, but those are just clouds. What about them?"

"There's a storm coming," Clover said as a matter of fact, causing Orion's eyes to widen. "I give it an hour, two at the longest. I suggest you get camp set up right away and be ready for a long night."

Orion gave a soft whistle, "one of these days you're going to have to tell me how you do that without any pegasus nearby."

"Read the weather you mean?" Clover raised an eyebrow. "It's not that hard if you pay attention. We're too far away from civilization for it to be influenced by any roaming pegasus. So it just boils down to the pattern of the clouds."

You wouldn't believe the truth if I told you.

"Well if you say so. I don't pretend to understand it, but you've kept us out of trouble so far." He turned to leave, "are you heading out into the woods again?"

"Yeah, I am. I'll be back in a bit." Clover broke off from the group and slowly headed in the direction of the woods.

Orion watched him go, "I swear that stallion is so many levels of odd. If it weren't for how much trouble he's kept us out of, the princess would've probably ordered us to leave him behind with how much he bothers her."

Twilight followed after Clover as he wandered into the woods. He walked until they could no longer see the camp that was setting itself up. He paused to take a few moments to breathe before reaching up and unfastening his cloak.

Twilight got her first real view of his cutiemark as his green cloak fell away. It was indeed a four leaf clover, the same as his name. She wasn't sure why he was disrobing in the middle of the woods though. Wasn't he cold? He took a few steps forward, naked except for the green gemmed amulet around his neck. So he was still wearing the amulet even this far back? He was doing a fairly good job keeping it concealed beneath his cloak.

As he walked forward, small little lights began to appear around him. They began dancing as she saw his shoulders relax, she hadn't realized how tense he actually was.

"So have I made good decisions?" The lights flitted around him as he talked. "Hmmm, yeah I thought about it." More bells chimed around him as the lights danced. "I'm still not sure why I'm on this journey. I would've preferred to stay where it was nice and quiet." One of the light flashed red for a moment, making him laugh. "Heh, it does have its moments."

"Who are you talking to?" Twilight asked as she drew closer.

When Twilight spoke, she saw one of the lights freeze for a moment before flying in her direction. She looked behind her, wondering if someone else was approaching. When she turned back, a pink light floated immediately in front of her and she could just barely make out the image of Whisper from within.

The fairy looked at her with a puzzling gaze. "That's curious," she said as she flitted around Twilight's head. "Interesting..." She pondered before zipping back to float next to Clover.

"What's that? I'm not alone out here?" Clover asked into the air.

Twilight gasped as he asked the question. It wasn't possible. This was just a memory, wasn't it?

"They're over here you say," Clover continued speaking as he turned to face her. "I don't see anypony there."

Twilight was getting nervous as Clover looked in her direction. "Hmm..." She heard him ponder as his pupils lit up. Twilight didn't get the unnerving feeling that accompanied his gaze like she had before, but she was still unsettled by the possiblity of her presence being known. She slowly made her way around him, hoping that she was just being paranoid. When Clover failed to follow her movements, she relaxed a bit.

"Are you playing with me again?" He asked, sounding annoyed. "There's nothing there."

Whisper leaned in to whisper in his ear and his eyes grew wide before his expression started to drop. "Please don't joke about things like that," said Clover. "I don't want to think about the sort of tragedy would come with the birth of an alicorn."

The light that Twilight knew to be Whisper started to bounce and jingle in the air, somehow managing to sound angry despite the ringing tone that carried over the snow. Clover winced at what was surely some sort of reprimand as he backed away from the light and moved in Twilight's direction. "All right, all right," he said hastily. "I'll talk to her."

Twilight froze as Clover approached her. What was she supposed to do? What should she say?

Before she knew it, he had stopped right in front of her, "I don't know who you are, pony from a far away future. But there must be a reason you're here. I wonder what it is you're here to see?" He scratched the underside of his chin as he considered the empty space in front of himself. "I wonder where I am or what I'm doing in your time. I wouldn't be surprised if I'm still around."

The lights tinkled behind him, causing him to give a small laugh. "The fairies seem to like you," he said. "Either that or they're all having a laugh at my expense right now. Still... If there is somepony there, then I wonder what it is you're here for?" He stepped away from them all and picked up his discarded cloak, a layer of snow having already gathered on top of it.

"I don't know why it is you're watching me, but hopefully you find what it is you're looking for. How much longer will you be watching me, I wonder? If I'm indeed still around in your own time, come find me." In a fluid motion he swung his cloak onto his back. As he refastened it, all the fairies that had gathered fled and disappeared into the forest. "It would be interesting to find out who was spying on me and why."

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