• Published 25th Oct 2021
  • 1,779 Views, 295 Comments

Return of the Ancient Mage - Zoshe

An old face returns, seeming to have some past with Equestria's rulers. Who is he and why is he returning now?

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Chapter 27: Trouble with Triplets

The girls enjoyed their group hug for a few more moments before they remembered that some of them needed to breathe. The Twilight triplets looked up at Rainbow Dash and Rarity. "So are you ok?" Asked earth pony Twilight.

"Well I for one am not gonna forget that experience any time soon," said Rarity.

"What was it like?" Asked pegasus Twilight, eyes lit up in curiosity.

"Well I don't think either of us enjoyed it," Rainbow said with a cringe. "I kinda now know some stuff I didn't before, though. Like I actually know the difference between a blanket stitch and a backstitch now, and I didn't really want to know."

"I've never once thought about asking what the difference is between a barrel roll and a aileron roll. Now I've got a feeling of what it's like to perform both," Rarity said as she held her stomach. "And now I feel like I might be ill if I try to remember it."

"Oh this is so fascinating," said unicorn Twilight. "I have to take notes. I wonder if there's a way we could study it in a more controlled environment."

Both Rainbow and Rarity recoiled at the thought of ever going through that again. "As much fun as that sounds," said Rainbow. "I mostly just want to put this bad dream behind me."

"I quite agree, darling," said Rarity. "Besides, Twilight." Rarity gestured to Twilight's current condition. "I'm quite sure you could find something to study since there's now, um... Three of you."

The gears slowly clicked into place as the triplets just stared at her for a moment. "Oh my gosh, you're right!" Cheered pegasus Twilight as she hovered in the air. "This is only supposed to last until morning," unicorn Twilight pointed out. "We should get on this right away," said earth Twilight. All three of them looked in the same direction. "Spike!" They all called out together, their combined voices coming out more thunderous than they meant them to.

Spike jumped as they all called out his name. Before he even had a chance to say anything, though. The trio had already started herding their number one assistant in the direction of the lab. Spike helplessly looked over his shoulder, hoping for a rescue, but all he got in return was a good luck wave from Applejack before he was dragged away.

"Well, she sure bounces back quickly," said Applejack.

"You're telling me," said Pinkie as she was currently latched firmly onto Flutterguy's side and nuzzling into his fur.

"Looks like another cold shower is in order," said Applejack as she grabbed a mouthful of Pinkie's tail and began dragging her back in the direction of the bathroom.

Pinkie's eyes narrowed to pinpricks as she broke away from Flutterguy and tried to make a mad dash to get away. Apparently the only thing Pinkie wanted more at that moment than to have someone scratch her special itch was to avoid another cold shower.

"Nooooooooo!!!" Pinkie's cry of anguish could be heard echoing through the whole library even after she had been dragged out of the room.

"Well I for one am ready to retire for the evening," Rarity yawned as she made her way to the door. "Will you girls be alright?"

"Yeah..." Rainbow hung her head low, "I'll be fine."

"Darling," Rarity turned back and lifted Rainbow's head, looking deeply into her eyes. "There's no point in lying. We were sharing the same thoughts and feelings not too long ago. Are you sure you're all right?"

"Yeah, Rarity. I'll be all right. I'm just tired," said Rainbow as she circled one hoof on the ground.

Flutterguy stepped up beside Rainbow and draped a yellow wing over her back, "don't worry Rarity." He said as he pulled Rainbow a bit closer, eliciting a blush from her. "I'll make sure she gets home ok." He recoiled a bit when he realized how bold he was acting, eliciting a wide-eyed stare from Rarity. "Um...If that's ok with you, Rainbow?"

"Yeah... It's cool," said Rainbow as she fidgeted with her hooves. There was something soothing about her childhood friend comfort her right now, more so than usual. However, it also left her feeling warm and toasty in a way she couldn't quite put her hoof on.

"Well if you're sure, darling," Rarity said with a sly smile. "I guess I'll see you girls later."

Spike had seen more than his fair share of Twilight shenanigans over the years. There was the stampede of books incident, where she let the story of a good book run away with her. Quite literally in that case. One time she wanted to quantify exactly how chocolatey chocolate really is, and Spike swore that he'd never let her go that far off the deep end after she somehow melted one of his dragon scales. Not even the Princess could figure out how she pulled off that last one. And who could forget the "want it, need it" incident. Don't ask... just don't... You had to be there.

However, the newest installation in "The Twilight Chronicles" seemed to exist for the sole purpose of annoying Spike as much as possible.

"What do you think, Spike?" Said the tiny unicorn. "Do I want to try the spectral arcanometer or the neuro spectrograph first?" She said excitedly while looking between two very complicated pieces of equipment. "I can't decide!"

"Forget that," retorted the pegasus filly as she hovered around while digging through miscellaneous piles. "Where did we put that anemometer. These pegasi wings are so much easier to move around than my alicorn ones." She flittered them like she was showing them off. "I wanna see what kind of wing power I'm playing with."

"Ya'll are crazy," said the remaining earth pony. "Ah think we should just see if we all still have the same tastes. Ya know, with like with food and stuff."

The first two to speak both stopped their search and just stared blankly at the pony who just sounded suspiciously an awful lot like...

"Have we been spending more time than usual around Applejack?" Asked the unicorn.

"Maybe," the pegasus threw her hooves up in confusion. "Maybe she hit her head on the way down the stairs. Grab that neuro spectrothingy and let's find out."

Now it was the pegasus' turn to be put on the spot. "Spectrothingy?" Twilight looked skeptically at her winged counterpart with a raised eyebrow.

"Who cares, a brain mapping would be a great place to start anyway," the defendant quickly deflected.

"Agreed," said the unicorn as she used her magic to scoop up the one that had gone a little too country, and began carrying her over to the only device in the room that looked like it had a repurposed colander.

"Hey, put me down," earth pony Twilight complained loudly. "Spike! Ye plan on doin anythin' 'bout this?!"

Spike, who had been slowly creeping his way towards the stairs in an effort to escape, halted to a stop when all three Twilights turned their attention back to him.

"I almost forgot. Spike," said the unicorn. "Prepare my best notebook and quill, it's gonna be a long night."

"And make us some snacks," ordered the pegasus. "We're gonna need to keep our energy up."

"Save me!" Pleaded the earth pony as the other two secured her in the device.

Spike groaned inwardly as he tried to figure out how he was expected to do all of that at once. Twilight was right about one thing. It was going to be a long night.

Author's Note:

I have lost my mind.
Joking aside, twili-triplicate shenanigans has been a joy.
Maybe this gag will have to be revisited at some point.

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