• Published 11th Jun 2021
  • 605 Views, 7 Comments

Spiders and Magic Presents:Amazing Fantasy - spiders123

It’s about a young Asgardian who has ties with Gusty the Great now years later is grown and ready to start his own adventures (imagine Wonder Woman from dc super hero girls, and Finn the human and Leonardo from TMNT) merged into one Asgardian

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Season 1: Scion of Gusty Ep 9: Red pajama guys?

Season 1: Scion of Gusty Ep 9: Red pajama guys?

About a week after the Baxter building discussion died down throughout the media.

He holds his crushed phone “damn it shaw”

“I can’t wait for shinobi shaw’s aid, so I’ll have to reach through my other pockets”

He takes out a book revealing connections a certain big bald Crimeboss had once.

Apparently this book revealed a lot of interesting resources including

A small freighter arrives at the dock he stands on as a single man

“Gorgon, with what I paid for, you and your friends will keep these individuals out of the, stall them or annihilate them if you can” he reveals security cameras of the ani-mutants that he bought from the traffic business.

Gorgon only nods with a snap he and a few ninja show up

“Only 5, where are the rest?”

“It is not wise to send a whole battalion when if the enemy isn’t as dangerous as you claim”

“If they weren’t I wouldn’t have made this call”

“I find it impressive since few rarely know the hand”

“Let’s just say some connections can’t be trusted as much anymore”

as he vanished into the night

A week has passed since the incident with the Baxter Building

They were at Jameson’s house again

“Remind me why you brats are at my hovel again?” Said the old man smoking

“Because now that we have an official title, it’s a common fact the whole world knows we exist” mayday said she goes to the computer.

She About to review but she seems to have some trouble “damn it…this things slow, why didn’t you get a new computer?”

“Bah never got around to it” he waved it off

Ocellus takes a look “I can take a look, you haven’t update some of these programs in awhile, some have viruses” she pointed out.

Ullr points out “so what do we do with the review”

“Simple” mayday said “we get our new pawn the reporter to explain about us”

“Wouldn’t characters who hide in the shadows but oh I don’t know suspicious” Gallus said

“We can’t please everyone, people are already sensitive to mutants, and aliens, and this is the safest method” she calculated

“Besides most people could think it’s a hoax” smolder said “giving us time to be us”

“Gosh smolder that’s very humble of you” Sandbar said

“Once you've heard the constant tales of ‘spike the brave and glorious’” she does air quotes “You’ve seen enough to know how that might go”

“Who?” Ullr said

Mayday points out “spike is a dragon and family friend of my mom”

“Is she the one who wrote that journal?”

“No that’s my grandfather and none of your business”

“Journal what journal?” The old man said

“Something mayday found at a subway” Ullr said as she slaps the back of his head

Jameson takes a smoke “so the kid still relies on diaries, I thought it was all digital now with blasted kids these days”

He gripes “uggh teens the real menace they’re basically why the news business had problems!”

He gets off his chair “name one time a famous kid or teenager ever mentioned reading the newspaper”

“Uhhh” Silverstream pauses

“Exactly never” he said “that’s why I’ve been forced to go back to my roots journalism and by me, I mean my flunkies Sukea and what’s her name”

“That foreigner mikimura?” Mayday said

“She’s going to be here soon” he pointed out

“Then I guess it’s time for us to split then” Gallus gets up to leave with the group

“You mean we can’t meet her?” Yona said

“Easy Yona, just cause Sukea and Jameson know doesn’t mean others may accept us” Ocellus said

“Aww” Silverstream said

“Exactly so no matter how unfair that may sound we should probably leave before…” Sandbar opened the door to adjust his image inducer to look human

It opens to reveal a girl they’ve never seen before “Hi boss I found out my dentist appointment is tomorrow not today so I figured…I…

She suddenly realized that she is looking at a room that has a multitude of creatures

“Yay a new friend!” Silverstream cheered


They look to see the girl fainted

“Sandbar!” Mayday slaps her head in shock

“Sorry I didn’t hear anyone through the door!”

“So that’s your so called flunkie eh old man” Gallus pointed his thumb to the unconscious Miki

“Shove it bird brat”

“Yona let’s set her down” Ullr said he looks to Sukea

“Um could you think of an excuse to say why she fainted please?”

“Sure, I could say the house has had 60 years of hallucinating moss”

“Sukea how dare you insult my home! No one does that but me!”

They get out before they could hear Sukea get chewed out more

Sukea stands on the roof of his apartment

He takes a sip of tea “I did not expect this to happen to me”

He then walks to the ledge “to think I’d meet some kids who have basically stumbled upon the same situation as me” he finished his tea “Maybe I should reveal my true…

He then senses a presence

He turns to see a bunch of ninja running through roof tops

“So…this world does have ninja” he puts his stuff away ‘but to truly know if they are a friend or foe…’ he miraculously jumps off the roof.

He uses a grappling hook to swing and land on only certain spots containing large shadows

He wears a scarf to cover his face…because it’s so cold tonight

He arrives to finally see them stop at the region of Hell’s Kitchen. He takes a stop 50 before them seeing them go inside an abandoned building. He waits for a minute before heading to that stop. He walks to the ceiling window and slowly opens it. He then starts to hear about why they are here.

Inside the room of the rogue ninja,

Gorgon has been having his ninja built him a conspiracy board all tied to the Ani-Mutants building up his focus

His receives a call from the phone
a familiar voice

‘Oh boy’ Sukea gets annoyed he takes out a wiretap and attempts to plug it to the nearest electrical area ‘I’m still have a hard time adapting to these appliances’

Gorgon of the hand answers it “have you succeeded yet”

“Do not ask questions to what you already know the answer too”

“Why are you taking so long, the longer there here the more disaster they could bring”

“I’d advise you that it’s not a wise move to push the Hand to rush a capture”

Sukea listens ‘a hit? Already they’ve made enemies of ninja, but who could that voice be…?’

“Don’t call again unless you’ve made alterations to the deal, the next time there is a call we call you”

“What?! You imbecilic”

Gorgon turns off the phone

Gorgon looks at a newspaper of the Ani-mutant’s exploits

“Logically the only ones who seemed to have any connection to these new mutants must be whoever published these papers.” He stabs one name

“Start with her” which aims at the name of the reporter.

Sukea stops listening “Sigh today just isn’t her day” he gets up the feels a sword near his neck “stop”

Sukea looks behind him to see one of the ninjas out “filthy intruder”

Sukea looks uninterested…with a dull look everything ends in a flash

Moments later…one falls to its demise

Gorgon steps out the building to hear a noise and sees…a one of his hand grunts broken

“I guess I’ll have to start this operation with one less hand”

He raises his sword and jams it down

Yona looks towards Ullr drawing

“What are you doing”

“Hi Yona, I was just drawing what I saw in a dream once”

He was sketching that interesting background he saw in that dream back at the Baxter Building

Silverstream jumps up behind him “Ohh can I help?”

“Help?” He questioned “but it’s a sketch”

“Yeah but I’m what if you want to paint it”

“Yona thinks it’s okay” the yak says

“I don’t know if I want to color-

“Oh please please please!” She shifts her weight “I won’t let go until you say please” she hugs him closer to the point where he could smell her hair

‘Huh, smells like the lakes from alfheim’ ‘wait’ realized he smelled too long blushed and surrendered “okay”

“Yay” she pushed him on the desk

“I’m guessing this is because Mayday finally was quick enough to lock her lab for once” Ullr said

“Nope” she says “I have ways around that”

“You see when I first discovered land, I realized how water color’s reminded me of the architecture and beauty that my old home captured and ever since then I’ve gotten into water color painting”

“I see, well let’s go check if we have any”


They hear a window smash and a kunai lands at the table where Ullr was at

“What’s going on” the professor hears the crash

“That thing almost bit Ullr!” Silverstream said

“A kunai? Is this another remnant from Logan’s past”

He turns on a monitor “strange no disturbance and none of security has been tampered with”

‘Who could have sent it’

Ullr sees a note attached to the kunai “look at this” he shows them the note

“What’s it say” Yona said

“We’re about to find out” Ullr says he reads the note

‘Warning Miki is in danger’ meet at her house which shocks Ullr

“Guys the reporter is in danger!”

“Oh no!” Silverstream says

“How do they know her?”

“There are too many questions we should probably ask Jameson for her address, and probably warn Sukea too” Ullr says

“Yona gathers up everyone” she volunteers

“Now…who’s going to tell mayday?” Ullr says


Outside the building of oscorp

Ocellus and Mayday stand outside the building

“Why have we gone here?”

“That robot that attacked us came from Osborn its possible whoever is on the top knows who we are”

“How do you know they are after us”

“I…don’t but I have a hunch on something”

“So how do we get inside”

“Well I’ve found a way thanks to megaman hacking into oscorps server, all we have to do is-


She feels her cellphone vibrate

“Doesn’t your earbud invention have a communication feature, why not use that?”

“Because Of one thing, Cellphones are cool” Mayday said as she prefers the cooler looking devices

As she answers “Who’s this”

And after Moments later “SHES WHAT?!!!”

“I can’t believe this! After so much searching we finally found someone desperate enough to work for that old fart!” Mayday complains during the drive of the jeep

“If she dies who knows how long until we find another reporter!”

‘Of course she’d be mad for the wrong reasons’ Gallus rolls his eyes

“Um shouldn’t we be worried if she’s okay?” Ocellus says

“She better be okay, or else those guys who did it won’t be if they’re threatening my plans!” Mayday roars “now step on it!”

“Hey!” Smolder yells as Mayday steps on her foot as they floor it

The vehicle goes very fast and slowly becomes harder to control as it goes faster and faster

“Woah!” Almost everyone screams as it spirals and goes so fast it speeds through a lot of red lights.

Sandbar gets off of the keep “uhhh! Thank celestia that’s over”

They see the house

“Quick scope the scene” Mayday said as they all scan around for a few minutes.

After a few minutes of looking around

“Nothing out of the ordinary here” Gallus flown down as Silverstream followed “ditto!”

Ocellus comes out of the house

“Guys I’ve found some strange debris” she takes out something familiar which Ullr spots

“This looks like the same projectile used to send us a message”

“Could it be the same guy?” Silverstream asked

“No look at the design” he shows the kunai to everyone “the weapon is bigger and handle is a different color”

“Is she in there?” Sandbar asks

“There was no one inside”

Mayday hits the hit “Great! This is just perfect!” She yells in frustration

Ullr ponders “Hey Ocellus”


“Could you bring out a picture of the reporter or at least a belonging of hers?”

“Why a photo?”

“It’s just incase if you do know what one of her belongs are but you could find one if you could”

She is confused but goes back inside to get it. As she comes back, she hands him a recent photo of her. “Here, I also found this towel with the debris”

“Thanks” he starts to sniff it surprising them all

“Uh…” Sandbar says

“Ew” Gallus it

“What the heck are you doing?!” Mayday slaps him in the back “that’s creepy”

Smolder laughs “gee I didn’t know you were sweet on her”

Ullr “I don’t know what you mean, but anyway I caught a whiff of her scent when she arrived at Jameson’s place…despite the old man smell”

“Woah Woah Woah” Gallus points out, “her scent, like a dog?”

“Back on Asgard, let’s just say I was a bit of a tracker…”

He compares the smells “yup. It’s here” he puts the stuff down. “There not far”

“Should we take the jet” Yona asks

“We can’t” Smolder said

“Why?” Silversteam asks

“Because the Stratojet is still totaled after that stunt with That jerk kristoff!” Mayday still upset about the ordeal she had to go through which was justified. “Let’s just go”

Ullr gets shotgun “okay just drive where I point”

“Totally like a dog” Gallus points out

They arrived at night, drove to the area of Hell’s Kitchen.

The stop the ride and get off.

They look to see a huge building that’s old and unused

“Okay someone should check for traps” Gallus said

“Dibs not it” Smolder said

“Dibs not it!” Almost everyone said but mayday was slow

“Fine but I won’t dirty my hands” she takes out a small ball from her pocket and a remote and it morphs into a toy spider
“Meet my spider bot able to scan any potential threat”

She sends it to scan the walls for any sound and it takes some minutes

“My bot says that there’s only a couple of guys plus one unmoving individual”

“That must be her” sandbar said

“Let’s move” Ullr said

They bust the door opened

Ullr steps in first following the bot to scan more

‘It’s quiet, did they leave…no why would they leave her alone unless it was for a reason’

“You are the Ani-Mutants I presume”

They look up to see a light revealing gorgon holding onto an unconscious Miki

“Woah we’re already famous?” Silverstream said

“Currently that’s bad” Gallus said

“Let her go!”

“Hmm…how about if you survive long enough, I will spare you all” Gorgon said

“And if we refuse” Gallus says

“Of course you’re not going to refuse, you answered to my trap” the hand elite said

“Don’t worry it just one man” Yona said

“Clearly this will take all night which is why I brought something for you all”

Two hand ninjas go behind him and jump into front platform.

Silversteam looks confused “are they somd sort of Pajama guys?” Pfft “they look so weird!” She giggles

Ullr takes out his blade “I didn’t even hear them much, I’ve heard of some of these types of fighters” he goes into a stance “I heard dark elves would also go by stealth style tactics”

“Dark elves?” Sandbar said

“Long story” Ullr said “let’s focus on now”

“My thoughts exactly” gorgon said as he unleashed his blade

Unaware that behind gorgon a little bot goes under him


“Gah!” He gets stunned

So sandbar uses the opportunity to seal Miki in a forcefield.

“Let’s go!” Gallus said

As the flyers race to her

Some hand ninja throw bolos that hit most except Gallus who hits the weapons with his feathers and Carrie’s the force field away outside the building.

Silverstream and smolder fall but Yona catches them and rips the bolos off

Ocellus frees herself by morphing into a parakeet then into a ferocious tiger to attack a ninja

Outside of the building, Gallus gets the unconscious girl back to mayday

“Is she okay?”

Gallus checked a pulse on her palm and heard some beats “yeah” only a bruise on her head revealing her bump to mayday

“That was way too close” mayday looks behind the screen “are those actual ninja?”

“What’s a ninja?” Looking at the screen too keeping Miki guarded

“Something my dad talked about, guys in pajamas, sworn to destroy all they are ordered to face, I thought he was joking though when he met ninjas”

Unaware of them that a silent figure jumped over them

Back inside

“You’ve lost your leverage end this now” Sandbar said

“Her? She was mere bait” he snaps his fingers as some ninja casts some illusions

As some ninjas look like there are in two places at once

“Is this…magic?”

“Dark sorcery” gorgon corrected he makes a hand gesture that signals the underlines to attack.

Ocellus tries to catch one in the tiger form but it poofs and quickly dodged a cut

Ullr jumps at the platform gorgon is and takes out his blade

“You facing me yourself?”

“I can tell your more level headed than kristoff” Ullr said he goes into a stance “ he sees his opponent grab a sword

“If they fought you, you may kill them which I can not allow”

“Very well” he strikes at Ullr he parried and sees and sensed an opening

“Why fight me blind folded” Ullr says as he blocks and attack but trips under a leg swipe he dodged a stab on the floor but his hood is stuck so Ullr punches the blade to break it

Gorgon uses the broken blade to stab at him like a knife but kicks it away “if I revealed to you my eyes, you would be dead”

A ninja hands him another blade “call it a common curtesy” he charges with a thrust as Ullr dodges and rolls away

He hits the wall and sees

“Ouch” he sees a cut on his arm “He’s tough”
He rolls to avoid a stab in the wall and rolls under his legs he jumps and kicks him on the back

“Let me guess you fight without seeing probably due to some sensory enhancement?”

(You are smarter than you sound?)

Ullr is shocked

He hears a jump and sees a ninja behind and dodges and punches it far away

(Even your senses are incredible)

“You…you’re in my head?” Ullr shocked gets kicked back

But quickly gets up

“You…are not human”

“You are above the even mutants”

“You are…Asgardian…a god…” he suddenly stops

“This changes everything” his tone changes

He charges at Ullr
But With a quick reflex, Ullr takes out his axe in a dual wielding position.

“Nothing against you, but I believe that no one not even the Gods should be above me”

He gets close as Ullr blocks a slash one after another ‘he’s gotten faster’

The two opponents are hitting blades so quickly that it gets some people’s attention.

Some of them look “he needs help” silverstream gets out of the rope but a ninja catches her leg so she flies up to shake him off

Ocellus turns into a gigantic Roc to flaps her mighty wings to blow away the illusions

Yona sees one and catches the ninja to throw it against gorgon “leave him alone!”

But gorgon slip takes a quick step back to dodge to flying ninja as he hits the wall and continues the fight

But he strikes Ullr’s hand making him drop his axe and kicks Ullr’s chest. He recovers by a hand stand back just in time to parry the blade

Ocellus sees Silverstream struggling and turns into a bug bear to ram into the ninja

But this one let’s go and steps on ocellus’s temporary stinger, hanging on the ninja prepares to stab into mid air but Ocellus turns into and armadillo which makes them both fall as Yona easily catches ocellus like a football.

But this certain ninja saves itself with a grappling hook. And swings over to kick down Yona while her balance was off and she and ocellus roll into a bunch of crates

Ullr keeps dodging “no god must be above me”

‘Why is he saying this?’ He parries and rolls closer to hit him with his elbow

“I see you are no amateur in the art of the blade but you’re have brought the wrong blade to a death match” gorgon thrusts his blade

But Ullr deflects it barely “That’s because I’m not a fan of manslaughter” he said as he reveals magic runes coating his blade for his teammates to see

“Is that why only the tip of your blade is the only part that’s sharp?”

Silverstream heard that ‘come to think of it, he hasn’t cut with the sword only the axe’

Smolder blasts fire behind Silverstream to keep the ninja away. “Focus silverstream” smolder said but gets kicked away

Ocellus sees the opportunity and turns into a dog to jump and knock the ninja off balance while Silverstream rams quickly onto the ninja so hard that they both sent fly and as they land Silverstream rolls and then finally kicks the ninja with enough force to fly into to wall.

“Wow talk about momentum” ocellus said

“Thanks she swipes off some sweat but then realizes that she’s wiping her face with the ninjas mask. “Oh no I ruined his pajamas!”

They see the ninja slowly get up… to reveal its face.

It is revealed to be a grown young adult Woman but what is shocking is…

She tries to cover herself. She is revealed to be a anthropomorphic Vixen Making a glare

“Wha?!” Yona said

Ocellus looks “a girl?

Gallus and Mayday look behind the camera from behind “Another mutant?!”

Silverstream looks excited “your… just like us!”

“tch” the female ninja breaks a window and jumps away.

Gallus outside sees her escaping “she’s getting away”

“Don’t worry about her she’s not the main priority” Mayday said

They all look tired “Ullr’s still up there”

Back with Ullr he breaks the skylight and jumps

The gorgon jumps in following. “Let’s finish this”

He throws a flash grenade, Ullr knocks it away but it explodes on impact.

“Gaah!” His eyes are blinded “cheap shot!”

“This is the real world” he cuts Ullr’s arm

“The shinobi are known to never play fair” he cuts Ullr’s leg

“And will do what I must” he disarms Ullr’s blade and kicks him down “to Bring down the gods”

He thrusts down



He is covered by a force field

“Nani!” Gorgon felt the blade bounce back and noticed sandbar’s scent

“Thank Celestia I made it in time!” Sandbar pants in hurry” struggling to stay up on the hole of the skylight.

Gorgon then gets zapped again “ah!” by the same mini spider bot he kicked it away and stabbed it

“Lousy machine!”

*whistles* he hears whistles as seeing small missiles “he throws kunai but they cause a massive kinetic blast sending him a few feet

“How dare you siskabob my robot!” Realizing it was mayday that shot those weapons from the keep

Sandbar sweat drops ‘when did she tamper with the van?’ Sandbar thinks coughing at the smoke

“You filthy children!” Suddenly he is sweep under the legs by Ullr

Ullr who got his blade back prepared to wack him but blocks it and kicks ullrs big blade back

Ullr uses the force to step back and lands with a handstand “Ha!” And he uses his legs like a swirling helicopter which hits Gorgons blade off 4 times and in the second blocks the fifth but it was lost his position and was kicked by last 5 roundhouse kicks

“Gaah!” He lands hard on the ground but then gets up

“Time to end this” gorgon prepares to open his blind fold

Ullr heard this and in agreement, he makes a shout “Hey can you send more explosives?!”

Mayday at the bottom she makes a demonic smirk finally something we agree on…” she snaps her fingers

Suddenly the debris on the destroyer missiles suddenly blew up around him

“WHAT THE HAY?!” Sandbar slips a little at the shock

The explosion sends gorgon high up while

Mayday looks “Now!”

Gallus already airborne “night night” he shoots dozens of metallic balls at the speed of cannons

Gorgon is hit with intense force “you!”

As he falls Ullr picks up his blade and hits him with a whack before he could hit the ground sending him a few feet away.

Gallus heads over and helps sandbar dangling

The door to the roof opens

“Guys you’re okay!” Silverstream said

“Glad to see your guys are fine too” Ullr

“Woah what happened to you” smolder looking at his cuts

“It’s clearly obvious he was far different from the others” he turns to point at…

He stops in mid sentence as they see gorgon standing

“What…what happened, he’s supposed to be coated in sores!” Gallus yells as all the wounds are gone

“I’m through messing around” he reaches his blindfold “I’ll wipe you all out with a single glare!”

takes off his blindfold and before he could look directly at them

“That will be Quite enough” Everyone is suprised by a new voice

Gorgon turns his back only to be too slow

He gets hit with blinding powder “who dares!”


Gorgon is stabbed from the back

“Y-you!…h-how” suddenly sensing his nervousness system being fried from the inside out with an unknown burning sensation. Then the man yanks the weapon off and kicks him to his knees.

“Basic rule of a ninja…” he kicks him down into the into the hole gorgon made previously to reach the roof and plummets hard into the ground.

“Always check your surroundings”

“What the?” Sandbar says

Gallus goes to check on the ground hole and sees something shocking “uh guys, there’s no one there”

“Huh that’s weird” Smolder said

“But they couldn’t have just vanished” Sandbar said

They almost forgot to notice the mystery man about to leave

“Hold it” Ullr regains his vision

“At least someone paid attention it seems” the man stop he sarcastically claps.

“Thanks for helping us” silverstream said

“We could have handled it” Smolder said

“I’ve noticed” the man said “where you always going head first in situations as such?”

“Who asked you!” She blushes

“Who are you?” Sandbar said

Ullr takes a gander and gasp “that scent” his vision matched with that height

Then at the right moment the moon shines where the man reveals himself

“Did you think you were the only ones with a similar issue?”

“Your…”Ocellus says

“No way!” Gallus says

Mayday can hear but can’t see “hmm?”

They look at the Face of Sukea himself smiling


He chuckles 🤭

Augustus Roman is filing plans for the cross species containment


He sees a bloody kunai

He sees a moody gorgon

Augustus could only theorize one conclusion “You failed too?”

“You’ve informed my squadron everything needed to know about the target

He kicks the table to get Roman’s attention which sends his journal flying

“But you said nothing about them being guarded by a rival shinobi”

“What?” He says “there are other ninjas?”

“I am no longer under liability to discuss that intel” he states “And you especially did not warn us that they were accompanied by a god”

This only shocks Roman ‘It can’t be not another Hercules or A Thor?’

“what did you say?” He gets more frustrated “and what do you mean no longer!”

“You hid valuable information” gorgon said “had I knew before hand, I would have been more prepared”

He cuts Roman’s arm “it’s not nice to hide info from the hand”

Roman backs off ‘oh no!’

Gorgon prepares to assasinate him “I meant what I said before” he states “this will not happen again”

“Cease” Roman protest

“Ha” Gorgon charges but suddenly

Roman hears a snap and suddenly his attacker is gone

He sees Eris “you look like you wet yourself” she smirked

“I’m having a bad day eris” he said “did you know about the rogue ninja and demigod

“I don’t know about any ninja but I do know about the demigod”

“Why haven’t you revealed this to me?!”

“I didn’t know you were asking for help from the underworld of foreign factions” she shrugs

“Stop lying!”

“And does it matter the plan is still the same even with sudden details”

“Why are you so unconcerned?”

“Because if your plan works, then no god can stand up to you” her eyes glow in seriousness.

Outside the book Roman had to contact the hand fell out of the building. The book ends up at a sidewalk but then gets picked up by a female vixen.

“Children…sigh it seems they’ve be forced into an cycle of war now that the hand knows they exist…I feel sorry about them” she puts the book away into her bag. She looks to find any traces of her squad

“I got left behind again”

With a serious face, she walks away fading away into the night.

The Hand is an ancient ninja illuminati that relies on dark sorcery and can recycle fallen soldiers or target powerful opponents then kill and reanimate them into their ranks.

Gorgon is a mutant and one of the most skilled swordsmen Wolverine has ever faced. With a healing factor and the ability to turn people into stone.

Now the Ani-Mutants finally have new ally in the form of Sukea, if you know who he truly is, then I hope he reaches your expectations.

Also I asked Maximus Reborn for permission for this story and with now his approval I can continue on with a a free conscience.

Now I can say with Max’s Approval I can be happy with my Story in a new light!

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