• Published 11th Jun 2021
  • 605 Views, 7 Comments

Spiders and Magic Presents:Amazing Fantasy - spiders123

It’s about a young Asgardian who has ties with Gusty the Great now years later is grown and ready to start his own adventures (imagine Wonder Woman from dc super hero girls, and Finn the human and Leonardo from TMNT) merged into one Asgardian

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Season 1: Scion of Gusty Ep 13 Be in the Mirror

Season 1: Scion of Gusty Ep 13 Be in the Mirror
Opening theme Eden Through the roof

Back when the mutant cross species including morbius of oscorp broke out…

An intern with a nickname mark raxton was a man who was turning his life around his nephew gave him a chance to be a security guard at oscorp . He panicking “oh no no no!”

He tries to escape through a crowd of escaping

He calls on the phone. “Normie! Normie where are you boy!”

Uncle mark! Where are you!”

“Don’t worry about me! Where are you boy!”

I’m outside smythe is with me are you ok!

“I’m good I’ll be right there show me the exit.”

I’ve sent the map out quickly uncle mark!

“Ok love you Normie.” He quickly runs to an escape route

“I just got this job and now I may lose it because there’ll be no workspace.” He tries to extinguish so computer fires.

I suddenly sees a black slime slither under his legs “what the f-


He lost his footing and fell on his butt. As the slime got away.

He gets up and sees a mess of an explosion caught in the chemical storage department

He runs towards it as he sees a hall of test tubes each side containing various chemicals while on the other side had dna samples of aliens

“Found it.” He hides behind a computer and sees a mysterious green furry humanoid with a face similar to a certain goblin.

“Freeze!” Mark pulls out a gun towards the creepy green man

“Unfortunate. The explosion at oscorp was an excellent distraction.” The jackal mentioned

“You’re responsible for this!”

“I can’t take the credit…all that goes to your bumbling co-worker Alistair smythe…”


Another explosion distracted him as the jackal pulled out a stun gun.

Mark yelled as he got shot.

“I’ve got no time to kill you…” he grinned evilly “so I’ll let the building do that in my steed.” The jackal takes out a giant device that is absorbing most of the cross species. Now with his machine full he walks away and shoots the door locking him in.


He sees some chemicals leak in as the some fire and debris fell onto this floor catching on fire creating a chain reaction with the chemicals.


Mark raxton was thereby burn alive…status unknown.

Unaware that a third party witness the whole thing…a guy wearing a neon light tech and a bulky arms dealer

“Dang…that’s messed up.”

“Such as life of incompetent guard…come on, we’ve got interview to meet.” Said a big guy with a Russian accent

Ullr wakes up from his bed.

“We need a break.”

“You want us to do what?”

“Take a hike around Xavier’s forest. It’s west Chester it’s pretty big.”

“Wish I could but I can’t.” Silverstream said “Ororo heard what I could do and offered training

“Hey mayday wanna-


Her door to the lab was shut

Ullr got a message on his phone

“Sorry” mega man wrote view the “she really wanted to experiment with the kree and skrull parts she pilfered-I mean borrowed” Ullr said out loud as some raised an eyebrow

“What did happen to that skrull you met?”

“Talos? Last I saw him he ran by the escape pods.” Ullr recalls

“He probably took advantage of the super skrull being exposed and ran off.”

“Heh…”smolder said

“As for the rest of us.” Sandbar said “Jameson is asking us to proofread the pictures Sukea took.”

Ocellus raised her hand “I’d love to but Miki is asking me help with an interview with a bugle follower, she wants me to be a practice run.”

Okay will if anyone changes their minds you can meet me by the lake.

Ullr waited by the lake

Sighing he gets up with a bag of various trail mix a treats and his magic bag.

“It’s just me today…” he began to knell down and wash his face with the lake water. Suddenly he face a women’s face at a blink and once it vanished, he scratched his head. He gathers water in a furnace but suddenly the reflection glows. “Huh?” It kept glowing until he was surrounded by a white light.

Ullr later then woke. He gets up rubbing his eyes. Once he took a look around he blinked

“EHHHHHHHHHHHH!” He made a slack jawed expression

“Where am I?”

“Did another worm hold take me again! No I really liked. Where I was!”

Ullr was comically panicking, one because he’s lost and two he didn’t know how to return. “This is not good I can’t afford to get lost again.”

“Relax…you’re not too far from the mansion…”

Ullr turns around to see a mysterious woman who has yellow gloves and duel colored hair of black and white. With red and yellow eyes smoking a cigarette.

“We meet at last Ullr.”

Ullr was suprised “how do you know my name?”

“I know many things, but if you want to get back you’ll do what I say.”

“…no thanks”


“Your clearly a stranger with greedy eyes I don’t know…”

“I’m me rephrase it then, follow me because I’m the only one you can get you to return Home.”

Ullr crosses his arms and sighs “what do you need me to do?”

She clapped her hands “excellent!”

She threw her cigarette on the ground which signaled a massive tower to form from the ground

“Step inside.”

Ullr pouts at the situation Eris comically slaps his shoulder “oh don’t be like that, tell you what, if you complete walking up one floor you get a prize!”

‘A prize?’

“See now you’re motivated!” She teased at Ullr

Once He had walked “so what do I call you?”

“Call me Eris.”

Ullr turned to see if she was lying, but he was uncertain because he never met the Greeks “break a leg champ!” She slapped his back.

She smirked as she saw his back glow.

A bright light sends Ullr to a different location

Ullr looks around to see a grassland

“Greetings” Ullr sees a humanoid bird chimera with a scepter floating on a chair

“I am Eris.”

“…but the lady from outside said-“

“I know that’s my niece…”that idiot” of a father, not to mention my cousin could do almost anything when it comes to messing with space, but a complete failure when it came to mortal ways of living like raising a child.”

“I’m starting to think that neither of you is actually eris, I’ve heard that the Greeks that-“

“You must confuse us with that daughter of that blowhard Zeus.” The chimera said “My god, Olympians are so touchy…”

She lowered down “I can assure you that my family descended from a much more refined and potent race.”

Ullr did hear from Friggas witch’s about Olympus once having a dispute about…some who had similar identities

‘Which it came, to Eris if she’s not Zeus’s decendant…wait black dimension did they make this all this black…’

“Nope! I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Sigh why do I bother Let’s focus on why you’re here.”

She taps her staff on the ground as the multiple mirrors fly around

“Welcome to Loup Loupe!” She introduced “my personal freezing mirror world.”

A door pops up and a couple monsters of giant ants come out. “You’re tasked with clearing a floor…for once you complete a floor you will return back.”

Ullr looks through the door and…He thought he saw someone peek through before it closed

“So I beat monsters then you let me go?”

“For now.” The bird said “I’d like to talk more but unfortunately I’m busy with another dimension domain I’d like to keep running…” she hinted at her business “gotta keep the business flowing.” She sinks into the ground out of sight.

He takes out his axe and cuts a few creatures which attacked first.

Some jump above him so he threw his axe like a boomerang for it to return to his hand. He jumped up to avoid an attack from underground so he dropped his heavy axe onto the monster’s spot crushing it.

3 mirrors float above him.

He sees a note stuck to one

“All 3 routes lead to unique monsters, there is no wrong answer. All routes eventually lead to the same monster rex boss to the next entrance.” He read out loud.

“Oookay” he had no choice so he pick the one with the note on it and entered a field with different colored blue ants.

He saw Another note.
“Keep in mind the monsters in the share floor will be the same race but different colors with different drop items.
He jumped to avoid some chomped and stomped on one and move as one ant tackled another by accident
” He flips the page “don’t worry about confusion with the boss you’ll tell the difference.”

He smashed one ant head and slides under one and kicks it high in the air.

He grabbed one by the antennas and whacked the rest around like a ball and chain.

With that done, he heads into the next mirror Seeing green color ants this time.

He dodged a bite or too but when his hair braid was almost cut


He kicked 3 away so intensely. He made a glare

“Don’t touch my braids…”

He throws his axe around in a that chop them all down.

He sees drop items. He picks one up “It looks like cole.” He realized something “when I get back I’m so gonna ask Yona for help.” He gathers the cole and stores then in his enchanted bag.

He enters another mirror by choice

In front of him is not monsters but a chest.

He walks to it. But stops 3 feet incase of a trap. He threw his axe in the air as it landed in the chest smashing it.

The insides were revealed to be other metals like iron and bronze. “Hmm…maybe Mayday has an idea with what to do with this.”

A note fell from the chest. “Sorry forgot to mention…once every 10 floors. The environment will change…something to look forward to.” Revealing a picture of human Eris making a cute dumb face. 🥴

“I don’t know how I feel about that.”

He jumps into another room and dodged a purple ant “I’m actually glad earth ants are tiny.”

He punched a slid under an ant “if I ever meet someone who controls giant ants I would give him a hard time.” He ducked to avoid a bite and used his sword to stab one.

He whacks another behind him. He throws his blade at a jumping ant stabbing it on the ground. He jumps and kicks down on an ant and stands on the ant with his hands to kick away the other ants around him with his hard metallic shoes.

He saw a note

“Not all rooms have monsters, some carry rewards or items to continue the journey of the loup loupe.” He read

He turns into the back note “you’re wondering how long it takes to reach the floor boss. Don’t think about it too much it depends on how fast you work. But I will tell you that each route has 3 room each leading to the fifth room where you’ll find the boss. Good luck.”

Mayday was searching in her journal.

“Don’t you think it’s time for a break?” Mega man said in the lab intercom.

“I could care less.” She is multitasking by reading her journal while creating metallic platting.

“I’m only asking out of concern because 95 percent of scientists overexaust themselves.” Mega man said “I mean with your pet project and what you’ve discovered in the journal you should slow down-

“Silence is necessary…I will find out why my grandpa put his effort into this project.”

Mega man sighs and goes into sleep mode setting the alarm to notify mayday again.

“My grandpa may have started this but maybe I could be the one to finish it.” She recalled the contacts “hmm…perhaps I should look up the scientists or…their kin if they know anything.”
Recalling a Dr Fudo in the contact list.

“Cerebro can only find mutants sooo…”

She goes to the google out any scientists. At the McCoy computer.

“Bingo!” She found it convenient that earth can search for anyone with an ID or an address.

She smirks and looks up and pics of next of kin

“Well what do you know…small world.” She writes down a schedule…for a meeting at the bugle house.

Ullr picked his last mirror and entered “This must be the end of the floor.”

It appears to be a larger version of the grass field. But what is in front of him is a large white door behind a set of stairs.

“Odd…I don’t smell or hear a presence.”

He approaches the door when then

He sees a black pool slowly emerge as it reveals a small humanoid shadow rise up.

“He’s completely coated in black?” He looks in shock to see something familiar

The enemy is leaking out purple aura, the same aura from before

“That’s the same weird energy I saw from juggernaut and the fake doom.”

The enemy launched an attack of blazing black fire attacks so Ullr runs away to keep distance.

He jumps over a couple of fire balls

He saw some fires lands spreading. ‘I see, I should end it quickly before the whole room is a on fire.’ He thought

He cuts fire with his blade splitting a fireball in half.

“I can’t cut solid objects but that’s not a problem with things like fire!” He whacked a fire ball back. He stuck to a pattern of cut once one is about to hit him, but whack if more than one hit







He almost didn’t notice but he managed to get a couple of feet close ullr jumped up prepared to finish it off

But then it had a boost of power shooting multiple shots in the sky at Ullr’s direction.

“What the?!”


A huge fiery explosion happened. The lead to a lot of smoke falling over

The monster let his arm down

Suddenly a quick speeding projectile

The monster tried to lift up his arms but it’s too late as the speeding object is Ullr holding on his heavy axe to speeding on his fall like a catapulted rock.

Ullr’s axe ram right near the enemy. The shock from the floor messed with the enemy’s footing so Ullr uses his sword to stab run through his enemy.

The smoke clears revealing some burns on Ullr’s body and clothes. He takes off his shirt and tears of some traces of his pants.

“That was close.” He suddenly noticed the fire on his fire “ahh!” He drops the axe pats his head down “stop drop roll! Stop drop roll!”

He puts it out. “Phew. Good thing I didn’t bring my Asgardian clothes.” He then adjusts his magic bag and tied it tightly

He sees the defeated enemy dripping so much black liquid as it creates another black pool as it drowns in. The pool explodes revealing a single drop item.

He picks up the bag which reveals to have been open up to reveal an item.

A red crystal.

“Weird looks like a ruby on tv but it’s brighter than it looks and it’s glowing.”

He hears the door open to reveal the human Eris, grinning holding a camera.

“Hahaha!” She was delighted by the fight “Man you really suprised me kid!”

“You saw the whole thing?” Ullr was confused

“Yup and Woah kid…what a clean cut body.” She whistled

She’s now gawking at his shirtless charred body.

“Hmm…” she paces around him and scratches her chin 🤔

“I’ll have to dock out points on no abs…but No access body fat. Just the right amount.”

SNAP he heard a camera shot “Wait what are you?-AH!”

She suddenly stroked his back with her finger. It surprised him that this sudden forwardness.

“H-HHEY!” Ullr comically blushed slapping her finger away. He covers his chest in like a girl. He then realized something.

“Wait isn’t your aunt in charge of the tower?”

She Shrugged “it’s way too early for you to see her again.” She said “As for me, I’m allowed to step in and out the tower as I please…as long as I don’t get in her way.” She mumbled to last part to herself

Ullr slapped his cheeks to regain his composure “So you said earlier that you had a prize in mind.” He takes out the item. Is this it?” He displayed the drop item.

“The fire crystal?” She Pfft “good guess but that’s not it. Her camera printed out a photo that she swung around and handed it to Ullr. “This is your prize.”

“A picture of my back?” He is confused “I don’t see how that ca-“ he paused once he looked at the photo

His back…has a mysterious tattoo of the mark of a Chaotic Fiery Twister. On the bottom of the tattoo is a bunch of numbers revealing to be a status display.

“Congratulations Ullr. You are the first individual in centuries possibly millennia to receive a Deity’s Blessing…a Falna.”

Ullr tried to reach his back “what did you do to me?”

“ I invited you into my Familia of course!” She grinned. She showed her fingerless glove to reveal a drop of blood on it. “It’s a very ancient ritual long forgotten since the Age of Gods ended on Earth.” She explained “All I had to do offer a drop of blood with my divine intervention and viola.”

He wondered what it meant

“My blood now runs through your veins. Each time I touch your back after each fight you’ve had. The stats you have will increase.”

“Your blood is in me?!”

“Try to keep up kid…this is a good thing. With a falna, you can grow stronger in a faster rate.”

“Uh thanks but no thanks how do I-“

“You can’t…not unless I remove it myself and I plan on keeping you within my familia for a long time.” She said “I’ve got plans for you…big plans.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You’ll find out.” She said as she heard a big noise

“Looks like bird eris is setting the stages.” She explained “a deals a deal. I’m sending you back but I’ll be summoning you again.”

“Wait I-“

He didn’t finish as he suddenly fell in a mystical black hole summoned by bird eris.

“Was it really necessary to talk about falnas? What if he can’t keep a secret?” Bird Eris said

“Don’t worry many mortals lost all records of falna eons ago. No one would know what it meant?”

“You better hope he doesn’t run into Hercules or Thor then.” She warned. She pondered something

“I don’t understand?”

“You don’t understand how a guy like that can be so skinny?” She joked

“Why didn’t you tell him that he’s had that falna for years?” Bird Eris said seriously

She got no response as human Eris just took out a cigarette. “I saw no reason…” she puffed out smoke “By the way didn’t you learn that it’s rude to pry into other people’s business?”

“This was your idea you little brat! AND YOU MADE ME CONTROL THIS COMPLEX TOWER!” She said with shark teeth.

“Are you done bickering?” They see midnight float down. “Where is the sustenance?”

Bird eris reveals the remains of the enemy Ullr beat.

Midnight smirks as she opened her hand and began to blast it and absorb its entire being “I feel recharged.”

“And that’s just a low level boss. Just wait until things get really good.” Human Eris winked at Midnight.

Ullr back at the westchester lake he looks at the night sky. “It’s night time?”

“How many hours has it been?” Ullr hears his phone vibrate “oops I better head back!”

“I can’t wait to tell them about…about…weird things are starting to get cloudy.” He ran a little slowly back home.

“I don’t care if you found nothing. Double sweep!”

“And after that fire those who neglected any clues!” Normie Osborn slammed his phone on the desk.

He throws everything out of the table.

He suddenly hears banging.

“Hey you can’t be in here!”

“This is a restricted space!”

“Ah a monster!”

“Back back!”


The door slams open seeing flying guards slam into the wall.

Normie looks at two cross species mutations standing over him

“Are you the head honcho” a tall mutant said

“He looks so tiny.” The big mutant said

He raises an eyebrow “who are you?” As had a tick mark pulsing through his head
The two intruders started flexing revealing to be a skinny pig man and a bulky rhino man

“We are special bounty hunters!”

“You ask and we’ll track!”

“We are-“

“Bebop and Rocksteady!”

“Nah! Man I told you to cut it out of the bebop name!” He slapped his back

“I thought I told you not to break character!” The rhino said

“I wouldn’t have to if you stuck to the script!”

“Your script was missing something, I fixed it!”

“You didn’t fix nothing man!”

Normie sees two mutants not savage but arguing with there intelligence intact…not that they had it to begin with

“What is going on?” He was dumbfounded

Ending theme Everblue Omoinotake

Incase if you didn’t know mark raxton is the molten man a spider man foe

The Loup Loupe is based off of a rpg event from a game I played

The Familia ritual is also based off of a adventure I learned about which can be useful as Marvel is full of dangerous individuals

And maybe Ullr may not be the only one with a falna soon.

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