• Published 11th Jun 2021
  • 605 Views, 7 Comments

Spiders and Magic Presents:Amazing Fantasy - spiders123

It’s about a young Asgardian who has ties with Gusty the Great now years later is grown and ready to start his own adventures (imagine Wonder Woman from dc super hero girls, and Finn the human and Leonardo from TMNT) merged into one Asgardian

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Season 1: Scion of Gusty Ep 1: Giant Sized eXpedition

Earth, Westchester country

They enter inside the mansion home of professor Xavier

“Woah this place is almost as big as the soldiers quarters “ Ullr recalls visit Asgardian guards when he was young

(How big was his home?!) she thought in shock

“So what do you need help with, professor” she said politely

“It will be revealed” he presses his chair to hover to the stairs as they all follow him

“So are all houses this big ?” Ullr said

“I take it you’ve never been to Midgard” he says to him “but I’m afraid not, not everyone can afford a home of their own, let alone a home like this”

“Here too?”

“What do you mean” mainframe asked

“Well back on Asgard, people had to share some buildings because of the constant giants invading and destroying houses” he said “pretty soon people had to make due with what they had even sell their own belongings to Odins elite”

“So It appears we are not the only ones with problems”

“Yeah I guess that’s why my master told me that sleeping in caves and trees would be easier”

“What kind of teacher did you have?!” May said in shock

“It’s actually a good thing, master Beta Ray told that animals who see exposed ways to find me are likely to be my next meal”

“Are you a barbarian?” She sweatdrops

They make it to the door and as the professor makes it to the door

“Now incase if you’re not familiar with the unknown, mentally prepare yourselves” he says which is a ironic to a robot, a hybrid girl, and a boy from another world

The door opens and everybody enters and sees what they don’t see every day

They see six beds each containing certain individuals but the weird part is, there all anthropomorphic (like the ninja turtles, or sonic) as they all have a conversation

A boy with green skin and messy hair that has pony ears and a pony tail

A griffin boy with spiky hair sharp talons and a lion tail

A hippogriff girl with big fluffy hair that looks like a wave with wings

A changeling girl with teal skin and bug eyes with fluffy hair and a horn

A yak girl that’s very tall with her big horns

Lastly a dragon girl who with orange scales and purple scales on her head with her horns

“Gasp!” They all turn to see May “I know them”

“Have you know?” the professor said

“ yeah but They we’re actually less human shaped

“Well I don’t let’s mingle” Ullr said as he walks to them “Hi everyone I do you live here?” The Asgardian said

“He’s not even surprised about there physical looks” May mumbled

“Oh it’s nice to meet a new creature, I’m sandbar” he said with a gentle smile” I was and I guess I’m still a pony but human” as he looks to his pony ears

“Ohh wow another human besides the professor!” She said in an optimistic voice “ I’m silversteam sea pony by sea, hippogriff 24/7!” She flew and shook his hand up and down a lot

“You a warrior eh, maybe you won’t be boring, I’m Smolder” she said

“Ignore Smolder, she’s been needy do to cabin fever, just like every other dragon I’m Gallus” he looks at the window

“I’m actually familiar with Dragons but I’ve never seen a talking dragon before” Ullr is looks to smolder

“Oh yeah new fee!ooff” said the buff girl as she tripped and hit the wall in then landed in front of May’s feet “Yonas name Yona” she said as the fall didn’t faze her

“Nice to meet yah!” Ullr said he said “this one reminds me of the neighbors I had at home” he said with a grin

“Oh it’s your turn” sandbar says to his last friend who is reading a book but doesn’t pay attention

“Allow me” As Gallus sticks his claw in front of her page “Wha!” She screamed

“Don’t be rude we have guests” Gallus said with a smug face

“Oops!” She blushed in front of her friends “Sorry My name is Ocellus and I’m a channeling” she said with a soothing aura as she waved hi

“Don’t worry about it” Ullr shrugged it off “must have been some book”

Smolder turns to mayday next “so who’s the girl”

May was confused “Wait you don’t know who I am?”

The six looked confused “Uh should we?” Said sandbar who was confused

Mainframe looked perplexed “I thought you said you knew them”

“I’m Mayday Parker, daughter of Princess Twilight” she said

“…Whaaaaaaaaaaaaa?!” The six students

“Why do they look so suprised?” Ullr said until a sudden thought hit him “WHAAAAAAAA! YOUR A NOBLE?!” Ullr yelled with a late reaction

She’s now embarrassed by the attention but realized something important “What why are you so suprised?”

“Cause that’s freaking impossible?!” Gallus said

“What?” She said in shock

“She never had a kid” smolder said

She felt confused but then decides to take a close look to Sandbar “um… are you okay?”

“Well could you say how old you are?”

“Um me and my friends are about 16-17” he answered

His answer shocked her “ I see” she paces a bit

“Are you alright?” Mainframe said he said as she sits down and snaps her fingers

“Got it, there time displaced!” She answered

“Time what?” Ullr questioned

“Time displaced, it means that they come from an alternate timeline maybe even an alternate world” she answered

“So there not your worlds version of your friends?” Charles said

“Afraid not, plus they look younger than my friends too” she says that they look about her age

“So how did you guys end up here?” Mainframe said

“Well the last thing we remember was stopping a certain tyrant from taking over the school of friendship” Sandbar starts explaining “Starlight Glimmer our school councilor was trapped and about to be sucked into a magic portal leading to the ether or that’s what Headmare Twilight said and then the tree of harmony saved us and we removed the catalyst destroying the portal and saved all the magic in equestria. “

Ocellus spoke next “There was a massive explosion and next thing we knew, we ended up in the professors mansion”

It was Gallus’s turn “We’ve been here ever since, it’s been at least 4 days”

“We didn’t the headmare help” Ullr said

“Apparently they were tricked into going into Tartarus the prison of the most dangerous criminals and spent their time trying to escape” Smolder said

“Does that mean this Starlight lady is here too?” Ullr said

“No, and that worries Yona as Counselor pony was closest to the blast” Yona spoke

“But that doesn’t explain why they look this way” Mayday said

“What do you mean?” Ullr said “aren’t they not supposed to look like this?”

“ no, when equestrians enter the human world, they turn human except for the dragons which become…”

“Become what?” Smolder was eyeing her

While May knew she wouldn’t like the answer “Never mind It’s not important” she giggled

“What’s so funny” Smolder got suspicious

Charles who was curious too a peek on her mind and understood what she meant and his chuckle
“Regardless I’ve read Ms Parker’s mind and she seems to be telling the truth”

“Uhh privacy professor?” May said in an awkward tone

“So another timeline?” Gallus pondered “sounds like something out of an old comic book” he mentioned

“And if there’s another world, who knows, there could be hundreds” Mainframe comments

“Now that your all here I have a matter to discuss with all of you?” The professor speaks

This gets everyone’s attention as they all remain silent for what he has to say.

“I require you help”

“Huh, do you mean to garden or do housework?” Silverstream suggested as she suddenly brought a watering pot out of nowhere

Mainframe was perplexed “how did you do that?”

“I wish it was something simple as that” as he holds his head like he is full of shame but the professor looks like he’s in boiling water

“What is it professor?” Ocellus asked

“I…I need you, all of you to rescue my X-Men”

“Who?” Gallus said

“The x men, the most formidable team on the planet” Everyone turns to Mayday “my dad told me stories, stories about how they saved lives no matter how much they were outcasts” she said

“Outcasts?” Yona asks

“Don’t worry about that now “ she said “ I know how important the x men are, this is a big deal” she gets everyone’s attention

“How big?” Ocellus worries a bit

“The fate of the world big” May answered “The x men are in charge of saving innocent lives and the mutant race” she said

“Mutants?” Silverstream said “is that some kind of creature”

“Close just imagine people with a super power by birth” she answered “and if the x men don’t come back, there will be so much chaos that no even the other heroes of the world can fix it” she said

Smolder whistles with her arms crossed “That sounds pretty hardcore”

“It looks like I don’t need to explain myself any further” Charles was suprised at how much she knew

“Regardless even though I need your help, I will not force you to turn away” as he gives them a choice

“Well I’m stuck here for awhile so I guess I can lend a hand” Ullr said “all this talk about chaos and destruction, that’s the sort of adventure Asgardians get pumped up for!” He sounds excited “

“I’ll guess I could lend a hand too” Sandbar says he tries to look heroic

“Okay but only cause you asked nicely” Gallus smirked

“This could be the day we’re waiting for!” Silverstream gets excited “I could make everyone at equestria so proud!”

“Yona best at smash, Yona will join you” she said

Ocellus looks to them “I’ll try my best” she is trying to look determined

“Heh let me at them, I’ll take them all out” Smolder scratches her nose

“What about you two” Ullr turns to May and Mainframe

“Wait, what?!” She says “I don’t know” she scratches her arm

“Come on” he says with a smile


Come onnnnn” he smiles again


“Come onnnnnnn”
“Come onnnnnnn”
he says now with Silverstream saying it too

She now blushes in the pressure and all eyes on her “Okay okay!” She pushed them back “ you all need some brain power anyway”

“If that’s what you wish, Then the exposition program could start with a detour” Mainframe says to her

“Huh?” Almost everyone said

“I think he wants to come too” ocellus understood what she said

“Ohh!” Everyone said

“Thank you all of you” Charles is now in gratitude for all 9 people in this room

“Now as you all know, this will not be easy, for this you all need to train”

“Train I thought you said why needed to save them” Ullr said

“ I know but flying in blind will not help them not to mention you all just met each other and your don’t know each other’s abilities yet” he explained as Ullr looks to them

“Abilities, wait you guys have powers?” Ullr turns the the anthropomorphic animals

“Precisely my point, so to avoid such an issue, you will have all have five days to train” he shows five fingers

“I will meet you all in the danger room when you are ready to start” he starts to hover outside

“So you guys have powers?” Ullr repeats his question

“Not at first, but when we woke up new sensations began upon everyone” Ocellus explained “I think it might have had to do with the explosion caused by the ether.” She deduces “it’s probably why we don’t look human either”

May asks “So what can you do?”

Sandbar throws a pebble to her as she catches it
“Quick throw that pebble back”

She does and when she does it he is suddenly protected by an energy field
“I can produce force fields without a horn” he says

“So he’s like the invisible woman” Mainframe mentioned

“Ooh ooh ohh! My turn!” Silverstream says as she looks to a water tank and she takes out her hand and concentrates as the water slowly moves around like a tower”

“You have hydrokinesis” May understood

“Hydro what?”

“It means you can control all kinds of liquids” she rephrased “but can you make water?”

“Um, I dont know, I haven’t tried it yet” she shrugged her shoulders “but I can turn into a sea creature and breathe underwater”

“Oh” she says as she’s reminded of one of her father’s enemies Mayday thought about a certain villianous water elemental

“So she’s like Sub Mariner” Mainframe mentioned

“It’s yaks time” Yona says as she suddenly grows to feet taller and grows metallic skin as she does muscular posses

“Incredible” Ullr looks impressed

“So she is like Colossus” Mainframe said

“My powers aren’t really that different from the changelings nature to shapeshifter, but now her hands morph into a key, than a hammer, than a clipboard “ I don’t have to change my whole body and more and…” one hand drops a teardrop of gasoline and her other arm sparks electricity on a candle lighting it up “I can turn into any liquid, solid, and gas”

May looks like she stars in her eyes “wow wow your incredible!” “Do you think we could go and study together?” As she gets in her personal space as Ocellus gets suprised and gets red cheeks from the praise

Mainframe looks to her…? “Unknown compatibility, mystique, skrull, impossible man, darwin, morph?…not enough data”

Gallus roles his eyes “I guess it’s my turn” he turns back on them and opens the window then he opens up his wings and suddenly his wings shoot out razor sharp sapphire steel like feathers hitting a tree like darts

“So you can Shoot?” Ullr said

“Heh it’s more about where the shooting comes from as he turns around as small portal like holes appear from his wings “ and check this out “ he pulls out a small sword”

“Any weapon I can think of, I can pop out”

“Wow even lasers and robots?” Mayday asks

“Umm no, I tried something like that and all I got was a statue of such disasters plus 3 hours worth of preening

“We believe his weapons are limited to his imagination and creativity” Ocellus theorizes

“Meaning I need to think about the nuts and bolts and wiring if I want a weapon that shoots” Gallus grumbles

“So he is like Cloak or Blink” Mainframe see

“So is that all?” May asks a little disappointed that he can make the cool high tech stuff

“ I can store stuff I want into my wing…”

“Oh how convenient” she starts to wonder about how much scientific equipment she could store into his wings and chuckles to herself

He grows a tick mark “Hey I’m not some pack bird?!”

“Smolder” Silverstream looks to her

“Seriously you remember what happened last time?” She warned

“It’s fine besides Sandbar can shield us”

She slapped her own forehead “fine but everyone get out of the room”

Everyone notices that she’s serious and steps outside

“Further back up” but they don’t reply as there very curious

Smolder sighs and as Sandbar opens up a field

Smolder levitates and lights up and her whole body becomes fire and so throws a powerful fire ball which she makes like a snowball and throws it out the window which makes the tree outside blow up.

“Wowww” everyone stares in awe

Smolder gets a little shy “whatever “

“You can generate you own fire, plus pyrokinesis to match!” May said

“She reminds me of those fire giants I read about from muspelheim only she’s tiny” Ullr said

“Who are calling tiny!” She says with shark teeth

“So she is like the human torch but tougher is she is a dragon”

“Sooooo What can you three do?” Silverstream says

“Well my powers came from my dad so I guess I’m a mutant too if you count the pony hybrid situation” Mayday ponders she does a backflip making then gasp “I have super strength, agility, and smart enough to make my own webs” she shows off her web shooter as she thwhips out webbing and after a minute makes a swing for Silverstream and Yona to play “yayyy!”

“Can we keep it!” They asked

“Sorry, like all spiders webbing, it’s designed to deteriorate and dissolve within an hour”


“It means it well we’re out and disappear” Gallus said with a deadpan look

“Awwwww” the two sigh

“Also I have one more ability” she mentions “it’s called Spider sense” she says “it lets me dodge an incoming attack”

“Really?” Smolder looks interested as she walks up to her than suddenly throws her fist at her and to counter it she jumps behind her

“Smolder don’t hurt out guests!” Ocellus got worried about the situation

“I wanted to see if it was true”

“So that leaves me” Ullr says “Hey Yona could you do you power thing again”

“Uh yes?” So she becomes her metallic form

So Ullr decides to quickly go under than Yona now sees that she’s literally standing on Ullrs hands as he lifts her up “Woah!” She said

“Yup, Asgardians are strong but certain Asgardians are far stronger” Ullr says as he puts her down

Ocellus then looks to his gear “so what are you holding?”

“Well this here is a special teleportation blade” Ullr said

“Teleportation, you mean you can pop everywhere like Starlight” Gallus questioned

“Well not everywhere, there’s a flaw in the blade as I have to be at the location or else it would work”

“Wouldn’t work?”

“My uncle can see everything like he’s been there so he could master this but I don’t have that ability, as I learned the hard way, and I ended up getting lost for a couple decades”

“Decades, but you look so young, how old are you?!” Sandbar says

“Huh?, I’m the natural age of an Asgardian teen”

“Which is?” Smolder asks

“317 years old”

“Ehhhhhhhhhhh!!!!” Everyone except Smolder and Mainframe yells

“But only alicorns could live that long” Ocellus said

“It’s not a big deal, dragons live through thousands of years” Smolder shrugs

“Yup, plus if your all that suprised you should hear how Asgardians age much more slowly when they reach adult hood” Ullr says “Thor did say he was 1500 once and still looks like in his prime” he confirmed

“Intriguing” mainframe comments “as for myself I am a highly advanced AI which programs this robot body”

“Huh?” The people of the room said

Mayday speaks to him “Some of them don’t know what a computer is because Equestria never had any so they don’t know about robots” she said “Let alone what an AI is”

“Oh will I’m like a talking piece of metal who can fly and shoot laser” as he says it in simpler terms

“Oh” the all said

“Well that’s everyone’s abilities” Ullr said “is everyone ready”

“Yeah” they all say

“Okay then let’s…”

“I have one more question?” Ocellus interrupts as they almost trip

“Why to ruin the moment Ocellus” Smolder said

“What is it?” Ullr asks

“What’s that weapon behind your back” she points to his axe

“Oh this, well It’s a very special weapon custom made by Ertri from The world nidavellir“ he shows what it looks like by turning around

“Oh cool can we see it!” Silverstream asks


“Aww why!”

He answers with an innocent smile “Because I don’t want to turn the nice man’s home into an aftermath of a natural disaster”

Which surprised Mayday ‘he has something that potentially strong?’


“Now let’s go” he runs outside first and the rest follow

The danger room one of the most advanced and highly affective training facilities on the planet

The professor is viewing them behind the screen above the danger room control center which can be seen above the wall if you in the training area

“Oh I can see the professor up there!” Silverstream points to the control center

“This training well teach your how to have better control and unlock new potential within your gifts, as well as to work well with yourselves and others especially with those you’ve just met.”

They all look towards each other “once the five days passed, you won’t just be Children but will have the privilege to call yourselves the New X-Men”

(First day)

They took a trip the the locker rooms and get hoodies with an x logo

They all look excited about this while May is unsure ‘I just wanted to explore…’

“Level one commence” he says as human sized droids appear

They all get ready

Those who can fly raise there wings and pick some up then drop them from a huge height

Ullr takes out his blade and decides to slice about one than another then another

Yona decides to charge but accidentally runs over smolder “ow!” As they both tumble into droids

“Strangely affective” Ullr sees the blunder

Smolder gets up and recovers “watch it!” As she blows fire

“Woah as Gallus and Silverstream fly as they almost got burned

As silvertream who panicked shoots out a water main from the other room as those who on on the grounds get shocked “Gaaah!”

May who uses her spider sense crawl on the wall sees this mistakes

As the bots defeated so are most of the group

Sandbar shields smolder but one of the bots who didn’t get wet rolls the force field like a ball
“Woah woah woah”

“Sandbar turn it off” smolder yells

So Ocellus turns into a heavy rock in the air and crushes the last bot

“Uh so what do you think?” Ullr said

“You allies just attained their powers, so you must know that can not go without the proper experience.” Charles said

“We will commence again in five minutes, five more times”

“Whaaa?” They all said

(Second day)

They had a good sleep as the mansion had enough rooms for each person as mainframe just watched with the professor with the training today

“Today’s training is an obstacle course” as he pushes a button and the whole room shifts and turns into moving walls with

“The purpose is to push forward and make it to the goal while hitting certain targets but avoid targets that look like citizens” he instructed

“No sweat” Gallus said as the rest nod

“Let’s not make any mistakes” Sandbar said

“Commence” he says at its time to move

They all charge as they start running as the see paralyzing lasers about to shoot

Ullr and Yona attempt to muscle through it but…

“Y-Yona feels slowly”

“It won’t stop me” Ullr can still walk slowly until he sees wakanda level sleeping gas “Huh!” As he slowly sits down

Sandbar looks back “ guys wait, there hahah!” As a shot hit him behind

“There goes our defense” Gallus says

Ocellus turns into a bird and flies through the lasers “I’m doing it!”

Then suddenly the walls make holes that shoot out cannon nets as she gets surprised and caught

And falls over but Gallus catches her and shoots some targets “thanks Gallus can you…uh Gallus?” He is sweating a lot as he sees the environment move too quickly to focus as it’s affecting him like a close space

And before they get hit May swoops in and swings them away
And tried to shoot but “what oh it’s stuck!” And the building shakes making them fall down “ahh!”

Silverstream though “Right focus Focus!” And decides to fly while moving the water around her into a big ball

“No wait!” Smolder says but gets hits

The drill almost hits everything and Silverstream landed on the finish line

“TaDa!” She says as she looks the destroyed course

The professor sighs

Silverstream notices Smolders glare “what?”

(Third Day)

In spend today in the yard

“Today is a simple exercise” Professor said as there all in track suits

“Each if you will practice alone to test your powers”

(With Smolder )

Within the danger room

She is tested within a heat proof cube

“We well test how well you can go”

“Fine” so she turns on her heat

After a few minutes she’s searching incredibly high “remarkable she’s already surpassed heat from the earths core”

“I can go higher!” She said as the heat starts to slowly melt in

“That’s quite enough” he said as he presses a button

“Hey!” As she gets sprayed by a platoon of fire extinguishers

“At least warn me if you’re about to do that!”

(With Silverstream)

They stop by at a lake

“Here in this lake you can test the limits of your power”

“Okay grrrh!” As she tries to make the water move around her

(With Yona)

“Okay Yona for you exercise, Is the chase Mainframe, don’t worry he is instructed not to fly off”

“Yes sir!” She starts to chase the robot but mainframe add mini rockets to the calves which makes it hard in the chase

“Hey!” Yona gets a little mad

(With Gallus)

They are within a deep forest

“In this forest, we will test if you can control your projectiles and use those portals for different uses”

“Sure I guess” he then opens gently then unexpectedly shoots which accidentally made a cut on the professors suit

He sighs “at least wait before I move out of the way please”

“Oops” he looks embarrassed

(With Sandbar)
They reach on top of the mansion

“Why are we on the roof?”

“To test if you can rely on instinct to test out your force field”


“Fear not, Ullr is down there to catch you if you miss”

“But I haven’t done it that quickly yet”

“Just try”

“Okay” he says as he decides to jump but his legging got caught “what-AHHH!” He trip and fell over into the window where his force field activated and trashed the room he landed in.

“I certainly hope that wasn’t my quarters” Charles look to the broken window

(With Ocellus)

In the mansions gymnasium where Mainframe visits too

“Why are do you look like Ms Parker” Charles looks towards her at the workout gym

“Sorry” she said in maydays voice “It’s just that I tend to get a little shy when it comes to theses situations…” she gets nervous “and sometimes long conversations”

“Well perhaps training your body could help train your mind” he points to some weights

“You see you must think of changing as a form of stretching, so logically you must stretch out and test your abilities to know that you gifts are an extension of your own body”

“Okay so she decides to do some reps” as she picks up a set. After a few minutes of lifting weights, mainframe notices something important so he flies over and decides to lift up her dumbbells

“What’s wrong”Ocellus looks at the bot

“You’re trying hard to maintain your form right”

“H-how did you”

“Here’s a safe fact that will save your life” he detached his flying arms that still hold the dumbbell as he walks back to the professor “If you focus on another subject while trying to do something else, you only have half of focus”

She hears his arms let go “Wahhh!” She sees the mess and instinctively released her form and catches it in time “it would make sense to only hide if necessary but to reveal yourself if you have no choice but to face the problem headfirst”

(With the Rest)

The six are all tired

While Ullr is doing hand to hand practice as he keeps punching as she keeps catching each one as she’s being pushed back

“What’s the point of this?” She says as he jumps behind her

“The professor said that while we both in how to use our abilities we haven’t fought together so he recommended that we learn how to fight as a team”

“The why aren’t we fighting together?!” She says”why pick me for a sparing match?”

“I felt your strength when you hit me that one time” he said “You got talent, heck maybe you have training”

“There was this one lady, she taught me some tricks but I wouldn’t call it training”

“Due tell” as he next hit almost scratched her left cheek

“I think her name was Tifa…something…” as dashed back “ she had a vacation back in my home town and she had I had “the gift”. As she tried a roundhouse kick which he caught and threw her a few feet apart. And she almost tumbled but got back up

“You recovery is rusty but you got up quick enough to make up for it” he said “nice work”

“Huff huff how are you not tired?”

“I take it you don’t go out much do you?” He smiles

“Not even a healthy human athlete could keep up!”

“Good thing your more than just human” he retorted as she puffed her cheeks

(Enough training today)

Xaviers mind reaches everyone as he got there attention
(Lunch time will be in a few moments)

So everyone ran inside

(Fourth Day)

“This fourth day will be a review of what happened yesterday and what you learned from that experience” Charles said

“Okay now everyone return to your respective locations and await my instructions”

(Scene 1 Sandbar)

He stands in in some sort of white room

“Your training today will be to defend us” Charles said as he and sandbar are standing within a circle in the danger room.

“Um are you sure I haven’t mastered it yet”

“Well I hope that will be today…especially since within under 30 seconds we will be shot with barrels of bullets or what you call of shrapnel and pointy items from Equestria”


As suddenly 3 large pillars rise from the ground and began to fire up turrets

Sandbar looks serious at this but the professor grabs his shoulder with a calm voice “I know you will succeed”

So with a deep breath he activates his force field which protects them both and flinched a bit at the loud kinetic energy sounds the of thebullets bouncing off

He slowly opens his eyes and sees that there both okay “I-I did it” but he slowly sees that the bullets fallen are you like

“Rubber bullets, they don’t actually kill but they sure would hurt” he pats sandbar knowing he wouldn’t actually kill him. “Don’t tell the others yet as they will find out soon enough”


(Scene 2 Gallus)

Next in the danger room Gallus moved close to his teacher

“So what is this going to be graded?”

“Don’t be silly, it’s currently pass or fail”

“Doesn’t make me feel better”

“This will be a simple task” as turrets pop out on the ceilings

“You will take out the turrets with you weapons before any of the before the the cannons give you a concussion”

“Wait what?”

Then the cannons start firing so he quickly flies up “Woah!”

He hovers towards the height of the turrets as the shootings have started going a little faster

He secretly makes slow portals and shoots daggers and razor feathers at the poles carrying the turrets as lucky the movement of the guns direction is not as quickly as the bullets so he can evade them and as one disabled turret is about to fall on top of the professor

Gallus speeds down and ‘I’ve never done this but I hope it works’

He land next to him and he rises his arms and wings to make a portal above the heads and the turret fell inside

And Gallus closes and opens another which shoots the destroyed turret away

“Clever choice Gallus”

“I guess” he looks away as he smirked at the praise

(Scene 3 Smolder)

Smolder enters the room next

“Okay Smolder, you goal is to hit the targets without hitting me”

The professor is standing between to targets of giant dolls

“You joking” Smolder was making a ‘what are you @$$&&&& me’ face

“I’m serious, you can do this” he said

Smolder does some stretching and sweats a little as she does not want to burn an innocent man to a crisp

“Hey” he gets her attention “I have my utter faith in you” he says

Smolder heard what he said and she calmed down a bit and lights up her hands and “Haaaa!”

She aims and shoots at one

And saves her energy for the second hit

Leaving burning remains between the unscathed professor

“Never doubted you for a second as he puts out smoke on his coat

(Scene 4 Silverstream)
Back at the lake

“Silverstream as you know your gift relies on controlling water”


“Now have you considered converting water into several forms”

“Forms?” She looks confused

“You know shapes and sizes of whatever pops into your mind”

“Hmmm…Gee well never thought of that it was hard when my head hurt thinking too hard…ohh! Maybe a fancy dress”

Behind silverstream suddenly the water from the lake forms into a princess dress

The professor looks in awe and impressed as It formed and so quickly in a matter of seconds

“Or a bunch of stairs” as the water changes

“Or a sandwich or trees or a castle or balloons and streamers and…”

“Silverstream” professor interrupts as he points to where she should look

“Whazzat” she said as she quickly turns and looks suprised “but how? I had to think so hard?!”

“Perhaps it was was only the Matter of letting your imagination run wild or that it wasn’t really that complicated to begin with” he assumes

She notices how easier it is to control it “wow!” And for the next few minutes she plays around like it’s putty

(Scene 5 Yona)

Back at the yard behind the mansion

“Okay Yona, I figured that since your hooves made it difficult to race last time, so these new boots of yours can open incase if you wish to run on your hooves” the professor explains as she pushes a button on her boots that lets her see her bottom hooves

“Now let’s try again “

“Yak won’t lose!” As she charges toward mainframe

Mainframe decides to fly as he sees Yona so he decides to fly slightly higher

So Yona decides to build up her speed by running around the whole mansion and when he’s on her sights and coats her feet in metal

She jumps with a mighty stomp and propels herself in the air and while in the air she turns metallic to land directly

And before mainframe could comprehend she lands on him and they both fall causing a small crash

“Yaks best at tag!” Yona cheers in victory

The professor looks “well done Yona” then something catches his attention as he sees something unexpected

Where Yona stomped from her big jump he sees some earth risen up like it was a stool


(Scene 6 Ocellus)

Ullr shows up in the lab with Ocellus

“So why’d you bring me in this room” she asks

“Well since the professor is teaching the others” he said “We might as well practice your abilities since he didn’t get a chance to”

“That doesn’t explain why you two are in this lab” Mayday asks while she’s not looking as she’s preoccupied with making web fluid for her shooters

“I was curious on what you were doing so I decided to do both” Ullr said

“Is this a good idea?”

“It’s fine ocellus, We’ll be as careful as possible” he reassured her “so what’s the difference with your new powers”

“Well” she somehow makes her hand bigger “Changelings change their whole bodies but now it’s small hidden details”

“Is that all?”

“I don’t know, the professor said he hasn’t seen something so unique since his old friend left” she said

“That must be a good sign then!” He said he takes a stance

“Umm what are you doing “

“What do you mean it’s training” he said “I’m going to attack you “


“Don’t worry you can change so you can use any way to deflect block or counter” so he charges

“Ahh!” She thinks quickly and makes turns her hands into a shield

“Interesting take but is is strong enough” Ullr lands and punches the shield and the pressure gets a little too much for Ocellus until she gets an idea and her legs become springs and she bounces him off

He lands at a certain counter causing a non lethal accidental explosion


“Cough…great work Ocellus!” He said as he gets up covered in dirt

“MY WEB FLUID!” Mayday yells in frustration “MY I HAVE TO START OVER!”

“Oops run of it as he grabs ocellus hand and runs”

“Eep! Wait” nervous Ocellus is pulled by a laughing Ullr as Mayday chases them

“So why did you pick the lab?”

“Well I was curious and it was the only way for her to get active” he points to the chaser he snickers

“You two get back here now!”

Final day

“Well everyone has come a long way in these past five days” the professor says “Now it’s time to show the fruits of your labor “ he pushes. Button in the danger room as it changes once more

“With a second chance to redeem yourselves against this obstacle course again!” He says “you may begin when you ready”

They all took a moment to think back then they all nod their heads hinting at their signal

“Very well begin!”

They run forward and learning from there mistakes

sandbar makes a forcefield around the group to shield them from the neutralizing lasers

Next is likely the gasses as and it’s released

So they stop So Ocellus makes her arm into a fans which blows the gases away

So smolder melts the lasers and Gallus coats the gases with metallic corks to plug them up

And as the walls start to close in “Uhh guys” Gallus gets nervous

So Ullr and Yona go in front of the two walls and push them back to keep them at bay

“We got this” Ullr says

“Finish job” Yona says

Silverstream and May swing and fly as they carry the false citizens to safety

But more droids pop up

So Ocellus and Smolder and Gallus cover them as Ocellus turns her hand big and slams a few and Gallus shoots some daggers at the droids chests

While smolder rolls into a fire wheel to melt some of them

But the wall shakes like before

“It’s happening agains” May is struggling on the wall with the citizens

so Ocellus jumps and slams into the ground as she turns into a a giant tuning fork to absorb the vibrations
“Nnnooowwwwssssss yourrrrrrrrrr channnceeeee” Ocellus says

As Mayday and Silverstream slide through as she makes coats the floor with water so they can slide and Mayday jumps through as Ullr and Yona let go as sandbar forces the walls

Finally Ullr Grabs the stuck Ocellus but both are vibrating as he runs “thisss isss funnnnyyy!” He struggles to say

with Sandbar’s forcefield, the remaining team enters the finish line


There’s a loud buzzing and the danger room turns off

And the Professor finally enters the room

“Congratulations my young friends”

“I’m much older than you” Ullr said

“You have completed your training in small amount of record time”

They all cheer and are glad that their hard work paid off

“You are ready to join within the ranks of the “X-Men” he then turns around and heads to the living room

“Now come with me, I have a gift for each of you before you depart on your Journey tomorrow”

“Tomorrow? But what about now?” Smolder said

“Well it’s related to the gift which you can’t open until tomorrow either”

“Awwww” most of them groan

Ullr decides to take a stroll within the mansion now that the training is done

“It’s interesting, I’ve never worked with others before, it feels nice having less work to do”

He hears groaning and then he turns to see a certain room “huh, weird I don’t think I discovered this room yet” he decides to turn the knob when

“Hello Ullr” he turns to see the professor

“I’m afraid that room is occupied for now”

“Really, but I don’t remember anyone else having this room”

“I will explain tomorrow” he insisted “ by the way I’ve been meaning to ask are you an Asgardian”

“What gave it away, my attire or my weapons”

“All of the above, so does that mean you know Th”

“To be honest I haven’t kept touch with him since I left”


“I decided to leave I can’t explain but from the day I was founded, I didn’t really fit in towards most Asgardians and it felt awkward” he said “I’m not as strong as Odinson but Id like to surpass him one day”

“some would think it was a self imposed exile and to my mentor a training lesson” he looks at his blade

“But to me I guess I was an excuse to head out” he leans on the wall “you see my family told me about a unique mystery to see a mysterious lady who could change everything so I got me excited so I decided to venture out to other worlds”

“What a interesting story”

“Interesting is an understatement” said a another voice as Mayday appeared

“Hi there” he said to her “so you finished your design ?”

“No thanks to you but yes” she shows out her web shooters



“Your device looks a bit faulty”

“Excuse me?!”

He lifts her wrists and tries to feel the device “the exterior feels bulky but a little heavy” he says as he lets go “can you even move your hands with the extra weight it carries”

“Huh, that’s an interesting feedback”

“Asgardians have there fair share of science too” Ullr said and then he cringes “ughhh but the classes were a nightmare to document I can still feel the grades threaten me”

“Typical boy who doesn’t study” she says with her hands on her hips

“So since you heard my story, why did you stay?”

“Huh, well I wasn’t supposed to, you see My dad was always the center of attention and everyone always expected me to be like him but I wanted a different path so…” “wait why I’m I explaining this to you?!”

“Because it’s fair”

“Who cares if it’s fair”

“I see you wanted to outshine your dad so you left his shadow to be your own person” Xavier said

“Woah that means we are the same!” Ullr says excitedly

“We’re completely different, at least I didn’t make a mess in the lab!” She quickly tries to deny it

“Also you two should probably fix that mess” the professor says

“Ehhhhh?!” The two say

The next day

They all stand by the mansion living room all in mysterious yellow and black uniforms

“Interesting armor” Ullr said

“Oh I look like a bumblebee! Buzz buzz” she flies pretending to be one

“It’s a little stuffy” Gallus opens up his coat

“Yona make this look good” as they all cheer for her posing

“What’s with the uniforms?” Mayday asks she says wearing a uniform she ordered customly before the training as she knew from her father that x-men all wore unique uniforms

“These uniforms were made from unstable molecules” he said “once designed by a friend Reed Richards and I believe you may encounter he and his friends very soon, they are fire proof, bullet proof, and can take various rounds of zero-Gs” he says

“Wow we’re wearing advanced technology!” Ocellus feels grateful and giddy

“Now before you mission can begin, all me to introduce you to someone who will be a great help to you from this point on” he points to the door “The reason I delayed the time to today was because he needed to be ready”

The door behind him opens as it reveals a new face, a grown man wearing a blue suit with a Ruby quartz visor “Allow to introduce my first student Scott Summers also known as Cyclops”

The now named hero stands and looks at the recuits

“He will brief you on what happened”

The new adult looks at this rag tag group of kids

“Are you sure they are capable for the task?”

“Fear not, they have been practicing and let’s not forget how you handled your missions at a young age too”

So he nods “very well, as you know the X-men are missing” he says “but what you don’t know is that they headed to to a the foreign island of krakoa because of Cerebro our device that the professor uses to track down mutants”

He takes out a metallic x like helmet in his hands

“When we approached the island we decided to scout it but a sudden flash knocked me out, and when I woke up my powers were drained and I was stirred across home in the stratojet” he takes a moment to worry

“When I was home to explain the situation my powers came back but much stronger which had to have my visors altered”

“So you can blast people with your eyes?” Ullr says

“Cool” Smolder

“I wish I could agree” cyclops said


“Not important” he brushed it off “now let’s head out”

They all got seats in the ship as they fly towards the latest location of the X-men

“This ship is so amazing!” Silverstream said “I thought ships could only ride on water”

“Weird to fly without wings” Smolder said

“I’m not complaining” Gallus said

“Focus team this isn’t a field trip” Cyclops interrupted “from now on you are soldiers in a mission and to protect your identities you will be given code names”

“Sandbar your Shielder”

“Smolder your Proudfire”

“Yona your Ground Force”

“Ocellus your Mimicry”

“Gallus, your Warp Wing”

“Silverstream you’re Wave Fall”

“Ullr, your Ravestrom”

“May your…

“Orchid Arachnid” she said “the world is not ready for a spider girl”

“Hi I can see an island “ Sandbar says as he points to a massive island “that’s it” Cyclops confirms

“Everyone splits into teams and meet up in” he takes a moment and sees a monestary “that temple “

“Team 1 go!” Sandbar and Ocellus jump out

“Team 2 go!” Silverstream and Yona jump as Silverstream carries her down

“Team 3 go!” Gallus and Smolder fly out

“The rest are with me, let’s land close” he says to Ullr and Mayday

They slowly hover the ship down to the uncharted territory of the island and step out to check

“So is the temple the best bet to find the X-men” Ullr readys his weapon his blade

“It has to be if not then I hope the others find them” cyclops said

Mayday decides to scout around but sees something shocking “guys!”

“What is it?” Ullr said

“The ship it’s gone!”

“Impossible!” Cyclops turns around shocked “it makes no sense!”

“But is it magic?” Ullr said

“And how are we supposed to leave the island now?” Mayday got worried

“We’ll worry about that later, let’s keep moving” Cyclops said as they head into the temples sights

Team 2

“This island looks similar to the swamps of the everfree forest” silverstream said

They wander incase if there watched

“It reminds Yona of creepy monsters locations in her history books” she said

Then they hear rumbling they looks up “what’s that!” Yona yells as the see rocks about to fall on them

“Run “ Silverstream flies them out of the way but suddenly the rocks follow them like heat seekers

So she tries flying other directions but it does nothing as more rubble keeps following them
“Stop following us” she says

So they land “enough flee, let’s fight head on!” Yona said as she turns metallic and shields silverstream from the rocks as she takes each hit

Silverstream takes this moment and focuses hard “Thanks Yona now it’s my turn!” So she summons a lot of water and runs in front of Yona and forces her palms out like a hadoken and blasts the water like a sideways waterfall to blasts everything in her vision

“That was too close” Yona said as Silverstream was sweating a little “yeah” she leans on Yona for support so they walk to a new path and see the temple too

Team 1

“You think Cyclops sent us here too early?” Sandbar says as he looks towards the beach and he dumps sand out of his shoe

“He probably wanted us to cover the islands ground” Ocellus said “he’s probably worried his friends are hidden some where

“I guess so” he says but hears something rustling and turns around “what’s that?!” He points to giant crabs and there appear to be a few

So Sandbar coats the pincers in forcefields so they can’t stab them

But with the distraction one crab knocks his balance

But luckily ocellus turns her hand big and slams in down and slaps Some away so Sandbar covers one in a forcefield and rolls the ball towards the other crabs

And coats another one “Ocellus, Kick it”

She sees and nods “Got it” and she gets tall and her left leg grows big and kicks it towards them knocking them all away

“That was scary!” Sandbar said

“Not really it felt like squishing bugs” she said with a smile


“Come on let’s go” she said as she flies toward the temple

But sandbar decides to not dwell on it as it’s too confusing

Team 3

“What the heck!” As he and smolder get attacked by a flock of angry predatory birds

As he shoots metal balls at them

“Dang it Gallus can’t you talk to them!”

“Oh just because I’m a part bird I can talk to all birds?” He sounded offended “how would you feel if I said could you tell lizards to stop shedding skin!”

“Enough of this! Gallus fly high!” She shouted and he complies

So Smolder unleashes her fire power and burns everything through like a massive forest fire including the birds…and some fled though

As the two landed “you’ve got some issues” Gallus said “shut up, oh Look we can see the temple now” she says “race us!” She flies ahead

“Definitely has issues” Gallus follows her

Ullrs group reaches the temple gate

But turns around to see the teammates finally arrive
“Great you guys are back”

“Guys this island is so weird!” Sandbar says

“There were giant crabs”

“The rocks were relentless!”

“And the bird army were so annoying!”

Mayday looks confused at there replies but Ullr decides to share “yeah we noticed too, we took one look and our ship was gone”

“Gone!!!!” They all said

“Probably not best to mention that so soon” cyclops said “anyway we’re here now so let’s check inside”

They all see some kind of ancient room within the halls

“Did someone live here before” Ocellus said as the only ruins they saw were the castle of the two sisters

“Maybe the left?” Silverstream said

“Or maybe the island did something to them” smolder said in a realistic statement

“Let’s hope it’s not that” Gallus said

They stop and see another door so Ullr decides to kick it open

“Why’d you kick it?! What if it was boobytrapped!” Mayday yelled

“Don’t worry I can smell traps”

“That’s not what you did at the danger room”

“Well the danger room was too cleansed metallic it was literally a trap room to.. begin…with…” Ullr turns around and sees the room and what he sees shocks him

And the follow “what is it this…gasp!” Mayday asks before she and everyone looks

They all see the X-men angel iceman colossus and Storm havok night crawler and Lorna Dane hang up coated in vines and some are stuck like leaches

“What’s happened to them?” Ocellus says

“Worry about that later let’s get them down “ Cyclops says

Cyclops gets the last of them out “is everyone okay?”

Suddenly they hear groaning so they see them awake “it’s alright we’re here with backup”

“Scott no! What have you done”


“Don’t you realized why you escaped because he let you, because it figured you would bring others here”

“But why?”

“To feed, haven’t you figured it out”

“Stop whining and spell the beans!” smolder yelled at the ungrateful guy

“We came here to look for a mutant be made a mistake because we’ve already found it” he said “the mutant is the island itself “

Suddenly they hear loud rumble and the noise gets louder and louder until they see the islands grow a big hill and so to starts to grow into the size of a small mountain and it decides to morph into a humanoid form

With a loud screech it spreads to everyone’s ears as it wakes some up

“You have done well my decoy”

“Who said that?” Gallus said

“I think it’s the monster” Mayday answered

“You used me!, you giant behemoth!”

“Now that your work is done it is time for me to feed” it’s about to strike

“Everyone scatter!” Ullr yells to get everyone’s attention

And so the big battle of mutants against one island mutant had begun

Storm and Silverstream tried blinding the monster with water

Smolder Tries burning the backside of the monster

Yona and Colossus decide to both hit the arms of krakoa as she goes metallic

“Never thought it’d meet someone like me”

“Likewise” Yona said she was trying them break through the arms but it seems too difficult

Ocellus flies up and turns into a giant serpent to strangle the neck “the neck is too thick!”

Night crawler keeps jumping on the serveral spots like a flea so Gallus grabs him to fly him to safety

Ullr cuts moving vines around cyclops and havok

“Are we winning” Ullr said as he grabs a rock and crushes from plants and throws it to krakoa

Smolder decides to blast fire in its mouth to push it back

As sandbar was shielding them “these plants are relentless”

“Tell me about it” havok said

“Most of our attacks aren’t working but keep at it!” Cyclops said

At the sky storm keeps using rain which silverstream uses to hit the monster

“Why isn’t it working!” Silverstream gets worried

The monster looks at them “foolish prey, your water only replenishes my form”

As she heard that, it got Ocellus thinking

“Silverstream can you remove water from other beings?”

“I don’t know I haven’t tried it!”

“Then attempt it my child, I will use other methods” storm uses lightning and gusts instead

So silverstream calms herself and bit by bit she starts to remove all the water and moisture from the island and everyone sees how much is being removed like a reverse rain

“At least it’s getting dryer now!” Smolder decides to burn more

“Branch’s more weak to break!” Yona smashes through an arm with colossus’s help

So Gallus summons several dozens of blades at the other arm

Ullr grabs one and throws it at krakoa eye and Mayday block the other eye with her webbing as she grabs Ocellus out of them but not before she makes her leg big and uppercuts the monster with a kick

So iceman makes an ice slide for them to slide away before the monster could smash it

“Cyclops, hold this will get you nowhere!” Cyclops hears a familiar voice


“Fear not I have an idea, just stall it
A little longer!”

Meanwhile the professor at home starts to attack krakoa with a mental battle

“I wonder what’s his idea” then cyclops turns to see Lorna charging herself and rumble and massive magnetic energy goes around her

“Haaaaaaah!” With a mighty roar she raises her hands up

“Oh I get it” cyclops understands “storm give her energy” he orders her and she hears him as she summons lightning to super charge her

The monster is shaken a little but still rampant and Ocellus sees this

“Scott stop this I don’t know how much she can take!” The argument is from havok

She turns to see the arguement

“She has to I have faith that she can do this” cyclops grows weary

“I swear brother or no brother if she dies so help me” she understands the situation and runs ahead

“Stop it!” Ocellus steps in “that’s no way to talk to family”

“What are you?”

“I have an idea” she says as she runs to Lorna

“What is she doing?” Cyclops said as Ullr says

“Oh I get it”

“Get what?”

“Well ocellus told me something in secret, when I caught her practicing by herself”

“She can not only copy forms and change her appearance” they see Ocellus touch heads and touch lornas cheeks like a loving embrace and suddenly her head and the rest of her body glows
“She can also copy the abilities of anyone she comes in contact with”

As they see the island start to shake even further

And the monster is starting to lose is from but it’s getting closer

“It’s coming this way” Gallus said as Angel pushes him out of some dangerous projectiles “careful bird of a feather fight together “ while Gallus rolls his eyes

“I’m guessing the professor got overwhelmed “ Mayday said as he couldn’t hold that mental fight forever

Ullr then says “fine then” he walks to the monster

“What’s he up to” sandbar says as he shields colossus and Yona

Ullr opens up a small bag and he takes a what happens to be a big Axe

Suddenly a large lightning sound hits the axe causing a loud thunder boom

“You lucky” he said “I only save this axe for the most powerfully damaged difficult oppenents”

“Everyone clear the area!” Ullr warns as some back off

He makes a stance and swings his axe and swings harder and harder and all the lighting gusts and kinetic energy

“Guide my path heavenly axe JARNBJORN!”

“Sweet Christmas” iceman says “he’s just like Thor”


As a mighty wave turns into a massive pillar of lightning shoots like a pistol and Smolder sees it and flies away “oh crap!” But night crawler catches her in time and teleports out of the way

The massive blast hits the monster so powerfully it knocks its head off

“I’ve bought you time you too, do it now!” Ullr says to Ocellus

“I’m on it” Ocellus holds lornas hand as they share the massive pain as their limits are starting to show and within the earths crust there merits are starting to show as the island is moving more loosely and eventually the monster loses it massive form and falls apart

“Everyone get off the island now!” Ocellus yells as everyone hears her plea and Sandbar and iceman construct a powerful raft for everyone to jump on

Lorna is down and Ocellus is on her knees
“Lorna are you” Havok was interrupted as Ullr lifts her bridal style “did you say something” Ullr says as he runs “why you!” But he gets bumped by Gallus carrying Ocellus “move it already!” Gallus yells

So Ullr uses her blades to spin the raft like a motorboat blade while smolder and silverstream blasts the back as well with cyclops and havok blasting too as they get the ship miles away

The rumble is still in there reach and what they see next completely shocks them as the island itself is floating and it keeps hovering upwards and upwards until it is completely out of their eyesight

“I’d it over” Mayday said

“I don’t think so look!” Gallus says as he points to the massive roars of the tides and they are getting pulled in

“It’s the island, without the island the massive hole is being filled!” Mayday answer “we’re about to get caught in a whirlpool!”

The tides and getting stronger and stronger so sandbar steps up “Don’t worry I’ll face it!” As he covers the whole group and a small portion of the ice raft for footing into a strong forcefield as they get pulled inside into the deep ocean as to shakes them and makes them hit themselves
“Ow watch the horns Yona!”

“Yoww Smolder please watch it!”

“Ahh! Ocellus please change without your horn!”

Finally the waves stop and the skies are finally clearing up, nothing but minor waves and birds squawking. And a few minutes passes which becomes a half hour and nothing passes until

The force field bubble finally rises

“Finally fresh air!” Gallus yells he hates enclosed spaces

“Well sorry if I have brimstone breath” Smolder says

“We did it we did it we did it!” Silverstream cheers in flies then swims in joy “We saved everybody!”

“And we completed our first mission too, not bad” he relaxes on the ice raft

“Congratulations, to all of you, it was a pleasure to fight with all of you by my side” Cyclops congratulates the students even pats Mayday on the head which she blushed at the praise

She looks away and looks at a familiar sight that washed up “look it’s the stratojet!”

Moments have passed and they all aboard the ship “sorry youngsters, this ship wasn’t designed so this many mutants” angel says

“Youngesters?” Ullr was confused

“What a rip” smolder complains

“Cut them some slack, they were held hostage for about a week” Sandbar reminds them

“So Cyclops when we get back tell me something” Mayday leans on Yonas chair

“What are we going to do with this many X-men?” She says as they fly back to westchester

“Useless foreign magic!”

“ I should have known better than to listen to that idiotic draconiqus” he holds a piece of a magic mirror that powers up his portal powers

“No matter, if this world summons heroes, I’ll just find a way to take find others to occupy them” said the words of the mightiest adversary

“If they get in my way, they will face the wrath of Regent!” He says as he holds ultrons head

Meanwhile at a distant location in Manhattan

Small child on a child with small wave cut hairstyle in a business suit on a high building was researching locations on his global satellite for locations to expand his corporation until he sees something

He sees footage about certain individuals facing off against a literal island

“Pfft another squabble about super heroes, mutant topics are the least of my problems” then he looks closer and sees something that shocks him, a girl who is swinging helping the X-Men
“Well well, looks like you have caught my interest”

He turns around “looks like this won’t be a total waste of my time” he says the door opens to see his secretary

“Mister Osborn you are needed by the board of directors”

He steps out of the desk

“Very well, let’s be fashionably late since they interrupted my thought” he follows her with a secret devious smile

Opening theme Eden Through the Rough

This was the first chapter

With masterrob’s permission, this Heroic Tale is tied to the “Heroic Harmony” universe but takes place years later as Mayday is older

Give an applause to masterrob for his permission

It was based off of X-Men second Genesis

And they finally got code names but the adventures won’t stop with just the X-men

There will space travel too

As you can tell Ullr’s master is Beta Ray Bill

The hydra in the prologue was an omage to Spider-Man stopping the hydra in the original spiders and magic but if it went toward an easier route

With regent around, you may see enemies or allies from shows, games, even comics and anime

Got any suggestions?

Ullr is based on the marvel character Woden
But you can tell Ullr is not arrogant like the canon version and that’s something that connects to his past.

Ullr’s age is a reference to Wonder Woman from DC Superhero girls cartoon which was made by Lauren Faust who was responsible for MLP’s modern day success

Anyway I have designs of all the students uniforms in deviantart account Spiders123 and what they look like

The young six physical design was an inspiration and permission from artist “thegreatrouge”

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