• Published 11th Jun 2021
  • 605 Views, 7 Comments

Spiders and Magic Presents:Amazing Fantasy - spiders123

It’s about a young Asgardian who has ties with Gusty the Great now years later is grown and ready to start his own adventures (imagine Wonder Woman from dc super hero girls, and Finn the human and Leonardo from TMNT) merged into one Asgardian

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Season 1: Scion of Gusty Ep 7: Monster catcher

Season 1: Scion of Gusty Ep 7: Monster catcher
(Opening theme Eden through the Rough)

At night after the giant robot attack

Everyone is at their dorms tired from the long day

In Ullr’s room, he hasn’t gotten the opportunity to unpack despite the weeks so just sleeps on a plain bed.

Inside his dreams,

All he sees is black then all of a sudden a red sky emerges

“Uh oh”

For a single step suddenly finds himself surrounded by an entirely destroyed city

‘This was the same feeling I had when I was at the park…a bad feeling’

He heard some rustling he feels the wind grows a little stronger

“ oh man, I didn’t know what I saw would leave such an impression to appear in my dreams”

“Huh?” He tries to move but can’t

His shadow slowly grows upwards and grows and grows

Until it starts to take form… and becomes a person and slowly it’s head turns toward Ullr with and opens its glowing red eyes

“Wha!” His forehead glows as everything turns white and hears a whisper

“it’s not time yet L——- Le————“

“What?” He sees a small sprite sized light “that voice from my previous dream”

“For now, I may help keep this dream at bay as best as I can” as everything brightens up

He wakes up “gasp!” He takes some deep breathes

“That feeling again…” he sits up to relax and take a moment “why did that happen again”

The following night after the fiasco with the s-bot attack at the oscorp building

Normie Osborn with a weapon behind his back enters smythe’s lab

“Pray tell what was that fiasco about smythe least you still have a job depending on my mood”

“Why do you have a heat blaster”

“It’s New York, I’m no simpleton” he said with dull eyes “now why did you unless the s-bot project on a populated area!”

“I didn’t think the people were your concern”

“It’s not just the people fool!” He said “if they trace it back to us without a proper excuse there could be a risk and the authorities could find and shut everything down”

They hear some noise as some clanging is heard

“What is that noise” Osborn said

“One of the decoys has returned”

Suddenly they see a reptilian hand stick out and they see it slowly burst out of the metal door

to see the iguana return uncaged

As it leaps towards them

Normie turns on his blaster and it blasts the iguana into one of the glass containers holding the scorpion and it hits the iguana as it crashed into the main computer

The hatch releases the several monsters such as a rhino, a rat, and a piranha

“Tch!” Osborn grew pissed “tell everyone to evacuate the labs!” He presses an evacuee button and escapes through a trap door before the monsters could see

The monsters look at smythe “oh…sh*crash”

The loud commotion causes a riot so loud that some say oscorp almost shook

Some explosions show up as monsters come out of the building

As monsters they don’t think straight so they scatter

The next morning

“Come on guys Ace Duck is on!” Silverstream tells everyone

“With all that training I guess we never noticed the time to use entertainment appliances” sandbar said as he looks at the TV of a cartoon duck performing super heroics

Ullr walks out all tired looking “what happened to you?” Gallus notices

“Oh I guess I didn’t get enough sleep”

“Really?” Sandbar showed up “you really shouldn’t read your comics so late that can add vivid dreams”

Ullr looks at him with a comically shocked face “It could?!”

“Quiet please” Yona juicing the oranges “Yona need focus”

“Miss Yona, I wouldn’t mind if you let me assist you with the blender option” Mainframe said holding the fruit down for her to crush a few

“No thanks, yak likes smashing” she smashed another orange as it splashed on his face plate

“Obviously” he said in a deadpan tone

He goes to the table to pass one to Ullr

“Thanks mainframe” he’s about to sip but fidgets when Silverstream cheers

“WHOO!” She flies around in joy “Ace does it again!”

“What’s that about?” Ullr asked

“Well ever since Silverstream unlocked the secret passion of Earth…television, she’s grown fond of the kids network” Ocellus said

“Yona like wrestling channel” she finished preparing her breakfast

Then channel sudden changes “we interrupt this program to bring up a news report”

“Hey what happened!” Silverstream got suprised

“Apologies ms Silverstream” mainframe interrupts “some televisions have a tendency to have channels automatically changed into the news network to inform the public of serious events”

“Various workers have ended up missing last scene in the sewers” the tv says “if found call this number “

Mayday walks out with her phone

“Hey everyone, Jameson got us an assignment for PR!”

“Really what’s it about?” Gallus wonders

“He and his new reporter found evidence from one of his old connections of a monster in the sewers so where going to check it out”

“Missing individuals?” Ocellus cuts in “I don’t think we’ve had a rescue mission since we’ve met the X-Men” ocellus said

Xavier enter the room “my students front in center”

“What is it?” sandbar says

“I’ve received a distress call from our neighbors the morlocks”

“Who?” Yona said”

“Oh Have I forgot to mention?” the professor says

“They are mutants like us, but they are a group that secluded themselves within the sewers because they have no control over what they appear and are not as lucky to have image inducers as you all”

“Wait the sewers?” Mayday said

“Yes what’s wrong”

Sandbar cuts in “Mayday just told us about a PR gig to take a look at the sewers”

“And the tv said the same thing not too long ago” mainframe points out

Mayday looks shocked “what the news is spreading already?!” ‘better hurry before other reporters get the story’

“What a coincidence” ocellus said

Then smolder walks in “hey guys”

“Smolder wait till you hear what’s going on”

“In a minute, Professor I was taking a morning fly out then saw that you got a message from a screen in you wall”

Storm says “ah you must have found one of the mansions television screen to contact other Allie’s from far away lands”

“Uh…sure” unaware what that means “anyway the message was about some kid named leech”

Storm said “leech he’s one of the morlocks”

Mayday pondered “they called twice?”

“Callistos group probably hasn’t informed the other morlocks that I received her message” Xavier says

“You think the morlocks are causing a racket?” Gallus mentioned

Storm answers “never, They wouldn’t dare to get involved due to their fear of humanity and even if they would, I would never let them”

“What do you mean You wouldn’t?”

“Well you might as well know, Ororo defeated Callisto and asserted dominance as leader of the morlocks”

“Your their leader?”

“YES!” They hear Silverstream cheer “the shows back on” As some groan

Storm turns off the television “Aww”

“I was…but I let Callisto keep her rule whenever I’m not with them”

“But now she’s screwed up and is begging for help?” Mayday said

“Actually one of the other morlocks called my despite Callisto’s decision not to”

Ocellus ponders “You don’t think they ran into the one responsible for the missing workers would they?”

Yona stands up “We must help the morlocks”

“I’ll lead the group this time” Ororo volunteers

“What about professor Scott?” Ullr said

“Professor Scott away at the auto shop…again” the professor looks at smolder

“Let’s move” storm orders

They fly the stratojet to the coast side of the beach to final a giant pipeline leading to the sewers

“Ughh!” Gallus smells “it’s disgusting in here”

“You’ve been to the sewer this much”

Storm turns to them “Unlike Scott, I’ve had more experience with the sewers because of the meetings with the morlocks, be warned you must follow my lead or else you’ll get lost”

“So how long until we get to the morlocks hide away?”

“If we take some routes that I’ve listed down, we should arrive in about half a couple of hours”

They hear a splash

“Okay now I definitely heard that” Silverstream said

“Heard it?! The sludge hit me?!” Gallus complains

Something jumps and they see a giant man sized rat man

It hisses it lunges at Gallus “what hey get off me!” He gets suprised at the rats strength

“Get off him!” Ullr uses his sword to whack him off like a base ball bat

It sends him a couple feet off

“Don’t worry it’s just one monster” smolder said as another creature showed up the scorpion

“That’s the same guy who rampaged at the mall” sandbar said as he forced a shield to defend against the acid blasts

The scorpion roars at it jumps at the ladder

“We can’t let that thing out in public!” Sandbar said

The vermin sees this and runs away

“Hey the rat is getting away!” Yona warns them

Ocellus looks “what need to pick one“

Storm looks angered “she’s right, they can’t be allowed to roam free, they also may know where the missing people are”

She turns to them “every will split into groups”

“Ullr Yona and Gallus” and you go after the scorpion”

“Silverstream and smolder track down the rat”

“Sandbar Ocellus May your with me”

They nod

“Let’s move” she orders and they split

The surface group climbs out of the sewer

“Where did it go?” Gallus said

Yona looks up on a roof “there” she sees the creature making a break for it

“Let’s hurry” Gallus said then loses his footing and hears some trembling

“What’s that noise?” He said

They all start to hear some loud tremors to see a giant monster bust through a building

It looks like gigantic humanoid mutated think creature

“Yona not remember this one”

“It does look hard to look at” Gallus said

It looks angry

“I think it heard me!” The griffin panicked

Ullr jumps and lands on the rhinos shoulder to redirect the charge a little out of sandbars way as it bashed into another building

Smolder and Silverstream follow the vermin into a a sewer line that’s mostly water

“Uggh what I wouldn’t give to bath in lava turn burn this gunk off”

Silverstream rises from the water I don’t see him underneath

“Dude?!” She looks grossed out “your actually swimming in that?”

“What’s wrong, back in seaquestria we-

“Da-I don’t want to know!” She shut her down

Then heard something “it came from over there” smolder said

They enter a huge space of the sewers

“Where is that stupid thing?”

Silverstream sees some bubbles “look!”

Smolder turns to see a monster jump from the water only it’s not the rat,

“Another freak of nature?!” Smolder says “Gah” she grabs the arms because it jumped on her pushing it back because it’s trying to bite her so she flies and drops it while silverstream uses her sea form to swat it back a few feet.

They take a look seeing that it looks like a black scaly giant man sized piranha

“A fish?” Smolder said

After awhile they made it to to morlocks domain

“So this is where they live?” Sandbar said

“It’s been awhile Storm” said a pale skinned mutant who is limping

“Caliban are you alright” Storm said

“Caliban is fine” he looks at the group “this is all you could bring?”

“Uh?” Ocellus didn’t know what to tell him

“Fear not, reinforcements are already out warding off the other creatures”

“There are more?!”

Mayday gets to the point “Excuse me who is this?”

“Students, this is caliban he has the special ability to find any mutant he wishes”

“Are you serious?, any mutant?” Mayday said with wide eyes

“Whoa that’s amazing!” Ocellus said

“Unfortunately caliban can only find mutants that are alpha level or weak, Caliban can’t find mutants too strong like to omega magn-


It spoked caliban and almost tripped but sandbar caught him “I got you”

They hear a monsters hiss in the tunnels

Mayday points out “There’s our lead”

“Are there others with you?” Ocellus said

“Callisto tried to rally her people and gather as much as she could” he said “but Caliban got separated in the panic”

“So there are at safe distance” Storm figured out

‘I should probably tell Sukea about the proof later’ mayday thought

“Sandbar stay with Caliban incase the morlocks return for him” Storm says as he nods

“Just be careful”

“ I will” his professor stated As they head towards the monsters noise

Back up top

Ullr was hanging on the rhino monsters horn like a monkey

The monster was shacking it’s head around but he swung around the horn as best as he could to avoid those big hairy hands

Yona rammed it from the back while Ullr swung to build momentum and double kicked his chin and bounced off from the force

Gallus throws some long projectiles at the back

The monster felt that a little

“It didnt even paralyze it!”

Ullr points out “nah I think you just got its attention

“I know, look we need to get it back to the sewer or else it will just ruin the city like juggernaut did” Gallus said

“Yak have a way” she said

They both wonder until she starts to grow metallic and stomp super hard

“Uh what are you doing?” Ullr was holding his ground

Gallus eyes widen “no wait you can’t be serious?!”

The monster charges at her

“Hah! She smashed the whole hollow ground”

Causing a huge hole which she, Ullr and the monster fell through.

Gallus is seen airborne “good thing I noticed in time”

He sees and acid blast about to hit so he shoots it with a projectile like bowling ball as it was too close to dodge

He looks to see that scorpion monster out of hiding on top of a rooftop

“So that’s where you went!” He shoots more heavy feathers from his wings to shoot

Not at the monster but at the footing where it’s standing

It falls and lands and gets buried by the debris from the roof.

“And for good measure” he shoots tall bars and weights on the scorpion to prevent it from escaping

“Whew” he wipes off sweat “ haven’t done that much in awhile” he looks to the big hole where Ullr and Yona fell

“I hate this mission” he hesitates a little but goes back into the hole

Back at the sewer ring, Silverstream gets an idea

“Smolder use your smoke “

“Gotcha!” She blows to blind the piranha of sight or at least make it cough to lose focus

Silverstream sneaks by in fish form and grabs it by the neck with her tail and with her lower body strength throws the piranha onto the wall

“My turn” smolder flies up and gets out of the smokes range and see where the monster landed, and falls and makes her knees on fire as she lands hard on the piranha with her knees causing the wall to leave a hard impression on it.

“Did you see that?” Smolder impressed by her own trick.

“See what?” Silverstream still blinded by the smoke

“Sigh forget it” she looks around “where is the rat guy?”

The smoke clears so Silverstream can see again “I don’t know”

A huge splash happens it’s makes a loud hiss as it grabs Silverstream


Smolder acts quick and throws a fireball at its face which makes it let her go.

“Why isn’t it catching on fire?”

“Because his hair is too wet to get burn from the water here” Silverstream said

“Fine I’ll do it the hard way as she forms fireballs”

The vermin does a screech, as it back away from the light

“Look it hates light” Silverstream said “no wonder it’s here in the dark”

“Looks like I still have an advantage over you rat man” smolder gets closer

The vermin realizing it has no chance, throws gunk at smolders eyes

“Gah! I can’t see” as it tries to pounce Silverstream jumps in the air and does a heavy wet tail whip to knock it back as she lands to make a big splash she gets up and goes back to Hippogriff form to wipe off the mess from smolder’s eyes

“Ew that’s nasty, Sweet Celestia! that better not get in my mouth”

“There it’s off” she’s done wiping

“Where’s that nasty vermin!” Smolder getting mad

“Oh it’s over-“ she points to…water

“Oops” Silverstream raises her shoulders in an embarrassed gesture with a sweat drop

Smolder slaps her “let’s just say it fell into a hole”

Ullr gets thrown onto a pipe line he is about to get horned, but Yona punches it in the face

It pushes her back with a punch but Ullr pushes himself off the destroyed pipe to jump and punched back at the opportunity

The steam from the pipe blasts out causing some steam to surround the area

“Oh man” he pulls his collar about

“Yona feel so hot” she unzips a little

Ullr turns away from her growing uncomfortable “I know it’s hot but please no in front of the …huh?”

He sees the monster pant and sweat as it smashes a wall but another pipe bursts backing it away

“It’s getting tired, and with the heat it may not last much longer to if it’s burning up it’s energy”

The rhino monster gets madder and smashes a different wall

“Quick distract it, if it leaves it might recover!” Ullr uses his bag and takes out his axe

“Right!” Yona runs and rolls like a bowling ball to knock over the rhinos leg making it trip as Ullr cuts another pipe and cuts one at the five feet away

The monster hits Yona and is about to hit again but she redirects the fist away and uses her own horns to hit it in the chest

Ullr goes behind her and cuts a third pipe

The monster gets up and does a stomp making her trip as she falls on her back


The monster attempts to stomp on her but Ullr cuts it from behind as Ullr runs and the monster is about to give chase Yona grabs its leg


“You got it” he cuts the fourth pipe causing all the steam to hit to monster from all sides. It’s blinding and distracting it giving Yona to climbs up and hold it in a head lock

It’s shaken around so Ullr hits one of it’s legs so it can’t run

As it’s on its knees Yona holds it down until…it finally faints

She lets go and takes a few steps back as it falls on its back

“We won” she said

“Yeah great” he stretches until he sees Yona try to take off her outfit

“Seriously Yona now is now”

“Why is it so hot in here!” Gallus catches up to them “Oh I see you beat the big guy, meaning I went back into this smelly hole for no-

“Oh thank goodness you back Gallus let’s go find the others” Ullr grabs Gallus so Yona can follow to escape the heat.

Back with Storm’s group

They enter some old catacombs

“What is this place Professor” Ocellus said

“We must be near the old subway stations” Storm revealed “a resting place for obsolete transport”

“So a train graveyard, I might come back here then” Mayday looks around as she uses Megaman’s scanning system “there could be some new parts laying around”

“I’m surprised you don’t seem upset about the hidden monster”

“We’ve fought an a giant monster from the underground world of the mole creep, Besides we’ve got it outnumbered”

She picks up some junk “Also you may never know what you may find and want” she makes a web satchel to hold the parts in

“Be warned, in a area of metal, I cannot support you with my gift of lighting” Storm says

“We never needed it before” she said “Megaman scan the area for some heat signatures”

Ocellus turns into a bat to signal for any echo location and disturbances

She senses something

Mayday suddenly hears clustering and checks behind the trolley but sees nothing

She hears a loud thud with her spider sense trigger as she she’s the giant iguana behind her

She dodges a claw attack but fails to seethe tail grab her neck

“W-what” she struggles to speak

Ocellus flies from behind and turns into a falling bull in mid air which smashes into the iguana letting her go as it flies a couple of feet away.

Storm runs to her “are you alright” she looks at the damage done to mayday’s suit on the neck “it’s a miracle that creature didn’t mangle your neck to shreds”

“Shoot, I forgot some reptiles have harder heat signatures to trace” she realized her blunder as she attempts to adjust her settings on her helmet until she sees it recover.

“Well this should solve the proof for the monster theory Jameson has” she takes camera photos from her helmet “I better add proof just to be sure”

The iguana attacks but Ocellus turns into a hawk to escape the lunge

Storm blasts gusts of wind “back foul beast”

It blinds the iguana a little

Mayday sees it slowly backing towards to trolley

“I got an idea, Ocellus distract it”

Ocellus wonders what she meant then puts the pieces together with Storm and to trolley and nods so she turns into an ape and punches it as it blocks

Mayday turns on some switches which can turn the specific trolley behind

Ocellus dodged a hit by turning into an armadillo to rolll under and become and alligator to bite its tail

She then tears down the train down with her web ‘good thing this suit provides the strength I lack’ she thought

The iguana grabs her so ocellus becomes a butterfly in a split second then a rhino to knock it from grabbing distance

Mayday runs into position “Ocellus get out of the way!”

She turns into a pigeon to fly from distance so Mayday does some webs and turns herself into a slingshot and propels herself so fast she hits the iguana which blasts him inside through the trolley doorway she made and blocks the doorway with some Webbing

“Storm blast it!”

“Good thinking” Storm praise “girls keep your distance!” As she blasts the trolley trapped iguana with lots of bolts of electricity

The spectacle was so bright they had to cover their eyes

She stops the webbing on the trolley burns down revealing an unconscious beast.

“It’s over” ocellus said

“I’ll make a call with Charles” Storm said “with his connections he should be able to find people who can contain it”

“Let’s call the others and see if they completed their tas-“

*click* they hear a switch and see a train and the platform slowly move and in it’s place, and train elevates from that hole

“What the” the group sees that it’s an unused trolley but within it

They see lots of stuff and computers and notes

“I think this is some sort of computer lab” ocellus pointed out

She takes a seat and sees some supplies

“Who ever built this must have not wanted it to be found” Storm said

Mayday checks of of the books and sees something that makes her eyes widen

“Th-this can’t be!”

“What is it?” Ocellus said

“This book…it’s signed by Richard Parker…My Grandfather!”

“Your grandpa made this?!” Ocellus was shocked

“Wait your grandfather worked in science too?” Storm said “What a coincidence and that it was found by mere luck”

“Luck…or a weird coincidence…” mayday mumbled

She turns on a computer which when turned on, it revealed so much data and information. Then she opens a drawing with a weak lock which reveals a journal. “This looks interesting though”

“Let’s come back later for this” Storm said

“No, let’s leave it here” mayday said which storm raises an eyebrow

“It could be useful to have a second base, plus this equipment it probably too delicate to carry”

Storm thinks about this “very well, but I hope you’ve thought of a way to remember where you left it”

She smiles “I already have” she leaves a spider tracer behind

All have met up and regroup back to reach the the exit hole out of the sewers,

“Caliban is grateful to you all” he said in full health

“Are you sure we can’t stay longer to meet the rest of the morlocks” Silverstream said

“I’m too tired to mingle” smolder said

“And I don’t feel like it” mayday way of saying she’s just not interested

“Plus I hate the sewer” Gallus said

Storm said “I know but I still have an estranged issue with Callisto that still needs to be fixed” she reminded them “she wouldn’t want to be near us with me around so let’s return home”

“Farewell Caliban” sandbar said he said as he lets go of Caliban

“Take care”

As they all board the parked stratojet and prepare for take off

As they leave the spots where sandbar touched Caliban has started to heal himself

“Huh, Caliban feels, wonderful”

“This is inexcusable” Augustus Roman tailed the group Damage Control to see that it’s carrying monsters from the sewers into

“There hasn’t been a mess this terrible since the disaster several years ago in the era of heroes”

He throws down a cigar

“First that robot days ago, now theses monsters it’s like someone was trying to recreate the sinister six”

He grows furious “monsters lead to villains and villains and disasters lead to hero battles” he hits the carry truck to contain them

“This cannot go on” he takes out a phone “It’s Roman…get me Shinobi Shaw”

At the mansion

Xavier revealed the existence of a bathhouse. To those who prefer a nice hood soaking recommend by a hairy short guy

Ullr takes a moment to himself in the water

“I needed this, I know mortals had the concept of showers but It feels just like the bathhouses back on Asgard” he puts a warm towel on his head

“I would like to take a visit at this “Japan” if some guy recommended this”

He then takes a second to find himself…”I wonder how Grandpa Odin is doing?”


“Huh?” He hears a splash

Then he sees Silverstream rise up from the water

“Hi I didn’t know you had the same idea”

He gasps in wide eyes as dinner plates looking at her scaly antro sea pony nude body in all it’s glory

“What-why are are you here?!”

“Duh to bathe like everyone”

“But don’t you know…wait…What do you mean-

“Cannon ball” Yona yells as she falls in

“Not so fast” smolder slides down into the bath water


“I know can you believe them” he suddenly notices Gallus siting next to him

“Why aren’t you suprised?” Ullr said

“Suprised about what?” He said making him feel dumbfounded

“Is the water ready” Sandbar said

Gallus says yeah it’s…he still sees sandbar in his towel



“Your towel take it off”


“Come on your a guy” he said

“But but “

Gallus gets up “just do it I know you’ve been walking around in the sewer you need to” he said pulling the towel

“Please no!” He said in a shy tone

Ullr turns blue looking at this “what are you-“

“There knuckleheads am I right” smolder said close to Ullr patting his back

“Gah!” He jumps off

“What I’m clean…a little”

Ullr steps back “you really don’t know?”

“Know what?” Silverstream swipes her hair leaning on the ledge

“Uh well you see” he keeps backing up until he bumps into someone

“Oh sorry” Ullr apologizes and shocked to see Storm completely nude with Ocellus a little shy is standing behind Storm

“No worries are you alright” she said until she “um are you okay?”

Ullr looks very red and sweaty

“Uh oh” ocellus recognizes that look on anyone who is shy

“Oh seriously I hoped no one was going to use this place tonight” Mayday steps out

That’s it…

Ullr gets dizzy and slips on a bar of soap and hits his head falling asleep

“What happened?!” Silverstream said

“What the?” Mayday said “why are the guys in this room?!” She said “they’ll dirty up the place!”

“What’d you say?!” Gallus said

Storm realize “oh how could I forget, this isn’t my home country” she giggles

She gathers them around “Sorry boys and girls, this isn’t Equestria, boys and girls are not often nude”

“Huh?” Most of them say

“Oh right I forgot” mayday remembered

“Could someone carry him back to his room” she said

“I could do it” sandbar says as Ullr’s towel falls off

Ocellus and Storm accidentally look the changeling turns a little red and screams a bit


In the land of Equestria, most don’t wear clothes

But even colts don’t reveal their privates to

(Ending theme EVERBLUE BY Omoinotake)

Hey to everyone

For those who didn’t know, Storm is a nudist even in the comics

In her first appearance she was topless

She even appeared naked to Jean Grey once during a visit

The Train Lab was a reference to the amazing films

Thank You for reading, I need the support ever since My Grandfather left my World

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