• Published 14th Jun 2021
  • 521 Views, 9 Comments

Feather Bangs Dates the ShadowBolts - BrawnyBold

Feather Bangs goes on some dates with the girls from Crystal Prep.

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Sunny Flare

Feather Bangs ran as fast as he could on the long sidewalk as he was in such a hurry. He checked his watch to see that he only had a few minutes before he will be late. Feather zig-zagged through some people who were in the way and he was able to jump over a dog so he wouldn't trip over it. When Feather turned to one last corner, he felt relieved as he had arrived to his destination. In front of Feather Bangs was the Canterlot Mall, one of the largest shopping centers in town. It is where locals shop for certain stuff. Feather walked towards a large water fountain that was located at the front of the mall's entrance. Standing in front of the fountain was a girl with light purple and pink short hair with a pointy flower hairpin on it. Her outfit was a light blue, short sleeved blouse, a short purple skirt, purple heels, and a dark purple purse. The girl was currently texting something on her smartphone as if she didn't care what was in front of her. Feather could easily recognize the girl as Sunny Flare and he was relieved to see that she was still waiting for him.

"Sorry for almost being late!" Feather said as he made his way towards her. He couldn't help but breath heavily as he had to run extremely fast. Sunny finished texting on her phone and put it in her purse.

"Well, I would've gone in since you were about to be late." Sunny said rudely. But she smiled, "But then again, I decided to wait a little longer just to give you more time. Let's go!" Sunny said as she walked towards the mall with Feather following in pursuit. Sunny turned to see Feather. "Just to confirm, you are able to get discounts, is that correct?" Sunny asked.

"Yeah," Feather answered. "As long as I make the purchases, I get a very large discount at any store at the Canterlot Mall."

"Oh, then this will be a very fun date, Feather." Sunny said as she turned her head and walked further.

Feather felt extremely blessed to go on a date with one of Crystal Prep's most popular girls, Sunny Flare. She was always the center of attention whenever she appeared. Most of the guys at Crystal Prep would give a limb to go on at least one date with her. Feather was able to score a date with Sunny when he won a lottery at the Canterlot Mall. For the prize, Feather could get a huge discount at any store in the mall. He thought that Sunny would definitely go on a shopping date with him if he could get great deals from her favorite stores. Feather tried to convince Sunny to on a date with him, but she kept declining. That wasn't until Feather mentioned his prize then Sunny finally said yes. Now Feather got to follow Sunny as if he was very important to him, which he was. They entered the mall to first see the inside view. The sun was shining through the clear glass ceilings and the mall's interior showed that it had so many floors with various stores. There were even some long paths of escalators and elevators to help guests go up to certain floors. Feather could never get tired of seeing how amazing the Canterlot Mall looked. Feather's mind refocused as he noticed that Sunny was already on one of the escalators to go up, forcing Feather to catch up to her.

"Before we get this date started, I want to inform you of some ground rules that should be followed while we're on this date. Is that clear?" Sunny asked.

"Okay," Feather nodded.

"First off, no hand-holding between us. If I catch you attempting to grasp my hand or touch me anywhere else, your face will be slapped." Sunny warned.

"Okay," Feather said with a gulp.

"Second, you do everything I say. If I say to carry something, you carry it. If I say get something, you get it. If I say to remove your shirt so I could wipe my face, you take off your shirt and give it to me." Sunny said.

"No problem," Feather said.

"Third, you will only address me as Ms. Flare and nothing else." Sunny said.

"Yes, Sun-I mean Ms. Flare." Feather said nervously.

"Good," Sunny said with a smile. Sunny and Feather got off the escalator and made their way towards their first stop. It was a women's boutique that sold top quality clothes. Sunny started to explore the clothing racks that carried all sorts of clothing for women. Her eyes glistened as she saw how beautiful the clothes looked. Feather said nothing as he only took the clothing that Sunny had picked out. As Sunny continued to search through the racks, Feather started to hold up a large clump of clothing that Sunny chose to buy. Sunny shopped for thirty minutes and she was completely done.

"Alright, you can go purchase my clothes now." Sunny said as she led Feather to the cashier. Feather did his best to not trip over while holding on to the large amount of clothes Sunny chose. When the cashier ringed up the price, Feather mentioned his name and the price went down in an extremely low rate. Feather made the purchase and followed Sunny out of the store while he held several paper bags that contained her clothing. "That was such a blast!" Sunny smiled. "Let's check out some more places!" Sunny then led Feather to another store.

The day went on with Sunny leading Feather to some more clothing stores and he the purchases. The next store Sunny and Feather went to was a makeup place. Sunny was busy trying out some perfume. She sprayed some on her wrist and gave it a sniff.

"Hmm, this perfume smells strange. What do you think, Feather?" Sunny asked. Feather sprayed the bottle on his wrist and took a whiff, this caused him to choke up as it smelled very vile to him. Feather noticed that Sunny was staring at him and he quickly calmed down.

"This smells...alright," Feather responded. Sunny turned and put back the bottle. She then picked up another one.

"Perhaps this one will do." Sunny said as she sprayed the bottle on to her wrist and sniffed it. When Sunny and Feather exited the store, Feather was carrying some boxes that contained the perfumes that he bought for Sunny. "Let's head to the food court and get some drinks. I'm feeling parched from all of this shopping."

"Sounds like a great idea, Ms. Flare." Feather said as he struggled to balance himself while holding Sunny's bags. They walked towards the food court that was made up of a variety of restaurants. Sunny led Feather to an empty table and she sat down on one of the seats. Feather carefully placed Sunny's shopping bags on the table and collapsed on to a chair.

"I'm in the mood for some boba drinks. Could you get me one, Feather? I prefer a strawberry milk tea with extra boba." Sunny requested.

"Coming right up," Feather said as he slowly made his way to the milk tea shop. He approached the cashier to order one strawberry milk tea with extra boba for Sunny and one thai milk tea for himself.

"Here you go," The cashier said as she gave both drinks to Feather.

"Thank you," Feather said as he took the cups. All of a sudden, Feather got startled as horns blew and confetti shot out from all around him.

"Congratulation, sir!" The cashier called out. "You're our one hundredth customer!" The cashier and some of the nearby customers clapped for Feather.

"Wow, what do I win?" Feather asked.

"A chance for you and your date to enter our lovers' contest!" The cashier responded.

"Say what?" Feather asked in confusion.

The outside of the milk tea shop was rearranged so there would be three tables with two people on each table. Feather and Sunny occupied one of these tables. Apparently, Feather and Sunny won a chance to enter a contest where couples would feed each other an incredibly large parfait. The winning couple that finishes their parfait will go on an all expense paid island vacation. When Feather told Sunny about the contest, she immediately joined Feather as she wanted to go on an island vacation.

"Hello Canterlot Mall!" A host said through a microphone. "We will start with the couples' parfait eating contest! The couples must feed each other parfaits until they are done! The first couple to completely eat their parfait wins!" The crowd cheered as they were excited. Feather gulped as he saw that their parfait was as large as a fruit basket. He wasn't sure if he could be able to finish all of that.

"Remember," Sunny whispered to Feather. "If we somehow win, I'm willing to take you with me on this island vacation. Try to use that as motivation or something." That made Feather less hesitant as he could score a chance to go on a trip with Sunny.

"On your mark....get set...go!" The host said and the couples began to feed each other the parfait. Sunny used her spoon to scope up a large amount of parfait.

"Say 'ahh', Feather." Sunny said sweetly as she shoved her spoon into Feather's mouth, making him swallow it whole. Luckily, Feather was able to swallow it despite how cold it felt in his throat. Feather took his spoon and carefully move it towards Sunny's mouth.

"Here you go, Ms. Flare." Sunny quickly eaten from Feather's spoon and scooped her spoon into the parfait. The minutes went by with Sunny and Feather feeding each other as fast as possible. Feather was starting to have a hard time as Sunny kept feeding him large amounts of parfait that caused him to get brain freezes. Sunny wished that Feather scooped more from his spoon, but then she didn't want to get brain freezes as well. She couldn't help but giggle a few times from how silly Feather looked when he gets a brain freeze. They were about a few scoops away before they were completely done with their parfait. Feather started to get full from all of the parfait he had eaten.

"Come on, Feather, just a few more to go." Sunny said as she scooped up another spoon of parfait. Feather tried to take a bite but was interrupted when the host spoke.

"We have a winner!" The host said as he pointed at one of the couples as they lifted their empty bowl and spoons. "Congratulations! You won an all-expense-paid vacation at an island paradise!" Confetti shot out and the crowd cheered for the winning couple. Feather collapsed on the table as not only he was really full but also because he felt bad for not winning for Sunny.

The sun was setting as Feather followed Sunny out of the mall. Feather and Sunny didn't say anything while they walked towards Sunny's car.

'I can't blame Sunny for giving me the silent treatment.' Feather thought. 'If only I had eaten that parfait much faster.' When they arrived to Sunny's car, Feather put all of her bags in the trunk.

"Ms. Flare," Feather said to get Sunny's attention. "I just wanted to say that I'm incredibly sorry for not being able to get you that vacation prize. If you just want to go and forget about me, I'll respect that."

"It's quite alright," Sunny said with a smile. Sunny's words took Feather by surprise. "In fact, I had some fun during this date."

"Really?" Feather said in confusion.

"Yeah," Sunny responded. "I was able to shop at my favorite stores, had such a nice gentleman like you carry all of my things, and I even shared some tasty parfait with you."

"Wow, I feel flattered." Feather said while blushing.

"Let's do this again sometime, Feather." Sunny said.

"S-sure! That would be great, Ms. Flare." Feather said before he noticed Sunny placing a hand on his cheek.

"Please, call me Sunny from now on." Sunny then gave Feather a peck on his cheek, causing him to blush bright red. "I call you later." Sunny winked before she got into her car and drove off. Feather formed a goofy grin on his face as he received a kiss from Sunny, a girl who still wants to date him.