• Published 14th Jun 2021
  • 521 Views, 9 Comments

Feather Bangs Dates the ShadowBolts - BrawnyBold

Feather Bangs goes on some dates with the girls from Crystal Prep.

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Twilight Sparkle (Sci-Twi)

The Daring Do convention was an annual event where fans of the Daring Do book series gather together to buy merchandise, meet special guests, cosplay, take pictures, hold panels, and just hang out with other fans. Feather Bangs was surprised to see how large the convention was. He sort of felt out of place as he was one of the very few who didn't wear any kind of Daring Do cosplay or merchandise clothing at the convention. Feather only heard of the Daring Do series and never exactly read the books. The only reason Feather was here was because of the girl he was following. She had long, dark blue, purple, and pink hair that was tied into a single ponytail. The girl's purple eyes were covered with black rimmed glasses to make her look intelligent. The girl's attire was similar to a safari explorer with a tan button shirt, tan shorts, dark brown hiking boots, and a pith helmet on her head. She even wore a safari satchel to complete the outfit.

"I can't believe we're actually at the Daring Do convention! This is so exciting!" The girl said as she turned to Feather.

"Yeah, it's pretty amazing, Twilight." Feather said with a fake smile. Feather knew this girl as Twilight Sparkle and she was one of the most intelligent girls at Crystal Prep. Whenever Feather sees Twilight, she normally had an opened book in front of her face. Most guys don't usually find nerdy girls like Twilight attractive, but Feather was an exception. He thought that Twilight was cute and he wanted to spend time with her.

"I appreciate you inviting me to the convention, Feather. How did you know I love the Daring Do series?"

"Oh, I have my ways." Feather said as he remembered seeing one of the Daring Do books in Twilight's hands. That gave Feather the idea of getting tickets to the convention. Feather's thoughts were interrupted when Twilight wrapped her arm around Feather's.

"Come on!" Twilight said as she pulled Feather further into the convention. Their first stop was at a large replica of an ancient tomb. The ground had tiles that displayed different kinds of animals. Feather thought the place was fine while Twilight was getting excited. "Wow, I can't believe they made an exact replica of the tomb from Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone!" Twilight placed her foot on one of the tiles. The tile pressed down and air shot out of some small tubes attached to the walls. "Oh! They even put the tiles on the right order! How cool is this!?"

"The best kind!" said a male voice. Feather and Twilight turned to see an adult man with grey and black hair and blue eyes. He too was wearing a safari explorer's get up like Twilight. "Now this is something only a true fan can appreciate!"

"I know, right?" Twilight said. "I like your cosplay."

"Thanks, I like your's too." The man replied. "I'm Quibble Pants,"

"I'm Twilight Sparkle," Twilight said as she removed her hat. "The outfit was the easy part, the real challenge was putting the right number of arrow holes on my pith helmet."

"I know!" Quibble Pants said as he removed his hat. "And as all fans know that the right number of arrow holes on Daring Do's hat should be about-"

"Twenty!" Twilight and Quibble Pants said at the same time. Both of them couldn't help but laugh as they shared a great liking for Daring Do. Feather was confused until he tried to chime in.

"Yeah, arrow holes, that's great." Feather said while giving some thumbs up. Quibble Pants looked at Feather with confusion.

"And you are?" Quibble Pants asked.

"This is Feather Bangs," Twilight answered. "He's a classmate of mine from Crystal Prep. He actually invited me to come to this convention!"

"I see," Quibble Pants said before he turned back to Twilight. "I better get going and see the rest of the convention. You two take care." Quibble Pants said as he was about to leave.

"Take care!" Twilight said with a wave.

"Oh, and before I forget," Quibble Pants said. "You guys got to attend the Q&A panel near the end of the convention! I heard that A.K. Yearling will be attending it!" Twilight stood silent after hearing what Quibble Pants said. Feather also noticed this and waved to Twilight.

"Twilight?" Feather said before Twilight turned to him and she formed an excited grin.

"Oh my gosh! A.K. Yearling is here! We got to go to that panel!" Twilight said while happy.

"Sure, but how about we explore the other parts of the convention first?" Feather suggested. "The panel isn't until the end of the day after all."

"You're right!" Twilight said as she pulled out a notebook and pen. "We got to explore the rest of the convention while coming up with the perfect question to ask A.K. Yearling!" Twilight then pulled an uncertain Feather towards further into the convention. Their next stop was an area full of life-size replicas of artifacts and characters from the Daring Do book series. Some fans took photos of the displays. Twilight took out her camera from her satchel and gave it to Feather.

"Is it alright that you take some pictures of me with the Ahuizotl statue?" Twilight asked.

"Sure, no problem." Feather said as he adjusted the camera while Twilight went to the statue that looked like Ahuizotl and stood in front of it.

"Ready!" Twilight said as she posed for the statue.

"Alright, smile!" Feather said as he took the picture. Twilight and Feather spent the next few minutes taking photos with the displays. They soon came across a display of a light blue, glass harp with small mermaids on the frame. The harp was also concealed inside of the square, glass case to prevent visitors from touching it.

"Whoa! It's the Sirens' Harp!" Twilight said as she moved closer to the harp.

"What's that?" Feather asked.

"It's from A.K. Yearling's most recent book: Daring Do and the Sea of the Sirens! According to the book, whoever plays the harp will make anyone who hears it under his or her control! Daring Do was able to snatch it from Caballeron before he could use it to uncover the lost undersea kingdom of Atlantrots!" Twilight said before she sighed in disappointment. "Too bad this is just a replica." Feather felt sort of bad for Twilight's disappointment, so he placed a hand on her shoulder.

"On the plus side, it's a very convincing replica. Only a true fan would be able to make such a detailed copy."

"Yeah, you do have a point." Twilight said as she perked up. "Let's keep exploring the convention!" Twilight and Feather made their way down a path made up of booths where people sold different kinds of Daring Do merchandise. Feather saw bobble heads, small figurines, posters, clothes, and plushies of Daring Do. Feather kept looking around until he noticed one of the booths. It displayed lots of body-sized pillows with the full-image of Daring Do on it. Feather was looking particularly at one pillow with Daring Do being tied up with rope. Feather turned to Twilight who blushed while also looking at the same body-pillow. She turned to Feather to give him a nervous laugh.

"I guess some fans have particular tastes when it comes to Daring Do." Twilight said before she cleared her throat. "Let's move on!" Twilight started to push Feather to continue walking. The next place Feather and Twilight visited was a jungle-themed small obstacle course where people were crawling, climbing, and swinging.

"Care to enter the Daring Do obstacle course?" said one of the staff members. "This is a chance for you to experience what it's like to live the adventures of Daring Do!"

Twilight squealed. "We have to participate!" Twilight said as she pulled Feather into the course. They started with crawling inside some long tubes while on their hands and knees.

'This reminded me of those play areas at burger restaurants.' Feather thought. When Feather reached the other side, he saw Twilight swinging from some rope before she fell into a pit full of plastic rocks.

"Woo hoo!" Twilight hollered when she popped out from the pit. "That was fun! Come on in, Feather! It's great!" Feather gulped from how high the fall was. He took a deep breath before he jumped to grab the rope and swing his way into the rock pit. Feather rose out of the rock pit as if he was coming up for air. "See! Isn't it great!?"

"Yeah, great," Feather said as he tried to get out of the ball pit.

It was almost time for A.K. Yearling's Q&A panel and a majority of the attendees have already made their way to the large room where the panel was taking place.

"Ah! This is taking forever!" Twilight whined as she and Feather waited in line to enter the panel room.

"It's fine, Twilight," Feather assured. "There should still be some seats left for us in the panel." Feather said as he spotted a pair of seats. "There," Feather said as he pointed at the seats. "How about you go save those for us while I head to the restroom?" Feather suggested.

"Okay, but come back very quickly! The panel is about to start!" Twilight said as Feather left.

After Feather finished using the restroom, he washed his hands and then splashed water on his face. Feather looked at himself in the mirror to see that he didn't look like he was having a fun time.

"You can do this, Feather." Feather said to his reflection. "Just try to stay here a little longer for Twilight. It's just some fans asking questions to some author. It doesn't sound too bad." Feather cleaned himself up before he exited the restroom. As Feather made his way to the panel room, he couldn't help but notice that almost that the convention halls were almost completely empty.

'I guess everyone is at the Q&A' Feather thought as he continued to walk. He spotted something very particular. Some tough looking guys were hurrying loading up some of the replica artifacts' display cases on some dollies and pushing them towards the outside.

"Hurry up you fools!" Said a guys who wasn't loading the replicas. He had black and gray hair that was combed back. His face was covered with a rugged 5'o clock shadow. The man's neck was covered with a red and white, polka dot scarf while the rest of his attire made him look like a safari explorer.

'Must be one of the workers here,' Feather thought as he was about to resume walking. He got startled when Twilight appeared before him.

"There you are!" Twilight said with surprise. "Where have you been?!"

"I was about to make my way towards the panel when I noticed these guys moving the displays." Feather explained. Twilight turned to see the men continuing to move the display cases. Feather noticed that Twilight was looking particularly at the man who was barking orders.

"Wow, that guy is wearing a very convincing Caballeron cosplay." Twilight commented.

"Caba-who?" Feather asked in confusion.

"Caballeron," Twilight replied. "One of Daring Do's worst enemies, he's a notorious treasure hunter who steals ancient artifacts and sells them to the highest bidders."

"It's a good thing that guy isn't Caballeron, let's just go back to the panel." Feather said as he lead Twilight. They stopped when a tall, muscular man stood in front of the couple. He had a long, brown mustache and he was completely bald. The man also showed a mean-looking glare towards Feather and Twilight.

"Oh, um...hello there," Feather said with discomfort in his voice. "Can we help you?"

"What are you brats doing here?" The tough man demanded.

Feather gulped as he was getting nervous. "We were just about to head back to the panel. We'll be out out of your hair while you guys move your stuff." Out of nowhere, Feather's sight went black when a brown sack covered his face and he was getting tied up by what felt like rope.

"Hey!" Feather cried out as he felt getting picked up by someone very strong.

"Let us go!" Twilight cried out as Feather could hear her struggle. Feather felt getting put down on a chair and his sack was removed. It was revealed that Feather was inside a storage room with the ceiling lights being the only light source. He also saw the tall, bald guy along with the other men surrounding Feather. All of the men glared and crossed their arms at Feather, making him completely scared.

"Untie us now!" Twilight said from behind Feather as she struggled with her tied ropes.

"I suggest you don't struggle too hard, missy." Said a devious voice. Walking into the light was the man who was dressed as Caballeron. "My men have quite a skill in tying up people."

"Um, hi there...sir." Feather said in confusion. "I'm not sure if this is some kind of convention stunt, but I would like to stop participating in it."

"This is no stunt, little boy. My men and I will be taking those artifacts and use them to become even more rich!"

"Why are you stealing the artifacts from the convention!?" Twilight demanded. "Those are just replicas!" Twilight's words made the Caballeron man chuckle which made Feather more scared than usual.

"Oh no, sweetie, those items are actually real." It was dead silent as Feather and Twilight were still confused.

"Huh?" Feather said suddenly.

"What?!" Twilight said in shock.

"Oh yes, everything from those kiddy books are actually real and I'm the real Dr. Caballeron!" Caballeron explained. "That pest, Daring Do, must've made an agreement with A.K. Yearling to publish those stories so both of them could gain fame and wealth. Not only that, but the artifacts Daring Do stole from me were hidden at the convention. Especially this!" Caballeron then pulled out the Sirens' Harp from his coat. Twilight gasped from seeing the harp in the villain's hands. "With this in my possession, not only will I be able to steal more ancient artifacts, I will also be able to destroy that Daring Do once and for all!" Caballeron burst out with a maniacal laugh that echoed across the room. "Alright, time for me to get going."

"You will never get away with this!" Twilight said in anger.

"I believe I already have. And just to cover my tracks," Caballeron said before he whistled. Feather heard some growling from the distance. Walking out of the shadow were a lot of feline predators surrounding Feather and Twilight. "I borrowed these kitties from a certain friend of mine. Enjoy being their meal or living scratching posts." Caballeron said as he and his men exited the storage room. Feather panted in panic as this could be his last moment before death.

"D-don't worry, Twilight." Feather said. "I'll try to protect you from these beasts." The tiger roared loudly, making Feather squeal in fear.

"Um, thanks?" Twilight said in confusion. Before the large cats were about to pounce on the couple, a long whip lashed out in front of the beasts, making them back away. Feather and Twilight look up to see that the whip came from a woman with black and gray hair standing on one of the storage shelves. Her attire was also like a safari explorer with light brown pith helmet, green button-up shirt, a pair of white pants, and brown boots. Feather looked confused when he saw the newcomer.

"Daring Do?!" Twilight said as she smiled in excitement.

"In the flesh," Daring Do said as she jumped down to land in front of Feather and Twilight.

"I suggest you two hold your breath." Daring Do warned Feather and Twilight. Daring Do pulled out a small sack from her pocket. She threw the sack in the middle of the predator cats and some green dust exploded. Feather and Twilight did their best to hold their breath like Daring Do said. When the green dust cleared, all of the large cats passed out on the ground. Daring Do hurried to untie Feather and Twilight from their restraints.

"What was in that bag?" Feather asked.

"It was a special sleeping powder I sometimes use if I had to face Ahuizotl and his little cat friends." Daring Do responded.

"Ahuizotl is also real?!" Twilight said as she pulled out a notebook. "Ms. Daring Do, it is such an honor to meet you! I have so many questions to ask you!"

"As much as I like to answer fan questions, I got to go and stop Caballeron from stealing more priceless artifacts." Daring Do said as she used her whip to latch it out of the window. "You two should try to stay safe instead of getting into trouble." Daring Do then swung her way out of the storage room. Twilight quickly ran to the exit door while Feather followed.

"Where are you going?" Feather asked.

"I'm going to help Daring Do." Twilight said with determination.

"What?!" Feather said in shock. "But Daring Do said to stay out of trouble."

"Daring Do might need help, especially since Caballeron has the Sirens' Harp." Twilight said. "Plus, I will not miss an opportunity of helping one of my favorite book characters!" As much as Feather really didn't want to face danger, he couldn't let Twilight face it on her own.

"Even if you want to help, we don't know where Caballeron would be." Feather explained.

"If I were a crazed archaeologist with an item that could manipulate others, I would probably go to the Canterlot Museum of Ancient History." Twilight explained. "That place holds all sorts of priceless artworks and treasures." Twilight and Feather took a taxi towards the museum.

"We got to figure out how to avoid getting brainwashed by the Sirens' Harp." Twilight said to Feather. "It's impossible to fight against the harp's manipulative melody."

"We could use these," Feather said as he pulled out some earplugs. "These could block out any sound.

"Earplugs, of course!" Twilight said as she grabbed a pair. "With these, we can avoid getting mind controlled by the Sirens' Harp." Twilight paused for a moment. "Why do you have earplugs?"

"You know, for occasions," Feather said nervously. He and Twilight got out of the taxi when it stopped in front of the museum. As they ran inside, they sneaked around to avoid getting spotted by Caballeron and his goons. "Looks like Caballeron has a major head start on his plans." Feather said as he noticed a majority of the museum's displays were shattered and the artifacts were missing.

"He is so going to pay for such violations of property." Twilight whispered angrily. She stopped Feather and pointed at the distant. Feather saw some of the museum staff were carrying the artifacts towards one direction while Caballeron was standing by.

"That's it, you worthless puppets. Keep carrying those precious artifacts to my truck." Caballeron ordered.

"Not so fast, Caballeron!" Daring Do said as she entered the room.

"Ah, Daring Do," Caballeron said. "I'm glad you're here. I didn't even have to hunt you down so I could destroy you!"

"Quick, put the earplugs on!" Twilight ordered as she and Feather put the earplugs in their ears. Caballeron played the harp and he noticed that Daring Do wasn't mind-controlled.

"What?!" Caballeron said in surprise. "How are you not under my control?!"

"I have my ways." Daring Do said as she readied herself for a fight. Caballeron growled and played the harp once more to make the museum staff stop what they were doing.

"Capture Daring Do!" Caballeron ordered. The museum staff charged towards Daring Do. She quickly dodged the staff members' tackles and tried to make her way towards Caballeron. Unfortunately, she was grabbed and had both of her arms held by two of Caballeon's henchmen. As Daring Do struggled, she noticed that the henchmen were also under the control of the Sirens' Harp.

"You mind-controlled your own men, Caballeron?" Daring Do questioned her enemy.

"Hey, it never hurts to have complete influence over my men." Caballeron said as he approached Daring Do. "Now, how about I finish you once and for all." Before Caballeron was about to do anything, he was hit by a small eraser. "Ow! Who threw that!?" Caballeron said as he looked around. He spotted Feather waving at him.

"Hey bro! The books were right! You are pretty weak if you get hurt easily by a thrown eraser!" Feather said as he blew raspberries at him. Caballeon's face became red with anger.

"Get him!" Caballeron said as he played the harp. He and the museum staff started to run after Feather. When Feather turned towards a certain corridor, Twilight pulled a long piece of rope below the doorway to make the staff members and Caballeron trip over. This made Caballeron drop the Sirens' Harp, shattering on to the floor.

"No!" Caballeron yelled. The museum staff started to regain consciousness and became confused on why they were on the floor. "You fools, you ruined my plans of wealth! You two will pay for-" Caballeron was interrupted when his goons fell right on top of him, knocking him unconscious. Feather and Twilight looked to see Daring Do dusting off her hands.

"Thanks for the workout, Caballeron. I needed it." Daring Do said. The police arrived to arrest Caballeron and his goons. Daring Do, Twilight, and Feather regrouped at an alleyway. "Now that was quite an adventure. You two did great." Daring Do said as she patted the couple on their shoulders.

"No problem," Feather said. "Sorry about breaking that harp."

"It's no big deal," Daring Do responded. "It was probably for the best to have it destroyed and no longer fall into the wrong hands." Daring Do turned away from Feather and Twilight. "Well, it was fun but I got to get going now."

"Wait! Before you leave, I have something to ask you." Twilight said. "How were you immune to the Sirens' Harp?"

"Oh that's easy," Daring Do said as she pulled something out of her pocket. "I used these," Daring Do held out a pair of earplugs.

"Earplugs, brilliant," Feather said in surprise.

"Although I couldn't hear Caballeron, I was still able to read his lips if he spoke." Daring Do started walking away. "See ya! Try not to get into any more trouble!" Daring Do said as she continued down the streets to never be seen again.

"Wow, I can't believe I have met the real Daring Do!" Twilight said in excitement.

"I honestly thought that she was just some fictional character, but here we are." Feather said before he realized something. "Oh no! The panel!" Feather and Twilight quickly hurried back to the convention. They arrived see everyone already exiting from the panel room. Feather noticed that almost all of the fans had looks of disappointment on their faces.

"Huh, I wonder what happened." Feather said.

"Hey guys," Quibble Pants said sadly as he approached Feather and Twilight.

"What happened at the panel, Quibble?" Twilight asked.

"Just before the panel started, it was announced that A.K. Yearling had to take care of an important matter and the whole thing was canceled. Everyone, including myself, were disappointed and furious about that." Quibble said as he left Feather and Twilight alone.

"I am so sorry we missed the panel, Twilight." Feather said with sadness in his voice.

"Why? I had a great time!" Twilight said with a smile.

"Really?" Feather said with surprise.

"Yeah! Not only I got to go to the convention, I also got to go on an adventure with the real Daring Do! That is way better than some Q&A panel. In fact," Twilight moved closer to Feather to give him a kiss on his lips, making him daze from how good it felt. "Consider that a token of my appreciation."

'This is the best treasure I have ever received!' Feather thought.

Comments ( 2 )

Well, to sum it up, it was a great story that was a pleasure to read. Thank you so much for the work done!

Very nice ending.

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