• Published 14th Jun 2021
  • 522 Views, 9 Comments

Feather Bangs Dates the ShadowBolts - BrawnyBold

Feather Bangs goes on some dates with the girls from Crystal Prep.

  • ...

Sour Sweet

Feather Bangs walked towards the entrance to a fancy restaurant. He came here as his guy friends invited him to a mixer with some of the girls from Crystal Prep. Feather immediately accepted his friends' invitation as there was no way he was going to turn down dates with some cute girls. He opened the door to see how luxurious the restaurant's interior looked. Feather thought this restaurant was really popular as he saw all of the tables were filled with adults and teens.

"Hello there," The restaurant's host said from behind a tall podium. "How can I help you?"

"My name is Feather Bangs and I believe I'm a part of a reservation with some of my friends." Feather replied. The host looked at a list.

"Here it is, Mr. Bangs. Allow me to escort you to your party's table." The host said as he lead Feather passed some of the occupied tables. The host then moved aside to show that they have arrived to Feather's table. All of Feather's guy friends have already taken their seats across the girls Feather had recognized from Crystal Prep. Feather felt thrilled to see that the girls look really pretty and he couldn't wait to get to know them all.

"Hey, Feather! You finally made it!" One of Feather's guy friends said as he waved.

"Sorry, it took so long." Feather said sheepishly. "It's better to be fashionably late than extremely late." Feather joked.

"It's all good, man. Just have a seat and we can get started!" Feather's other guy friend said as he pointed at an empty chair. Feather took his seat and he noticed the girl sitting across from him. Her hair was pink and it was tied into a long pony tail. There was a single mint-green streak on her hair and small pink freckles were on her cheeks. The girl's outfit was light green evening dress. Another thing Feather noticed was that the girl had her armed crossed while looking away as if she had no interest in anything at all. When the girl's eyes spotted Feather, the girl formed an angry glare on her face.

"What are you looking at?" The girl asked rudely.

"Um, nothing," Feather said nervously.

"Good, if you want to continue to stare at nothing, look somewhere else." The girl warned. Feather gulped.

"Yes, ma'am." Feather said as he turned away from the girl in front of him.

'Oh why did I have to sit with Sour Sweet?' Feather complained in his thoughts. He obviously knew who Sour Sweet was as she is considered the meanest girl at Crystal Prep. When someone meets Sour Sweet for the first time, she would start off acting all nice and cheery before she reveals herself as a monster of a girl. Most of the guys from Crystal Prep do their best to stay away from Sour Sweet as they don't want to get beaten to a pulp by her. Feather turned to his friends who were too occupied with interacting with the other girls from Crystal Prep.

'Looks like I won't get to talk to any cute girls.' Feather thought as he felt a bit sad. The waiter arrived to get the orders from Feather and his group. The night went on with Feather awkwardly eating his dinner while his guy friends continued to talk with the girls. Feather looked up to see Sour Sweet eating a plate of salad. She too noticed that Feather was looking at her. Feather formed a small smile on his face.

'Maybe she isn't so mean after all.' Feather thought. His thoughts were interrupted when Sour Sweet growled at Feather as if she was a vicious predator.

'I take it back,' Feather thought as he gulped. He went to the restroom to take a break from his date. Feather splashed some water on his face while looking at himself through the mirror.

"Come on, Feather!" Feather said to his reflection. "This is suppose to the best night of your life! Don't let your guy friends take all of the fun! Force yourself to talk to the other girls and see if any of them could be your best match!" Feather felt more confident in himself and he exited the restroom. When Feather returned to his table, he noticed that all of his guy friends and the girls were all gone. He then noticed that Sour Sweet also came back to the table to find that it was empty. She then spotted their waiter cleaning up the table.

"Excuse me, where were the other people who were sitting on this table?" Sour Sweet asked.

"They paid the bill and left the restaurant." The waiter replied.

"What?!" Sour Sweet said in shock. She gritted her teeth to show that she was really angry. Feather felt really disappointed that he didn't get the chance to speak to the other girls.

'Looks like it will be another lonely night for me.' Feather thought as he was about to turn and leave the restaurant. He was then stopped by Sour Sweet who grabbed hold of his jacket's sleeve. Feather noticed that she had her face turned away so he didn't see her act embarrassed.

"C-could you drive me?" Sour Sweet asked under her breath.

"What?" Feather said in confusion.

"I got here with my friends. Since they just took off without me, I don't have a ride home." Sour Sweet explained. "As much as it makes me puke to ask a scrawny twig like you to drive me home, I'm willing to swallow some pride just this once. Could you please drive me back to my house." Feather took a moment to think about his decision. He really didn't want to drive Sour Sweet because she is really rude. But a part of Feather didn't want to leave a girl in distress.

"Alright, I can drive you home." Feather nodded. Sour Sweet then approached Feather so their faces were really close to each other.

"Here are some warnings," Sour Sweet said strictly. "you will drive me straight home and nowhere else. If you take me somewhere different or try anything funny, I won't be afraid to beat to you a pulp, throw you out of your car, and drive myself home. Is that clear?" Feather gulped before he replied.

"Very clear," Feather said.

"Good," Sour Sweet said with a smile. "now lead the way."

'What have I got myself into?' Feather thought as he lead Sour Sweet to his car. The nightly drive was quiet as Feather and Sour Sweet didn't say a single word since they got in. Feather did his best to follow the directions Sour Sweet gave him towards her house. Sour Sweet just looked through her window while looking completely bored from the car ride. Feather thought that it couldn't hurt to have a small talk with Sour Sweet while he drives.

"It's a lovely night, isn't it?" Feather said.

"It is a lovely night," Sour Sweet said sweetly. "for me to get ditched by my friends and get stuck riding shotgun with you." Sour Sweet turned back to watch her window. Feather remained silent as he continued to drive. He thought that Sour Sweet's first remark shouldn't stop him from continuing.

"So, why did you come to tonight's mixer?" Feather asked. Sour Sweet turned back to Feather and she formed an offended look on her face.

"What is this? A game of questions?" Sour Sweet said rudely. "If you must know, I was invited by my friends as they needed one more girl for their date. I didn't accept it because I was desperate for love, I just wanted to eat a free dinner. That's all."

"Well, I was also invited by my friends to join them on this mixer." Feather resounded. "I thought it would be nice to join them and see if I meet a nice girl there."

"Yeah, and look how that turned out." Sour Sweet remarked and turned away. Feather sighed as he thought that there was no hope in connecting with Sour Sweet. Feather then heard some loud bangs coming from the front of his car and smoke started to flow out. The next thing Feather knew, his car was slowing down. Feather quickly turned to the side of the road right before his car completely stopped moving.

"Well, that's just great." Sour Sweet said with sarcasm. Feather got out of his car so he could check out what was wrong under the hood. He opened the hood to only cough as a large amount of smoke came out of it. Feather wasn't a car expect so he wasn't sure what went wrong. He pulled out his phone to contact a towing service to get a tow truck to pick his car up.

"Yes, thank you very much." Feather said as he hung up his phone and went back inside his car.

"Good news," Feather said to Sour Sweet. "a towing truck will come to pick us up. It should take a while." Sour Sweet turned to Feather.

"How is that good news?" Sour Sweet questioned. "I have to wait here for who knows how long until that towing truck shows up." Feather couldn't think of a response and just stayed silent as he and Sour Sweet waited. The night went on with Feather hearing the sounds of crickets chirping and owls hooting. He looked at Sour Sweet who was occupied with looking at her smartphone. Sour Sweet breathed heavily and started to exit the car.

"Where are you going?" Feather asked.

"I'm going to walk around for a bit so my butt doesn't get too numb." Sour Sweet replied as she began to walk towards the forrest area.

"Are you sure you want to do that? It looks really scary out there." Feather said as he saw the darkness from the woods.

"This isn't some horror flick," Sour Sweet said. "there is nothing out there but bugs and little furry pests."

"But still, I don't think you should go out there when it's dark." Feather said.

"I bet you just want to use this opportunity to cuddle with me and we make out in the heat of the moment." Sour Sweet said harshly.

"I wasn't planning on that." Feather claimed in a serious tone.

"Sure you wouldn't," Sour Sweet said with sarcasm. "See ya!" Sour Sweet then walked inside of the dark forrest. Feather first thought he should go after her as he didn't want a girl to get lost in the woods, but he then resented that idea.

'If she doesn't like my company, she can just stay out there.' Feather thought as he continued to sit in his car. Later that night, the tow truck finally arrived and the driver started to hook up Feather's car.

"Alright, your car is all towed up." The driver said.

"Thanks, I appreciate that." Feather said.

"Are you okay? You look kinda sad." The driver said.

"I just had a rough night." Feather replied. "My friends ditched me from a mixer and I was driving a mean girl to her house. When my car broke down, she just got up and went into those woods."

"That girl must have some guts walking into those woods." The driver said. "Do you want to go now?" Feather looked back at the woods and he just couldn't bear to just leave Sour Sweet there.

"Hang on," Feather said. "I'll be right back."

"Alright," The driver said as he went inside his tow truck. Feather entered the forest and went down a clear path to see if he could find Sour Sweet. Feather thought that Sour Sweet was so stubborn that she ignored most of the spooky parts of the forest.

"Sour, are you here?" Feather called out while walking down the path. "The tow truck came." Feather was then startled when an owl hooted and flew passed him.

"Keep it together, Feather." Feather told himself. "There is nothing scary in these woods." A girl's scream echoed through the woods, startling Feather. This made Feather run as he had no idea what made the scream. He just ran as if his life depended on it. Feather was so worked up that he wasn't even sure if he was running away from the scream or towards its' source. Feather passed a few more trees before he immediately stopped in his tracks. In front of him was an extremely large trench that was really deep if anything fell down there. Feather felt lucky for stopping right in front of the trench. Otherwise, he would've fallen to his death. He was about to turn and walk back into the woods until he heard a girl's voice.

"Help!" The voice called out. Feather immediately turned to see Sour Sweet holding on to a branch and dangling at the edge of the trench.

"Sour?!" Feather yelled as he ran towards Sour Sweet. "How did you get there?!"

"Well, I was thought it would be fun to grab on to this tree branch and see how long it will take for me to fall." Sour Sweet said with sarcasm. "What do you think!? I tripped and fell down here!" Feather felt a bit ticked from Sour's rude behavior.

"Hang on!" Feather yelled. "I'm going to look for something that you could use to climb out of there!"

"Go on, I'm in no rush!" Sour said with more sarcasm. Feather looked around the woods for anything that could rescue Sour Sweet. Luckily, Feather found some long vines that could be used as rope. He ran back to Sour Sweet with the vine rope in his hands.

"Alright, I got the rope!" Feather said as he started tying one end to his waist. "I'm dropping one end of the vine to you. Grab it and hold on tight!" Feather dropped the other end of the vine down the trench in hopes that Sour Sweet will reach it. Sour Sweet immediately grabbed on to the rope and held on for dear life. Feather felt Sour Sweet pulling him towards the trench as he was not used to pulling people with ropes. He was still able to stand his ground so he wouldn't fall in. "Come on, Feather. You can do this!" Feather said to himself as he pulled the vines while attempting to walk backwards. Although Feather was pulling at a slow pace, he was able to get Sour closer to the surface. It took a while before Sour Sweet made it up from the trench and crawled out of it. Both Feather and Sour Sweet panted heavily as they were exhausted from the heart-racing event that just happened. A few minutes passed before Feather got up and walked towards Sour Sweet. "I was glad that I was able to pull you out of there before vine broke." Feather said until he noticed that Sour Sweet was crying. "Sour, are you alright?"

"I-I thought that I was going to die during that moment." Sour Sweet said as she was wiping away her tears. "I never felt so scared in my life." Sour Sweet said as she continued to cry. Feather's only response was to give Sour Sweet a hug as a way to comfort her. Sour Sweet didn't resist as she wrapped her arms around Feather as well. When Sour Sweet's crying was over, she and Feather made their way back to Feather's car. Sour Sweet wore Feather's jacket he offered it to her as she must be cold from being in the woods for so long. Sour Sweet immediately accepted it without any remarks. The two of them came back to see that the tow truck didn't leave yet and the driver was waiting for them.

"Whoa, what happened to you two?" The driver asked as he noticed how messy Feather and Sour Sweet looked.

"We...just tripped on some mud and sticks. That's all." Feather said while looking at Sour Sweet.

"Y-yeah, that what happened." Sour Sweet said in agreement.

"If you say so," The driver said as he got in the towing truck. "Hop in and I'll take you two home."

"I appreciate it," Feather said. He was stopped by Sour Sweet who tugged his sleeve.

"Feather, can I say something?" Sour Sweet whispered.

"Sure," Feather said before Sour Sweet gave him a small kiss on his lips. When the kiss was over, she smiled at Feather.

"Thank you so much for saving me." Sour Sweet said with a small smile. She then grabbed Feather's shirt collar and pulled him closer to his face. "If you ever tell anybody what happened tonight, I will beat you like a punching bag." Feather gulped.

"I understand," Feather said as he watched Sour Sweet enter the tow truck. Feather thought that this night was sort of good despite Sour Sweet's sour attitude, but he was glad that she was happy and safe.

"Hey Bangs, are you coming or do you want us to just leave you here?" Sour Sweet called out from the tow truck.

"Coming!" Feather said as he entered the tow truck.

Author's Note:

I'm going to lay off on making new chapters for this fic for a while and work on my other stories.