• Published 14th Jun 2021
  • 522 Views, 9 Comments

Feather Bangs Dates the ShadowBolts - BrawnyBold

Feather Bangs goes on some dates with the girls from Crystal Prep.

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The hallways of Crystal Prep Academy were filled with students who were walking from and toward classes. Among these students was a girl with bluish white hair tied into two long pigtails. Her eyes were covered with a small pair of orange glasses that made her look more sophisticated than other people. Everyone at the school know this girl as Sugarcoat and she has a reputation of being completely blunt when she talks. As Sugarcoat was talking to one of her friends, Sugarcoat heard her name being called out.

"Hey, Sugarcoat!" said a male voice. Sugarcoat turned and groaned from seeing who the voice came from. Walking towards Sugarcoat was Feather Bangs and he was the last person Sugarcoat wanted to see.

Sugarcoat took a deep breath before she responded. "What do you want, Feather Bangs." Sugarcoat said in a displeasing tone.

"Oh come on," Feather replied. "Is that how you talk to your fellow World History classmate?"

"No Feather, I only respond like that towards you as you are just a nuisance to me." Sugarcoat said harshly.

"Whoa, that's cold." Feather said. "But I'll let it slide because there's something I wanted to ask you."

"What would that be?" Sugarcoat asked.

"Do you want to hang out with me this weekend?" Feather said with a pleading smile.

"I'll pass, thank you very much." Sugarcoat said as she and her friend started to walk away from Feather. He followed behind Sugarcoat which made her more irritated.

"But why not?" Feather asked innocently.

"When you said 'hang out', you actually mean date and you would try to flirt with me like you would usually do to the other girls you see."

"I only go out with the girls who I find interesting." Feather said.

"Then why don't you go out with those girls?" Sugarcoat suggested. "I'm pretty sure they would love to spend every second with you."

"Yeah, but they don't interest me as much as you." Feather said. "You're different than most girls."

"Well, how about you go find some other girl who will interest you as I'll always deny your answer." Sugarcoat said before she and her friend continued to walk while Feather stood from where he was.

"Maybe you should give him a chance?" Sugarcoat's friend suggested.

"Have you seen him?" Sugarcoat responded. "He's just another guy desperate for girls' attention."

Days later, Sugarcoat and her World History class were on a class field trip to an art museum to learn more about art created during certain eras. The students were at the main entrance while listening to their teacher.

"Alright class, we're about to enter Canterlot's Historical Art Museum." The teacher began. "Before we begin, each of you will be partnered up with a classmate. The reason is that each pair will work on an assignment where they look at certain artwork and write down what do they feel when they see these works. I have already picked out each pairs at random." The teacher started saying the students' names and who they will be with. "Sugarcoat, your partner will be Feather Bangs." Sugarcoat raised a brow.

"Pardon me?" Sugarcoat responded as she approached the teacher.

"You will be with Feather Bangs for this trip. Is there a problem?"

"Yes, actually," Sugarcoat said. "It is just that I don't think I should be with Feather Bangs as he is completely annoying."

"I can assure you that Feather Bangs is a well-behaved, young man." The teacher looked at Feather Bangs. "If you are uncomfortable with this, I'll see if any of the other students are willing to switch with you." The teacher began to ask the other students.

"Looks like we'll be partners, Sugarcoat." Feather said as he moved a bit closer towards Sugarcoat.

"Don't count on it yet, Feather." Sugarcoat said. "I requested the teacher to switch partners and she is asking the other students." The teacher made her way back to Sugarcoat.

"I'm sorry, Sugarcoat. But none of the other students wanted to switch partners. You will have to do the assignment with Feather." Sugarcoat growled in response to her teacher's bad news.

The field trip began and all of the students started to look around the art exhibits. There were all sorts of paintings, sculptures, and other pieces of art displayed for visitors to see. Sugarcoat grumbled while walking alongside Feather through the art displays.

"So where should we start?" Feather asked as he looked at the museum's pamphlet. "There's the old art exhibits, the modern art exhibits, and a lot more other kinds of exhibits."

"Can I have some peace and quiet as I now have to tolerate you for the whole field trip?" Sugarcoat said coldly.

"Alright," Feather said as he turned away so he avoids Sugarcoat's cold glare. Feather and Sugarcoat ended up walking towards the modern arts gallery where it displayed newly-made artworks. They stopped in front an abstract sculpture to take a good look at it. Sugarcoat showed an impressed look on her face from how great the sculpture looked. On the other hand, Feather was confused as he had no idea what he was looking at.

"It looks like the stuff you see in lava lamps." Feather commented. This made Sugarcoat mad as she turned and glared at Feather.

"It's more than that, Feather." Sugarcoat said. "This structure is suppose to represent the twists and turns of how people go through life." Feather looked back at the sculpture while tilting his head a bit.

"I still say that its' lava lamp liquid." Feather said. Sugarcoat groaned in frustration as she has to deal with Feather's ignorance for the rest of the field trip. The next exhibit Sugarcoat and Feather visited was another sculpture that was made entirely out of factory gears. This time, Feather was amazed to see that the gears were still turning. "So, does this thing represent some kind of creative meaning as well?" Feather asked.

"That is correct," Sugarcoat answered. "The movements from the gears represent the steady flow of certain situations. If one gear stopped, so will the others. This will end up causing all sorts of delays for anything relying on the gears."

"Sounds interesting," Feather said as he and Sugarcoat moved on to the next artwork. Sugarcoat and Feather stopped in front of a large painting that was splattered with different assortments of paint. Feather was once again confused by how random it looked. "Did an artist let his or her kid do this? I would usually see these kinds of art from kindergartners." Sugarcoat rolled her eyes.

"A child didn't make this," Sugarcoat answered. "This kind of art is called impressionism. The artist used different colors of paint to express certain emotions." Feather turned back to the painting for another view. "I guess most of the yellow on this painting means the artist liked bright colors."

"Actually," Sugarcoat added. "The color yellow can be interpreted as happiness and hope. It could explain why the color yellow appears on the sun to actually brighten everyone's day."

"Wow, that makes a lot more sense." Feather said with a smile. Sugarcoat gave an awkward look as Feather didn't act so flirty now. She would usually hear Feather make some flirty compliments to any girl he meets. But Sugarcoat shook it off as she still saw Feather as just another flirty guy.

The day went on with Sugarcoat showing Feather more artworks and telling him about certain art facts. Feather would usually respond with amazement or some simple comments that most people would say. The two of them were able to cover almost all of the exhibits and they were looking at the last artwork.

"Man Sugarcoat, you're really informative when it comes to art." Feather said. At that moment, Sugarcoat suddenly felt her face blushing from what Feather said.

"Yeah, sure." Sugarcoat said as she quickly turned away from him.

"Are you okay?" Feather asked.

"I'm fine," Sugarcoat said as she began to walk away. "I'm just tired from all of the walking. I'll go find a place to sit down." Sugarcoat began to hurry away before Feather could follow her. Luckily, Sugarcoat found one exhibit room that was completely empty. She sighed as she took a seat on a long bench.

'Why did I suddenly became nervous when Feather asked me if I was alright?' Sugarcoat thought. 'I usually avoid Feather whenever he asked me questions, but this felt different.' Sugarcoat recalled that her sudden feelings appeared when Feather complimented her. Although Sugarcoat was quite intelligent and keen, she wasn't so popular as she was too honest with her words and most people would stay away from her. Feather was different as he didn't get offended or confused whenever Sugarcoat spoke to him. Sugarcoat was also used to Feather flirting with his with sweet words, but Sugarcoat didn't detect that from Feather's recent compliment. 'Could Feather be actually a good guy?' Sugarcoat thought. The more Sugarcoat thought about that possibility, the more stressed she got as thinking positive about Feather was the last thing she wanted. Sugarcoat even started rubbing her temples as she ended up forming a huge headache.

"There you are!" Feather called out as he entered the exhibit room. Sugarcoat tensed up as the guy she was thinking about just entered the room.

"What do you want?" Sugarcoat asked as she turned away from Feather.

"I was worried that you weren't feeling well, so I tried searching for you just in case." Feather answered.

"Well, I'm fine." Sugarcoat stated. "You can go now."

"I can't leave here without you, Sugarcoat." Feather said as he sat down next to her. "You're my museum partner."

"And that's it, nothing more." Sugarcoat confirmed. Feather was getting confused from Sugarcoat's words.

"I don't understand." Feather said. "We were having a good time. Did I say something wrong?" Feather said as he placed a hand on Sugarcoat's shoulder. In response, Sugarcoat quickly swatted Feather's hand off and got up from where she sat.

"Just stay away from me!" Sugarcoat shouted, stunning Feather. "The only problem I have is you! You keep making all sorts of advances towards me! Even though I keep declining each one, you just keep on flirting with me just because you know it irritates me! When we were assigned as partners, you were probably thinking of all sorts of ways to make me fall for you! Was acting all respectable towards me one of your schemes!?" Sugarcoat panted from all of her yelling. The only thing Sugarcoat could do was watch Feather as he formed a hurt look on his face. He quickly closed his eyes and got up from his seat.

"Alright, I'll go. I just thought you needed some company. Guess I was completely wrong." Feather said coldly. He turned and exited the exhibit room, leaving Sugarcoat completely silent as she had no idea what she had done.

It was lunchtime at Crystal Prep and Feather spent his lunchtime outside of the cafeteria. He ate his lunch on a picnic table as he didn't feel like socializing right now.

"Hey Feather," A familiar female voice said. Feather turned to see Sugarcoat with a guilty look on her face.

"What do you want?" Feather said as he turned back and continued to eat.

"I'm here to say something." Sugarcoat said.

"If you're going to apologize to me, forget it." Feather responded. "No amount of apologizes will fix what you made me feel."

"I'm not going to apologize to you. It's something different." Sugarcoat said before she took a deep breath. "I was terrible towards you. I acted like a complete jerk and you were just trying to reach out to me. I was only used to pushing people away and that was why I keep turning down your flirts. I also thought that you were nothing but some guy who just likes to flirt with pretty girls. But yet, you keep trying to talk to me despite how much I despised you. During the museum trip, you started to compliment me for my intelligence instead of my looks. I wasn't sure how to respond as I actually felt flattered you thought of me like that. But my confusion got the better of me and I ended up lashing at you. When you left, I felt so much regret as you didn't do anything wrong. I consider that mistake one of my worst. If you don't want to talk to me again, I will respect that." When Sugarcoat was done talking, Feather was dumbfounded from what she said to him. He actually felt more happy to get some attention from Sugarcoat.

"Whoa, that was unexpected." Feather said as he rubbed his neck. "Now I'm starting to feel bad as well for leaving you like that. It's rude to leave a girl without a proper goodbye, you know?"

"So, are we cool?" Sugarcoat asked awkwardly. Feather tapped his chin while thinking.

"It could happen, on one condition." Feather said. "We start over...as friends." Feather said as he offered a handshake to Sugarcoat.

"I would like that." Sugarcoat said as she took Feather's hand and shook it as a sign of a newly formed friendship.