• Published 26th Jun 2021
  • 2,384 Views, 407 Comments

The Darkness Shard - OliverSparkle

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Chapter 19

It was now getting late at night as everyone was getting ready for bed. However, there weren’t enough beds in the tent for everyone to sleep in, so the ponies and creatures decided to sleep in sleeping bags while the humans, the sisters and the Crystal Empire parents sleep in the tent beds.

Luckily, they left one tent bed for Smolder, Silverstream and Lightning to sleep since they both know Smolder is Lightning’s girlfriend and Silverstream shares a big sister bond with him and the poor colt will need a lot of comforting in case more nightmares come. And because, sleeping bags aren’t big enough for three to sleep in.

As everyone got into their beds and sleeping bags, with Sandbar getting into the same sleeping bag Yona was sleeping in, Fluttershy was the last one to get into her sleeping bag as she wanted to make sure her son sleeps okay during the night. She lift a small candle, so Lightning doesn’t get scared during the night, and carefully brought it to the the desk that was next to the bed Smolder, Silverstream and Lightning was sleeping in.

While bringing the candle over, Silverstream was singing her lullaby to the colt to help him sleep during the night.

Sleep my little brother
Sleep my little star
Sleep little piece
Of my heart
This little colt
Now wants to sleep
Let’s make his bed
Full of warmth and love

After singing her lullaby, Lightning was now asleep as Fluttershy brought the candle to the small desk. She saw her child sleeping and just smiled. Fluttershy carefully pulled the covers a bit more onto his small form before gently giving him a kiss forehead.

“Goodnight, baby,” she whispered softly in his ear, “Momma loves you.” Fluttershy looked at the dragon and hippogriff. “Goodnight, Smolder and Silverstream,” she said quietly.

“Goodnight, Fluttershy,” said Smolder and Silverstream in unison but quietly.

Fluttershy went to the sleeping bag she and Capper were sleeping as Capper gently wrapped his arms around his wife. Smolder carefully wrapped her arms around Lightning and gently pulled him towards her chest and belly. Silverstream gently placed her arm on the two, giving the colt some more comfort, as the two fell asleep along with the others.

Luna’s horn glowed bright white and a beam of white grasp line flew towards Lightning. It entered to his forehead helping Luna enter the dreamscape to make sure no more nightmares hurt him.

Lightning looked around in fear. He was in nothing but a pitch of darkness, until it slowly faded away to reveal the training room from the Storm Kingdom. This is made Lightning even more scared as he knew what sort of nightmare he was about to have now.

He was getting even more to what he saw next. There, in front of him, he saw the moment Tempest Plagueis was about to kill Silverstream which was also the moment Lightning killed the evil hippogriff when The Storm King’s darkness first got a hold of him. The scared colt started to get even more scared while now shaking in fear as to what’s gonna happen next.

“I was wrong to think you could stand with me!” Plagueis walked towards Silverstream and raised his Soul Eater in the air preparing to finish the pink hippogriff off. He was going to kill her!

“Stop!” Lightning shouted in a scared and worried tone.

But Tempest Plagueis didn’t listen. “Any last words?!”

He just about to finish Silverstream until Lightning Twister began to breath heavily and uncontrollably while sweating a bit before shouting, “I said stop!”

His Keyblade suddenly appeared and, before he knew it, he quickly slashed through Plagueis with his Keyblade causing him to stop while feeling pain in his body after the slash.

He began to groan in pain before dropping his last Soul Eater which now got destroyed and disappeared. The evil hippogriff started to collapse to the ground.

The dark smoke faded away taking the now defeated and dead Tempest Plagueis.

Lightning took a step back a bit while seeing him kill Tempest Plagueis with his Keyblade. He was now more scared of this nightmare and was worried for what was to come next. The area slowly faded into dust and revealed the darkness area once again. Lightning looked around in great fear as six angry ghost heads of the Young Six flew by him and each said a line that the REAL Young Six would never say to him.

“Why would you do that, Lightning?” Said the ghost head of Sandbar.

“Not cool, kid,” said the ghost head of Gallus, “Not cool.”

“Pony not Yona’s friend anymore,” said the ghost head of Yona.

“Was our friendship not worth stopping you from killing?!” Said the ghost head of Ocellus.

“I know my uncle was evil, but you shouldn’t have killed him!” Said the ghost head of Silverstream.

“You crushed my heart!” Said the ghost head of Smolder, “I can’t believe I fell in love with a pony who just became a killer! I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!”

Tears started to form in Lightning’s eyes as he looked forward and saw the Young Six appear in front of him with angry looks on their faces. Lightning gasped in fear while taking another step back.

“Never speak to us again!” Gallus said angrily.

The Young Six all angrily walked towards the scared colt making him walk backwards trying to get away from them. “N-No! P-Please! I-I didn’t m-mean to do it!” Lightning fell onto his back as he covered his face with his hooves. “N-No! No, I’m n-not a killer!”

Lightning whimpered, until he heard Luna’s voice, “LEAVE THY YOUNG ONE BE! BEGONE TO WHENCE YOU CAME!” The Young Six disappeared into dust and flew away. Lightning pulled his hooves away from his face, turned round and saw Princess Luna walking towards him. He got up and ran towards the princess as he hugged her hoof tightly with the tears of fear rolling down his face.

“Shh…it’s okay, little one,” said Luna softly while pulling a hoof over his small form, “I still got you. Shh…”

“P-Princess Luna, the n-nightmares w-won’t leave me a-alone!” Whimpered Lightning, “I-I want them t-to s-stop!”

“I know, my dear, I know. I will do everything I can to protect you till we reach the Tree of Life. Don’t you worry.”

Suddenly, the sound of music can be heard from within the area. Luna and Lightning looked around to see where it was coming from.

“Where is that coming from?” Asked Luna.

“Princess Luna, I think I see somepony coming,” said Lightning in a scared tone.

Princess Luna looked forward and saw that Lightning was right. There was somepony coming towards them. Or rather, a filly. Luna recognised the form of that pony coming from the shadows and gasped in shock.

“Oh no,” she said shockingly and worriedly, “Lightning, I have to get you out of here before she comes any closer.”

The way Luna say “she” made Lightning quickly realise what pony she was on about as he became more scared since this was the only pony he hoped to never see again, even in dreams.

“You mean…it’s h-her?!” Lightning asked in fear while hugging Luna’s hoof tightly.

Luna hugged the scared colt with her hoof while answering, “Yes, I’m afraid it is.”

They looked at the small pony coming closer from the shadows as it was revealed that Luna was right. It was who she thought it was. It was the evil filly, Cozy Glow.

She continued walking towards the two while singing,

I'm telling you embrace the darkness
But you keep denying
Saying what your life is better
But I ain't seen nothing

I'm telling you embrace the darkness
But you keep denying
Saying what your life is better
But I ain't seen nothing

Typical hardly the type I love for
I like when the pony don't leave me asking
for more
I'm a evil filly
Who knows just how to get what I wanna

What I want to do is tell you the truth
Back up all of the things that I told ya
You been saying all the right things every day
But I can't seem to get you over here to rule the darkness

Little one can't you see?
This darkness is fitting on me
The dark coming from this heart
I'm about to yell
I don't think you know

I'm telling you embrace the darkness
But you keep denying
Saying what your life is better
But I ain't seen nothing

I'm telling you embrace the darkness
But you keep denying
Saying what your life is better
But I ain't seen nothing

You say you're a little pony but I can't agree
'Cause the love you said you had ain't been put on me
I wonder
If I'm just too much for you wonder
If my kiss don't make you just wonder
What I got next for you
What you wanna do?

Take a chance to recognize that this could be yours
I can see just like most creatures that your game don't please

Little one can't you see?
This darkness is fitting on me
The dark coming from this heart
I'm about to yell
I don't think you know

I'm telling you embrace the darkness
But you keep denying
Saying what your life is better
But I ain't seen nothing

I'm telling you embrace the darkness
But you keep denying
Saying what your life is better
But I ain't seen nothing

The darkness started to flow everywhere in the area making Lightning more scared than he is now and Luna worried and unable to stop this nightmare as she tried to use her magic to get rid of the nightmare, but it wasn’t any good. So she knew what must be done. Lightning has to wake up.

“Lightning,” Luna said while looking down at the colt, “You’ve got to wake up. I can’t get rid of this nightmare. It’s too strong. You have to wake up.”

“But, w-what about y-you?” Asked Lightning worriedly.

“I’ll be fine. When you wake up, I’ll still be in the tent in my bed. You don’t need to worry. Now, wake up.”

Lightning nodded his head before closing his eyes and did the best he could to wake up. And it’s working, because the darkness walls started to break and Cozy Glow, who was walking towards the two while grinning, started to slowly fade away. Pieces of the walls started to fall as a bright light appeared brightening up the entire area and ending the nightmare.

Lightning shot up while opening his eyes and letting out a scream of fear after waking up from the nightmare. This made Smolder and Silverstream wake up as the dragon quickly hugged her boyfriend and gently rubbed his back with his head resting on her chest. Luckily, it didn’t wake up anyone else in the tent.

“Shhh, shh, shh, shh shh shh, shhhh…” whispered Smolder softly calming Lightning down, “Did you have another bad dream?”

Lightning nodded in response, while sniffling, before saying, “I d-dreamt t-that day I k-killed Tempest P-Plagueis, and a-all o-of you were m-mad at me, i-including you, S-Silverstream.” That made the pink hippogriff both shock and sad after hearing him say what she did the nightmare. “You a-all s-stopped being my f-friends and were g-going t-to s-stop before C-Cozy Glow c-came and told m-me to e-embrace t-the d-darkness, and P-Princess L-Luna w-wasn’t a-able to stop the d-dream. I-I w-was s-so s-scared!”

“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” said Silverstream softly while gently stroking his mane, “Shhh…it’s over now. You’re safe. We’re here.”

Lightning sniffled as he moved his head from Smolder’s chest and looked at Silverstream, showing the tears in his eyes.

“B-But I-I s-still k-killed h-him,” he said sadly, “W-Why a-ain’t you mad at m-me?”

“Because we know you didn’t mean to and it was The Storm King’s darkness that made you do it,” Smolder answered, “Why would we be mad at you for something you didn’t mean to do?”

Lightning turned to Smolder and said, “B-Because I did s-something t-that w-was w-wrong, and y-you’ve f-fallen i-in love w-with a m-monster that k-kills.”

“I don’t think you’re a monster. None of us do,” said Smolder softly, “You didn’t mean to kill him. It was all Storm King’s doing. And besides, you didn’t want to lose Silverstream when Tempest Plagueis was about to destroy you. So what happened at the castle was his fault and The Storm King’s, not yours. None of us are mad at you for something you didn’t mean to do. You understand, Braveheart?”

Lightning wiped the tears from his eyes before slowly nodding his head at the orange dragon. She then gently kissed him on the forehead before saying, “Good. Come, let’s get you some water before going back to sleep.”

Smolder gently held Lightning towards her and climbed out of bed with Silverstream climbing out of the bed as well. They both made their way out of the bedroom part of the tent and to the part where the kitchen was. Once in the kitchen, Silverstream took a glass out of the cupboard, went to the sink and poured some water in the glass. She gave the glass of water to Lightning, he thanked her for the glass and slowly drank the water before giving the glass back to Silverstream as she placed it near the sink.

“Feeling better?” Smolder asked softly.

“A little,” answered the little colt quietly but enough for Smolder to hear.

“Good,” she replied, “That’s all I needed to hear.”

Suddenly, a bright light shone and Discord appeared as he then said, “Oh how can he be feeling a little better after remembering a murder he did long ago? He should start feeling guilty.”

“Don’t you dare make him upset again, Discord,” said Smolder crossly, “He’s going through enough with the nightmares still hurting him. And I thought Dumbledore telling you off stopped you from continuing.”

“Pfft, Dumbledore. More like Dumbledumb. He should know by now that I am the Lord of Chaos, and I don’t listen to anyone.”

“You still have to listen to Twilight, Celestia, Luna and Cadence though,” said the pink hippogriff while staring crossly at him, “They are the princesses after all.”

“No, I don’t,” said Discord while crossing his arms, “Just because they’re princesses, doesn’t mean I have to listen to them. Especially after banishing me after trying to help Twilight and Oliver.”

This was making Smolder so angry as tiny pieces of smoke came out from her nose. She continued to glare at the Lord of Chaos while saying, “Silverstream, hold Lightning. I am now a dragon on the edge.”

Silverstream did what she said and quickly, but gently, took Lightning and cradled him close to her as he hid his face in her soft pink fur chest knowing that this wasn’t going to go well at all. Smolder angrily flew up to Discord so she was face to face with him with his not amused expression not changing and his arms still crossed.

“Listen to me, you annoying variant of Q. Lord or not, those four are still the princesses and you still have to listen to them, especially when Flurry Heart becomes the new princess. And you didn’t help Twilight and Oliver see they are ready for the next steps, you only wanted Twilight to fail and panic hard so that Celestia would give the throne to you since that’s the main thing you wanted ever since Twilight became a princess and you became jealous of her. And not only that, you tried to take Lightning away and upset him by saying he isn’t part of the Friendship circle or part of Fluttershy’s life and family when that colt will always be her child.”

“He is not her child,” growled Discord. Smolder flew back to the hippogriff as she gently took Lightning out of her talon arms and cradled him close to her with his head resting on her shoulder with Discord continuing, “And I deserve to have a throne since I’m the Lord of Chaos, even when Fluttershy was the only one that became my friend. And my plan for Twilight and Oliver defeating some villains was the best way for them to see they are ready for the roles.”

Smolder turned to glare at Discord, still holding her boyfriend, while saying, “And look at you. Got into big trouble with the princesses and Sora for bringing some of the dangerous villains together and nearly brought harm to everycreature in Equestria. You didn’t learn anything about friendship, tried to make Celestia give you the throne instead of Twilight. Blamed a poor and innocent colt for being banished and lost a friend who loved that pony with all her heart! You did that all to YOURSELF!”

Discord angrily uncrossed his arms and was about to go over to the orange dragon to show some manners until she shot a fireball from her mouth and hit Discord which caused fall back and land on his back. Silverstream quickly flew over to Lightning and gently stroked his mane so he wouldn’t get scared after that.

“Twilight lives! Fluttershy lives! The magic of friendship lives! Our friendship and Fluttershy’s motherly love for Lightning lives,” said Smolder as she turned away from Discord while continuing, “As long as they do, happiness lives in his heart. Lightning changed Fluttershy’s life when she first found him, and they were both happy after the adoption. You may think and know he’s The Storm King’s grandson, but to us, he’s no Storm Pony. He’s our friend and Fluttershy’s child. And my boyfriend.”

Lightning fell asleep in Smolder’s arm as a small smile grew on his face which made both the orange dragon and the pink hippogriff smile. Smolder carefully kissed him on the forehead before Silverstream gently kissed him on the forehead after. They both made their way back to the bedroom part of the tent while Smolder continued to hold the sleeping colt in her arms.

Discord glared at the three before letting out a hmph and snapped his fingers as he disappeared in a bright light. None of them even noticed that Twilight and Fluttershy were hiding behind a corner of the tent kitchen room and saw the whole thing. They were happy that Smolder and Silverstream stood up to Discord, but weren’t happy with the way Discord spoke about Lightning and the princesses.

“I can not believe he’s still saying hurtful things about my son,” said Fluttershy, “And Smolder is right. He brought this on himself. I can call Lightning my child whether he’s adopted or not. He should know by now that Lightning will always be my baby boy. I’m getting sick of his behaviour.”

“You and me both, Fluttershy,” agreed Twilight.

“Even I’m getting sick of his behaviour too,” said the voice of Celestia.

Twilight and Fluttershy turned and saw Princess Celestia walking towards them with a worried expression on her face.

“Princess Celestia,” said Fluttershy in a worried tone, “I hope we didn’t wake you up.”

“No, it’s okay, my dear,” said Celestia softly, “It’s just that I was woken by the sound of my sister waking up after the nightmare Lightning just had. I’m beginning to feel more worried for the poor pony. These nightmares are getting more worse and worse every night. Now I really wish we were at the Tree of Life already.”

“Don’t worry, Celestia,” said Twilight gently placing a hoof on the princess’s shoulder, “We will get there and save him. We just have to focus on protecting him and make sure he sleeps again.”

“I know, Twilight. I just hate seeing him go through something like this, even if it doesn’t really involve him. He’s been through enough, and deserve a happier life.” Celestia sadly closed her eyes and turned her head away. But she then opened her eyes in shock as she just realised that Twilight wasn’t doing what she normally does when she gets worried. Celestia looked back at Twilight and asked, “You’re, not feeling too worried like you often do?”

“Well, normally I would go all panicky and say what might happen next if we don’t do something about it, and I am worried for my nephew, but not the worried kind you all saw in the past. I’m all calm and a tiny bit worried put together, because I know we will save Lightning and put an end to whoever is behind all of this. And besides, I’ve changed, remember? The worried me is gone. The only worried that you will all see will the worried that isn’t too much but a tiny bit.”

Celestia smiled happily at the impression Twilight was giving her. Her worried Sparkle side was no more and the only worried side she now has is the normal worried side.

“As I said before, spoken like a true princess,” said Celestia happily, “I’m proud of you, Twilight. You’ve become the princess I knew you would become.”

“And I couldn’t have done it without the help of my baby dragon, and my friends,” said Twilight before smiling at Fluttershy who smiled at her back.

Fluttershy walked over to Twilight and said, “And I’m glad you have changed and become the princess we all knew you would become.”

The three continued to smile at each other before Celestia noticed something from outside with tent unzipped. She turned to the unzipped tent and what she saw outside the tent made her confuse as she then asked, “Why is Cosmos sitting outside alone?”

Twilight and Fluttershy looked at Celestia confusedly before looking outside and saw that Cosmos was sitting outside the tent alone. She was looking down sadly while rubbing her arm. This made both Twilight, Fluttershy and Celestia worried and confused put together.

“I don’t really know,” answered Twilight, “Do you think she’s alright?”

“We best check on her just in case,” suggested Fluttershy.

Twilight and Celestia gave the kind pony a nod in agreement as they walked out of the tent and went to see Cosmos. The female Draconequus did hear them coming, but she didn’t move or even turn her head round to see who it was. Twilight, Fluttershy and Celestia sat next to Cosmos as Fluttershy then asked, “You okay, Cosmos?”

Cosmos continued to look down in sadness as she said, “Yeah. I’m okay.”

The three were surprised by the response and tone she gave them. She wasn’t pretending to be sad or spoke rudely or even spoke like chaos means everything to her. She was actually sad and spoke in a calm and friendly tone. But they didn’t care about that, they still wanted to see if there was anything they could do for her.

“Are you sure?” Twilight asked kindly, “Because you don’t sound okay. Plus you’re not acting like you’re in a mood for doing chaos magic either.”

Cosmos let out a sad sigh before looking at the purple alicorn and said, “Well, the truth is…I don’t like using chaos magic a lot, or even for fun.”

Twilight, Fluttershy and Celestia were even more surprised by this. A Draconequus not behaving like Discord always does and not liking using chaos magic a lot or even for fun? What is the world coming to?

“But I thought all Draconequus enjoy using chaos magic and use it for fun,” said Celestia, “How come you don’t enjoy it or use it for fun?”

“Because I never believed in evil or thinking chaos is everything after me and Discord were made,” answered Cosmos, “And we were the only ones of our kind.”

“Oh.” Celestia felt bad for saying “all Draconequss” only to hear that Discord and Cosmos were the only ones. “I’m sorry for saying that.”

“It’s fine,” said Cosmos in a calm and kind tone, “You didn’t know.”

“So how come you don’t enjoy doing chaos?” Fluttershy asked, “Are you a good Draconequss like how Thorax was a good Changeling?”

Cosmos looked at Fluttershy and gave her a nod before saying, “Yes. You see, back when Grogar made both me and Discord, we were told nothing but lies about ponies hating weird looking creatures.”

Grogar, the same look from when Discord was pretending as back in Kingdom Hearts 3 2.0, was using the magic from his bell to create his first two Draconequss’. The first Draconequss to appear was Discord and the last one to appear was Cosmos.

“After Grogar created us, he told us how everypony in Equestria accept other creatures but not creatures that have magic that nopony can do and has chaotic magic. It worked on Discord, because he wasn’t at all happy with it and wanted to show everypony that no one disrespects chaotic magic.”

Discord snapped his fingers angrily and disappeared in a flash of light leaving just Cosmo and Grogar in the cave. Cosmos didn’t do anything, except for standing still looking at the goat with a feared look on her face.

Grogar glared angrily at Cosmos and pointed his hoof at the entrance of his cave telling her to get out there and bring chaos to Equestria. Cosmos glared back at Grogar before turning her head away from him with her eyes closed showing that she won’t do it.

“I however refused to what he wanted us to do and didn’t believe everything he had just said. He then called me a creative failure and a traitor before banishing me to the Outlands where all his creations will live as their home.”

Grogar used the magic from his bell to send Cosmos to the Outlands as she screamed in fear while being banished. And there she appeared in a place where the sky was dark purple and everything was floating and flying all around. That was the Outlands where all Grogar’s creations would live.

“And there I remained as an outcast, a traitor, and a failure to Grogar’s plans to take over Equestria. I was all alone, and wanted to become friends with those that aren’t afraid of creatures with weird magic. But after Discord’s chaotic invasion and while I was banished and unable to leave the Outlands, I feared that now nopony would wanna be friends with a Draconequss.”

“But I visited the Outlands when I went to have tea at Discord’s,” said Fluttershy, “How come I didn’t see you?”

“Allies that are banished by Grogar will be unseen from those that enter the Outlands,” answered Cosmos, “However, Discord can see me though since he still lives there. But I remained hidden from him in case he suddenly finds out why I was truly banished and why I refuse to do what he does.”

“Makes sense,” said Fluttershy.

“Does Discord know you’re not like him?” Twilight asked.

“No,” Cosmos answered, “And he can’t know, because I’m worried he might do something horrible to me if he finds out I don’t do what he does and thinks of me as a traitor to the Draconequus’ race, when it’s just me and him.”

“It’s okay, Cosmos,” said Celestia while smiling, “We ain’t gonna tell him. And if you also think we’re gonna send you back to the Outlands, then you don’t have to worry about that either. Because we won’t.”

Cosmos looked at Celestia in surprised after hearing her say she’s not gonna send her back to the Outlands.

“You’re…You’re not?”

“Of course,” she replied, “You told us why you’re not like Discord, and we believe you. Besides, you’re only doing what your heart is telling you to do.”

“And you just want to be a good Draconequus and do the right things,” added Twilight.

“And we don’t see anything wrong with you trying to be like us and not use your chaos magic all the time,” said Fluttershy.

“So, you’re okay with me joining this journey to the Tree of Life?”

“Of course,” said Twilight politely, “You didn’t do anything wrong when we first met, you told us everything and we believe you’re a good guy, and we promise not to tell Discord the truth about you. Plus we do need all the help we can get to protect Lightning.”

“And your chaos magic will definitely come in useful, even doing them without Discord looking and seeing what you’re doing,” added Celestia, “We can help you with that.” She winked at Cosmos.

Cosmos slowly smiled again as she let all those nice words sink into her heart.

“Well, you all believed every word I said about me,” said Cosmos, “And you were so nice to me, I guess I can stay and help.”

“You have made an excellent choice, Cosmos,” said Celestia, “We are grateful for having you help us.”

Cosmos smiled at the white princess. She then looked at Fluttershy before saying, “Don’t you worry, Fluttershy. I’m gonna make sure no one harms your son.”

Fluttershy smiled back at Cosmos while saying, “And we’re gonna make sure no one harms you.”

Cosmos continued to smile at Fluttershy. She was happy she now has friends that believed her origin and wanted to be her friends.

“Come now, my dears,” said Celestia softly, “We must rest now.”

Twilight, Fluttershy and Cosmos nodded their heads at the princess as they all went back into the tent and zipped it shut before going back to their beds and sleeping bags as they went back to sleep.

Author's Note:

I made Cosmos a good guy in this universe.