• Published 26th Jun 2021
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The Darkness Shard - OliverSparkle

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Chapter 41

Yozora, Queenie, Jacob, Oliver, Flurry Heart, Tempest Shadow, Amore, Solar Eclipse, Shining Armor, Cadence, Constantine, Vincent, Dumbledore and Credence walking through down the hallway keeping an eye out for any of their enemies before they can down Ardyn.

Flurry Heart was walking next to her brother as she was still upset of how her father treated her back at the Tree of Life. Shining, on the over hoof, couldn’t help but stare guiltily at his daughter. He still wanted to make things right with her. He knew it may take some time, but he was worried he might not win Flurry’s trust back.

Solar Eclipse remained quiet as he was still feeling guiltily for the things he did and wanting to figure out a way to make up for his actions and return to his sisters’ side.

Suddenly, as they walking down the hallway, they stopped and saw two pony shadows from the left side of another hallway. Oliver recognised the shadows and know who they belong to.

“The Warlocks,” he said quietly.

Flurry quickly hid underneath her big brother.

“They must on the guard in case we enter the castle,” said Solar, “Ardyn must have figured out we would show up.”

“What should we do?” Credence asked.

“You lot go on ahead,” said Oliver, “I’ll deal with them.”

“What? No, you can’t!” Flurry said worriedly while coming out from beneath Oliver, “They’ll hurt you!”

“I need to. I couldn’t stand up to them when I was a colt, now it’s time for me to face my fear. It’s the only way to stop this. You lot need to go on ahead, I’ll catch up once those two are sorted out.”

Flurry Heart frowned in sadness while sitting down and saying, “But…I can’t. I miss things up. I mean, I try to do what you and Auntie Twily do to save the day, but I just can’t. I’m not like you.”

Shining felt more guilt in him after hearing her daughter say that. Now he wished he haven’t had yelled at her earlier or treated her like she was no future princess when she became a filly.

Oliver frowned at his sister. He can tell she wasn’t taking this well. He sat down and placed a hoof on her shoulder.

“Flurry, when I started living with Aunt Twilight, I was scared about not being good at what our family does. I was even scared that everypony would think of me as a monster. But here’s what I learned not so long ago. Brave or not, monster or no monster, it doesn’t really matter. You will always find a way to save the day, even without help. And deep down, inside of you, there is a princess waiting for you. And she’s telling you right now, don’t listen to what everypony thinks of you. Do what your heart saids, and you’ll know what you plan to do is what you believe is right.”

Flurry looked at her big brother after those words. He smiled at her before giving her a kiss on the forehead.

“Here I go,” he said quietly to her.

Oliver stood back up and ran towards the hallway on the left to deal with the abusive orphanage owners. Flurry Heart watched her big brother go. She placed a hoof on her chest and felt her heart beating calmly. She knew what Oliver meant from everything he had said to her.

“Princess,” she said quietly.

Cadence smiled at her son as a tear of joy rolled her face. She sniffled proudly before saying, “My son’s all grown up.”

“Proud of you, mate,” said John proudly, “You’ve come a long way.”

Chrysalis was pacing back and forth angrily near her throne as she was unable to find Beshte and Ocellus. She search all around the castle for them, but couldn’t find them anywhere.

“Ugh! How can I not find them?! I search everywhere! How can one big creature manage to escape imprisonment and hide away from me with that good for nothing changeling?!”

“Probably knows how to keep their friends away from threats like you,” said the voice of Celestia.


Chrysalis turned and saw not only Celestia, but also Luna, Twilight and Spike enter the hive room. And boy, did they have angry looks on their faces.

“As for escaping your imprisonment. Let’s just say that hippos are stronger like dragons and yaks are,” the sun princess said.

Chrysalis’s anger turned into an evil grin as she said, “Well, well, I was wondering when you lot would invade the castle. Where’s Starlight Glimmer?”

“Probably already fighting one of your friends,” answered Spike, “Kind of like what we’re gonna do with you.”

Celestia stopped Spike from going any further by placing a wing in front of him. Spike stared confusedly at the princess as she said, “No. I’ll deal with her myself. I’m ending this.”

Celestia started to make her way to towards the evil changeling. Luna wasn’t liking the feeling she was having. She can tell this was going to go badly, and from the looks on her sister’s face, she knew what she meant by ending this.

“Tia, no! You’re not thinking straight!”

Luna flew as quickly as she could to stop Celestia. Celestia, however, used her magic to create a golden grasp shield around Luna, Twilight and Spike to stop them from coming any further and from getting in her way.

“Celestia, what are you doing?!”

“Making sure she doesn’t harm any of us ever again,” Celestia answered while glaring at Chrysalis.

Chrysalis grinned at the sun princess.

“Oh? You want another fight with me? Very well. But let’s face it. You’re just gonna lose like last time.”

“I don’t care what you say. I’ve been weak to often. But now, I will do what I should have done during your first attack.”

Princess Celestia started to flew in mid-air as she continued to glare at Chrysalis with her horn starting to glow.

“Princess Celestia, don’t!” Cried Spike worriedly.

But it wasn’t any good. Celestia was already firing a magic grasp beam at the evil changeling, and her shield was too strong for Twilight, Spike and Luna for them to break. All they can do is watch and try to call out to Celestia.

Oliver grabbed a small stone with his hoof. He looked at the two ponies and shouted, “Hey, jerks!”

“Ow!” They both said one by one as they rubbed their forehead.

“Sorry, I was aiming for the abusers that nearly ruined my life,” lied Oliver with a fake smile.

After rubbing their heads, Mr and Mrs Warlock glared at the alicorn.

“You are so gonna pay for that, and having us arrested all those moons ago!” Mrs Warlock said angrily.

“Oh am I? Yeah, I think you find you’re wrong. I believe you’ll be regretting escaping prison and helping Ardyn out.”

“We’ve been inside that cell for far too long!” Mr Warlock said, “Ardyn did us a favour. And now, we’re finally gonna give you the biggest punishment we’ve ever done!”

Oliver frowned in annoyance to the two ex-orphanage owners.

“You don’t know how long I’ve been facing my fear of you lot over these past few moons.” Oliver’s horn started to glow as ink floated from it, “And such a shame that you wish to still go against friendship!”

Oliver used his magic to turn the floor into a flood of ink but steady enough for him and the Warlocks to float on. The Warlocks looked the ground in shock and worried. They turned to Oliver who was glaring at them with his wings out and slowly forming ink on them.

“I’ll make sure you’ll regret treating me like a monster!”

Fluttershy, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, Capper, Sunburst, the young six, Cosmos, Sora, Donald and Goofy walked down the hall with Lightning riding on Silverstream’s back and hiding underneath her mane. Discord was still with them and was walking behind them with Cosmos looking at him every minute to be sure he was still with them and not doing anything stupid.

This annoyed Discord as his face slowly turned cross.

“Will you stop looking at me every single minute?! It’s getting annoying!”

“Well it’s not my fault a poor young colt is suffering from nightmares and being treated like he doesn’t belong with us!”

“At least I tried to give him a good lesson on how to be a grown pony!”

That’s when everyone stopped and glared at Discord, except for Lightning, as Fluttershy angrily said, “Tried? Tired?! You didn’t even tried to help him overcome his fears! And it wasn’t even a lesson or a good one! It was just for me to get rid of him! And more importantly, he’s still a colt!”

“A colt that should start becoming a big pony now.”

“That doesn’t give you the right to do all that to him!” Fluttershy said crossly.

“Well it should!” Said Discord, “He needs to start facing his fears and start acting like a grown pony!”

“That doesn’t mean he has to start now!” Sora said crossly, “He will stand up to his fears when he’s ready!”

“Yeah!” Agreed Donald.

“And what about acting like a grown pony?” Discord asked while crossing his arms.

“Who said anything about him needing to start acting like a grown pony now?” Capper asked crossly.

“Momma, do I need to start acting like a big pony now?” Lightning asked worriedly.

“No, sweetheart,” said Fluttershy softly while gently stroking her son’s mane, “You don’t need to. You’re still a young colt. You can start acting like a grown pony when you’re old enough to look after yourself. There’s no rush.”

“Yeah, kiddo,” said Capper, “Never do what someone says you need to do straight away. Do it in your own time and when you’re ready.”

“Hmph. Some parenting that was.”

“Ugh! Why do you have to such things like that?! Fluttershy’s doing so well with looking after Lightning!” Starlight said angrily, “And you’re the only one that’s always trying to get rid of the one pony that changed her life! You’re literally still against Fluttershy adopting a young child or having a new friend! Not only that, but this stupid plan of yours has…has been…” She let out a calm sigh before looking at her husband as he looked at her back. “You want to say it or should I?”

“I’ll say it,” said Sunburst, “This has been your worst and stupidest idea ever!”

“Oh please,” said Discord rolling his eyes, “Like you lot would have thought of something better for the colt.”

“We would have just supported our friend and nephew instead of thinking of a plan that might harm Lightning!” Sunset said, “Because we all know that plans, like this one, will fail while putting innocent lives in danger including ours!”

“I had a plan that wouldn’t fail or put us all in danger! It just…it…it just…”

“It just what?” Gallus asked crossly.

“It…it…it went wrong!”

“Oh it just went wrong, did it now?” Cosmos asked crossly while crossing her arms.

“Yes, it did!”

“You’re an idiot, Discord! Do you honestly think we would believe you and say you were trying to help?!”

“Shut up, Cosmos! I only wanted to have Fluttershy back and to show that the tasks I make actually proves they needed them!”

“Yeah and look how that turned out! Two of our friends have been captured, a poor colt has been suffering from a bunch of nightmares, and a young cub has been put in danger! I don’t call that a good task since Roni wasn’t supposed to be part of it and you let a very dangerous villain into our homelands when you knew what he wanted from the start!”

“My,” said a familiar voice, “You really are not like your brother. I misjudge you.”

Everyone turned and saw Ardyn Izunia standing near them with a smile on his face. Sora summoned his Keyblade with Donald and Goofy summoning their staff and shield as they stood in front of their friends ready to fight whatever Ardyn throws at them.

“Come now, is that anyway to treat the owner of the castle. I mean after all, you are our guests.”

“We are not your guests,” said Sora crossly, “We’re here to stop you hurting Lightning and Roni, save the worlds and to save our two friends! And don’t try to act nice! We know that was a trick!”

“Wasn’t trying to trick you.”

“Yes, you were.”

“Yeah okay, I was,” admitted Ardyn, “It was worth a try anyway. But I already had enough fun and games now. Although, I did enjoy this little adventure we all had. You lot going to the Tree of Life, meeting new friends, facing new enemies, guessing who I was. Did you like how I used the coat to hide my face? Bet that remind you how Riku hid his face from you while he was using Ansem’s body.”

“Like I care if I liked you wearing the coat or this adventure,” said Sora, “Lightning and Roni have been suffering from a lot of nightmares.”

“That’s what nightmares DO!!” That last word echoed in the castle.

“Do you have any idea how long I waited for this moment?! For years, I waited in the shadows waiting for the perfect darkness to make me stronger, powerful and become whole again! That colt and cub had what I needed. The darkness of The Storm King, and the evil from Scar. And you brought them right to me.”

“Nice job,” said Discord in a annoyed tone.

“This is really your fault, Discord,” said Sandbar crossly, “You knew what he wanted and you set him free so you can get it.”

“I quite agree,” said Ardyn, “Though it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t have discovered where I can find what I need and who has them. Even though Roni was the easiest, but Discord helped with finding Lightning Twister.”

“Thanks a lot, idiot,” said Smolder crossly while glaring at Discord and crossing her arms.

“I did try to make things go for easy, but you just wouldn’t give me what I asked for.”

“Make things go easy?! You sent some of our enemies, and other enemies, to capture the kid!” Gallus said crossly.

“Yeah, and you made him dream about how we hate him because he’s the grandson of The Storm King when we really don’t,” added Sandbar.

“Not all them were about you hating him, my dear,” said Ardyn, “One of them was telling him what his mother did long ago that there was a talk about it before coming to the Tree of Life. Am I correct, Lightning Twister?”

Lightning started to flinch. He knew that he meant the night he learned about what his mother and aunts did. Fluttershy flinched as well. She figured that Ardyn was talking about the talk about what she and the girls did at the rehearsal.

“Oh? You didn’t tell her? Probably should have before all you went through.”

“Lightning? You…you’ve heard what I did?”

“I…I-I didn’t mean to keep it a secret, Momma! I just didn’t want you to think that I think you’re a bad pony for what you did to Auntie Twilight! But Nightmare Moon, in the dream, told me everything! I tried to wish it wasn’t true, but I couldn’t help it!”

“Nightmare Moon told you?!” Fluttershy asked in surprised.

“Not the real one, no,” answered Ardyn, “But a bit of creation from my darkness.”

“So it was really YOU that told him what I did!“

“Nothing harmful, just a little boast to help fill up the darkness,” said Ardyn, “However, it didn’t quite worked the way I thought it would be. But since you now know he knows what you did, I can feel the darkness rising within him. And just at the moment.” A patch of darkness cloud appeared in Ardyn’s right hand. “Your darkness, shall be MINE!!”

Ardyn throws the dark cloud at Lightning. Lightning let out a gasp of fear as he watched the cloud flew towards him.

“NO!” Cosmos shouted before using her chaos to create a purple glass shield to stop the cloud from hitting the colt.

Ardyn saw his dark cloud vanish to thin air after hitting the shield. He then saw it was Cosmos that created the shield as she snapped her fingers to make the shield disappear.

“My, you lot certainly have become fast friends,” said Ardyn.

Ardyn made another dark cloud appear in his hand. Just then, a patch of darkness struck on Cosmos causing her to yell and fall back. She collapsed to the ground and fell unconscious.

“Cosmos!” Yona cried worriedly.

“Don’t you worry, my dear,” said Ardyn, “You will all be joining her soon!”

Ardyn summoned a big cloud of darkness. He reached his hand out and made the dark cloud flew towards the others. Sora, Donald and Goofy stood in front of their friends and Discord and used their weapons to block the dark cloud as much as they could. The cloud was strong for them to block, but they were trying their best to stop it.

“I…can’t…hold it…for much, longer,” said Sora struggling to block the cloud.

“Me, either,” said Goofy.

“Lightning, get out of here as quick as you can,” said Fluttershy, “We’ll hold him off as long as we can.”

“What? No, I-I’m not leaving you!”

“It’s you and Roni he wants, Braveheart,” said Smolder, “You need to get out of here. Find Roni and get out of here. We’ll do our best to keep him away from following you.”

“Son,” said Capper, “It’s only the way to save you both. Trust me.”

Lightning looked at his father and decided to do what they told him to do. He jumped off Silverstream’s back and ran off as quickly as he could as tears of fear started to stream down his face.

Sunset, Starlight and Sunburst used their magic to help Sora, Donald and Goofy block the dark cloud. They all moaned as they continued to do their best to stop the cloud from hurting them all and getting to Lightning.

“You’re not gonna hurt or take Lightning Twister!” Donald shouted, “No way!”

Ardyn grinned as his face suddenly turned pale with purple cracks appearing followed by his eyes turning dark purple.

“Just watch me.”