• Published 26th Jun 2021
  • 2,386 Views, 407 Comments

The Darkness Shard - OliverSparkle

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Chapter 9

In the other hallway, Oliver and Flurry Heart were having a little walk hoping it will help clear Oliver’s mind so he can get back to figuring out what’s causing Lightning to have nightmares about the Storm events.

Flurry Heart was feeling down as she walked by her brother’s side. She was getting more worried about Lightning and she was also worried that she might get nightmares too but also different to the nightmares Lightning’s having.

Oliver noticed this and looked at the young alicorn. “What’s the matter, little sis?”

Flurry Heart looked at her big brother.

“Well…” she began, “I’m just, a bit worried.”

“About what?” Oliver raised his eyebrow in confusion.

“About the nightmares that are hurting Lightning Twister. I don’t like seeing him go through such a hard time, especially after what he’s been through.”

The two stopped walking as Oliver sat on his haunches and gently placed a hoof on Flurry Heart’s shoulder.

“Oh it’ll be okay, Flurry,” said Oliver with a calm smile on his face, “We’ll be there to help him no matter what, even if it is someone trying to make him fall to darkness.”

“I know,” said Flurry calmly, “But, I’m also worried about myself. I was there when the darkness tried to bring harm to Equestria, Vanitas and Cozy Glow brought back The Storm King, and when you got sent to the realm of darkness. I’m worried I might nightmares based around those events as well. And I was only a baby during those events.”

Oliver knew something like this might happen by the time they decided to bring the Crystal Empire family to Canterlot to help out and in case Flurry Heart has nightmares too.

“Well, I’m sure we’ll be able to sort it out if you do start having nightmares like Lightning’s having,” said Oliver trying to make her feel more better, “Besides, we’re all working together like we always do. Although, if it is someone trying to bring Lightning to darkness, we will need to find a way to contact Sora for his help.”

Flurry Heart looked down and frowned. “Yeah. I still miss Sora after his second visit, and I also miss Kairi. Even though she promised to come back one day and see me become the new ruler of Crystal Empire when that day comes, I still miss her.”

Flurry Heart let out a sad sigh before hearing a familiar female voice.

“I missed you too, Flurry Heart.”

Flurry Heart stopped frowning and looked behind her to see who said that. And there, to her surprise in a good way, she saw Kairi walking towards her with a friendly smile on her face.

The filly gasped in happiness.

“Kairi!” She said happily before running up towards her.

Kairi stopped walking and giggled a bit as Flurry Heart jumped towards the girl and hugged her with Kairi hugging Flurry Heart in return. Oliver smiled at the sight before seeing Riku and Mickey walking up towards them.

The two Keyblade masters stood near Kairi as Riku looked at the two and smiled happily at the two.

“Seems like somepony’s happy to see one of their friends again,” said Riku politely while placing his left hand on his left side.

Kairi chuckled before saying, “Yep. It looks that way.” Kairi and Flurry Heart looked at each other. “And the last time I saw you, you were only a cute baby.”

“And now I’m all grown up,” said Flurry Heart proudly.

“A LITTLE grown up you mean?” Oliver said while grinning playfully. Flurry Heart giggled while blushing a bit.

“It’s good to see you again, Oliver,” said Riku, “It’s been long since our last visit.”

“It’s nice to see you too, Riku and Mickey,” said Oliver, “I take it you heard about the nightmares haunting Lightning, right?”

“Yes, we are,” answered Mickey politely, “Yen Sid told us that another darkness threat was happening here in Equestria, and it had something to do with Lightning Twister again.”

“You said Lightning is having nightmares,” said Riku, “What sort of nightmares was he having?”

“He was having nightmares based around the event that happened during your first time here in Equestria,” Oliver answered, “The first one was with Vanitas pretending to be Twilight and told Lightning that he can hurt him in the inside still. But we don’t think Vanitas is behind all of this since he is no more. However, Celestia did spotted a stranger in a black coat coming from behind Fluttershy’s cottage when she was on her way to the train station.”

Riku placed his right hand on his chin. “A stranger in a black coat…” He removed his hand from his chin, “Did she see who it was?”

Oliver shook his head while saying, “I’m afraid she didn’t. The mysterious figure got away without even telling Celestia who he was.”

“Gosh,” said Mickey, “Sounds like he wants to remain a mystery and not want us to know who he is, in case we already know who he already is.”

“His target must have something to do with Lightning after Celestia saw him from behind Fluttershy’s cottage,” said Oliver, “If he is the one making him have those nightmares, there’s no telling what he might pull next.”

“But we can’t just give Lightning to that mysterious figure, can we?” said Flurry Heart, “It’ll just make things a lot more easier for him, and we’ll be giving him exactly what he wants.”

Riku looked at Flurry Heart and said, “Correct. Even if this mysterious person is new, he’ll stop at nothing for us to give Lightning to him, which is never gonna happen. But, if we’re gonna stop his nightmares from hurting Lightning, we need to find something that can cure almost everything, including nightmares. And the place where we can find it.”

Oliver started to wonder as he actually thought of something.

“The book shelf with the cure books in the castle library,” he said, “Of course.”

Riku, Mickey, Kairi and Flurry Heart looked at Oliver as Riku gave him a nod.

In the main throne room, Sunset and Starlight were also trying to figure out a way to stop the nightmares and help Lightning sleep better. Starlight was pacing up and down the room while Sunset was a reading a book that she hopes has the answer and cure.

“Find anything yet?” Starlight asked as she stopped pacing.

Sunset looked at Starlight while saying, “Nothing. Thought anything of any ideas?”

Starlight shook her head. “Not really. Not even a single memory from any of the books I read in Twilight’s castle.”

Sunset let out a groan of annoyance as she closed the book. “This is going to be impossible at this rate! There’s no telling when we’re gonna find a cure or help Lightning!”

“I’m more worried about the nightmares that are about to come if we don’t stop it in time,” said Starlight in a worried tone, “What if he starts having nightmares about us hating him all because he’s the grandson of The Storm King and we use our past evil actions on him? He’ll know what we did in the past, and would probably hate us for what we did to our friends!”

“I’m more concerned about who’s making those nightmares,” said Sunset, “We know that there’s a stranger in a black coat on the loose, but we don’t know if he has someone helping him.”

“And we can’t just say it’s Sombra’s doing since we still don’t know yet,” added Starlight.

“Correct. If we’re gonna figure out who could REALLY be behind all of this, we need to think on the villains we still know, would know any evil spell including nightmares and are still out there wanting revenge.”

“That’s gonna be hard to do since most of them have been reformed, locked away or somewhere in Equestria where we will never have to worry about them,” said Starlight.

“True,” said Sunset, “I mean, The Sirens are still banished in the human world stuck as normal teenagers without their jewel to help them sing good and freed off everyone’s arguments.”

“And Nightmare Moon is no more.”

“And Daybreaker is only an evil version of Celestia who doesn’t really exist, yet,” said Sunset.

“Chrysalis is more of an alternative version of the changelings and only wants revenge on me,” continued Starlight.

“Lord Tirek only drains the magic within us,” added Sunset.

“And Cozy Glow is just an evil filly with no evil alicorn magic or Vanitas’s darkness,” said Starlight.

“And those are the only villains we know that are from Equestria and have dangerous magic and powers unlike the other villains we faced that tried to ruin friendship,” said Sunset.

“And I don’t think those lot would even try find any dark magic or powers and try to make us pay for what we did to them after our first encounter with them.”

“True,” agreed Sunset, “However, let’s keep Chrysalis, Lord Tirek and Cozy Glow in mind. There’s no telling what they can do in the world we banished them to.”

“Right,” Starlight agreed. Even though the Legion of Doom are now in another world where they can’t harm Equestria, there’s still no telling what they can do next while being trapped in that world.

“But let’s not forget, there could be someone helping them. Like a new leader that they have to obey.”

“Double right,” agreed Sunset while giving Starlight a nod.

Suddenly, a new voice was heard from the distance but nearly close to the unicorns.

“If your theory on them is true, then we should be prepared in case they are behind all of this.”

“Huh?” The two said in unison while looking at each other.

“Who said that?” Asked Starlight as the two turned to the throne room doors.

“I did,” said the voice again.

There they saw someone walking up towards them. He was wearing a black hooded jacket, that’s unzipped, with short sleeves with a studded crown and emblem on each of them, gold buttons, and a checkered pattern at the hem. Underneath the jacket was a black sleeveless shirt with a red V-neck. He also has black cropped trousers, that are hemmed, and has the same checkered pattern the jacket has. He has black glovelettes on each hand, and black high-top boots. He also has heterochromia iridum, with his left eye being red while the right eye was blue.

It was Yozora.

Yozora stopped walking and stood near Sunset and Starlight as he stared at them. The two reformed unicorns stared confusedly at the newbie since they’ve never seen or heard of him before.

“Who, are you?” Sunset asked.

“I’m Yozora. I’m a new friend of Sora’s. I came here with him and the others to help.”

Sunset and Starlight were now in shock after hearing him mentioning Sora’s name.

“Sora?! You know Sora?!” Asked Starlight in shock.

Yozora gave Starlight a nod before saying, “Yes, I know him.”

“And he’s here along with his friends?” Asked Sunset.

Yozora gave Sunset a nod in response. “Yes, they’re all here. But, who are you two?”

“I’m Sunset Shimmer.”

“And I’m Starlight Glimmer. And your name and voice actually remains me of what happened back when we faced that Nocreature with Terra awhile back.”

“Starlight Glimmer?” Yozora said in surprised, “You’re Starlight Glimmer?”

Starlight was surprised by his response.

“Huh?! You know who I am?!”

“Yes,” answered Yozora calmly again, “I was the one who helped you back when you and your two friends were fighting that Nocreature. Remember?”

“Oooohh!” Starlight said now understanding it all, “So you’re the one who helped me, Sunset and Terra break free so we can fight that pony.”

Yozora gave Starlight another nod.

“Correct. That was me.”

“Wait, you know him, Starlight?” Asked Sunset.

Starlight looked at Sunset and nodded her head in response.

“Yeah,” she said politely, “He was the one who helped me brought you, me and Terra back together to take down that Nocreature while he was pretending to be Twilight.”

“And you didn’t tell us about it?” Sunset raised an eyebrow.

Starlight stared to sweat nervously after hearing. She knew she didn’t tell Sunset Shimmer or Terra about Yozora after defeating Xodiac, she really should have known that was going up the sooner she figured out that the Yozora in the room was the same Yozora who helped her.

“Well, uh…I uh…You see…uh…I just thought, Yozora didn’t want me to tell you or Terra about him after saving us. I was worried he wanted to be not mentioned as he just wants to remain a secret until he’s ready to come out.”

Sunset continued to stare at Starlight with her raised eyebrow which made Starlight sweat nervously even more as she didn’t know what Sunset was gonna say next. However, Sunset’s eyebrow went down and she smiled at Starlight.

“Oh it’s okay, Starlight,” said Sunset softly, “I understand what you thought was right.” Starlight smiled at Sunset.

“I understand too,” said Yozora as the two unicorns turned back to him, “But like I said, I am here to help like Sora and his friends are doing. Where is Lightning Twister?”

“Huh?” Sunset and Starlight said in unison. They were surprised to hear Yozora asking where’s Lightning Twister.

“Yen Sid said that this darkness happening has something to do with Lightning Twister,” explained Yozora, “If it is him the darkness wants, then I must see him right now.”

“Well…you will need to wait for a bit longer,” said Starlight, “He’s still trying to rest after that nightmare he had last night.”

Sunset suddenly saw something up ahead of the throne room as her eyes went wide in shock.

“And we also got company to deal with them first.”

“What?” Starlight asked in confusion.

Sunset points at the throne room doors. Starlight and Yozora turned towards the doors and what they saw made Starlight’s eyes go wide in shock. There they saw four dark wolves walking towards them while growling.

“What in Celestia’s name are those things?!” Starlight asked shockingly.

“I don’t know,” answered Sunset, “But they sure don’t look friendly.”

Tiny ghostly orange pixel cubes appeared near Yozora’s hands as they made both his crossbow-like weapon and sword with a glowling orange blade.

“Time to end them,” said Yozora in a serious tone before standing in battle mode.

Sunset and Starlight looked at each other and did a serious nod in agreement before standing by Yozora and stood in battle mode too.

One of the dark wolves growled at them before charging at them with the other three dark wolves following.

“I don’t think so.” Yozora teleported away in mini ghostly orange pixel cubes style as they made him reappear behind the dark wolves.

Yozora pointed his crossbow-type weapon at the wolves and blasted a red beam at the two wolves. The red beam shot through the two dark wolves as they disappeared in darkness smoke.

“Ready, Starlight?” Sunset asked.

“Ready,” answered Starlight, “Let’s spin!”

Sunset grabbed Starlight’s hooves and started spinning around slowly before going faster and faster as Starlight’s horn begins to glow. After spinning her around fast enough, Sunset let go of Starlight.

Starlight spun around the dark wolves while shooting magic grasp beams at them until three of each beam hit the two wolves weakening them.

Yozora ran towards the wolves and used his sword to slice through them. Yozora kneeled in front of the wolves as he stood back up again and turned round to see the last two dark wolves disappear in dark smoke.

Starlight stopped spinning before grinning at where the dark wolves were once standing as she blew the smoke from her horn.

Sunset walked up to Starlight before asking, “You okay, Starlight?”

“Yeah, I’m okay,” replied Starlight politely, “Guess we showed them.”

“Haha! Yeah, we did!” Sunset and Starlight brohoofed each other.

Yozora’s weapons disappeared in mini ghostly orange cube style before looking at the smoke on the ground where the dark wolves were once at.

“I think, there’s going to be more of them soon,” he said.

Sunset and Starlight turned to look at Yozora in confusion.

“What do you mean?” Sunset asked.

Yozora looked at the two unicorns and said, “Whoever is behind the nightmares, they will stop at nothing to make sure we don’t get in their way or stop them for what they want with Lightning Twister. Those strange things must from them, and were sent to kill us so we can’t stop them.”

“And we won’t be the only ones who will be attacked by those things,” said Starlight with Sunset nodding in agreement.

“The others should be with the rest of your friends,” said Yozora, “But we best check on them just to be sure they’re okay.”

Sunset and Starlight gave Yozora a nod in agreement before they walked out of the throne room as they went off to find the others to see if they’re alright.


“Alright. With all of us going back to Equestria, the new darkness won’t stand a chance or even try to harm our Equestria friends even more.”

Everyone continued to smile at Sora as Axel gave him a thumbs up, even Yen Sid smiled at him.

“That is an excellent idea,” he said proudly, “I approve.”

“Thank you,” said Kairi kindly.

“Oh, and one more thing,” added Yen Sid, “Whoever is controlling the darkness this time, you might need another extra pair of hands for this time. Which is why I asked him to come along.”

Yen Sid lifted his left hand up to show the guardians who he asked to tag along as they all heard a pair of boots coming towards them. Sora and the others turned and saw someone, wearing black boots, standing near the desk.
That was when Sora started to recognise who it was.

“Hey, aren’t you…?”

Yozora was surprised to hear Sora recognising him already.

“You know me?”

“Yeah,” answered Sora, “You’re Yozora, right?”

“How do you know me?” Yozora asked confusedly.

“Oh, just a little comic strip I read a few days back,” Sora replied while placing his hands behind his head.

“What?” Donald was confused by this, “But, Sora, we…”

“Donald! Order!” Sora said through clenched teeth.

Donald started to understand by Sora said that as he quickly said, “Ohhh! Yes, that’s right! He did read a comic that had you in!”

Yozora looked at Donald for a second before turning back to Sora. “Well, that explains it then.”

Sora smiled in relief at Yozora before they both, including the others, turned back to Yen Sid.

“Good. Now that you are set and ready, I shall let you begin your new journey.”

They all gave Yen Sid a nod before making their way out of the room. While walking out of the room and down the stairs, Xion started to feel worried. She haven’t seen Spike since the Unversed attacked, and she was worried that he may have forgotten about her.

“Oh, I do hope Spike still remembers me,” she said worriedly, “I haven’t seen him for quite some time now ever since we stopped The Storm King.”

“Aww come on, Xion,” said Axel happily, “Spike’s a great dragon, and a rememberable one. I’m sure he hasn’t forgotten about you or any of us.”

“Yeah, Xion,” said Roxas, “Spike would never forget you, no matter how far you two are or how long it’s been since the last get together.”

Xion’s sadness turned back into a happy smile before giving Roxas a nod as they continued on making their way out of the tower and onto their new journey.

Author's Note:

Looks like Yozora has joined the adventure.