• Published 26th Jun 2021
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The Darkness Shard - OliverSparkle

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Chapter 32

Just on the clean dirt path, Rani was taking the children and nine of the guardians on a tour of the Tree of Life. They were following behind her, while Lightning rode on Silverstream’s back, as Rani started to sing to them.

Welcome to the Tree of Life

A wondrous mystic place

We're living life in harmony

It's what we all embrace

So, if you need healing

Shelter free of sorrow and strife

You will be welcome

Welcome to the Tree of Life

Desert, forest, tundra, plain

Are brought together here

So, animals from near and far

Live in peace and without fear

So, if you need healing

Shelter free of sorrow and strife

You will be welcome

Welcome to the Tree of Life

Respect for fellow animals

Is all you need to stay (All you need to stay)

But, no one living here

Would want it any other way

So, if you need healing

Shelter free of sorrow and strife

Know you are welcome

Welcome to the Tree of Life

You know you are welcome

Welcome to the Tree of Life

The young seven, Spike and Flurry Heart looked down from a big hill and see the big tree down below. They have never seen anything so beautiful in their entire life. Even Smolder found it beautiful, especially since she likes silly cute stuff.

“It looks so beautiful from up here,” said Ocellus.

“Yona wish to live here.”

“When you get used to being here, you’ll all be wishing to live here,” said Rani jokingly. She suddenly noticed Lightning’s bandaged wings. “How long has he had those on for?”

“For a few days now,” answered Sandbar.

“Yeah, his father broke them when we were on our way here,” explained Smolder, “But not Capper. He’s the good father, and took the father role after Fluttershy adopted Lightning. I mean the father as the one that abused him a lot.”

“Wait…his father abused him before Fluttershy and Capper adopted him?” Rani asked shockingly.

“Yep,” answered Gallus while nodding his head.

“But, what about his real mother? Wasn’t she around to keep him away from him?”

Lightning frowned a bit before answering, “No. She died after giving birth to me. Daddy said it was my fault she died. He hits me and scares me with thunder storms.” A tear rolled down his face as Smolder gently placed her hands on his shoulders in comfort.

Rani felt bad for the colt, especially since she lost her mother too as well as her father. She couldn’t help but feel bad for mentioning it or sorry for what he has been through.

She walked towards Lightning and sadly said, “Lightning, I am so sorry for what you’ve been through. And I’m also sorry for bringing it up.”

“It’s okay. You didn’t know.”

“And to be honest, I know how you feel,” said Rani, “I lost my mother too, including my father. Losing them was very hard for me and my family.”

Lightning looked at the lioness in shock and sadness, “I’m sorry, Rani.”

“It’s alright, Lightning. I’m okay now. And I always know they’re still with me. In here.” She placed a paw on her chest where her heart. That made Lightning remember what Fluttershy told him that night before the day she adopted him. She said that no matter how far apart him and his mother are, she would always be with him in his heart.

“Momma told me something like that before she adopted me,” he said.

“So you also know that your mother will always be with you in your heart, do you?” Rani said softly to the young colt.

Lightning nodded his head in response.

“Good.” She smiled at Lightning before thinking of something, “Well, shall we continue with the tour?” The children nodded their heads as Rani led the way with them and the guardians following her.

In the cave, which is like Kion and Rani’s throne and place to sleep in, the rest of the guardians, the groups and the Tree of Life group was standing where Kion’s son was resting on the rock. He was a young cub, that looks almost like Kion, and his tiny patch of head fur and tail was red on one side and brown on the other side.

“Well, here he is,” said Kion, “This is my son. Meet Roni.”

Discord scoffed, “Roni? What a lazy name. You just used Rani’s name, but replaced the a with an o.”

“Shut your mouth!” Celestia said angrily through clenched teeth.

“Awww, he’s so cute!” Pinkie said excitedly.

“Quite adorable I would say,” said Cadence.

Constantine walked towards the cub and carefully placed his hand on Roni’s head as it glowed in golden grasp.

“What do you feel, John?” Oliver asked.

“A lot of nightmare suffering, mate,” answered Constantine before moving his hand away from Roni’s head with the golden grasp fading away, “Unlike Lightning’s nightmares, however, they’re more painful and more worse than any nightmare we’ve faced.”

“How bad are Lightning’s nightmares?” Asked Kion.

“Really bad from what I’ve seen,” answered Princess Luna, “Ardyn planted a lot if nightmares into young Lightning Twister just so he can get the Storm King’s darkness that still, somehow, rest within the colt.”

“But why is Ardyn after Roni as well?” Surak asked, “He doesn’t have the type of darkness you’re talking about.”

“Let me have a think,” said Doctor Strange placing a hand on his chin, “Kion, were there any old enemies you faced before coming here?”

“Well, aside from Makucha and his group,” Kiom explained, “There was this evil lion called Scar. But me and my friends faced him when he was a firing spirit. After defeating him, his cobra bit me and gave me this scar.”

“I was wondering how he got that scar on his eye,” said Rainbow Dash earning a glare from Rarity who wasn’t happy by that.

“However, after I got this scar, it made things difficult for me while me and my friends were journeying to the Tree of Life.”

“How so?” Asked Amore.

“Well,” began Kion, “On the way, my scar was giving me pain that I started letting my anger out on my friends. It was making me become evil, and Scar said that we were the same before his defeat. And no matter how much they tried to help me or take over for me on the way here, I still treated them like they were now against me and my anger was getting worst.”

“Can scars do that?” Asked Applejack.

“Only if you’ve been bitten by a cobra and you live in the Pride Lands, yes.” Kion suddenly realise something that may be the reason why Ardyn is also after his son. “Wait. You don’t think that…”

“I think it could be, Kion,” said Doctor Strange, “The evil from that scar must have somehow went into Roni.”

“What?!” Fuli and Bunga said in shock and unison.

“But how?” Baylio asked in shock, “He doesn’t have a scar, nor has he ever faced Scar before!”

“From what I can gather, and similar to how Lightning is related to The Storm King after his mother died,” said Constantine, “After Kion got his scar healed and became king, the evil must have somehow went into Roni when he was a baby.”

“You mean when Rani was pregnant with him?” Binga asked in shock.

“Hey hey hey now! Let’s not go too far on that!” Pinkie said crossly.

“Huh?” Fuli asked confusedly.

“Don’t ask,” said Rainbow, “Trust me, you have no idea what she’s talking like we do, sometimes?”

“What do you m…?”

“Just, don’t ask. It’s hard to explain, and will be confusing to you all. So please, just don’t ask.”

“Okay then, if you say so.”

“So the evil just went into someone else that’s related to the lion that refused to let it take over?” Baylio asked in shock.

“Possibly true, mate,” said Constantine.

“But that’s impossible!” Bunga said.

“I’m afraid it’s not, Bunga,” said Doctor Strange, “Whenever someone defeats the evil trying to take hold of them, they always find a way to take over their child.”

“But that’s just wrong and cruel!” Pinkie said.

“I agree,” said Cadence, “Especially for an innocent child.”

“We’re back!” Rani called happily.

Everyone turned and saw Rani walking in with the guardians, Spike, Flurry Heart and the young seven following her while Lightning still riding on Silverstream’s back. And, to make things good for him, his wings were now better as the bandages were now off and he doesn’t feel pain anymore.

Fluttershy flew towards her son and softly asked, “Did you enjoy the tour, baby?”

“Yes I did, Momma,” answered Lightning happily before showing his wings to her, “And look. My wings are all better now.”

Fluttershy gasped happily before gently hugging her son in joy and happiness.

“That’s so wonderful to hear, my little pony,” said Celestia happily.

“We are grateful your wings are better again,” added Luna.

“I knew having Fizzlepop come with us was a good idea,” said Twilight happily.

“And I’m glad she came along,” said Starlight while smiling.

While hugging his mother, Lightning noticed a young cub sleeping on the flat rock which was like a throne for Kion and Rani to sit on but also a place for both them and Roni to sleep on. He looked at Rani before asking, “Is that him, Rani?“

“Yes, kiddo,” answered Rani politely, “That’s my son I was talking about before the tour. His name is Roni.”

“Roni? That’s a nice name,” said Ocellus.

“Yeah, it suits him,” added Gallus.

“Roni’s a cute name for young lion,” said Yona which made Rani smile at their nice comments about her son’s name.

“Still think she could give him a better name,” said Discord rudely.

Everyone, including Cosmos secretly, gave Discord a glare. Luna flew up to him and gave him a big smack on the back of the head. “Ow!” He shouted while rubbing the back of his head with his lion paw. “Stop being so mean to the young cub!” Said Luna crossly.

Just then, Roni started to stir in his sleep as he was about to wake up. Everyone saw this as Kion and Rani walked over to their cub. Roni slowly opened his eyes and saw his parents walking over to him.

“Hey buddy,” said Kion, “How do you feel?”

“I still feel bad,” Roni answered weakly and started feeling ashamed for it.

“Hey hey, it’s okay, sweetie,” said Rani softly while gently stroking her son’s head, “We’re not mad at you for still feeling bad. None of this is your fault. We’re going to help you get through this. I promise.”

Roni noticed a group of humans and creatures with the others and the rest of his friends. “Who are they?” He asked.

“They’re our new friends,” answered Rani, “They came to help us and we’re also gonna help them, because they also have someone who is suffering from nightmares.” That’s when Roni saw Lightning waving at him, to show she meant him, as he waved at him back.

Discord magically popped near the three while saying, “And don’t mind me. I’m here for the chaos.”

“Oh no you don’t!” Twilight said crossly, “No chaos! Not from you or watching us cause chaos when something goes wrong and we go into panic.”

“I agree,” said Celestia, “We’ve got too much to deal with right now.”

“And we don’t need you to make things go worse for us all!” Added Luna.

“Oh come on, what’s wrong with a bit of chaos happening? I mean, it’s fun and enjoyable. It can help teach you something and can also…”

“We don’t care what you say or think about chaos,” said Oliver crossly, “No matter how much you love it or because you’re good at it while we can’t. We have to stop these nightmares from hurting Lightning and Roni while also stopping Ardyn from getting what he wants from them. And the longer we keep waiting, the stronger the nightmares will get. That’s what he wants.”

“Well tonight’s not the night for sorting that out,” said Surak, “It’s getting late, and none of us have a plan yet.”

Everyone looked at the pathway, that leads to outside, and saw it was beginning to get dark with the sun setting down and the moon rising.

“He’s right, everyone,” said Twilight, “We best get some rest and think of some ideas tomorrow.”

“You’re right, Twi,” agreed Applejack, “Plus I think the little fella and the students are getting tired already.”

And she was right, because the young seven all now starting to feel tired and some were slowly closing and opening their eyes. Lightning let out a yawn before saying, “Momma, I’m tired.”

“I know you are, baby,” said Fluttershy softly while gently stroking her son’s mane, “Come on, let’s get you all to bed.”

“I’ll go set up the tent,” said Newt.

“I’ll help,” said Sunset as she and Newt walked out of the throne cave to set up the tent outside.

But unknowingly to them, they were being watched by Ardyn as he looked at them through his dark cloud in the throne room of his castle. Makucha, Chuluun and Ora were there watching after telling him everything.

“So it is true. They’ve made it.” Ardyn snapped his fingers which made the dark cloud fade away.

“Shall we begin the attack?” Chuluun asked.

“No. They’re resting now. We mustn’t rush things if we are to get what we all want. Go, get some rest yourselves. We’ll attack in the morning.” Ardyn made his way out of the throne room while the three bow to him before watching him away.