• Published 23rd Dec 2011
  • 13,764 Views, 231 Comments

The Colours of the Rainbow - DawnFade

Rainbow Dash comes to terms with something about herself. AppleDash

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Chapter 2

Determination ran through Dash's veins as she flew. The skies were still clear from the previous night, so it was just her and the open blue fields. She was feeling good about today. While she didn't know what her sickness was, she was finally doing something to find out. The first step to getting better is finding out what problem you have, or something like that. Quotes weren't her thing.

She dove suddenly, leaving her stomach high above. Feeling her cheeks stretch from the speed made her laugh. No noise came out since the wind filled her mouth as she giggled, but still she kept laughing. It was so good being able to enjoy flying again. Dash had even wondered if maybe her disease had cured itself without any help, but a quick trot through the town and several sudden meetings between her head and the ground had disproved that idea. However, Dash was staying positive. Her disease must be either slowly getting better or at least it will be after she visits Twilight.

Vaguely aware of her high speed nosedive, she pulled up at the last moment and began to glide over Ponyville. Her target: a large hollowed out tree near the center of town, home to the resident bookworm. It was fairly early in the morning but Dash was sure Twilight wouldn't mind. Spike might, but he slept enough already so there was no worry about him not getting enough sleep.

Descending quickly, she hit the ground at a gallop, slowing herself over the last few steps to Twilight's door. She misjudged the distance, however, and as her head collided with the door she wondered how much more abuse her poor face could take. Ignoring the snickering from a few early rising ponies behind her, she decided to play her crash off as an actual knock on the door, preparing a grin and waiting expectantly. A few moments later, after gazing into the perfect replica of her face splattered in dirt where she hit the door, she decided to skip the damn door and take a different route.

As expected, most of the windows were open. Upon further inspection, both of the occupants were still fast asleep. She saw Spike snoring up a storm and, amusingly, Twilight snoring up an even louder storm. Dash giggled as quietly as she could as she flew in through the window and landed beside their beds. Books were scattered around Twilight's sleeping form, not really surprising, and the crumbs from gemstones were littered around Spike, also not surprising. Now was the difficult part. How do you wake a pony and a dragon up gently and not have them freak out because you're in their house? For Rainbow Dash, the answer came quickly.

"HEY TWILIGHT!" she yelled almost right into Twilight's ear. With a startled and hilarious snort, the purple pony shot up, sending her sheets fluttering into the air. Wide, red eyes darted over everything in the room as the she struggled to regain her senses.
Impressively, Spike remained fast asleep. Dash made a mental note to ask him for tips later.

"Rainbow Dash?! What are...Huh?" spluttered Twilight, causing Dash to break into loud laughter at her expression. It was a solid minute before it decreased to just a little chuckle and by then Twilight had grasped the situation and had a very unamused expression on her face. Spike was still snoring softly in his little bed, completely oblivious to his surroundings.

"Are you done?" Twilight asked in a deadpan voice. Dash nodded, still with a large grin on her face.

"Sorry Twilight, I know you need your sleep what with staying up reading all night, but that was totally funny!" Her amusement seemed to rub off on the other pony, who cracked a smile.

"I guess I must have looked pretty shocked," she said with a laugh. Thanking her contagious laugh for getting her off the hook once more, Dash gestured to the table down near the entrance.

"Do you reckon we could sit down for a bit? I wanted to ask you about something," the Pegasus raised a hoof subtly at Spike, hoping Twilight would get her message.

"Oh...Sure, come on. Do you want anything to drink? I don't have much; we don't usually get many visitors this early." Dash refused with a shake of her head as they descended the short flight of stairs and took a chair each. Twilight fussed over the table, clearing books and scrolls.

"Sorry about the mess. Again, not many visitors."

"It's fine Twilight. Seriously. I'm not a neat freak like you and Rarity."

"Yes, I noticed. You know we can all see the pile of rubbish on your cloud, right?" Dash pretended to be offended.

"It's called art!" Now Twilight was the one giggling uncontrollably. Dash joined in after a moment, and their shared laughter echoed around the large chamber. After a time they trailed off, Twilight suddenly becoming serious.

"So what was it you didn't want Spike to hear about? Does it involve Rarity?" she asked. Dash quickly made motions to keep her voice down.

"Shh! It's nothing to do with Spike or Rarity; it's just something that I didn't want many ears to hear about." Twilight's interest was piqued now, she saw, leaning forward and nodding to encourage Dash to continue.

"It's...Well...The last few weeks I haven't really been feeling myself, like, I'm acting weirdly and thinking crazy things. I was just sorta wondering if you could check me out and see if I've got any disease you know of. B-by 'check out' I mean, like, medical doctor stuff-" Twilight cut her off with a chuckle.

"I know what you meant, Dash. There's no need to clarify. I would be happy to see if I can help you."

"Clari-what? Actually, never mind. How are you gonna do it?" Dash asked nervously. Twilight thought for a moment before replying.

"Well, when Spike got a cold and started sending everything he sneezed on straight to Princess Celestia, I researched a spell that let me tell when he was sick or about to get sick. So now I just quarantine him to his bed whenever I think he's getting sick and problem solved!"

"Quarun-what? Er, never mind that too. Well your spell sounds totally perfect to what I need, so...um...Bring it on?" Twilight walked around the table and placed a reassuring hoof over Dash's.

"No need to be so nervous, Dash! Trust me; I've done this spell a hundred times. Just stand over there and keep still." Dash slid her hoof out from under Twilights and stepped over to where she was told, in the middle of the room with plenty of room on each side. It didn't make her feel any less nervous knowing Twilight was keeping her away from the bookshelves in case they were damaged. Staying as still as she could but not able to keep a little shake out of her knees, she screwed her eyes shut and took a deep breath. Twilight's exasperated reaction to her behaviour was ignored as the Pegasus braced herself.

"Bravest pony in Equestria, huh? Alright, you might feel a little zap." From beyond her eyelids, a dim pink glow shone brightly. A tingling sensation gave Dash goose bumps as it ran over her body from head to tail and back.

"This feels weird," she muttered before being hushed by Twilight.

"Almost done, hold on." The tingles passed once more over her entire body before fading away. Dash kept her eyes jammed shut and continued to stay still.

"It's over, Dash. That wasn't so bad now, was it?" Twilight had humour in her voice, putting Dash at ease.

"I guess not. I was just a little nervous. So what do I have, doc?" she replied. Twilight had her eyes closed and seemed to be concentrating on something Dash couldn't see.

"Well, aside from an alarming lack of confidence, nothing. You're perfectly healthy. Oh, but you'll get a nasty stomach ache a few months from now, so better watch out for that." Twilight opened her eyes, apparently expecting Dash to be overjoyed. Her Pegasus friend was anything but pleased, however.

"You mean I have nothing? How do you explain all my weirdness? The stupid thoughts and the tongue-tied...ness!" she asked angrily.

"Hey, I just did the spell. It has always worked before; I don't see why it wouldn't work now. I agree about the weirdness though, you are definitely acting strange. I mean, the great Rainbow Dash's knees shaking for just a medical examination? That's not you." Dash sat down on the floor.

"Tell me about it," she muttered. Twilight sat next to her, empathy practically emanating from the unicorn.

"Actually, why don't you tell me about it? You know I'm very willing to listen if you're willing to talk."

"Well...It's... I'm starting to think..." she tried to explain, but the words just didn't form.

"Starting to think what, Dash?" Twilight asked quietly. But her nervousness was back, and with it her desire to escape.

"S-starting to think I should go and get something for b-breakfast," she tried to giggle as if she had planned it, but there was just a kind of sick desperation in her laugh that ruined her attempt at covering up. Twilight gave her a sympathetic smile.

"Well, I wish you could talk to me, but I can understand it's hard to open up. If you want my advice, when you have something to say that you never want anypony to hear, go to Pinkie Pie. She might be completely crazy, but she knows how to keep a secret." Dash thought she heard someone yell 'forever' in the distance, but she dismissed it.

"Thanks Twilight. I know nothing really got solved just now, but it's nice to know you're there for me," she said as they stood and embraced.

It felt really good hugging Twilight.

"What are friends for?"