• Published 23rd Dec 2011
  • 13,761 Views, 231 Comments

The Colours of the Rainbow - DawnFade

Rainbow Dash comes to terms with something about herself. AppleDash

  • ...

Chapter 3

This was it. She was actually going to tell Pinkie everything. All her symptoms and thoughts, even...even the ones that had caused so many bruises on her head when she tried to stop them. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. All she was gonna do is completely open herself up to another pony. It's not like this particular pony had trouble taking anything she heard seriously or anything. And she certainly wasn't known for randomly yelling out whatever popped into her head.

But...Twilight did say Pinkie was good at keeping secrets. Twilight was a pretty smart pony, so Dash decided to trust her judgement. How much difference can there be between knowing someponies secret and helping them with it? I'm sure Pinkie Pie will be just as helpful as any other pony. She was so sure of it that she was on her third lap of Ponyville that coincidentally didn't go near Sugarcube Corner.

For a moment, she wanted to just forget about it and go back home. Or even better, Cloudsdale. Nopony she knew could reach her there except for Fluttershy, so it was the perfect hiding place. Maybe if she just waited long enough and avoided mares this would all go away...or get worse. Resisting the urge to reacquaint her head and the ground became a lot harder at the thought.

Everypony's gonna think I'm a freak if they find out! The thought, while definitely not new, still made her chest tighten and stomach churn. This level of nervousness was on a par with how she felt before the Best Young Flyer competition, if not worse.

Stepping into a shadowed alley between two houses so nobody would see, she curled up on the ground. Her confidence was now a mere shell, cracking as the first tear threatened to slide out from her eye. Blinking furiously and in vain to clear her eyes, a quiet sob was all it took to let the waterworks flow. She tried desperately to be quiet as she sobbed and pushed herself further into the alley, away from prying eyes.

The soft dripping as tears hit the ground grated on her ears as if it was the torrential flow of a waterfall. She had to be quiet or somepony would hear! If one of her friends, or even just a random pony came into the alley right now she would never live it down. They would mock her for the rest her life, she was sure. Rainbow Dash the crying filly. Her hooves scrubbed at her eyes to erase any evidence of her anguish. There was no way to be sure it had worked, but she couldn't stay in the alley forever. As she stifled a final, racking sob, the sound of hoofsteps behind her shocked her to the core.

"Rainbow Dash?" asked a familiar voice.

Without a second thought, the cyan Pegasus took to the sky, flapping her wings hard and fast as the pony below called out her name again. Higher, faster, leaving Ponyville far below. Her eyes watered again, but speed was the cause this time. Clouds littered her upward path and she shot straight through them, carving a road into the sky. The air began to thin as she breathed, the last layer of clouds rushing past.

She had to stop before she went too high. Even the sky has limits and as jumbled as her insides were she had no will to test them. Her momentum died and the Pegasus hovered, drifting. She stood at the top of the sky, watching white monoliths drift by.

There was nopony else with her, just endless blue and silver. She floated on the wind and let the air dry her eyes. She shivered, but it felt nice to be away from the town. Almost as if her troubles had remained behind in that alley.

But...She couldn't stay in the sky forever and avoid Ponyville for the rest of her life. As much as she wanted to, she couldn't abandon her friends and her life. The Element of Loyalty didn't choose her for nothing. She was the bravest, most loyal pony in Equestria. It was time to start acting like it.

Dash began her descent, eyes narrowed and the familiar rush of determination flowing through her body. She put the silver and cold behind her and took the green for her horizon. Expanses of forest speckled with lakes and rivers broke through the last of the skies mist. A grim smile slid across her lips.

Let them laugh at her. Let them see her cry. She was the Element of Celestia-damned Loyalty and no amount of shame would shake her resolve.

Ponyville became a growing jumbled of colours on the land below. She almost hoped that the pony who saw her in the alley was watching her approach so they could see that Rainbow Dash doesn't run from a problem; she kicks it in the face!

Buildings took form and distinction, Sugarcube Corner a gleaming beacon of colour and Twilight's tree dominating near the center of the village in a portrait of dark green and brown. Slowing dramatically, she landed with barely a thump atop one of the houses that walled the alley. Though she had been expecting it, a quick peek over the edge told her that whoever had snuck up on her was long gone. A few interested ponies had seen her land and, based on their expressions, they were wondering why she was on the roof. Thinking quickly, she struck a pose as if she had completed a trick and bowed as if they were applauding. That seemed to dispel any curiosity and she was able to glide down from the rooftop in peace.

The approach to Sugarcube Corner was daunting, but she held her head high. She began to imagine what she would say to Pinkie to make her act seriously. Was Pinkie even capable of acting seriously? Well, she was about to find out. As she neared the store, the door opened and Twilight walked out. Worry was printed on her face and she paused for moment, deep in thought. When the unicorn spotted Dash she jumped slightly, seemingly startled. With a show of teeth that may have been an attempt at a casual smile, Twilight quickly trotted away.

Oh no. Was it her who called her name in the alley? Please oh please not Twilight! She always wants to fix everything! Dreading the situation she would find inside, Dash pushed through the door and into Sugarcube Corner. What greeted her was a scene of sudden silence. Pinkie stood beside Mr and Mrs Cake who had their mouths open in mid speech. Dash broke the uncomfortable silence.

"You ever get the feeling you were being talked about when you walk in a room?" To her surprise, there was a layer of anger on her tone that made Mr and Mrs Cake jump.

"Nonsense, dear...Oh, I think we left the kitchen on fire. Please excuse us!" said Mrs Cake, dragging Mr Cake out of the room before Dash could reply.

Pinkie, true to form, seemed oblivious to the tension that had developed, greeting Dash cheerily.

"Hi Dashie! Did you come to visit me? That is so nice of you! What do you wanna do?" Dash felt her resolve crumble under the innocent pony's gaze.

"I, uh... is there someplace we can go where we can't be overheard? I want to talk to you about something secret."

"Sure! I'm really good at keeping secrets! I keep them FOREVER!" The pink pony replied with glee, making to lead Dash upstairs.

"That's...That's great." She followed Pinkie up the stairs and into Pinkie's massive bathroom. There were, to be frank, a lot of party supplies stored in the bathroom. Boxes and piles of streamers and balloons littered the entire room. Since the entire room consisted of the whole floor, that was quite a large amount. Pinkie took no notice of the mess, bouncing happily up the next flight of stairs to her bedroom. When Dash finally reached the top, she found herself in a veritable pink explosion. Sure, she had seen Pinkie's bedroom before, but it still shocked her every time. How did the pony not get sick of the colour?

"Have a seat Dashie! I'm alllllll ears!" Pinkie said as she sat atop her bed, leaning forward and resting her head on her hooves, a deeply interested expression ludicrously painted on her face. Dash awkwardly lowered herself down on a huge red cushion beside the bed.

Here we go. Bravest pony, bravest pony, bravest pony! Say it! Just say it!

"I like mares." In the silence that followed, Dash stared straight at the floor, not daring to meet Pinkies eyes. The desire to take it back overwhelmed her.

"I mean, I think I do," she continued, "I was just-I-I mean..." She sunk her head into the cushion, face turning bright read from shame. She had to get out of there but there was nowhere to go! Just say something, Pinkie! Please!

"Aww, really? That's adorable!" squealed the earth pony. What?

"It's what?" Dash whispered, raising her head to see Pinkie beaming at her. She was positively bouncing up and down on her bed with excitement.

"Adorable! Why didn't you tell me sooner? Oh I bet you were really nervous!" Dash was confused, but happy she wasn't being kicked out of the store.

"Well yeah, I was really nervous. I thought you would be disgusted with me or call me names like the others will if they find out." The words flowed easily, and Dash felt better each second.

"Why would anypony be mean to you about that?" Pinkie seemed genuinely confused.

"You know that ponies like...me... aren't really loved by everypony. You know the name they call us. F-fillyfoolers." The name hurt her just saying it; she was not looking forward to when the rest of the town adopted it. Pinkie gained a serious look about her when Dash said the name.

"Don't say that, Dashie! I bet everypony in town wouldn't mind if you told them you liked mares."

"They aren't all as nice as you, Pinkie," Dash replied grimly.

"Oh but they can be! If we throw a party and you tell them at the party they will be having too much fun to be mean to you!" The earth pony's suggestion brought a smile to Dash's face.

"Parties aren't always the answer, you know. Plus I kinda wanna keep it just between you and me for now, if that's ok?" Pinkie Pie nodded solemnly at the request.

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" she said, waving her hooves around to match her words.

"Thanks Pinkie Pie. That actually means a lot to me." Pinkie then dove at her in a violent tackle-hug, knocking both of them off the cushion and onto the floor where she held on tight.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me! I love you for trusting me enough to tell me though!" The pink pony's words made Dash blush a deep red, and Pinkie Pie quickly leapt off her.

"...Not like that, Dashie." She giggled at the Pegasus' discomfort before beginning to hop around the room singing.

"You like me, you like me, you liiiiiiiiiike me!" Dash reddened even further, burying her face in her hooves while still lying on the floor.

"I do not! I was just...shocked by the hug!" Pinkie stopped jumping and gave her a wink.

"If I liked mares you would be my first choice, trust me."

"T-Thanks?" Dash spluttered, "But I also wanted to ask you for advice on what to do now. I know you're not the type to really give out helpful tips that don't involve parties, but my brain alone just gets all muddled up." Pinkie looked thoughtful for half a second (even that was disconcerting) before replying.

"You're right about me not being good at advice. I've never had to deal with anything like that before, so I don't know what to suggest."

Dash sat in stunned silence at the well-reasoned response.

"Y'know Pinkie, sometimes I think I don't know you at all." Pinkie stuck out her tongue and waggled it around, her laughter spraying spittle.

"I have an idea!" said the earth pony, "Why don't you go relax and take your mind off your troubles for a little while in Cloudsdale? I know how much you love it there and, seriously, you look like you need to relax." Dash considered it. There wasn't any important weather to take care of for a few days, why not take a few hours off?
"That actually sounds like a good idea. I have been kinda frazzled lately. Even more than Twilight was the last time Celestia visi-" she stopped mid sentence, remembering Twilight's odd behaviour outside the shop. She had to ask or it would bug her all day.

"Hey, Pinkie, what was Twilight doing in your shop earlier?"

"Oh not much, she just said she saw you crying in an alley and you flew off, she wanted to see if you had spoken to me," Pinkie said brightly. Dash felt the familiar tightness in her chest return.

"And...And she said that in front of Mr and Mrs Cake?" Twilight I am going to kill you!

"Nope! They walked in near the end and only heard something about you being upset."

"Are you sure?"

"Yep! Because Twilight asked them what they had heard. She can get very scary when she tries."

"I guess that's ok then. I just really don't want many ponies knowing something is wrong," Dash said, sighing in relief.

"Nothing is wrong, Dashie. You'll figure that out sooner or later."

What the heck is that supposed to mean? Since when does Pinkie give out sage advice?

"Sure Pinkie. Nothing is wrong," she lied.