• Published 23rd Dec 2011
  • 13,763 Views, 231 Comments

The Colours of the Rainbow - DawnFade

Rainbow Dash comes to terms with something about herself. AppleDash

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Epilogue (Bonus Chapter)

Some strange happenings were occurring in Ponyville, Rainbow Dash observed. Alongside the sudden influx of unique couples that had revealed themselves, Twilight Sparkle, star student of Princess Celestia, had apparently begun a joint study between Fluttershy and herself into a very different kind of magic.

The unicorn, when asked, would hastily explain it as a series of very serious scientific experiments that required Fluttershy's assistance. However, for the ponies that lived close to the library that was not the case. Reports of strange sounds and loud groaning would often flood the police station late at night and they were repeatedly the subject of hushed conversations and giggling.

Dash didn't know the truth. She was just happy that two of her friends had found a little joy together. The details didn't matter in the end, she supposed. Her own journey had twists and turns splattered with tears and hurt, and while those experiences tested her harshly she realised that she wouldn't change a thing. After all, what better result could there have been? Applejack was her marefriend going on seven months now and each moment with her was ecstasy... even when they weren't in the bedroom.

Every morning waking up beside her was another memory Dash tried to save forever. Adding to this was how Applejack seemed to feel the same way. Dash had listened to her speak in her sleep, or whisper in the morning when she thought the pegasus had yet to awaken.

"Ah love you so much Rainbow..."

The raw emotion in the farm pony's voice made her eyes sting with tears every time, until one morning when she couldn't take it anymore and pulled Applejack into an emotional hug. "I love you too Applejack... you have no idea how much," she whispered hoarsely. For a moment they simply embraced on the bed, but as the rainbow pony woke up completely her personality reasserted itself. She jammed a hoof into the other mare's chest. "If you tell anypony that I just cried and did that I will... I will... do unspeakable things to you!"

Dash felt Applejack vibrate with silent laughter. "But y'all are gonna do that anyway."

She had a point. "Yeah... well... If you tell anypony then I won't do unspeakable things to you!"

The earth pony gasped in mock horror. "Ya wouldn't dare!"

Dash pressed her forehead against Applejack's and eyed her with a dangerous smirk. "Try me."

In one swift movement, the orange pony flipped Dash over and pinned her against the bed. "Sounds like a plan!" she laughed as she leaned down, and the pegasus rose to meet her lips.

It was one of many such memories, filled with blushes and laughter followed by soft gasps and barely-contained moans. And yet, after them, the magic always took a different form, a strange warm feeling that flooded every inch of her being. When she lay panting on the bed and stared at the sweat-streaked face of her marefriend, it was no longer the fire in her loins that fuelled her attraction but rather a fire in her heart. There was a word for it that they had both taken to using. It was a simple and meaningful way to make it clear how much they meant to each other.


How strange that all those months ago it was a foreign concept, a mysterious and intangible idea that could never be understood. And now it had manifested, just as the concept of sex had on that fateful night, in the form of Applejack.
From the little she knew about it beforehand, it seemed more of a burden than a gift, making ponies act in stupid ways for reasons that didn't quite make sense. Only now that she was head over hooves in it did everything finally make sense.

Love didn't weaken her, it empowered her. When she was tired and tempted to simply fall asleep in a tree, the image of Applejack spending the night alone would bring forth a reserve of strength to push her across the distance.

When she practiced tricks in front of her marefriend, something similar happened. It was more than a simple desire to impress her, though that definitely played a part, it was like a burst of inspiration and power that gave her the ability to perform amazing feats.

She had performed the Sonic Rainboom three more times simply because she could. With Applejack in the audience, there was no possibility of failure. Sports news ponies were already debating how long it would take for the Wonderbolts to offer her membership. Spitfire had been quoted, upon witnessing one of the Sonic Rainbooms (the first time she had ever done so while conscious) to say "What the hay was that and why isn't she with us already?!" Dash had that newspaper cut-out framed on her wall.

From the smallest cloud-bucks to the biggest aerial demonstrations, love drove her. It was a bottomless well of energy, a perpetual cycle that was renewed every time she laid eyes on Applejack.

As Rainbow Dash flew high above Ponyville, it became apparent that hers was not the only love enriching the town. Couples laughed and nuzzled in the corners, not from shame but from a simple desire for public privacy.
A particular couple caught her eye, two stallions kissing softly on a park bench, shadowed beneath a big tree. One of the stallions looked familiar and a name rose to mind. Bone, the reluctant bully, had apparently made his own discovery. The unicorn he was locking lips with she had never seen before, but she felt an odd rush of affection for the two.
Despite how he and his friend Rusty had treated her, she didn't feel bitter. There was no urge to drop down and call him out on it. If he was feeling what she felt when he was with his stallion, then nopony should be allowed to ruin that.

So she flew onwards over the young lovers, using the light cloud cover as camouflage to keep her observations hidden. A magazine page fluttered in the wind before her and she snatched it with lightning fast hooves. Slowing down slightly, she drifted across the sky as she read. It was a page from Mare's Monthly, one of those lifestyle guides that Rarity fawned over. Dash was about to toss it back into the wind when a word caught her eye.

'...sudden appearance of these fabulous couples can be attributed to the one and only Rainbow Dash, an up-and-coming young pegasus from Ponyville. Sources reveal that the fearless flier kissed and danced publicly with her earth pony marefriend in a gesture of solidarity with the repressed masses, unintentionally sparking some sort of sexuality revolution that quickly spread to neighbouring towns. Reports of similar behaviour from Fillydelphia to Canterlot are coming thick and fast, and an early press conference declared Princess Celestia to be "delighted" at the news. Experts are currently [continued on page 7]'

The memory of Rarity excitedly sharing inconsequential (or so Dash had thought) news at a dinner party floated to the front of her mind.

"Some of Manehattan's elite class are referring to Ponyville as the City of Love!" the white unicorn had squealed. "Finally, I can be a lady without worrying about the slightly-less than couth town I live in!" She paused and chuckled nervously. "Er, no offense." Her friends had just laughed.

Dash almost stopped flying, shocked as she was after reading the article. She knew that her actions at the party had rung in a new era for Ponyville, but she didn't know it was having such a large effect! Over the last few months, the echoes of her dance had radiated outwards as a beacon, showing the other ponies in Equestria what happens when love is accepted no matter what gender.

It seemed that one pony could really make a difference in the world, against all expectations. All it took was a few good friends and a spoonful of awesome.


This bonus chapter was requested by a Deviant when I offered to do requests on New Years Day. I truly consider this a fitting epilogue or what-happens-after chapter for my story. The response to the story as a whole has been overwhelming and I can't thank you all enough for the amazing comments and feedback. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Love, DawnFade

Comments ( 70 )

so my idea for hetero Twiligth dealing with lovesick Fluttershy won't come true ...
why am i somewhat happy about that?:yay:

A spoonful of awesome
Best line ever

D'awwwwww! I loved this story :pinkiehappy:


#5 · Jan 5th, 2012 · · ·

I have to admit, that was a good story, and the twi/shy reference here is funny :rainbowlaugh:

perfect :D
good job

Darn. S'over. Well, great things can't last forever...fantastic story, thanks for taking the time to write this last part.

so long and thanks for all the fun,
so sad it couldn't continue on,
we tried to beg but you didn't listen,
so long so long so long and thanks for all the fun!

*flies into space randomly* :rainbowlaugh::rainbowwild:

So I got my FlutterTwi after all.

F*ck yeah. :yay: :twilightsmile:

Thanks, Dawn. You know how much I feel about this story. I actually had to stop reading this chapter last night because I couldn't stop crying :rainbowlaugh:

It was a great story, and you are a fantastic writer. Keep up the good work. You have a friend, and fan, in me for life.

Much Love!


It's certainly an interesting idea. Have you thought of trying to write about it yourself?

Heh, thanks. I was worried it would be too cheesy or something :)

I'm glad :D

Never fear, there will always be AppleDash fics out there to those who seek them! :)

I'm glad you liked that! Secondary shipping can be a bit iffy, but I think it turned out alright.

Thank you!

It was my pleasure! :D

Haha I watched that scene again on youtube because of your comment.

FlutterTwi is always a good addition to any story, I find. ;)

Star, your comments have been incredibly inspirational. Every time I saw you had commented on a new chapter I would start grinning, eager to hear what you had to say. Know that you can make any request at any time and I will be happy to oblige it. Thank you for reading, sincerely.


You are an awesome chick (I assume?), Dawn, and perhaps one day I'll take you up on your offer. And whenever I finish my first album, I'd be honored if I could send you a copy of it. It'll be some time, but I would love to hear what you had to say about it.

See you next story!

~Star :)

well there are some problems with that
1) I just started work on my very first fic (yesterday in fact, and all i've got is a single page so far :pinkiesad2:)
1.1) I have not enough Time for it
1.2) I'm very inexperienced
2) I have no idea how i should write something like this. I have a lot (and i mean a lot) of Ideas for Stories but i have no clue how to develop the Ideas to real Stories.

So yeah if i would write it, it would most definitely suck big times and a story like this, which could really speak to a lot of people, deserves much better.

I d'awwed. Several times. Thanks for the show!

110228 Hmmm... *GASP* IDEA!!!:raritystarry:

There's nothing I love more than a good AppleDash ship than an amazing Appledash ship. You are truly a phenomenal wordsmith and I simply adore all your works. Authors like you make me excited to delve deeper into the world of fanfiction (as I usually avoid this part of fandoms). Your characterizations were beautiful - you kept them show accurate yet still liberal enough to have just enough play to fit the story.

DawnFade, for the love of Celestia, never stop writing such quality. These are works of art and you should be immensely proud of yourself.

And because I have used no emoticons, :eeyup:

Thank you, it's a personal favourite of mine :)

This is up there as one of my favorite Appledash fics ever and I've read quite a few. I love how you build it up with still keeping all the characters true to them selves. You truly written an amazing fan fiction and never stop writing this kind of amazing work. :twilightsmile:

I didn't expect an appledash concidering the direction of the story was going at first. Regardless it was quite interesting how inspiring the Mane 6 can be. :ajsmug:

If you read this comment after reading my other one DawnFade then know that earlier i was too emotionally bombed by your awesome fic to say anything but i has much to say now so without further ado here goes. 1: I very much appreciate the way you actually took the time to express the day to day prejudice that the homo community faces as i am am one of them (being bi) so thanks for that:twilightsmile: 2: The story was very well written and i love the way you gave us mental images to work with but did not turn something so amazing into a simple clop fic (not that theres anything wrong with that) 3: The dedication to the characters personality is ........ astonishing honestly nothing else can be said and 4th and sadly last is that i must tell you that your excellent grammar makes me :scootangel:. you have earned teh Devilblades respect:coolphoto:

I love seeing that my story has reached someone who may being going through the same things as Dash. Honestly, your comment brings me unending joy :)

258222 well i appreciate the sentiment i personally came to terms with dat stuff a while ago but you may have helped others be more open with themselves and for that i thank you and seeing such awesomeness and kindness makes me:fluttercry:

It may have taken me months to get back to it, but I'm glad I tracked this story. Very nice job.

I am very pleased to have come across this story - a really potent message can sometimes detract from the quality of the actual story but you have experienced no such problem here, author. :pinkiesmile:

Glad I read this. I'm bi myself, but I never really went through the confusion part. Just realized it one day. Too bad it's not quite as simple as how the spread happened in our world. That would be fantastic. I really like the emotion shared between Applejack and Rainbow. It felt real and focused from their conversation after the barrel prank onward. Wonderful writing.

That made me laugh :D

This has been on here how long without me knowing? Wait, it was on DeviantART for how much longer without me knowing?! Damn, that AppleDash group I follow on there is slipping.

I think I love you Dawn. :heart:

Especially since that is my favorite pairing :pinkiehappy:

This story was beautiful and it has a great message. Good on you, mate.

[Note: Edited in case of spoilers lol even though others have said it already. Whatever.]

Aww, shucks <3
Yeah, AppleDash is definitely one of my favourites too.
Thanks for reading, I'm glad you liked it :)

Ha ultimately I'm probably gonna end up reading all your stuff. I have 28 stories in my read later atm so I don't know when I'm gonna get to yours xD and I'm pretty sure I'll like all your stuff. You're a good writer :)

Heh, a word of caution: stay away from Broken Monotony. It's awful!

Especially if you don't want me to.
MWAHAHAHAHA :pinkiecrazy:

Right now I'm reading "Pinkie and the Brain" by Mad Derper. I'll check that out next :P

Oh god no. Save yourself from it!

Bahaha the more you try and make me dislike it, the more I bet I'll like it. Just gotta finish this one first XD


Oh brilliant I already read that one! :pinkiehappy:

Try not to hate me too much

Well I commented on it 1 day ago apparently:

"Well that was an unexpected pairing. :pinkiegasp:

But I liked it :rainbowlaugh:"

So there ya go. No hate for you! :P

If anything is gonna get you hate it's gonna be something uber dramatic not lighthearted fun :pinkiesmile:

Uh oh... might want to stay away from Harrowed Crown then.


Hehe yeah I'm wary of the tags. But I know I'll end up reading it anyways. :fluttershysad:

I'm masochistic or sadistic or whatever the right word is.

I tend to try to avoid incomplete stories too lol but sometimes curiousity gets the best of me :pinkiesmile:

Well, HC only has an epilogue to go, so it's not like you'll be waiting forever.
Fun fact: I'm writing the next chapter of University Days right now.

I haven't got to check out University Days yet. It's in my to read thingie though :pinkiehappy:

Right now I'm just weeding out my list. Reading some of the shorter ones and eliminating some that don't seem too interesting any more. Especially ones the author has given up on. No point in reading a fic that will never be finished :rainbowhuh:

One bad thing is I've been crying to some degree pretty much every night since I found this danged site. :fluttershysad:

Really? You must like the really emotional stories, huh?


I can't help it! Sometimes it's happy crying but this one I read was about Celestia far in the future, as she was finally dying, and flashing back to what had happened with Twilight and them, her memories becoming confused with the present and it was just really powerful. It just amazes me how good with words some authors are, and how much they can affect the reader. I remember thinking I'd read "just a chapter" of a fic and I got so into it I stayed up until like 6 am reading all 20+ chapters of it. Luckily that one wasn't terribly sad but still. :rainbowderp:

I also read one about Scootaloo dying, and coming to terms with it as the reaper led her to the afterlife...

I swear some of these authors are just here to emotionally harm us readers. :pinkiesad2:

I think I know what Celestia fic you're talking about. Can't remember the name though.
And that Scoots one sounds familiar too.
Muahaha, clearly I need to write more emotionally damaging fics!


NOOOoooo Don't do it... [DO ET :pinkiecrazy:]

Seriously though, if they're done right they can be really good. A few stories I read (such as that Celestia one) had me hardly able to breathe ><

>>thejayowl I... think I love you. I'm gonna go throw myself at the ground and miss.
References aside, I truly enjoyed this fic. Thanks for writing.

I know I'm late to the game, but I just wanted to say how much I loved this story. Your Dash is spot on, and I love a well written AppleDash story where neither of them end up running away to the Everfree Forest.

Sweet and funny. Awesome job. :ajsmug:

112325 *explodes 42 times in a row, because references to awesome things*

1387830 If this the first pony fiction you wrote, this is a damn good first try; as I've stated before, this fic could be considered an official episode, just with a more adult theme. I have not words to describe just how much you should continue writing things like this, for you can only get better: you have great potential as an author. :twilightsmile:

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