• Published 23rd Dec 2011
  • 13,764 Views, 231 Comments

The Colours of the Rainbow - DawnFade

Rainbow Dash comes to terms with something about herself. AppleDash

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Chapter 4

Rainbow Dash felt her heart lift as soon as Cloudsdale came into sight. Those misty towers, that rainbow stream, it all felt well and truly like home. Her birthplace had changed very little since the last time she saw it. Though considering that was just a few weeks ago, she wasn't too surprised. Pegasus ponies flitted around the floating city like bees around their hive, buzzing about their daily duties. Oh, how she envied them.

As she approached, a large storm cloud was pumped out of the weather factory, drifting lazily in the direction of Manehattan. Around twenty Pegasus ponies flew by its side, guiding the unthinking mist with little nudges and prods. Dash smiled as she imagined the prim and proper ponies of Manehattan getting soaked, especially their shocked expressions and cries of "I say!" and "Goodness me!" The nobles could use a little rain on their parades, in her opinion.

The antlike Pegasus ponies grew larger, and soon she was amidst the bustling crowds and white roads. The design of Cloudsdale was, quite simply, ingenious. Several massive clouds had been joined together hundreds of years ago by a determined group of ponies. They numbered less than fifty, but the spirit of the old colonists lived in their hearts.

Ponies had spread across Equestria and settled every type of terrain imaginable, but nopony had ever tried to settle the sky. It took two years to finish the base of the city and another six months to finish the original buildings, grand halls and auditoriums with gleaming pillars. A city carved from the clouds themselves, it quickly attracted some wandering bands of restless Pegasus ponies who were delighted to finally have a place befitting their ability. Even Canterlot paled in comparison at the time.

Over the following decades, the growing number of residents built their own little houses out of the ample cloud, slowly becoming the city it was meant to be. Dash knew all this thanks to flight school. Most of the stuff they tried to teach her was boring as hay, but the history of Cloudsdale struck a chord in her. She felt like the ancient builders were her brothers and sisters, their tale of boldness and dedication was part of what made her who she was today.

And that was why, when entering a quiet cafe, she felt so relaxed and peaceful. Pinkie was right; this was exactly what she needed. She ordered an apple pie and sat down at an inside table, tucked into the corner of the cafe. The pie would likely not compare to Applejack's in quality, but that was to be expected. What she didn't expect as the pie was delivered, however, was that her particular choice of food would attract the most unlikely of ponies.

"You gonna eat all of that, Rainbow?" said Soarin' as he approached her table. Dash's jaw dropped.

"Or should I call you Dash?" he continued, either unaware or unfazed by her stunned silence. Dash's mouth worked, attempting to say something, anything, but all it emitted was a crooked, high pitched whine. Soarin' smiled at that, sitting down beside her without invitation. Not that Dash was in any state to object.

"You weren't this star struck at the Best Young Flier competition, and that was much more stressful than sitting in a cafe. What's up?" The Wonderbolt casually shoved a large piece of pie into his mouth.

"I-you...What are you doing here?! I-I don't mean that in a disrespectful way or anything, but this cafe seems a little low-key for someone of your...godlike...status..." Dash finally replied. Soarin' shrugged nonchalantly.

"This is where I grew up. My ma and pa own the shop, you see. So really, I should be asking you that question. The great Rainbow Dash, only pony ever known to do a Sonic Rainboom, sitting in my parent's cafe eating pie." All of a sudden, Soarin' lost that celebrity aura. She was able to look past the rose-tinted idolisation she had associated with him and saw the Wonderbolt for what he really was. Just a friendly guy looking for a chat and some lunch. She grinned, awkwardness forgotten.

"I just thought I'd pay Cloudsdale a visit and chill out for a few hours, you know?" She took a piece of pie for herself. Soarin' nodded as he chewed.

"I can respect that. To be honest, the whole celebrity lifestyle is starting to get a little...superficial."

"What does that mean?"

"I don't know, but Spitfire sounded mighty angry when she said it," he replied with a smile that Dash returned. They ate comfortably in silence for a few moments, savouring the flavour. It definitely wasn't as good as Applejack's, but it sure came close. Soarin' finished a mouthful with a satisfied burp and wiped his hoof across his mouth.

"So what sort of problems could there be in Ponyville to cause a pony like yourself to get stressed? I admit, I always thought it was just non-stop fun and games for that particular town," he said. Dash was so relaxed she didn't even hesitate before answering.

"The town's fine, I'm just having some love life issues." Soarin's interest seemed to be piqued.

"Yeah? Some colt getting your insides a-tumble, eh? Happens to the best of us."

"Well... It's not really anyone specific; at least I don't think it is, not yet. And, um, it's not really the colts that are the problem." It felt oddly freeing saying that out loud. Soarin' went quiet for a moment, but she didn't take it back. She looked him straight in the eyes and found a glint of mischief staring back.

"It's cool, I get ya. I take it this is a new discovery for you?"

"Yeah, pretty much. Could you maybe keep your voice down a bit? I'm still sorta coming to terms with it," Dash kept her voice lowered as well, and gave a grateful smile when Soarin' nodded in understanding.

"So Rainbow Dash likes the fairer sex, eh?" he whispered, "I can see why..." He gazed around the shop at some of the mares, the mischievous look accompanied by a small smile. A waiter approached their table and Dash was surprised to realise the pie was gone. Soarin' watched the waiter leave with the crumb-littered plate, expression unchanging. Dash's heart beat a little faster.

"What did you mean," she began, "When you said problems with colts 'happen to the best of us'?"

Soarin' winked at her, exciting Dash even further. She leaned forward eagerly.

"Are you-" she started, but was cut off by a quick shh from the Wonderbolt.

"Easy on the volume, Rainbow!" he hissed.

"Sorry! But are you?" she couldn't resist asking again. Soarin' moved closer to her, whispering faintly so only Dash could hear.

"Don't make me say it. I don't like having to give it a name. I just...I don't see anything wrong with mares or colts. Both seem perfectly fine to me." Dash could barely contain herself at the other pony's admission, a big, dumb grin splitting her face.
"Don't you go spreading my business around, ok? I have a reputation to maintain."

"You and me both, Soarin'. I'll keep yours if you keep mine?"

"Deal." They spat on their hooves and squished them together in the old earth pony way.

"Listen, I know you must be a little muddled up right now, so here's some advice," the Wonderbolt said, "It's fine to keep it a secret and just live day by day. That's what I do. If it keeps you happy and stress free, then there's no reason to tell everypony and risk getting a bad reaction." Dash thought that made sense. "But," he added, "if it starts to eat at you, or it becomes too hard to keep it secret then you have to let somepony know. It ain't healthy living like that."

"Thanks for the advice. You're a lot smarter than you look, Soarin'," Dash said with a smile that the other pony returned.

"I liked having lunch with you, Rainbow Dash. If I'm ever in town when you're in town again, then I'll pay for another pie." The pony stood to leave.

"I think that would be an awesome idea. I'll see you around, Wonderbolt."

"And I you, Rainboom." He gave her a final smile and left the cafe. With a puff of smoke, Soarin' took to the sky and lived up to his name. Dash took a moment to place a few bits on her table to pay for the food before exiting the shop and launching herself into the blue as well.

The sun had moved a fair amount since she arrived and it was only an hour or two away from setting. She decided to make for Ponyville straight away so she didn't get caught in the night sky.

Well today sure has been eye-opening. Soarin' has the right idea, though. Take each challenge as it comes, like a Wonderbolt.

Ponyville beckoned.