• Published 29th Sep 2021
  • 2,086 Views, 121 Comments

The Mane Seven Adventures of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix - RedSoarDash

Join the Main Seven as they help save the worlds with Sora, Donald, and Goofy.

  • ...

Chapter 12 Time to enter Hollow Bastion!

After the events of 100 Acre Wood, everyone visited the old worlds in order to get some items and to train some more. They even visited some old friends before. Then they are finally ready to take on Hollow Bastion. Red however is very nervous about going there. Twilight noticed and went to talk with him.

"You okay Red," asked Twilight.

Red looks at her and answered, "Yeah I'm okay. It's just... I'm worried that something bad will happen to us. It's just a bad feeling to me."

Twilight tells him, "Don't worry. It will be okay. All we have to do if stop Maleficent, bring back Riku, and we'll find a way to be back to our own world."

Red thinks about what she said and trusts her. Then they notice that they have arrived in Hollow Bastion. They drop off and entered the world.

Hollow Bastion

"Gawrsh! look at that," exclaims Goofy as he points at the castle.

Rainbow Dash mutters, "Woah..."

Applejack asks Rarity, "Rarity? Since you were forced to follow them, can ya tell us how to get to where Maleficent is?"

Rarity answers, "Sorry but Star Mage never showed me around. I'm guessing it's in case I might betray her."

Sora then said, "I think I know this place..."

Pinkie Pie asked, "You do?"

Sora nodded and answered, "I don't know... It's just this warmth inside in me..."

Donald then said, "Aw you're just hungry."

Pinkie Pie then said, "You should eat something Sora."

Sora then exclaimed, "Hey I'm serious!"

That was when they heard a strange growl. This starts to make them get up.

Riku and Star Mage was there already and they were talking to a strange beats like creature named Beast.

Riku said, "He took no vessel and no help from the heartless to get here."

Star Mage nodded and said, "That's interesting. So how did you get here?"

Beast then answered, "I simply believed. Nothing more to it. When our world fell into darkness, Belle was taken from me. I vowed I would find her again no matter what the cost. I believed I would find her. So, here I am. She must be here. I will have her back!"

Riku then yelled, "Take her if you can!"

Beast growls and went to attack them, but them dodge and counter back. Their attacks were able to take him out.

Sora yelled, "Stop!"

They notice they were approaching.

Riku said, "So you finally made it."

Star Mage also said, "Ah if it isn't the traitor."

Rarity glared at her.

Riku continued, "I've been waiting for you. We've always been rivals, haven't we? You've always pushed me as I've always pushed you."

Red looks at Riku and said, "Would you stop this?! This isn't what Kairi wants!"

Pinkie Pie also yelled, "Yeah! Sora would never replace you!"

Riku told him, "It's already too late. He brought this on himself. But it all ends here. There isn't enough room for five keyblade masters."

Sora was confused, "What? What are you talking about?"

Star Mage said, "What he means is... let the keyblades choose... it's true masters!"

Sora, Red, and Twilight struggled as their keyblades were faded away and went to Riku and Star Mage.

Everyone but Riku and Star Mage yelled, "WHAT?!"

Star Mage said, "Thank you for the delivery you fools."

Riku said, "Maleficent was right. You don't have what it takes to save Kairi. It's up to me. Only the Keyblade master can open the secret door... and change the world."

Sora was confused and said, "But that's impossible. How did this happen? We're the ones who fought our way here with the Keyblades!"

Riku said, "You're just the delivery people. Your part's over now. Go play hero with this."

He threw a wooden sword at Sora as he fell to the ground giving up.

Donald then looks at Goofy and said, "Goofy. Let's go. We have to remember our mission."

Goofy then said, "Oh! Well, I know the king told us to follow the key and all... But..."

Twilight looks at them and asks, "Wh-what are you guys doing?"

Donald and Goofy start to walk.

Pinkie Pie was upset and yelled, "B-but Sora's your friend! Red and Twilight were your friends! How could you do this?!"

Rainbow Dash yelled, "After everything they done to you... You really leave them like this?!"

Donald said sadly, "Sorry..." Then him and Goofy ran on ahead.

Rainbow Dash said, "I can't believe those jerks! Some friends they are!"

Applejack calms her and said, "It's okay Rainbow Dash. It's their choice to follow their king. Even if it is messed up."

Red sits down as he looks down. He doesn't know what to do. He lost the keyblade, the weapon that was chosen to him. Was it all meant for nothing?

Then they all notice Beast started walking while in pain.

Sora rushed to him and said, "Don't move. You're hurt."

Beast started to ask, "Why... Why did you...you come here? I came to fight for Belle. And though I am on my own, I will fight. I won't leave without her. That's why I'm here."

Sora looks as he grabs the wooden sword and was determined to save Kairi.

"Me too. I'm not gonna give up now. I came here to find someone very important to me," said Sora.

Red's friends looked at him as he felt upset and sad at what happened.

Fluttershy asked, "Are you okay?"

Red answered, "I...I don't know. It's like the keyblade didn't choose us... Why.... Just why..."

Tears started forming from his eyes. He was upset at what happened. Why did the keyblade even choose him? It doesn't make any sense.

Rainbow Dash then said, "Red quit crying. It isn't like you to cry at something like this."

"But without the keyblade... how can I help all the worlds," asked the red stallion.

She responded to him, "Did you really think that the keyblade got you here? Dude, YOU brought you here. You were determined to find us. You were determined to help people! It's because of you that we're here together."

Red thinks about this as he wipes his tears. Did he still have the strength to stop Maleficent? Maybe he needs to keep trying. After coming this far, he can't give up like this.

"You're right... I can't give up now. Even without the keyblade... I can still help stop Maleficent," said Red as he has his determined look again.

They smile at him as they are impressed by him.

They then head inside the castle to find a way in. When they reached the entry gates, it was shut.

Pinkie Pie said, "The gate is shut."

Fluttershy asked, "So what can we do now?"

Red then said, "Maybe we can look around the place for a key."

They walk around the place in order to find a way to get the gate open.

They entered a new area as it was blocked by a stone gate.

Sora said, "I don't think we're strong enough to break it."

Suddenly Beast walks to them.

"Step aside," said him as he charge and break the stone gate.

Sora nods and said, "Thanks Beast."

They head on further to look for a way to get the front gate open.

Meanwhile, Maleficent starts to wave her staff as she starts to speak. There she is with seven of the princesses of heart. Two of which, Sora and the others have met, and the others that they haven't met before. Kairi was even there but was laying in a coffin.

"O purest of hearts! Reveal to me the Keyhole," said Maleficent.

Strange lights appeared from the princesses as it starts to form into a strange beam of light.

Back with the others, they finally found the switch to the front gate. Then they headed back to the front entrance.

When they went inside, they start to feel something bad coming their way.

Beast said to them, "Be on your guard. They're close, I can feel it. Are you ready for them?"

Twilight nodded and said, "We are."

As they walk forward, Beast stops and turns to see one of the princesses, that had brown hair and wore a yellow dress.

She then reveals to actually be a heartless. This makes him angry as he charge at the heartless, but the doors have closed on him.

Red said, "Oh great. I knew this was a trap."

Then they turn to see Riku, Star Mage, Goofy, and Donald there.

Riku said, "Quit while you can."

Sora countered, "No. Not without Kairi."

Riku changed into a new outfit that showed he chose darkness.

"The darkness will destroy you," said Riku as he glared at them.

Star Mage said, "Give up now and leave us. Then we'll think about letting you all live."

Twilight said, "We won't give up."

Star Mage growled, "You don't have a keyblade! The darkness will kill you all."

Sora said, "You're wrong! The darkness may destroy our bodies, but it can't touch our hearts. Our hearts will stay with our friends. It'll never die!"

Riku scoffed and said, "Really... Well, we'll just see about that!"

He launched a dark firaga at Sora as the others were about to help Sora, but Star Mage stopped them with dark aeroga.

She said, "Don't get in the way."

Fluttershy muttered, "N-No. Sora is gonna get hurt."

As the dark firaga was getting close, something blocked it.

It was Goofy's shield as he defended Sora.

"Sora ain't gonna go anywhere," exclaimed Goofy as he defended Sora.

Star Mage groaned in frustration, "Are you kidding me?!"

Riku asked, "You'd betray your king?"

Goofy answered, "Not on your life! But I'm not gonna betray Sora, Red, and Twilight either, 'cause they've become some of my best buddies after all we've been through together!"

They were shocked that Goofy would do this for them.

Goofy turns to Donald and said, "See ya later Donald. Could ya tell the king I'm really sorry?"

Donald replied, "Hold on Goofy! We'll tell him together!"

Donald rushed to them and looks up at them.

"Well you know... All for one and one for all," said Donald.

Rainbow Dash exclaimed, "About time you guys!"

Goofy looks at her and said, "Sorry. We wouldn't want to make the king upset."

Rainbow Dash sighed and said, "It's fine. Just don't do that again."

Pinkie Pie then hugged Donald too tightly as a way to show that she forgave him.

"Thanks for coming back Donald! Guess you're more than a grumpy duck huh," said Pinkie Pie as Donald was struggling to get off.

Goofy then told them, "I guess you're stuck with us."

Red smiles and said, "Thanks for coming back guys."

Twilight nods and said, "Yeah... We were worried when you ditched us like that."

Riku asked them, "How will you fight without a weapon?"

Sora answers, "I know now we don't need the Keyblades. We've got a better weapon. Our hearts."

Star Mage looks at them deadpanned and said, "....You can't be serious..."

Riku laughed slightly and asked, "Your heart? What good will that weak little thing do for you?"

Twilight glared and said, "Maybe if you weren't such a jerk to us then you would know!"

Red says, "Even though our hearts may be weak... they're not alone. They've grown with each new experience, and it's found a home with all the friends we've made."

Twilight starts to say, "We've become a part of their heart just as they've become a part of ours. The friendship we made with them is something we won't ever forget."

Sora then continued, "And if they think of us now and then...if they don't forget us...then our hearts will be one. We don't need a weapon. My friends are my power!"

Their friends were impressed by what they said. Then they smile and stand with them.

Riku and Star Mage starts laughing until their keyblades disappear from them.

Riku said, "Wh-What?!"

The keyblades went back to Sora, Twilight, and Red.

Star Mage backed up as she starts running off.

Rarity sees this and chases after her.

"Oh no you don't," yelled Rarity as she chases after her.

They were about to go get rarity until the exits were blocked.

Riku summoned his dark sword and charged at them.

He rushed to slash Sora, but he blocked the attack.

They try to help Sora, but Riku slashed them away from him. He jumps over to get behind Applejack as he slashed her.

She got hit but Red rushed in and attack him.

Twilight gave a few strikes, but Riku blocked and countered. Then he slashed through Pinkie Pie and it made her unconscious.

Donald decides to use blizzard, but Riku countered by using dark firaga and it knocked out Donald.

Goofy bashed into Riku as it pushed him to Rainbow Dash and then she kick him hard.

Riku growled and used dark firaga again. This was able to hit Rainbow Dash, but she was still able to keep fighting.

Fluttershy uses potions to heal Donald and Pinkie Pie.

Sora and Red then worked together to use a dual ars arcanum attack Riku.

Then attack him together without holding back.

Then they used dual sonic blade to dashed into him repeatedly until he was finished.

Riku groans in pain as he starts to run off into another room away from them.

The others looked to see that Beast was walking towards them.

"So your heart won this battle," said Beast as the keybearers nodded at him.

Applejack said, "We should hurry to find Maleficent.

Rainbow Dash asked, "What about Riku? He still is trouble."

Sora answered, "We'll still handle him."

Fluttershy asked, "What about Rarity? Star Mage is gonna hurt her."

Red tells her, "Don't worry. We'll go find her."

They then started walking through the door where Riku went.

Riku was close to where Maleficent was being held.

He looks down and asked himself, "Why? It was mine."

Suddenly, he started to hear a voice.

"Know this. The heart that is strong and true shall win the Keyblade," said the voice.

Riku turns to who said it and notice someone in a brown coat.

He asked, "What? You're saying my heart's weaker than his?"

"...For that instant, it was. However, you can become stronger. You showed no fear in stepping through the door to darkness. It held no terror for you. Plunge deeper into the darkness and your heart will grow even stronger," said the voice"

Riku asked, "What should I do?"

The voice then says, "It's really quite simple. Open yourself to the darkness. That is all. Let your heart, your being become darkness itself."

Riku then starts getting a yellowish green aura around him as he was starting to change.

Back with the Rarity, she was busy chasing Star Mage as they were in a large area.

"You could've had anything you ever want. You could've been fulfilled. Why would you ever choose friendship over amazing desires," said Star Mage as she glared at her.

Rarity glared and gets in her stance ready to fight. Then she said, "The only amazing desire I have right now are my friends. Even my new friends that helped me back in Monstro. They could've chose to not listen me or believe me, but they forgive me and believed in me. I would never side with you."

"What a FOOL," exclaimed Star Mage as she blasted her with magic.

It causes her to flew back and landed on the ground. Luckily, her friends made it as they saw what happened.

They all rushed in to help Rarity.

Twilight yelled, "Leave her alone!"

"Twilight Sparkle... and her team of meddling ponies. Finally we meet again after Monstro. Now I will finally destroy you," said the mare as she used dark aeroga to push everyone but Twilight, Red, and Rarity out.

Red uses cura on Rarity while they were standing against Star Mage.

Twilight had enough of her as she wanted some answers.

"Okay you know what? Why is it that you hate me so much? What did I ever do to you? Because we never even met before until this whole adventure started," said the element of magic.

Star Mage glared as she starts to explain herself.

"You see... It was supposed to be ME instead of you. I was Princess Celestia's student," exclaims her as Twilight was shocked by this and even more confused.

The other ponies were very shocked by this.

Pinkie Pie asked while shocked, "Wh-what?! I-I just- How?!"

Rainbow Dash glared and didn't believe her for a second.

She told her, "You're lying! You're just saying this just to trick Twilight!"

Star Mage replied, "Oh but this isn't just a ordinary lie. This is the actually truth."

Applejack then asked, "If you really are Princess Celestia's student, then why didn't ya stay with her?"

Star Mage answers, "It was from when I was just a filly in Canterlot. I was handed such amazing power. When Princess Celestia chose me, she notice it and wanted me to show it. The power she saw in me was darkness. It was amazing. I want to use it to help people, but she didn't wanna agree with it! She told me my power would be too dangerous. It makes me angry and caused me to lose my anger! She could've helped me control it to make it better! Then she just...left me! All alone! Abandoned me!"

Twilight then asked, "If what you say is true then why didn't you come to us? We could've helped you out."

"Like you will all believe me. You would rather listen to your princess than me. But it doesn't matter. Because right now, I'm done with you," said the mare as her aura is getting surrounded in darkness.

A keyblade appears in her mouth as she glared at Twilight. Then she charge at her to attack.

Twilight rushed and clashed her keyblade with hers. The two struggle together and then stopped.

Star Mage hurried and did a very fast combo. Twilight gets hit, but recovers and used aero and blew her back.

Then Twilight uses thundaga against her. Star Mage blocks and then flies towards Twilight to do dark sonic blade. Twilight managed to block some hits, but she gets hit by the rest of the strikes.

"Ready to give up 'princess?' Or you really wanna die that much," asked Star Mage as she smirks at Twilight evilly.

Twilight gets back up and glared at her. "I won't ever give up Star Mage," said the princess as she didn't back down.

Twilight tries using blizzaga to get her frozen, but it didn't work as Star Mage blocks it. Twilight then rushed to her to attack her. She successfully attack her, but Star Mage recovered and strike her back.

Twilight then used Aeroga to send a strong wind at her and used thundaga to stun her.

Star Mage was very angry with her as her horn charges up with a dark aura. Twilight notices this and backs up slightly. Then Star Mage launches the dark beam at her and it hurts her critically.

Twilight was on the ground as she was struggling get back up. Star Mage slowly walks up to her and aims her horn.

"Too bad Twilight Sparkle. You or Rarity would've been such a great asset to Maleficent's goal," said the mare as she was about to finish her off.

But then suddenly someone spoke to her. "Leave my friend alone," said Rarity as she got up and glares at the evil mare.

She chuckles to herself and stare at the element of generosity.

Then she said, "Like you can stop me. Remember who took some of your magic from you. All you are is just a liability to your friends. So back off."

Rarity steps forward and glares at her.

"I don't care if I'm not as strong as before... I can't let you get away with this," said Rarity.

Star Mage smirks and uses the beam on Rarity as it makes her get hurt.

Twilight sees this and yells, "N-no! Let her go!"

Rarity was on the ground as she struggles to get back up.

When Star Mage was about to finish her off, a flash of light blow her back as she gets back up.

She was blind for a second. Then when her eyes widened she was shocked to see what is happening. When Twilight sees what Star Mage is looking at, her eyes widened also.

Rarity gets up and starts feeling something in her mouth. When she looks she sees that she has a strange weapon in her mouth.

It was nothing other than a keyblade. The teeth and keychain were shaped like gems and colored in light blue, the handle was purple like her mane, and the blade part of white.

Rarity couldn't believe what she saw. Neither can her friends. Star Mage was shocked and angry.

"H-How? How the hell did you get a keyblade," exclaimed the pony.

Rarity was too distracted and shocked by her keyblade to even listen to Star Mage. Star Mage noticed this and charge at her to attack. Once she got close, Rarity notice and quickly slashed back.

It quickly caught her off guard as Rarity accidentally slashed her when she got startled.

While this happened, Twilight uses cura on herself and Rarity. They were both almost fully healed. But they were healed enough to be standing and ready to fight again.

Star Mage growl in anger as she unleashed a dark wave at them.

They both dodged quickly. Twilight uses blizzaga at her to get her frozen and Rarity rushed to her and slashed very hard.

It breaks her out of the ice and Star Mage fights against Rarity. She was able to give Rarity a lucky hit, but Twilight got in a hit to her.

"You damn fools," exclaimed the pony angrily as she tries to shoot them with a dark beam.

They dodge and both strike at Star Mage. Then they did sonic blade together and it manages to finish her off.

She groans in pain and struggles and stand. Then she summons a dark corridor and was about to leave.

"Star Mage," said Twilight as she looks at her.

She continues, "You can come with us. We can talk to Princess Celestia for you and help you."

Star Mage glared and said, "Like I would believe someone like you. Go to hell Twilight Sparkle."

She exits into the corridor and it closes. Twilight watches and felt guilty.

Rarity asks Twilight, "Are you okay Twilight?"

Twilight sighed before looking at Rarity and answered her, "I'm okay Rarity. Are you okay though? That was almost too close."

"I am alright Twilight. Thanks to you and this keyblade that was handed to me," said Rarity as her keyblade escaped from her mouth.

The others finally gotten up as the barrier surrounded the area has been turned off.

Red told them, "Thank Celestia you guys are okay."

Pinkie Pie then exclaimed happily, "Did we forget the fact that rarity has a keyblade?! It was so cool how you fought that pony!"

Applejack asked, "How did ya get that keyblade anyway?"

Rarity shrugs as she didn't possibly know.

"I'm not quite sure Applejack. I guess it was when Star Mage was about to finish off Twilight. Then suddenly I have this. And wow this keyblade looks so amazing. No offense, your keyblades look great as well, but this looks very dashing," said Rarity.

This makes Red, Sora, and Twilight chuckled slightly.

Donald then asked, "What about Star Mage? She still escaped."

Twilight looks at him before answering, "Let's just leave her. Maybe we'll run into her again."

She seemed very sad that Star Mage was like this. Maybe it was her fault like she said. Twilight then starts moving on as the others start following her.

Back with Maleficent, Riku walked forward to her as the pathway to the keyhole in front of them.

"So, I see the path has emerged at last," said Riku as his voice seemed different.

Maleficent answered, "Yes. The Keyhole to the darkness."

Riku-Ansem chuckled before telling her, "Unlock it and the Heartless will overrun this world."

Maleficent scoffed and said, "What do I care? The darkness holds no power over me. Rather, I will use its power to rule all worlds."

"Such confidence," said Riku as he summoned a keyblade that has the blade black and the handle red.

Maleficent was surprised by this reveal, but also impress that he has a keyblade like this.

They waited for something to happen but... nothing seems to be happening.

Maleficent was upset as she exclaimed, "Impossible! The princesses of heart are all here!"

Then she turns to Kairi and said, "It must be her."

After walking to Kairi, who was unconscious still, Riku told her, "Without her heart, she will never be able to release her power."

Suddenly they heard a strange growl that was familiar to the one that was heard from before.

Maleficent said, "The king's fools are here. Looks like the pony has failed to stop them. I'll deal with them myself. You stay here and guard the princesses."

She then starts walking forth to find the keyblade wielders and their friends.

After moving through the castle they notice that they were close to another room. When they entered, they see Maleficent. It seems like they were waiting for her.

Fluttershy ask them, "Is that...Maleficent?"

Red nodded as he glared at the dark fairy.

Rainbow Dash then asked, "Hey where did Beast go?"

Goofy answered, "He said that he wanted to look for someone named Belle in the castle."

Sora then said, "Then we have to handle this ourselves then."

They walk forward as Maleficent smiles at them.

Maleficent told them, "I'm afraid you're too late. Any moment now, the final Keyhole will be unsealed. This world will be plunged into darkness. It is unstoppable."

Twilight said sadly, "No... She's gonna bring this world to darkness..."

Rainbow Dash exclaimed, "Then we'll stop it!"

Red yelled, "There is no way we'll let you get away with this!"

Sora then exclaimed, "After coming this far, there's no way we're gonna let that happen!"

"You poor, simple fools. You think you can defeat me? Me, the mistress of all evil," said Maleficent as she made the platform below her start floating.

Rainbow Dash tries flying towards her as Maleficent quickly used thundaga to stun her.

Then she summons defender heartless to help guard her.

Applejack tries kicking, but all it did was only hit their shields. They bashed into her and she got hit.

Goofy bashes into the defender as it gets knocked back, but it tries to fight back against Goofy.

Donald then uses thundara against the defender that stunned Applejack. It was able to weaken the heartless.

Then Pinkie Pie kicks it to finish it off.

Sora said, "We got to get her down."

"I got it! Gravity," exclaimed Donald as he uses gravira to bring her down.

The spell made the platform crashed down. Maleficent struggled to keep her balance.

This makes Red rushed to her to give some attacks to the dark fairy.

It was able to effect Maleficent. Then she sent out many thunder strikes down at them.

The lightning attacks hit them repeatedly. After they recovered, Twilight and Rarity rushed to attack Maleficent. They were able to give out plenty of good strikes at her.

Then Red finally strikes down Maleficent. She was in pain and holding her chest. Then she summoned a dark portal where she walked into.

Pinkie Pie exclaimed, "Haha! We did it! We stopped Maleficent!"

Applejack then said, "Ah don't think so Pinkie Pie."

Pinkie Pie was confused on what she meant.

Red said, "She's right Pinkie Pie. I feel like.... She isn't done yet."

They then headed through the portal. Maleficent was in the other side as she was groaning in pain.

Riku walked through another portal and saw the dark fairy in pain.

He asked, "Do you need some help?"

When the others arrived, they notice Riku is there. But they also saw a keyblade in his hand. This makes them shocked.

Red said to himself, "No way...."

Donald said, "Is that..."

Riku nods and explains, "Yes. A Keyblade. But unlike yours, this Keyblade holds the power to unlock people's hearts. Allow me to demonstrate... Behold!"

He stabbed Maleficent with the keyblade and it made her gasp. Soon she wasn't feeling pain anymore.

Riku then said, "Now, open your heart, surrender it to the darkness! Become darkness itself!"

Maleficent glowed a green fiery aura around her. Then she said, "This is it! This power! Darkness... The true darkness!

The fire burst into her as she starts to transform. When she finally finished transforming, the others were shocked at what she changed into. It was a black dragon with yellow eyes, breathing out fire.

They start backing up slightly.

Rainbow Dash exclaimed, "Holy Celestia!"

Donald yelled, "Wak! Giant dragon!"

Fluttershy was very scared to see the dragon form of Maleficent near them.

The dragon roared and she seemed very angry.

Sora yells out, "Get ready guys!"

The dragon slammed down and created a shockwave. It makes everyone lose their balance slightly. But they get up and were ready to fight.

Donald casted aerora on him and everyone to give them great defense.

Applejack tries lassoing her head, but the dragon growled and slash her with her claws.

Rainbow Dash exclaimed, "Like some stupid dragon is gonna stop us!"

She flew onto the back of the dragon and tries stomping on it. Maleficent grabs the cyan color and starts squeezing her to death. Rainbow was struggling to keep her breath.

Pinkie Pie exclaims, "Oh no Rainbow Dash is in trouble!"

Sora hears her and uses strike raid by throwing his keyblade to get her free. The keyblade hit her claws and made her drop the cyan colored pony.

Rainbow Dash groans in pain as she gets back up. Twilight sees this and uses cura on her quick.

The dragon got more angry as it quickly slash everyone with her tail. Goofy barely block the attack. But the others got hit badly.

Fluttershy hurries and use a mega potion so that everyone can get healed. Then the dragon notices what she is doing.

She gets close and growls at her. It makes her freaked out. Red sees this and uses blizzard against Maleficent.

"You okay Fluttershy," said the stallion.

She nods fast at him. Then he rushed over to attack the head.

Rarity helps him out and attacks the head also.

The dragon got angry and then hits Rarity. The white mare managed to block and then countered.

Twilight hurried and attacks the dragon very fast.

The dragon was starting to get very furious as she breathes fire again. This time the fire got more dangerous and was spreading fast.

Donald says, "It's getting too close!"

Goofy flinched as a flame got too close to him. But suddenly, when he tried using the shield to defend himself, it didn't effect the shield.

"Woah... Looks fellas," said Goofy as they notice what happened.

Rainbow Dash said, "Wow Goofy. Your shield is really strong."

Twilight then had an idea, "Guys what if Goofy can lead us close to Maleficent so we can fight her."

Sora said, "That's a great idea Twilight."

Rarity says, "Well I'm okay with whatever plan we have darling as long as the fire doesn't come close to us!"

Everyone get behind Goofy as he starts running to Maleficent. The rest of them follow. Then Goofy jumped up and bashed into Maleficent's head which causes her to get stunned. Red, Sora, and Twilight notices that she was stunned as they charge at her.

They were able to slash her with one powerful, final strike. The dragon roared loud in pain as she struggled to keep standing. But couldn't be able to. Then she drop onto the ground.

Everyone panted heavily from fighting Maleficent. Soon she was starting to get covered in green fire. The thorns in her room also get covered in fire. Then the thorns and Maleficent disappeared. What was only left is Maleficent's robe.

Red panted heavily while saying, "It's.... It's over."

Pinkie Pie asked, "Are you sure... She could probably pop out at us any second."

Donald uses his staff to poke the robe. Nothing happened.

Donald said, "We did it! She's gone!"

Twilight smiles and said, "Now the worlds can be in peace again."

Sora says, "Yeah. Now we can go find Kairi and go talk to Leon."

Red also included, "Maybe we can celebrate us finally defeating her."

Pinkie Pie hears that and smiles as she said, "So what I'm hearing is...Party!"

They all start laughing with each other, until Applejack starts to notice something.

She said, "Uh guys. Ya need to see this."

They were confused and turned to her direction. They see a dark corridor opened. Out through it, came Riku.

He looks down at Maleficent's robe and said, "How ironic. She was just another puppet after all."

Everyone was confused on what he said.

Donald asked, "What?"

"The Heartless were using Maleficent from the beginning. She failed to notice the darkness in her heart eating away at her. A fitting end for such a fool," said Riku as he rubbed his foot on the robe.

Twilight asked while shock, "So... the heartless were behind all of this? And they used Maleficent...?"

Riku answered, "Exactly. If you guys are looking for Kairi, she's at the top."

Applejack asked, "I thought ya didn't want us to find her."

"Well... I'm not giving you the chance. Now hurry and go to her. She is dying to meet you Sora," said Riku as he went into the portal.

Everyone was staring in shock at what happened.

Until Twilight said, "Guys... Maybe that isn't Riku."

They looked at her confused.

Sora asked, "What do you mean?"

Twilight answered, "It's the way he acts. That new keyblade, the way he isn't phased by Maleficent dying, now he suddenly wants us to go to Kairi getting in our way."

Fluttershy asked, "So... You're saying someone is controlling him?"

"Probably but I don't know," said the princess of friendship.

Goofy then said, "His voice does seem very different. It was like something is inside of him."

Red then included, "Or someone maybe."

Sora listens to them and said, "It has to be Riku...We just need to talk to him."

They look at Sora and nodded as they went to find Riku again.

Later, they were in another room. When they start walking up the stairs, the barrier appeared and blocked off Goofy.

Then Sora sees Kairi and exclaims, "Kairi!"

He rushed to her and holds her as he tries to wake her up.

Sora said to her, "Kairi! Kairi! Open your eyes!"

Rainbow Dash asks, "Why isn't she waking up? Did Maleficent hurt her?"

Riku started to talk with them by saying, "It's no use. That girl has lost her heart. She cannot wake up."

Sora then hears the voice. Riku would never call Kairi as "that girl."

Sora gets up and says, "What? You... You're not Riku."

Riku then continued, "The Keyhole cannot be completed so long as the last princess of heart still sleeps."

This makes everyone shocked by the news.

Fluttershy asked, "Princess...?"

Red asked, "So Kairi's a princess this whole time?"

Riku nodded and explained, "Yes, and without her power, the Keyhole will remain incomplete. It is time she awakened."

Sora was very upset as he said, "Whoever you are, let Riku go! Give him back his heart!"

"But first, you must give the princess back her heart," said Riku as he aims his keyblade at Sora and it causes him pain. Then he fell to the ground in pain.

Donald yelled, "Sora!"

Rainbow Dash asked angrily, "Hey! What are you doing to him?"

Riku asked, "Don't you see yet? The princess's heart is responding. It has been there all along. Kairi's heart rests within you!"

Sora then questioned, "Kairi... Kairi's inside me?"

Riku then said, "I know all that there is to know."

Sora: groaned in pain and hold his chest. Then he asked, "Tell me. Who are you?"

What he answered made everyone shocked.

"It is I, Ansem, the seeker of darkness."

Everyone was very shocked by this.

Red said, "No way... He's Ansem...? There's no way."

Twilight also said, "I can't believe this..."

Donald shouts and went over to attack Riku-Ansem.

But all he did was, slap Donald out of the barrier.

Rainbow Dash glared at him as she was about to attack him.

"I'll teach you for hurting my new friend," exclaimed the cyan pony as she flies to him.

But he dodge very quickly and made her miss. She then flew through the barrier and hit a wall.

Applejack and Pinkie Pie hurried to help stop Ansem from getting to Sora, but he quickly used dark aeroga to blow them out of the arena.

Red glared at him as he looks at Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy. You better hurry and get out of the arena. Before he goes to hurt you," said Red as he didn't want her hurt.

She nods and hurried over to her friends to see if they are okay.

Riku-Ansem then said, "So, I shall release you now, Princess. Complete the Keyhole with your power. Open the door, lead me into everlasting darkness!"

Then he was gonna strike at Sora to get Kairi's heart. Sora continued to hold his chest as he didn't think of what to do. It would seem like he was gonna give up until he heard a voice called to him.

"Sora," said the voice as it turned out to be Kairi calling out to Sora.

Sora quickly block off the attack and glared at him.

"Forget it! There's no way you're taking Kairi's heart," said Sora as him, Red, Rarity, and Twilight were about to fight Riku-Ansem.

Rarity rushed to strike at him, but RIku-Ansem quickly countered to strike back at her. She got hurt and groaned.

Sora uses strike raid against him, but Riku-Ansem blocked quickly and dodge keyblade being thrown at him repeatedly.

Riku-Ansem strike at Sora very fast, but Sora blocked him barely.

Red used thunder to stun him, but it didn't work. So Red went over to attack him and he was able to give out a couple of strikes. Unfortunately, it didn't work for long.

Riku-Anseum charges at Red and slashed him quickly.

It makes Red go off balance. Then Riku-Ansem grabbed the stallion by the neck and started choking him.

He told him, "A pathetic horse like you won't be able to stop me."

Twilight uses aeroga to blow them off of Red.

Once he lets go, Rarity rushed over to attack him very fast.

He gets hit, but he recovers and attack her off. Then his hand glows of darkness. He gets very angry and throws his keyblade at Sora a few times.

Sora blocks the attacks and goes to strike back.

Twilight then starts to fly and uses sonic blade in midair. The attacks got to be a lot more powerful.

Riku-Ansem had enough as he slams down and send a shockwave at them.

It was able to hit Sora and Rarity, but Red and Twilight managed to dodge it quickly. They both rushed to strike at him very faster.

Twilight uses cura on Sora and Rarity to heal them.

Riku-Ansem then said, "Behold the power of oblivion!"

Twilight tells her friends, "Get ready guys!"

He rushed and strike at them which stunned them easily.

Then he hit the ground to send over shockwave at them. This hurts them critically.

Red said in pain, "Damn it..."

Then he uses dark aeroga to get the ponies away from Sora.

"Now perish," exclaimed Riku-Ansem as he starts dashing into Sora repeatedly. Then he stopped to slam down to send a shockwave.

Sora was barely standing from that powerful attack.

When Riku-Ansem was about to finish him off, Twilight and Red quickly use cura on Sora.

He gets his strength back and quick uses ars arcanum to launch very fast and strong attacks against him.

Then Sora did a final hit against him. It was able to finish him off and make him disappear.

Sora yelled out, "Riku!"

Twilight asked, "Is he...?"

But just then, the other ponies and Donald and Goofy went up to the arena.

Donald called out to them by saying, "Guys look!"

Goofy also exclaimed, "The... The Keyhole!"

The keyblade wielders went over to the keyhole and try aiming their keyblades at it. But nothing happens.

Goofy said, "It won't work!"

Rainbow Dash asked, "Why? Doesn't it happen every time?"

Rarity suggested, "Maybe I didn't do it right."

Goofy then said, "No! The Keyhole's not finished yet!"

Sora asked, "What can we do then?"

"Maybe we've gotta go wake Kairi up," said Goofy as him and the others look at Kairi."

Twilight asked, "I think you're right. But we would need to free her heart."

Fluttershy asked, "But how? Ansem told us her heart is in Sora."

Sora was looking at the keyblade and wondered on what to do, until he had an idea.

He thought, 'A Keyblade that unlocks people's hearts... I wonder.'

Then Sora went over to Ansem's keyblade.

Goofy asked, "Sora?"

Pinkie Pie asked, "What are you doing?"

Then they notice what the brunette teen is gonna do and their eyes widened in shock.

Goofy yelled out, "Sora, hold on!"

Donald also yelled, "No, wait!"

Red exclaimed, "No Sora! There could be another way!"

Rainbow Dash yelled, "This isn't the way to go!"

Pinkie Pie also yelled, "Please Sora! Don't do it!"

Sora holds the keyblade in his hand and looks at his friends. He gave them a smile before he aims the keyblade at his chest and then stabs himself.

Soon, Sora was surrounded by an aura of light.

Soon the keyblade starts breaking into six pieces. Once the pieces break out they start flying over to the six princesses.

There was the ones they met and heard of: Jasmine, Alice, and Belle. Then the other ones who they didn't met: Cinderella, Snow White, and Aurora.

The final piece finally escapes from Sora and went over to her.

The piece went inside of Kairi as she was slowly waking up.

While Donald runs to Sora, he yelled, "Sora... Sora!"

Kairi sits up and starts to see Sora slowly falling down. She quickly realizes what's going on.

"Sora," exclaimed the red headed teen as she rushed over to Sora.

But when she tries to hold him, he disappeared in her arms.

Donald exclaimed, "Sora! Come back, Sora!"

Meanwhile in a dark abyss, Sora was slowly falling.

Sora said, "What's... What's happening to me? Falling... falling... into darkness."

Everyone watched as Sora had sacrificed himself to save Kairi.

Rarity asked sadly, "Is he really...gone?"

Applejack said sadly, "He...He is..."

They look down as Kairi had tears and didn't want to believe it.

Kairi exclaimed, "He can't be! I won't let him go!"

Then suddenly they heard a familiar voice. They look to see that Ansem has appeared in front of them.

He said, "So, you have awakened at last, Princess."

Red then said, "You're... You're Ansem like from your report aren't you?"

Ansem answers, "Yes. And I see you three are the keyblade masters that helped out the princess. But that won't matter. The Keyhole is now complete. You have served your purpose, Kairi. But now it's over."

Twilight yelled, "We won't let you hurt her!"

When he starts walking to them, Donald, Goofy, and the pony keyblade wielders get their weapons ready.

Donald exclaimed, "Don't make another move!"

Rainbow Dash glared and said, "We'll stop you!"

Goofy whispers to his friends and asked, "Do you think we can stop him all by ourselves?"

Donald nervously answers, "I-I don't know!"

When Ansem was about to attack them, suddenly something was stopping him.

He said to himself, "I-Impossible..."

Riku then finally appeared in front of him and tried to stop Ansem.

He groaned painfully and said, "No. You won't use me for this!"

Kairi said, "Riku!"

Riku tells them, "You've got to run! The Heartless are coming!"

Kairi nods as they start running away from Ansem quickly.

Goofy asked, "What about the Keyhole?!"

Rarity said, "Don't we need to close it?"

Donald yelled, "Let's just get out of here!"

They rushed out until a heartless spots them. It acted strange until it starts to chase after them.

When they got to the entrance, Kairi stopped and look back.

Pinkie Pie yelled, "Kairi hurry!"

Kairi exclaimed back, "I can't leave them behind!"

Donald told her, "We can't stay here!"

Kairi then runs over to them.

Fluttershy then starts noticing the heartless that was following them.

"G-Guys! A heartless," said Fluttershy as she points her hoof at it.

Applejack then said, "Seems like it's only a shadow."

Donald said, "I'll take care of him!"

Applejack mutters, "Of course you will feather butt..."

Donald was upset as he said, "I heard that!"

When the heartless got close, Donald bonks it on the head to stop it.

He yelled out, "Confounded Heartless! Get lost, will ya?"

The heartless didn't attack.

Red said, "This is strange. Why isn't it attacking us?"

Rainbow Dash then pushes the heartless with just one hoof.

"Maybe it's scared of us because it came here alone," said the cyan pony that chuckled.

Pinkie Pie suggested, "Maybe it's broken."

Fluttershy then said, "I'm uh... not sure heartless can be broken."

Then suddnely Kairi starts to ask, "Sora? Is that you?"

Everyone stared in shock at her.

Rarity asked, "Kairi was it? Are you sure you aren't just missing Sora?"

Kairi tells her, "No I'm serious. This feels like him."

When they went to talk with her, heartless appeared and surrounded them.

They went to fight them off and Kairi stayed with the heartless that was very close by to her.

Kairi told the heartless, "This time, I'll protect you."

When the heartless get close, they jump to her.

Kairi held onto the heartless and then a flash of light appeared. The others noticed and finally saw some of the heartless get killed. It was from Sora holding Kairi.

Sora told her softly, "Kairi, thank you."

Kairi looks up at him and said, "Sora..."

His friends saw him and said, "Sora!"

Just then more heartless appeared. But the Beast came out and roared out loud.

Beast tells them, "Go! Now!"

Sora yells, "Come with us!"

Beast tells him, "I told you before, I'm not leaving without Belle."

Twilight asked, "What about you?"

"I'll be fine! Now, go! The Heartless are coming," exclaimed Beast as the others nodded and escaped using the gummi ship.

Author's Note:

This was the longest chapter I ever did. Looks like Maleficent has been finally defeated. But now Ansem is the only one left. Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far.