• Published 29th Sep 2021
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The Mane Seven Adventures of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix - RedSoarDash

Join the Main Seven as they help save the worlds with Sora, Donald, and Goofy.

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Chapter 4 Lost in the Deep Jungle

After entering in Olympus Coliseum, our heroes have defeated the guardian of the underworld, Cerberus. Then have finally met with Applejack. Now they embark to try and find another world that they hope they can save it and find their missing friends.

"Wait...I'm confused sugarcube. Tell me again," asked Applejack as she was speaking with Red SoarDash, who was telling her everything that happened.

Red explains again, "Well you see that portal brought me and Twilight into another world called Traverse Town. We met Sora, Donald, and Goofy who also travels the worlds to find our friends and to defeat the weird creatures that we met. Which are called heartless. We've been to two worlds already and found you and Pinkie Pie."

"That's a lot to take in," said Applejack still amazed and shock by what he said.

Pinkie Pie, who finally recovered said, "Come on Applejack! It's so easy to handle all of that. We been through MUCH worse!"

Applejack keeps thinking and nods as she understands a little bit.

"And we also have keyblades," said Red as he summoned his own. Then he unsummoned it.

Twilight included, "They are able to help us defeat the heartless. Even help lock the keyholes. I just gotta see what else they can do."

Red left Twilight to explain to Applejack more. Then he went to see if they are approaching a new world. They seem to approach a jungle themed world.

Goofy said, "Hey Donald, maybe King Mickey's down there."

Red nodded and wondered if maybe this king, Sora's friends, or the rest of his friends would be here. They just have to check. That is until Donald refused.

"In a backwater place like that? No way! Let's move on," said Donald as he wants to move on.

Sora said, "Hold on Riku and Kairi might be down there. Let's just check it out."

Donald counters, "Forget it! We're on an important mission!"

Now Red was being involved in the argument. He told Donald, "Our friends could be here. We need to check it out Donald."

They kept on arguing and now Goofy, Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, and Pinkie Pie all watched them argue.

Goofy suggested, "Maybe we should try to stop them."

Applejack said, "If we do that then we mighta been arguing with them too."

Twilight nodded and noticed Pinkie Pie wasn't near them. She asked, "Guys where is Pinkie Pie?"

Pinkie Pie was at the controls and watched the arguing. She seems stressed as she didn't want them to argue, but she wasn't allowed to touched the controls.

Twilight was there and told her to wait a minute to think about it. The pink earth pony sighed as she agrees with Twilight. As she was about to get out of the pilot seat she accidentally tapped a button on the ship. This causes the ship to start rumbling and moving out of control.

The three looked up and to see Pinkie Pie pressed something on the ship. Donald runs up to the controls and notice that they were about to crash.

"WAK! I told you not to mess with the ship! Noooo," exclaimed Donald as they started falling down into the world. Everyone was screaming as the ship was crashing into the world.

Red soon remained conscious and on the ground. He gets up and notice he was in an abandoned treehouse. Then he spots Sora unconscious and tries to wake him up.

Red told him, "Sora wake up. Are you okay?"

"Ow...my head....Red? Where are we," asked Sora as he got up and looks to see that they are in the jungle world.

Red answered, "I don't know Sora..." But then they heard groaning from someone familiar.

They went to check and they see Twilight was also near them. She had gotten up and shaken her heard.

"Where am I," asked Twilight to herself. Then finally notice Sora and Red near her.

She said, "Sora? Red? Thank goodness you both are okay."

They nodded at her and was happy to see her, but then look around.

Sora asks out loud, "Donald? Goofy?"

No answer. Not even from Pinkie Pie and Applejack. However they were not alone. They were watched by someone... or something. It was a leopard named, Sabor.

It then jumped to attack them until something went ahead and blocked it off with his spear. It seems to be a brown haired male with a loincloth. He was able to fend off the leopard. Sora, Red, and Twilight notice this and was shocked to see the stranger.

The stranger said, "Sabor, danger."

Red told him, "Uh...thank you?"

The stranger replied, "Thank you."

They look at each other before looking at the stranger.

Sora asked, "Okaaay...where did the others go?"

Twilight asked, "We got separated from our friends. Have you seen them?"

Sora then tried to explain, "Friends..."

Tarzan replied, "Friends."

They were happy he seems to be getting it or at least kinda understand it.

Sora then explained, "Right our friends! There's four of them. The loud one of is Dona-"

He then stopped himself as he remembered the argument that he had with Donald. Twilight and Red both looked at him with concern. Does one argument really break up a friendship like this?

Then continued, "You know what? Nevermind. I'm looking for our friends. Riku and Kairi."

Red also said, "And some others. Like Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie."

The male replied, "Look for Riku, friends?"

Sora nodded and said, "Right."

The stranger said, "Kairi, friends? Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, friends?"

Sora then said, "Right."

"Friends, Here," said the stranger as he has hinted that Riku and Kairi might be here. Even the other ponies.

Sora asked, "Really?"

But then the stranger replied, "*&&X%. *&&X%. Friends here."

Red said, "Not sure if we understand, but show us. Take us to our friends.

The stranger then finally introduced himself. "Tarzan. Tarzan go."

Red greeted, "I'm Red Soardash."

Twilight greeted, "I'm Twilight Sparkle."

Sora then greeted, "And I'm Sora. Tarzan go, Sora, Red, Twilight go go."

Deep Jungle

In another part of the jungle world, the rest of the heroes was unconscious on the ground until they started waking up.

Goofy asked, "Gawrsh, where are we?" Unfortunately, no one had the answer for Goofy right now.

Applejack answered, "Ah don't know... This 'other world stuff' is so confusing."

Goofy then said, "I sure hope Red, Twilight, and Sora is okay."

When he said their names, it made Donald very upset because it reminded him of their argument.

He responded angrily, "Aw, who needs them? We can find the king without em!"

Applejack starts being upset now. Then she told him, "Ah don't think so duck. It doesn't matter what kinda argument y'all are havin'. We are going to find our friends."

Goofy included, "The king did say to follow the keys."

Donald then mutters, "Aw phooey..."

Pinkie Pie wakes up and looks around. "Where are we," asked the element of laughter.

Applejack was about to answer her, but Donald does instead. But it was in a more furious tone.

"We are in this jungle world all because of you ya big palooka," yelled Donald and Pinkie Pie was confused by this outburst.

Donald continued, "You made our ship crashed! I told you not to touch it!"

This makes Pinkie Pie upset and sad, but she chose to smile to hide her sadness. She said, "Sorry Donald. Had to get ya guys to calm down."

"Donald ya know she didn't mean to," said Applejack trying to get him to calm down.

Donald responded angrily, "If she does that again I will kick her off!"

This starts to make Pinkie Pie actually show her sadness and looked down in guilt.

Applejack shouted angrily, "That's enough!"

Donald glares at her and she glared. Goofy felt bad for the pink mare and tried to comfort her.

Pinkie Pie responded sadly, "Sorry. Just wanted to stop the arguing..."

Donald realizes maybe he was too harsh with her, but she needed to hear it. Then suddenly he felt like someone was watching them. When he turns he notice a female gorilla staring at him and they both screamed.

When the female gorilla starts to get away, she dropped some sort of piece. Goofy went to pick it up, then everyone notice that someone was coming towards them. It was some sort of hunter.

Back with the keyblade wielders, they followed Tarzan into a tent where they notice a woman in there.

Tarzan called out, "Jane."

"Tarzan," said the woman named, Jane. She then noticed the spiky haired boy, red stallion, and purple mare.

She asked, "Oh? Who's this?"

Sora answered, "Well...I'm-"

"Oh, you speak English. So then, obviously, you're not related to Tarzan. Are you here to study the gorillas," asked Jane.

But just then, the hunter from before answers for them. He answered, "Highly doubtful."

The hunter arrives with the rest of their friends.

Goofy yelled cheerfully, "Sora! Red! Twilight!"

Sora yelled cheerfully also, "Goofy! Donald!"

But then Donald and Sora remembered their argument from the gummi ship and get away from each other to shun each other.

Red told them, "Guys, now is not the time."

As much as he is mad at Donald, he has to focus more important on the mission to travel worlds and find their friends.

Twilight noticed Pinkie Pie was sad right now. She asked, "Are you okay Pinkie Pie? What's wrong?"

Applejack answered, "Ol' featherbutt here yelled at her."

Twilight and Red glared at Donald.

Donald was mad and responded, "She touched the ship after I told her not to!"

Red said, "Well maybe if you actually helped us find our friends like you promised then none of this would happen." Sora nodded and agree with Red

They were about to argue, until Twilight bring her hoof down. She yelled at the three of them, "None of this would happen if you guys didn't act like idiots and just try to solve this without fighting! We are on a mission to find our friends and travel to these worlds! EVERY WORLD! That means no being picky! No arguing!"

They look down and muttered, "Yes ma'am..."

Twilight panted and relax herself since she had to yell at them. She didn't have to yell, but she has to in order to keep the mission going.

Goofy awkwardly said, "Uh guys...look." He showed them the strange item that the female gorilla dropped.

Red asked, "What's that?"

Goofy answers, "A gummi block. It's the same stuff used to build our ship."

Applejack asked, "So, what does that mean?"

Donald answers, "It means that the king could be here. So, we've gotta work together to look for him. For now."

Sora also said, "Fine. I'll let you tag along. For now."

Twilight asked angrily, "What did I say?"

This makes them both worried and shut their mouths. Sora and the others went to talk to Jane.

She told them, "Apparently Tarzan was raised in the jungle by the gorillas. Communicating with him still isn't easy, but he's learning."

Twilight said, "That's very interesting and impressive. So was he speaking 'gorilla' then?"

Jane answered, "That's right. You're looking for your friends?"

Sora said, "He said they were here. And we couldn't exactly understand one word."

Jane then suggests, "Why don't we try this? We'll show Tarzan some slides and see if any of them match that word."

She then tries flipping through the slides with the projector. She stops at the final slide and it makes Sora very interested in it.

Goofy asked, "What's wrong Sora?"

Sora answered, "What? Um... nothing."

He thought, 'This place... It just looks so familiar. But how? I've never been off my island.'

Jane then asked, "Well Tarzan?"

Sora asked, "Where are our friends?"

Tarzan looks at Sora and he shook his head to show that he doesn't know.

Sora said, "Hey I thought-" He was cut off by the hunter named, Clayton.

He suggested, "That leaves just one place. Young man, we've been in this jungle for some time now. But we have yet to encounter these friends of yours. I'd wager they're with the gorillas. But Tarzan refuses to take us to them."

Jane said, "Really, Mr. Clayton. Tarzan wouldn't hide-"

Clayton cut her off and told tarzan, "Then take us there! Take us to the gorillas. Go-ril-las."

Tarzan wasn't sure about this, but looks at Sora, Twilight, and Red. He then nodded to agree with the idea.

He said, "Tarzan go see Kerchak."

Clayton then said, "He must be the leader. Perfect. I'll go along as an escort. After all, the jungle is a dangerous place."

This makes the group very suspicious of him as he starts to make a creepy smile.

Pinkie whispers to her friends, "Guys...I don't trust him."

Red whispers back, "You're right. Let's make sure to keep an eye on him."

They start continuing on into the jungle themed world. Through passing through it, they went through the vines and made it to where they see a group full of gorillas. Tarzan starts to speak to one of them, which is the leader.

Tarzan says to Kerchak, "Kerchak, please listen to me. I know the nesting ground is secret, but I trust them. You see, I want to help them because... because... well, they need us."

Goofy asked Donald quietly, "Uh... Did you get that?"

Donald answered, "No."

Pinkie Pie shushed them while they listen. The leader, Kerchak, refused and then notice something far in the distance. He and the other gorillas starts to head over there. Tarzan was disappointed that they won't listen to him.

Goofy said to them, "He seemed sorta distracted by something."

Donald asked, "Was he looking toward the tree house?"

Red then says, "Let's go check it out. It could be the heartless."

They went through the vines to head to see if anything is happening at the treehouse. Red looks at Pinkie Pie who was trudging behind sadly. He slowly walked at her pace to talk to her.

"You okay?" asked the stallion and Pinkie Pie nodded sadly.

He sighed and said, "We know you didn't mean to crash the ship."

Pinkie Pie said, "Yeah, but... I feel like I made Donald too mad. I didn't mean to make him mad. Does it mean that we aren't friends anymore."

Red feels really bad for her and was upset at Donald for yelling at her. He said, "Trust me. He doesn't hate you. He is just mad. I'm sure he'll come around."

"Yeah I guess...thanks," said the element of laughter as she continued moving.

When they arrived, Clayton sees the female gorilla named, Terk. He was about to shoot at her with his gun. But the others notice what he is doing. Donald runs up to shout at his ear to make him miss.

He shouted, "WAAAAAAK!"

Terk was lucky that the bullet missed him. The others glared at Clayton and walk to him.

Donald asked angrily, "What's the big idea?"

Tarzan walked up and looks to see Kerchak and the others saw what had happened.

He said, "Wait Kerchak. Please!"

Kerchak walked from him with the others which led to Tarzan glaring at Clayton.

Clayton explained, "You don't understand. I was only trying to... Ah. A snake slithered by, you see. I saved that poor gorilla's life."

Applejack said, "Don't even try to save ya self."

They all returned to where they explain to Jane what had happened.

Jane asked angrily at Clayton, "How could you do such a thing?!"

"Now, Miss Porter, as I told you, I was not aiming at the gorilla," said Clayton as he was explaining himself. But they didn't buy it.

Jane yelled, "You are not to go near the gorillas again!"

Clayton explained, "All because of one mishap? Come, now..."

Everyone glared at him as they don't trust him still after what happen. This makes him start to walk from them.

He asked himself, "What am I doing with these imbeciles? Blasted gorillas! I'll hunt down every last one of them! I'll track them down somehow. I'll stake my life on it."

Suddenly he hears a strange roar and went to investigate it. There he started to aim his gun at the figure that was roaring. He then finally shoots.

The others inside the tent heard the gunshot outside. Sora asked, "Was that Clayton?"

Twilight answered, "Don't know but we should investigate right away."

As they went outside, they notice no one is there. But then heard another gunshot coming from a direction near the bamboo area. They went through it and notice Clayton's pipe on the ground.

When they were about to pick it up, something appeared in front of them. It was the leopard from before.

Donald started to ask, "Wh-what is that?!"

Red answered, "That's Sabor. We fought him right when we crashed landed into here."

They started to fight off against Sabor. Sabor seems very stronger, but they didn't give up. Sora and Red both strike against it. It started to growl at them before charging at them.

They managed to dodge roll from the attack. Applejack uses her lasso to grab Sabor and pull him to her. Then she kicks it with her hind legs. The leopard gets hurt badly and groans in pain.

This starts to make it very angry. Then it started roaring to show it's serious. Pinkie Pie goes to kick it, but the leopard dodge and counter her kick. But Pinkie Pie was lucky enough to dodge. Then she kicks it again, this time she was able to hit him.

But the leopard recovered and strike very quickly against her. She groans in pain, but Goofy bashed his shield into it. Tarzan starts attacking it and throwing it down. Then Donald finished it off with blizzard.

Sabor slowly walks to them and struggles to to stay up. But all it did was make it slowly fall to the ground and went unconscious.

Goofy picked up Clayton's pipe and looks at it. He said "I wonder what happen to Clayton."

Sora answered, "It sounded like he shot something. The only guess is..."

This makes them all stared at the unconscious leopard.

Red asked, "Did it...kill him?"

Applejack spoke, "He was a jerk. But Ah never wanted him to..."

This makes them feel guilty. Even Donald truly felt guilty about this. They then went back to Jane to tell her what happened. But as they return they notice it was empty.

Twilight asked, "Where is Jane?"

Something went wrong with Tarzan. Pinkie Pie asked, "You okay Tarzan?"

Tarzan answered, "Something coming. Jane, danger. Jane near... Near tree house."

Donald said, "Sounds like trouble. Let's go."

As they were heading to find where Jane is, Pinkie Pie notice something in the corner of her eye. She turns to see it was Rarity again and she was next to the black cloaked pony.

Pinkie Pie asked, "Rarity?"

They both backed away and Pinkie Pie notice they were gone. Then went back to following the group. Applejack backed up to talk with her.

She asked, "You okay Pinkie Pie?"

Pinkie Pie shake her head no and answered, "I thought I just saw Rarity."

This has Applejack in shock. She asked, "Are you serious?"

Pinkie Pie nodded but she also had a confused look. She said, "She did, but what's so weird is that she's hanging with this weird pony dressed in black. She looked like a real meanie. But she could be nice since Rarity is with her."

That seems very suspicious. A pony dressed in a black coat? That would seem less suspicious until she also heard Rarity is with her. She had hoped Rarity didn't get hurt. The element of honesty wouldn't know what to do if one of her friends would get hurt, especially Rarity.

So she said truthfully, "Ah don't know Pinkie Pie. Ah think Rarity could be in trouble. Or maybe she is safe... but we can't expect that stranger to be nice right off the bat."

Pinkie Pie asked while concerned, "Does this mean she's been ponynapped?! We gotta go back!"

Applejack said, "We can, but it seems like that suspicious pony took her out of this world."

Pinkie Pie asked, "Can we tell this to the guys?"

Applejack, "Not right now, but when were back at the ship."

Pinkie Pie nodded and they both got back to the group.

Soon they were in they were in the climbing trees area. They started hearing noise and it came from the strange big black fruit.

Sora mentioned, "Guys I hear a voice coming from the strange fruit."

Red then suggested, "Then we should probably get it open then."

After a while they had finally got the fruit opened. As it opened, Jane and Terk were shown in the fruit.

Twilight then asked, "Jane? What are you doing here? We were worried."

Jane answered, "Clayton came to the tent, and... That's the last thing I remember."

Sora questioned, "Clayton? Clayton is alive?"

Tarzan said, "Gorillas trapped. Terk ran."

Jane exclaimed, "We must help the gorillas!"

They nodded and went to the last place where Jane was taken. They were back at the tents and found nothing. Until they searched around and headed to the bamboo area.

They arrived and notice Clayton had his gun aimed at the gorillas and was about to shoot. that was until they stopped them.

Sora yelled, "No!"

Clayton notice them and turned to face them. Then something weird seems different about Clayton.

Red called out, "Clayton?"

Tarzan said, "Not Clayton! Hee-hoo, hoo-hoo-hah. Not Clayton!"

This makes them understood what he meant. Clayton shoots up for the wall behind them to blowup. Tarzan rushed to attack him, but was shot by Clayton. Donald rushed and heals Tarzan with Cure.

Then they quickly saw Clayton reloading his gun and was somehow floating up.

Red exclaimed, "What the hay?! He can fly?!"

Clayton starts shooting at them, but they dodge very quickly. Applejack uses her lasso to try and grab him. But it only wraps around something. She couldn't tell what it was but it starts spinning her around and made her flew back on the ground.

Twilight asked, "What did she-? How did she flew back?"

When she asked, she dodge the bullet Clayton shot at her. But this causes her to get hit by some strange force. It hits her again repeatedly. Tarzan rushed to stab the force with his spear and it seems to stab something.

Red told his friends, "Guys. I don't think he can fly. I think he's on something invisible."

They nod at him while staring at Clayton and the invisible enemy.

Pinkie Pie tries tackling the invisible enemy, but only to land on what feels like a tail. She then suddenly bites whatever she hanged on to.

The invisible enemy roared in pain and struggles to get her off. She then finally gets off, but accidentally gets Clayton off.

Finally, the invisible enemy starts to reveal itself. It seems to be a strange chameleon heartless which is called, Stealth Sneak.

Sora asked, "What is that?!"

Red answered, "Seems to be some weird chameleon heartless."

The heartless' eyes starts glow and it starts shooting lasers at them. Sora, Goofy, and Twilight blocks and deflect the blasts at Clayton.

It hits him, but he starts shooting at them. Donald rushed and uses thunder to stop him from continuing to shoot at the group.

Red goes to attack Clayton and got a few lucky hits. Sora helps Red by attacking Clayton head on. The others go to attack the Stealth Sneak heartless. The heartless defends itself and grabs Twilight's leg.

Soon it throws her and Red rushed to catch her. He was able to catch her, but they both have fallen on the ground.

Red asked, "You okay Twilight?"

"Yeah... Just a little injured," answered Twilight as she and Red gotten back up.

Clayton was about to shoot them, but was stopped because Goofy throwed his shield at him. Then Donald uses thunder magic a few times.

The Stealth Sneak rushed and attacked Donald while he was distracted. Then he went unconscious. Pinkie Pie watched this happened and rushed to use a potion to Donald.

She yelled, "Donald!"

This makes Donald slowly get back up and was healed. He was surprised that Pinkie Pie healed him after yelling at her.

The heartless starts charging its eyes again. When it shot lasers again, Sora and Goofy blocked them. The lasers deflected back at the heartless and it got hit.

Then Tarzan was behind the heartless and he stabs it in the back with his spear. The heartless roars in pain.

Then Sora and Red did one final slash against Clayton. He gets hit and was in pain. Then he was about to shoot. This was until Stealth Sneak was groaning in pain and was dizzy.

This made the heartless slowly fall down on Clayton, leaving the two unconscious on the ground. The heartless slowly disappeared and a giant heart showed up just like the heartless back in Wonderland did.

Everyone panted from the battle they faced and was finally done. The gorillas walked towards the group after Clayton was defeated. Then they start to congrulate them....by having Kerchak throwed them all up top a cliff.

Tarzan looked back at Kerchak for forgiveness, but Kerchak only walked away.

The group looks at Tarzan and wondered if he is okay, but he walked past them to see a very nice waterfall.

Tarzan says, "Tarzan, home."

Then he started walking towards it. Goofy asked his friends, "Is he gonna be okay?"

Twilight answered, "I'm not sure Goofy. But we should follow him."

They started heading towards the waterfall and climbed up. Finally they made it to the top.

There they see a big tree with something glowing blue on the middle. They walked towards it with Jane and Terk following them.

Tarzan said, "*&&X%."

Sora asked, "This is your home? But that means... Hm?"

They all started hearing something.

Jane told them, "The waterfalls... They're echoing all the way here.

Suddenly Tarzan starts saying, "*&&X%. Friends there. See friends."

"Oh, now I've got it. *&&X% means heart. Friends in our hearts," said Jane as she figured out what Tarzan meant.

Sora then said, "Oh, so that's what it meant."

Tarzan then said, "Friends, same heart. Clayton, lose heart. No heart, no see friends. No heart, no friends."

Then Sora starts to say to his friends, "Sorry about what I said."

Donald replied, "I'm sorry too."

Red also said, "Yeah...sorry too guys."

Goofy said, "A-hyuck. Yeah. All for one, huh?"

"Not quite yet," said Applejack as she pushed Donald to Pinkie Pie with her hooves.

Donald sighed before telling Pinkie Pie, "Sorry about before."

This makes Pinkie Pie very happy. "That's okay Donald! I forgive ya," exclaimed Pinkie Pie as she starts hugging Donald way too tightly.

The strange blue force on the tree starts showing strange blue butterflies. Something was calling out to Sora, Red, and Twilight. They walked forward to the tree. Then the butterflies start revealing a giant key shaped hole.

Their keyblades are summoned and they shoot a beam at the keyhole. This indicates that this world's keyhole has been locked also. Then a strange object popped out of the locked keyhole.

Donald exclaimed, "A gummi!"

Goofy then said, "But it's sure not the king's."

This makes both him and Donald disappointed. Then suddenly Terk nuzzled Donald and he was confused.

Jane then said, "I think someone has a new admirer."

"Huh? No, no, no, no! Daisy would kill me," exclaimed Donald as this embarrassed him and everyone started laughing.

The villains had watched everything happened with the defeat of Clayton.

Jafar asked, "What drew the Heartless to that world?"

Maleficent answered him calmly, "The hunter lured them there. It was his lust for power that was the bait. But it seems the bait was too tasty for his own good."

Oogie Boogie laughed while saying, "Yeah, he got chomped instead!"

Jafar then explained, "A weak-hearted fool like him stood no chance against the Heartless. But the boy and the ponies are a problem. They found three of the Keyholes."

Maleficent spoke, "Fear not. It will take them ages to find the rest. Besides, they remain blissfully unaware of our other plan."

Ursula said, "Yes, the princesses..."

Then Maleficenttold them, "They are falling into our hands, one by one. Speaking of which..."

They then saw Alice in the world with them very confused and scared about where she is.

The group said their goodbyes to Tarzan and Jane and exit the world into the gummi ship.

Sora said, "The gummi block that came out of that glowing hole... It's not like the others. Wonder what it's used for."

Red then said, "I'm not sure either."

Goofy then suggested, "Maybe Leon'll know."

Donald then said, "Hmm... He might. Back to Traverse Town, then?"

This makes both Applejack and Pinkie Pie confused when they mentioned Traverse Town.

Applejack asked them, "What the hay is a Traverse Town?"

Pinkie Pie also asked, "Is it a town where we get to travel around?"

Red answered them both, "We don't know actually."

Then Sora and Donald started arguing about who gets to fly the ship.

Goofy mutters, "Here we go again..."

This made Twilight sighed and stopped the fighting which made both Sora and Donald very scared.

Author's Note:

There goes part 1 of the adventure. Part 2 will start back at everyone's return to Traverse Town. Hope you guys enjoy this so far. Sorry for getting this very late. Had been dealing with a lot lately and have been stressed. Next chapter will get here much more quickly than before.