• Published 29th Sep 2021
  • 2,086 Views, 121 Comments

The Mane Seven Adventures of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix - RedSoarDash

Join the Main Seven as they help save the worlds with Sora, Donald, and Goofy.

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Chapter 1 Stranded in Traverse Town

A groan was heard from somewhere strange. It came from the same red stallion from the dream. His eyes open and he slowly shook his head. He looked around to see where he is. What's strange is that it isn't Ponyville, but a weird town during nighttime. He was in the middle was the first district. The stallion slowly gotten up.

"Where...am I," asked the stallion. He didn't know where he was. It was a very strange weird place that he hasn't been to before. He has even seen some of these weird creatures. They weren't ponies, but.... they don't seem like anyone dangerous.

The only thing that was in his thoughts were his friends.

"Wait...Where are my friends! Rarity! Applejack! Twilight! Dashie! Pinkie! Spike! ....Fluttershy," said the stallion as he looks down. He was so worried about his friends. What if they were gone? Or worse! No...he can't think like that. He has to find them.

He was determined to find them. Now he starts to run forward through the town to find them.

Traverse Town

The red stallion said, "I wonder where I am. This is definitely not Ponyville, but it looks very nice." He wanted to explore more of this place, but his friends are the only things that mattered.

He rushed and saw the doors. The stallion headed out and enter the next district. There he felt a strange darkness somewhere close. Suddenly, they appear around him.

It was the creatures from his dreams. They appear from the ground and surround him. He said while being scared, "I-it's those weird creatures! They are real!"

Then a voice started calling out to him. It seems like the voice from before.

"Don't be afraid.... Use your power."

His power? What could that mean exactly? As one of the creatures as about to attack him, it was defeated. The answer to that was a strange key shaped sword.

The stallion was very shocked to see the weapon. It was being held by the handle in his mouth. He asked, "What is this thing?" The voice called out to him.

"Keyblade... Keyblade... Keyblade..."

A keyblade? That must be that it's called. Then he sees the strange creatures ready to fight him. Now he was ready to fight them.

The stallion rushed towards them and slashed them. One of them tries to hit him, but he countered to strike. Then he continues fighting them off. Two of them were about to attack him, but he dodged and managed to counter back.

They were defeated, but he felt like he would see more of them. The keyblade was unsummoned out of his mouth. Now the stallion must move on to search around the town. He went into one of the buildings to look around. To his eyes, he finally sees someone he has known.

It was the same lavender alicorn that he knew. He was happy to see her and thankful she was not hurt.

As he walked over to her he greets her. "Twilight!"

The alicorn turns to see the red pegasus and rushed towards him. She had hugged him. "Red! Thank goodness nothing happened to you."

He quickly hugged her back and pulled away. The pegasus said, "I thought something very bad happen to you. At least we found each other. So where are the others?"

This makes the alicorn confused. She asked, "Wait you are alone too?" Now, Red Soardash, starts looking down and this makes the lavender alicorn look down too.

The lavender alicorn named, Twilight Sparkle, cheer them both up. She tells him, "Hey don't worry! We'll find them!"

He hoped that she is right. The alicorn included, "I hope those creatures won't hurt them."

Yeah...that would definitely be bad. He doesn't want them to be hurt. Wait... she said creatures. How does she know them?

He asked her, "Have you met them before Twilight?" When he asked, she nodded and started to explain.

"Well...not exactly. I have seen them before, but they aren't in any books that I have read. They were from my dream," said Twilight as she explained.

This makes the stallion so confused. She had them in her dream too.

He quickly asked her, "How are you able to fight them? I couldn't be able to."

Before she could answer, Twilight summoned a weapon in her mouth. It was a keyblade too! But it looked a lot different than his own.

The shaft of the keyblade was the same color as her except it was lighter, its handle had wings on it that looked like her wings, the end bite was her cutie mark on it. It has the name, "Glimmering Dusk."

Red Soardash was very impressed by her keyblade. It looked very amazing to him. But first, he quickly explained about his dream and about what happened. It was so weird. They seem to both have the same dream. He even show her his keyblade, "Midnight Blue."

"That's...a lot. To take in. This doesn't make sense. How can our dreams be the same," asked Twilight as this whole thing confuses her and makes her freak out.

The only thing that Red SoarDash can do look down. He doesn't know the answers. What are these strange creatures? Why did he have that dream? Why does he have this "keyblade?" ...Will he ever get home.

He just sighed and looks at the Element of Magic. "I'm not sure... but let's search around for answers. Maybe we can find them."

The princess of friendship nodded at his idea and agreed to it. They started their search looking through Traverse Town.

After a while, they returned to the first district and have found nothing.

Red SoarDash started to ask, "Any luck on our friends?"

The lavender pony answered his question by shaking her head no. She included, "No luck. It doesn't seem like they are here..."

They look down as they are starting to lose hope in finding their friends. Until, they heard footsteps coming their way. This made them both turn and summon their keyblades to get ready to fight as they believed it was the same creatures from before.

To their luck, it wasn't any of those creatures. It was a girl with black hair, dark brown eyes, and a ninja style outfit. Her name was Yuffie Kisaragi.

The ninja girl backed up a bit. "Woah! Calm down guys! I'm not gonna hurt you. Wait, are those... wow there are two more! Lucky me then," she said as she was very glad.

This has the two ponies both confused. They slowly got out of their stance and their keyblades disappeared from their mouths.

Twilight Sparkle asked, "What are you talking about?"

"I'm sure you guys have a ton of questions! But trust me, I can answer them all. Well... me and Leon can. Oh yeah! My name is Yuffie! Pleasure to meet you guys," exclaimed Yuffie and she smiled at them.

This secretly made Twilight and Red start to talk with each other.

Red SoarDash whispered, "Should we trust her Twilight?"

Twilight thinks about this and slowly nod. She whispered back, "Yeah I'm sure. We just have to be ready just in case if this is a trap."

"Uh okay...well I am Princess Twilight Sparkle and this is my friend Red SoarDash," said the princess of friendship.

This has Yuffie shocked and she bowed for a bit. She said, "Sorry, I didn't exactly know. But it's nice to meet you guys like I said. For right now, we have very important matters to discuss."

The ponies look at each other for a little before following her.

Meanwhile, in another part of Traverse Town there were a duck with blue clothes and a dog with green clothes. They were both searching around and looking.

The dog tells the duck, "Gawrsh, there's nobody here. Sure is spooky!"

However, the duck was acting confident and said, "Aw, phooey. I'm not scared."

Only to jump on Goofy's back scared when someone touched his shoulder. It was a girl with a pink dress, solid green eyes, brown boots, and brown hair.

She asks them, "Excuse me. Did the king send you?"

The voice belonged to Aerith Gainsborough.

Meanwhile, the ponies followed the ninja girl in a room. In there was a man with brown hair spiky hair, black clothes, and a silver lion necklace. His name was Squall Leonhart.

He saw Yuffie come in with the two ponies. This made him questioned Yuffie.

"Yuffie who are they," said the brown spiky haired male.

Yuffie answered him, "I just found them outside, Leon. They also even have keyblades like he does. They said their names are Red SoarDash and Twilight Sparkle. Weird names right?"

She was saying it with a light chuckle to joke around.

This makes Leon shocked and he looked at them. He said to them, "Sorry you guys had to be brought here. But since you guys do have keyblades, we might need to explain to you what's going on."

Both ponies nodded at them. Twilight explained, "Don't worry. It's just have been a very long day. I just hope that everything that we need to know will be from you guys."

Leon nodded at her, but Red had to ask him and Yuffie about their friends.

He asked, "Oh yeah! Have you guys seen our friends? Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack?"

Both Leon and Yuffie shook their heads no at them. It made the ponies look down in disappointment.

But for now, there was another person in here. It was a spiky haired brown teen. He seems to be 14 years old. His name is, Sora. Then, he starts to slowly wake up and Yuffie was there to check on him. When Yuffie checked on him, he sees her as Kairi.

He said to her, "I'm so glad that you're okay, Kairi."

They all didn't seem to recognize the name "Kairi". Yuffie however questioned, "Kairi? Who are you talking about? I'm the great ninja Yuffie."

"Huh," said Sora as he starts to get his head straight. Now he finally sees Yuffie.

Yuffie was concerned about him. She told Leon, "I think you might've overdone it, Squall."

Leon was annoyed that she calls him by his real name. He only said calmly, "That's Leon."

Sora was confused and notice the two ponies right there. He asked, "Who are you guys?"

Red explained, "I'm Red SoarDash and this is Twilight Sparkle. We also got keyblades."

"Wow really? How did you get yours," asked Sora.

They both shared their confused and embarrassed glances as they don't know how they got theirs. Sora then looks at his own keyblade.

He mutters, "The keyblade..." It was loud enough for all of them to hear.

Yuffie explained to him, "Yeah, we had to get it away from you. to shake off those creatures. It turns out that's how they were tracking you."

Leon included, "It was the only way to conceal your heart from them. But it won't work for long. Still hard to believe that you of all people and a couple of ponies are the chosen ones."

The brown spiky haired man picked up Sora's keyblade and it disappeared to end up in Sora's hand.

He continued, "Well, I suppose beggars can't be choosers."

This starts making Sora impatient. The teen asked, "Why don't you start making sense! What's going on here?"

Red included, "I agree with him. Can we know what is happening?"

"Okay, you know there are many other worlds out there besides your castle and this town right," asked Aerith from another room.

The duck named, Donald nodded at her. He answered, "Yeah."

"But they're supposed to be a secret," said the dog named, Goofy, as he covered his mouth.

Aerith nodded and included, "They've been secret because they've never been connected. Until now. When the Heartless came, everything changed." She close her eyes in sadness when she explained.

"The Heartless," questioned Sora.

Yuffie included, "The ones that attacked you guys, remember?"

Leon nodded before including, "Those without hearts."

"The darkness in people's hearts. That's what attracts them," said Yuffie.

"And there is darkness within every heart," said Leon.

Twilight was intrigued by the name of these creatures and wanted to learn more about these. Red SoarDash has a different idea though.

He was honestly scared of them. But he kept it to himself.

The stallion thought, 'So those are the creatures that attack us also...and that they are in me and Twilight's dream.'

This makes him more worried about this friends. What if they darkness in their hearts too? Will something horrible happen to them too? Will the Heartless get their hearts?

Twilight looks at the stallion and gave him a reassuring look. She was also worried, but she can't think like that anymore. This makes him a little less scared when Twilight calmed him down.

Yuffie asked, "Hey, have any of you three heard of someone named Ansem?"

"Ansem," asked Goofy as he was curious on who this Ansem was.

Aerith explained, "He was studying the Heartless. He recorded all of his findings in a very detailed report."

Goofy asked, "Gawrsh, uh, can we see it?"

Aerith answered, "It's pages are scattered everywhere."

This makes Donald very shocked. He exclaimed, "Scattered?!"

Aerith nodded at him and included, "Too many worlds."

Goofy, however, suggested an idea for them. He suggested, "Oh, then maybe the king went to find 'em!"

Aerith and Donald both agreed with the idea of the King finding the pages of Ansem's report. Until, Donald reminded them both.

"Wait," exclaimed and makes the camera focus on him. "First we need that key!"

Aerith nodded and said, "That's right. The keyblade."

"So the keyblades we have are the keys," asked Twilight while looking at Sora's keyblade and back at Yuffie and Leon.

Yuffie replied, "Exactly!"

Leon further explained, "The Heartless have great fear of the keyblade. That's why they'll keep coming after you guys no matter what."

Sora said, "Well, we didn't ask for this."

Yuffie told him, "They keyblade chooses its master. And it chose you."

"So tough luck," muttered Leon as she stand against a wall with his arms cross.

This sounds very crazy. Twilight seems to understand that it was their responsibility since they have the keyblades. Red however was upset. All he wanted was to find his friends. He didn't think he has to do any of this.

Sora then ask himself, "How did all this happen? Wait a minute! What happened to my home? My island? Riku! Kairi!"

Leon told him, "You what know? I really don't know."

Red and Twilight felt so bad for Sora. Both of them know how he felt about this. They have to find their friends.

"Leon," exclaimed Yuffie as a heartless appeared in the room.

Leon yells, "Yuffie go!" The ninja girl runs through another room and the door opens on Donald.

"Guys! Let's go," exclaimed Leon again as attacked a Heartless with his gunblade and jumped out of a window.

Sora, Red SoarDash, and Twilight Sparkle run out of the room and start to move.

They went through many waves of heartless and arrived at the third district. But up in a building on the balcony, Donald and Goofy was there surrounded by heartless.

Goofy prepared his shield to be ready to fight He asked, "Gawrsh, are these the heartless guys?"

Donald prepared his staff to fight and said, "Let's go get 'em, Goofy!"

But it ended up as it was expected. They were thrown off by the heartless and they landed on the three keyblade wielders.

They all groan from the pain they had. The duck and dog both saw the keyblades. Both of them exclaimed, "Woah three keys?!"

They all felt the ground shaking as the area was covered by walls. Twilight started noticing strange armor that has fallen and started to be put together. She tells them, "Guys look!"

The armor got fully together and it was ready to attack them.

The Heartless' fists launched themselves at them and they managed to dodge. Goofy was attacking the feet and Donald wacks the feet with his staff. Since Red and Twilight can be able to fly to flew to the Heartless' head to strike at it. Then Sora was attacking one of the hands.

Its hands start spinning around and it hit both Red and Sora very hard. The feet got apart from the body and it slam down very hard on Red. It was hurting very badly. Until a green aura was around hm. It was the result of Donald using cure magic on him.

Twilight uses magic against it and starts attacking the feet. She managed to take down the feet. But the fists starts punching her very hard and repeatedly. She was lucky to manage to dodge them.

Goofy blocks the attacks of the Heartless and he threw his shield at it. The shield was able to hit it. Donald uses fire against the hand and it got destroyed. This makes the body start to get mad and it starts spinning. It was able to hit them and it gave them a lot of damage.

Sora rushed towards the body and strikes it a few times. Red helped him to strike the body a lot of times. The body then starts to slam into them very hard. Then they attack the Guard Armor again and they managed to destroy it.

"So, you were looking for us," said Sora as he was talking to Donald and Goofy. They both nodded at him.

Leon told him, "They, too, have been seeking the wielder of the keyblade. Or in this case, wielders of the keyblades." Yuffie gave Sora a nod agreeing with him.

Goofy then had an idea. He suggested, "Hey, why don't you come with us? We can go to other worlds on our vessel."

This has Red SoarDash very relieved and happy. He can maybe find his friends in these other worlds and get to explore them.

Twilight was interested in these other worlds, but was more concerned if they are in them. "That seems like a great idea. Maybe we can find our friends while going into these other worlds. Oh, I cannot wait to explore these worlds," said the princess and she smiled excitedly.

Red couldn't help, but chuckle at his friend's optimism. Maybe it won't be so bad. Even when he finds all of his friends, they all can explore them together. He had only hoped.

Sora however was looking down and he said sadly, "I wonder if I can find Riku and Kairi..."

"Of course," said the court wizard and Sora looks up to have hope in finding them.

Goofy secretly asked, "Are you sure?"

Donald then whispered, "Who knows? But we need them to come with us to help us find the king."

Sora wasn't able to hear them, but the two ponies did hear what the duck said. They were about to say something until Leon talked to them.

"Sora, Red SoarDash, Twilight Sparkle, go with them. Especially if you want to find your friends," said Leon.

Sora then said sadly, "Yeah, I guess."

Red and Twilight felt so bad for Sora. They want to help him find his friends as much as they want to find their friends.

"But you can't come along looking like that. Understand," said the duck mage.

He then continued on, "No frowning. No sad face. Okay?"

Goofy agreed and laughed from what Donald said. "This boat runs on happy faces," said Donald.

All of them waited for Sora to show his happy face. Then, he finally showed it off. He had shown his very goofy and hilarious face.

Donald, Goody, and Red couldn't help, but laugh out loud. Twilight and Yuffie both giggled at what happened. Leon then gave a slight chuckle and a quick smirk.

"Okay, why not? I'll go with you guys," said Sora.

Donald said, "Donald Duck."

Goofy included, "Name's Goofy."

Red nodded and tells them his name. He said, "Red SoarDash."

Twilight also said, "Twilight Sparkle."

"I'm Sora," said the spiky haired teen.

Sora, Donald, and Goofy's hands were placed on top of each other. Red and Twilight did the same thing, but with their hooves.

As their hands were on top of each other Goofy then said, "All for one, one for all."

Inside a dark room were a group of people watching the the group after they defeated the heartless.

One male voice said, "That little squirt and those ponies took down that Heartless! Who'd have thought it?"

Another male voice has said, "Such is the power of the keyblade. The child and the horses' strength are not their own."

One female voice included with a chuckle, "Why don't we turn them into a Heartless? That'll settle things quick enough."

Another male voice spoke, "And the brat and ponies' friends are the king's lackeys. Swoggle me eyes, they're all bilge rats by the look of them."

The last male voice spoke and mocked him. He said. "You're no prize yourself."

It makes him very mad and exclaimed, "Shut up!"

This time another female voice interrupt them. It had belonged to Maleficent. She told them, "Enough! The keyblades have chosen them. Will it be they who conquers the darkness? Or will the darkness swallow them? Either way, he could be quite useful."

Beside her was a pony in a cloak. They were hiding their face and it was easy to tell that they were smirking evilly underneath. They were ready to take them down. Ready to make them suffer.

Author's Note:

Thank you for enjoying this chapter.

I will definitely focus a lot more on this story. But it might be hard considering I have college. But I will try my best and do more for this. More stories will come. I have some movies to be planned and some games. I hope the fight sections are good for you guys. I am not the best at them and I'm sorry. Alright now tell me your thoughts on the chapter and story and see ya next time.