• Published 29th Sep 2021
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The Mane Seven Adventures of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix - RedSoarDash

Join the Main Seven as they help save the worlds with Sora, Donald, and Goofy.

  • ...

Chapter 7 Inside the mouth of Monstro

After the events of fighting against Jafar, everyone said their goodbyes to Aladdin and Genie. Then they head back into the gummi ship to travel into the next world. When they healed, they started talking about Rarity. The ponies were very shocked by how Rarity is working with Maleficent to help her rule all worlds. And of course Pinkie Pie is taken it badly.

Applejack said to Pinkie Pie, "Pinkie Pie please listen."

Pinkie Pie cover her ears with her hooves and said, "La-la-la-la-la! Not listening!"

Twilight tries speaking, "Pinkie Pie. We have to accept the possibilities of her maybe betraying us."

Pinkie Pie keeps speaking, "No! What we should we be doing is planning a party for Rarity to be welcome home! She is just confused! I know this is..."

Red sighs as he knows that Pinkie Pie is in denial. Then he grabs her and looks at her. "Pinkie Pie! No matter what you don't believe you have to accept it... even if the truth hurts," said Red sadly as he looked down.

Pinkie Pie seems sad about what happened as she didn't want to think that Rarity would betray them. Sora, Donald, and Goofy felt bad for them. Who wouldn't be this upset if their best friend would betray them like this.

Goofy asked them, "Do you guys think there could be a reason as to why Rarity chose to side with them?"

Twilight was thinking and shrugs her shoulders. She answers, "We don't know Goofy. It's a possibility that there is a reason behind it. Either way she isn't telling us anything."

Sora said, "Maybe we should talk to her before deciding whether or not she is against us."

Pinkie Pie looks down and sighs. Donald looks at her and sighs as he walked to her to cheer her up.

"No frowning," exclaims Donald.

Everyone looked at him as he was confused. He told them, "Pinkie Pie. Our first promised to Sora, Red, and Twilight is to not frown during this journey! Let's just keep smiling until we can find her."

Pinkie Pie then thinks about this and smiles as she hugged Donald way too tightly.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Donald! You are such a good friend despite being a grumpy duck," exclaims Pinkie Pie happily and Donald was grumbling for her to let go.

Everyone started chuckling until Jiminy got out of Sora's hoodie. He said, "I know we are worried about your friend. We are too. But didn't you guys remember what Jafar said."

Sora remembers and said, "Oh yeah. Seven princesses to open the door right?"

Red answers, "Yeah... but what door is he talking about?"

Applejack then remembers, "Hold on... Twilight is a princess. So would Maleficent go after her?"

Red replied, "Well yeah but I think it's certain princesses. Jane wasn't even kidnapped back by Maleficent when we were in Deep Jungle."

Twilight sighed at the thought of that happening to her as well when she sat down. She said, "Maybe we should rest more and be more careful if something like that will."

The others started to rest again. Meanwhile, Red was watching over the galaxy that they are flying in. Twilight saw that he was feeling guilty about something. She walks to him and sit next to him.

She asked, "You okay?"

Red nods and answered, "Yeah. I'm fine. You should go ahead and rest."

Twilight shook her head no as she didn't want him to be sad like this. So she refused to let this go.

"Red. I know something is bothering you, just tell me. I am your best friend. Best friends must talk to each other in case something is bothering them. So please tell me, what is going on? I am here to help," said Twilight wanting him to explain what is going on.

Red sighed and messes with his black mane before starting to talk. He said, "It's just... ever since we gotten these keyblades nothing good ever happens. We did rescue some of our friends. Even Sora finally found Riku. But... we didn't get to save Alice and Jasmine in time before Maleficent took them. Now they are missing and we don't know where they are or what world they are in."

Twilight responded, "We will find them. We just have to keep helping these worlds by closing the keyholes."

Red then stands up and was upset. He yelled, "But what if we can't save our friends?! What if Maleficent takes them like with what happened to Alice and Jasmine! What are we gonna do?!"

He realizes that he yelled and looks down.

Red said sadly, "Sorry...I didn't mean to yell like that."

Twilight responded, "It's okay Red. I understand."

Then suddenly they heard an alert on the gummi ship. When they rushed in there, they see a giant whale swimming through the space realm.

Applejack yelled, "What in the hay is that?!"

Sora yelled, "Woah it's huge!"

Goofy yelled, "It's a giant whale!"

Jiminy responded, "It's Monstro! He's a whale of a whale and vicious besides!"

Donald yelled to Sora, "Wak! Sora, get us out of here!"

Sora responded, "Too late! He's going to swallow us!"

Everyone started screaming as the whale finally swallowed them whole.

After a couple of minutes, Sora was the last to wake up.

Donald yelled out, "Knock it off!"

Then everyone notice Sora is finally awake. Pinkie Pie ask, "Are you okay Sora? You were out for such a long time."

Sora answered, "Yeah kinda... What are you guys doing? Where are we, anyway?"

Then suddenly an item falls down and almost hit Sora. Seeing this makes Goofy hold his shield over his head incase more dropped on his head.

Twilight answered, "Seems like the body of that giant whale that swallowed us."

Goofy then said, "We could be. And for today's weather: expect showers."

Then another item lands on Goofy's shield while he hold it over his head.

"Oh! Heavy showers," said Goofy as everyone looked to see who is dropping the items on their heads.

Donald yelled, "Hey! Who's there?"

A voice spoke and said, "It's me!"

The voice started to sound familiar. It turns out that the voice belongs to Pinocchio.

Donald then said, "Oh it's just Pinocchio... Pinocchio?!"

Pinocchio started walking away from the others as they watched him go.

Jiminy yells, "Pinocchio? Pinocch, where are you going? Pinocch! Come on, everybody! After him! Quick!"


The others start to follow Pinocchio to see where he is going. But first they notice the strange water that was in the mouth of the whale.

Donald grunted, "Oh don't tell me we have to swim in this."

Applejack replied, "It's the only way to find Pinocchio Donald.

Donald sighed as they started to swim in the water to head to Pinocchio. They hoped that the puppet boy would be safe. Then made it onto a boat where they can walk in. But it seems that an old man, named Geppetto, is there too. Pinocchio seems to recognize him too.

Geppetto asked, "What have you got there Pinocchio?"

"With this, we can get out of her Father," answered Pinocchio.

Geppetto asked, "Really? With this big block? You think so?"

Sora answered, "It's true. So, how did you end up here Pinocchio?"

Geppetto was surprised to see them there. "Oh, my. So the whale swallowed all of you, too? My goodness," said the old man.

Red tells him, "Yeah I guess so."

Geppetto then told them, "My name is Geppetto. I'm Pinocchio's father. When we got separated, I traveled all over, looking for him. Thank goodness we're together again. So, you seem to know Pinocchio quite well. I hope he was a good boy in my absence. Well, we've all had quite a journey. Right, Pinocchio? Pinocchio?"

Red then ask, "Where is he going?"

Geppetto answered, "I've warned him not to wander off here. He can be a naughty boy. Even so, he's very precious to me."

Pinkie Pie then told him, "Don't worry Geppetto! We'll make sure Pinocchio is okay!"

Then they started heading inside the first chamber of the whale body. There they finally found Pinocchio hiding slightly behind the entrance to the next chamber.

Sora asked, "What are you doing? Come on, let's go back."

Goofy included, "You know, Geppetto's awfully worried about you."

Red sighed as he doesn't have time for this. "Pinocchio, stop fooling around! This is no time for games," exclaimed the red pony as his tone was very annoyed.

Then they started to leave out of the chamber hoping Pinocchio would follow. But that was until they heard a familiar voice.

"But Sora, I thought you liked games. Or are you too cool to play them now that you have the Keyblade," said the voice which turns out to be Riku.

Sora exclaimed, "Riku! Wh-What are you doing here?"

The question was both in surprising and confused.

Twilight asked, "How did you get here? I thought you were back in Traverse Town."

Riku gave Twilight a slight glare as he ignored her question and gave a slight smirk at Sora. Twilight started to notice this.

"Just playing with Pinocchio," answered Riku.

Sora shook his head and said, "You know what I mean! What about Kairi? Did you find her?"

Riku answered, "Maybe. Catch us and maybe I'll tell you what I know."

Then Riku grabbed Pinocchio and ran off. Everyone was confused on what's going on.

Twilight asked, "Is it me or is something wrong with Riku?"

Sora answers, "He does seem different when he found out I had the keyblade."

Pinkie then answers, "Maybe it's because he's jealous. Since we've been hanging with you ever since you found us, maybe he is jealous that we are your new friends."

Everyone looked at her strangely and very confused. But also shocked that she would came up with that theory. Even more so that she figured it out a lot more than the others do.

Donald then asked, "How did you ever come up with that?"

Pinkie Pie happily answered, "Just a hunch!"

Sora countered, "There is no way he is jealous of you guys. I was so happy to find him. It's not like I'm trying to avoid him."

Twilight nodded and said, "You're right. He shouldn't be jealous because you got more friends.

Applejack sighed before saying, "Maybe we should talk to him to get an answer to see what is going on with him."

They nodded before travelling around the whale's body to find Riku.

Red said, "Man this place is like a maze. Is this what the inside of every whale is?"

Twilight tells him, "Probably not since this whale can survive being in the pathways between the worlds."

They all kept on moving as they were trying to find Riku and Pinocchio. Meanwhile, Riku was talking with Maleficent in a chamber of the whale.

Maleficent asked, "Why do you still care about that boy? He has all but deserted you for the Keyblade and his new companions, after all.

The silver haired boy answered, "I don't care about him. I was just messing with him a little.a'

Maleficent doubt it as she starts to walk away.

"Oh, really? Of course you were. Beware the darkness in your heart. The Heartless prey upon it," said the witch as she used a dark corridor to leave.

Riku then yelled, "Mind your own business!"

Meanwhile, Rarity was with the cloaked pony. She was definitely tired of this and never wanted to be involved in something like this.

So the silver mare yelled, "This ends now you monster! Leave me and my friends alone!"

The cloaked pony looks back at her. She laughed silently evil and walks close.

"Did you forget the deal we made," asked the cloaked pony.

Then she continued, "If you help us with the seven princesses then your friends will be safe."

Rarity stays quiet and looks down as she didn't want this to effect her friendship with the other ponies, but she doesn't want them hurt. But is she willing to keep letting this evil pony control her like this. Maybe they can stop her.

"No. You need to stop this," said Rarity which surprises the cloaked pony.

The Pony responded, "Didn't you hear what I just said?"

Rarity stands and gets ready to fight her. She said, "I won't let you hurt my friends or hurt anymore princesses."

The cloaked pony ask, "Why would you risk yourself just to stop me? I used a spell to make your horn powerless."

All Rarity said is, "Because... because that is what my heart tells me."

Wow that was very cheesy.

The cloaked pony laughed as this response as she finished and used a powerful fire spell on her, which causes her to flew back.

"Your heart? What a stupid remake. Hearts can't save you, what's next? Love will make me side with you? How pathetic," said the cloaked pony.

Back with the others, they started to run after Pinocchio as he was running fast. They saw Riku and expected him to help them, but he lets him go.

Sora asked him, "Riku! What's the matter with you? What are you thinking? Don't you realize what you're doing?"

Riku scoffed and decide to say, "I was about to ask you the same thing Sora."

Everyone looks at Riku confused.

Then he continued, "You only seem interested in running around with your new friends and showing off that Keyblade these days. Do you even want to save Kairi?"

Sora answered, "I do..."

Sora really did want to find Kairi and save her. But since what Leon told him about the keyholes, he was so focus on trying to help the worlds.

Twilight tells him, "Sora does want to save Kairi! We were just trying to help the worlds while travelling!"

Riku listened to her and replied, "I didn't ask you, horse."

This time the tone he has when he talked to her was with an attitude which everyone caught.

Applejack was upset with that tone he had. She responded upsettingly, "Now that isn't a nice response to say."

Riku then said, "And you seem to be butting in on people's conversations. Maybe quit trying to get involved."

As they were about to continue the argument, they heard Pinoccho yell for help.

Then they started to head into the chamber to see a strange parasite heartless, known as Parasite Cage, having Pinocchio in its stomach.

Red yelled, "Oh great! That heartless got him!"

They started to get ready to fight it.

Riku asked Sora, "You up for this?"

Sora answered, "No problem. Let's do this."

Riku then gave, "Hm."

The ponies saw that Sora seems happy to fight with Riku. But Riku on the other hand, seems to want this to be over quickly.

They rushed towards the Parasite Cage heartless to fight it. All of them except Riku got hit when it slap them with one of its tentacle.

Applejack and Pinkie Pie did a few kicks to him before Sora slashed it with his keyblade.

Goofy then throw his shield at the head of the heartless, which causes it to get staggered. They started to attack it very fast in the chest inorder to defeat it.

The heartless got angry and roared as it grabbed Twilight and started to bind her. But Donald was quick was he casted thunder to make it let go of her. But as soon as it let her go, it uses its mouth cage to bite Donald critically.

Riku gave it some hits while letting the others deal with it. Then suddenly it started to shoot out poison gas to them except Riku.

Red notice this while him and his friends cough and felt their health slowly draining.

He thought, 'Why is Riku barely helping us? Is he this much of a jerk? The heartless isn't attacking him as much as us. Is he working with the heartless?'

While Red was thinking, the heartless got a lucky hit and slaps the red colored stallion. He got hurt and groans in pain.

Sora managed to help Red in time by using cure on him and then uses strike raid to throw the keyblade at its chest and then it launched back.

The poison effect on everyone finally stopped as Goofy used his tornado attack against the heartless. It didn't effect that much as it slaps Goofy, but he was able to block the attack with his shield.

Pinocchio yelled, "Help! Get me out of here!"

It was obvious he was very scared. Pinkie Pie tries kicking the chest again hoping it would let Pinocchio go. But all it did was hit Pinkie Pie very hard. But lucky she was able to get back up.

Applejack used her lasso to tie its tentacles together. Now she was struggling to keep them tied together without letting it go. Then Red starts doing a very fast and painful combo on the chest.

Sora rushed in and jumped as he starts attacking midair while jumping.

Twilight and Donald uses blizzara against it to help stun it.

Then Red did a final attack which stopped it. Before it start to escape, it spat out Pinocchio in a hole. This causes Riku to jump in also.

Pinkie Pie ask, "Where did they go?"

Sora answered, "Only one way to find out."

Then all of them started to jump into the hole. There they landed back in the mouth to where Geppetto is.

As they walk to him, he yelled out, "Pinocchio! Pinocchio! Please! Give me back my son!"

It seems like he was begged Riku who was holding onto Pinocchio, who was unconscious.

"Sorry, old man. I have some unfinished business with this puppet," said Riku as he was acting even more strange.

This starts making everyone upset at him.

Geppetto replied, "He's no puppet! Pinocchio is my little boy!"

Riku also said, "He is unusual. Not many puppets have hearts. I'm not sure, but maybe he can help someone who's lost theirs."

This makes Sora confused as he looks up and asked, "Wait are you talking about Kairi?"

Riku then ask sarcastically, "What do you care about her?"

Even Pinkie Pie was very upset at him.

"H-He is! Why are you being so mean to Pinocchio you jerk," yelled Pinkie Pie as she was very upset with Riku.

Riku of course said, "How about quit getting involved and get digested horse?"

Sora was surprised by this as Riku walked off. He never expected Riku to say something like that. What is going on with him? Is he really this jealous.

Goofy looks at Sora with concern, as everyone also does.

"Sora..." said Goofy while very worried about him.

Sora wasn't really feeling okay as he looks at them.

"Let's just save Pinocchio," said Sora while having a tone in his voice. Sadly, that tone was sadness.

Twilight told them, "Me and Red can go up there. I'm not sure about the rest of you."

Geppetto said, "I think this chest might help you. I meant to save this chest for later, but... Please use it to find Pinocchio."

He then showed it to them. Sora opened it and it gave everyone except Geppetto the ability of High Jump. Which can be able to make their jump better.

Then they started to use their new ability to get to the entrance up top and kept on moving.

Rarity was on the ground injured a lot as the cloaked pony smirked at her.

"It was a mistake to try and fight a fight you can't win. Either you care way too much about me and Maleficent's plan, or you are just an idiot. I'd say both at this point," said the cloaked pony.

Then starts to hear Riku walk to her with the wooden child in his arms.

She said, "I see you have done great in getting the puppet back."

Riku nodded at her and told her, "Sora and the others are on their way."

"I see. Guess it's time for them to meet you Rarity," said the pony as she was slowly taking off the cloak to reveal her appearance.

She had a red and black mane and tail, magenta body, wings, a horn, light green eyes, and a wizard hat for a cute mark. She even seems to be older than Rarity.

Rarity then saw and joked, "Y-you know it's good to see you. Th-that cloak you had wasn't a good design chocie."

Then the others finally arrived. They were shocked to see Riku with a pony that they have never seen before. Then they notice Rarity on the ground very injured.

She tries to warn them, "Guys...please run..."

Sora yells out, "Let Pinocchio go Riku!"

Riku scoffed and turns to see them. He said, "A puppet that's lost its heart to the Heartless... Maybe it holds the key to helping Kairi. So how about it Sora? Let's join forces to save her. We can do it together."

Sora was surprised by the request. But denied it and gets in his stance to get ready to fight.

Riku asked surprisingly, "What? You'd rather fight me? Over a puppet that has no heart?"

The mysterious pony said, "They must be very stupid to fight over a stupid puppet. He doesn't even have a heart idiots!"

Sora then said, "Maybe so, but heart or no heart, at least he still has a conscience."

Riku questioned, "Conscience?"

Sora nod and answered, "You might not hear it, but right now it's loud and clear. And it's telling me you're on the wrong side!"

Jiminy went over to Pinocchio to see if he is okay, which he is.

The ponies glare at the pony as she chuckled evilly.

Goofy asked them, "Do you guys know who she is?"

Applejack answered, "We haven't met her before."

Red asked angrily, "What did you do to Rarity? Who are you?"

The pony answered, "All these questions... But I guess I can answer them. I am Star Mage. I was once apart of Equestria too before you ever showed up. For Rarity? I did nothing... She was willing to accept my offer."

Pinkie Pie asked, "Offer? Like a trade?"

The pony, which is named Star Mage, nodded her head. "She helps me and Maleficent... and I get to make her a famous fashion designer across ALL WORLDS," exclaimed the new pony.

Rarity looks away as she thinks that they will believe her, until Applejack said this.

"There is no way she would do that," said Applejack.

Rarity looks at her very confused.

Red nodded and yelled angrily, "She's right! Rarity has been with us this whole time! Any lies you spread will never ruin our friendship!"

Goofy even agreed and said, "Yeah! Even when me and Donald haven't met her, we still wouldn't trust you."

Donald exclaims, "Yeah!"

Sora also said, "Even if she was working with you guys, she has to be forced into doing it. I feel like she can be trusted. Just like I trust Red and his friends when we met them."

Star Mage then asked, "Why would you ever trust her so easily? She helped kidnapped Alice with me and helped Riku kidnapped Jasmine."

Twilight glared and started speaking, "It's called having trust! We don't know why but.... Something tells us that she would never mean any harm. Especially what we all have been through with her before this journey."

Star Mage seems surprise by this. But Red decides to continue for Twilight.

"Yes Rarity has helped you guys. She did. But just like what Twilight said, something tells me that she is still to be trusted. No matter what you, Maleficent, Riku, or anyone would do would ever keep us apart! Our friendship is worth more than whatever bad thing she has done for you guys," exclaimed the red stallion.

Rarity looks at her friends and was surprised by this. She was very thankful for them. Star Mage started to chuckle evilly as she looks up.

"Like you have one to talk twilight. Soon you will pay for what you have done to me," said Star Mage as she summoned Parasite Cage and used a dark corridor to teleport her and Riku out of there.

After they defeated the Parasite Cage, a giant heart float from it. Then the place started to blow up from fight.

Donald yells, "Run!"

Sora however calls out, "Riku! Where are you?!"

Red rushed to Sora and says, "Sora. We need to Leave. I know it's hard having your best friend turn on us, but we need to keep moving to find Kairi."

Sora sighs and went with them. Red carried Rarity with them out of the whale.

Meanwhile Riku and Maleficent was on a ship away from Monstro and in another world.

Kairi was resting and lying down as she seems to be unconscious.

Riku asked, "So Kairi's like a lifeless puppet now?"

Maleficent answered, "Precisely."

Riku then said, "and her heart was..."

Maleficent continued for him, "Taken by the Heartless, no doubt."

Riku then turns to her and begged, "Tell me! What can I do?"

"There are seven maidens of the purest heart. We call them the princesses of heart. Gather them together, and a door will open to the heart of all worlds. Within lies untold wisdom. There, you will surely find a way to recover Kairi's heart. Now, I'll grant you a marvelous gift. The power to control the Heartless," says the witch as she grants Riku power to help control the heartless.

Then looks at Kairi, "Soon Kairi... Soon."

Back with the heroes, they have been sneezed out from Monstro and seem to be fine.

Goofy then said, "I sure hope Pinocchio and Geppetto are okay."

Donald included, "Hopefully they landed safely somewhere."

Red then felt more guilty. First Alice, then Jasmine, and now Geppetto and Pinocchio. He keeps looking at his keyblade with guilt. He was supposed to help people and help many worlds. But instead it feels like he is bringing nothing but bad luck.

At least Rarity is back, but now is unconscious from being sneezed by Monstro. At least the giant whale won't swallow them again.

Author's Note:

Pinkie Pie: Seems like Rarity is back! But for now they have to deal with Riku siding with the heartless and now to deal with the new pony that seems to have a serious grudge against Twilight. What grudge does she have against her? Have they fully forgiven Rarity? Will they find Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash in the other worlds? Find out next time on TOTAL! DRAMA! ISLAND!

Author: Pinkie Pie quit messing with my notes.

Pinkie Pie: Sorry! Have to do it! I can't avoid it!