• Published 4th Oct 2021
  • 1,176 Views, 113 Comments

The Softness Of Her Heart - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

In S9, After King Sombra's horn was found in the Crystal Empire, the princesses have decided to resurrect him and reform him. The pony to reform him will be none other than... Fluttershy!

  • ...

I'm A Monster!

Discord's P.O.V:

"Fluttershy!" I call out. "I'm back!"

Hearing no answer, I ask, "Shy?"

I don't understand. She promised that she'd stay awake on the night of my return so that she could give me a hug that would rival Pinkie Pie's!

Yet here I am, shivering and soaked in the cold rain, waiting for what seems like hours waiting for her to open the door.

I teleport myself in and am shocked to see... She's sleeping with none other than King Sombra.

They're hugging each other, smiling in their sleep.

Twilight had told me that Fluttershy was reforming Sombra, but I hadn't expected this.

They- I- I can't even form coherent thoughts right now.

I'm enraged. They're in love. Fluttershy is mine. She's my mare.

She is mine. Only mine.

I was gone for only two months and she's replaced me.

She wakes up and looks at me through her half open eyes. "D-discord?" she asks sleepily. "You're back?"

"Yes Fluttershy, I'm back," I hiss.

She wipes the sleep out of her eyes and gently moves out of Sombra's embrace and says, "I'm so sorry I didn't stay up for you. It's just that I was so tired..."

"You should be sorry that you didn't stay single for me! I've only been gone for two months, and you already replaced me! You betrayed me, Fluttershy, you betrayed me!"

"D-discord, it's not what it looks like, I swear!"

I ignore her.

Singing songs aren't my thing, but I need to do something or I'll go insane.


"The world is a place

Where the villains wear a smile on their face

While they take what you can never replace

Stolen moments gone forever

But tables can turn

As my enemies will soon enough learn

I will strike a match and then watch them burn

On the pyre of obsession

You run ’till you drop, chasing on advantage

You’ll pay any price if you think it’s free

I will carry hell to your doorstep; I will make you pay

You will reap the hate you’ve sown on my judgment day

Sleepless nights and days of damnation

Soon and evermore

I will bring the Chateau D’If knocking upon your door

And love is a lie swearing that no matter what it won’t die

Disappearing like a star in the sky

In the hot light of morning

But what do I care?

There are women to be had everywhere

First there’s retribution I must prepare

Mighty vengeance is mine

I have a nice show that will tempt you onward

And just when you’re sure that the prize is yours

I’ll deliver hell to your doorstep dressed in rich facade

Then, I’ll burn you to the ground like an angry god

Once you’re in my shining cathedral heed the tolling bell

It’s the final sound you hear as you descend to hell

Fall down on your knees

Fall down and let me hear you pray

Fall down on your knees

’till I can hear you bargaining, scheming, begging and screaming to me

I will carry hell to your doorstep; you will rue the day

You will reap the hate you’ve sown, no matter how hard you pray

It’s a place without any mercy, fashioned in cold blood

Stones of fear and stones of doubt

No forgiveness, no way out

Only justice

Then, amen!"

"Goodbye, Fluttershy. Goodbye forever. I was a fool for trusting you. I should've known better. You're a pony, and ponies always betray. I didn't think that you'd betray me like She did, but you proved me wrong. I was a damn fool for trusting a pony!"

As I teleport away to my chaos dimension, the last thing I see is Fluttershy's heartbroken face and tears falling from her eyes as she collapses.

Fluttershy's P.O.V:

"No... Discord..." I cry. Discord just came back and now he's gone again all because of me.

And this time, he's gone forever. He's not coming back.

All because he wrongly assumed that I replaced him with Sombra.

I hear Sombra getting out of bed and he asks, "Fluttershy? What happened? Why are you...crying?"

I don't answer him, I continue crying.

He can sense my grief and wraps his hooves around me, pulling me into a hug.

"Fluttershy..." he says. "You can tell me what happened. I won't judge you or anything. If you tell me, it'll help you."

I cry into his chest for a few more minutes before choking out, "D-discord..."

"Discord?" he asks, alarmed. "What did he do? Did he hurt you? If he hurt you, I swear-"

"Discord didn't hurt me, Sombra. I hurt him."


"Discord returned tonight, and found us sleeping together. He wrongly assumed that- that I replaced him."

Sombra is unsure of what to do and just moves his hooves up and down my back in a comforting gesture.

"I hurt him, Sombra. He's gone now. He's disappeared. And he said that he'll never come back again. He's heartbroken because of me. He- he-" I choke on my words, crying.

Sombra says in what he hopes to be comforting, "Don't cry Fluttershy, don't cry. It'll all be fine, I promise. Just don't cry."

King Sombra's P.O.V:

Fluttershy cries even more. I've never comforted anypony before, so I don't know what to do.

I just let her cry into my chest while rubbing her back.

What should I say? She cried even more after my first attempt at giving her comforting words.

I think the best thing to do would be to wait for her to stop crying.

Alright. Now there's a literal ocean of tears surrounding us.

A damn ocean.

I don't know what I should be surprised at. Should I be surprised at the fact Fluttershy managed to cry for that long, or at the fact that she managed to get that much tears out of herself?

I'll be surprised at both. But it's been three days and I'll be damned if I don't do something.

So I do the first thing that comes into my mind. I sing.


"Can we make amends?

Do we just pretend?

That we're over all the violence?

Are we done with this?

Put it all to rest

Turn the screams now into silence

Will you be a man?

Can you make a stand?

Will you own up or deny it?

All the time we lost, was it worth the cost?

Of breaking a family in two?

Destroyed all we knew

Tyrant, so defiant

Lonely as your heart is sinking

Consequences, no defenses

If only you had been thinking

Compliant, for a moment

Why did both of us have to believe that we were right?


Can I clear my mind? Leave it all behind?

Start to pick up all the pieces

Can I hide the scars? Just like prison bars?

That have always seemed to confine me?

Will we save it all? Even from the fall?

Is there time left for revival?

Can I be convinced that some hope exists?

With these wounds cut so deep in my soul

Can we become whole?

Tyrant, so defiant

Lonely as your heart is sinking

Consequences, no defenses

If only you had been thinking

Compliant, for a moment

Why did both of us have to believe that we were right?


There's so many things that I wanted to say

But the love turned to hate

We kept pushing away

And the words that came out turned it into a mess

And it's like pulling teeth cause you'll never confess

Now the damage is done

The hurt and the pain when nobody has won

Have we forgot it's your blood inside of my veins

That feeds my heart

Tyrant, so defiant

Lonely as your heart is sinking

Consequences, no defenses

If only you had been thinking

Compliant, for a moment

Why did both of us have to believe that we were right?


It's a song of all the pain, regret, guilt, and anger that I've kept in my heart all these years.

I don't even notice that I've been crying until Fluttershy wipes my tears away with her hooves.

She's finally stopped crying.

"Sombra?" she asks. "Are you okay?"

"No, Fluttershy. I'm not okay. I haven't been okay since I lost her. So many years since her death, and I still haven't gotten over the pain. So many years since my bad choices, so many years I did things that are unspeakable, and I still haven't recovered." I close my eyes and bow my head. "It's been a thousand years, Fluttershy, a thousand years. And I'm so tired. I'm so tired of hiding my emotions, of hiding how I truly feel. I'm so tired of locking my emotions away. I'm so damn tired!"

Fluttershy hugs me, her chest fur soaking up my tears. "Let it all out, let it all out," she says, and I do.

Fluttershy's P.O.V:

After both of us have finished getting rid of my ocean of tears (I can't believe I actually managed to produce such a large amount of tears) Sombra lays on the sofa and I curl up on his lap, much like a cat.

He says, "I miss her a lot. I'd give anything to see her again."

"What was her name?"

"Radiant Hope. Her beauty rivaled that of Crystal Roses. We met at a Hearths Warming ball, and fell in love. It was love at first sight. We dated for a few months. Like all ponies who date, we wanted to make love.

We weren't planning for a foal, just wanted to... When Hope found out she was pregnant, she panicked.

I told her that I'd support her, but she... She pushed me away.

She locked herself up, refusing to come out or speak to anypony.

I decided to let her have some time alone, but when she stayed locked up longer than I thought she would, I asked her to let me in.

She refused, so I broke the door down. We had a fight.

Both of us said things we didn't mean to, things we regretted.

The fight led to us breaking up.

Even though Hope was no longer my marefriend, I still loved her.

And then one night... It happened.

I went to a bar and was buying my drinks when I heard her scream.

I dropped my bit bag and ran out to find her not far. She was being attacked by a strange beast made of ice.

It was unlike anything I had ever seen before.

But it was made of ice, and I had to act fast. By the time I had thought of using a fire spell to get rid of it, it was too late.

The damage had been done. Ice was spreading up Hope's body faster than I could stop it.

The last thing she said to me was that even though we had our disagreements, our fights, even though she pushed me away, she never stopped loving me.

I teleported us to the hospital where I waited for the doctors to work their magic.

But an hour later the doctor took me aside to tell me she had died. The beast that had killed her was called an Ice Timberwolf.

A couple of other ponies had already died from its venom.

I went to Princess Amore and told her about it. She said she'd do what she could, but when ponies started dying every day, I knew I had to do something.

I had to avenge Hope. So I started learning dark magic.

I learnt it, and once I could perform all spells with ease, I marched to the Princess's Palace.

I shouted things. In my anger, I turned her into a Crystal Statue and shattered her into a thousand pieces, which were spread all over the Empire by the wind.

I used Dark Magic so much that I became an umbrum.

Knowing that strong emotions could keep the beasts away, I took over the Empire, and used the ponies hatred of me to keep the Ice Timberwolves away.

They hated me because I was a cruel ruler. I was hoping for them to admire me, they did at first, but the power went to my head and the dark magic began to corrupt me.

Eventually the Princesses came and I was banished.

When the Empire returned, I had changed. I was insane with the need for revenge.

I locked all my emotions away, taught myself to show no emotion.

I became a true monster. And I still am."

"No you aren't. You're not a monster, Sombra."

"I am. Have I restored Amore? No, I haven't. You're reforming me, true, but because of me, Discord is gone. He's hurt you, and now nopony knows what will happen. He might wage war on Equestria. And whose fault will it be? Mine. Who traumatized the Crystal Ponies? Who killed most of them mercilessly a thousand years ago? I did. Whose fault is it that Luna turned into Nightmare Moon a thousand years ago? Mine. When she and Celestia came to banish me, I used the nightmare spell on both of them. Celestia was stronger than Luna and managed to break her out of it only after the damage had been done. Whose fault is it that Hope's dead? Mine! I was too late to save her! If only I had thought faster she'd still be alive and- Everything's my fault! I'm a monster!"

I got up and wrapped my hooves around Sombra. "You're not a monster. You're just a stallion who's been through a lot."


"No buts. And that's what your nightmares have been about, am I right?"


"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because you would- I was afraid you'd hate me. And think of me as what I am- a monster."

"You are not a monster Sombra."

Sombra opened his mouth again, but before he could say a word, I pressed my lips against his, starting a kiss.

This catches him off guard and he kisses back.

It's a deep, passionate kiss, and we break it a few minutes later for air.

I smirk at Sombra's expression. "Now, that's a nice way of saying 'be quiet', isn't it?"

Sombra's dreamy expression remains. "Indeed it is..."

Author's Note:

You've finally got the identity of Her and the unknown creature.

Who's surprised? I think you all are.

What will Discord do next? Will his anger and sadness make him wage war on Equestria, or will he kill himself? And who is this She that Discord mentioned?
Only time will tell, but I'd like y'all to comment your thoughts all the same.

I wrote this chapter by myself because I thought it'd be unfair if Brony got to find out who the unknown creature was before the rest of you did.

And I think that the two songs I added fit perfectly.

The first is Hell To Your Doorstep, which is a song from The Count Of Monte Cristo Musical.

The second is Tyrant-Disturbed which is a song I found when I searched for a King Sombra tribute.

I hoped y'all enjoyed the songs as much as I did, and if you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to vote/like, favorite, comment, follow, and share.