• Published 4th Oct 2021
  • 1,175 Views, 113 Comments

The Softness Of Her Heart - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

In S9, After King Sombra's horn was found in the Crystal Empire, the princesses have decided to resurrect him and reform him. The pony to reform him will be none other than... Fluttershy!

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Fluttershy's P.O.V:

For the first time in days, Sombra opened his eyes and groaned. “Sombra!” I shout in joy.

“Flu…tter…shy?” He says slowly. “Why…everything…white?”

“You're in the hospital Sombra. The timberwolves hurt you so bad, the doctor said the soonest you'll be out of here is in a month.” I stroke his mane softly. “I was so worried. I thought- I thought you were going to-” Unable to finish my sentence, I sob.

Despite his numerous injuries and bandages, he managed to wrap a hoof around me. “S-sorry…It's all my fault. I had a little... Uh, fight with Angel even though you said we shouldn't fight. And I ran into the Everfree forest, thinking it was your garden.” he formed an apologetic smile.

"You did what?!" I shake my head. "We'll get back to that topic later. For now, I'll just tell you how happy I am that you're okay."

“Ah, he woke up, good.” Nurse Redheart walked in with a clipboard and quill. "Time for the test to make sure you're all right."

She then shone a light into his eyes for a few seconds. "Pupils reacting normally, good. You were very lucky. Your injuries were so severe we had to call Zecora to save your life.”

She then pokes him with a pin, causing Sombra to jerk his leg away. She scribbles something onto her clipboard and then leaves, saying something about coming back later.

“I…really thought this was the end for me…” Sombra mumbled weakly.

As I was about to reply, the door got thrown open and I turned around in surprise. Twilight ran in, a worried look on her face.

“Fluttershy!” She exclaimed in what sounded like guilt? “I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!” Before I could react, she had wrapped me into a hug, wetting my chest with her tears.

“W-what are you sorry for?” I ask, confused.

“It’s my fault that happened because I took his magic away! He could have escaped or defended himself, if he had his magic! Celestia never told me to take it, I was just curious!” She sobbed and I pushed her away from me, shocked and angry.

But before I could say anything, Sombra did. "You took my magic away, saying that your precious mentor told you to." He scoffs in disgust. "You lied to me and Fluttershy. You lied using the name of your Princess. I- I honestly don't know how Fluttershy is friends with you."

Twilight is shaking now. "Sombra, it-"

"No, Fluttershy, you can't just say it's fine! You can't say it's ok! I nearly died because of her. Sure, it was more of my fault for going into that cursed forest without knowing about it, but- I could've at least done something. And to think I've been living like a bucking mud pony for months, just because of a lie! This is just unnaceptable." Twilight runs out crying, while I stand there with my ears pinned against my head.

"And before you start shouting at me and say that she already feels guilty enough, let me tell you something. A unicorn without their magic is good as dead. Remember those visions? What they did? I nearly died then as well. So if once I'm out of the hospital and we get my magic back, if you're still friends with her-"

I'm crying. "I won't forgive her right away, Sombra. When you put it like that... It makes it sound really bad. But breaking my friendship with her permanently-"

"If she took away your power of flight for no reason, or even took any other of your friends powers for no reason other than to study it, what would you do? I mean, your orange earth pony friend, if she didn't have her strength, what would happen?"

"Most of Equestria would be left without food..." I whisper.

"Would you forgive her if she did that?"


"If she hurt some of your animal friends on purpose?"

"I'd- I'd never forgive her!"

"Exactly. And I know I mean more to you than them."

"...I'll take a while to think about it."

"Don't come back until you've decided."

King Sombra's P.O.V:
I watched Fluttershy leave, her saddened expression haunting me.

I shouldn't have been so harsh with her...

The nurse came back, saying, “If there is anything you need, don't hesitate to tell my colleague Candy who will be taking care of you for the night," and as she spoke, a white unicorn mare entered with my dinner tray held in her magic.

Her blue eyes darted around, scanning her surroundings, and she was trembling, looking highly afraid and ready to run out at any moment.

I noticed she had a pink mane with white stripes.

“Here’s your meal, S-Sombra…” She stuttered. “N-nurse Candy, at your service.”

I just nodded, and got a better look at her when she returned around. Her cutie mark was a notepad, and her flank was rather curvy. What a beautiful mare…

Then I shook my head. Focus!

“Is Candy new?” I asked Redheart who shook her head.

“She's a transfer from Canterlot. You have to excuse her, she had it a bit rough lately and being around you is not really helping her, no offense."

I wondered why but dismissed it as I ate, after which I fell asleep.

Surprisingly my dreams were peaceful, with no timberwolves chasing me.

As I yawned and stretched myself as best as I could, the door opened and Candy brought me breakfast. Just like yesterday, the mare trembled as she did so.

“Y-your breakfast, Sombra.” Her voice was stuttering, her tone fearful, making me feel great unease.

“There is no reason to be afraid of me. I can’t do anything while stuck in the hospital, can I?” I illustrated my point by trying to raise a hoof, and struggling, groaning in pain.


“Redheart said you had it rough lately. Do you…want to talk about it?” My lips formed a weak smile.

In response, she snuffed her hooves nervously. Seeing this I quickly said, "You don't have to if you don't want to."

"No, it's alright." She took a deep breath, steeling herself. “W-Well…not too long ago…I got kidnapped and enslaved…I barely managed to escape.” She lowered her head, staring at the ground, ears flattening as she did so. A lone tear fell as she said "They wanted me to be a…s-se…” she could not finish it, yet I was able to understand what she meant as that had been all too common in other lands during my rule.

"I had enslaved the crystal ponies, but I never did…that. Even I had standards..."

“W-what?” She looked at me in surprise.

I echoed her look, realizing I must have said that out loud.
“I used to be a tyrant King..." I began, filled with guilt and regret. "I enslaved the Crystal Empire but I never did anything that low. And with Fluttershy reforming me...I regret what I did…” In guilt, I lowered my head.

She took a step back and then one forward, as if unable to decide what to do.

Eventually she settled on going to the door. "I... I've got to go."

Then she ran out of the room. I sighed.

If for once, a pony approached me, knowing my past but not fearing me... I would be happy.

Author's Note:

We're finally getting somewhere...

Long as it took, Brony and I worked hard on this!

Also, Candy belongs to Brony.

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And yeah, Zecora's being introduced. Gonna be a challenge writing her...