• Published 4th Oct 2021
  • 1,175 Views, 113 Comments

The Softness Of Her Heart - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

In S9, After King Sombra's horn was found in the Crystal Empire, the princesses have decided to resurrect him and reform him. The pony to reform him will be none other than... Fluttershy!

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Sombra's P.O.V:

The mare named Fluttershy has been suspiciously kind to me. I'm not sure if I should trust her. I could never let anypony get too close to me. I had not forgotten about Radiant Hope's betrayal.

Didn't this mare know that I couldn't be reformed? I was snatched from my thoughts by a voice saying, "Um, Sombra? Are you okay?"

I was about to yell at the one who had interrupted my thinking when I saw it was the mare I had been thinking about, Fluttershy.

I still had to earn her trust, even if she would never earn mine. I said, "Of course I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Uh, not to be rude, but you were kind of staring at the wall for a long time.", she said.

“I was just lost in thought, that’s all.” I hastily replied. Trying not to show my distrust I kept a neutral expression.

“Oh...I see.” She replied before my ears twitched, a knock on the front door.

The pegasus went to open it, while I stayed on my guard, carefully listening in. “Ah, hello, Twilight.” Fluttershy greeted her. “How are you?”

“I am doing good, Fluttershy, thank you.” Twilight replied, “I would like to talk to Sombra, alone, please.” She requested, causing my ears to flinch in slight frustration.

“Uh, he’s still a bit...shaken, are you sure about this?” The timid mare sounded hesitant, much to my own surprise.

“Yes, I can do this. Why not catch some fresh air?”

“Uh, sure thing, Twilight.”

With the door closing and hoofsteps approaching, my expression slightly darkened as the student of the princess approached me. “What do you want?” My voice was slightly raised.

“I would like to tell you why your magic is gone.” She stated, which surprised me.

“What?”, I asked.

"I would like to tell you why your magic is gone,'' she repeated.

"And why is that?", I asked.

"Because I took it. Yes, I did take it.", she repeated, after seeing my look of astonishment and disbelief. "I drained you of your magic while you were sleeping.", she replied.

I didn't believe what I was hearing. " But why? ", was all that I could say.

"Well, for one," she started, "I wanted to do some tests on your magic, seeing if I could turn it into normal magic."

"But my magic is normal! It's only different because I'm an umbrum, and because I use dark magic.", I exclaimed.

" I...don't believe you.", she said a few seconds after I had finished talking. "You'll get your magic back when I'm finished testing it."

“No way!” I yelled at her, “Give it back, right now, it can't be used as an experiment!”

“I am sorry, but on Celestia’s orders, I can’t give you your magic back.” The purple unicorn tried to defend herself, taking a step back in fear.

But it didn’t matter to me. “Give it back, I demand it!” My voice was louder and more forceful, with the mare taking a defensive stance.

“Stop!” A new voice made both of us flinch, “Both of you!” We turned around to see a slightly upset and worried Fluttershy. “You can’t force him to do this, Twilight!”

Celestia’s student stayed silent for a moment before sighing. “I'll have to come back another time, I guess…” With that, she left.”

Fluttershy looked concerned at me. “She did not..hurt you, did she?”

“Somehow, I could not help but appreciate her concern. “I am fine.”

“Oh...okay.” She nodded, then fed her animals and dropped a bowl of berries next to me.

Fluttershy’s P.O.V:

I was just giving Angel his carrots when I heard a commotion coming from my living room where Sombra and Twilight were.

“No way!” I heard Sombra yell. “Give it back, right now, it can't be used as an experiment.”

“I am sorry, but on Celestia’s orders, I can’t give you your magic back.” Twilight yelled back.

I started walking there and as I heard Sombra yell again, “Give it back, I demand it!” I flew.

I tried saying, “Stop fighting.”, but my voice was so quiet that they didn’t hear me. As they continued to fight, I took a deep breath and yelled, “Stop!” This time they heard me and froze. “Both of you! You can’t force him to do this, Twilight!”, I said in my normal voice.

Twilight sighed, “I'll have to come back another time, I guess…” With that, she left.

Looking concerned, I asked Sombra, “She did not...hurt you, did she?”

“I am fine.”, was his reply.

“Oh...okay.” I nodded to show that I understood, and then flew off and came back with a bowl of berries and put them next to Sombra before walking back to Angel.

“Wait!”, I heard Sombra say. I turned around and he asked, “Are you not going to eat anything?”

“No.”, was my reply. “I need to give every creature their food first, and then I’ll eat.”

“Oh.”, said Sombra. “Do you want my help?”

I was taken aback by his proposal, but said, “Sure, I’d love it.”

Sombra smiled and asked me, “So, what should I do first?”


I was sitting in the living room, as Sombra told me to rest while he finished putting Angel Bunny to bed.

I had spent the day teaching Sombra about how to take care of the creatures, what to feed them, and things like that.

What had surprised me was that Sombra seemed interested and had willingly offered to help me. It was a good sign, as it showed that Sombra was reforming.

Sombra’s P.O.V:

Fluttershy gave me a bowl of berries and started walking away when I said, “Wait!” Fluttershy turned around and I asked, “Are you not going to eat anything?”

“No.”, was her reply. “I need to give every creature their food first, and then I’ll eat.”

“Oh.”, I said. “Do you want my help?”

She smiled, “Sure, I’d love it.”

Putting a smile on too, I asked, “So, what should I do first?”

After a long talk, I had convinced Fluttershy to rest. It was a little tricky, but who wouldn’t listen to the handsome and powerful Sombra?

The creatures were cute, I liked feeding them. I sighed. Such a shame that when I took over the Crystal Empire I wouldn’t be able to do that anymore.

I shook my head, reminding myself that the only reason I was doing this was because I wanted to get Fluttershy to trust me.

Because if she trusted me, then she’d get the other element bearers to trust me, which would lead to an easy way to get my magic and my empire back.

I was so great at plans. I quickly finished feeding the creatures, and then I washed my hooves. After drying them, I sat next to the yellow pegasus and we started eating the berries.


Fluttershy's P.O.V:

It was now night, and I had just finished putting all the creatures to sleep. Sombra had helped.

He surprised me again, by his offer, but I had accepted it. Sombra was now sleeping on the sofa as he was tired out from chasing Angel Bunny around the cottage.

He looked so cute while sleeping, so peaceful and happy. I wondered what he was dreaming about.

Shortly after thinking that, I fell asleep.

Author's Note:

I proudly announce the co-writer of this story as Bronycommander! If it weren't for him, this chapter wouldn't be here. Before you go, don't forget to...Vote/Like, Comment and Share!