• Published 4th Oct 2021
  • 1,176 Views, 113 Comments

The Softness Of Her Heart - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

In S9, After King Sombra's horn was found in the Crystal Empire, the princesses have decided to resurrect him and reform him. The pony to reform him will be none other than... Fluttershy!

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Magic Is A Wonderful Thing

Sombra's P.O.V:

It felt wonderful having magic again. And this was exactly what the subject of our conversation was.

Fluttershy smiles and says, “I'm happy that she returned it,” and I nod. She still feels some distress and regret about leaving her…

“Fluttershy… Would you like to get some ice cream?” I ask, wanting to get her mind off that.

“Ice cream?” she asks, glancing around.

“Yes, from Sugar Cube Corner,” I say, gesturing towards the building.

“I…” she hesitates a little, probably thinking of the possibility of the shop having customers, even at this time. I place a comforting hoof upon her shoulder, and she says, “Okay.”

It was only a short walk, with ponies greeting us on the way and I held the door open for her, which she appreciated with a smile. “Quite the gentlecolt,” she commented, blushing.

“Welcome to Sugarcube Corner, how can I help you?” Pinkie Pie asked as we made our way to the counter, and I took the word for her.

“One table for two, please.”

“Sure thing, take one wherever you like!” she stated, much to our surprise, until we noticed we were the only ones there, so we took the nearest one. She then handed us two menus and we read them to decide.

A sigh escaped the usually happy mare. “Have you heard about Twilight, Fluttershy? I am getting worried. She is so depressed and does not react to anything I try…It's concerning.”

With a concern of her own, the Pegasus opened her mouth but I took the word for her with slight frustration. “She simply feels guilty over what she has done to me. Just give her time, I am sure she will feel better eventually.”

Both mares stared at me for a moment before nodding and I made my order. “I think I'll take a Strawberry cake.”

“Chocolate for me,” Fluttershy added and we waited patiently and quietly for our orders, not saying a word, as I didn't want to ruin the moment and neither did Fluttershy.

As it arrived, we both took a bite and… my eyes went wide, with a smile forming on my face. “This is the best cake I've ever tasted…!”

“I’m glad to hear it, the Cake family surely lives up to its name.” With closed eyes, a cute giggle escaped the yellow mare’s mouth. “I would have never thought you would be so simple.”

I just shrugged. “Just because I was a king, doesn’t mean I don't prefer a simple meal from time to time. Did you think I have a huge buffet every time, like royalty shown in the media?” Now, I cracked a smile of my own.

After leaving the Café, we decided to return home as we were both exhausted. “Thanks for the ice cream,” says Fluttershy quietly, with a smile upon her beautiful face.

I also smile and reply, “Seeing you happy is worth it.”

She's about to say something, but her smile suddenly falls and is replaced by an expression of anxiousness.

“Fluttershy? What happened?”

She doesn't utter a word, but merely points in the direction of the Castle of Friendship or whatever it was called, above which huge storm clouds have formed. The rest of Ponyville is bright and sunny, but only that area is the exact opposite.

“I'm sure nothing happened,” I say, despite knowing that something did happen. “Don't worry about it, let's head home.”

Discord's P.O.V:

She's forgotten me completely. All she cares about is him… He makes her happy… I should be in his place. I should be the one by her side, making her laugh. I should be the cause of her happiness.

Damn her… Damn her… How dare she forget me… I will make her pay for this. No, I will make Sombra pay. I will get my revenge…

Perhaps a little visit to Ponyville is in order. But going as myself won't do, especially when Fluttershy will most likely talk me out of my revenge, if we ran into each other. Nor can I go without a plan…

Twilight's P.O.V:

Spike had convinced (forced) me to leave the Castle, saying that I couldn't be cooped up there forever. I was walking around aimlessly, looking at the moon every so often, and the stars which accompanied it.

Yes, it was currently night. As less ponies would be awake, he had said that it was perfect for me to go out without fear of being judged.

I mulled over what he had last told me. “You corrected your mistakes the best you could, you even paid the hospital bill, and it's their choice whether to forgive you or not. You owe them nothing now, so stop beating yourself up for it. Come on, leave the past in the past, Twilight. I…I can't bear to see you like this anymore. It's killing a little part of me every single time I see you like this…”

Could I really leave the past behind and forgive myself? But…Sombra could've died during the conflict with the timberwolves, and it would've been because I took his magic away.

Evil as he used to be, he wasn't evil now, and Fluttershy trusted him. They were even dating, and what was I doing, taking one of my friend's happiness away?

No, I couldn't forgive myself for this no matter how hard I tried…

At the sound of hoofsteps, I straightened up from my slumped posture and wiped my eyes before looking around to see who it was. A mare with purple fur that was a few shades darker than mine approached, and her pale blue mane seemed to glimmer in the moonlight.

Once she was close enough, I perceived that her fur was also sparkling. Her azure eyes seemed to bore into mine and I felt as though there was something strange about her.

“I presume that you go by the name of Twilight Sparkle?” she asks, and I nod, wondering if she came from Canterlot as that type of speech would emit from a Noble's mouth.

“Yes,” I say, managing not to stutter. A moment passes, and I pose a question of my own. “Who are you?”

“I shall tell you…but first, follow me. We mustn't be seen here,” she replies, and her horn lights up. A second later, we're in an alley, and she casts several spells, some of which I suppose were defensive ones, before turning to face me. “My name is Radiant Hope,” the mare revealed, and for some reason, I felt as though I had heard that name before. It seemed familiar.

“I have come from the Crystal Empire,” she continued. “I have but one reason, which is that I have decided to leave the past behind. I am of the ponies from before limbo, and during Sombra's rule, I have experienced much suffering. Recently, I came to know that Princess Celestia has given the task of reforming him to the bearer of Kindness, and I am justifiably enraged at this news. He should burn in Tartarus; he should be left to rot!”

As Hope said this, anger filled her voice, and I ask, “I hope you don't mind, but what did he do that you hate him that much?”

“Haven't you studied history? Haven't you read a single book on the history of the Crystal Empire?” she questions, and upon seeing me nod, says, “Then how can you ask such a question?”

“Sorry,” I replied, “I haven't been thinking clearly.”

“Well, Princess, I would advise you to start thinking clearly now. Equestria may be lenient in dealing with their villains, but Sombra is one who must be dealt with severely. Ask me not how I know this, but soon, he will desire to travel to the Crystal Empire once more. He will seek to recapture it. Stop him, for we can suffer no longer. Destroy him…once and for all…”

Sombra's P.O.V:

Fluttershy had just fallen asleep, and I was watching her with a smile on my face, when suddenly, I heard a knock at the door.

I headed downstairs with a scowl on my face, ready to curse whoever it was into oblivion if it wasn't important, for they had destroyed my much needed peace.

Upon opening the door, I stepped back in surprise after seeing who was there. It was impossible… She couldn't be here… She had died long ago…

But here she was, right in front of my very eyes, and this was no illusion.

She stepped forth, allowing herself in, and said, with a smile on her face, “Hello Sombra, long time no see.”

Author's Note:

We're finally getting somewhere! Hm...What will Hope and Sombra talk about? Is it actually Hope?

To find out, make sure that you...Comment, vote/like, favourite, follow, and share!

Comments ( 4 )

Soooooooo, are Discord and Hope up to something bad against Sombra? The intrigue is growing.

Darkness vs Chaos. Author, you never stop to surprise me. Good job.

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