• Published 18th Nov 2021
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Cracks to Gravity Falls - Gfmlp

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01) Looking at a New World

They were all looking through the mirror at Twilight.

“How did she get there?” Shining Armor asked.

Suddenly, Princess Cadance appeared somewhat injured being accompanied by Royal Guards.

"Princess Celestia we found Princess Cadance in the brig," said a Royal Guardsman.

Shining Armor immediately went to check on Princess Cadance and realizing that she was fine, she decided to continue watching Twilight through the mirror.

"Well done," Princess Celestia said, and immediately afterward she continued to stare at the mirror.

"What's going on here?" Princess Cadance asked seeing everyone here looking at the mirror where Twilight appeared.

"I have no idea what's going on either, can someone explain to us?" Rarity asked.

"If we assume that the one who impersonated Princess Cadance told the truth, what sucked Twilight in was a portal and sent Twilight elsewhere," Princess Celestia said feeling very guilty for not believing Twilight, then continued speaking. "We have to be vigilant to go looking for her as soon as we know her location."

"Well, the closest thing I can see to where Twilight is is the Everfree Forest," Applejack said.

Rainbow Dash hearing that decided to go to the Everfree Forest, she was about to go out to look for Twilight, but they stopped her.

“I said it looked like, not that it was the place! I hate to admit it, but we need to know more about where she is to go looking for her,” Applejack said.

Suddenly they saw a creature that they had never seen in her life and it approached Twilight.


Dipper and Mabel had been sent to Gravity Falls for a summer vacation with their great-uncle Stan, who had turned his cabin into a tourist trap, which he called the Mystery Shack.

Dipper was walking in the woods when he heard a noise and saw a purple pony sleeping near where he was, Dipper wondered who would paint a pony that color and looking closer he realized it was a unicorn, but wondered why. where he came out, because he was sure that he had just passed near where the unicorn is now and before there was nothing there.

Suddenly, Twilight began to wake up.

"How long have I slept?" Twilight wondered just waking up.

"I don't know how long you've been asleep, but are you okay?" Dipper asked, somewhat surprised that he could speak.

"I'm fine," Twilight said, then she looked at the source of her voice and was surprised to see a creature she had never seen before.

Seeing Dipper, Twilight immediately tried to make a force field to protect herself from her, but the only thing she achieved was that her horn launched some sparks.

Dipper stared at what the unicorn was doing and was pretty sure that what he wanted to do wasn't sparks.

“What creature are you? Also, what is your name? And more importantly, where am I?” Twilight asked.

“My name is Dipper Pines, I am a human and you are in the forest near the town of Gravity Falls”, said Dipper and then continued speaking. "And what's your name?"

"My name is Twilight Sparkle," she said, introducing herself.

Twilight was somewhat confused at hearing the name of the town, because she was sure she had never heard of Gravity Falls before, and the two decided to go to a place called the Mystery Shack to talk.


While in Equestria, everyone saw what had just happened and listened carefully to the conversation.

"Princess Celestia, where is Gravity Falls?" Rainbow Dash asked.

“I've never heard of a people called that and I've never heard of a species called human,” Princess Celestia said, very worried that she was beginning to think that Twilight had been sent to another world, but she wanted to confirm that first.


Dipper told Twilight about her having a sister named Mabel, when they arrived at the Mystery Shack, Mabel as soon as she saw Twilight, she threw herself to hug her.

"Great a unicorn," Mabel said hugging Twilight very tightly.

"Mabel I think you shouldn't hug her so tight," Dipper said.

"Obviously she likes to be hugged that tight," Mabel said.

“Why don't you ask him?” Dipper said.

Mabel hearing that looks at Twilight curiously.

"You're holding me so tight," Twilight said.

“Great you can talk!” Mabel said.

“Can you let go of me?” Twilight asked.

“I'm sorry,” Mabel said.

Stan, Wendy and Soos saw everything that happened and Stan was happy to use Twilight to attract more children and Dipper explained to Twilight that she was the Mystery Shack.

Twilight and Dipper agreed that they were going to ask each other questions.

Dipper discovered thanks to the questions he asked Twilight that he came from a place called Equestria, that there were earth ponies, pegasi, griffins among other creatures, that friendship was the most powerful magic in Equestria and he had never heard of Gravity Falls and the humans.

Twilight discovered thanks to the questions she asked Dipper that she was now in a world called Earth, that magic did not exist and if it did exist it was hidden, that nature, weather and animals were similar to the Everfree Forest, also that the sun and the moon moved naturally and that the only intelligent beings that could speak were humans.

Twilight when she realized that she was in another world she was very sad. Twilight tried to calm down and began to think about how she got here, because she was so confused by what was going on that she didn't stop to think about how she got here. In doing so she remembered about her brother's wedding and that Princess Celestia and her friends were very angry with her and that no one had believed her about someone impersonating Princess Cadance and she became much more depressed.


Meanwhile in Equestria, the mirror was taken to Princess Celestia's castle and everyone was watching what was happening.

Everyone realizing that Twilight was in another world, everyone felt very sad.

"Princess Celestia, can't you bring Twilight back?" Applejack asked.

"I can't do it, it would cost me too much to create a link between that and ours to create the portal," said Princess Celestia.

“Can't you use the mirror to create the portal?” Shining Armor asked.

“This mirror is just a window to another world, and what we need is to create a door to that world,” Princess Celestia said sadly, then continued speaking. "But that explains where the red bolts came from, something had to have tried to connect this world to the world where Twilight is now by force, which ended up creating those red bolts and the portal that took Twilight away."

They all decided that they better keep watching what happened to Twilight.


Dipper noticed that Twilight was suddenly depressed and decided to ask her why she felt sad.

"Twilight, why do you seem so sad all of a sudden?" Dipper asked Twilight.

"I remembered that nobody believed me when I told them something very important and then I had a fight with my friends and then I was transported to this world," Twilight said sadly.

All her friends seeing and hearing what Twilight had just said felt very guilty for everything that happened before the wedding started.

"Twilight, I'm sure all your friends feel guilty and miss you," Mabel said trying to make Twilight feel better.

“Mabel, I'm sure they realized I was gone after the wedding was over or bettter thought after the wedding was ruined,” Twilight said.

In Equestria, Twilight's friends agreed with what Mabel said, but felt more guilty for what Twilight had just said.

"Twilight I think you should stop thinking about that fight, because it's making you more depressed than you already are," Dipper said.

Everyone after Twilight calmed down a bit decided to go to sleep, Twilight stayed to sleep in the Mystery Shack, more specifically in Mabel's bed, because there were no more beds.


While in Equestria, Princess Celestia decided to speak to everyone present.

"I was hoping Twilight was somewhere in Equestria, but Dipper just confirmed that Twilight is on another world called Earth, more specifically in a town called Gravity Falls, and it looks like the mirror only shows Twilight because she's originally from Equestria." this world,” Princess Celestia said very sadly, then sighed and continued speaking. “I'll start creating a portal where Twilight is and tomorrow I'll move the mirror to the Ponyville library. Today everyone is going to stay in Canterlot to sleep.”

They all went to try to sleep, but deep down they all knew that they would not be able to sleep easily.