• Published 18th Nov 2021
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Cracks to Gravity Falls - Gfmlp

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04) Headhunters

In the days after the day they had their adventure at the lake in Gravity Falls, Twilight somewhat chided Mabel for throwing Dipper's cameras, after hearing the entire story of the Gobblenwonker adventure they had in detail, as well as the Old Man McGucket promised Twilight that she would tell her if she decided to build a new giant robot, and Twilight drew pictures of her friends and teacher as best they could to show Dipper, Mabel, Wendy, and Soos.

Twilight also told about Princess Celestia's attitude to Mabel and Dipper said that she was someone who always thought of others, very wise, she is someone very good and acts very kind to everyone.


In the present day, Dipper, Twilight, and Mabel were watching television called Duck-tective and various Equestrians were also watching the show they were watching.

“I have to admit, that show is better than I expected,” Applejack said.

"You're right, it's pretty good," Rainbow Dash said.

Everyone else was watching too thinking that and Pinkie was watching the show with 3D glasses and eating some popcorn.

“I'm afraid your services won't be required here, sir. My men have examined the evidence, and this is obviously an accident," said the TV show's Constable.

“An accident, constable? Or is it... Murder?!” Says the subtitles that translated the Duck-tective's quacking.

“What?!” says the Constable.

"Duck-tective will return after these messages," says TV Announcer.

Mabel was shocked by what had just happened.

“That duck is a genius!” says Mabel.

"Hey, it's easier to find clues when you're that close to the ground," says Dipper.

"Mabel, Dipper's right that clue wasn't too hard to find," said Twilight.

“Are you two saying you could outwit Duck-tective?” Mabel said as she closed her eyes and placed her hands on her hips.

“Mabel, I have very keen power of observation. For example, just by smelling your breath, I can tell that you have been eating”, Dipper said, sniffing Mabel's breath and continuing to speak somewhat confused. “... an entire had of toothpaste?!”

“Why the hell would you eat that?” Twilight asked.

“It was so sparkly...”, replied Mabel with some guilt.

Suddenly, Soos appears in the room.

"Hey dudes, you'll never guess what I found!" Soos said.

“Buried treasure!” Dipper and Twilight said at the same time.

“Buried–” Mabel was saying, but she stopped herself as she realized that Dipper and Twilight had said it first. "Hey, I was gonna say that!"

Afterward, Soos leads them to a door.

“So, I was cleaning up, when I found this secret door, hiden behind the wallpapper. It’s crazy creepy bonkers!” Said Soos as she opened the door.

And everyone in Gravity Falls and watching in Equestria saw a wax museum.

“Whoah! It's a secret wax museum!” said Dipper.

"This is amazing!" Twilight said.

"The're so life-like," said Mabel.

“Except for that one,” Dipper said.

But what Dipper thought was a wax statue suddenly spoke, revealing it to be Stan.

“Hello!” Stan said.

Dipper, Mabel, Twilight and Soos scream as they suddenly see Stan.

"It's just me, your Grunkle Stan," Stan says with a laugh.

Dipper, Mabel and Soos scream again and run off.

"Mr. Stan you can stop talking, until we calm down, because we were still very scared when you spoke again”, Twilight said with some fear still.


After everyone calmed down, Stan decided to explain this place to everyone.

“Behold the Gravity Falls Wax Museum! It was one of our most popular attractions... before I forgot all about it. I got 'em all! Genghis Khan; Sherlock Holmes”, then Stan looks at the statue of Larry King and says. "some kind of, I don't know, goblin man?"

“Is anyone else getting the creeps here?” says Dipper.

"You're not the only one with a bad feeling, Dipper," says Twilight.

“And now for my personal favorite: Wax Abraham Lincoln, right over–”, Stan was saying, then he turns to see Abraham Lincoln, but sees only a lot of melted wax thanks to the light coming from a window. “Oh! Oh no! Come on, who left the blinds open? Wax John Wilkes Booth, I'm looking in your direction!"

Stan approaches the pile of melted wax very sad.

“How do you fix a wax figure?” Stan wonders.

“Cheer up, Grunkle Stan. Where's that smile?" says Mabel.

“Egh”, says Stan very sad and discouraged.

“Beep, bop, boop,” says Mabel as she playfully touches Stan's face with her finger.

"Ow," Stan groans at Mabel's finger in his face.

"Don't worry, Grunkle Stan. I’ll make you a new wax figure from all this old wax!” says Mabel.

“Do you really think you make one of these puppies?” Asked Stan.

“Grunkle Stan, I'm an arts and craft master. Why do you think I always have this glue gun stuck to my arm?” Mabel says and then raises her arm revealing a glue gun underneath and then shakes it.

“I like your gumption, kid!” Stan said.

"I don't know what that word means, but thank you!" said Mabel.


Then Mabel was ready to start making a wax statue, but first she was going to ask her what they thought of her ideas.

“Dipper and Twilight!” says Mabel.

This scared Dipper and Twilight the sudden appearance of Mabel, Dipper choked because she was drinking a drink, seeing this Twilight decided to help him.

“What do you think of my wax figure idea?” Mabel said showing Dipper and Twilight the drawing she had made. “Ella She’s part fairy princess, and part horse fairy princess”

"M... maybe you should carve something from real life," Dipper said.

"You should definitely do something else," Twilight said, somewhat disturbed by the drawing.

Many in Equestria when seeing Mabel's drawing thought the same.

“Like a waffle, with big arms!” Said Mabel showing the new drawing she had just made.

“Did you listen to Dipper's suggestion?” Asked Twilight.

“O-okay... Or, you know, something else. Like-like someone in your family,” Dipper said.

Immediately after Dipper said that, Stan appeared.

“Kids, have you seen my pants?” Said Stan, placing one foot on top of the briefcase and inadvertently striking a pose.

Mabel's eyes widen at this and she turns around.

“Oh muse. You work in mysterious ways,” said Mabel.

"Why's your sister talking to the ceiling?" Stan asked without knowing what was going on.


In Equestria they were seeing what was happening and they realized that Mabel did have a talent for creating sculptures.

"Mabel really has a talent for sculpture and a lot of skill," Rarity said.

"I thought you hated Mabel, because you said Mabel was selfish when Twilight pointed it out a few days ago," Applejack said, teasing Rarity a bit.

"You're right Applejack, but I've thought about it more calmly and if Mabel has someone like Twilight to point out when she's being selfish she'll realize it, plus I must also admire someone else's artwork," Rarity said.

Upon hearing that, Applejack realized that Mabel didn't notice her when she was selfish, but if someone pointed it out to her she would notice her and she felt guilty.


Meanwhile in Gravity Falls, Mabel was finishing making the wax statue.

"I think... it needs more glitter," says Mabel.

“Agreed,” said Soos, handing Mabel a bucket of glitter.

Mabel throws the bucket of glitter at the statue she was building and then Stan walks in.

“I found my pants but now I’m missing my–” Stan was saying, but he was startled to see the wax statue and fell backwards, knocking over some papers.

“What do you think?” Mabel asks.

"I think... the Wax Museum's back in business!" Said Stan cheerfully.

Mabel looked at the papers that had fallen, she realized that they were the drawings of Twilight's friends.

"Grunkle Stan, can you wait a bit to open the Wax Museum? I just thought of creating other statues," said Mabel.

“Mabel, I want to get the Wax Museum open fast, so just make a wax statue,” Stan said.

Mabel started looking at the drawings of Twilight's friends to see which one she chose and finally she decided who she was going to make the statue.


Then there was going on at the Mystery Shack, the grand re-opening of the Gravity Falls Wax Museum, and a lot of people had come for the show.

“Finally I am going to see how the wax statues that Mabel was making turned out, these days I have been busy because there have been many children among the tourists who have come to the Mystery Shack and when I found out that the wax statue had been finished and they were going to reopen the Wax Museum, Mabel didn't want to let me in because she was making another wax statue," Twilight told Dipper.

"Well, I'm surprised that so many people have come to see the Wax Mueseum," said Dipper.

“I know, right? Your uncle probably bribed them or something,” says Wendy.

"He bribed me," Dipper said, holding up a dollar.

Wendy also held up a dollar, pointing out that she too had been bribed. Then Stan, marks the start of the show.

“As you know, I always bring the people of this fair twon novelties and befuddlements, the likes of which the world, has never known. But enough about me. Behold… me!” Say Stan as he removed the blanket from the wax statue of him.

Alone two people in the audience politely clap and someone coughs.

"I must admit that Mabel does have a talent for building statues," Twilight said.

Mabel approaches Stan.

“Grunkle Stan, show the other wax statue too,” Mabel whispered.

“And this statue, too,” Stan said with obvious disinterest as he revealed it.

Everyone except Dipper, Mabel, Stan, Wendy and Soos weren't impressed by the statue Mabel had made, but the rest of those who were watching, especially Twilight who was left with her mouth open. Mabel had made an exact wax replica of Princess Celestia which was the first time they had seen that statue they were also impressed upon seeing the statue.

Everyone in the audience began to applaud at the sight of the wax statue of Princess Celestia.

“And now a word from our own Mabelangelo!” said Stan.

Mabel approaches the microphone.

"It's Mabel. Thank you for coming! I made this sculpure with my own two hands!” says Mabel raising her hands. "It's covered in my blood, sweat, tears, and other fluids!"

“Ugh! Ewwww!” says the entire audience with distaste.

“Yeah. I will now take questions!” Says Mabel with a smile, then points to Old Man McGucket. “You are there!”

“Old Man McGucket, local kook. Are the wax figures alive? And follow-up question, can I survive the wax-man uprising?” Asks Old Man McGucket.

“Um… Yes!” Replies Mabel somewhat confused by the question, then she points to Toby Determined. “Next question!”

“Toby Determined, Gravity Falls Gossiper. Do you really think this constitutes a wonder of the world?” Asks Toby Determined pointing to the wax statue of Stan.

"Your microphone's a turkey baster, Toby," Said Stan.

“It certainly is–”, Said Toby, deciding not to press the question further.

“Next question”, Said Stan pointing to a Shandra Jimenez.

“Sandra Jimenez, to real reporter. Your flyers promised free pizza with admission to this event”, says Shandra Jimenez showing flyers that said in large letters that there was free pizza. “Is this true?”

All those who had come to the show began to get angry when they realized that the pizza they had promised was not there. Dipper, Twilight and Wendy seeing all those annoying people started to feel scared.

“That was guy. Good night, everyone!” Stan said and immediately after throws a smoke bomb to escape and runs away with the money he had earned thanks to this show.

The entire audience leaves the place full of anger and destroying the place. Dipper, Twilight and Wendy watched with concern all the chaos that the angry people had caused, after those people left, Mabel approached Dipper, Twilight and Wendy.

"I think that went well," said Mabel very nonchalantly.

That comment made Dipper, Twilight, Wendy and the others who were in Equestria look at her with many doubts.


That night, inside the Mystery Shack, Stan was very happy because he had won a lot of money.

“Hot pumkin pie! Look at all this cash! And I owe it all to one person!” Stan said, then looked over and pointed at Wax Stan. “This guy!”

Mabel punches Stan playfully.

“Ooh! Yes, you too, little gremlin”, says Stan.

"I think you should also thank the wax statue of Princess Celestia, for what I heard from the angry crowd that they hadn't done much damage because they liked the statue of Princess Celestia," said Twilight as she left the statue of the Princess Celestia in this room.

“Now you kids wash up. We got another long day of fleeing rubes tomorrow. Go, go!” Said Stan, not paying attention to what Twilight said.

"Mr. Stan, if you don't mind, I'm going to leave the wax statue of Princess Celestia here and tomorrow I'll see where I'm going to leave it," said Twilight.

“Okay!” Stan said with a clear disinterest in the statue of Princess Celestia.


Later at the Mystery Shack, Stan was watching Duck-tective on TV.

“Stupid duck!” Stan said watching the show.

After saying that he gets up from the couch and turns to look at Wax Stan.

“Well, I'm gonna use the john. You need anything?” Stan said to the wax statue and then laughs and says. “I love this guy! Don't you go nowhere”


In Equestria they were watching Duck-tective and when they found out about Stan they made scary faces, but before they could change what the mirror was showing it changed back to showing Twilight.

"I'm glad the mirror stopped showing Stan," Rarity said.

Everyone who was watching Duck-tective agreed with what Rarity said.

Princess Celestia was about to go back to Canterlot and she also liked the wax statues that Mabel had made, a thought passed through her head, it was that Stan acted as if he had met a relative of his in the way how I was dealing with that statue, but those thoughts were interrupted when everyone heard Stan yell. Dipper, Mabel and Twilight also heard that scream and they all saw that they ran down to where Stan was.


At the Mystery Shack, Dipper, Mabel, and Twilight arrived at Stan.

“Mr. Stan, why did you scream?” Asks Twilight.

Wax Stan! He’s been… m-murdered!” Said Stan pointing to the statue of Wax Stan who had been decapitated.

Mabel fainted upon realizing that both of her wax statues were missing their heads.


Then Stan decided to call the police to find out who did this. When the two policemen arrived Stan explained to them what had happened.

“I got up to use the john, right? And when I come back, blammo! He's headless!" Explained Stan to the two policemen.

“My expert handcrafting... besmirched”, says Mabel very sad because someone ruined the two wax statues that she just made and then she screams. “Besmiiiirrrched!”

"Who would do something like this?" Dipper wondered.

"I don't know who would do something like that against Princess Celestia's dignity," said Twilight with some anger.

"What's your opinion, Sheriff Blubs?" Asked Deputy Durland.

"Look, we'd love to help you folks, but let's face the facts... this case is unsolvable," Replies Sheriff Blubs.

“What?!” Say Dipper, Mabel, Twilight and Stan.

“You take that back, Sheriff Blubs?” Says Stan.

"You're kidding, right? There must be evidence, reasons. You know, I could help if you want," Said Dipper.

"He's really good. I figured out who was eating our tin cans!” Said Mabel.

"All sings pointed to the goat," said Dipper.

“I want to find out who was capable of doing something like that, too,” said Twilight, pointing to the statue of Princess Celestia that didn't have her head on it.

“If they let the two of them help out, they've proven to be pretty smart,” said Stan.

“Ooh! Would you look at what we got here! City boy thinks he's gonna solve a mystery with with his fancy computer pone!" Sheriff Blubs told Dipper, after watching Twilight. "And I don't think a cute magical being should get involved in this investigation, either."

“City boooy! City boooy!” Diputy Durland said to Dipper, then looked at Twilight and said. “Cute Magical Being! Cute Magical Being!”

Several in Equestria could barely contain their laughter at the two policemen's comments.

“Your are adorable!” Said Sheriff Blubs.

“Lovely?” Dipper and Twilight said at the same time.

Dipper is offended that they called him adorable and Twilight is offended that they imply that he is not smart by using magic.

Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland laughed at Dipper and Twilight's expressions.

"Look, P.J.'s and fairy tale creature, how about you leave the investigation to the grown-ups, okay?" Said Sheriff Blubs.

Twilight was very offended by that comment, she tried to calm down a bit.

"Dipper and Mabel, I'm also very angry with the police how they're taking this case, but they must be doing more important things," Twilight said, managing to calm down a bit.

Suddenly Blub's walkie talkie starts to ring and they answer.

“Attention, all units. Steve is about to fit an entire cantaloupe in his mouth. Repeat, an entire cantaloupe!” Says the voice coming from the walkie talkie.

“It’s a 23–16!” said Deputy Durland.

“Let’s move!” Sheriff Blubs responded.

After saying that they ran out of the Mystery Shack.

"But it seems I was wrong," Twilight says referring to what she said earlier.

"That's it! Mabel and also the 3 of us are going to find the jerk who did this, and get back that head. Then we'll see who's adorable", said Dipper and after finishing speaking he sneezes.

“Aww, you sneeze like a kitten!” Mabel says happily.

Twilight and several in Equestria who were watching thought Mabel was right and that was pretty adorable too.

Dipper, Mabel and Stan decided that they all had to go to bed, because it was already very late, but they took time to go to bed because Twilight wanted to find the criminal in the middle of the night and after a few minutes they managed to convince Twilight to go to sleep.


The next morning at the Mystery Shack, they were just going to investigate the case and began studying the crime scene.

"Wax Stan has lost his head and its up to us to find it," says Dipper.

Mabel was taking photos meanwhile. Twilight didn't like that Dipper didn't pay attention to the decapitation of Princess Celestia's statue.

"There were a lot of unhappy customers at the unveiling," Dipper said looking at a bunch of photos of suspects. “The murderer could have been anyone.”

"And it is! Even us!” said Mabel.

“In this town, anything is possible. Ghost, zombies, it could be months before we find our first clue,” Dipper said as he looked at Journal 3.

"Dipper and Mabel you're exaggerating I don't think it's something supernatural, besides we couldn't do it", Twilight said after saying that she looked at Dipper and said. “Dipper, why are you only looking for the culprit by focusing only on who hurt the Wax Stan? You shouldn't at least also focus on who damaged Princess Celestia's statue."

Dipper decided to explain to Twilight why she wasn't focusing on Princess Celestia's statue.

"Twilight because someone in Gravity Falls wanted to decapitate the wax statue of Princess Celestia," said Dipper.

Twilight started to think about what Dipper said and suddenly her face changed to terror.

“Someone wants to kill Princess Celestia!” screamed Twilight in fear.

Dipper and Mabel were surprised that Twilight could panic so quickly.

"Twilight seems to exaggerate a lot of more the things that we", whispered Mabel to Dipper as they both watched as she began to despair.

Many in Equestria who heard what Mabel said agreed with what she said.

“Twilight, calm down! First of all, it's the first time that the inhabitants of Gravity Falls see Princess Celestia, also they liked that statue and lastly they don't even know the name because none of us told him that and I'm sure Stan doesn't even know the name”, said Dipper.

Twilight thought about everything Dipper said and realized that the person who decapitated the statue of Princess Celestia only wanted to decapitate Wax Stan and she calmed down when she realized this, but another doubt arose, because the person who wanted to harm al Wax Stan decided to also damage the statue of Princess Celestia.

“Hey look! A clue”, said Mabel, pointing to some footprints on the carpet and interrupting Twilight's thoughts.

“Footprints in the shag carpet!” said Dipper.

“They can't be from Mr. Stan, because these prints are from shoes and he was in slippers that night,” said Twilight.

"That's weird. They've got a hole in them," said Mabel.

“I definitely didn't leave Mr. Stan those footprints,” said Twilight.

"And they're leading to..." said Dipper as he followed the shoe prints.

Dipper, Mabel, and Twilight found an ax behind the couch while following the shoe prints.


Then they took the ax away and showed it to Soos.

"So, what do you think?" Asked Dipper.

“In my opinion: this is an axe,” said Soos as she looked at the axe.

“I don't know why we went to show Soos the axe,” said Twilight. “No offense Soos.”

“Heh heh. I get that a lot,” says Soos without taking offense.

“Wait a minute. The lumberjack!” said Mabel.

Everyone remembered how angry Manly Dan was, after learning there was no pizza.

“Of course!” Dipper, Mabel and Twilight said at the same time.

"He was furious when he didn't get that free pizza," said Dipper.

“Furious enough, for murder!” said Mabel.

“Oh, you mean Manly Dan. Yeah, he hangs out at this crazy intense biker joint downtown,” said Soos.

"Thank you so much, Soos, for that information," said Twilight.

"Then that's where we're going," said Mabel.

“Come on!” said Twilight.


Later when they just got out of the Mystery Shack, Stan pulling a coffin out of the back of the car and saw them running.

“Hey, give me a hand with this coffin, will ya? I'm doing a memorial service for wax Stan. Something small, but classy,” said Stan.

"Sorry Grunkle Stan, but we have got a big break in the case!" Said Dipper.

"Break in the case," said Mabel.

"We're heading to the town right now to interrogate the murderer," said Dipper.

"And also to find out why he had to decapitate Princess Celstia's statue," said Twilight with a face full of anger.

“We have an axe!” said Mabel and then she took the ax out of Dipper's backpack and played with the axe.

“Hmm, it seems like the kind of thing that responsible parents wouldn't want you to do... Good thing I'm uncle of you two and have no blood relationship with you Twilight. Avenge me kids! AVENGE MEEE!!” Said Stan.


After Dipper, Mabel, and Twilight are sneaking behind a dumpster near the Skull Fracture.

"This is place," says Dipper to the others.

The 3 when they see the guard at the entrance get scared.

"How about I teleport everyone into this place and we avoid the guard," said Twilight.

"It's a bad idea to appear from nowhere to a place that we don't know what it's like inside, so it's best to try to enter through the entrance first," Dipper told Twilight, then looked at Mabel and said. “Got the fake IDs”

Mabel gives the fake IDs she had made to Dipper and Twilight.

"There's no way this plan is going to work," said Twilight as she looked at the ID Mabel had made.


In Equestria many thought the same as Twilight.

"There's no way they're going to let them through with those IDs," said Rarity.

"You're wrong Rarity, obviously those IDs are going to work," said Pinkie.

Almost everyone was surprised to see that those IDs worked.

"You see Rarity, I told you they would work," said Pinkie.


In Gravity Falls, Dipper, Mabel, and Twilight entered Skull Fracture.

"Sometimes I'm surprised at how naive the people of Gravity Falls can be," said Twilight for herself.

As they enter, they see men are fighting the Skull Fracture. Dipper, Twilight and Mabel walk inside and look around. Dipper motions for Mabel to follow him.

“He´s resting”, says Mabel happily referring to a person who is lying on the ground.

Twilight and several in Equestria, seeing that, began to feel very afraid, but those thoughts had been interrupted by Dipper speaking.

"Alright, let's just try to blend in, ok?" Says Dipper to Mabel.

“You go it, Dippingsauce”, says Mabel immediately she sits on the chair, looks at a man and speaks to him. “Hey there, fellow restaurant patron!”

After saying that, she pats a man on the arm and the man just groans.


Dipper and Twilight later find Maly Dan playing an electronic strength game called 'Bicepticus'.

“Manly Dan, just the guy I wanted to see. Where were you last night?” Asks Dipper.

"Punchin' the clock," replies Manly Dan.

"You were at work," says Twilight with some hesitation.

“No, I was punchin’ the clock,” said Manly Dan as he pointed to a mangled and ruined clock outside on the street.

“10 o'clock, the time of the murder. So, I guess you've never seen before?” Said Dipper as he took the ax out of his backpack and showed it to Manly Dan.

"Listen, pair of the little girls!" said Manly Dan to Dipper and Twilight.

"Hey, actually I'm a-" Dipper was saying but was interrupted by Manly Dan.

“I wouldn't pick my teeth with that axe. It's left handed! I only use my right hand, the MANLY HAND!!”, said Manly Dan and immediately after ripping off the arm of the Bicepticus game and starting to destroy the game with the arm that I ripped off.

“Get ‘im! Get ‘im!” Said Tyler Cutebiker as he cheered on Manly Dan.

"Left handed..." Said Dipper and Twilight at the same time.

Dipper, Twilight, and most of the people in Equestria who were listening realized that it would be much easier to find out who the culprit was thanks to this new lead, and ran off to talk to Mabel.


Meanwhile, in another part of Skull Fracture Mabel had befriended the person she had growled at earlier, and they were playing with a cootie catcher.

"Your wife is gonna be beatiful," said Mabel looking at the cootie catcher.

“Yes!” Said the man happily.

Suddenly, Dipper and Twilight appear.

"Mabel, big break in the case!" Dipper said and then he and Twilight lead Mabel out of Skull Fracture.

"But will she love me?!" Said the man with some fear.


Afterwards the 3 were outside Skull Fracture.

"It's a left handed ax," says Twilight happily looking at the list of suspects.

“These are all our suspicions. Manly Dan is right handed, that means all we gotta do is find our left handed suspect and we've got our killer," said Dipper.

“Oh man we are on fire today! Pa-zow, Pa-zow, Pa-zow!” said Mabel.

"Let's find that murderer," said Dipper and then fist bumped Mabel.

And the 3 went in search of the culprit.


Throughout the day Dipper, Mabel, and Twilight began to weed out every right-handed suspect, until only one suspect remained.

Realizing this, Dipper and Mabel decided to call the police. They also managed to calm Twilight down so she wouldn't immediately go inside and wait for the police.


Later in the night Dipper, Mabel, Twilight and the police were on the street in front of the Gravity Falls Gossiper entrance.

“You kids better be right about this or you’ll never get the end of it,” said Sheriff Blubs.

"The evidence is irrefutable," says Dipper.

"It's so irrefutable," said Mabel.

Twilight was barely able to keep her cool because she wanted to know why someone would want to damage a statue of Princess Celestia.

"I'm gonna get to use my match stick!" Said Deputy Durland.

“You ready? You ready little fella?” Said Sheriff Blubs.

Sheriff and Blubs were very happy as they were about to enter Gravity Falls Gossiper.

“On 3! 1, 2, ...,” says Dipper.

Durland opens the door and everyone enters Gravity Falls.

“Nobody move! This is a raid!” Said Sheriff Blubs.

Toby Determined is startled to suddenly hear someone speaking.

“What is this? Some kind of raid?” says Toby somewhat confused.

“Derp!” Said Deputy Durland.

Twilight looked at Toby and saw that he was left handed and had a hole in his shoe.

"All the clues point to you, Toby," said Twilight.

"Toby Determined, you're under arrest for murder of the wax body of Grunkle Stan," says Dipper with great confidence.

“You have the right to remain impressed with our awesome detective work”, said Mabel with her usual joy and then high fives Dipper.

“Gobbling goose feathers! I don't understand!” said Toby very confused.

"Dipper, Mabel, I'm going to explain why we're here," said Twilight. “Someone beheaded Wax Stan, we found out whoever did this left footprints that had a hole in his right shoe, then we found the murder weapon which was a left-handed axe, we ruled out everyone who had a motive to behead Wax Stan who they won't fit the clues."

"And the only one who fits that whole description is you, Toby Determined," said Dipper.

"So you're to blame," said Mabel.

Twilight was about to ask Toby why he decapitated Princess Celestia's statue, but she was interrupted by Toby's reply.

“You three, your little knees must be sore... from jumping to conclusions”, said Toby and starts to dance and then says. “Axe! I had nothing to do with that murder”

"I knew it", said Dipper immediately, a little later he realized what Toby said and continued talking. “Wait, what did you say? Nothing? You say nothing?”

“Huh? Que? Could you respect?” Asked Mabel speaking at the same time Dipper spoke.

“That's impossible, all the evidence points to you as the culprit,” said Twilight.

“Then where were you at the night of the break-in?” Asked Sheriff Blubs.

"Uhh...", said Toby somewhat uncomfortably.

He then places a videotape on the TV showing him pulling a life-size cardboard replica of reporter Shandra Jimenez out of the closet.

“Finally, we can be alone, cardboard cutout of TV news reporter Shandra Jimenez!” says Toby and immediately starts kissing the cardboard replica.

Everyone who saw that, including the ones watching in Equestria, just felt disgusted to see that.

“Timestamp confirms it. Toby, you're off the hook. You freak of nature,” says Sheriff Blubs.

“Hooray!” Said Toby without being offended by that.

"But the only suspect left is you, Toby Determined," said Twilight.

“Twilight is right, you have to be him! Check the ax for fingerprints!” says Dipper.

Meanwhile, Mabel began to explain what fingerprints were to Twilight, but Twilight had a hard time understanding what they were because of the way Mabel explained.

“No prints at all,” said Sheriff Blubs after checking out the ax found at the crime scene.

“No prints?” said Dipper with much hesitation.

“Hey I got a headline for you: city kids and a fairy tale creature waste everyone’s time,” said Deputy Durland with a laugh.

Twilight managed to understand what the fingerprints were and decided to pay attention to the conversation they were having and heard that derisive comment from Deputy Durland and the three adults laughing at them.

Dipper, Mabel and Twilight felt humiliated and very embarrassed.

"Boy, I'd be pretty embarrassed if I was you two," said Toby.

Dipper, Mabel and Twilight didn't hear that comment, but everyone in Equestria heard that comment from Toby and thought that he is the person who should criticize that the least, mainly because in the video he kept kissing the cardboard cutout of Shandra Jimenez.


On their way to the Mystery Shack, Dipper and Mabel realized that Twilight intended to double check all the suspects to see who the culprit was, but Dipper and Mabel managed to calm her down and convince her not to investigate further as it was very late.

Mabel didn't know but Dipper and Twilight were going through all the clues in their minds to find out who the culprit was, but they did not understand why they could not find the culprit.


Later at the Mystery Shack, Stan had held a funeral for Wax Stan and they also brought the headless figure of Princess Celestia to the funeral. Dipper, Mabel, Twilight, Soos and the other wax figures were also at the funeral.

Twilight saw how Stan and Soos were saddened by Wax Stan's beheading and she remembered how he acted when she saw the headless wax statue of Princess Celestia.

"That's how it feels to see someone who feels very bad seeing a precious object destroyed, the next time something similar happens I'll have to calm down," said Twilight remembering that she had acted very angry and paranoid when she saw the wax statue from Princess Celestia, but calmed down thanks to Dipper and Mabel.

Grunkle Stan stood in front of everyone and began to give the speech at the funeral.

“Kids, Twilight, Soos, lifeless wax figures, thank you all for coming”, said Stan looking at everyone and continues talking. “Some people might say it’s wrong for a man to love a wax replica of himself”

In Equestria, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, upon hearing this, thought that Stan was not acting like a narcissistic person, but that he was acting like someone who had just lost a family member.

"They're wrong!" Said Soos, getting up from her seat.

“Easy Soos. Wax Stan, I hope you're picking pockets in wax heaven," says Stan, wiping a tear from his eye. "I'm sorry, I got glitter in my eye!"

Immediately after saying that Stan started crying and ran out of the place.

“Ohhhhh duuuude…” Soos said as she cries, running off after Stan.

Twilight and some who were watching in Equestria thought it was strange how Stan behaved.

"Those cops are right about me," said Dipper with a sigh.

"Dipper and Twilight, we've come so far, we can't give up now," said Mabel trying to cheer him up.

"You don't understand Mabel, I and I'm also sure Dipper thinks very well about this case, but there is no longer any suspect that he could have damaged Mr. Stan's wax statue," said Twilight.


In Equestria hearing that, they couldn't agree with Twilight and some tried to think why someone would do that, until a comment from Fluttershy interrupted those thoughts.

"Perhaps the person who decapitated the wax statues never intended to do so," Fluttershy said in her barely audible voice, but was heard by everyone present.

Hearing that, everyone agreed with Fluttershy, but that left the question as to why he did it.


While in Gravity Falls, Dipper and Twilight approached the Wax Stan's open casket, while Mabel followed them a little further.

"I considered everything: the weapon, the motive, the clues..." said Dipper looking into the coffin.

"You're right Dipper, but I feel like we're seeing something wrong and that with just one more clue we could find out who the culprit is," said Twilight.

"Wax Stan's shoe has a hole in it...", said Dipper somewhat astonished.

“All the wax guys have that. It's where the pole thingy attaches to their stand deals," said Mabel.

“Wait a minute, what has a hole on its shoe and no fingerprints?” said Dipper.

"This can't be," said Twilight realizing who was to blame.

Also many in Equestria also noticed and thought the same as Twilight said.

"Mabel and Twilight! The murderers are–” Dipper was saying but was interrupted by one coming from behind.

"Standing right behind you," says Wax Holmes.

Suddenly, Dipper, Mabel, and Twilight see all the wax statues move.

"Wax Sherlock Holmes! Wax Shakespeare! ”, Says Dipper naming the statues with some fear when realizing that they are alive, but seeing a statue he did not generate fear but doubts and says. “Wax Coolie?”

"Wha s'up Holmes?" asks Wax Coolio.

Wax Lizzie Borden grabs the crime ax that Mabel was holding at the time and everyone realized that that ax belonged to her.

“Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!” Says Mabel scared.

"Congratulations, my three amaetur slueths, you have unburied the truth, and now we're going to bury you," says Wax Holmes.

“I didn't expect them to be the culprits,” says Twilight.

“Bravo, Dipper Pines and Twilight. You’ve discovered our little secret,” says Wax Holmes, taking the heads of Wax Stan and Wax Princess Celestia out of his jacket. “Applaud, everyone, applaud sarcastically”

The wax statues decided to listen to Wax Holmes and began to applaud.

“Uh, that doesn't sound too sincere. Slow clap”, says Wax Holmes and the other wax statues hearing that began to clap slower. "There we go, nice and condescending."

“But... how is this possible? You're made of wax!" says Dipper.

“Dipper's right, how is this possible?” Asks Twilight.

“Are you... magic?” Says Mabel with a nervous laugh as she tries to figure out how the wax statues could possibly be alive.

"She wants to know if we're magic," said Wax Holmes laughing, then suddenly stops laughing and says angrily. "We're CURSED!"

“Cursed! Cursed!” say the other wax statues.

“Cursed to come to life whenever the moon is waxing. Your uncle bought us many years ago at a garage sale!” said Wax Holmes.

“A haunted garage comes out, they are!” adds Wax Coolio to the story.


They start counting when Stan got the wax statues.

“I must warn you, these statues come at a terrible price”, says the Seller.

“Twenty dollars?!” Says Stan looking at the price tag. "I'll just take 'em when you're not lookin"

“What?” says the seller doubtfully.

"I said I was gonna rob you," says Stan.


Twilight gives an opinion in the middle of Wax Holmes' story.

“I'm sure that's not buying,” Said Twilight.

Many of those who were listening agreed with Twilight's comment, including the wax statues, so Wax Holmes didn't get mad at the interruption and continued telling the story.


In Flashback, Wax Holmes began to explain when the wax statues arrived at the Mystery Shack.

“And so, the Mystery Shack Wax Collection was born. By day, we would be the playthings of man”, narrated Wax Holmes.

Residents of Gravity Falls were shown admiring and playing in the wax museum.

"But when your uncle went to sleep, we would rule da night," narrated Wax Coolio.

They showed various activities and antics that they got up to at the Mystery Shack at night while Stan was sleeping.

"It was a charmed life for us cursed beings..." narrated Wax Holmes.

The flashback showed Stan shaking the empty admission box and since nobody came to see the wax museum in Gravity Falls he just closed the room where the statues were and forgot about them.

"That is, until your uncle closed up shop," narrated Wax Holmes.

The flashback showed how time passed in the only way out of that room, also showing that it was covered by wallpaper, until Soos found the knocked over doorknob and opened the door to the wax museum.

“We've been waiting ten years to ge tour revenge on Stan for locking us away, but just when I was going to do it I saw the shadow of a unicorn nearby and decided that I was also going to behead the purple unicorn so as not to leave any witnesses...”, Wax Holmes narrated.

The flashback showed Wax Holmes beheading twice without hesitation using an axe.

"But we missed both targets," narrated Wax Holmes.

In the flashback it showed Wax Holmes realizing that he had missed the target and decapitated Wax Stan and the wax statue of Princess Celestia and when he heard that Stan was coming back into the room he decided to flee the room with both heads.


“So you were trying to murder Grunkle Stan for real and Twilight?!” said Dipper horrified at what they tried to do.

"That explains why we ran out of suspects, it's because we looked for someone who wanted to damage the wax statues and never attempted an assassination," said Twilight and immediately remembered that she thought it was an assassination attempt on Princess Celestia, but she never thought that they tried to kill her. "At least not in the way they explained."

“You two right all along, Dipper and Twilight! Wax people are creepy!” says Mabel fearfully.

“Enough! Now that you know our secret, you must... die,” said Wax Holmes.

The wax figures growl and their eyes roll back in their heads, as they slowly approach Dipper, Mabel, and Twilight.

“I've never come across such insane beings,” said Twilight, remembering that no enemy Twilight had with her friends had said they wanted to kill as directly as they did and tried.

“What do we do, what do we do?” asked Mabel fearfully.

"I don't know!" replied Dipper.

Twilight was going to use the force field to keep everyone safe, but before she could, Dipper and Mabel started throwing objects off the table at her, seemingly unaffected until Dipper threw a mug full of hot coffee at Wax Genghis Khan and he began to melt.

"That's it! We can melt them with hotty melty things!” said Mabel.

Realizing this, Dipper, Mabel, and Twilight immediately each take an eletric candle and smile.

"Anyone move and we'll melt you into candles!" says Dipper.

“Decorative candles!” adds Mabel.

"You've been warned," said Twilight.

“You really think you can defeat us?” asks Wax Holmes angrily.

"I-I don't really know. I'm not-I'm not really sure," said Dipper.

"It's worth a shot, I guess," said Mabel.

“Wow, they're honest,” said Twilight, a little surprised that they were telling the truth in this situation.

"So be it..." said Wax Holmes after turning to the other wax statues. “attack!”

Wax Lizzie Borden tries to attack Mabel using an ax but Mabel manages to dodge the ax attack and ends up decapitating Wax Robin Hood. Wax Shakespeare tries to attack Mabel, but Mabel manages to cut off both of her arms and these arms jump to Mabel's neck and try to strangle her, Mabel uses the door to crush the fingers of those arms so they stop strangling her.

"Interview this, Larry King!" said Dipper and then beheaded Larry King.

“My neck! My beautiful neck!” says Wax Larry King.

“Jokes on you, Groucho!” says Dipper as he cuts Wax Groucho in half.

“I've heard about a cutting remark but this is ridiculous! Hey, why is there nothing in my hand?” says Wax Groucho Marx as the top slides off the bottom.

Wax Genghis Khan runs towards Dipper, but Dipper manages to dodge him and dodging it made it crash directly into the chimney afire.

“Ha, Genghis Khan! You fell harder that the... uh... I don't know, uh, Jin Dynasty? Heh. yeah. Alright,” says Dipper.


Meanwhile, Twilight took the Mystery Shack outside to fight several wax statues, quickly realizing that they weren't as dangerous as they seemed at first and also the heat hurts them easier than she thought, but Twilight also realized that they looked like they never tired and when a part of the body of the wax statues was cut, this part moved independently.

Twilight couldn't go back to the Mystery Shack to check on Dipper and Mabel, she just hoped they were okay.


At the Mystery Shack Dipper and Mabel were still fighting, Mabel realized that Wax Sherlock was going towards Dipper.

“Dipper! Watch out!” yelled Mabel because she had realized that Wax Holmes was the most dangerous wax statue of them all.

Dipper was wrestling Wax Richard Nixon out of wax and managed to hurt his leg, causing him to lose his balance and fall into another room. Dipper heard Mabel's scream and realized that Wax Holmes was going to where he was.

“Alright. Let’s get this taken care of,” said Wax Holmes angrily as he released Wax Stan and Princess Celestia Statue’s heads.

Holmes then immediately took out a sword and destroyed Dipper's electric candle.

“Catch!” Mabel yells as she throws a poke at Dipper.

Wax Holmes keeps trying to attack Dipper, but Dipper barely manages to defend himself with the poker. This fight leads them to the attic room.

"Once you family and that unicorn is out of the way, we'll rule the night once again!" says Wax Holmes angrily.

Dipper manages to dodge Wax Holmes' sword and escapes through the window onto the roof of the Mystery Shack.

"Don't count on it!" says Dipper.

“Come back here, you brat!” yells Wax Holmes angrily.

Dipper climbs on the Mystery Shack sign as he is chased by Wax Holmes. Wax Holmes takes advantage of attacking Dipper with the sword, but Dipper manages to protect himself with the poker while he tries to keep his balance. Wax Holmes tries to strike with the sword but Dipper manages to dodge it and this attack collides with the letter 'S' of the word "Shack" on the Mystery Shack sign, causing that letter to fall.

“You really think you can outwit me boy? I'm Sherlock bleeding Holmes! Have you seen my magnifying glass?! It's enormous!” says Wax Holmes.

Dipper decides to quickly escape from the place as he is at a complete disadvantage because he can barely keep his balance. He drops the poker and climbs the billboard to the other side of the Mystery Shack and hides behind the fireplace.
He looks to see if Wax Holmes is there, but Wax Holmes kicks him and Dipper falls on the ground on his back and Wax Holmes points his sword at him.

“Any last words?” Asks Wax Holmes.

"Um... you got any sunscreen?" Replies Dipper.

“Got any–? What? ”, Wondered Wax Holmes with many doubts, but he realized that a light appeared and began to melt him, he turns to see where the light is coming from and realizes that it was dawn and he says with absolute fear. "Nope"

“You know, letting me lead you outside? Probably not you sharpest decision," said Dipper.

“Outsmarted by a child in short pants! No!” Wax Holmes was saying as he continued to melt and begins to fall from the roof of the Mystery Shack. “Fiddlesticks! Humbugs! Tiiter, total kerfuffle. Butter Hallabaloo”

“Case closed!” said Dipper as he wiped his hands, the dust making Dipper sneeze.

This was seen by Wax Holmes, Twilight and those who were watching in Equestria (The inhabitants of Equestria, seeing that they were well in their fight, Twilight and Mabel decided to see Dipper and were worried when they realized that Dipper had the most dangerous enemy , but they calmed down when they realized that Dipper was able to defeat him), seeing that everyone thought that Dipper was quite adorable.

“Ha ha ha! You sneeze like a kitten! Those policemen were right, you're adorable! Adorable!” Wax Holmes sneered as he used his last seconds to taunt Dipper as he fell from the ceiling.

"E-ew," said Dipper in disgust at seeing that.


A few moments before Twilight was still using the electric candle and magic to fight the wax statues, when they all tried to attack Twilight she simply used her force field, but unfortunately this strategy began to tire Twilight.

As Twilight continued to struggle, she realized that she could only use magic to use telekinesis on the electric candle. Twilight heard some noises on the roof of the Mystery Shack and saw Dipper who was cornered and was about to be killed by Wax Holmes and couldn't do anything just watch, but saw how it dawned and melted Wax Holmes and the other statues of wax.

“Thanks to Celestia for waking up,” said Twilight.

After saying that, Twilight heard Dipper sneeze, which made her laugh a little and she immediately went to the Mystery Shack to check on Mabel.


Inside the Mystery Shack, Mabel was in charge of destroying the last remains of the wax statues by throwing them into the fireplace.

Twilight caught a glimpse of Mabel throwing Wax Shakespeare's head off like it was nothing. Twilight thought that Mabel's attitude can be scary sometimes. After that Dipper entered.

Mabel looked at Dipper and Twilight, she was glad because they seemed to be fine and also that the crime had been solved.

"Dipper and Twilight, You're okay! You solved the mystery after all”, said Mabel.

Dipper grabbed Wax Stan's head and was about to speak to Mabel, but was interrupted by Twilight's opinion.

"These statues really scared me," said Twilight, she thought that the wax statues were definitely weaker than Nightmare Moon and Discord, what they could have done and openly declared their intentions to kill them, that's why the wax statues gave her more scared than Nightmare Moon and Discord.

Dipper and Mabel noticed that Twilight was still scared and she was worried.

"Twilight you don't have to worry about that, they're already gone," Mabel said happily believing that Twilight felt that way because of the way that every time they cut a part of the body that part moved on its own.

"Mabel's right, Twilight you need to stop thinking about what they could have done," Dipper said believing that Twilight was worried that the wax statues didn't hesitate to try to harm them all.

She suddenly appears in Stan's room and the whole place damaged.

“Hot Belgian waffles!! What happened to my parlor?!” Asked Stan seeing all the damage.

Twilight started to think about how to explain everything that happened, but Mabel decided to tell her what happened.

“Your wax figures turned out to be evil, so we fought them to the death!” said Mabel.

"I beheaded Larry King," added Dipper to the conversation.

"Those explanations sum up everything that happened," said Twilight.

“Ha ha ha! You kids and your imaginations!” Said Stan.

Twilight thought it was best that Mr. Stan didn't know too many details.

“On the bright side, though, look what we found,” Dipper says as he hands Wax Stan's head over to Stan.

“My head! Haha! I Missed this guy! You done good kids!” says Stan happily.

"Twilight I think you should put the head of the Celestia statue in its place, because it's strange to see that statue without a head," said Dipper.

“You're right, Dipper,” Twilight said as she snapped her head back into place.

In that same room, in a broken window that was shattered in the fight against the wax statues, Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland are seen outside lead the police cruiser.

“Solved the case yet, Dipper and Twilight? I'm so confident you're gonna say no, that I'm gonna take a long, slow sip from my cup of coffee, ”said the Sheriff as he slowly began to drink his hot coffee.

"Actually, the answer is yes," says Dipper and then shows Wax Stan's head.

When Sheriff Blubs heard that he spit the hot coffee in Deputy Durland's face, immediately after Deputy Durland spit the coffee at Sheriff Blubs, the two police officers started spitting hot coffee at each other.

“It burns! It burns!” Shouts Sheriff Blubs.

“My eyes,” yelled Deputy Durland, then Sheriff Blubs hit the gas.

Dipper, Twilight, Mabel, Stan, and the other Equestrians laughed at them.

“They got scalded!” Stan said as he laughed.

“They deserved it,” Twilight said happily, but didn't listen after the police car crashed.

“So, did you get rid of all the wax figures?” Dipper asked Mabel.

“I am ninety-nine percent sure that I did!” says Mabel.

“Good enough for me!” says Dipper.

"Those words make me worry," said Twilight.


Meanwhile in Equestria by accident Pinkie touched the mirror again and the mirror showed the ventilation ducts where Wax Larry King's head was.

"There's still a living wax figure," said Rainbow Dash.

Several in Equestria began to feel a bit scared upon seeing that a wax statue had survived, as Wax Larry King's head started, but stopped when he realized someone was near him.

“– Huh?” says Wax Larry King.

Wax Larry King's head turn to see a rat standing next to him.

"So you're a rat. Tell me about that," said Wax Larry King.

The rat just walks up to Wax Larry King, rips off his ear, and runs off with the ear.

“Hey, get back here!” says Wax Larry King. “I'm hopping! I'm hopping after a rat that stole my ear!"

The inhabitants of Equestria now began to see him with more doubts than fear.

"Somehow I'm starting to think we don't have to worry about this anymore," said Rainbow Dash and everyone else agreed.


On that same day at the Mystery Shack, Twilight decided to write down what she learned.

In some crimes or cases that they investigate, you must mainly follow the clues, because sometimes you could never guess the motives of the culprit of the crime”, wrote Twilight, remembering that they would never have known his motivations until he said so and they could only get to him by the evidence that he himself left.


The next day Mabel was seeing which of the two sweaters to put on today.

“Hmm. Hey Dipper, which do you think is better? Sequins or llama hair?” asks Mabel.

Wax Larry King's head, which was in the vents near Mabel, heard the question.

“The llama hair. Llamas are nature's greatest warriors ”, answers the head of Wax Larry King and after answering he leaves.

"Thanks Dipper," says Mabel and runs out of the Mystery Shack.

Dipper and Twilight are each reading a book and stop when Mabel leaves.

“Who did Mabel just talk to?” Asks Twilight.

"I don't know," says Dipper.

Dipper and Twilight look around, but seeing that no one was there they decide to continue reading.