• Published 18th Nov 2021
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Cracks to Gravity Falls - Gfmlp

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02) Tourist Trapped

It dawned in the city of Gravity Falls and also in Equestria, during the night Rainbow Dash discovered that if someone touched the glass of the mirror that showed Twilight it would show something random from Gravity Falls that lasted from 10 seconds to 10 minutes, then they would return to show Twilight.

Then thanks to Mabel, Twilight learned about the stories for children about the unicorns that were in this world and Twilight realized that her appearance was like a unicorn out of those stories and finally understood why Mabel acted like that with her. She though she hated Mabel who continually tried to hug her because she was a unicorn, but her Twilight hated more the tourists who came to the Mystery Shack who treated an animal or pet and even offered her food.

Twilight explained to Mabel that she didn't like being treated like an animal and that she belonged to an intelligent species in her original world. After hearing that, Mabel was left thinking about what she had just heard and would try to stop treating her like a pet or like the unicorns in the stories, but she had a comment to say to Twilight.

“Come to think of it, Twilight, you don't act like the unicorns in children's stories,” Mabel said.

"You finally figured it out," Twilight said happily.

“Your personality is very similar to Dipper's,” Mabel told Twilight.

Twilight was a little surprised by Mabel's comment, but she decided to ignore it for now to do something else. That comment also surprised the inhabitants of Equestria a bit.

Mabel also noticed two other things that she decided not to comment on and that was that Twilight barely spoke to her and was always trying to avoid her and she was also sure that she didn't like Mabel hugging her for another reason, but she decided not to ask her.

The main reason why Twilight didn't like spending time and hugging Mabel is that she reminded her a lot of Pinkie and Twilight for now didn't want anything to remind her of her friends, also Twilight every time she remembered her friends instead of feeling angry felt lonely and sad.


Twilight was sure Mabel wasn't going to hug her as often now, but she was also sure that if she wanted Mabel not to hug her at night she would have to get another bed.

Twilight remembered that she still had a little over thirty Equestria coins and decided to ask Dipper how valuable the coins were and how much a bed, mattress, headboards and sheets were worth.

Dipper was shocked when he saw those coins and realized that they were gold.

"These coins are very valuable," Dipper told Twilight.

"In my world those coins are common, how could they be valuable in this world," said Twilight.

Dipper stared at Twilight and realizing that she was serious, sighed and decided to explain to her why those coins were valuable.

“When a mineral is rare and useful, its price goes up and gold is a mineral you don't find so easily, but that will make it harder for you to buy something Twilight using those coins,” Dipper said.

Dipper is left wondering how to use the coins without drawing too much attention.

"I have an idea, first Twilight give me a coin," said Dipper.

Twilight immediately handed her a coin, then Dipper looked for Soos and asked her to use this coin to buy things to make a bed at a store and not tell anyone where this coin came from.

“So no one will know where that gold coin came from, because those coins are gold and if Soos used it they would think he found it anywhere, making suspicions go away from you, but I think you have to hide those coins and don't tell anyone where you hid them” said Dipper.

Then he came with all the things they sent him to buy and the change he gave to Dipper and after Soos left Dipper gave it to Twilight and told her to use this money and try her best not to use the gold coins .


Shortly after Twilight decided to try to build the bed that Soos had brought her, because according to her instructions it is very easy to put together.

"I don't care about that bed, but where do you plan to put it?" Stan said when he realized he was going to make the bed.

"In the room where Dipper and Mabel sleep, because there's still room in that room," Twilight said.

Twilight took a hammer using her magic, but Twilight's magic suddenly became unstable and the hammer shot out and destroyed some bottles.

“Twilight you are lucky that I know how to take advantage of this situation”, said Stan taking the broken glass and addressing a person who saw that those glass was broken by that hammer.

"You wants to buy some mystical crystals," said Stan.

"They were not some bottles that were broken by a hammer," said the tourist.

"Didn't you see that the hammer was covered in purple light," Stan said.

The tourist remembering that decided to buy all those crystals and while Twilight and those who were watching in Equestria thought how the tourists in the Mystery Shack could be so naive.

"Twilight if you want that bed built today, you better call Soos to build it," says Stan.

Twilight sighed and decided to go find Soos.


Later at the Mystery Shack, Mabel was desperately trying to get a boyfriend because this was the first vacation they were going to be away from home, meanwhile Twilight went to see how the bed that Soos was putting together had turned out. Stan seeing that there were few tourists in the Mystery Shack decided that Dipper nailed some posters on the trees.

"Dipper you have to nail these signs to the trees to indicate the Mystery Shack," Stan told Dipper.

“No, something weird in that forest, I feel like they're watching me and the mosquitoes wrote this to me today,” Dipper said, showing Stan that the mosquitoes had written the word BEWARE on him with bites.

"Don't worry kid, paranormal things are invented by people like me for people like him," pointing to a tourist buying a souvenir.

Dipper went to put up the posters in that forest with some fear.


While in Equestria, Rainbow Dash got bored of seeing Twilight reading an instruction manual to build the bed to see if there was any mistake and decided to touch the mirror to see something else for a few minutes she touched it and showed Mabel that she was trying to get a boyfriend and after four minutes Rainbow Dash got fed up again and touched the mirror again and it showed Dipper nailing up some posters.

"Rainbow Dash I know you're bored, but you must remember that we now have to wait for Twilight to show again and not change it because it resets time and so we will have to wait more than four minutes," said Applejack.

“I know I didn't want to see Twilight and not be able to do anything so I changed it so I wouldn't feel so sad, but when I saw Mabel who just met Twilight so carefree I wanted to look at anything, even though I know she barely knows Twilight's story and that's why Mabel why you can't feel too bad for Twilight," Rainbow Dash said.

"I already know that, Rainbow Dash, but it's not like Dipper finds anything interesting putting up signs to distract us from that," Applejack said, turning her attention back to Dipper.

Suddenly, everyone watching Dipper was shocked when Dipper discovered that the tree that was going to put a sign on him was fake and had a switch that opened a secret compartment that had a book with a hand with six fingers and with the number 3 in the center.

"Or maybe I was wrong," Applejack said somewhat surprised by what he had just seen.


In Gravity Falls, Dipper was shocked when he found a book that he found in a secret compartment on the floor, thanks to a switch on a fake tree.

Dipper started reading it and the people in Equestria were listening to them. At the beginning of the page he began to read, he headed 'June 18', then continued writing 'It's hard to believe it's been six years since I began reserching the strange and wordrous secret of Gravity Falls, Oregon'. Journal 3 was full of creatures he had never imagined, of codes and cryptograms.

"What the hell is this?" Dipper wondered, until he got to the final pages of the Journal the author had written, which after a few nonsense words appeared written 'TRUST NO ONE', and then said 'Unfortunately, my suspicions have been confirmed. I'm being watched. I must hide the book before HE finds it.' and ended with the phrase 'Remember, Gravity Falls, there is no one you can trust'.

“What are you doing?” Mabel suddenly asked, scaring Dipper a bit.

Twilight was also there because after learning that Dipper was alone in the woods, she decided to check on him.

"I'm going to tell you in a safer place," Dipper says.


Shortly afterward at the Mystery Shack, Dipper decided to tell Twilight and Mabel about Journal 3 that he had found.

"This is fantastic, Grunkle Stan said I was paranoid, but according to this journal Gravity Falls has a dark side," Dipper said showing Journal 3 to Twilight and Mabel.

“Whoah! Shut. Whoops!” says Mabel.

"That diary is pretty interesting," says Twilight.

“And hear this! After a certain point the pages just... stop, as if the person who was writing... mysteriously disappeared," Dipper said.

Twilight hearing that someone was investigating about Gravity Falls, she decided to ask Dipper if there was anything that would explain what was happening to his magic.

“Dipper, does that journal talk about unicorns?” Twilight asked.

"I don't know, I'm going to look at the diary," Dipper replied.

Dipper began to review Journal 3 to see if he could find anything about unicorns, suddenly he stopped reviewing pages and his face showed some doubts if he had to show something and decided to continue reviewing, then it seemed that he ran out of pages that he could see and went back to read the page he had discarded before, when he finished reading he decided to talk to them.

“Twilight and Mabel, I found something that is something that isn't directly what they're looking for, but it may give a little confirmation,” Dipper said doubtfully.

Twilight decided to see what Dipper was referring to and she saw a page that talked about the Leprecorn, which was a small unicorn with the head of an Irish leprechaun, it had a rainbow-colored tail, mane and beard. Twilight and everyone who was seeing what was happening in Gravity Falls through the mirror when they saw the drawing went completely blank.

Mabel decided to read what the Leprecorn's Journal 3 said when she saw Twilight with a very doubtful face and also out of curiosity as to what Dipper was referring to.

"Twilight this is great, according to the journal, Leprecorn have horns that play music," said Mabel.

"Unicorn horns don't play music," Twilight said.

"Mabel, I didn't mean that, but the author wrote that Leprecorns are annoying, but normal unicorns are, too," Dipper said.

"One moment, there are normal unicorns in Gravity Falls, does the diary say where they live?" Twilight asked.

"Twilight, unfortunately only that little information appears, but I think that information must be in one of the other 2 journals," Dipper said, pointing to number 3 of the journal.

Twilight sighed as she realized that the other two journals could be anywhere in Gravity Falls, that she could have valuable information about the unicorns, and why their magic didn't work that well.

Suddenly, Twilight heard her doorbell ring causing her to snap out of her thoughts.

"It must be my boyfriend," Mabel said.

What she had just said shocked not only Dipper and Twilight, but everyone watching in Equestria.

"Wait a minute, Mabel, you mean you managed to get a boyfriend in less than ten minutes, while I was in the woods?" Dipper said.

"Yes," Mabel said very nonchalantly.

When Dipper and Twilight looked at Mabel's new boyfriend, they noticed that he moved very strangely and seemed very suspicious to them.

"What's your name?" Dipper asked.

“Huh, my name is... Nor... man, yes! My name is Norman”, he replied very suspiciously.

Making Dipper and Twilight more suspicious of him than they already were.


Shortly after Dipper was a little surprised to see a new bed, but he was more worried about his sister's new boyfriend because he was sure that he is not a normal human, it occurred to him to read Journal 3 to see if there was information about what could be.

Dipper decided to observe him from the roof with caution, he came up with the idea of ​​looking at Journal 3 and saw a page that talked about zombies and was scared to realize that they looked alike, both physically and also how he walked.

"Zombie!" Dipper yelled in fear.

In another part of the cabin was Stan and heard the scream.

“Did someone say krombies? Krombies what is that? Is it nothing?”, immediately brushing off the words he had just heard.


Meanwhile, Twilight was outside the Mystery Shack, wondering what species Mabel's new boyfriend could be, because she was sure he wasn't a human, and suddenly she heard a scream, she didn't understand what she was saying, but she was sure the voice was Dipper and came from his room.

Twilight when she got to the room she saw Dipper looking a bit flustered.

“I heard a yell, what's wrong with you, Dipper?” Twilight asked.

“I think I already know that he's Mabel's new boyfriend,” Dipper said opening Journal 3 in front of Dipper's face.

Twilight stared thoughtfully at the image Dipper showed her, while Equestria also looked at the image Dipper showed her, Pinkie spoke.

“Norman is obviously that species,” Pinkie said.

"Pinkie, I think Dipper's on the wrong page," Applejack said.

Twilight decided to give Dipper her opinion on the page she was showing her.

"I admit that I also think that Norman is not human, I do not think that he is a Gnome," said Twilight.

Hearing that, Dipper looked at the page she was showing him and realized his mistake.

"No, what I wanted to tell you is that Norman is a zombie," Dipper said, showing Twilight the page from Journal 3 that talked about zombies.

"Dipper, I admit after showing me that I think Norman is a zombie," Twilight said.

With this Twilight was sure that Norman was not who she was really pretending to be, she also thought for some reason that this started to look familiar, but her thoughts were interrupted by a comment from Dipper.

"Is Norman a zombie or am I freaking out," Dipper said.

"It's a dilemma for sure," Soos said, surprising them both that he suddenly appeared there. "I couldn't help but listen to you both."

"You saw Norman, do you think he's a zombie?" Dipper asked.

“How many brains have you seen them eat?” Soos asked.

"Zero," Dipper and Twilight said at the same time.

“I believe that there are strange things in the town, for example I am sure that the postman is a werewolf, but you must have proof or everyone will think you are crazy,” said Soos.

"You're right Soos," Dipper said.

Twilight was very thoughtful by Soos's comment and gave an opinion.

"That advice could have served me well before," Twilight said somewhat depressed remembering her brother's wedding and she also remembered that she had given Pinkie something similar recently in the case of the cake.

“What are you talking about, Twilight?” Dipper asked.

"You're welcome, I think we'd better watch Norman," Twilight said.

Dipper was hesitant about Twilight's comment, but decided to see if his sister was in danger and then ask Twilight what she meant by that comment.


Dipper and Twilight began to follow Mabel and Norman secretly and record them, Dipper also taught Twilight that she was making a video recorder, while in Equestria they also watched and almost everyone also thought that Norman was a zombie, suddenly Fluttershy began to tremble and try to hide

"What's wrong with you Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Norman is a zombie," Fluttershy said with great fear.

“All of us have only seen that he moves like a zombie, but that does not mean that he is a zombie, although he also urgently needs to change his wardrobe, because it is a fashion crime for someone if he dresses like that,” he said. Rarity.

“Recently, I saw that his hand fell off and then he put it back on like it was nothing,” Fluttershy said.

Everyone was shocked to hear that and wondered why they didn't notice.


Later in Gravity Falls, Dipper and Twilight were sure that Norman was a zombie. Fed up, Dipper decided to warn Mabel about Norman, but was stopped by Twilight.

“Listen Dipper, I know you care about your sister, but looks at what we've recorded,” Twilight said, putting on the video, so she could see what they recorded.

Showing everyone the things Norman did today.

"Dipper if you're going to tell Mabel about this now, obviously she's not going to believe you, because you have no proof, the only thing you have to confirm this is that Norman looks like a zombie, you're acting just like...", suddenly, Twilight stopped talking as she was very surprised to realize something. "Dipper, you're acting just like me."

Twilight realized that Dipper was acting the same as her during her brother's wedding while trying to convince everyone that Princess Cadance was not acting as she remembered, now she finally understood what Mabel meant that she looked a lot like his brother.

Dipper heard that and immediately wanted to ask her what she meant by that, but she realized that it wasn't the best time so she decided to watch the recording and was surprised by what she saw.


A little earlier, in Equestria they were listening to Twilight's words, when Fluttershy looked at the recording for a moment and realized something and started to tremble.

"What's wrong with you now, Fluttershy?" Rarity asked.

"This is the part where he drops his hand and puts it back," Fluttershy said.

They all stared at the video and were shocked to see Norman he fall out his hand off and then put it back on.


While in Gravity Falls, Dipper also noticed this and showed it to Twilight.

“That's if it's solid proof that he's a zombie,” Twilight said.

After Dipper and Twilight found out that Mabel and Norman they were into the woods, they asked Wendy for the mini golf cart.

"This is for you to use against zombies," Soos said handing them a shovel.

"Thanks, Soos," Twilight said.

“And this is in case they find a piñata,” Soos said, handing them a baseball bat.

“Hey, thanks?” Dipper said hesitantly and they set off in search of Mabel.


And in Equestria, upon seeing this, a comment from Pinkie arose.

"Soos, if she knows how to prepare a person for the trip," Pinkie said.

"Calm down Pinkie, has Spike sent the message to Princess Celestia yet?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah, she also said that she was going to be here soon, along with Princess Luna, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, she also said that she feels somewhat regretful that she's not here, because she was trying to create the portal," Spike said.

And immediately after saying that they arrived at Ponyville and everyone else explained the situation to them. As they watched Dipper and Twilight speed off in the golf cart.

"I'd like to know if Mabel is okay," Applejack said, feeling identified with Dipper, because she was sure that if she suspected something similar was happening, a Apple Bloom or Big McIntosh would be acting just like Dipper.

Fluttershy was thinking how to know if Mabel was okay and suddenly she thought of something.

“How about we touch the mirror until Mabel comes out?” Fluttershy suggested.

They began to change the mirror image until one of those showed a creature, which they wished they had not seen.

“What the hell is that creature?!” Shining Armor asked.

"Great! Leprecorns exist”, said Pinkie very happily and then commented. "And the Journaul 3 were also right that they also have musical horns."

Everyone except Pinkie was very confused to see that strange creature that was walking and a melody that came from her horn did not stop, Rainbow decided to touch the mirror again to change the image and finally showed Mabel and Norman.

Norman told Mabel that he was going to tell her a secret, almost everyone in Equestria believed that Norman was going to tell that he was a zombie, but everyone was surprised that he revealed that he was a bunch of Gnomes.

"It was obviously a bunch of Gnomes," Pinkie said.


At the time in Gravity Falls, Norman revealed that the real names were Jeff, Carson, Steve, Jason, and Schmebulock. They also said that everyone wanted Mabel to become her queen, Mabel hearing all that, understandably rejected it and hearing that, the Gnomes tried to kidnap her and make her queen by force and immediately after that Dipper and Twilight appeared.

"What the hell is going on here?" Dipper wondered as he saw all the Gnomes trying to capture Mabel.

Twilight and Rarity noticed that one of the Gnomes that Mabel punched her in the stomach started to vomit a rainbow, they decided to pretend they never saw that.

"Dipper, Norman turned out to be a bunch of Gnomes and they're very annoying," says Mabel.

"Wow, they're Gnomes, I was wrong," says Dipper.

“At least these creatures aren't as dangerous as zombies,” Twilight said.

Dipper decided to read Journal 3 which he took out of his jacket to see what information there was on the Gnomes.

“Gnomes: little men of the Gravity Falls Forest. Weakness: unknown,” Dipper said as he read about the Gnomes from Journal 3.

“Aw, come on!” Mabel said very annoyed.

“Hey, let go of my sister!” Dipper said to the Gnomes.

“Oh! She ha ha, hey, there! Um, you know, this is all really just a big misunderstanding. You see, your sister's not in danger. She's just marrying all one thousand of us and becoming our Gnome Queen for all eternity! Isn't that right, honey?" Jeff said.

“No”, Mabel said that she had already been captured by the Gnomes and they decided to cover her mouth.

"There's no misunderstanding," Twilight said.

“Give her back right now, or else!” Dipper said pointing the shovel at Jeff.

“You think you can stop us, boy? You have no idea what we're capable of. The Gnomes are a powerful race! Do not trifle with the–”, Jeff was saying, but his threatening words were interrupted by Dipper who simply pushed him out of the way with his shovel and immediately released his sister and they got in the miniature golf cart and went straight to the Mystery Shack.

“She's running away with our queen, all Forest Gnomes gather!” Jeff yelled.


Dipper was driving the golf cart taking Mabel and Twilight to the Mystery Shack.

"Dipper, can you go faster?" Mable asked that she wanted to get away from this place as quickly as possible.

"I wouldn't worry Mabel, you saw the size of the Gnomes' legs they are tiny," said Dipper.

"Dipper is right, besides, my friends and I have defeated more dangerous creatures," said Twilight, but when she finished saying that she felt a little sad, she decided to keep talking to distract herself. "Besides, it's the worst thing a bunch of Gnomes can do."

Suddenly, heavy footsteps were heard, the three of them turned around and saw a giant Gnome made of pure Gnomes.

"And I had to talk," Twilight said.

"Go back to our queen," Jeff said.

Dipper accelerated while being chased by the giant Gnome, Twilight seeing that everyone was in danger tried to launch a lightning bolt, but only sparks came out. Twilight kept trying until a huge beam came out that shocked everyone present and those in Equestria, but as Twilight she was so focused on casting magic that she didn't hit the giant Gnome. Twilight realizing that she could have killed a lot of Gnomes so she tried to cast weaker beams and she was surprised that she had a much easier time creating them than she did before. Jeff, noticing those rays, took a tree to use as a shield, until Twilight was exhausted from throwing rays. Princess Celestia, Luna, and Cadance were very worried, but they couldn't help but wonder when they saw this why Twilight had so much power, why the first beam should have exhausted her, but she cast so much more.

Dipper managed to drive to the Mystery Shack, but the golf cart crashed upon arrival, Dipper defending Mabel and Twilight, throwing the shovel at her, which was easily destroyed by the giant Gnome.

"Uh, where's Grunkle Stan?!" Dipper asked a little scared.


In Equestria right after Dipper said that, a pile of books fell near the mirror and a sheet of paper touched the mirror and showed Stan talking to some tourists.

“Behold! The world’s most distracting object,” Stan tells the tourists.

"This can not be! Now we have to wait for the mirror to change itself, which lasts between 10 seconds and 10 minutes, while we watch Stan ripping off tourists, we can't stop worrying about Twilight," said Rainbow Dash.

"Just try to look away, you can't!" Stan said.

Suddenly Stan, the tourists and several of those who were watching in Equestria including Rainbow Dash, looking at that object were confused.

"I can't even remember what I was talking about," said Stan, very confused.

"Me too, I wonder what he was doing," says Rainbow Dash and several in Equestria thought the same.

Suddenly the mirror flashed back to Dipper, Twilight and Mabel against the giant Gnome and everyone who was confused in Equestria remembered what they were doing.


In Gravity Falls, Mabel manages to trick Jeff into approaching her and then uses a leaf blower on Jeff to launch him towards the giant Gnome thus defeating all the Gnomes.

“Why did my magic work, until now?” Twilight wondered aloud to herself.

"That's the magic of a unicorn, all unicorns have a lot of energy," said Mabel.

"Mabel, not all unicorns have the same level of magic," said Twilight, suddenly thinking more deeply about what Mabel said and said in surprise. "Since when do I have so much magic, even if I spent all my magic from before in a single attack, it wouldn't compare to the first beam I tried to throw at the Gnomes."

Dipper remembering what Twilight said earlier and when she asked about unicorns in Journal 3. Now he understood why Twilight wanted to know, because she wanted to know what she was up to now with your magic.

"Twilight I think your magic doesn't work well it's because in this world you have more power and I also think it's harder to control," said Dipper.

Twilight thought about what Dipper said and she remembered that she had only tried to use magic very few times, because she was more worried about getting to another world and that she might never see her friends.

"I think you're right, Dipper," Twilight said, and then they all walked into the Mystery Shack somewhat dejectedly.

Dipper decided to ask her some questions that she didn't ask him yesterday, because she was still very sad and shocked to have suddenly arrived in Gravity Falls.

"Twilight I would like you to tell me what your friends were like and most importantly, I want you to tell me everything about that day when your friends didn't believe you," Dipper said.

“Why do you want to know, Dipper?” Twilight asked.

“Because if you do tell, you might find out things you hadn't been aware of,” Dipper said.

Twilight sighed and began to tell the story, but as she told the story, Twilight realized that her friends had every reason to doubt her. She realized that she was very impulsive and very protective of her brother, although she was upset with her friends for not believing her, but she was more worried about how she would return to Equestria and also what had happened to her friends at the wedding, especially Princess Cadance. But if that meant everyone she knew ended up getting hurt, she'd rather be wrong.

Dipper and Mabel listened carefully to Twilight's story and Stan was more attentive to the Mystery Shack attractions, but he was able to listen long enough to understand Twilight's story.

"Twilight I think you acted very impulsively when you found out that your brother was getting married and then when you realized that something was wrong with Princess Cadance it was logical that no one would believe you, because you acted like that before the wedding," said Mabel and now she understood why Twilight avoided her, it was because she reminded her so much of Pinkie.

Twilight knew that Mabel was telling the truth, but deep down she felt very humiliated that Mabel was the one who told her about her mistakes that she made at her brother's wedding.

"I understand that you get upset about the tourists being so naive, but you have to admit that your acquaintances ended up being as naive as the tourists," Stan said mocking his friends and also said it to make Twilight feel a little better.

In Equestria, several ponies who heard that comment were very humiliated by that comment, but no one at the time came up with an argument against what Stan said.

"I think Mabel and your friends were in denial, because something was happening that was incredible and good for them, Mabel had a boyfriend and your friends were too happy for the celebration, that's why they ignored the obvious clues," Dipper said. .

Upon hearing that, Twilight realized that the only way all of this could have been avoided is if she wasn't so impulsive about her brother at the wedding and her friends weren't so excited about the wedding.

Stan seeing that the atmosphere of the place became depressing, decided to speak.

“Uh, hey! W-wouldn't you know it? Um, I accidentally overstocked some inventory, so, uh... how's about each of you take one item from the gift shop? On the house, y'know?" Stan said.

“Really?” Mabel asked doubtfully.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Twilight asked seeing Stan acting like this.

"Watch's the catch?" Dipper asked doubtfully.

"The catch is do it before I change my mind, now take something," said Stan.

“Hmm. That oughta do the trick!” said Dipper choosing a hat with a blue pine tree symbol, because he had lost his hat while escaping from the giant Gnome.

Twilight began to search for what she wanted and decided to have a notebook with a pencil, to write down the things that she had learned in this world, because she wanted something that would remind her of her time in Ponyville.

"Mr. Stan, can I have this notebook and also a pencil to write on it?" Twilight asked.

"Okay," Stan said.

“And I will have a...”, said Mabel takes an object from the box, hides it and turns. “A Grappling Hook!”

"Wouldn't she rather have, like, a doll, or something?" Stan asked Dipper and Twilight.

“Grapping hook!” Mabel yelled using the grapping hook to lift herself off the ground.

“Fair enough!” Stan said.


Later in the attic of the Mystery Shack, Dipper, Mabel, and Twilight went to bed in their respective beds. Dipper decided to write in Journal 3 about his adventure with the Gnomes and that the Gnomes' weakness was leaf blower and he also wrote and drew about Twilight.

Twilight wrote in the notebook that she got from Stan a lesson that she learned today. She wrote that cares about something and has a bad feeling about what's going on, shouldn't be so impulsive and has to calm down or they would just make bad decisions and the people they know would distrust about you. Twilight was still a little upset about everything that happened at the wedding, but she didn't feel so much hate that she couldn't forgive them.


While in Equestria, Rainbow Dash watched what Twilight and Dipper did and gave a comment.

"Dipper and Twilight really look alike," Rainbow Dash said, referring to the fact that the two decided to write before going to bed.

Everyone in Equestria also decided to go to sleep.