• Published 18th Nov 2021
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Cracks to Gravity Falls - Gfmlp

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06) The Inconveniencing

In the Mystery Shack were Dipper, Mabel, Twilight, Wendy and Soos. Dipper was reading Journal 3, Twilight was reading another book, while Mabel was sitting and spinning on top of a globe, Wendy was reading a magazine and lastly Soos was cleaning up the Mystery Shack a bit.

“Mabel, Twilight, do you two believe in ghosts?” Dipper asks.

“I believe you're a big dork! Ha ha ha!” Mabel said as she laughed at Dipper.

Dipper uses the pencil to stop the globe Mabel was spinning on, causing Mabel to fall off.

"Dipper obviously there are no ghosts," Twilight said.

"Twilight, I thought that in a world where there is magic, ghosts existed," Dipper said, somewhat surprised to learn that there were no ghosts in the world of Twilight.

"A world where there is magic doesn't mean there is such an illogical thing as ghosts," said Twilight.

Dipper and Mabel were a little surprised that Twilight was swayed by logic more than they thought.

Suddenly Stan walks into the Mystery Shack.

“Soss! Wendy!” Stan yells.

Wendy who was sitting near where Stan came in just gets up, while Soos runs to get where Stan was.

"What's up, Mr. Pines!" Soos asks immediately upon reaching Stan.

I'm headin' out. You two are gonna wash the bathrooms, right?” says Stan.

“Yes, sir!” Soos replies immediately.

“Absolutely not!” Wendy replies.

"Haha! You stay out of trouble! ”, Says Stan and leaves the Mystery Shack where he had just entered.

"Hey guys! What's this?” Wendy said as she walks where there is a curtain.

“How come I didn't notice that?” Twilight wonders because the curtain is at the entrance to the Mystery Shack.

Wendy ignores Twilight's question and opens the curtain, revealing a ladder leading to the roof of the Mystery Shack.

“A secret ladder to the roof?” says Wendy.

"Uh, I don't think Mr. Pines would like that," Soos said doubtfully.

“Huh?” Wendy says, trying to cheer Soos up.

“Uhhhhh”, Soos replies fearfully.

"Huh?" Wendy says again to continue trying to cheer Soos up.

“You're freaking me out, dude!” Soos says, not understanding what Wendy was trying to do.

“Can we actually go up there?” Dipper asked quite excited to see that he wanted to show them Wendy

“I want to see what you want to show us, too,” Twilight said.

“Sure we can! Roof time! Roof time!” Wendy said.

Roof Time! Roof Time!” Dipper, Mabel, and Twilight said, imitating Wendy's enthusiasm.

Everyone except Soos goes up to the roof, while Soos just watches them through the window very worried.

Dipper, Mabel and Twilight arrive at the place where Wendy wanted to show them.

“Alright, check it out!” Wendy says.

"Woah!" Dipper, Mabel and Twilight were surprised to see what Wendy had put on the roof of the Mystery Shack.

Wendy had put out an umbrella, a beach chair, a cooler, and a bucket full of pine cone.

“Cool! Did you put all this stuff up here?” Dipper asked.

“I may or may not sneak up here during work, all the time, every day,” Wendy replies.

Then Wendy throws a pine cone that she took out of the bucket, hitting a target of paper glued on a totem pole.

“Yes!” Wendy says, happy to have hit the target.

“Cool!” says Dipper.

“Wow, what an aim you have, Wendy,” Twilight said.

“Me first!” Mabel says anxiously trying to hit the target of paper with the pins.

Dipper and Twilight also took some cone pins to try to hit the target of paper. Twilight decided to just try to use only her front hooves to try to hit the target, because she used magic she felt like she was cheating.

Dipper, Mabel, and Twilight threw the cone pins at the Traget of Paper, but their throws deflected halfway down and landed on the parked car causing the alarm to go off.

Dipper was embarrassed because he was the one who threw the pine cone that hit the car.

“I think we should have thought that was going to happen,” Twilight said.

Jackpot! High five,” Wendy says.

Dipper high five with Wendy and suddenly a car arrives.

"Oh hey, it's my friends," Wendy says, referring to the car that had just arrived.

At an open car window, someone waves at Wendy.

"Wendy," says a voice inside the car.

“Uh, you guys are n't gonna tell Stan about this, are you?” Wendy asks Dipper, Mabel and Twilight because she was leaving work.

“I don't see any problem, because I doubt any tourists will arrive at the Mystery Shack at this hour,” Twilight said.

Dipper only does zip lips and Wendy, seeing that, answers Dipper with a zip lips.

“Later dorks!” Wendy says.

After Wendy begins to go down from the roof of the Mystery Shack using the nearby trees, Wendy after reaching the ground gets into the car where her friends were.

"Let's get out of here!", the voice of another of Wendy's friends is heard in the car.


Later, Dipper, Mabel, Twilight, and Wendy were inside the Mystery Shack.

“Random dance party for no reason!” Mabel yells as she lights up and starts dancing.

"Go! Go! Go! Go!” Wendy says as she dances.

While Dipper and Twilight were just watching Mabel and Wendy dance.

“Mabel actually looks a lot like Pinkie,” Twilight comments.

Suddenly Wendy went to where Dipper and Twilight were.

"Aren't you two gonna get in on this?" Wendy asked Dipper and Twilight.

Before Twilight could answer the question, Dipper spoke first.

"I don't really dance," Dipper replies.

“Yeah, you do! Mom used to dress him up in a lamb costume and make him do...”, says Mabel whispered to Wendy and then began to scream. "The Lamby Dance!"

"Now is not the time to talk about the Lamby Dance," Dipper says angrily at Mabel.

"Lamby Dance?" Twilight wonders doubtfully.

"Lamb costume? Wow, is there like little ears and a tails or...?” Wendy asks.

"Well uh, uh..." Dipper started trying to think of how to explain to Twilight and Wendy.

“Dipper would prance around and sing a song about grazing,” Mabel said, interrupting Dipper and showing a picture of the younger Dipper wearing a lamb costume.

Dipper started to signal Mabel to shut up and some in Equestria laughed at that.

Suddenly the cuckoo clock rang and Wendy realized the time.

“Hey, look at that! Quittin' time! The gang' waitin' for me”, says Wendy.

“Wendy, where are you going out with your friends?” Twilight asks.

“To a place where she's supposedly haunted and why do you ask?” Wendy said.

"Because I wanted to see how your friends acted and also to investigate a supposed place with magic," Twilight replied.

“Ohh... I don't know. My friends are pretty intense”, Wendy was saying, but before she could finish speaking she is interrupted by Twilight.

"I and my friends from Equestria have faced many dangers," Twilight said although she felt a little sad when she remembered that she was currently in another world.

"We're up against a bunch of Gnomes, some living statues, and a giant robot," says Dipper.

“We were also the ones who figured out who decapitated the wax Stan,” Mabel said.

“It's pretty amazing that they found the culprit with all those people who held a grudge against Stan for that wax museum scam, All right. I like your mother, friends! Let me get my stuff”, Wendy said and then leaves the Mystery Shack.

“Dipper, why did you want to go with Wendy's friends, maybe you are in love with Wendy”, said Mabel trying to make fun of Dipper.

Mabel noticed that Twilight seemed slightly annoyed by what she had just said.

"Mabel, I wanted to go because Wendy said that she was going to a haunted place and mainly I wanted to go because Twilight wanted to go there," Dipper replied calmly and after saying that she says. "And by the way, Twilight, what is the real reason you wanted to go to that place, because I'm sure it's not the reason you told Wendy and besides, you don't believe in ghosts."

Twilight calmed down immediately after she heard what Dipper said and decided to answer him.

"Because I saw some of Wendy's friends named Robbie and when they found out that Wendy was going out I had the feeling that they would get into big trouble and also the places that are haunted are old places, in other words they have a lot of history," he said. Twilight.

Then the Dippers, Mabel and Twilight went to get ready to go out with Wendy and her friends.


Meanwhile in Equestria, Twilight's friends saw this and had different opinions.

"Twilight is really going to a haunted place," Fluttershy said fearfully.

"I could be perfectly fine going to any haunted place," said Rainbow Dash.

"Well, I don't think you can do it," said Applejack.

“I can do it,” Rainbow Dash said with great confidence.

"I think we should report this to Princess Celestia first," Fluttershy said with a lot of fear in her voice.

They realized that and decided to send a letter to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Pinkie decided to calm Fluttershy down.

"Don't worry so much Fluttershy, maybe they're only going to visit one store and it's run by old people," Pinkie said.


In Gravity Falls Dipper, Mabel and Twilight met with Wendy and her friends, Dipper seeing how Wendy's friends acted realized that Twilight was right to be worried that she might get them in trouble. Wendy decides to introduce Dipper, Mabel and Twilight to her friends.

"Hey guys! These are my pals from work, Mabel, Twilight and Dipper,” says Wendy.

“I chewed my gum so it looks like a brain! BLASH!” Mabel says and then sticks out her tongue for everyone to see the gum she was chewing.

“So are you, like, babysitting, or–”, she started to ask Robbie, but was interrupted by Wendy.

"Eat on Robbie! Guys, this is Lee Nate,” Wendy says as she begins to introduce her friends.

Lee and Nate laugh and punch each other

“Tambry,” Wendy says, introducing a teenager who kept looking at her phone.

“Hey…” Tambry says as she continues typing on her phone.

“Thompson, who once ate a runeover waffle for 50 cents,” Wendy said.

"Don't tell them that!" Thompson said.

And Robby. You can probably figure him out,” Wendy said.

“Yeah, I’m the guy who spary-painted the water tower,” Robbie said in a very smug way.

“Oh, you mean the big muffin!” Replies Dipper.

“Um, it's giant explosion,” says Robbie angrily.

Everyone who heard the correction that Robbie told Dipper decided to see the water tower including those who were listening from Equestria, they all thought that drawing was a muffin.

“Hehe! Kinda does look like a muffin,” Lee said, then started laughing.

Nate also started laughing along with his friend Lee. Robbie looks very angry at Dipper.

“Let's hurry it up, guys. I got big plans for tonight!” says Wendy.

Everyone starts to get into the car, Dipper waits near the door of the passenger seat while he waits for them to stop getting in, when he sees that there is no one getting in, Dipper was going to start moving towards the door at the back of the truck but he is interrupted by Robbie who was already in the passenger seat.

"Sorry kid, I'll ride shotgun alright," Robbie says so he doesn't leave the passenger seat.

Dipper was sure that Robbie thought that Dipper wanted in the passenger seat and he did this to get a little back at Dipper for the muffin, while he sat in the back seats next to Twilight and Mabel.

"Okay just, before w ego, my mom said you guys aren't allowed to punch the roof anymore, so...", says Thompson.

“Thompson! Thompson! Thompson!” Wendy shouts along with her friends except Thompson as they pound the roof of the truck with their fists.

While everyone was traveling by van to the place where it was said to be haunted. Mabel sees that in the van someone wrote ¨You stink! ¨, she takes Dipper's pencil and crosses out that word and then writes ¨You Look nice today! ¨.

"Ha! This is gonna blow someone's mind!” Mabel said with a laugh.

“Dipper, did you want to go in the passenger seat?” Twilight asked.

“No Twilight, plus it's not like he's trying to earn anyone's respect here,” Dipper said.


In Equestria Rainbow Dash began to see other places in Gravity Falls to kill time while Twilight was still in the car. Suddenly they saw that Stan was sitting on the sofa watching television, Stan suddenly realized that they were going to show an old and romantic movie, so he started looking for the remote control without getting up from the sofa, but he couldn't find it, that's why he began to call Dipper, Mabel and Twilight to find the remote or change the channel.

"Stan could just change the channel if he'd just get off the couch," says Applejack.

Everyone was of the same opinion as Applejack then the image changed and he showed Twilight again that they had just arrived at the haunted place.


In Gravity Falls, when they arrived at the supposedly haunted place, they saw that it was an abandoned store called Dusk 2 Dawn.

“I thought it would be an older mansion or place,” Twilight whispers to Dipper immediately after getting out of Thompson's truck.

"Sometimes it just takes a little while for a place to be abandoned for everyone to start believing it's cursed," Dipper replied.

"Dipper, you're right," Twilight said a little discouraged since she thought it would be an older place.

Everyone arrives outside the fence, Wendy starts talking about the place.

“There it is, fellas! The condemned Dusk 2 Dawn!” says Wendy

"Ha! Cool!” say Lee and Nate.

Dipper decides to ask about the place which was the myth of the place.

“Why'd they shut it down, was it like a health code violation, or—”, Dipper starts to ask, but she interrupts him with the answer.

“TRY MURDER!” Nate says.

“Some folks died in there, the place has been haunted ever since!” Lee says to add in the response of his friend Nate.

“This town has such a colorful history!” Mabel says happily.

"Wha... Are you guys serious?" Dipper asks, somewhat scared.

"Yeah! We're all gonna die! Chill out man! It's not as bad as it looks!” Wendy says to Dipper to reassure him.

“Dipper remembers that people always over-exaggerate some stories,” says Twilight.

Many in Equestria upon hearing that thought the same as Twilight.


After Dipper manages to enter the store through a roof to the vents thanks to him getting on a dumpster and opening the place from the inside, allowing everyone to enter the Dusk 2 Dawn store.

“Did you decide to open the door, to humiliate Robbie a bit because he couldn't open the door?” Asked Twilight to Dipper.

"Yeah", replied Dipper.

Then Dipper and Twilight enter the Dusk 2 Dawn store.

“Do you guys really think it's haunted?” Thompson asks.

"Nah! Thompson are you kidding me?” Nate replies.


Meanwhile in Equestria everyone sees that the sign that says "Yes, we're open" to "Get lost! We're closed."

“I wasn't the only one I just saw that,” Rainbow Dash said fearfully.

"You weren't the only one and I think we should let Princess Celestia know what's going on," Rarity said.

They decided to send a letter to Princess Celestia about what was happening.


Meanwhile, in Dusk 2 Dawn they were seeing what that place was like.

“Whoa man, it's even creepier than I imagined!” Wendy said, very amazed.

Mabel looks at how the place was full of dust and decides to give her a finger and then put that finger in her mouth.

“Yep. It's dust," said Mabel.

Dipper picks up a dusty newspaper that says it was from May 02, 1995 and thanks to the newspaper he realized that this place had to close on that date.

Suddenly Wendy finds the light switches from Dusk 2 Dawn.

“Guys, check it out! You think these still work?,” Wendy says as she turns on the lights.

The lights come on and everyone sees what the place was like, Twilight looks at the good state of the food and comes to the conclusion that this place had been abandoned for a maximum of two weeks.

“So, what are we going to do now?” Dipper asks.

“Anything we want,” Wendy replies.

Everyone starts to have fun, Dipper, Mabel and Twilight were walking to see what to entertain themselves.

“Oh my gosh! Smile Dip! I thought this stuff was banned in America!” Mabel says happily.

“Maybe they had a good reason,” Dipper replies.

“I think Dipper is right,” Twilight says.

Then Dipper and Twilight leave that area of the store, while Mabel starts eating the Smile Dip.

Afterwards, everyone was enjoying the place, except Twilight because she thought it would be an older place with more history, not a store that she stopped using a few days ago.

"Dipper and Twilight, this night is like, legendary," says Wendy.

"Really?" Dipper asks.

“Just look around. The guys are bonding and I've never even seen Tambry look up from her phone this long,” says Wendy.

Dipper and Twilight watch Robbie, Thompson, and Nate playing with Dusk 2 Dawn products, while Trambry was still using his phone, but sometimes looked at what was going on.

“And your sister seems to be going nuts with that Smile Dip,” says Wendy.

“Ugh, maybe I've had too much. What do you think?” Mabel asks to a hallucination from eating a lot of Smile Dip.

"I don't think Mabel is fine, but Wendy I feel a little disappointed because I thought the place had been closed for years, but it's only been a couple of weeks," Twilight said, believing that everything was closed so little due to the state of the food.

"What are you talking about Twilight this place has been closed since before I was born," Wendy said.

"Wendy's right. I saw a newspaper they were selling that she said was dated May 2, 1995," Dipper said.

Twilight was surprised by this information because she believed that Dusk 2 Dawn had recently shut down.

"But that doesn't explain why all the food was kept so well," Twilight said, looking at all the food in the store.

"You're right Twilight that's very weird," Dipper said.

Dipper and Twilight began to walk further into the store to see if there was anything unusual. Suddenly they heard Lee's voice.

"Hey guys! We need more ice!” Lee yells.

“I'm on it!” Dipper replies.

He opens the refrigerator to take an ice pack, after taking the ice pack he saw a creature, this Cooler Monster was a brain with a lot of veins and some veins form hands, it also had a mouth with teeth and finally retractable eyes , these eyes approached Dipper, seeing this Dipper yelled and dropped the ice pack and immediately closed the refrigerator where the Cooler Monster was.

Dipper calmed down a bit and opened the fridge again, but there was nothing inside the fridge. Suddenly Twilight, Wendy and Wendy's friends arrive.

“What was that? I thought I heard some lady screaming back here”, Lee asked.

“You freakin' out, kid?” Asks Nate.

"Uh, no. I'm cool. Everything's cool,” replied Dipper.

“Then what's all this about?” Asks Robbie, pointing to the dropped ice pack.

“That's uh, um uh… hey look! Dancy Pants Revolution! The game that tricks people into exercising!” says Dipper.

Everyone except Wendy and Twilight felt doubts and decided to wait until everyone left to play to ask Dipper what he had seen.


Meanwhile, in Equestria, everyone felt a little scared when they saw that creature that Dipper saw in the refrigerator.

“Princess Celestia, what the hell was that thing?” Asks Rainbow Dash.

“I have never seen a creature like that in my life,” replied Princess Celestia.

Everyone present felt somewhat afraid that this creature could be dangerous and try to do something bad to Twilight.


Meanwhile in Gravity Falls, Dipper explained that he had seen a monster in the refrigerator when he went to get an ice pack, which scared him because of how sudden it was, he ended up throwing the ice bag away and closed the door immediately, but when He calmed down a bit and opened it again, there was nothing.

After hearing what Dipper saw, Twilight and Wendy decided to open the refrigerator again, but they didn't see anything.

“I don't see any monsters here, but I'm starting to think we should all get out of here because I've had a bad feeling ever since Twilight said that all the food has been good even after years,” Wendy said.

“I checked the food and realized that someone used magic to keep all the food cool,” Twilight said as she used her magic to put the ice pack back in the fridge.

But before Twilight could put the ice pack in the cooler, the Monster Cooler appeared inside the cooler and tried to get closer to Twilight. Twilight out of fright immediately threw the ice pack at the Monster Cooler causing it to go back into the refrigerator, the Monster Cooler immediately got up to get out of the refrigerator, but before he could do so Wendy closed the refrigerator door, then Twilight used his magic to put a heavy object on the refrigerator door so it wouldn't open and kept using magic to keep the object very close to the door. The Monster Cooler could be heard trying to get out of the fridge, but Dipper, Twilight and Wendy realized that the Monster Cooler couldn't open the fridge by itself, so Twilight stopped using the magic to keep the door closed and noise of the Monster Cooler and trying to get out stopped.

“Twilight, what kind of creature is that?” Dipper asked.

"I've never heard or read of any creature similar to what we just saw," Twilight said.

“Even though that creature is very disturbing, it seems to me that this creature is smart enough to do something to keep all the food fresh,” Wendy said.

"Wendy, do you really think there are ghosts here," Twilight said.

"Twilight I think that at this point it doesn't matter if it's a ghost or a wizard or some creature, the point is that there is something that is trying to keep this place in order and I think that your friends think that it is going to do something that It will end up pissing him off," Dipper said.

"Dipper, you're right," Twilight said, realizing that she had to check whether it was a ghost or not, but that there was something trying to maintain some order in the store and maybe they would do something that would end up making her angry.

"Wendy can you please watch your friends a little so they don't do something terribly stupid," says Dipper.

Wendy agreed with Dipper and left, although Wendy knew that her friends were having fun, but she also knew that there was something in this store that might end up pissing them off and not to mention that they had a monster trapped in the fridge that was still trying to get out. .

"Dipper you're right, although I would like to know more history, but if Wendy's friends are still here I'm sure they're going to get us all in trouble," Twilight said after she remembered something and said. "Now that I think about it, where is Mabel?"

Dipper and Twilight went to see where Mabel is and saw that she was hallucinating from having eaten too much Smile Dip, she was hallucinating that she was on top of a big dolphin with arms, while she said “The future! …is in the past! Onwards Aoshima!”.

"Mabel! How many of these did you eat!?” Dipper asked, worried about Mabel.

“Beleven… teen…”, replies Mabel.

"It seems that Mabel is overreacting by eating a lot of Smile Dip, because there weren't that many, plus there are a lot of Smile Dip left," Twilight says, seeing how Mabel was doing, then she comments. “Not only is Mabel different from Pinkie in being a bit more selfish, but she's less resistant to sweets.”

Suddenly Wendy appears after talking with her friends.

“What happened to your sister?” Wendy asks.

“She ate a lot of Smile Dip,” Dipper replied.


Meanwhile in Equestria they saw that Robbie had dropped a coin, Robbie saw that the coin fell near a couple of chalk silhouettes of people.

“Whoa guys, you might wanna see this,” says Robbie.

Everyone approached the chalk silhouettes except Dipper, Mabel, Twilight, and Wendy.

“Whoa. Then the rumors are true!” says Lee.

“Dude, I dare you to lie down in it,” Robbie says to Lee.

“Good idea!” Lee says, then tells Nate. “Go lie down in it!”

“I'm a dead body, look!” says Nate.

Nate walks over and lies down on top of the two chalk figures.

“I think this is a bad idea,” Rarity comments as she watches what Wendy's friends are doing.

"Even if there are no ghosts, doing that is a bad idea," says Princess Celestia, very upset by how disrespectful Wendy's friends were.


Dipper, Twilight and Wendy just arrived where the others are and saw that Nate had laid down on top of the two silhouettes.

Before Dipper and Twilight could process what was happening, the whole store started acting strange, Tramby suddenly disappeared, Dipper picked up the phone that had written on the screen is: "Status update: AAAAUUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!" and then everyone saw that she was trapped inside the television.

“What are we supposed to do!?” Nate asked.

“I don't know man! I don't know!” says Lee.

“Let's just go already!” Robbie says fearfully.

“Thompson!” Yells Wendy.

But Thompson decided to continue playing because he was about to have the most score and suddenly he is locked inside the video game.

"Forget them! Let's go!” Robbie says, ready to walk out of the store and leave Tambry and Thompson.

Twilight was trying to find who was using magic, but hearing what Robbie was about to leave her friends made her angry, but before Twilight could criticize Robbie's words the store doors closed.

“What the…”, Wendy says as she tries to open the doors, but she can't and says. “Guys… It's locked!”

“OUTTA MY WAY!” Robbie yells and then immediately throws a cash register towards the door but it dissolves before hitting the door.

“Everybody, wait! Whatever is doing this has to have some kind of reason! Maybe if we could just figure out what it is, they'll let us out of here!” Says Dipper as he opens Journal 3 to the part that talks about ghosts.

“Uh-uh they'll let us out of here! Yeah, that makes a lot of sense!” Robbie says sarcastically.

“I don't know guys, maybe he's got a point!” says Wendy.

"If at least Dipper is trying to find solutions, while you only tried to abandon 2 of your friends," Twilight said. She still didn't believe that what was happening was a ghost, but she didn't discount what Dipper was saying.

"Wait, you can talk," Robbie said, surprised that Twilight could talk and he didn't care what she told him, because she thought Twilight wasn't smart.

Everyone was surprised that Robbie didn't know that Twilight was talking because Twilight didn't try to hide it and everyone already knew that before the trip, but everyone immediately decided not to think about it because they had bigger problems.

“Yeah right, I'm sure the ghost just wants to talk about his feelings from him!” Lee says sarcastically.

Suddenly Lee disappears and then reappears inside a picture of a cereal box and the Cereal box Toucan attacks Lee.

"Read! Okay, okay... I'm with you kid! 100%, man!” says Nate.

"Welcome!" said an unknown voice.

And everyone in the store and those in Equestria saw that something was possessing Mabel causing her to float and a light blue glow surrounded her. They had left Mabel near where they were so she could rest a bit and stop hallucinating.

“They got Mabel!” Dipper yells.

“Welcome to your graves, young trespassers”, says the possessed Mabel.

“We're super sorry for hanging out in your store!” says Wendy.

"Yeah! Can we just go now and leave forever?” asks Dipper.

“Well… okay. You're free to go”, said the possessed Mabel.

Suddenly the doors open.

“But before you leave, hot dogs are now half off. I know it might be crazy, but you gotta try these dogs!” Says the Mabel possessed pointing to some Hot Dogs on the counter.

Robbie and Nate immediately decided to escape the store, but the doors were locked before they could get there.

“Just kidding about the hot dog comes out!” said the Mabel possessed.

“Just let us out of here already!” Nate said as he attempted to attack the possessed Mabel, but was stopped by Robbie.

“I don't like your tone!” says the Mabel possessed annoyed with Nate's little respect.

And they turn Nate into a Hot Dog. The Mabel possessed then reverses gravity, putting everyone on the roof and causing various things on the roof to break open.

“It begins. Welcome to your home for all eternity!” Says the Mabel possessed.

Twilight wasn't sure where it was causing all of this, but now that it's possessing Mabel that being must be nearby and it was going to surround Mabel with its magic to free her of whatever was using Mabel and maybe catch the ones that were using to Mabel, but before he could do so he realized the cooler crashed and the Monster Cooler was released and he immediately approached Twilight. Twilight was about to use her magic and because of her fright she ended up shooting a beam directly at the Monster Cooler, but she didn't scratch it and then she tried to catch it with her magic, but she also didn't affect him in most minimal. Twilight, Dipper and Wendy realized that this creature was immune to magic. Twilight started to panic because that creature scared her more than if she they would have ghosts and she started to shoot a lot of bolts at that creature with no effect on that being.

Dipper saw that Twilight panicked, but he noticed something strange: the creature only approached Twilight when she prepared her spell or when she cast her magic on it, but when Twilight didn't cast any spells, the creature didn't move and does not approach Twilight. Suddenly one of the bolts of magic missed and impacted behind the creature. The Monster Cooler approached where the lightning struck.

"Twilight use your magic to bring this objet closer to that creature and then move it away, I think that one is drawn by magic," Dipper said.

Twilight immediately she used her magic to bring an object closer to where the creature. The Monster Cooler started following the object and ignoring everything else.

"So that creature was coming at me because of magic," Twilight said as she lured the creature back into the fridge.


While Twilight went to catch the Monster Cooler.

“Dipper, what do we do?!” Wendy asks Dipper.

“DUCK!” Dipper says because a piece of furniture was coming to crash against them and the two managed to avoid it.

“Quick! In there!” Wendy says to Dipper so they can protect themselves.

Dipper realized that the ghosts didn't have the slightest interest in Twilight and she was busy locking up that strange creature.

“What do they want from us?!” Wendy asks because she also realized that she had no interest in Twilight.

“Revenge, I guess?” Dipper replies.

“What did we do wrong?” Wendy asks.

Several in Equestria upon hearing that, thought that Wendy's friends deserved some kind of punishment, but not at the level that was happening at that moment.

“Okay, let's try to figure out the pattern here. Why was each person taken? Tambry was texting, Thompson was playing a video game, Lee was being sarcastic; it doesn't make any sense!” says Dipper.

"Yeah! I mean, those are all just normal teenage things,” Wendy replies.

“…Wendy, say that last part again,” Dipper says, realizing why they were so angry.

“Normal teenage things?” says Wendy.

"Of course! Stay here until I get back!” Dipper says as he comes out of the hideout.

“Dude, what are you doing?!” says Wendy.

Dipper ignores what Wendy was saying, as Twilight just locked the Monster Cooler back in the fridge and saw Dipper approaching the Mabel possessed.

“Hey ghost!” Dipper yells.

The Mabel possessed immediately turns her attention to Dipper.

“I've got something to tell you! I'm not a teenager!” says Dipper.

Upon hearing that, all the things that were there stopped and fell, two ghosts also became visible, they were a couple of old people who were holding Mabel.

"Ho Ho Ho! Well why didn't you say so? Says the male ghost and then lets go of Mabel and falls into a pile of candy.

“How old did you say you were?” the male ghost asks Dipper.

“I'm twelve, technically not a teen,” Dipper said.

“When we were alive, teenagers were a scourge on our store!” says the female ghost.

“Always sassafrassin' costumers with their boomy boxes and disrespectful short pants!” says the male ghost.

The two ghosts say they can call them Ma and Pa Duskerton. They also said that they hated teenagers for their rap music among other things, so after the two of them got fed up with everything that teenagers were doing in their store they decided to put up a sign that said 'NO TEENS', but 3 teenagers at the Finding out about this they decided to start bothering the owners on purpose by playing music outside the store to make the owners angry, until they made both owners suffer from a heart attack and die.

“That's why we hate teenagers so much! Don't we, honey?” Ma said.

And Pa Duskerton nodded, meanwhile Twilight and almost everyone in Equestria couldn't believe how evil those teenagers were.

“Wait, those teenagers bullied you two to death?” Says Twilight she could barely believe what she just heard.

“Yes!” Ma and Pa say at the same time.

"Those teenagers, did they at least regret what they did?" Twilight asked trying to believe that those teenagers couldn't be such idiots.

“I doubt it, those teenagers left the place just because they didn't have anyone to piss off anymore and that's why they left,” Pa Duskerton said thoughtfully.


In Equestria they could hardly believe the story of those ghosts.

"I can't believe how far those idiots got with their pranks, it never crossed my mind that a prank could do that", said Rainbow Dash, very surprised that they found what they ended up doing funny.

Everyone who heard Rainbow Dash agreed with her.


In Gravity Falls, more specifically in the Dusk 2 Dawn store, Twilight still couldn't believe what happened in the store and decided to ask about something else to stop thinking about them.

“And what is that creature in the freezer?” Twilight asked.

"You mean Monster Cooler, that creature appeared shortly after we finished haunting the place so the products wouldn't spoil and it's in the freezer because it likes cold places," said Ma Duskerton.

Twilight came to the theory that the Monster Cooler came to the store because she felt a lot of magic coming from her.

“But isn't there anything I can do to, to liberate the ones you caught for because they made you anger?” Dipper asked.

“There is one thing. Do you know any funny little dances?” says Pa Duskerton.

“Uh… is there anything else I can do?” Dipper says.

“NOOOO!” Pa Duskerton says angrily and with blue flames.

"I think Pinkie if she was here she could do it," Twilight said.

While in Equestria Pinkie agreed with Twilight.

“OKAY OKAY OKAY! Um… Well, I do know… the Lamby Lamby Dance. Boo-but I can't really do it, without a lamb costume!” Said Dipper, a little relieved not to do that dance.

Pa and Ma Duskerton use their powers and transform the clothes Dipper was wearing into a lamb costume for him to do the dance.

“Oh, well… there it is. Wellll…” Dipper says and then starts singing. “Who wants a Lamby lamby lamby? Gone! Gone! So go up and greet your Mammy mammy mammy! Hi there! Hi there! So march march march around the daisies…”

Twilight and Wendy couldn't help but smile when they saw Dipper's dance. Also several in Equestria really liked that dance, especially Fluttershy.

"Yes Yes! More! MORE!,” says Pa Duskerton because he was enjoying the dance.

“Don't don't don't you forget about the babies!” Dipper sang and then he winks.

“That was so fine, girly dancin' boy! Your friends are free”, said Pa Duskerton very happily and made Dipper's clothes go back to normal.

“Well I don't think you have to worry about us coming back, so…”, Dipper was saying.

Ma and Pa Duskerton disappear, then make gravity come back, freeing all of Wendy's friends, and Twilight realizes that Robbie was hiding inside a cabinet the whole time.

“Ugghh… I'm never gonna eat or do anything ever again,” Mabel said when she stopped hallucinating.

"Hey! There's still some left!,” Dipper says as he offers her a Smile Dip.

“EVIL!” Mabel says without looking at Dipper and slaps Dipper's hand to make him release the Smile Dip.

“What-what happened after everything went crazy?” Lee asks Wendy.

"In short, Dipper managed to convince the ghosts to let you go," Twilight replied.

Wendy turns to Dipper and zips lips to let Dipper know that he won't tell anyone about the dance he did and Dipper also zips lips to tell him back.


Then everyone was outside the Dusk 2 Dawn store, almost everyone was sleeping, except Dipper, Twilight and Wendy.

“Well, I'm probably scared for life,” Wendy said.

"Yeah, me too, not to mention that tonight made me realize that sometimes the stupidity of some people can go further than I could believe," Twilight said, remembering how stupid those teenagers from the story of Ma and Pa Duskerton were. .

"Yeah, that was pretty crazy," said Dipper.

“I think I'm gonna go stare at a wall for a while and RETHINK EVERYTHING. Hey, next time we hang out, let's stay at the Mystery Shack. Okay?" Wendy said.

"I think the same, Wendy," Twilight said because this adventure made her realize that the ghosts of Gravity Falls were real, but she was still sure that ghosts didn't exist in Equestria and that some people's stupidity can be very dangerous.

"Yah! Let's, let's hang out at the Shack!” Dipper said.

Dipper noticed before getting into the truck that Twilight was looking a little thoughtful.

“Twilight, are you wondering what lesson you learned today?” Asked Dipper.

"Hey? Something like that," Twilight replied.

“I think the lesson is that in some places you have to have a little bit of respect whether the stories in that place are true or not”, said Dipper.

"You're right, and I'm sure Wendy's friends should have learned from this experience too," Twilight said, remembering how patient Ma and Pa Duskerton were as Wendy's friends caused a lot of chaos in the store until Ma and Pa Duskerton until they got sick of them.

Immediately after, Dipper and Twilight got into Thompson's truck to go back to the Mystery Shack.

“OHHHHH… What kind of sick joke is this?” Mabel says, referring to what she had written before.

When Thompson's truck left the Dusk 2 Dawn store, the lights went out.


At the Mystery Shack, Stan was still watching the romantic movie because he couldn't find the remote. Suddenly Stan got angry because in the movie someone said the same thing as him. Dipper, Mabel and Twilight had just arrived and were outside the Mystery Shack, suddenly they saw someone throw the television out the window and Stan leaned out the window.

“Uh, couldn't find the remote,” says Stan.