• Published 13th Sep 2012
  • 13,554 Views, 439 Comments

The First Year - TwilightsmyMare

A continuation of Living and Dying in Equestria

  • ...

Chapter 22 (Here, there and everywhere!)

I partially woke up the next morning, that kind of half asleep and half awake state in which everything seems so perfect, quiet and serene. And if you happen to have the mare you love laying beside you her forehoof across your chest and her beautiful face nestled beside yours well...


I sat up suddenly dislodging Opal from my chest to the end of the bed none too gently, she sat up and glared at me then proceeded to ignore me and sat down to clean her mussed fur.

I listened intently hoping no one was hurt and ready to get up I was a bit surprised Twilight hadn't awoken as well, I could hear a pair of frantic hoof beats down below.

"Angel! Don't do that, Owlicious don't encourage her! Winona! That book is not a tug of war toy! Ooh I'm gonna be in so much trouble..."

I smirked to myself, my little Angel was sounding more and more like her mother everyday while still retaining her tomboy adorableness. I was about to swing my legs off the bed being careful not to disturb Opal further when Twilight twitched and came awake suddenly.

"Tug of war?! My books!" With a flash she teleported, as I quickly hurried downstairs I heard her screech. And coming downstairs I found quite the scene.

Owlicious had hold of a large book and was trying to fly up and away with it while simultaneously Winona had her teeth locked tight into it the front of her body pulled off the ground but her back legs scrabbling to pull back her tail wagging happily Twilight right on their heels trying to grab the book from them.

Gummy was still perched on Tanks back apparently enjoying the commotion as he looked about, Tank himself was slowly plodding forward towards his bowl but just as he was about to reach it , it moved a few inches away from him! Pulled by a mischievous bunny, Angel had a handful of his own food and was munching it down slowly taunting Tank as he pulled his bowl away every time he got close. But Tank seemed unperturbed; he licked his lips hungrily and continued his pursuit. Angel was clearly enjoying this game when suddenly bam!

He backed into a wall; he had been so busy watching things progress with Winona as well as keeping an eye on Tank that he hadn't noticed his room running out.

He scrabbled to the side trying to get into position to continue his game but Tank was ironically too fast for him. He placed one of his forelegs on the bowl hooking one of his claws into it, Angel tugged and pulled but to no avail. Tank settled down with a big smile on his face and took a big mouthful of food, after a few chomps as Angel sulked he nosed a bit of his food towards him. Angel picked it up sniffing it distastefully; he nibbled it reluctantly then sprouted a big grin grabbing a handful and sat down by Tank to eat.

Scootaloo was sitting dejected on the floor her ears drooping. "I'm sorry Dad! I just wanted to feed them! But I wasn't sure what food, so I looked it up in the book Mom left out about animal care. I poured them all their foods and then I tossed the book to Owlicious so he could put it away... I guess Winona wanted to play... I messed up."

I scooped her up in my arms hugging her tightly. "Angel you did fine, Winona is more used to farm life this is a big change for her and for us. It'll all be ok you'll see."


While that had been going on Twilight had still been trying to get Winona and Owlicious to stop, Owlicious seemed willing to listen but unwilling to relinquish the book at least as long as Winona had a hold of it.

"Winona! Let go! Stop!" Twilight tried to get control of the situation telekinetically grabbing the book but only succeeding it shaking Owlicious and Winona a bit.

I tried to think for a moment, some command to get her attention... Ah Right!

"Winona, heel!"

Her ears perked up and she immediately let go of the book unfortunately sending Owlicious catapulting into Twilight knocking them both down but from the grumbling and frantic wing beating as they both tried to get up I could see they weren't hurt. Winona trotted over and obediently sat beside me looking up expectedly. I patted her on the head and whispered "Good girl."

"Winona!" Twilight got to her hooves holding up her book a bit soaked with saliva as well as having some deep tooth and claw marks in it, she looked mad...

"Uhh maybe I better take Winona out for a walk eh? Burn off some of that excess energy."

"Maybe you better..." She growled.

"Yeah... Come on Winona." I led her out the door and closed it behind me leaning against it and breathing a sigh of relief. "Close one pup, never mess with Twi's books ok?"

Of course she couldn't understand me and looked up at me her head cocked to the side in that too adorable way melting my heart. "Okay, okay you’re off the hook with me but you'll have to try harder with Twi."

I patted her on the head and she wagged her tail happily, we made our way through town Winona sniffing everything. I guess she didn't get to town too much and all the new sights and smells were a treat for her. She did her business and thanks to levitation it was quite easy to pick up and dispose of properly, there were plenty of ponies out and they were all happy to see Winona.

She soaked up the attention happily running and playing with the little fillies and colts, fetching stick after stick thrown by the adults and just generally being a very happy dog. Noon was creeping up on us and Winona didn't look tired but I decided we should head back in case Twilight and Scootaloo needed any help with the rest of the pets and to see if she had cooled down.

I stuck my head in and saw things were calm, Opal was napping atop the couch, Angel bunny was sitting across from Tank between them was a checkers board and Angel was tapping his foot impatiently waiting for Tank to make a move. It was strange, even many of the animals here that couldn't talk were far more intelligent than I would have believed.

Then again... Scootaloo came skipping up with a smile Gummy gnawing mindlessly on her ear while Owlicious watched everything from his perch.

"Hey Angel." I ignored the bunnies glare in my direction and ruffled her mane plucking Gummy off her ear and placing him in his little pool. "Mom still mad?" I whispered.

"Well... She was ticked at first but we got busy feeding everyone and then we played a bit and she showed me some stuff from that book... Then she got a little mad again but she’s ok." She gestured over to the recliner where Twilight was sitting ignoring us trying to dry out and repair her book.

I knelt down and looked at Winona. "Okay girl, you better go and see if you’re forgiven." She cocked her head again and I pushed her over towards Twilight. "Go on say your sorry." I had no idea if she understood me at all, I hoped she got some things but I really didn't know.

Winona looked over at Twilight holding her book and her ears went down as well as her tail, she seemed to know she had done something wrong. She crawled over to where Twilight was sitting and nosed her leg gently with a little whine.

"Humph." Was Twilights reply though I could see a little smile forming.

Winona nosed her again whining more pitifully rolling over onto her back showing subservience. Twilight looked down at her and her smile broke through as she reached down to rub Winona’s belly.

"Okay, okay. Your forgiven, silly dog."

Winona hopped up tail wagging to leap into her lap giving her kisses.

"Ahh! Ok, ok! Good girl! Good dog Winona, get down!"

She hopped down happily laying down beside Twilight as we walked up.

"Well I'm glad that’s over with." I grinned leaning down to kiss Twilight. "How was your morning love?"

"Not too bad, their a little rambunctious. And with one another to play with a lot more active then they might usually be. And one little fuzzy troublemaker..." She trailed off with a glare at Angel bunny.

"Oh come on, he’s a little bunny how much trouble could he be?" I asked.

"Hah! I think you and I will take Winona for a walk later and see how Dad handles the menagerie."

"Yup!" Scootaloo agreed.

"Okay, okay. Walk a mile in your shoes... Er hooves."

We all laughed and got some lunch ready for us and some snacks for the pets. Entertaining one pet can be a huge undertaking but six! Thankfully there were three of us to watch over them. They played with one another and us and all in all things went very well. Opal was resistant to interacting with the others at first but after awhile and seeing how much fun they were having together she joined them.

She and Angel bunny were both... A bit pushy I guess, the other pets were just interested in having a good time and mostly ignored their antics. The two of them butted heads a few times but we were there to make sure neither of them got hurt, (though I would think Angel would be the one getting hurt.)

Later in the afternoon Winona was getting restless again so Twilight and Scootaloo took her out for a walk leaving me in charge of the group of pets. Things were pretty quiet, we had kept them pretty busy all day and they were resting comfortably. I took the moments respite to clean up a bit then sank down on the couch to rest myself.

I sat there a moment with my eyes closed just enjoying the peace when I felt a nudge on my leg. Looking down I saw Tank balancing the checkers board on his back looking up at me hopefully. I grinned to myself and placed it on the floor between us kneeling down to set it up, never thought I would be playing checkers with a tortoise...

Or in another dimension... Or married to the most amazing Unicorn pony... I shook my head smiling and concentrated on the game.

I let him win the first few games, just to be nice and to see just how much he understood. His playing style was slow to be sure but he seemed to know how the game worked. Opal was watching feigning disinterest from the couch, Gummy was asleep on Tanks back as we finished another game I had a tickling feeling at the back of my neck and got up to see what Angel was up to.

I turned around and stopped dead at the sight before me. It seemed someone, and when I say someone I was a hundred percent sure it was Angel had gone snooping upstairs and gotten into Twilights small collection of sexy nightwear. I had bought her a few items besides the beautiful one Rarity had made for her birthday.

Angel had apparently absconded with a few of them tying them together and stretching them out fastening them to two of the bookshelves. He was back towards the kitchen with Owlicious in front of him the makeshift slingshot clutched in his talons as he beat his wings mightily trying to reach Angel who was taunting him with one of the libraries books while chomping on a carrot. Looked a bit familiar , a 'what's up doc?' might have been appropriate.

I had a second to notice and review all this before Angel noticed me and with a smug grin tossed the book up in the air, Owlicious naturally released to slingshot to snag the book before it hit the ground and it whipped back catching a conveniently placed pillow and with a wet thwack catapulted it straight at me.

I had time for a startled "What the..." Just before it slammed into me knocking me on my butt and soaking me as well, it seemed he had thoroughly soaked the pillow before placing it out. Clever little bunny…

"Angel! You little bas...!" I growled sitting up casting the pillow aside stopping suddenly as I saw all the pets looking at me. Well, if animals could laugh or hold back laughter these ones certainly were. Even Gummy looked like he had a smirk on his face.

I sat back with a chuckle wiping off my face my anger gone. "Ok, ok. I'll give you that one for free Angel but don't you try anything like that on Twilight or Scootaloo get me?" I grinned still amazed at how he had set all this up without me noticing, I'm not usually too unobservant but when I get into something well...

He shrugged and nodded to me, I glared at him a second more shaking my head then untangling his makeshift slingshot and putting them away, hopefully Twi wouldn't notice... I dried myself off and settled back down, it hadn't been too long and I didn't expect Twilight and Scootaloo back for a bit yet. I looked around the library and had an idea, I levitated down off one of the top shelves Twilights chess set.

We had played a few times and were pretty evenly matched, Twilight was very smart and an excellent planner and organizer but from move to move she sometimes lost track. Not that I was much better, I was a fair player at best but I thought perhaps Tank with his measured pace might find it interesting.

I set up the board and thought I would have to begin instructing him on what pieces did what but he immediately grabbed one of his knights and moved it forward properly. Odd, I didn't see Dash as much of a chess player. Too slow for her would be my guess.

Tank was definitely slow to make his moves and that gave me time to make sure everyone else was doing ok. And to keep an eye on Angel.

Gummy being the odd little gator he was, was biting his own tail and rolling around us slowly like some sort of strange Ouroboros. Opal seemed happy to lie on the couch beside me allowing me to scratch her behind the ears and along her back rewarding me with small purrs.

Owlicious watched with interest perched on one of the couch armrests. Even Angel seemed to get into it sitting beside Tank nudging him and talking to him? Well making small animal noises, I had no idea if they could communicate with one another other then with body language; Tank seemed to understand him but ignored his advice causing him to sulk with his arms crossed.

As we played we seemed pretty evenly matched I wasn't going easy on him but he was quite defensive in his play style unsurprisingly. We both lost pieces as we played but I thought I was getting the upper hand. As I was waiting for Tank to make another move I heard the door open and Winona trotted in followed by Scootaloo and Twilight levitating some bags that were wafting a delicious smell.

"Seeing you got breakfast we thought we would get your favourite for supper." She smiled to me.

I got up gathering the bags and kissing her soundly. "And you’re so good to me love." I whispered to her making her blush slightly.

"Any excitement?"

"Nothing major but I will admit Angel might be more of a handful then I thought." I confessed glancing over at him as he rolled his eyes skyward theatrically looking innocent. "How was the walk?"

"Great! Winona’s so smart Dad! We had a lot of fun!"

"Glad to hear it."

"Are you playing chess...? With Tank...?" Twilight asked.

"Oh right! Must be my move, he’s quite a smart tortoise but he makes his moves a bit slow."

I stored the bags in the kitchen and moved back to the board glancing at it a second before making my move, closing my trap in tighter.

"Oh dear..." Twilight gasped.

"Its ok love it’s been a good match and he’s a worthy opponent." I replied feeling confident.

"That’s, not what I meant..."

"Hmm...?" I looked back as Tank moved up his Queen; my disbelief grew as I realized he had me in check! Not only check but checkmate! That sneaky little tortoise! I looked over the board in vain for a minute before coming to the conclusion that I wasn't getting out of this. I toppled over my king in defeat.

I just lost a game of chess to a reptile... How humiliating...

Twilight giggled. Don't take it too hard, maybe he’s been playing longer then you?

I thought about that a second, Tortoises do live a long time. Heck Tank could be a hundred years old for all I knew. I looked at him with new appreciation making a mental note to ask Fluttershy just how old he was next time I saw her.

Tank looked up at me with a slow smile and extended his foreleg which I shook. "Good one Tank, I won't underestimate you next time." I promised.

Scootaloo giggled sitting down then gasping. "Eew! Why is this pillow all wet?"

I grabbed it quickly carrying it towards the washroom. "Long story Angel, sorry." I glared at Angel bunny on my way past and he responded sticking his tongue out at me. I swung the pillow over him for a moment squeezing it harder then necessary dripping on him chuckling as he sputtered.

In the washroom I rung it out as well as I could before setting it aside to dry, by the time I came back out Twilight had dinner all set up. Italian, some different pasta and vegetable mixes as well as a couple of pizzas, garlic bread and lasagne. It all looked delicious, we separated out some small portions for all the pets as well so they could try it and we all happily dug in.

After a filling meal we all lounged on the couch Twilight and Scootaloo leaning against me all the pets gathered around as well, we watched the fire relaxing peacefully.

"Ooh I'm so full..." Twilight groaned then yawned.

I chuckled sweeping her up in my arms and kissing her carrying her towards the stairs. "Angel would you let Winona out quickly?"


I carried Twi quickly upstairs to avoid the blast of cold air from the open door jumping with her into our bed kissing passionately.

We've still got to clean up and get the pets settled.

I'll handle it love.

"Mmm..." She groaned softly as we kissed more caressing each other. Gods I need you so badly.

And I you...

Opal suddenly jumped up on the bed with a ‘Mrr.’ Regarding us critically then ignoring us as she began cleaning her fur.

I sighed. "I guess it’s not in the cards for tonight love." I grinned kissing her once more before heading downstairs.

I cleaned up quickly lamenting a bit on having a bedroom with no door to keep out curious animals, I stoked up the fire and made sure the pets were comfortable, they seemed to be settling down nicely. Scootaloo and Winona were back inside and I helped them clean off their hooves and paws respectively scratching Winona behind her ears and giving my little Angel a hug. I got them settled down and headed up to my own little slice of heaven.

Twilight was reading her and Opal on opposite sides of the bed ignoring one another; she smiled as I got undressed sliding in beside embracing her tightly.

"Just another day in paradise." She giggled.

"Everyday with you is love, no matter what."

She put her book aside turning down the lights. "I'll hold you to that." She smiled kissing me softly.

"Just so long as you hold me." I grinned back.

Opal seemed content at the foot of the bed for the moment so Twilight and I cuddled together kissing and getting sleepy.

Thud! Click, click... What...? Thud! Click, click... Twilight turned the light up a bit and a few moments later a wild purple mane came into view as she hefted with difficulty a large tortoise up another stair, Angel bunny was sitting on her back like a captain at the helm of a ship and Gummy and Winona hopped up the stairs right behind her.

She looked over sheepishly smiling. "Um... I think their all getting a bit homesick." They all did look a bit down, I kissed Twilight's neck softly.


She sighed smiling and lifted up the covers levitating Tank out of Scootaloo’s grasp. "Okay."

Scootaloo grinned excitedly and just like that it was a mad dash to dive under the covers! Suddenly I had my hands and arms full with a squirmy little bundle of Pegasus, a lick happy pup and two very cold reptiles! Owlicious seemed happy to stay up on his own perch thankfully; those claws could be a bit tricky.

"Ahh!" I hissed quietly grabbing Gummy before he scampered down my boxers. I sat him and Tank just under the pillows between Twilight and I while Twilight shooed Winona to the foot of the bed with Opal. The two of them glared at one another for a moment then settled back down each on their own half of the end of the bed. Angel bunny was snuggled up with Scootaloo between Twilight and I.

Twilight and I leaned together to kiss softly.

"Night Twi, love you."

"I love you."

"Mushy..." Came a little voice under the covers causing us both to smile.

All of us settled down drifting off to sleep.

Well that was an experience.

And that was just the first day!

Well we'll see what tomorrow brings...

Author's Note:

Oop forgot to add my notes... Um... Thanks?! lol Seriously, thank you all. I've got to get to work on the next chapter right away, I have too many ideas for it running, running, running through my head... Or should that be galloping? Ciao!