• Published 13th Sep 2012
  • 13,554 Views, 439 Comments

The First Year - TwilightsmyMare

A continuation of Living and Dying in Equestria

  • ...

Chapter 3 (The day!)

A few days passed and the preparations were going perfectly. So we set the date, it would be exactly five months after my arrival. Which once I thought about it seemed like a remarkably short time to meet someone, fall in love and ask for their hand... Hoof in marriage. Well, true love will do that to you.

Trixies training was coming along better then hoped. Much like Twilight she had a natural aptitude for magic, she had just never pursued it. After speaking to our other friends I learned just how unbearable Trixie had been when they first met. Which made her attitude now a bit of a surprise.

She and Twilight got into a few vocal arguments and I stepped in to calm them down whenever I was there. But I had a fair bit of free time with my Warden responsibilities and tried to make myself useful to everypony working hard to set up our wedding.

Many of them refused my help wanting everything to be a surprise, but I helped Applejack clear the area she planned to set up in and I did some deliveries for the Cakes as they were quite busy with Pinkie off helping Rarity a great deal of the time.

Twilight and I headed to see Zecora one afternoon shortly after we had announced the date. I brought along a wardstone, just in case.

We walked along together side by side enjoying the sunny day, I suppose we could have teleported but really when we were together I just never felt like we needed to rush and it seemed neither did she.

We came to a halt, the ground here was still a bit torn up and there were small pieces of leather and cloth scattered about, not many, most must have been claimed by birds and small animals for nesting material. I knelt down and hugged Twilight tightly.

"Here’s where it all came to a head... I was just about to finally confess my love to you. I wonder what would have happened if that Manticore hadn't come along..."

"You would have told me, and I would have told you... But then... I don't know what we would have done."

I kissed her softly. "Doesn't matter. Why worry about what might have been? What is, is amazing, perfect, everything I've ever wanted. You saved me Twi."

"You were the one trying to protect me from the Manticore! I... I just couldn't stand to see you hurt."

"Yes, but that wasn't really what I mean. You saved me from... Everything. My old life, boring, unfulfilling, empty, lonely... And gave me everything I could ever have wanted. Your love is everything to me. Thank you."

She blushed, tears forming in her eyes. "You saved me too you know. Gave your life for me. And more then that... I was so, so lonely... I read and studied, had fun and adventures with my friends but I still felt empty inside... You know, when I showed you that parapet... 'Our place', I never told you when I was younger... Even more alone, I used to look out over Equestria and think how easy it might be too take that step over the edge... No more loneliness, no pain or doubt... I never really wanted to, but it scared me to even find myself thinking about it. I've never told anypony that..."

I hugged her tightly kissing her neck, breathing her in. "Never again Twi. I swear you'll never be lonely again if I can help it."

"Oh Rick... I love you so much."

"I love you." I kissed her passionately and scooped her up in my arms.

"I love it when you carry me." She whispered nuzzling my neck.

We made our way up the path to Zecoras door to find her working out beside her house in her small garden.

She looked up and smiled seeing me carry Twilight up.

"I am so pleased to see you Twilight Sparkle and looking so well, I feared for you both your safety I could not foretell."

I put Twilight down. "Good to see you as well Zecora. Your help let me save her, I'll always be in your debt."

"Come in, tea I shall put on. Our discussion may be long."

We went in and sat down for a few hours, I thanked her again and again. Not only for helping me save Twilight but for bringing me here in the first place, even though it had been a mistake I still had to thank her. Twilight too thanked her for bringing me to her and together we asked if she would be my mare of honour.

She brushed our thanks humbly aside and accepted, promising to be at the rehearsal in a week’s time.

We headed back home; I had a fitting for my tuxedo the next morning and Twilight for her dress the day after. We ate dinner then I helped her study for a bit, so many things to do and so few hours in the day.

We snuggled together in bed getting comfortable when Twilight started humming a tune happily.

"That’s pretty Twi. What is it?"

"Oh. Well when my brother got married I sang it at the party after."

"Really? Would you sing it for me?"

She blushed fetchingly. "I don't know... I'm really not that..."

I interrupted her with a kiss. "You know I'd love anything you sung for me."

"Okay..." She cleared her throat and quietly sang me 'Love is in Bloom'.

"That was beautiful Twi. Is there anything you can't do?"

She blushed a little more and gave me a sweet kiss. "We could modify it to fit us..."

"Definitely." We put our heads together and worked through the lyrics, it wasn't a very long song but it had a lot of deep feeling in it. We sang together.

Love is in bloom (Together)

A beautiful bride (Rick), a handsome groom (Twi),

Two hearts becoming one (Rick)

A bond that cannot be undone because (Twi)

Love is in bloom (Together)

A beautiful bride (Rick), a handsome groom (Twi)

I said love is in bloom (Together)

We're starting a life and making room for us (For us, for us....) (Together)

Our special day we celebrate now, the pony way (Twi)

Our friends are all right here (Rick)

We won't let these moments disappear because (Rick)

Love is in bloom (Together)

A beautiful bride (Rick), a handsome groom (Twi)

I said love is in bloom (Twi)

We're starting a life and making room for us, (For us... For us...Aah...) (Together)

We kissed passionately when we finished. "That was amazing." I said.

"You were great." She complimented.

"Pfft, only because of your beautiful voice." I silenced her with another kiss before she could object.

The kisses led to more... Amorous activities, we both slept soundly afterward.

We awoke early the next morning, showered together and had a quick breakfast then I helped her prepare her lesson plan for the day before heading to Rarity’s. On my way there I encountered Trixie on her way to the library.

"Good morning Trixie. How are you today?"

She glared at me for a moment; I could see she looked a bit haggard. "Good?! What’s so good about this time in the morning?"

"Didn't sleep well?"

"I did... It’s just that Fluttershy! She was up so early to feed and take care of that huge menagerie of animals!"

I smiled softly. "Ah, sorry about that, she does love her animals. You'll get used to it. Maybe you could even give her a hand sometime? You'll see the animals like she does. Might give you a whole new perspective on it. Anyhow I shouldn't keep you, Twilight is waiting."

Her glare softened a bit. "Maybe... I'll think about it. Thanks."

I got to Carousel Boutique and knocked on the door, it was still a bit early from when she usually opened. After a few moments the door was flung open wide and a small white and purple blur jumped into my arms.


"Sweetie Belle!" I hugged her tightly. "I didn't know you were going to be here." I held her up and looked at her leg. "Looking good, how does it feel?"

"Back to normal! I'm just sleeping over. And I had to see your tuxedo and Twilights beautiful dress!"

I put her down and followed her inside. "Well I'm glad your here and to see your leg is all better."

"Sis! Rick is here!" She shouted upstairs.

"I'll be right down Sweetie. And don't shout dear it’s unbecoming.” Was the reply.

Rarity came sweeping down the stairs looking lovely as always.

"So good to see you darling."

"And you Milady Rarity. How’s everything progressing for you?"

"Actually I could use your assistance if you can spare some time?"

"Of course."

"The material for Twilights dress and your tuxedo is coming by train today and I need to go and pick it up. Would you mind terribly watching the store while Sweetie Belle and I are out?"

"I could of course, but surely I could go and pick up that material for you?"

"I'm afraid it bits on delivery dear. And as you and Twilight have already so graciously given us bits to work with it would be unfair to expect you to pay any more. Not another word about it darling." She said holding up her hoof to silence me when she saw me about to interject.

I smiled and bowed courteously. "If you insist."

Rarity took some measurements then she and Sweetie Belle headed to the train station leaving me to mind the store. I half hoped nopony came in as I really didn't know much... Or anything for that matter about fashion.

I waited around for about a half an hour, the shop was immaculate of course so there was nothing for me to do. Suddenly the door burst open and a pony trotted in, she had a yellow / creamish color coat and a dark and light blue mane. She was wearing a beautiful dress festooned with gems I was almost certain Rarity must have made.

"Hello Miss Rar..." She stopped dead upon seeing me and backed up a step.

"Heh sorry. I seem to have that effect on ponies meeting me for the first time. I'm Rick, I mean you no harm."

"And just where is Miss Rarity?" She asked, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

"She just left awhile ago to pick up some fabric at the train station. She should be back soon I imagine if you would care to wait? I'm just minding the store for her."

She seemed to relax a little and walked around the store looking at various garments. "Not to be rude honey but exactly what are you?"

"I'm a human. Apparently we haven't come here for many, many years. I was accidentally brought here but I'm quite happy to be here."

"Well of course you are. Equestria is the greatest kingdom around. And lucky you, you got to meet me."

"Sure... Uh, who are you again?"

She spun to face me. "You really aren't from around here. I'm Sapphire Shores; some call me the pony of pop!"

"I see. Very glad to meet you Miss Shores."

"Please just call me Sapphire. I was hoping to have Miss Rarity make me some more of her stunning outfits for my next tour."

"Oh? Well I'm not sure if she'll have the time right now... She’s a bit busy."

"And what’s got her so busy may I ask?"

"She's making outfits for a wedding; she’s also planning the reception."

"Oh? I love weddings! Who's getting hitched?"

"Well... That would be me."

"Really?" She said again raising her eyebrow in suspicion. "And just who would you be marrying?"

"Only the most beautiful and talented pony is Equestria..." I said, my mind drifting off thinking of Twilight.

Sapphire laughed. "Funny, I don't remember you proposing to me?" She teased.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. "Ah sorry. Twilight Sparkle is her name."

"Oh really? The Twilight Sparkle?"

"As far as I know she’s the only... Wait, you know who she is?"

"Please honey! Just because I'm an Equestria wide famous pop star you figure I don't keep up with what’s going on?"

"Of course not... Well maybe I might have thought that."

"I've been to the royal palace. And I've seen the stained glass murals they have there depicting what she and the other elements of Harmony have done. Now eternal night... I could have made that work. After all, the best clubs are only open at night." She said with a wink. "But Discord! You know what that... That jerk did!" She paused to catch her breath. "During his little coup everything was upside down and backwards. But the worst! The most unforgivable, whenever I tried to speak, or sing... I... I... Sounded like a pig. Yes that’s right. Snorts, snuffles, squeals and grunts! For freeing me from that hell alone I owe Miss Twilight Sparkle and her friends, and low and behold here is an opportunity to repay her somewhat."


"Assistant!" A light tan unicorn zipped through the door; she tossed her blonde mane and adjusted her eyeglasses.

"Yes Miss Shores?"

"This fellow here is getting hitched and I plan to sing at the wedding... Say Rick when exactly is this party?"

"Oh. That’s very kind of you... You certainly don't have to go to all the trouble."

"Don't be silly. Now when’s the date?"

I told them and the assistant who was amazingly unfazed at my appearance flipped through a notebook she had levitated in front of her. "Yes I think you can just work that in Miss Shores."

"Excellent! Thank you; I don't know what I'd do without you." The assistant left as I pondered this turn of events.

"Okay Miss... Uh, Sapphire. Our friend Pinkie Pie is doing the planning for the party after so we'll need to let her know and we have another entertainer lined up..." An idea hit me then, one that might work out very well...

"The other entertainer we have is a magician, perhaps we could find a way for you two to work together? You know combine magic and music? Her name is Trixie and she is currently working and learning with Twilight."

"I don't know about that, I don't usually share billing... But I think an exception could be made this once."

"Excellent! Well we'll have to talk to her about it of course but I think she will be willing..."

As we waited she asked how this all happened, so I gave her the short version of how I came to Equestria, fell in love and everything else.

A short while after I finished my story the door opened and Rarity and Sweetie Belle entered loaded down with boxes. I rushed forward to relieve them of their burdens, as soon as I took the boxes that were obscuring their vision they both stopped dead.

"Sapphire Shores!" They squealed in unison.

After Rarity and Sweetie Belle finished gushing over Sapphire we informed them of her intention to perform, they were of course very excited. We quickly stored the fabrics and Rarity closed the shop temporarily as she wanted to come with us to see Pinkie and then Twilight.

Pinkie Pie of course had no problems accommodating Sapphire into her plans for the after party, the more fun the happier she was. We headed to the library; unfortunately as we traveled we began to gather a crowd all excited to see Sapphire Shores. As we came up to the library she turned and addressed the crowd.

"Hello everypony! Yes I will be performing at the upcoming nuptials, so I hope to see you all there!" A loud cheer went up and I quickly ushered everyone in before it got too noisy.

"Just let me go see if their not too busy studying. Make yourselves at home." Rarity and Sweetie Belle immediately began asking Sapphire about her songs and fashions as I headed to Twilights private study. I listened at the door but couldn't hear any arguing at least.


Oh, your back!

Yup, how’s it going?

Good, we're just reading, come in.

The door opened and I entered finding Twilight and Trixie with books levitated before them. I walked over to Twilight and leaned down to kiss her.

"How did the fitting go? I thought she'd have you there all day!" She giggled.

"Ah, well she only had time to take a few measurements before she had to go pick up the fabric for our outfits. And then things happened, just come out to the living room and you'll see. Please join us too Trixie."

They put their books down and came out.

"Sapphire Shores!" They too both gasped. "Ooh Miss Shores I have all your albums!" Twilight gushed.

"Really? I didn't know you had any music albums." I commented.

She looked over her shoulder at me with a smile and a wink. "You don't know everything about me yet love."

"True enough. We've got a lifetime to work on that." I replied with a smile.

"Miss Sparkle! A pleasure to meet you. And congratulations on your upcoming wedding. When I heard about it from your husband to be here I knew I wanted to be involved."

"What?! But why?"

"Because of what you and the other Elements have done for Equestria and for me. I'll tell you about it sometime. And Rick says you have another entertainer here I might be able to work with?"

"Trixie." I said.

Trixie looked at us shocked. "What? Me? How can I...?"

"You know how to put on a show and entertain. And some of the spells Twilight has taught you can surely be used in a concert setting. Right?" I offered.

"Well I guess..." She seemed hesitant.

"Common honey! If Rick here vouches for you I'm sure we can make it work. Come, I'll buy you dinner and we can discuss it."

Trixie looked to Twilight as if seeking permission, Twilight just smiled and gave her a nod and the two of them left with Sapphires assistant in tow.

"Ooh, I love her songs so much!" Squeaked Sweetie Belle. "I wish I could sing like her..."

"Sweetie darling you have a lovely singing voice." Rarity complimented.

"I dunno... Not like her..."

"Honestly Sweetie Belle, you need to get your self confidence up. Anyhow we must get back to the shop. Please stop by with Twilight tomorrow Rick so I can double check my measurements."

"Not a problem. Bye Sweetie!"


I turned to Twilight and found her regarding me with a sly look. "Now you didn't arrange this just to get some alone time did you?" She asked teasingly.

I scooped her up and sat down on the couch holding her kissing her soundly. "Not at all my love. But I'll take any time with you I can."

She snuggled happily against me.

"Say Twi?"


"Why do so few ponies know what you and the others have done? You saved the kingdom twice but nopony seems any the wiser about it."

"Oh. Well we asked the Princess to keep it fairly confidential. We don't want to be mobbed in the street, ponies chasing us all over for an autograph and things like that... Well maybe Dash would. We were just glad we could help."

"You’re so amazing. And the others too. Well now that Trixies gone for the day most likely, shall we go and get some dinner ourselves?"

"Alright. Remind me when we get home to write Spike and let him know about this small change in plans."

"Will do."

We headed out to Twilights favourite restaurant and had a lovely candlelit romantic dinner. As soon as we got home she immediately grabbed a scroll and began to write before I could even remember to remind her. She sent off the message and we headed up to bed, we laid together warm and content in each others embrace.



"Are you... Nervous?"

"Oh yes, extremely."

"Second thoughts?" She asked quietly.

I tilted her head up and kissed her gently. "About us? Never. Just my mind making me think of crazy scenarios."

She smiled and snuggled closer. "Like what?"

"Oh just crazy stuff. What if Luna changes her mind, what if Celestia changed hers! What if a tornado tears through the reception? Crazy stuff, it just makes me nervous for no reason."

"Silly... I only worry you'll change your mind... That I'll be alone again... I know it’s silly."

I hugged her tightly. "There’s no one who can compare to you Twi. If anything I should worry. There are plenty of handsome stallions out there who would be crazy if they didn't want you."

"Too bad for them. I've made up my mind. Your mine forever." She said teasingly kissing me softly.

"And that’s the way I want it." We drifted off to sleep another day closer to the big one.

We awoke the next morning and after breakfast headed over to Carousel Boutique. Twilight left a note and homework plan for Trixie. The fabric Rarity had picked up was amazing, the material she got for my tuxedo was dark blue, so dark it was almost black but it shone and sparkled very lightly when it moved. She quickly remeasured me then kicked me out before she revealed Twilights dress material or her plans for the dress as it was supposedly bad luck for me to see them.

I accepted that and headed out to the border of the Everfree forest to check on the wards. I walked along the border trying to remember what Fluttershy had taught me in the few lessons we had together. Lots of small animal tracks, almost as if they knew the predators couldn't follow them out here and used the barrier to escape them, interesting.

I headed back home, the note and homework was missing when I got there. I bet Trixie hadn't liked that, ah well a little humility never hurt anyone. I opened the door and headed inside only to find Trixie at the table working away.

"Trixie. I think Twilight meant you to take that homework back home with you. Hence the term."

She looked up at me innocently. "But all the reference books are here."

I smiled at her. "Fine, fine. But don't expect me to protect you if Twi catches you cheating."

"It’s not cheating! I'm just verifying my answers."

"And if their wrong?"


I laughed. "How did it go with Sapphire by the way? Come up with a plan?"

She smiled nervously. "Actually it’s a bit scary... I've performed for crowds before of course. But to be honest Sapphire Shores is in a whole different league then me. I just hope I don't make a fool of myself. I didn't make the best impression here my first visit if you didn't hear."

"I did. I think you'll do great Trixie, hopefully it will make someponies think of you differently." I walked into the kitchen and made a simple lunch for Trixie and me. When I brought it out I found her regarding me with an unreadable expression.

"Why do you care? Twilight mentioned you spoke up for me when she was deciding whether or not to take me on as a student. You don't even know me."

I sat down the food then took a seat and thought for a moment. "Well, aside from believing everyone deserves a second chance. To be honest I did it more for Twilight. I would do anything for her you understand?" At her nod I continued. "I could see she wanted to help you, and she needed help here in the library. It seemed like the best choice for you both."

"Well thank you. Whatever your reasons, I truly appreciate it. I've learned more in the past few days then I think I ever knew!"

"Yeah she is pretty amazing. Could you pass the pepper please?" The shaker floated over to me but I noticed Trixie staring at me with a shocked look on her face.

"Uh... Thanks?" I said reaching for it.


I stopped. "What?" I looked around but couldn't see any threat.

"I'm not levitating that."

I looked a little closer and the aura around it wasn't Trixies usual light grayish, it was more like Twilights purplish color... "Twi? Are you here?" I look around but couldn't see her. Twi? No answer.

Trixie pointed at me. "What’s that?!"

I looked down at myself to see a light glow escaping my shirt. I lifted it up exposing my scar and Twilights cutie mark on my chest glowing slightly.

"Well that’s never happened before..."

"You can use magic too?!" Trixie gasped.

"Uhh..." I found I could move the shaker slowly by concentrating on it. "I guess I can...?"

"But how?"

I put the shaker down and tried to levitate my glass but it was too much for me I could barely make it wobble. I grabbed it before it toppled over. "I have no idea Trixie... The spell Celestia and Twilight cast that saved our lives and bound us together was... Unprecedented. I'll have to talk with her about it when she gets home. Weird..."

I levitated the shaker again; it seemed easier now I knew I could do it. I played with it for a few seconds like a kid with a new toy before I put it down and finished eating. "Trixie, stop staring at me. Its fine, I don't feel any different. Excited definitely. Don't say anything to Twi ok? I want to surprise her. And better keep it quiet all around town too... Just in case."

She nodded numbly. "O... Okay. Sorry, it’s just a shock."

"Definitely, but I've seen so many amazing things since I came here its just another in the list."

We finished eating and Trixie told me a bit of the magic she and Sapphire planned to use in the show. But not everything, they wanted some things to be a surprise.

She then gathered up her books and headed back to Fluttershys. I cleaned up and spent a good chunk of the afternoon levitating little things back and forth with glee.

Twilight got home late evening; I had dinner made for us as she dragged herself in the door and to the table.

"Wow. You ok Twi? You look bushed."

"I'm ok. Who would think standing still for hours and hours on end could be so exhausting?!"

I chuckled and put the food on the table then moved behind her to massage her neck, shoulders and back.

"Ooh... That feels so good. Thank you."

I kept massaging her until she had relaxed a bit then I kissed her and sat down myself.

"How does your dress look? No details I know but is it what you wanted?"

Her face lit up. "Oh yes! I can't wait for you too see it..."

"I can't wait for that day myself." I grinned.

We cleaned up after dinner then Twilight went to write some notes, a perfect opportunity to surprise her...

She wrote for a bit getting into a rhythm dipping her quill when she needed. While she was concentrating on her page I gently and slowly slid the ink jar over a few inches.

The next time she went to dip she tapped the table with her quill. "Huh?" She shook her head and dipped her quill and got back to work. After awhile she got back into her rhythm and I slid the jar back over to where it had originally been.

And again she tapped the table. "What’s going on here? Maybe I'm tired..."

I burst out laughing. "Sorry Twi, I shouldn't tease you like that." I came up and hugged her from behind.

"What do you mean?"

"Watch." I pointed at the jar then slid it across the table with my arms still around her. I couldn't lift it very high it was too heavy for me but I got it a bit in the air and floated it by her before setting it down.

She spun around face to face with me. I leaned forward and kissed her excitedly. "What? How did you?"

I lifted my shirt to show her the glow from her mark on my chest. "I really have no idea love. Magic is unpredictable stuff right?"

She stared for a second before smiling. "Not usually. But that spell the Princess and I cast... Does it hurt?"

"No, but I can't lift much... It’s not a drain on your magic is it?" I asked suddenly concerned.

She concentrated as I levitated the jar. "No... I can't feel anything like that. I hate to be mean dear but even a foal can lift more then that." She said with a smile.

"Oh I'll show you what I can lift!" I said grabbing her and sweeping her into my arms kissing her soundly.

We kissed for a few moments before I put her back down. "I guess you'll need some training too my love."

"You think I can learn more?"

"I don't see why not. And it couldn't hurt to try. I better let the Princess know." I nodded and she wrote a quick letter and sent it off.

We snuggled down together in bed and drifted off to sleep.

The next day I found out what it was like to study magic. Concentration, concentration, concentration and visualisation. Magic was like an untamed force inside you that you had to focus and bend to the task you wanted. And only those who had the talent could do so. Almost all unicorns had some small spark, even if they only used it for levitation. And very, very few of the Pegasus and Earth ponies ever manifested talent or sensitivity in magic but it did happen rarely.

Unicorns like Twilight and Trixie though could do so much more with it. Everything they were studying was so far above my head it might as well have been quantum physics. Twilight had beginners booklets slated towards kindergarten foals, a little embarrassing but I had to start somewhere.

The exercises in the booklets were designed for the parents of the foals to help train them. So that was convenient for me at least, embarrassingly enough most of the tasks laid out were still too much for me to accomplish. Still after many hours of trying and failing I felt I had maybe made a little headway.

The days seemed to fly by with this new task to keep me busy; I was slowly, very slowly catching up to where Trixie was when she first came. Maybe in a few years I thought.

Twilight and I read through several of her old history books on ancient marriage ceremonies. The basics were there along with a few twists, we both needed to write our vows to each other and I spent a great deal of time on that trying to get it right, to show her and everypony there how much she meant to me.

The day of the rehearsal came and we all assembled at Sweet Apple Acres. Luna ran us all through what to say and do, quite a few of the guests followed us to the rehearsal so she included them as well letting them know what to say when it was their time to speak and to let others know as well.

All the preparations were nearly complete, Twilight and I were both excited, nervous, scared and eager as well. The night before the big day came faster then I could imagine. Twilight and I lay in bed face to face.

"Husband and wife tomorrow." I said kissing her softly.

"And then what...?"

"Our whole lives together. I don't want to miss a second of it."

"Me too. So much to see, do and learn."

"We'll do it all together."

She kissed me passionately. "Together."
We fell asleep entwined together our hearts beating as one, as always, together…

The next morning I woke up and found my vision blocked by our sheets. I reached up to move them but they were held fast.

"No you don't. Its bad luck to see me before the wedding."

"Ok Twi. I'll keep my eyes shut till you go."
I shut my eyes as she lowered the sheet and I reached forward feeling about until I located her. I reached up and cupped her face in my hands kissing her sweetly.

"See you soon. I love you Twi."

She kissed me back neither one of us wanting to let go. "Soon. I love you." And with a blip she was gone.

I sighed and opened my eyes to the empty room; suddenly there came a knock at the door. I got up and threw on a robe heading to the door. I opened it and there was Spike.

"Heya buddy! Come on in."

"Thanks! Twilight gone already?"

"Yeah she teleported to Rarity’s already to get ready."

"Darn! I missed her, I better go then. I've got her ring for you. She had it specially made in Canterlot, bet you'd like to see wouldn't you? Too bad! Not until the ceremony!" He laughed as he scampered off it the direction of Carousel Boutique.

I shook my head with a laugh and closed the door heading to the bathroom to shower and get ready myself. I had an appointment at the spa to get my mane... Er hair cut and styled, so I headed there next, my tuxedo would be waiting for me at Sweet Apple Acres as Rarity didn't want any accidents.

The spa ponies Aloe and Lotus Blossom were waiting for me with excited looks on their faces. Aloe with her light pink coat and light blue mane and tail and her sister Lotus with exactly the same coloring but reversed. They quickly hustled me in and washed and shampooed my hair taking their time to cut and style it. Short but with some waves in it was the end result. Then they were going to shave my facial hair as well but I asked them to just trim it neatly as Twilight liked a bit of scruff.

All spiffed up I headed out as they left the shop and hurried to Rarity’s where they were doing more makeovers for Twilight and all our friends.

I got to Sweet Apple Acres well ahead of time and found plenty of townsfolk there already, I circulated a bit thanking them all for coming until I came up to Mr and Mrs Sparkle.

They were both dressed up nicely and smiled as they saw me.

"Mr Sparkle, so glad you could both come." I said as I shook his hoof.

Mrs Sparkle grabbed me in a hug before I could do anything more. "So glad to see you too Mrs Sparkle."

She was a bit teary eyed already. "Thank you Rick for keeping your promise. Though you were certainly a bit more literal about it then I would have imagined."

"My pleasure. I hope you’re not too disappointed in Twilights choice of husband..."

Mr Sparkle grinned. "My boy, its clear Twilight loves you and you love her. We couldn't ask for more then that, all we've ever wanted is for her to be happy. It hasn't been easy, we're both so busy and as you know Twilight is an exceptionally gifted young mare..."

"You did great sir."

We were interrupted by Shining Armor and Cadance walking up.

"Dad are you grilling my new brother in law already? Good to see you Rick."

"You too Armor and you as well Cadance. Shouldn't you be with the others at Rarity’s though?"

"Just on my way there now." She smiled and gave her husband a kiss then flew off.

"So you all prepared Rick?"

"I... I think so."

"Just try not to throw up, or pass out. I almost did both at my wedding. And that was after Chrysalis was defeated!" He chuckled. "Let’s go get you in your tux."

We nodded a farewell to Mr and Mrs Sparkle and headed into Applejacks house to do just that.

The sun slowly sank and the moon rose, full and majestic as everything and everyone was prepared. I stood at the dais with Luna, Celestia stood back a respectful distance. Zecora stood by my side smiling happily; she had a simple gown on and seemed fairly unused to wearing such. Luna and Celestia had their usual attire, their crowns, necklaces and hoofcovers though they looked extra bright and shone in the moonlight.

Rarity, Applejack, Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie stood in line to the side. Each had a beautiful dress made to suit them; Applejack had snuck her cowboy hat on despite Rarity’s disapproving looks.

Spike trotted down the isle first, wearing a very smart looking little tux holding the rings on a velvet pillow, he took his place beside the bridesmaids, conveniently right beside Rarity.

Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo came down the isle next tossing flowers from their baskets. They each had a pretty white dress on, though Sweetie Belle was the only one who looked comfortable wearing it.

The music started up and my heart jumped, Fluttershy’s bird friends chirping out the wedding march amazingly well.

From behind a concealing arch walked Twilight, her father right beside her but I couldn't tear my eyes away from her for even a second. My heart slowed and my knees felt rubbery as I watched her walk up.

Her dress was simple but amazingly beautiful, white and shimmering with simple designs along it reminiscent of her cutie mark in very pale purple lace. Her veil as well was the same lace covering her face.

Her father walked up to the dais with her then smiling hugged her and joined his wife to the side.

We faced each other in front of Luna, she nodded and I gently lifted the veil staring into Twilights eyes as they glowed in the moonlight.

Luna stepped forward, her voice magnified so all could hear. "Thank you all for coming on this beautiful evening. We are gathered here to join two lives, two souls together in matrimony." She gestured to me. "Please begin."

I went down on one knee and took one of Twilights hooves in my hands gazing into her gorgeous eyes. "Twilight Sparkle. My love and life. The moment you walked through Zecoras door your eyes captured me, and they never let go. The better I got to know you the further I fell, deeper and deeper. I tried to deny it. Tried to tell myself we were too different for it to ever work. That nopony would let us be together. But that one night beneath the stars such as we are now, I held you and felt your heart beat against me and all my reservations fell away. I knew then I loved you, as time went on my love grew and grew but I couldn't bring myself to speak, soon it was all I could do to contain it, until finally one day I was able to give it all to you. I know I don't deserve you, but I stand here today to give to you everything I am, everything I have. My love, my heart, soul and body. Yours now and forever."

Tears streamed down from her beautiful eyes as she began. "Rick. From the first moment we met I knew you were different..." She paused as some of the gathered ponies snickered and were immediantly silenced by a look from Luna. "Not just in your appearance, but the way you talked to me, treated me and my friends. As time went on I found myself less and less interested in where you came from and how we would get you back and more in you and how to keep you here. I didn't know what to do; I had never felt this way before. That night under the stars the same as you I fell completely, the love I read about in my silly romance novels did not prepare me. What I felt and still feel can't be put into words. I wasn't sure; I couldn't comprehend that you might feel the same about me. You do deserve me and I hope I deserve you. Today I give you everything I am, my heart, my soul, my body and my eternal love... Forever."

I smiled as tears flowed from my eyes as well; Luna looked down on us and smiled softly. "Celestia, Princess of Equestria. What say you to this union?"

Celestia stepped up beside her sister and smiled down at us. "I say let their ways run together."

Luna turned to the crowd. "Mayor Mare. As the representative of Ponyville what say you to this union?"

The Mayor stepped out of the crowd. "I say let their ways run together."

Luna then turned to Fluttershy, Dash, Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack, Zecora and Spike. "The closest friends of the bride and groom. What say you to this union?"

Speaking together they said. "We say let their ways run together!"

Luna then turned back to the crowd. "Good people of Ponyville and honoured guests. What say you to this union?"

"Let their ways run together!" They all shouted.

"The rings please." Spike quickly scampered over and presented the rings to the two of us. I picked up my ring for Twilight and gently fitted it onto her horn and she levitated the ring she had specially made for me and fitted it on my ring finger.

Luna then nodded to us and I extended my right arm as Twilight extended her left foreleg. Luna jabbed us both gently with the tip of her sharp horn, me on the wrist Twilight on her fetlock letting our blood run freely. We extended our blooded limbs to one another and kissed the injured area taking some of each others blood into our mouths and swallowing it.

With a small spell Luna closed the wounds and smiled down on us. "Now the two of you are joined by love, fate and blood. Till death and beyond. Let none neither stand against nor tamper with this union. Under the eyes of the great goddess Faust I now pronounce you wife and husband. You may kiss."

Twilight and I came together passionately, our tongues mixing the remains of the blood in our mouths together. We kissed for what felt like an eternity oblivious to the world and the hoots and catcalls from those gathered.

When we parted Luna stepped forward nudging us gently ahead of her. "I am very proud to present to you all Mrs and Mr Sparkle!"

Everypony gathered broke out in cheers and wild hoof stomping that lasted for minutes.

I had found that in this society as it was highly matriarchal, it was not uncommon for a husband to take his wife’s name and even if it hadn't been I had already decided to do so. My old last name was a part of my life before, this was my new life.

Rick Sparkle, not a bad ring to it.

Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Spike were all crying. Dash even had a few tears she quickly wiped away as ponies crowded forward to congratulate us.

The entrance to the party area was opened and ponies headed there after speaking to us, it took the better part of an hour for that, when the last had gone we turned to Luna and Celestia.

"Thank you. Both of you thank you so much. I can't repay you, anything I can ever do..."

Luna held up her hoof with a gentle smile. "Rick. Please, my sister and I are so happy for you both."

"Indeed we are sister. I am so proud of you both and you as well sister. Let us join the party."

Twilight and I followed the Princess's to the party and cut the first pieces of cake as the music started up. Sapphire Shores was up on stage with Trixie at her side, they both had flashy and beautiful outfits and if Trixie was nervous she didn't let it show. Sapphire started with a slow song for the Bride and Grooms first dance together, Trixie dimmed the lighting and had small star like bursts of radiance flash around us as we danced face to face.

I kissed Twilight softly. "Hello, wife."

She smiled at me tears forming. "Hello, husband."

I embraced her tightly as we danced slowly. "Finally, I never want to let go." I whispered kissing her neck.

"We never will." She whispered back holding me tightly.

We danced that way until the music stopped then a livelier tune began and Twilights father stepped in to dance with her and her mother danced with me. We both danced for quite awhile with many different ponies before Sapphire and Trixie took a break and we went to our table to have some refreshments and chat with our friends.

I saw Sapphire getting a drink and headed over to her and whispered a request to her. She smiled and agreed and I headed back to the table as she went back up onstage.

Sapphire sang for a bit, plenty of ponies on the dance floor enjoying themselves. Pinkie Pie had games and everything else you'd expect her to have at a party so there was no shortage of things for anypony to do.

I just sat back with my arm around Twilight enjoying the evening. Sapphire came to the end of a song and looked out over the crowd.

"Now what pony wants to come up and sing my next song with me?"

There were plenty of volunteers, Sapphire looked around then pointed. "You there! Come on up!"

The crowd parted and standing there looking surprised was Sweetie Belle.

"Who? Me? Nonono..."

"Don't be shy dearie. Come on up!"

Everypony around was encouraging her and nudging her gently toward the stage. She reluctantly allowed herself to be lifted up and shook slightly as she looked out over the crowd. Sapphire leaned down and whispered to her causing her to smile widely.

The music started up and Trixie magically caused a fog obscuring the crowd from view, Sapphire began to sing with Sweetie Belle hesitantly following along. As the song progressed she began to get more into it singing louder and more clearly.

Song after song they sang together the fog cleared as Trixie concentrated more on dazzling aerial displays complimenting the music. Sweetie Belle didn't even seem to notice she was lost in her singing.

As Sapphire came to the end of her last song Trixie let loose with a huge magical firework similar to what Twilight had taught her exploding in the sky with an outline of Twilight and I kissing.

There was wild cheering and hoof stomping all around.

"Wait!" Sapphire shouted and everypony quieted down. "Take a look at your flank cutie." She directed at Sweetie Belle, she turned excited to find she had a mark there.

A heart with a C-Note through it no doubt demonstrating her love for and talent for music.

Again everypony broke out in cheers.

Twilight turned to me with a sly smile. "Did you have something to do with this?"

"Who me? I just suggested to Sapphire that maybe it would be nice to have one of her fans come and sing with her. And I happened to know a filly who I heard was an excellent singer but a bit shy about it..."

She kissed me firmly. "You’re such a softie."

"Guess so. I'll have to help Scoot and Applebloom if I can... Don't want them to feel left out."

"Actually I think this will go a long way to helping them alone."

"How so?"

"Well, they've been trying, and trying so many different things to get their marks. Everything except what they like and enjoy doing and are actually good at. But with Sweetie Belle getting hers doing exactly what they know she’s good at... Well we can hope right?"


We all sat down to a huge dinner made by the Cakes and the Apple family, I have no idea even in the amount of time they had how they managed to make enough to feed everyone.

After dinner Twilight and I made a toast thanking everyone for coming and our friends for setting everything up. Sapphire Shores and Trixie for their amazing concert.

Our friends and many others made toasts as well to us, embarrassing and emotional for us.

Then everypony started bringing out gifts, we tried to insist that it wasn't necessary. They had all done so much for us already... To no avail. Most of the townsfolk gave some bits and their thanks for the wonderful party. Some like the Cakes had special treats for us, Rose had some beautiful flowers. We were overwhelmed by all the generosity.

Luna and Celestia stepped up near to the end.

"No, no. Princess's, you let me stay. Saved me and the life of the pony I love. What more could you give?"

Celestia smiled down at us. "No objections." She teleported a scroll in front of us, Twilight opened it and read it gasping in shock.

"Really Princess?"

"Yes. Luna and I know you both will treat it well."

"What is it?" I asked.

"They've given us the deed to the library... It really is our home now!" She cried throwing her forelegs around me. I hugged her back tightly.

"Thank you Princess Celestia. And you Luna. Thank you for everything."

"Now us! Now us!" Pinkie squealed excitedly.

"You guys don't need to get us anything. Look at all you've done!" I objected.

"Don't be silly darling. It’s a special day, one that only comes once in a lifetime."

"Please take it... If you want..."

"Ya'll are our friends and we want the best for ya."

"So here, looks like fun." Dash dropped an envelope in front of us.

I opened it and scanned it before handing it off to Twilight. A week’s stay at a resort at Bridle Shores, a small chain of islands off the coast. And a huge vacation spot.

"Oh you girls!" Twilight leapt up to embrace all her friends.

The evening was winding down and a carriage had been arranged to bring us back to the library, hardly necessary seeing how close it was but it was nice nonetheless.

Twilight gathered all the single mares and turned her back to them.

"Here comes the bouquet!" She telekinetically tossed it over her back and a melee broke out over it. It got bounced around so much it ended up on the edge of the group in the hooves of the most unlikely of mares. Fluttershy, she dropped it like it was on fire then sheepishly picked it back up with a small smile.

"Fluttershys the next to get married!" Dash teased as she turned red.

Twilight and I boarded our carriage and waved goodbye to everyone as we took off. Applejack was going to bring all the gifts by tomorrow and they wouldn't let us even think of helping them cleanup.

The carriage pulled up at the library and we disembarked thanking the driver/pullers as they departed.

I swept Twilight up in my arms as she opened the door and we crossed the threshold and just stood a short ways inside the door for a minute.


Our home.

She shut the door and we kissed with passion. I carried her upstairs and we removed and carefully stored our beautiful outfits.

We climbed into bed kissing and caressing one another. We made love softly and passionately.

We lay entwined together afterwards, the events of the day swimming through our heads as we drifted off.

I love you, forever.

I love you, forever.