• Published 13th Sep 2012
  • 13,554 Views, 439 Comments

The First Year - TwilightsmyMare

A continuation of Living and Dying in Equestria

  • ...


I just knelt there staring at her for a moment. "Pregnant...? Pre...? That’s... That’s not possible... Is..."

"I swear I've been with nopony else!" She burst out as tears streamed down her beautiful face.

I grabbed her clutching her tightly to my chest. "Twi. I would never think anything like that." I drew back and wiped her tears away kissing her gently.

"I... I don't know how..." She cried.

"It’s not possible for us...? Is it?" I asked.

"I didn't think so. I was sure...! I did a lot of research on crossbreeding history... After Scootaloo asked us about..." She added sadly.

I nodded and kissed her softly again still holding her tight.

"But I didn't find any successful attempts between any of the races..."

"What about Manticores, Griffins and things like that?" I asked.

"Their ancestors were all created long ago with the aid of powerful magic we just don't have today... As far as I know..."

"Then how did we..." I sat down pulled her onto my lap running my hand gently over her belly with a small smile as I thought.

We both started and looked at each other suddenly coming to the same conclusion. Luna! Luna!

"That spell, the archives! She must have...! Alizarin! Why didn't he...!?" Twilight stammered.

"That tricky mare! I'd almost given up on trying to figure out what she did." I grinned.

"What... What are we going to do?" Twilight whispered, her anguished look again rending my heart.

"What? We're going to have a baby." I comforted squeezing her.

"But... But it’s so unexpected... Unprecedented! I never thought... I wanted... But... I... I didn't plan for... I don't know how...! And Scootaloo is such a hoof full..."

I kissed her firmly disrupting her train of thought. "I know it’s unexpected, but I already know you'll be an amazing Mother. I'm sure once we explain to Scootaloo she'll be excited too. And there’s no one else, anywhere, ever who I would want to have my baby. I love you Twilight. We're going to have a baby." I held her tightly. "Say it with me."

"We're going to have a baby...?" She whispered sounding unconvinced.

I shook my head slightly with a smile. "Again."

Together we spoke quietly face to face. "We're going to have a baby." We stared at each other for a moment.

A smile slowly showed itself and she kissed me passionately. "We're going to have a baby!"

"WE'RE GOING TO HAVE A BABY!" We shouted together smiling, laughing and crying all at the same time in each others embrace.

"What?!" Came a voice from the doorway, Scootaloo home from school.

"Angel! Isn't that amazing?"

"But... No. What about me? I thought I was your child...?" Her big purple eyes filled with tears as she sat down heavily her ears down and her wings drooping.

Twilight and I untangled from one another rushing over to hold her tightly between us.

"Scootaloo Sparkle." I said tilting her head up to look in her tear filled eyes and kissing her softly on the nose. "This baby is going to change A LOT of things. But it will never change the way we feel about you. You’re our daughter and we love you, we always will. No matter what."

She sniffed as I wiped her tears away. "R... Really?"

"Really. You’re going to be a big sister honey." Twilight comforted.

"A big sister...?" She digested that a moment. "Like Rarity and Sweetie Belle? And Applejack and Apple Bloom?" She said with a small smile.

"Just like them Angel."

Her tears suddenly forgotten she jumped up hugging and kissing us both. "I've got to go tell Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle!"

"Okay but be back for supper." I cautioned.

"I will!" She zipped out the door and flew off.

Twilight and I just sat there a few moments staring at each other, both of us smiling with tears still streaming from our eyes.

"A baby... A foal... Wait..." I came to a sudden realization.

"What?!" Twilight asked seeing my face go serious.

"We need to talk to Luna right away."

"What’s got you so worried?"

"I need to ask her what she did. It’s important... To me, to us." I gently pulled her over to me running my hand lovingly over her belly. "It has to be a foal. No half human this or that! No source of amusement and teasing to other ponies. I don't care what they think of me really but I don't want our child to be treated... Differently."

"Oh Rick no one would..."

I gave her a stern look. "You know that’s not true love, kids and adults can and will be very judgemental and cruel. I don't want that for our child."

"Okay, okay you've got a point. Lets write her now, she won't get it until tonight but hopefully she will have the time to write back."

Dear Princess Luna

We finally figured it out! And while I cannot tell you how much we love and appreciate your 'gift' to Rick and I we do have some concerns. Please write back as soon as you can and let us know what you did, what we can expect, any side effects or problems there might be with the spell... Sorry, just worried, excited and nervous all rolled up in one. Looking forward to hearing for you.

Twilight and Rick

Twilight sent the letter and we sat together for awhile just smiling, kissing and whispering to one another. Our thoughts and hopes for this new chapter in our life, changes we would have to make and challenges to face.

"You know by the time Scootaloo gets to both of the girls to tell them the news there’s a good chance all of Ponyville is going to know as well..." Twilight warned with a smile.

"Ahh... Should have thought of that, oh well. They would have found out sooner or later anyhow, we'll have to get our friends together and let any of them that don't know from Scootaloo about it too eh?"

"Yes... Ooh! Maybe they'll throw me a baby shower! I've never been to one! Cadence's was in Canterlot and I didn't have time to go unfortunately."

"I'm sure they will love."

"Yay! So much to do, so much to plan! I'll need some books on foals! I mean we had Shimmer and Prism for a short while but..."

I kissed her with a smile. "But this is our baby and you want everything to be perfect. By, the, book..." I accented each word with a kiss.

She nodded with a little blush. "I... I never really thought I would be a mother, always too busy with studying and books to even meet anyone... Thank you. I love you." She whispered kissing me passionately.

"Don't thank me love, Zecora is the one who brought me here. But if I had known what was waiting for me..." I held her fore hooves in my hands and kissed her nose softly. "That YOU were waiting for me, I wouldn’t have hesitated in the slightest had I been given the choice."

We did a little housework, a little reading but really we were both just too excited to focus on much other then the growing life within her. I scanned her probably twenty times finding only a small growing fetus, the doctor had told her she was likely about five months along, I tried not to look too closely as much as I wanted to know, needed to know I wanted to wait until we heard back from Luna.

We both thought about it trying to pinpoint the time it might have happened, it would just be nice to know. I couldn't be sure but I thought perhaps it was that night in the cabin, the night Cadence gave birth... That would have a nice symmetry to it, but I couldn't be sure... And truly it didn't matter.

"Wait a minute..."


"Were you in…? You know..."

"I do? What are you talking about?"

"Don't you need to be... In heat? Or something to get pregnant?"

She stared at me quizzically for a moment before giggling. "Heat? Cycles like poor Winona and Opal? No, it hasn't been that way for nearly seven hundred years! It used to be that way; no one really liked the situation... Oh I suppose a few stallions and maybe even mares maybe took advantage of it for their own pleasures but mostly it just caused problems."

"In what way?"

She snuggled up against me on the couch as I laid back she lay atop me her head on my chest. "Well with Winona, Opal and other animals it’s a natural process designed to perpetuate the species. And maybe it was for us as well long, long ago before recorded pony history but the very thing that makes us Ponies now, a unified species our Sapience is what was nearly our downfall..."

I wrapped my arms around her tightly. "Sounds bad."

"Well... Maybe our downfall was too strong, but from what I read the cycles affected us as badly as they do the other animals. When our time came the pheromones produced would entice even the most reluctant stallion to do his duty, and that was a problem... Many of the mares and stallions were married, in loving relationships often times ruined by their... Dalliances, truly it wasn't any ponies fault! But, well jealously, anger and the feelings of betrayal can't be so easily brushed aside. It seemed it was just something no one ever got used to even after hundreds and thousands of years..."

"I can believe that."

"Something had to be done but Princess Celestia wouldn't make that decision for every pony. While she researched what she could do, what we could do. Every town and city held referendums to decide the very future for our species. It was long and difficult nearly six months before a total consensus was reached, it wasn't that any pony didn't want this change but... Change is hard, hard for anyone." She smiled tilting her head up to kiss me softly.

"Some things are easier to get used to then others." I smiled back.

"I bet." She grinned. "Princess Celestia was finally informed of the decision and she had devised a spell to... Change us, but not change who we were. Every Unicorn, every Pegasus and even every Earth Pony who had even a spark of magic was conscripted in the most massive spell ever! Oh I wish I could have been there! It would have been amazing to see. A spell of that complexity and power doesn't come along very often. From what I read and of course know it was a success, it changed us within... I wonder..."


"Perhaps it was the same sort of spell Luna used on you? Modified of course..."

"We'll find out."

Just then the door banged open and three little fillies galloped in followed by six mares all talking at the same time excitedly.

I sat up smiling as Twilight did as well. I'll put the kettle on love; this could be a long afternoon.

Once we had gotten everyone calmed down, seated and I'd put out some tea and snacks we were finally ready to start answering some questions.

I sat on the couch with Twilight laid beside me her head in my lap Scootaloo right beside me and Sweetie Belle on Twilights other side, Apple Bloom sitting right in front of her the three of them staring at her belly as if expecting it to swell up right before their eyes.

Pinkie couldn't sit still and was bouncing around the room giggling with a big smile on her face, Rarity sat demurely sipping her tea but with a warm smile on her face as well. Fluttershy and Trixie sat close together both smiling watching us, Dash seemed a bit shocked sitting to the side trying to act nonchalant about the whole situation and Applejack was right in front of us as well a proud grin on her face.

"Well I'll be. I recon you'll be a fine pair of parents judging by lil Scootaloo here." She remarked ruffling Scoots mane.

"Oh of course they will Applejack! I can't wait to see your little... Foal? Human baby? It hardly matters, I'll make sure he or she looks fabulous anyhow."

"Thanks Rarity... I'm very nervous; I mean I know it'll all be ok... I hope it will..." Twilight stammered as I rubbed her neck comfortingly.

"Oh... Don't be scared Twilight. We'll all be here for you no matter what doing what we can." Fluttershy offered everyone else nodding in agreement.

"Is it a boy or girl?! Is there just one baby in there or two! Or more! Is it a foal or a human?! Or maybe some combination of the two like a pony head on a human body!"

"I hope not..."

"Oh? Why not Rick?"

"Pinkie... It would just be... Awkward."

"Well I guess the head might overbalance the body a bit..."

"Yeah... There’s just one baby so far as I could determine. I hope for a healthy foal, boy or girl. But whatever the case we're going to love and cherish him or her."

"How the hay did this happen!" Dash burst out.

"Didn't your parents have 'the talk' with you Dash?" Applejack asked with a grin.

"What?! I mean... Not that, I know how that goes... I mean you’re... And you’re... It just doesn't make any sense!"

Twilight and I nodded together. "We never thought it would happen either..." She smiled up at me and I leaned down to kiss her softly.

"Princess Luna granted me a favour awhile ago back when we were in the hospital after the Manticore incident..." I continued.

"She never told us what it was though just that she hoped we would someday appreciate it. I don't know how we'll ever repay her for this..." Twilight continued smiling with a faraway look gazing down at her belly.

"We wrote her and hopefully she'll be able to shed some light on just what’s going to happen." I finished.

"And is it a boy or girl!" Pinkie asked again still excited.

"Not sure Pinkie still too soon to tell anything, I'm not sure I want to know ahead of time..."

"I don't want to know before." Twilight stated. "I study so hard, and I want to know so many things... But this... This I can wait for."

"Well what'r you going to call it if it’s a boy?" Asked Apple Bloom.

"Or a girl!" Squeaked Sweetie Belle.

"We haven't talked about that yet; it was only this morning after all that I found out."

"I have no doubt we'll be thinking long and hard about it." Truthfully I had thought about it on and off since I had asked Twilight to marry me, most of the names I came up with though were more human... Until we found out what was going to happen...

Suddenly there was a loud banging at the door; it was quite late for visitors... Well in this case I guess it could be anyone who had heard the news. I got up and opened the door momentarily shocked at the pony before me.

A light grey coat with a dark blue tail streaked with lighter blue his mane concealed behind his ceremonial armor bat wings folded at his side. One of Luna’s Night Guard, behind him I spotted another waiting by a chariot.

"I am here for Twilight, Rick and Scootaloo Sparkle." He stated firmly.

Twilight and Scootaloo came over by my side. "That’s us..."

"The Princess bids you come at once!" He stood aside gesturing to the chariot.

"Thank you; we'll just be a moment then." Twilight turned back into the room smiling at our friends. "Well it looks like our ride is here, I only expected a letter really but this should be even better!" As they started to get up she motioned them back down. "Stay as long as you like, talk. We might not be back tonight but you'll close things up for us won't you?"

They all smiled and nodded wishing us good luck.

"See you all later, come on Angel."

"Bye guys! I'll tell you all about it tomorrow!"

We got onboard the chariot; it looked like it was made for Princess Luna so it was quite big. We got comfortable as they took off waving to our friends as they saw us off. The lights of Ponyville slowly faded behind us as we headed towards Canterlot, the night was cool and the breeze made it even more so. I knelt down pulling Scootaloo between Twilight and I holding them both.



The last time I rode like this I was holding you too... I could hardly see through my tears, I was whispering to you to fight, not give up, not leave me alone...

Some part of me refused to let me go... I couldn't go into that darkness without seeing you again. And when I did... Well you slipped into it instead of me, that moment something awoke in me. Something that only had happened a few times before, my magic guided by my heart. It knew what I needed.

What we both needed.

We kissed sweetly cuddling together with Scootaloo as Canterlot drew ever closer.

After a few short hours of flight they touched down in a small courtyard beside the palace neither of them was even breathing hard clearly these 'bat ponies' were more then they appeared.

"The Princess has delayed the Night Court for your visit. Please enter." He gestured over to a small side door.

"Thank you very much sirs." Twilight bowed slightly and turned to go in as I scooped up Scootaloo as she began asking questions.

"Wow you’re almost as big as Big Mac, how'd you get those bat wings? Do you take the Princess everywhere? Where do you..." The questions continued until I got to the door and turned bowing slightly to them as well and smiling apologetically as we entered.

Luna sat at the throne several ponies around her and two of her Night Guard at the door looking over papers. As soon as she saw us enter she cleared her throat.

"Enough, court will begin in fifteen minutes. Begone." The ponies before her retreated to and out the big double doors followed by her guards, she watched them stoically as we approached then turned her gaze to us. As soon as the doors closed her grim face was replaced with an almost childlike grin as she leapt off the throne galloping to us.

"I knew it would work! And I knew you would be excited about it...! I did guess correctly did I not? I hope I have not overstepped my bounds?!" She asked with a mournful look.

I stepped up with a smile and pulled her into my embrace followed by Twilight and Scootaloo. "You've given us so much Princess, thank you." Twilight whispered teary eyed.

Luna stepped back some tears of her own showing and smiled. "Please Twilight, Luna. And I told you for you and your friends freeing me from the Miasmas control I can never repay that debt but I will do what I can... Now, quickly you have questions? I cannot delay the Night Court for long so many depend on my sister and I."

"Of course! What did you do? What was the spell? How did you change Rick? Was it a modification of the spell Princess Celestia created so long ago!!?"

Luna smiled at Twilight enthusiasm. "I should have known you would have researched that. A modification? No but it was the basis for what I did, I knew humans and ponies were quite different. Outwardly somewhat but inside we are quite similar, but the child bearing process... In that we are very different, that is truly where most of my research went to find out about how your babies grow and are born. There was very little to be found truly."

"So what did you do?" I asked trying not to sound desperate.

She smiled softly. "I improvised. A human baby would be difficult the magic’s that changed ponykind so long ago while I was away..." She smiled as we realized that she had been in her banishment when that occurred. "Yes it affected me too even so far away; it was a feat of magic unlike any other... That spell should not be tampered with leaving Twilight out of the equation. So it had to be you Rick, I thought long and hard what a hybrid of our species might turn out to be... I hoped healthy and complete but... An outcast of sorts, a source of teasing and gossip for others..." Her face turned sombre a moment as she spoke; she shook her head smiling ruefully. "I know what a burden that can be so I was determined your child would not suffer so."

"Sooo... You made him a pony inside?" Scootaloo asked.

"Close young Scootaloo, my first thought was to turn him into a pony completely, after asking naturally. But the spell binding Twilight and he is complex too and should not be tampered. So I had to work around it, finesse it. Difficult, I had been gone for so long and before then I hadn't truly been the best of students my sister can tell you." She smiled in memory. "But I wanted to give you both something special to make up for my behaviour and for you Twilight when Cadence assured me how much you two cared for, were in love with one another... The adjustments within should never cause you harm or discomfort but reproductively now at least you are a pony, it is a part of you now as much as she is." She gestured towards Twilight with a smile.

"So... We're going to have a foal?"

"Yes. I hope that is not a disappointment?"

I pulled her in for another short hug. "No Luna it is exactly what I was hoping for."

"And you young Scootaloo, are you excited for a brother or sister?"

"You bet!"

"Good. Twilight, I envy you even more now. I wish you all the best but know my sister still has lessons to teach you, I hope you do not intend to abandon your studies?"

"What?! Never!" She smiled touching her belly lightly. "This will be an adventure but learning will always be a part of my life, I would never let Princess Celestia or you down."

"I am glad to hear it..."

A frantic tapping came from the big double doors causing Luna to sigh in resignation.

"And that brings my time with you to a close. I wish we could speak further..."

"Another time Luna. And thank you, thank you a thousand times thank you." I intoned taking her fore hoof in my hands and kissing it lightly causing her to blush.

"I am so happy to have helped you both. Quickly now..." She turned back to the throne stopping us as we began heading back the way we came. "That way..." She gestured off to another small door with a sly smile.

All three of us bowed and exited just as the double doors were opened and ponies began pouring in. Closing the door behind us we suddenly found ourselves in complete and total darkness.


"No problem." Her horn began to light up suddenly overpower by a brilliant and warm light.

"That won't be necessary."

I blinked a few times in the sudden light to find Princess Celestia, Shining Armor and Cadence as well as Shimmer and Prism, Spike and Twilights parents all waiting with big smiles.

Shimmer and Prism broke away galloping up to tackle their cousin then holding their fore hooves up to be picked up, I scooped up Shimmer hugging her tightly as Twilight did the same for Prism.

Twilight and Scootaloo galloped over to her parents, brother and Cadence with Prism on her back hugging and crying in joy. Princess Celestia walked over to me looking down at Shimmer warmly.

"I am glad you and Twilight will have this opportunity. When my sister told me what she did I was concerned at first, but she explained what she did and I can see she made a good decision."

"Thank you Princess... Wait... You knew?"

She giggled slightly. "But of course, I would never be so rude as to ruin the surprise though. But I am thankful you and Twilight figured it out a secret like this is difficult enough to keep by oneself, but having to keep two others in check as well..." She inclined her head toward Armor and Cadence.

"They knew too?!"

"They did, and I must say they wanted to tell you and Twilight very much. But I managed to keep them in check... Barely." She added with a wink.

We walked over to join them it seems Twilights parents hadn't been in the loop and had just heard the news and were shocked, flabbergasted, proud and excited all in one. I gave Armor a grin and a light punch in the shoulder as we walked up.

"Hey! We wanted to tell you bro I swear!"

Thinking back I could see so many times he and Cadence did want to tell us... "I know."

We all talked late into the evening Shimmer and Prism both asleep and Scootaloo and Spike yawning, Princess Celestia stood up levitating Spike onto her back.

"The expecting mother needs her sleep, as do baby dragons." She yawned. "Princesses as well!"

We all chuckled, we placed Shimmer and Prism on their parents backs saying our farewells. I scooped up my sleepy little Angel and we made our way through the back ways of the palace to another courtyard where the Night Guard again waited. They watched us walk up their gaze softening a bit seeing sleeping Scootaloo in my arms.

"Cute filly you got there. Climb up and we'll get you home."

I smiled and nodded Twilight and I climbed in settling down on the floor Scootaloo between us discussing the evening’s excitement and kissing softly as we got underway. Shortly after midnight we came to Ponyville they must have pushed themselves this time as they both looked a bit worn.

"Thank you fellows, can we offer you anything? Some food, water? A place for the night?" I whispered.

They both smiled stretching their wings and legs a moment. "Thank you for the offer Sir Sparkle we'll take it easy on the way home."

I was surprised they knew who I was, I saluted them awkwardly holding Scootaloo as they took off.

We got inside finding everything cleaned up and put away, as we tucked Scootaloo into bed her eyes fluttered open and she smiled.

"We're home Angel."

"Dad, Mom..."

"What is it honey?"

"Will you love the new foal more then me?"

The question choked me up; she was so full of love this little filly but she had suffered so much. I couldn't imagine our lives without her.

"We will love you both so much, as much as we can and then some more Angel, your our daughter and there will be a lot of attention given to the new foal but never think we love you any less Angel."

She yawned and closed her eyes as we both kissed her on the forehead. "Okay... Love you..." And drifted off.
We looked at one another both of us a bit teary eyed; I picked her up kissing her soundly and made my way quietly upstairs to bed. We lay there quietly awhile just looking at one another while I gently rubbed her belly.

You have any ideas for a name?

A few... You?

She giggled. Hundreds, but... I don't know none of them seem... Right. Tell me yours!

Well I only have one really that I thought would fit. For either a filly or a colt...

Don't tease me! Tell me!

Well I know how much you idolise him so it might be a little weird...

"Starswirl the Bearded...?" She gasped quietly.

"I was thinking just Starswirl... Starswirl Sparkle, what do you think?" I whispered.

Her eyes shone in the moonlight as she smiled pressing forward to kiss me passionately.

I love it!

Love you.

I love you.

We drifted off together dreams of the future and what it could hold dancing in our heads.

A few days passed and we began to accumulate a great deal of baby items, not just from Twilights very long list of what we would need but every pony in town seemed to have something they thought we would need, be it advice, old hand me downs or even new items. To say we were overwhelmed by the generosity we were being shown would be an understatement.

We had gotten home Saturday afternoon after some more 'vital' shopping and the three of us were relaxing on the bed Twilight excitedly sorting through her new books, I pulled them both close to me feeling... Inspired, I sang and they sang along with me...

(Original song 'Do or Die'by 30 Seconds to Mars)

In the middle of the night,(Me)

When the angel sleeps,(Twilight)

We don't want to live a life that we don't believe.(Together)

Time to do or die.(Together)

I will never forget that moment, this moment.(Me)

I will never forget that moment, this moment.(Twilight)

And the story goes on... on... on...(Me)

That's how the story goes.(Twilight)

That's how the story goes.(Me)

You and I will never die.(Together)

It's a sweet embrace.(Me)

It's the beginning of a new life, a dawning age.(Twilight)

Time to be alive.(Together)

I will never forget that moment, the moment.(Me)

I will never forget that night.(Twilight)

We sing, we sing...(Together)

On... on... on...(Together)

That's how the story goes.(Me)

Fate is coming, that I know.(Me)

Time is running, got to go.(Me)

Faith is coming, that I know.(Twilight)

Let it go.(Twilight)

Here right now (Together)

Under the banner of family, we dream out loud (Together)

Do or die, and the story goes (Together)

On... on... on... (Scootaloo)

And the story goes on... on... On...(Twilight)

This is our story!(Me)

Fate is coming, that I know(Me)

[this is our story](Scootaloo)

Time is running, got to go(Me)

[this is our story](Twilight)

Fate is coming, that I know(Twilight)

[this is our story](Me)

Let it go.(Twilight)

Here and now,(Me)

Under the banner of family, we dream out loud(Together)

Dream out loud!(All three)

Fate is coming, that I know(Me)

[time to do or die](Scootaloo)

Time is running out(Twilight)

[time to do or die](Scootaloo)

Fate is coming, that I know(Me)

[time to do or die](Scootaloo)

Let it go...(All three)

I kissed Twilight softly and Scootaloo on her nose, We all smiled and leaned back in the bed Twilight and Scootaloo eagerly paging through her new book 'What to expect from your new foal'. I just watched them with a smile, my hand protectively rubbing Twilights soon to grow belly the other gently ruffling my little Angels mane. How did I get so lucky? Amazing...

The story goes on...

Author's Note:

Thus ends the first year... Not the last I can promise you, it may take time but it will come. I know, I used copywrited music again. I don't know if they mind because I modify them or if they just haven't noticed yet... Well if they say take them down I will. I'm just... Moved, inspired and even brought to tears sometimes by songs that I feel connect Twilight and I so much... I just want to share them... Maybe its just me.
Anyhow thanks for reading and sticking it out. Hope you weren't disappointed.
Oh what do you think of my choice for name by the way?
Take care all.

Comments ( 41 )

Is this story complete? Usually an Epilogue signifies that a story is complete :twilightsmile: but I just wanted to clarify. I have waited forever for this and I don't want to read something incomplete accidentally as that would leave me exposed to cliffhangers :twilightblush:

If it is complete, I can finally read what I have been waiting for.

We really need a Twilight with glasses emoticon that showcases her 'egghead' status

I..I squeed everywhere...im sorry..

3476098 its the epilogue of this year. a new year continues

A very sweet ending if/when you do more in this 'universe' I will definitely read it.

A small part of me desperately wanted the suggested name to be Tirek, and they not know that the foal was actually a hybrid... but that would completely ruin the feel of the story which would be bad :twilightblush:

3476098 Doh! Sorry I forgot to mark it as complete. This 'book' of the story is done, but there will be more. And heck yes that emote would be great! :twilightsmile:
3476132 hehe Glad you liked it. :yay:
3476251 That I will. :pinkiehappy:
3476488 Tirek the Destroyer! Muahahahahahaha!!!! :pinkiecrazy: Or maybe not... lol

so much d'aww and and just....FEELS EVERYWHERE!!!!!! :twilightsheepish:
loved it can't wait for the next!

Manly tears were liquid pride was shed.

Rick, Twilight, Scootaloo and Starswirl Sparkle.

That is going to be one fucked up family!!

I'm ready!

Wait, so they will have an anthro kid?

3477286 Thanks man, appreciate it. :yay:
3477333 :twilightsmile:
3477650 Very true, I think I have a bunch of those... Need to get around to watching them all one of these days lol :pinkiehappy:
3478746 (Bows) Many thanks my friend. :eeyup:
3479387 Hey! Well... Maybe a little dysfunctional, but there will be love. :twilightsmile::heart::scootangel:
3479537 No, no. A normal healthy foal... I hope... :rainbowderp:

3586894 Cliché I know and I hated to even think it but once I did I really wanted her to be with us too. And she's so tomboyishly adorable. :scootangel:

3587050 hehe Eeyup, a sad self insert is the only way I can be with the pony I love... I'm pathetic I know lol That's ok if this is the only way I can be with her, well then I'll just keep writing. :rainbowwild:

Nope not dissapointed at all quite enjoyable actually. I seriously can't wait for the next one. Obvious upvote and fave but ill be following you as well. :pinkiehappy:

3588832 eh I'm enjoying this self insert because its better then ones I come across sure it has a few grammar errors but the story seems more solid then most.

And yeah sucks that the best and most beautiful people you can meet aren't real in this universe or perhaps dimension.

It can get depressing at times sure but we endure it.

3626885 Thanks bud, I do appreciate it.
And... Love is love, someday... Maybe not... Maybe in a million years when she's poking around the old ruins far outside town and she finds the remains of a creature she can't identify and decides to clone one... :facehoof:
Either way... Love ya Twi. :twilightblush:
Oh you. :twilightsmile:

3627957 We can dream for now :twilightsmile: !

Definitely a great way to put year one to bed, truly romantic.:twilightsmile::heart:
Took me long enough to finally read the last two chapters but it was worth it when I did, onwards to the next story.:ajsmug:

4775337 Well, I have that guess and it seem i was right but mainly because I see some canon detail in your story.

4801088 Heh something caught in my memory from something I read or saw lol But it does tie in nicely. :twilightsmile:

Aww, flustered and uncertain Luna. I can understand the concerns both Luna and Rick were having about the issues a crossed child would face...

I liked the story. The end though was a bit off. I just think you projecting your personal opinion in contrast to the world you had built up. Rick and Luna having the exact same reasoning was a bit weird. If Ponyville could accept Rick so well that they petitioned Celestia to allow him to stay, I do not think they would have a issue with a hybrid foal/baby that would be far closer to a pony that what a human is. Personally I would like to have something of myself be passed on instead of the totally random gengineering that Luna did.

5589614 A good point but you might forget Luna holds rule over the Dream. She knows my worst dreams and nightmares and I'm sure she would do her best to make sure they didn't come to pass. So really it's just my issues... lol

5601391 No... Thank you.
Thank you. :twilightsmile:
Thanks! :scootangel:

5849318 hehe You called it for sure, nice! :twilightsmile:

5952928 Oh quite the opposite really, I'm totally under her spell and happy to be there. :rainbowwild:

5960588 Like em both... Hmm tough choice... Shrug, both? lol

5965685 Whoops sorry about that! lol

5973846 Doh! My bad, or good lol :facehoof:

Once again I've converted your book to eBook formats (Mobi, Epub, LIT, PDF, and RTF) and uploaded them so other people could make use of them too. I did some formatting, namely making it so Rick's telepathic thoughts are bolded, and Twi's are italicized. Since ebook specific devices (like the Kindle) are currently monochrome only, it's sort of necessary. I also embedded the images you used, and fixed a couple of the dead links to YT videos. Other than that, I didn't do any editing, so yeah the spelling/grammar errors will remain. What I saw wasn't too bad though.

So yeah, Ebooks Galore!

Kinda ended up spoiling parts of the book in the process of adapting it to eReaders. Ah well.

A few posts up, I mentioned I updated the book a bit, so Here it is!

5982373 Finished (and in less than 2 days, not too bad considering it's a decent length story)! It did run a bit heavier on the sappiness than I liked (*RD Face*) but I suppose I can't blame you too much for that, especially since towards the end you kinda sorted abandoned all pretense of Rick being anything other than a stand-in for you, after all XD

I definitely missed converting some of the colored text, but not enough to worry overmuch about. Gonna have to work on converting "The Second Year"!

OK, I fixed up a few of the telepathic communications I missed. Possibly there are more I didn't notice, but I'm fairly confident I got at least 99% of them. I also clarified the whole bolding and italicizing in the initial note, coloring in the bold and italics (in the note) so they will make it more obvious that I'm referring to colored and formatted text in the book itself. Previously in that note I had that same bold and italics text colored black, which might confuse the issue for some people. Additionally, I added another picture, the Scootaloo Sulking one, and included a link to the selfsame video as well, in a note at the end of the chapter.

That about does it for this book, I think.

The previous link won't work anymore I expect, since I replaced the file with the new one, so I'll edit that comment with the new URL.

Here it is!

I'll probably get to the Second Year tomorrow maybe? I was going to do it today, but there is another fanfic (Anthropology) that I've run across that I want to check out. There is also that "Fallout Equestria: Starlight" fanfic too. Fortunately I don't need to do any conversion to view those XD

Eventually, once I'm/you're done with this series I'll probably release a pack including them all (Yes, the Throwing Gas one, too XD).

6237072 Very cool, and thanks for doing that I'm sure if people want to read them somewhere other then the computer that'll help them out. I'm also glad you like the series, hope you keep on liking lol :twilightsmile:

Heh, you're welcome ^_^ If you want, you can list the ebooks in your book description. Again, only if you want.

You and Hazeshift are making it harder for me to decide which mare my own character will end up with. I'm a Fluttershy fan, but I don't think she'd work out too well, story wise (she's too passive most of the time). Twilight is the next obvious choice with the Mane Six, but that's been the pairing I've read lately and I definitely want to do something different. I'll probably end up going with a more minor character, like Derpy or something. Well, we'll see, assuming I ever get around to writing this story of mine ~_~

6847133 I'm A-ok with that.
6860552 Shh... Don't let Pinkie hear... :pinkiehappy:

6860928 lol And even at that they'd be terrible at. :derpytongue2:

6861009 Eeyup... Still, I'd risk it.

6861086 Sorry about that, I do like the Iron Maiden song as well. btw Thanks for the comments I do enjoy hearing how and what people like about my stories. :twilightsmile:

Man, what a rollercoaster of a story... Welp, time to finish the third sequel!

was randomly going thru people I follow and noticed this mistake in the description

she is of cource Purple


7885117 That's too bad, sorry you feel that way. I'd tell you something but I don't want to give anything away. Oh well, thanks for reading. :twilightangry2:

wow..... honestly I didn't think it would get better but... damn... you continue to impress me good sir! I will hold off on reading te next one for now as I have things I must take care of... but mark my words! THAT STORY WILL BE READ!!!!

Well, I was right about Luna's gift, but only half right about the foal's name. At least I got the "Star" part right. It can still be part homage to Luna, as well as the starry sky they realized they each loved the other under.

that was a good story man nice work :)

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