• Published 13th Sep 2012
  • 13,554 Views, 439 Comments

The First Year - TwilightsmyMare

A continuation of Living and Dying in Equestria

  • ...

Chapter 9 (A Nightmare of a Wedding)

I woke early the next morning feeling rested and happy, happy to be home and happy to be back with the mare I loved. I opened my eyes and found Twilight beside me watching me, her amazing beautiful eyes staring into my soul.

"Morning love." I whispered leaning over to kiss her.

"Morning." She kissed me back and we stared at each other for a few moments.

"You’re so beautiful Twi. I'm so glad, so lucky I met you, somehow convinced you to love me as I love you." I grinned.

"I can't imagine life any other way now."

I pulled her closer to me kissing her neck and whispering to her.

I believe in nothing

Not the end and not the start

I believe in nothing

Not the earth and not the stars

I believe in nothing

Not the day and not the dark

I believe in nothing

But the beating of our two hearts

I believe in nothing

One hundred suns until we part

I believe in nothing

Not in sin and not in Gods

I believe in nothing

Not in peace and not in war

I believe in nothing

But the truth in who we are

"Nothing but our love..." She whispered back.

"And me too!" Scootaloo suddenly broke in leaping up from her hiding place on the stairs and tackling us both in bed.

We laughed hugging her tightly.

"And you too Angel."

Twilight and Scootaloo went downstairs to get breakfast as I threw on a robe and joined them, shortly after breakfast Scootaloo soared off to school my medal hung proudly around her neck.

We watched her go then quickly straightened up the library until Trixie arrived; she and Twilight had a busy schedule. Fall was coming up pretty quick and arrangements needed to be made for winter and the winter wrap up after; a bit early to be worrying about it but Twilight liked to be prepared.

They didn't need my assistance so I headed out to do my own job; I hadn't been to the border of the Everfree forest this week so I went and checked it out. Everything looked fine, the stones were charged and there were no tracks of anything bigger then a bunny coming from or going into the woods.

Satisfied I headed back to town past Fluttershys cottage I decided to stop by to say hi, I found her in her garden.

"Hi Fluttershy."

She squeaked and dove behind a row of peas.

"Sorry, sorry. It’s just me, Rick."

She got up blushing slightly. "No I'm sorry I was just startled. I lose myself when I'm gardening sometimes..."

"Not a problem, I was just checking the Everfree border and thought I would stop by to see how you were?"

"Oh... That’s so nice of you. Good... I'm good..."

She looked a little apprehensive staring at the ground and shuffling one of her forehooves in the dirt.

"What’s wrong Fluttershy?" I knelt down in front of her putting my hand gently on her shoulder. "You can tell me, I'm a good listener."

She suddenly burst out in tears throwing herself against me, I had no idea what could have caused her such distress but I knew she needed comforting so I held her tightly stroking her mane for a few minutes.

She calmed down and sat letting me wipe her tears away.

"Feel better?"

"No... Maybe a little thanks..."

"Now what’s wrong? Can I help?"

She took a deep breath. "I love Trixie so much... But... I can't show it! I tell her I love her but I want to do more... How did you... I mean with Twilight..."

I was a little embarrassed by what she seemed to be asking. "Oh... Fluttershy I thought you and Trixie had already... Been together...?"

"What?!" She turned deep red hiding behind her mane. "That’s... That’s not what I mean... Oh, I'm so embarrassed..."

"Sorry, sorry I didn't mean to be so insensitive." There I go again talking without thinking.

"It's ok..."

"So tell me what’s wrong."

"It's just..." Her voice lowered to a tiny whisper I couldn't hear.

"A little louder please..." I leaned close to hear her.

"I... I want to propose... Like you did and Big Mac... But... But..."

I smiled to her. "But you’re too nervous?"

She nodded.

I gave her another soft hug. "Oh Fluttershy. Well I don't think you would want as big an audience as Big Mac or I had though right?"

"Just our close friends might be ok... Maybe... I'm just so unsure of myself... How did you...?"

"I don't know about Big Mac but I had almost lost Twilight twice, I already knew I loved her and wanted to spend the rest of my life with her but before then it just didn't seem possible... Waking up in that hospital, realizing I had a second chance... Well I knew I wanted to, had to take that leap and with everypony’s amazing gift of that ring it was the perfect time. And I'm so glad."

"I'm so happy for you and Twilight, I wish I..."

"You don't have to be married to be happy together Fluttershy."

"I know... I just want to show her how much she means to me, how much I want to be with her. I don't want to lose my chance... Can I show you something?"

"Of course."

She rushed into her cottage returning moments later with a small box in her mouth. She handed it to me gently and I opened it. Inside was a ring, it looked to be made of wood, polished and carved with vines, flowers across its surface.

"Wow... This is beautiful! Did you make this Fluttershy?"

She nodded blushing slightly.

"How? I mean it must have taken..."

"A lot of work... I started working on it when she left on tour... Do you think she would like it...? I mean, I know she’s used to so much better..." She hung her head sadly.

"Fluttershy. You made it for her, and you worked so hard on it and it’s beautiful. She loves you and she'll love it."

"You... You really think so?"


She stood up straight a determined look in her eye. "Then I'm going to do it! Today! Maybe..." She collapsed back down tears forming again. "I'm so scared! What if she says no?"

"I don't know Fluttershy; I don't know her that well. But she gave up fame, the spotlight... For you. I think that’s a pretty strong indication of how much you mean to her right?"

She sniffed slightly. "She did... Didn't she?" She took a deep breath. "Okay. I've got to do it... Now. Before I let myself crumble again..."

"I'll help you anyway I can. Lets go, they should be back home by now."

We started off back towards town at a quick pace she had the box held firmly under one of her wings. Several times she lost her nerve and tried to flee back home, luckily she wouldn't drop the box so she couldn't fly away from me and I caught her pushing her back toward Ponyville until she regained her nerve and galloped ahead eagerly again.

As we approached the library we slowed and stood to the side of the door for a second.


Oh your back! How was your day?

Good love. And yours?

Busy! So many things to arrange!

Is Trixie still there?

Yes she's helping me with some shelving... Why?

Just meet me outside for a sec ok?

Fluttershy and I waited uneasily as we heard Twilight excuse herself to Trixie and come out the front door.

"Rick... Fluttershy? What’s going on?"

I pulled her beside me and pushed Fluttershy through the door closing it behind her. "Just watch." I whispered to her as we got a better vantage point at the window.

Trixie was levitating books into their proper spots as Fluttershy approached her from behind even from where I was I could see her whole body was starting to shake.

The box slipped out from under her wing and she gasped and barely managed to catch it with her forehooves before it hit the floor.

Trixie turned around and gasped as well. "Fluttershy!" She rushed up to her but stopped short, she could see Fluttershy was distressed in some way. "What’s wrong Shy?"

Fluttershy fumbled with the box finally getting it open she stammered to Trixie. "T... Trixie... Would you... I mean... Could you... Please... I... I..."

Twilight clutched me tightly.

Is she...?

She is.

Oh Fluttershy! You can do it!

"I can't do it!" Fluttershy burst into tears dropping the box and turned to flee. Trixie levitated up the box looking inside and gasped tears flowing from her eyes.

As Fluttershy fled towards the door she suddenly ran into something she didn't expect as Trixie teleported right in front of her and they crashed down together in a tangle of limbs.

Twilight and I were almost halfway through the window straining to see everything, I imagine to any passer by we looked more then a little strange.

Trixie held Fluttershy tightly tears streaming down her face as she kissed her repeatedly. "Yes Fluttershy! Yes, yes, yes!"


"Yes I will marry you!"

"You... You will?"

She levitated the ring out of the box and over to them placing in gently in Fluttershy's hooves. She ducked her head so Fluttershy could slip the ring onto her horn. They faced each other and kissed both of them crying openly.

"I'm... I'm so happy!" Fluttershy cried.

"I never thought you'd ask! I was waiting for the right time..."

"You were going to ask me?"

"Of course Shy! I love you!"

At this point Twilight and I overbalanced and fell into the library with a thud! Trixie and Fluttershy looked over at us shocked for a second but then smiling as Twilight dashed over.

"Congratulations!" She squealed excitedly hugging them both.

"See that wasn't so hard was it Fluttershy?" I said with a grin.

She hopped up hugging me tightly. "Thanks for helping me Rick!"

"Hey I just gave you a little push, nothing more. Congratulations to you both."

We all talked for a bit before the two of them left excited to make some plans at home. Twilight and I sank down on the couch cuddling together.

"Wedding fever around here eh Twi?"

She smiled holding her own ring on her hoof and gazing at it. "Maybe love is contagious?"

"That’s a disease I wouldn't want to cure."

She kissed me softly. "I guess seeing Big Mac and Inkie as well as Blinkie being so happy sparked something in Fluttershy."

"Definitely, I think they'll be happy."

"Rarity is going to be busy." She giggled.

"Did they all ask Rarity to plan their weddings?!"

"No, Blinkie and her fiancé are getting married in Manehatten. I think his parents are arranging everything there. But she did offer her services to Inkie and Big Mac and they were happy to accept. But she will definitely want to plan Fluttershy’s as well, their best friends you know!"

"I thought you were all best friends?" I said squeezing her gently.

"We are. Some are closer to others though of course. Fluttershy and Rarity get along great; they go to the spa every week to catch up. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, their both such pranksters they have a lot of fun together. Applejack and Dash have a special relationship too, their always trying to outdo one another in some way! Dash and I have gotten closer too since she discovered she loved books so much."

"You’re... I guess we're so lucky to have friends like them."

She snuggled against me kissing me softly. "Yes we are."

We cuddled and kissed on the couch for awhile talking until Scootaloo came home from school, she was excited to hear the news.

"Wow! Wait... Does this mean I have to wear that stupid dress again...? Three times?!"

Twilight and I laughed. "Probably just twice Angel."

She sat on the floor a cute pout on her face.

"It won't be so bad honey, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle will be there too."

"I guess..."

We laughed again and all went and had dinner, afterwards we helped her with her homework. She really didn't need much help she’s such a smart filly when she puts her mind to it.

"Everypony was real impressed with your medal Dad!"

"I'm glad." She offered it back and I shook my head gently. "You can wear it as much as you like Angel."

"Really?! It’s so cool! Thanks!" She put it back on and gave me a hug zipping off to her room to get ready for bed.

Twilight smiled at me from the kitchen. "You’re such a softie."

I grinned and walked over to embrace her kissing her soundly. "Nothings too good for you and my Angel."

We cleaned up then tucked Scootaloo in and headed to bed ourselves falling asleep easily.

The next day I went around town to see who might need a hand with anything. Clearly my achievements had been passed through the town grapevine as everypony was congratulating me and calling me Sir Sparkle, annoying and embarrassing to be sure but no big deal. After healing some minor boo boo's for some foals at the park I finally made my way to Carousel Boutique to see if Rarity needed a hand with anything.

I entered and looked about, no Rarity but she called down from upstairs that she would be right down. A few moments later she came down the stairs.

"Oh Rick darling, so good to see you!" She came forward and I took her hoof kissing it gently.

"Good to see you as well Milady Rarity."

"Oh you! No need for that 'Sir Sparkle'." She said with a mischievous glint in her eye. "What brings you here?"

"I just wanted to see if you needed any help with the wedding arrangements? You have talked to Fluttershy right?"

"Oh I'm so happy for her! She and Trixie stopped by last night on their way home to tell me the good news... To be honest I was very suspicious of Trixie at first, even when she came back and she and Fluttershy got so much closer... Well mayhap I was just being jealous... But now I can and do only wish them the best!"

"And did they ask for your help with their wedding too?"

"I insisted darling! For my best friend I could do no less! But thankfully they are planning for a spring ceremony, very simple and small just their close friends so I needn’t obsess over it too much right now."

"And what about Big Mac and Inkie Pie? If I may ask?"

"They have chosen a very strange time for their wedding... But it’s their choice I suppose. They want to be married during the... Nightmare Night celebration." She paused as if thinking I would find that unacceptable.

"Okay... What’s the Nightmare Night celebration?"

"Oh you'll have to ask Twilight about it for the full story darling. Lots of dress up and candy and such, not my cup of tea but this year I will be going all out. I said I would help them and I shall! Although now that you mention it I could use your assistance."

"Anything I can do to help is no problem."

"Well... I do hate to be a bother but Princess Luna will be at the ceremony most likely... And she did such a beautiful job marrying you and Twilight..."

"You want me to ask her if she would officiate the wedding?"

"Oh would you?! It would mean so much to them I'm sure!"

"I can certainly send her a letter and ask. It couldn't hurt."

"Exactly! Thank you so much Rick!"

"Anything else I can help with?"

"Oh no I have everything well in hoof. You'll just have to wait to see their outfits. Hmm... Tradition is for everypony to dress up in some fashion. I was going to suggest making a costume for you but as you are a unique being here in Equestria perhaps you might wish to just go as yourself? There certainly won't be anyone else dressed up as a human!" She laughed.

"I'll have to talk to Twi and get the whole story but that’s not a bad idea. I'll write that letter tonight and let you know soon ok?"

"Thank you most sincerely. Be sure to say hello to Twilight and Scootaloo for me will you?"

"I'll do that, see you later!"

I headed back home to find Twilight and Trixie examining her ring excitedly trying to develop a spell to keep it from getting damaged or deteriorating as it was made of wood after all.

Before too long they tried out a myriad of spells on some of our furniture first just in case, we tried to scratch, wear and break them. Finally they had a spell they liked and we had a few less pieces of furniture.

Later at dinner I brought up Nightmare Night, sounded a lot like Halloween to me.

"Twi, Rarity tells me Big Mac and Inkie Pie want to have their wedding on Nightmare Night. What’s it all about?"

"Oh! That’s an interesting idea for a wedding..."

"I'm going to be a Weindego this Nightmare Night Dad! It was Moms idea!" Scootaloo interrupted.

"That sounds cool Angel!"


Twilight gave Scootaloo a look and she settled down turning her attention back to her meal. "Well the Nightmare Night celebration was started off the old mare’s tale of Nightmare Moon. Now of course we know that was no tale! But the idea was by dressing up, ponies would fool Nightmare Moon into thinking there were no ponies there for her to devour! Ponies would gather candy and leave it as an offering to satisfy her hunger so she would leave them be. Over time it became more about a fun time and candy for everypony. Last year though Luna came to try to change the way we celebrated it, she was embarrassed about her reputation as Nightmare Moon and wanted to make friends and change the way we saw her. At first it didn't work out too well everypony was terrified of her..."

"I know she sure intimidated me when I first met her." I offered.

She giggled. "She was actually mad at you; at the celebration she was trying so hard to get the townspeople to like her... Well with a little help from me and everypony else we found out the fillies and colts liked her scary persona, it was fun to be scared! But they didn't see her as Nightmare Moon, just as Princess Luna their friend who was good at scaring them!"

"Sure did Dad, little Pip convinced her to keep Nightmare Night alive and she said she'd be back this year!"

"Sounds like fun. I wonder why they would want their wedding then though?"

"Well Big Mac has always been involved in the Nightmare Night celebration taking the fillies and colts on hayrides and helping with setup and games. I think they both just love the holiday and want it to be their special day."

"Well we'll have to make sure it’s a day they'll remember. Which reminds me I need to write Luna, Rarity asked me to inquire if she would perform the ceremony."

"Oh I'm sure she wouldn't mind. Its going to be so amazing!"

Twilight and I wrote the letter after dinner Scootaloo putting in her two bits as well then she sent it off. Shortly after we heard a knock at the door, I went to answer and found the mail mare Derpy collapsed at our front door a huge sack on her back.

"Derpy! Here let me take that... Oof!" I pulled the bag off her back and immediately regretted it, I fell backwards with it on top of me knocking the breath out of me.

"Dad!" Scootaloo rushed over valiantly attempting to push the bag off me for a moment before Twilight levitated it off me and to the side.

"Whew... Thanks Twi, and you too Angel." I struggled to my feet no worse for wear and helped Derpy up and inside to sit on the couch. I went to get her a glass of cold water as she rested.

She gulped it down thirstily and I got her another, after that she looked much better.

"Are you ok Derpy? It seems pretty late to be delivering mail." Twilight inquired concerned.

"Oh I've been delivering all day. It’s just taken me a long time... Now that I think of it I should have delivered your mail first." She giggled.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

She pointed over to the heavy bag. "That’s all for you! I've been dragging it around all day, what a workout!"

All day?! Wow clearly there was more to this little mare then met the eye. I walked over to the bag and cautiously opened it, it was full of letters and packages all addressed to Sir Sparkle care of Ponyville. No return addresses I would recognise, Manehattan, Fillydelphia, Hoofington, Appleoosa?

Twilight and Scootaloo joined me spreading out the mail we found as we dug that they were very likely all addressed to me.

"Where did all these come from Derpy?"

"Well the post office of course! We started getting them in the other day from all over Equestria! Looking back I should have started delivering them then!" She giggled. "But I was a little behind. Oh well!" She got up and stretched, flapping her wings experimentally. "Look at the time I better get home or my babysitter will be taking my whole paycheck!"

I quickly cut her off before she left giving her a pouch of bits. "You really went beyond the call of duty this time Derpy thanks, if it happens again just let us know they are at the post office and we’ll come and get them ok?”

"Ok! Thanks!" She flew off and I turned back to the task at hand.

We began opening the letters and packages finding beautiful letters sent from ponies all over Equestria who had been saved or had loved ones saved by my spell. All of them had also sent bits, ranging from a few per envelope to box's full of them.

"These are so nice! But they didn't need to send bits I didn't create that spell to make money!" Truthfully I created it to protect Twilight and Scootaloo anyone else I could help with it was just icing on the cake.

"Well their here now love and I am sure they would be hurt if you sent them back. You'll have to face it you've changed a lot of ponies lives... Mine especially." She leaned over kissing me softly causing Scootaloo to Ewww but she pushed over hugging me tightly as well.

"Me too Dad."

I sighed and held them both. "And I couldn’t be happier. Ok, we'll be sure to put this money to good use there’s lots of good we can do with it right?"

"Right!" Twilight and Scootaloo echoed.

"But it’s late. We better finish checking it tomorrow."

We all headed to bed falling asleep easily.

We woke up a bit late the next day and had to rush to get Scootaloo off to school then we began to sort through the letters and boxes reading each letter and getting a bit teary eyed at the touching stories. Trixie showed up and lent us a hoof as well; we were nearly finished when there was again a knock at the door.

Opening it I found Derpy again with a smaller satchel, she smiled and gave me another couple dozen letters and boxes.

"Again?! How many can there be?"

"Dunno! But you’re keeping me busy!" She giggled flying off to continue her deliveries.

I brought them over to the pile and we continued. By lunchtime we had finished, Twilight set all the letters aside pressing them down with a large book.

"Do you want to keep all those Twi?"

"Of course! They all appreciate what you did so much! Maybe there'll be a museum for you someday and these letters will show ponies just what you accomplished." She said with a grin.

"Oh I hope not. Celebrity isn't for me."

"Really? Well each to their own I guess... The roar of the crowd, all the adoring fans. I love it. But I have to admit the simpler life here with Fluttershy is even better." Trixie smiled with a faraway look in her eyes.

"Glad you think so."

We stored the letters and got a bit of studying in before ending for the day.

The days passed and Ponyville was abuzz with activity, preparations for the Nightmare Night celebration as well as a wedding kept everyone busy. Luna’s reply came back promptly and she was pleased and honoured that they would choose to get married on her night and would be happy to perform the ceremony. The letters as well kept pouring in a few dozen a day, we read each one and I was thankfully I could have helped so many ponies all around Equestria.

We all pitched in where we could, Twilight and Trixie were still kept busy with winter preparations, Scootaloo and her classmates made decorations and Rarity had her hooves full with wedding arrangements as well as requests for specially made costumes. I helped out all I could and with everypony pitching in things were looking good.

I decided I really didn't need a costume but Twilight and all the rest of our friends kept theirs a secret I was very interested in what they were all going as but Twi was very secretive about it.

The evening arrived; the wedding was to take place first so the party and games could be included in the fun afterwards. I waited anxiously in the living room for Twilight and Scootaloo to come out.

Scootaloo came out first her coat and mane were dyed a light grey and she had wisps of fabric on her that flowed behind her as she rushed through the room.

"Do ya like it Dad?! See, see!"

"You look great Angel!"

I turned around and stopped dead Twilight had come out while my attention was diverted. "Wow Twi... Just wow."

Her coat was dyed pure white and her mane and tail dyed in multiple colors teal, light green, light blue and purple. She had a small crown on as well as a necklace and hoofguards. Her cutie mark covered by another, a blazing sun and a pair of wings cleverly concealed strapped to her back, yes she had choose to dress as Princess Celestia.

"Do I look ok?"

"You look beautiful love." And she did though I truly preferred to see her as she was but this was a special night.

"I wrote the Princess to ask her if I could go as her and she was quite flattered, I hope I'm doing her justice..."

"You look cool Mom!"

Prepared we headed out into town; Scootaloo had a large sack to collect her candy she was so excited, too cute.

As we walked we saw plenty of fillies and colts in cute costumes, plenty of adults as well were dressed up.

We made our way to town square where everything had been set up for the wedding, Pinkie Pie jumped out at us from the side of a building with a BOO! She too had a large sack for her candy and was dressed up like an Alligator, Gummy was perched on her back.

"I thought we'd match this year!" She giggled.

"Looking good Pinkie." I complimented.

We found Applejack finishing setting up the games for after wedding she too had an interesting and unexpected costume.

"Applejack! Your a... A..." Twilight stammered.

"A princess?" She spun in a graceful pirouette showing off the fancy dress she was wearing complete with a tiara instead of her customary cowboy hat, her mane and tail both styled nicely. "Well not quite as much a princess as you Twilight." She smirked. "I made a wager with Rarity on which of us could surprise ya'll the most with our costume an I don't plan on helpin her with her fancy dresses if I kin help it. She'll be the one helpin me with my chores." She added with a grin and a wink.

"We'll see about that!" We all spun hearing Rarity’s voice to all gasp in shock. "How do you like it?" We all stared in shock for a moment, pretty much a total flip in their appearance they had both done. Rarity was dressed up in rough and tumble jean overalls with a straw hat on her head, her beautiful mane and tail both tied up to keep them out of the way. "Ha! See their more shocked at my ensemble, I win!"

"No way missy. What do ya'll think? Me or her?"

"Well you both look great." I offered.

"Don't be ridiculous I look like some country bumpkin... No offence Applejack."

Applejack just stared at her for a second. "None taken... But which of us looks more... Out of character?"

Pinkie, Twilight and I put our heads together and discussed it for a few moments while Scootaloo looked bored.

"Why don't you go find Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom? But be sure to be back for the ceremony my little flowerfilly."

"Aww Dad!" She rushed off embarrassed.

"We three have come to a decision but let’s leave it until we talk to everyone else ok?" Twilight said.

"Fine..." They grumped in unison making us all chuckle.

"What’s going on my pretties?" Cackled Trixie as she walked up. She had her coat dyed a light green and her mane and tail a darker green with a traditional witch’s hat and cape as well as a broomstick floating beside her. And a strange companion beside her, it looked like a pony with a bed sheet tossed over it.

"Fluttershy? Is that you?" I asked.

"No! I'm a scary ghost... Boo."

"Oh definitely but shouldn't you at least have some eye holes to see through darling?" Rarity asked.

"NO! I mean... I don't want to ruin the illusion of my ghostliness...?"

Twilight sighed and her horn lit up zipping a pair of holes in the sheet Fluttershy could see through.

"Eek!" She dropped to the ground covering her eyes then peeking out after a moment. She started to giggle slightly then uncontrollably looking from Rarity to Applejack. "I guess it’s not all scary."

"Have no fear! Daring Do is here!" Came a voice from above us as Dash swooped down causing Fluttershy to cower again.

Dash had made good use of the Hat and vest we had given her and had her coat dyed yellow and her mane and tail dyed grey, still in a rainbow pattern but all in greys and her cutiemark redone as a compass rose. She fit the bill pretty darn good.

"Well Daring Do how thoughtful of you to jump out of your books and join us." Twilight grinned.

"But of course!"

Just then there was a clap of thunder and through the clouds flew a chariot pulled by two of Luna’s Nightguards with her in the back smiling down on everyone. They landed to the side of the podium and she dismounted.

"YOUR PRINCESS OF THE NIGHT HAS ARRIVED!" She projected with a mischievous grin. A little colt broke free from the crowd who were all bowing and ran over to her hugging her leg tightly.

"I'm so glad you came Princess Luna!" He had a white and brown coat in a pinto design his mane and tail were dark and light brown.

"Well I couldn't let you down now could I Pip?" She whispered gently ruffling his mane with her forehoof. "And what are you dressed as this year?"

He stood back and turned around proudly showing off his tattered rags and sickly green splotches across his coat along with what looked to be bite marks. "I'm a Zombie!"

"Ooh scary! Don't bite me!"

"Aww I wouldn't do that. I might bite some candy though!"

She laughed and patted him on the head again then walked up onto the podium. "Is everything prepared?" She asked directing her question to Rarity.

"Yes Princess Luna, ready when you are."

"Then let us begin!"

Everyone got arranged, Mrs Pie standing to the side of the podium not wearing a costume but a plain and beautiful dress instead her daughter Blinkie beside her dressed up as a Banshee and beside her I could only assume was her fiancé Quartz Dasher dressed as a knight.

Pinkie stood to the other side as the sole bridesmaid; she didn't seem to mind and was grinning happily. Applejack stood just above her as her brothers best mare, she looked uncomfortable in her dress but still smiled beautifully waiting for the music to start.

Big Mac came out and started up the isle, his coat was dyed a dark green with black stitching drawn on here and there his mane and tail were black. He wore a tattered and worn suit and was missing his usual yoke; instead he had a pair of blots protruding from his neck. Frankenstein... Ponystine maybe?

The music started up and Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo came out tossing dark flowers. Sweetie Belle was dressed up in a super cute kitty costume and Apple Bloom dressed up as a Timber Wolf, scary!

Inkie came out from between two buildings her father escorting her; he too wasn't dressed up but had a nice suit on and a broad smile as he walked her up. Inkie I really should have guessed had a long beautiful wedding gown, tattered and rent in places her mane done up in a beehive with a white streak in it and a pair of bolts upon her neck as well. Bride of Ponystine, nice.

They walked up and her dad hugged her and took his place by his wife putting his arm around her as she cried in joy.

Twilight and I watched eagerly holding each other as Luna began.

"We are gathered here on this the most wonderful of nights to join these two ponies in wedded bliss. Big Macintosh and Inkie Pie, together you step forth on a new journey."

"Big Macintosh please repeat after me, I do solemnly swear to love you, hold you and cherish you for so long as we both shall live."

Big Mac cleared his throat and took one of Inkie’s hooves in his. "Inkie Pie, I do solemnly swear to love you, hold an cherish you for so long as we both shall live." He sniffed slightly a few tears running from his eyes.

Luna gestured to Inkie.

Her tears were flowing freely already as she grasped his big hoof with her small ones. "Big Macintosh, I solemnly swear to love you, cherish and hold you for so long as we both live."

Luna smiled down on them then turned to Applejack. "The symbols?"

Applejack stepped forward presenting Mac with the necklace he had made for Inkie and for her a simple but clearly sturdy necklace she had made for him. He ducked down and she placed her necklace for him over his head then ducked down herself so he could place her necklace over her large hair letting it fall down to rest around her neck.

"Wonderful. By the power vested in me I declare you Mare and Stallion, husband and wife. You may kiss."

Inkie and Mac came together passionately while we all stomped, cheered and applauded.

"I wish you both all the best, my blessing upon you." Luna smiled somewhat sadly and moved away from the couple and everyone else crowded in to congratulate them. She walked over to us and grinned. "Well sister I'm so glad to see you here. But I thought you had your hooves full with the celebration in Canterlot? And you seem to have shrunk a bit." She giggled.

"Oh Luna... Do you think I captured her look correctly? I worked hard on it."

"You look lovely Twilight. My sister would be proud. Now if you'll excuse me I have ponies to scare and games to play." She grinned and flew off.

We went up to congratulate the happy couple.

Big Mac shook my hand vigorously. Thank ya kindly for gettin Princess Luna to marry us Rick."

"I'm sure she would have been happy to do it even if you asked her when she arrived but your welcome. I'm glad to see you both so happy together."

"Why so soon? You only just proposed a short while ago." Twilight asked.

"Well why wait? We were eager to be husband and wife and we both love Nightmare Night so it was the perfect time." Inkie explained.

"Good enough reason." I concluded.

We all joined the celebration playing games and enjoying the food, there was a dance floor as well and Twilight and I enjoyed a few dances together. I sat down to rest a bit as Twilight and Trixie teamed up to create magical fireworks for the fillies and colts.

I felt a tug on my hand and looked down to find Diamond Tiara looking very pretty in a fancy dress that complimented her tiara and a pair of fairy wings strapped to her back.

"Tiara! I'm glad to see you, how are you doing?"

She blushed slightly. "Good! Um... Dance?" She asked shyly.

I chuckled and swooped her up taking her to the dance floor.

"I've been trying really hard to be nicer to Scootaloo, and everypony else too!"

"I'm sure you have. I'm proud of you little filly it’s not easy to change."

"Well... I owe you."

"That’s not the only reason you should change, you know you were being a bit mean right?"

"Yeah... I'm sorry..."

I gave her a hug. "Hey it’s never too late to change."


Apparently Sweetie Belle saw me dancing with Diamond Tiara and was waiting when we finished.

"Me next!"

"You got it sweet kitty."

I swept her up and around the dance floor.

"So has Tiara been being nicer to you three?"

"Yeah, it’s weird. But it’s nice to not have her bugging us all the time. Silver Spoon is following her lead too."

"Well I'm glad to hear it, and your being nice to her too right?"

"Well... We're not being mean…” She smiled innocently.

"One step at time then." I grinned to her hugging her tightly.

"Meow!" She agreed.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were both waiting their sacks half full already.

"Me next!" Apple Bloom shouted.

"Aww..." Scootaloo sulked.

"Hey you get to see Rick all the time Scootaloo!" Apple Bloom reasoned.

"Okay, okay you've got a point."

I smiled to her and swept up Apple Bloom.

"A timber wolf? Scary costume."

"Yup! Everypony thinks so!"

"Looks like you girls are cleaning up candy wise."

"We know all the best spots! And with Pinkie Pie busy with her sisters we don't have to share with her." She giggled.

"And you'll soon have a new sister sharing your house too. How does Granny feel about that?"

"It's going to be so cool! Inkie is really nice! As for Granny, well you could ask her yourself..." She pointed over by the podium and I could see Granny Smith snoring away in a chair oblivious to the merrymaking around her. "She managed to stay awake for the whole wedding! She's so proud of Mac! Me too!"

"Lots of changes around your household eh?"

"You bet! And I found out my cousin Babs Seed is going to be visiting next summer! She's from Manehatten!"

"Well that'll be fun."

"You bet!"

We finished our dance and I scooped up my little Angel swinging her around while she squealed happily.

"How’s your night going Angel?"

"Great! Didja see all the candy we got already? And I didn't have to wear that dumb dress!"

I laughed. "No I guess you didn't. Does everyone like your costume?"

"Yup! But I'll admit Apple Blooms is scarier!"

I hugged her tightly. "No worries Angel no Timber Wolves can ever come here."

"I know Dad, you keep us safe!"

"You got it."

We danced for a bit then the three of them scampered off to collect more candy and I collapsed back into my seat exhausted. Those little fillies have so much energy!

As I sat down I bumped something under the table that squeaked, looking I found a pair of teal eyes looking at me from through a sheet.

"Fluttershy. What are you doing down there?" I pulled her out to sit beside me.

"Oh, Trixie is busy with Twilight and I got a bit... Nervous. I really don't like this holiday, so much scaring and startling!"

I smiled at her. "Oh Fluttershy." I levitated over a piece of cake for her and she took it under her sheet munching happily.

"Thank you."

"Not a problem."

We relaxed a bit then I convinced her to come with me to try a few of the games. She loosened up a bit and enjoyed herself but still kept an eye on everything around her.

As the night progressed we often heard the screams of fillies and colts as they came galloping through town fleeing Luna in her disguise as Nightmare Moon, Pinkie often joined them and her sisters too. It looked like everyone was having a great time.

When the night was winding down we all gathered together, Twilight, Pinkie, Inkie, Mac, Blinkie, Quartz Dasher, Mr and Mrs Pie as well as Rarity, Applejack, Dash, Fluttershy, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and I, Granny Smith as well sleeping to the side.

Applejack and Rarity were clearly getting a bit impatient both fidgeting in their costumes.

"Alright ya'll we been waiting long enough."

"Yes. Which one of us wins?"

We conferred a bit more and Twilight stepped forward.

"It’s a tie."

"What?!" They echoed.

"Sorry you both went all out. I originally voted for Applejack, both your costumes are great but she gave up her hat and she never does that..." I began.

"Hah!" Applejack interrupted.

"But. Twi reminded me that Rarity’s Mane and tail are her pride and joy and she tied them down plain and unassuming."

"Well... I recon that’s true, you really did go all out Rare."

"And you too darling! I know you love that hat so much!"

"It was ma daddies..."

"So it’s a tie, you should both help each other when you can. Right?"

They looked at each other then hugged. "Right!"

The evening came to an end and we all bid Luna farewell her chariot weighed down with all the candy the fillies and colts insisted she take. Most of the little ones got taken home for bed as the rest of us cleaned up, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle tried their best to help but nodded off before too long.

We got things cleaned up easily and we all went our separate ways, Granny slung over Big Macs back and Apple Bloom over Applejacks her hat securely back on her head,

Mr and Mrs Pie as well as Blinkie and Quartz Dasher were all staying at the hotel in town so they didn’t have far to go. Inkie was staying with Big Mac and as it was their wedding night... Well maybe Applejack better invest in some earplugs.

Sweetie Belles parents collected her and headed home, Rarity had her mane and tail untied and was trying to brush them out as she headed home as well. Pinkie headed home as well somehow she had managed to acquire a large bag of candy of her own through the night. Dash zipped off and Trixie teleported Fluttershy and herself back home to spare her from walking in the dark.

Twilight and I walked together side by side Scootaloo in my arms and Twi levitating her big bag of candy beside us. As we walked in Scootaloo woke up a bit as we tucked her in bed with her candy at the foot of the bed.

"It was so much fun." She mumbled.

"We'll get you cleaned up in the morning honey, sleep tight."

She nodded sleepily and fell right asleep. Twilight and I looked down at her for a minute.

We're so lucky.

We sure are love.

We exited shutting her door quietly and collapsed down on the couch kissing softly. When we pulled away we found some of the dye she used had transferred from her lips to mine.

Oh no! I see some purple there. I kissed her again. Guess we'll have to finish the job.

I swept her up in my arms giggling and we went to the bathroom I put her in the tub and removed her accessories and got undressed myself following her in. I washed her gently revealing the mare I knew and loved.

There’s my beautiful wife. I kissed her passionately

Oh you. I thought I looked beautiful as Celestia?

You did but not nearly as much as just being youself.

We dried off and I carried her to bed where we made love softly and sweetly.

I love you.

I love you.

We drifted off.

Nightmare Night...

A night to remember...