• Published 18th Dec 2021
  • 4,549 Views, 65 Comments

the wedding is off (a reimagining) - wertyui

After Chrysalis is defeated, an amnesia ridden Twilight shows unrelenting anger towards what she perceives is true.

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2-continuing the theme of hatred

Everypony continued to sit there in the room, looking around at the damage Twilight caused from her fury.

"so it's come to this, huh," shining said to himself

"like you didn't start it" rainbow dash hissed "why the hell did you throw us all under the bus, trying to get back into her good graces maybe you can save yourself"

"Because I'm her brother, I owe up for my own mistakes, unlike you! from what I see, you only cared for a ticket to the sky and a flashy pin on your lapel! and lemme tell you something, badges like that are EARNED! missy! you don't just get them by sucking up to the highest of power and going along with them no matter how wrong, aren't you supposed to be her friends!?"

his eyes filled up with tears "and I KNOW I was the one who instigated it but at least I ADMIT IT" he looked down at the ground dry heaving at the mixture of self-anger and remorse.

As they were looking around, they heard a loud rip. They turned and saw that Spike had torn his tuxedo off and tossed it aside, he then took his hat off, put it on the floor, and stamped on it repeatedly.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!!!!" he screamed, "I never should've followed any of you out those doors, what the hell was I thinking!"

"Spike, please calm down," Celestia said, but Spike wouldn't budge.

"No, fuck that! I have no intention of calming down. Because of us, the whole city nearly fell, and you still care about a barbaric wedding more than your best friend."

"ya know rarity, I used to have a crush on you before all this happened, but I guess I was just, LOVESICK! just like everypony else was"

"AJ, if I could do it all over again, id hogtie your flank to the podium and leave you there and take yer precious little stetson!"

Fluttershy held back applejack and calmed her down, trying desperately to prevent any more violence.

"Sorry, Fluttershy, but ah jus couldn't take anuther minute o his BLASPHEMY,

"And as for you Rainbow Trash..." he said turning his attention to the rainboomer, "That little bonehead phrase you said, or any number of your phrases (DUUHD IM TWENTY PERCENT KEWLER) proves it all. You're not loyal, nor do you care about Twilight, your friends, or me, all you care about is yourself, and how you can feel better, look better, and draw more attention to yourself. and I know it's not my business to get personal, but I hope the Wonderbolts never accept you, it would serve you right if they never even spoke to you!" Rainbow Dash gasped at this.

"Now if you all don't mind, I have a friend to apologize to."

"FINE" rd yelled "GO TO YOUR FRIEND!" not wishing to hide her own tears of disappointment.

So spike went out the door as well, leaving behind five ponies, two princesses, and a guard captain.

"well then, now THAT'S all over with...

Shining Armor, what do you have to say for yourself?" Cadance asked.

"I..." Shining Armor tried to explain, but Cadance quickly cut him off.

"I thought you loved me, how could you possibly shrug off a threat for any of this? even more important, how could you reject Twilight like that, the one who brought us together in the first place, ?!"

"I..I...i" he stammered but once again Cadance cut him off.

"I trusted you Shining Armor, Twilight trusted you, and this is what she gets?!"

"I never wanted any of this for her" shining tried to argue, "but you have to listen, your imposter was a shapeshifter who acted just like you, she distracted me to keep me from thinking about her, or if she might have been acting strange. I've been manipulated"

"Hey, why are you taking her side?" Rainbow asked. "She barged in here acting like a filly, we thought she was jealous." Cadance snapped and struck Rainbow across her face.

"I can't believe that you'd do something like that to somepony who trusts you, how could you reject a nice pony, dare I say SAINT like Twilight, and after all, she did for you all?"

"It wasn't like that," Applejack tried to explain, "we only wanted..."

"Oh, I think I know what you all wanted," Cadance interrupted, "You're not her friends, you're just using her to get what you all want, it must feel really good to make a pony cry like that!"

"w-wait didn't she make the imposter cry," Fluttershy thought to herself

She then turned to Shining Armor, "shining, CONSIDER THIS A BREAKUP! if you come near me or Twilight again I will FUCKING KILL YOU, and the same goes for you too Celestia!"

And with that, she stormed out of the room as well, leaving behind the ponies that were responsible for the tragedy that nearly destroyed them all.

"Celestia, I'm sorry but... it's all over." Shining Armor said taking off his uniform and walking out of the room in anguish and hurt.

Everypony then turned to Rainbow Dash who had a big mark on her face from where Cadance struck her, Applejack helped her back up.

"All our rehearsal for nothing!" Rainbow said with tears in her eyes, "come on, let's just go home and forget this ever happened!"

Before long, they went out the door too, all that was left was now Celestia.

"I could've gained a new princess for Equestria, but instead, I lost my most faithful student." she sighed with grief in her heart. She slowly headed for the door "good-bye Twilight Sparkle" was the last thing said in that room before the door was closed, leaving behind scattered bits and pieces of what could've been.

Torn decorations, a torn tux, a guard uniform, and a pillow with two rings spilled right next to it.

Twilight was in her room that she had been staying in for the past couple of nights plotting, with her most convincing crying over what she had just done, as she was crying, she heard her bedroom door opening gently when she looked to see who opened it, it was Princess Cadance along with Spike who had sad yet concerned looks on their faces, Twilight then plopped her face back on her pillow and bawled louder, Cadance walked over and sat down next to Twilight, then gently rubbed her back.

"Shh, let it out sweetie, just let it out."

let it out, just let it out
your stress and your fear and your doubts
let every drop of sadness treacle from your troubled mind
let it out, let it out
to face another bout
and you will find your happiness, in time

Twilight got up from her pillow and hugged Cadance, but quickly took notice that Spike was there too as he waved nervously at Twilight, she was not in the mood to see him.

"Get out Spike!" she said through clenched teeth.

"Twilight I have something important to say, please let me say it," Spike begged, Twilight knew what he wanted to say, so she gave him a chance to explain.

"fine, what is it?" she asked.

"Twilight I'm sorry for ditching you like that earlier, the only reason I did it, was because I was afraid that they were going to reject me too, but now I've seen what was really going on, all they were doing was impressing a spoiled monster, I didn't even know what I was thinking, I only wish I knew sooner. please forgive me Twilight," he said with a heartbroken look on his infantile face.

Twilight paused to wipe tears off her own face for a moment, when she took one good look at Spike's expression, she could suddenly feel that he meant it from the bottom of his heart, he truly was sorry, she then cracked a smile and embraced him.

"Oh Spike, how could I not forgive you, you're my #1 helper, your my little brother," she said consoling him, “and as it stands, my ONLY brother” she was clearly hurt from what she thought her so-called friends did to her, and she was in no mood to see them now nor ever, because of this, she decided now was the time to set her wicked plan into motion.

"Cadance, spike, I have a plot." twilight grew a giant Grinch-like smile on her face.:twilightsheepish:

"tell Celestia I'm staying here in Canterlot for a while, I am not returning to Ponyville for quite some time." she said, "meanwhile. I'm going to sneak down there and tell everypony exactly what happened, they'll regret everything they did to me!" Cadence gasped at this "but twilight, are you sure that you wanna go through this, don't get me wrong I'm pissed at what they did to you but shouldn't we.."
NO!!!" twilight interrupted "no mercy for any of them, YOU UNDERSTAND, THEY MADE THEIR BED AND NOW THEY HAVE TO LAY IN IT!!"

"It's okay twi, I can take care of everything," spike said calmly, without another word, Cadance walked out of the bedroom and down into the throne room to solidify the course of events to follow.